Dear MizFit,
I feel as though Im really behind most of your readers. Im a lurker but I read all the comments and it seems like most of them area already fit or at least working out.
Im just starting. I have a lot of questions but the biggest one is how do I know what gym to join? Every one I go in does a big sales pitch and besides price they all seem the same.
Welcome, Newbie! I love when people delurk themselves (it far beats my having to drag you kicking and screaming outta cyberspace.).
Youd be surprised at the number of emails I receive from people who *wanted* to comment on a given post but were too shy. There’s no need to be shy, People! We may be silly, sarcastic, smart and sassy yet we’re ALWAYS wonderfully welcoming as well.
But I digress.
And you *know* I have many, many thoughts on your gym question.
The most important thing in my opinion is PROXIMITY. If a workout facility is more than a ten minute drive (and no, this does NOT include those of you whose closest facility is 10+ minutes away. Im thinking when there’s a choice) it gives one too much time enroute to abort your mission and veer off to a Starbucks.
Especially since you’re just starting to going to the gym a habit. Closer = good.
when I was first working out I opted for a gym I could walk to (more money) versus a 15 minute drive to a gym I could better afford. Im still convinced, even though I had to cut back in a few other areas of my life, Id not be the workoutwoman I am today had I opted for the other facility.
I know myself and Id have found a million and one excuses NOT to make the drive.
Set yourself up for success and select the closest acceptable club to you.
If there are a number of facilities within good driving distance think about which is what you are looking for with regards to gender make-up.
Personally, I am not a fan of the women only workout facility (in general. people love this one and having never been there I hath no insight. MizFits?).
I have found that too often the equipment is inferior.
I’ve repeatedly seen women-only clubs where more attention is paid to decorating and spa amenities than to buying cutting edge equipment. It’s a stereotype, sure, but stereotypes exist for a reason.
That said, your comfort level is crucial. If you’re a woman, emailer, and you cant see feeling comfortable starting out in a co-ed environment this option is definitely for you.
Now you must visit the health club and see what you think! Always go to look at a club during the time you’ll be working out.
See how crowded the facility is during the time you’d be training.
Whats the overall vibe of the place? It sounds silly but Ive joined gyms only to discover LATER that when I went was prime meat-market time. I didnt care what other people were doing but it did slow down my workout as exercisers (of both sexes) draped themselves inexplicably across machines NOT working out but also not *moving on.*
(oh, and it’s also important to see how plentiful parking spaces are at the time you will be arriving—I got a little off track with the mating ritual explanation)
Pay attention to how the staff greets you when you walk into the facility? Are they friendly or do you have to wait and wait to attract someone’s attention? Imagine how they will treat you after they have your money, if they ignore you before they’ve been given your check.
Once you have a staff member’s attention does (s)he offer to show you around the club or immediately whisk you away to a sales office? The staff should be eager to show you what the club offers before they try to sell you anything. If all progresses as they should have planned—the facility will sell itself!
As you walk through the club how does it appear to you? Does it look clean? Does the equipment appear new? (Ask the equipment’s age if you cannot tell!) Are safety rules posted? Is the workout area well lit? Does the exercise area appear well ventilated? Is the clientele one with whom you would feel comfortable exercising?
Also remember to check out the locker room. This is crucial if you are planning to shower at the gym after your workout. Are the showers clean? If you wish to leave things at the gym may you rent a locker? Does the club offer towels for showering? Is this an additional charge? How crowded is the locker room area? Will you be able to shower and dress and leave on time?
If you will be using it, also look into the childcare area. This is one area where you must go with your gut reaction: would you leave your child there even for a few minutes? Enough said.
After your tour, ask the staff member if the gym offers a complimentary workout for prospective members. I feel strongly that health clubs should offer this as an incentive to join their club. From my experience, the health clubs I have liked best were those where I was shown around, handed a class schedule, and encouraged to return and try everything out. This is also a good time to inquire if any orientation/training sessions are offered as part of the membership package. (If they aren’t–don’t panic. watch some Monday Facetimes and email me again).
If no complimentary workout is offered, and you don’t “just know” that this is the club for you, I suggest paying the nominal guest fee (every club has one) and experiencing a workout. After you have exercised in the club you will know what you think of the facility with regards to the levels discussed above. You are now ready to address membership fees with a salesperson, or to begin the club-interviewing process again.
What do you think emailer? Did I answer your question? MizFits? I *know* you have insights to add.
For me, when Im looking for a workout facility, I like to see a juice bar and a pro-shop.
I may never end up having a post workout shake—but I love having the option.
I may never whip out the credit card and charge some pretty new workout clothes forget my clothes/shower supplies but in case I do I like knowing I can pick some up and not have to head back home.
additional thoughts? tips? you know where to leave ’em.
This next email really perked up my day. So Im sharing (& removed the name).
