(please to note the subliminal messaging)
This weeks winner? ALETA! please email me and Ill connect you with yer benefactor!
by Carla
(please to note the subliminal messaging)
This weeks winner? ALETA! please email me and Ill connect you with yer benefactor!
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[…] Making a hard left back toward Serioustown (or as close as we come) remember when I never took off this tanktop? […]
[…] tight abs. And then I didn’t. And now I want them back. Last week MizFit wrote a great post about how there is no trying only doing and she is right. For the past month I have been half-assing […]
I’m leaving a quick comment on your blog and going for a run…
Interesting point about starting from a wishy-washy place. I do that a lot, so that I leave myself plenty of permission to fail.
Which with some things is just fine, but not so great with others. Will keep in mind!
Good morning! I have “No try; only do!” on my screensaver. It’s a Yoda/Star Wars thing for me.
List of things to do:
1. Eat no fast food.
2. Eat as clean as possible. ( I keep trying.)
3. Speak only in reasonable rational tones to my son (that’s a mental challenge for me.)
Is it a star wars thing?
Do tell!
xo xo,
M., who is more about the comedy/documentaries than the Lord of Anything, Star Wars or the H-Potters much to Renaissance Man’s chagrin.
HEY! I was going to be first to post on here and here I am 4th. When do you people sleep?
My hormones are messed up so I have been up and down all night. Plus I did not walk yesterday — exercise must help me sleep.
I cannot listen to facetime yet cuz my tornado is still asleep — well in his bed anyway but if he hears me he will want UP UP UP.
I will listen later. Just thought I would check in.
“Do or do not. There is no try.”
Jedi Master Yoda
We “heart” Star Wars and Harry Potter, not so much the Rings trilogy.
I thought you were being coy by quoting Yoda as “a friend”!! You know, a subtle shout-out to us geeks;)
Thanks for the kick in the pants! As for my 3 goals? I’m truly embarrassed about them so we’ll just move on…
Effort is a quiet warrior. Strength comes from within. A road that is meant to be traveld by strong individuals not a team.
Valid video MizFit!:)
Stay Natural… Stay Strong!
Okay — I will walk 5 days this week!
right on the money! “i’ll try” for me usually means “Pssh, yeah whatever.”
Ok so, for me this week I will:
-finish a book that I am reading for one of my classes
-stick to my running plan for the week
-stop eating twizzlers at 11:30pm
I am the Queen of Wishy-WashLandia. Look at my crown.
Week of May 19…I am NOT going to eat like an idiot.
I am GOING to run/eliptical at least 3 times this week (small goals to start).
Just got in from a 3 1/2 mile walk. Thank you for today’s posting! I needed it!
I love Yoda’s tiny green goodness. Too funny you share his philosophy.
I will:
Know that huge tasks only need a first step to garner momentum.
Commit to water, movement and food-as-fuel.
Relax and realize that I really do have all the time I need to accomplish my current slate of responsibilities–I just need to prioritize.
Thank you, MizFit for feeding me palpable “bites” of wisdom.
I could use a Yoda on my back. my will do list is:
*stop eating crap after kids go to bed
*lift weights 2 days this week
*clean up my disaster zone of a house
I like the “will do list.” That’s a fun way to put it.
I WILL DO the following this week:
-Take time to run and not feel guilty about doing something for me.
-Love my body and eat as much as it needs of what it needs.
-Set a do-able to do list instead of expecting myself to accomplish three times what is possible in one week.
Thanks Mizfit! I loved this exercise. 🙂
Starbuck’s only 3 times this week
Get at least 2 of the written questions done on my CFT exam.
It’s always good to be non-wishy-washy!
I will turn negative thoughts into positive ones.
How can us Canadian folk nab the bracelet?
Ooh! I love this. It is one of those really simple, yet pretty profound thoughts. Let’s see – my three things that I WILL do this week:
1) I will go running at least twice.
2) I will cook a healthy dinner 3 nights this week (we’re going out of town again Thursday – so this is a bit of a challenge).
3) I will call a friend just to say hello.
Ohhh my, you quoted me “I’m going to try to do”…. Greg calls me on that too and knows that it means “yeah, maybe, maybe not.” Lol.
Ok this week:
1) Wake up at 6am every morning
2) Workout on treadmill and bowflex
3) Cook at least 2 healthy meals for supper
And oh yes! Thank you, MizFit – I sent you an email about winning! I’m tickled!
I am going to move the gentle reminder/nasty gram from the ob/gyn to the top of the to do pile.
I am going to do something about my upper arms/wing span.
I am going to go eat the tamales my hubby just brought me!
This is easy!!
