subtitle: chia revisited. Ive heard your cries, People, and it’s not pretty.Dashboard
Next? embrace the ick.
Now? let us attempt to move beyond. to see past the goo and attempt to find a goolution, if you will, to our feelings of “I know I *should*” and “Good G-d I simply can NOT.”
By way of example I shall share with you one of my favorite chia emails & offer some suggestions (here’s where I toss it back at you as well, Oh Bumbling Band. If youve tried the chia and have BETTER THOUGHTS please to chime in!)
Chia Experiment #1: Eating them straight as you suggested. Seemed like it should be easy enough, because they look a lot like poppy seeds. And then they turned to goo. And stuck to my teeth.
As my husband would be the first to eagerly point out: Im a food oddity. This is, indeed, what happens when they’re eaten out of the bag (and why my morning routine includes lots of flossing time). This isnt the way to go for most people as besides the prohibitive cost of good dental floss the goo-turnage can be quite unpleasant.
I’d definitely not switch from this to DRINKING the chia (& my husband would also point out that if *I* think something is nasty then it must be immensely so) as, in my opinion, it’s like chugging goo (anything referred to in the literature as thick mucilage MisFit is NOT drinking no matter how faTIZtastic it may be for her.)
Chia Experiment #2: Sprinkling them on husband’s bagel. His comment was that it was fortunate that he had nowhere to be and easy access to the restroom.
Ok. Let’s get a giggle in here and move on to MY question: This never happened to me. Anyone else? Perhaps it was really a shock to his system but chia is supposed to only contain 9 grams of fiber in *four* teaspoons so it shouldnt have that type of an impact (do not be shy. comment under a pseudonym if need be but please to share yer experiences)!
Chia Experiment #3: Dissolving them in water. They have swollen and turned fuzzy. It looks like the reject vat at a fertility clinic. I don’t think I can drink this.
Please to see the above—MizFit is RIGHT WITH YOU.
Now, I have a little bit of information (drumroll please). A tip which has made MY chiaperience FAR more pleasant. FAR (increase sound of drums rolling).
Something which according to my research should not impact the integrity of the chia–but since Im a MizFit and not a scientist I can not wholly verify (sound of drums ceasing to roll and then figuring what the heck and commencing once again):
Heat a small pan, use low heat, and lightly toast the chia seeds. The result? seeds which wont gel yet still have all the fiber and other benefits.
Chia Experiment #4: Possibly a very expensive Chia Pet????
Oh emailer–I promise you we can do better than that.
Perhaps this mightcould be experiment number four?
Make berry chia jelly. Make some chia gel and mix into your favorite jelly using a 50/50 mixture.
Example 1/4 cup of chia gel to 1/4 cup of your jelly. Less calories and MORE fiber & omega 3’s than are normally found in your toasttoppingtreat.
Or this *treat* adjustment/addition? (please to serve this to compay & report back)
Add 2 Tablespoons of chia seed to the liquid in cake mixes, brownie mixes (I know. Box mixes are the devil. Yell at me in the comments), or other homemade batters of your choosing . Bake and eat yer chia. (again, all the research Ive found indicates it’s OK to heat chia—that you arent destroying its properties)
That’s what Ive got, People.
Have you tried the chia*? Wanna share your experiences? Hit us up in the comments.
Make it all the way to this part of a longass post and think you deserve a prize? YOU DO!
Hidalgo Foods has generously offered to send a half-pound bag of chia to one randomly drawn commenter below—–so git to remarking!
*I know you have. Really. Pick today as the day you delurk yourself. Do it for the greater good of the MizFits. Please?
EDITED TO SAY: This article was featured here—-please to stop by the carnival and check out all the other postings!
haven’t tried yet, but i wanna! is Hidalgo where you order your from? me thinks i will order today 😉
When I think “chia,” I think “pet” – the highly touted Xmas gift desperation choice found at the local drug store.
Goo? Ick ~~~~shuddddder~~~ (heebie jeebies go here)
I’m on the JV with this Omega thing, and I am proud to say that I’ve embraced natural peanut butter w/Omegas and flax seed ground in my coffee whatsis and thrown into my soy protein shake (another JV squad add-on.) I will have to continue to hold my own with the JV until I see more testimony toward the “joys of chia.” (Still shuddering from the goo notion like I do when someone says, “I found a tick on my neck.”)