Nothing motivates me to get MY MizFit butt in gear like knowing others are out there trudging away along side me. even virtually (WOMAN Challenge team? consider this your WEDNESDAY call to ACTION!).
I GOT IT!!!!!
why am i so freakin excited about an orange bracelet? i guess cuz my life revolves around a 2 year old.
I was really draggin today and I got this and after XXX is done with his snack we are going out walkin! this will remind me that i am not just letting myself down but the whole team of mizfits if I dont go— this may just be what i needed.
(I received this a bit later)
I gathered the dogs and child and hubby and did a 30 minute WALK. proud of myself. also told hubby that the only reason i walked was my new snazzy bracelet — since he is not as impressed with my bright orange addition to my daily wardrobe as I am 🙂
walk on!
This post was linked here. Check out the blog carnival.
Very informative post!
In the US, especially, there are a lot of 24-hour access gyms popping up. I joined one. My winter weekend workouts (say that three times fast) is usually early, early in the a.m., and I thought it would be nice to have access to a gym. Um, what I didn’t know until after the check was cashed is that there are no attendants in the gym at that hour. Anyone with an access key can get in, so even though these access keys are not printed with “hot, fit woman working out here” on them, if some evil-doer recognized the key, they could easily get in the gym.
When I questioned this, the gym mgmt reminded me that there were video cameras everywhere. I’ll try to remember that so it gets my good side while I’m being strangled.
As luck woult have it, several law-abiding (as far as I know) folks work out at that time, and it feels completely safe. Or it did. Since spring sprung, I’ve been working out outside. 🙂
Anyway, long way of saying beware the 24-hour gym. If security is an issue for you, you might want to check out the policy on staff being onsite.
I tried Curves a couple of years ago. There was no way I was going to build muscle with their machines. They say to make it harder, just do it faster which increases the resistance. Yeah. . . right. Even pushing those machines at a full speed never built up enough resistance to feel like I was working anything.
And it was incredibly boring going around the circle again and again and again. And I had to listen to their music. With my MP3 player, you couldn’t hear the signal to switch stations.
I much prefer the small gym I go to now – 5 minutes from my house, personalized staff, good equipment, and real knowledge about what works and what doesn’t.
If you find the gym being somewhat of a workout to get to then keep looking. Bottom line if it’s a strugle you won’t want to better yourself.
Stay Natural…Stay Strong!
Is there anything you wanna share with the MizFits?
M., whose magazines are running late in arrival or the mailwoman is stealing them.
Disclaimer – I do not belong to a gym, and never have. Mostly because my grad school stipend is not enough to cover such things as gym memberships, new clothes, or gas for my car.
However, I did look into joining one a few months ago, and I had 2 criteria that I knew would help ensure that I used the membership. The first being that there were a lot of free classes I could take, like cardio and yoga classes. The second being that it was on my way to and from work. If I have to drive past it every day, I know I will go. If it’s outta my way to get there, I’ll be more likely to avoid going.
No input on gyms here as I don’t go to one, I’m a solo exerciser. But –
I really loved Curves when I used it several years ago. Okay, I didn’t love the big “everyone stare at everyone else” circle…and I didn’t love the clientele (which, at my particular franchise, was all soccer moms who looked like they were made of plastic anyway, so I felt extremely out of place!)…and I didn’t love the cheesy music. And I hated the stupid hours that made it almost impossible to have an actual JOB and still go there. (Turns out I don’t love gyms at all, actually.)
What I did love, it turned out, was circuit training. 🙂 Curves makes it simple and if you’re looking for an environment where you can chat and laugh as you work out, and you don’t have to think about what machine you’ve done and which you haven’t…or how many reps…or anything, really — then Curves is for you. If you really want to focus and be “in the zone” and push yourself, it isn’t.
And if you’re like me and really don’t like working out with other people, it definitely isn’t. I work out at home now and love it…but I will say Curves got me started, when I didn’t have a clue how to begin. I also lost about 30 pounds there. I think it’s a pretty good environment for beginners, particularly very body-conscious women who don’t want sweaty men ogling them (or to fear they are being ogled, anyway). I don’t think it’s for those who are already fit and want to challenge themselves. I wouldn’t go back now, I’d be wasting time and money.
I definitely think the part about getting a complimentary training session when you join is important. If you’re new to a gym it can definitely help you feel more comfortable on the equipment and around all the other members who’ve been working out there for awhile already.
Another thing I always look at is the class schedule. I don’t take classes every time I go to the gym, but sometimes knowing there’s a good class to take is the thing that motivates me to go to the gym.
that girl with the bracelet —
very inspirational, wish she lived at my house ALL the time!
Awesome gym advice!