The Bag Lady is going to walk a lot. Out to the pasture to check the cows.
The Bag Lady is going to retrieve the Mizfit calf from the willow clump on the wrong side of the fence (AGAIN!) if she tries to hide there again. (so tell me, missy Mizfit, did you love to play hide’n’seek when you were a child? Is that why this calf insists on doing this? Hmmmmm????)
The Bag Lady is going to bake something (relatively healthy) with the rhubarb her mother-in-law bestowed upon her. Yummmmm!!\
Oh, and she’s going to try to clean her house, and try to do some laundry and try to do some more weeding….. 🙂
reading reading reading.
impressed with all your DOING not TRYING.
Sagan? I need to swing by the post office and ask but will letcha know.
Im thinking it’s the SAME price.
(feel free to jump in here and TELL ME as I really DONT make money from the bracelets—-just working not to lose :))
and BL? I forgot to tell you. YES. I was forever hiding from my mom in stores and POPPING OUT and shouting:
does my namesake do that too?
Except for the popping out and going BOOO, yup! The Cowboy has dug her out of the willow clump twice, and I’ve just gotten back from digging her out of the swamp! She is exactly the same colour as the dry left-over grass from last year, so she’s really hard to spot!!!
Amen SISTA! I was JUST telling the husband this about his SMOKING!!!!!
So true. So true. Making the statement, “I am going to do…” just sounds so much more committed.
This week I am going to exercise at least 5/7 days!
I’m thinking that someone you heard that advice from was Yoda… You must be a Jedi knight…
Very well said! And you totally called me out on this. I say “I’ll try…” all the time. This week, I WILL stop saying “I’ll try”
Does this fit in with the power of positive thinking?
My list includes:
I will complete my to do list by the end of the afternoon, rather than letting it slip into the evening or even the next morning…
I will run up Skinner’s Butte three times on Wednesday! Yay training.
I will do 20 push-ups every other day (starting today).
Thanks for the push!
MizFit, when I reached my goal weight while writing Shape’s Weight-Loss Diary column last year, my husband got me a cute little card with Yoda on the front that says, “Do or do not. There is no try.” (When you open it, it plays the Star Wars theme and says, “Proud of you, I am.” I keep it on my desk as a reminder that with effort and commitment, I can achieve things I never thought I could. That little saying holds a special place in my heart.
I loved your reminder, so I’ll re-commit to three things. This week, I will:
1. Think before every bite. Am I hungry, or is this food I’m about to eat an attempt to nourish some other need? Am I feeling sad or lonely? Better to call a friend. Am I feeling frustrated by work? Better to take the dog for a quick walk around the block and get some fresh air.
2. Get at least 30 minutes of cardio each day and do two strength-training workouts.
3. Step away from the email inbox. The world will not end if I don’t get back to a client within 15 minutes.
Loved this exercise!
Oh heavens, I don’t even bother pretending I’ll “try” anymore…such is my awareness of my lack of motivation when it comes to following through on such.
Hmmm, henceforth, for this week…
I will stop eating in bed (I’ve fallen into such a terrible habit of mindlessly snacking while on my laptop/with a book in bed)
I will reply to all my outstanding emails rather than allowing them all to pile up and then abandoning them en masse.
I will only watch tv when it’s deserved…earned with exercise! Hmmm…I will, I will, I will. Will I?!
“There is no try.”
I love that–seriously, it’s so inspiring!
And I love your “Be Present” shirt!
And this week, I am going to stick to my marathon training schedule EXACTLY!
I think that’s an absolutely awesome goal — to DO, not just TRY. Love that! Now I just have to think about what I want to DO… 🙂
Run! 🙂
I’m going to go to a Bikram Yoga Class next week! (i’m having massive sinus issues this week and don’t want to be flinging snot all over the room, so I’m waiting until next week.)
Ditto…i dig that “Be Present” tank. Where did you get it?
I worked at a startup and the Yoda “There is Do or Do Not. No try.” was a mantra burned in our heads. I tell people this is why this company experienced a multi-billion jump in revenue in a 4-year period while i was there. Intentions are nice but actions matter.
This is the inspiration behind Two Tiny Changes Tuesday at BISJ to get people taking action even it they are tiny ones. It all adds up 😉 This week I am going to do something I’ve been meaning to do for sometime. It’s a secret for now, but I’ll share soon.
Another excellent post. Here’s my WILL DO list:
-eat clean this week.
-get in at least 3 workouts before the end of the week.
okay…so i’m late….but i’m here now….so..
1. drive PAST not Thru the drive thru!
2. STOP talking in my outdoor voice indoors to my boys!
3. ABS, ABS, ABS!!!
i’m feeling stronger already!!