The person to whom the entire Bumbling Band now looks to return with tales of woe chiaLOVE and various & sundry stories of goo gelperiments?
Email me and Ill get your yer CHIA!
by Carla
The person to whom the entire Bumbling Band now looks to return with tales of woe chiaLOVE and various & sundry stories of goo gelperiments?
Email me and Ill get your yer CHIA!
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CH, CH, CHia!
We love chia. Milled chia is far and above the way to go. there is no nutritional differance between black (mixed) chia and the white seed. The ‘chia GEL’ chould be considered an ingredient. We mix chia gel in smoothies, homemade breads. pasta sauce, chilli, fresh vegetable juices, bisques. Use the milled chia where you would use masa or flour as a thickener. We’ve also used chia 50/50 with SureGel when making preserves and jellies. Chia nutritional value can not be over stated. Chia is a ‘Super Food’.