I don’t have anything to add, and I’m full of opinions on this stuff. But you thought this through pretty thoroughly.
the childcare thing is what keeps me from a gym—which is a bummer b/c i really miss it and the classes! maybe when my kids are older and can tell me what is going on in there, until then i just don’t trust it (and the germs!)
that is awesome about the bracelet—keep moving! 🙂
i’m with Crabby, you hit it all!
Cheering for bracelet lady!!
For me, childcare is pretty much the ONLY factor that is really important to me in a gym. I work out at the local YMCA which def. does NOT have the latest in equipment, the most knowledgeable staff or even the, um, cleanest environment. And yet, it has the nicest people and my kids are beyond happy there. So I love it!
PS> Don’t like women-only gyms because… being around the guys makes me push myself harder to keep up. I’m ultra competitive and the guys appreciate that. The girls? Most often not.
how many bracelettes have you sold?
i like working out around guys as well, so i push myself harder. i dont get the curves circuit. can you do hatever you want? if i just had to switch chairs every few minutes id probably go nuts. seems like musical chairs in kindergarten.
I totally agree re proximity. I know myself, and if a gym is even a little bit inconvenient, I won’t go regularly…
Just checking in and *waving hello* (and echoing the IM ALL ABOUT THE COED ESTABLISHMENTS sentiments) as Ive yammered enough today 🙂
Good post, Mizfit!
The Bag Lady appreciates this advice regarding how to choose a gym. She will file it away in that little tiny part of her brain that holds onto everything she’ll probably never need, just like the storage place in her house where she keeps the electric knife. Never know when you might need it.
What the Bag Lady was trying to say in her own smart-ass way was that she doesn’t have time to drive to town to go to a gym. She tries to get her exercise at home. (And must go now and walk the half-mile to the other end of the pasture to check the cows. Then tramp around the entire place, probably, searching for Mizfit, the hide’n’seek calf – you pay that calf to make sure the Bag Lady gets enough exercise, don’t you!? Bribe her with promises of sweet green grass and all the milk she can drink, right?!)
I 2nd/3rd/4th the proximity comment. It’s pretty much the only way. Also, make sure the gym’s open when you want to go. =) In my neighborhood, non of the gyms open before 7am. What’s up with that? Oh well, I don’t need their stinkin’ gym!
I was working out to videos at home until I burned myself out and quit working out at all. I finally decided to join a 24-hour fitness place – can I say SNAP Fitness? I like it. I go as many days as I can, doing strength 3 days a week. I also hired a trainer, and I may do that for a few more sessions, but I’m not sure I’m getting the “bang for the buck.” My son goes with me – he’s 9 – and he walks on the treadmill which he seems to enjoy.
I like going there on Friday evening and Sunday morning, because hardly anyone else is there, and it’s quiet. That’s when I can get away with trying to jog on the treadmill – I’m too self-conscious to do it in front of people at my advanced weight. SNAP is always very clean and the people are very nice. It doesn’t bother me that it isn’t staffed 24 hours – it’s a pretty small town, so I feel safe when I’m there.
The YMCA!! Totally agree with Charlotte on this one. I’ve been a member of the local franchises here and it is NOT the same. The Y offers a complete family exp. along with a TON of high level classes- we have pilates reformer which most gyms don’t. It’s also the cheapest gym in town with the nicest staff. Will never leave the Y.
love the ymca…we have and awesome one here in portland…..but it is too far for me. tried it and didn’t use it much……i think proximity is VERY key!
you ROCK bracelet girl!!!
got my RUN U MOther hat yesterday (thanks!) and got in a 6 mile walk with grumpy children because of it! Maybe a REAL RUN today!
happy wednesday everyone!
Starting out exercising, I found it easier not to use a gym at all and to start exercising from the first step out my front door. Now I feel comfortable with and committed to going to a gym, but I didn’t back then. First I walked; then I bought better exercise clothes and running shoes; then I ran. Now I’ll be gyming it this summer.
I’m a homebody when it comes to exercise, so I don’t have much to throw into this discussion, but I’ve been away for a few days and mostly wanted to say hey. HEY! 🙂
My problem with Curves: In my area, it’s all about losing weight, not being healthy. I went in a few years ago when I was very comfortable with my body (unusual for me) wanting to stay fit and have fun. They told me I needed to lose 20 pounds (which would not have been a healthy weight for me). I agree with others who said that the machines do NOTHING for me.
My hubby and I are proof that a closer gym is a more frequently attended gym. We used to go to the Y that was 12 minutes from our house. Officially. We didn’t make it out there more than once or twice a week. Now we go to a gym that’s a mile run from our house. We’re regulars!
As always, I leave this blog better than when I logged on. Your advice is just so easy to understand. A few years ago, I finally worked up the courage to go into Curves. I was free from 11-1 and they weren’t open during lunch. That was that. I never did anything else until I found this blog. I’m getting there, MizFit – at least I’m getting there in my mind!
To your newbie reader – I couldn’t be further from in shape yet yammer on in MizFit’s comments all the time.