Thanks for the promo…I’m watching the responses.
Yikes – eating Chia? Not sure i could do that!!!
OK, I finally tried em. Straight out of the bag–meh, not tasty, but then not nasty either. Problem is it doesn’t really feel like eating, more like medicating.
This is one of those foods I’m not quite motivated enough to use to it’s potential–could be a great nutritional addition but I think (hope) I get enough omega 3’s without having to bother. (Plus I cheat and take fish oil). But if my diet changes I’ll definitely keep this in mind.
Fitarella? Yep. Hidalgo. Im hoping they might swing by today to add their .02!
IzzyBeth? was that thud I heard a GAUNTLET being thrown down?! I’ll bet you COULD do the chia 🙂 toast em right up & delicious.
but yes, Ms. McSlacker, I entirely agree with your medicating term. GREAT POINT as I feel that way every morning when I take my vitamins/chia/gobble some calcium—–and pray Im saving myself some cash in the form of medical bills down the road.
(because Id be all about heading to zappos with aforementioned cash. even down the road. Mama wants a new pair of Nikes)
Sometimes I’m glad I live in my oblivious little world where no one eats things that need a list that long to disguise them 🙂 Now I suppose I’m going to have to google them, catch up and see what I’ve been missing and if I need to refer back to the list because heaven knows I want a new pair of Nikes too!
Ch-ch-ch-ch-chia! Chia jelly? Maybe. What about mixed in with my egg whites in the morning? Toast them then throw the egg whites on top and cook them all together? I have no clue if that would work – I’ve never tried chia.
Ok, those experiments made me laugh so much I have to try it. But I think I will toast them and throw them in with my oatmeal. Then I’ll make the jelly and let the kids try that. They’re used to me putting spinach in their smoothies so don’t mind the experiments…
Too bad you can’t buy it locally though…
hummm, i guess i am in and will give it a try…
I’ll give it a shot if I win! =D
I’m not too excited about goo, but they don’t sound bad if I can toast them.
I love the humor in your writing. Thank you so much for stopping by Noshtalgia I am really glad that you enjoyed my blog and I hope that you will come back often.
hmmm….can’t say I have tried it – I do use flax seeds, are they similar?
i haven’t tried the chia –and now i am afraid!
Okay I SO totally want to try these. I’m like you – I’ll eat practically anything in the name of good health (and like it, even!) But 8.95 a pound? I’m going to have to think about this one.
Also, does anyone know if the Omega-3s in chia are ALA or DHA/EPA? It makes a big difference…
Thumbtyping from sidekick but I’m 99% certain ALA off the top of my (sand from park covered) head.
Will check @ desktop as I’d been merely assuming I recalled correctly.
Never a good way to roll 😉
Short version (still via thumbs ;)) YES BUT MORE OF A NUTRITIONAL POWERHOUSE.
Perhaps click on my initial post OR head to where (by freaky random accident) cranky posts all about chia today too!
I haven’t tried Chia because I haven’t been able to find it. I’m soooo happy with my flax and salmon, which is already a huge step for me. As it’s recommended by the MizFit, though, I might be enticed to try toasted Chia.
Is this safe for our toddler tornadoes?
I’ll try it if I win. Maybe if you sing the Chia Pet theme song when you eat them they taste better. 🙂
I’ll do the Chia! Yikes!!
By the way, thanks for the check-in on my site! There are two columns being “aged” in their in-box. I just plant, pick and stomp the grapes, they decide when to serve them 🙂
The Bag Lady hasn’t been able to find any chia to try, either. (Well, short of buying a Chia Pet and robbing it of the seeds, but then her Chia Pet would be *gasp* NAKED, now, wouldn’t it?!)
So if she gets chosen in the random contest thingy, she will try them. Otherwise, there will be no NAKED Chia Pets in her house!!
thanks for stopping by and commenting, you made my day today, I actually teared up when I read your comment – seriously!!! Thanks for getting me! Keep on keeping on!
You KNOW Ive been wondering that same thing about the kids/toddlers.
Ive asked a number of doctors (and come to think of it I may try and corner Dr.J!) and they hath all hemmed & hawed.
the bottom line consensus seems to be this:
there are no long term studies of what ANY KIND of omega 3 supplementation does to or for children.
when I pressed and indicated that *up in herre* it would not be supplementation in the sense they were thinking (they assumed I wanted MORE for my Tornado. I was seeking ANY in that she doesnt eat any foods right now which contain them) they all responded pretty much the same:
Do not supplement with 100 percent, then.
do a portion of what your child needs (50? 1/5th of a packet of kids coromega?) to be on the safe side.
not much help, but the answer I got so Im passing along.
Um, if chia will help me get arms like MizFit then sign me up — I’m ready to sprinkle away! I actually went looking for them at my local WholeFoods yesterday — no dice.
Out of curiosity, calorie/per serving are they comparable to flax?
I still can’t get down with the Chia, but maybe if I try the toasting thing… What does it taste like toasted? Does it have much of a taste?
Um…ehh…o-k-k-kay. If I can find it, I’ll try it once.
But, lady if you start telling me I’ve got to eat sea monkeys, I’m outta here.
Okay, okay, I will admit, I am intrigued. I mean…anything sounds good if it’s toasted. 🙂
But here’s my ??…I can’t handle flax seed. I know, it’s supposed to be amazing and people use it to FIX IBS, but for whatever reason I have the same reaction to it that the emailer’s husband had to the bagel/chia. So…am I going to have the same problem with the chia? I’m just torn, really…
But, being me, I will try it. Because I’ll try nearly anything once, especially if it keeps me from having to deal with fish-oil burps. (shudder) And I’m still waiting for my sample of the whatever-it-is that you eat out of the tube.
I’m just trying all kinds of new things, M., and it’s all your fault. 🙂
Butting in…Charlotte, I just started reading up on chia and it’s ALA according to various sites. 🙂
I’m all about texture so Chia scares me.
Jen, the toasted tasted pretty much like nothing. In my mind they were nutty — but Im highly suggestible that way 🙂
Greta? Uh oh. Dont read tomorrows post all about eating dirt for big muscles and better health.
Valerie? SO INTERESTING! Dont Id try Chia in your shoes but if you *do* (youre my hero &) come back and let the Bumbling Band know how it went!
Michelle, oh Michelle. You and the Tornado 🙂
All. About. The. Texture.
As usual you’ve gotten me all curious. I really need to try me some of this chia!
thumbtyping as well… I must be the odd duck, I actually want to try the gel. I’ve eaten chia via spoonfull and wasn’t really bothered, but it was really dry. Didnt turn to goo either. I also put them in my yogurt and I ate it b4 it went gooey, although yogurt is gooey so not sure what the big deal is. Next stop into my smoothie with the PB2. I guess I wouldn’t “drink” the gel, but wouldn’t think twice about throwing it into my smoothie as a liquid portion. All in all I dig the chia more than the flax!
Ok, I’ve never tried them. But now I will put it on my to do list.
I’m still working on my big bag of flax, and will finish that before even *thinking* about trying something new. If I eat a few spoonfuls plain, it gets my system moving quickly (like Valerie), but I thought that was what we wanted?
I’ve searched high and low for the chia and can’t find it anywhere. If I get picked I’ll try all of the what’s-a-good-use-for-a-goo-like-substance suggestions you’ve mentioned.
I mixed Chia with water. Bad idea. I now toss it in with my Whey Protein and fat free yogurt mixture.
Heather, I found mine at GNC. I missed the Mizfit by this much, as she was in right before me.
I just HAD to say:
Ha ha! Sea Monkeys.
Greta’s funny.
that made me laugh for some reason. was I seen wrangling a child? floating freely through the flax seeds unencumbered?
I guess I’m weird (too)… I like them. Sprinkle them in my 2% cottage cheese & fruit and stir. Eat them before driving my son to school (way across town) and pick the little seed gels out of my teeth with my tongue as I drive. My ChemEngr brain is wondering how they would work in various frozen concoctions to prevent frozen things from becoming too hard. Hmmm, could they help a fruit sorbet made with stevia instead of sugar from turning into a fruit ice cube?
Bought mine at a small healthy grocery store (Country Sun in Palo Alto). Didn’t find them at WF either. Thanks for the lead at Hidalgo. Great price per lb for the white ones.
I’m so highly entertained with your experiments. I’m feeling like I wanna Chia experiment now for Noshtopia…hehehe
But, is chia good on a train or plane or a boat? I do, I do, I like chia and goo.
You can eat it in a boat
(It keeps quite nicely in your tote)
You SHOULD eat it in your car!
(I’ve done it. Traveled near AND far)
Goo or gel. Whatever you say.
Please to eat CHIA. Every day.
Thumbtyped lovingly,
No Miz, it was beginning of the month. I talked to Mike’s ex and she said you had just been there. Missed it by that much…(it was the “Get Smart” reference that made you laugh) The Bag Lady and her no-naked Chia Pets made me laugh!
Okay MizFit I did the flax and on board with with the PB2……but CHIA………..not sure.
Did my bonus challenge today !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAHOOOOOOOOO.
So, the Bag Lady had to go to town today, and was cruising through Costco picking up her Omega 3 and Calcium supplements, when lo and behold she spied ChiaNutra, Nature’s Functional Food.
Of course, after her silly naked Chia Pet comment, she HAD to buy some (figures if she really can’t stand to eat them, she’ll smear them on a piece of broken terra cotta pot and have a chia sculpture!)
These are “Highest quality certified black and white chia seeds (Salvia hispanica)”
The serving suggestions: “sprinkle on hot or cold cereal, yogurt, fruit, salad or add to smoothies. Also bake and cook with them in your favourite recipes such as pancakes, breads, cookies, muffins, soups, or anything else you desire.” **Hmmm, what if you desire….oops, better not go there…** 🙂
So, the Bag Lady will be cooking with chia (gee, that has a nice ring to it) and hoping she doesn’t start sprouting green hair all over her body…
Im struggling to resist commenting on this:
…or anything else you desire.”
so Ill just say THREE CHEERS FOR YOU and we cant wait (hint hint) for the results of your chia adventures!
I’ve not yet tried it, but I would certainly share my opinion if I were given a bag! 🙂
I’ve never tried chia, but now I’m curious.
How ’bout I sit over hear, watch, and applaud all you chia-eaters? 😉
With my luck, I’ll win the Chia, rather than the cool jewelry or bike you’ve recently offered up.
But, if I win, I’d be sure to try it!
I’ve been eating chia for a couple of weeks now, and don’t mind the gel at all. In fact, I kinda like it. LOL. I put chia in my cereal in the morning, in my oatmeal, in my yogurt.
I like chia! I just ordered more from Hidalgo Foods.
Hmm, I’ve never tried Chia. I must admit. I am quite intrigued now from your post 🙂
Okay, I’ll admit that I am becoming more curious….
Chia rocks. I like to just swallow great mouthfulls and then spend a while finding little gooy nuggets of it in my teeth, with my tongue.
I’m not selling it well, am I?
Lurve chia.
I have never tried chia but now being the food masochist that I am I want to. I think I could do the toasting thing and maybe throw it in with some vegetables. I think this chia might be a good idea. You are funny
I ordered some Chia seed recently… first try, put some in a smoothie, directly into the wet ingredients. Either I didn’t process it long enough, or adding to the wet ingredients was a goof! I had little “gel clumps” throughout the smoothie. Still drinkable and it didn’t taste bad, just didn’t care for the texture feeling much.
So the next time, I made sure to only add the chia after the blender (Vita-Mix) was running… and no clumps, no gel, couldn’t tell they were there. Which then makes you wonder “Why did I buy this stuff again?” Honestly, couldn’t tell whether I’d used my normal flax meal or the chia. There, but not detectable if you know what I mean.
I guess next, I’ll have to try sprinkling on yogurt or oatmeal and see just how weird things get. Toasting might be fun too! With my luck I’ll burn them.