Glad your bracelet was inspiring! (I swear I have the memory of a gnat. I read every day and only vaguely recall you talking about these.)
As for women’s gyms, my thoughts (which count for little other than someone who has joined many gyms over the years with varying success) – they are almost always inferior in the equipment department. But I think they can be a great first gym to join – if you go I think you will likely out grow it after a year and want to move on to a less touchy/feely gym with more equipment.
My favorite gym was always the YMCA (the one in the ‘burgh near me sucked but my one in Ohio rocked). It is co-ed – I find the men grunting over their free weights rather entertaining in a chuckle to myself kind of way to watch as they strut and flex. There tend to be people of all fitness levels there so I don’t feel intimidated and the hours and equipment meet my needs. That said – when I worked traditional hours it was almost impossible work out between 5 and 7pm because people were packed in there.
Nearly 2 years ago I joined the YMCA that was about a 15-20 minute walk from my place; I joined it without checking it out first. And I LOVED it. The equipment was all pretty old, the locker room wasn’t the cleanest, and the people were mostly kind of sketchy, but it was so much fun (and cheap and close:)). My favourite part about it was the step classes/kickboxing classes/yoga classes, especially because the instructors were all volunteers. They all loved being there and were super passionate about fitness. They were there because they wanted to be there, not because they were being paid to do so.
I had to give up my membership when I moved to Spain for the summer last year and I never renewed it when I came back- I’ve gotten away from gyms. But the YMCA is a good gym.
YMCA all the way here too. My other beef with our local “women’s only” gym…too much socializing and machine hogging and not enough actual working out.
Oh…wait…that was ME doing that 😉
We just joined a gym today! I confess that working out bores me to tears. However, my sons are growing up watching work at home parents in front of the computers all the time, and this, sadly, has become their ideal. ENOUGH! We are all off of our a$$es. It’s hard to find a gym that fits, it has to be somewhere you like being. The thing I like best about hanging here with the Miz is that it keeps the fitness thing percolating to the top of my pile…
Such good gym advice!! I agree with all of these good comments, and for the zillionth time will echo the proximity one – so important! For me, what gets me to the gym is prepacking my workout clothes and NOT going home after work, but straight to the gym.
One thing that is great about my gym is that while it is co-ed (which I like), there is a separate weight room (machine and free) that is ‘women only’ so you can duck off there when you want or work out in the general area too. In my experience generally though – the guys are not oggling you, they are oggling themselves…..most people couldn’t give 0.02 about what you are doing, they are into checking themselves out! Gym people (I suppose that’s me included) are a little self absorbed! 🙂
checking back in…being reminded AGAIN that it takes a village to get and *remain* healthy.
you guys always have some great tips and insights to proffer.
Oh, and Marianne? Im honored.
I hate having to drive to the gym park and then drive home after. I do all my workouts at home!
And, der, how did I miss that bracelet?
MizFit – all excellent points!
I started out as a home exerciser. For a time, I belonged to a gym because it happened to be convenient. There were definitely things I enjoyed about it – variety of equipment to choose from, some great classes. But, eventually it was no longer convenient and I am back to being a home exerciser. I don’t have as much equipment to work with, but I have enough. Mostly what I miss about my gym is the yoga classes – awesome instructor!
I am a firm believer in convenience. Make it as easy as possible for yourself – convenient location, convenient time, as pleasant an atmosphere as possible. The more convenient you make it, the less excuses you have…Hence the treadmill, mats, weights, stability ball, TV & DVD player in my basement….
Lots of great advice from everyone. I agree, the gym has to be close enough to you or you will never bother going there. If childcare is an issue definitely check that out. Talk to other members if you can – you will often see parents picking up/dropping off their kids, just ask them about their experiences. Also think about what you really want to do when you are there. Group fitness? Spin classes? Yoga? Pilates? A pool? Check the schedules, will they work for you?
My pet peeve is places that try and pressure you. Give you a price and tell you that is only good till the end of the day and then it goes up “x dollars”. Also be really careful when you sign any contract. Make sure there is a way out if you are really not happy there.
I just let my YMCA membership lapse after working out there for a year (the year prior to that, I worked out at Gold’s, courtesy of Shape). The Y had everything I needed to get a good workout, it just wasn’t in as upscale surroundings as the Gold’s I belonged to was.
I find the gym’s getting monotonous, so I’m focusing on do-it-yourself workouts for the time being. I walk– A LOT– plus I have a collection of DVDs for rainy days. I also have a free weight set at home, which I’m about to upgrade because I’m going heavier. The money I would have spent on the gym this year will be spent on a weekly dance class at a local studio and on some private Pilates reformer sessions.
I’m excited about the idea of mixing things up, but I will say this. I’ll never give up strength training; to me, it’s the most vital part of exercise and if I find I need to re-join the gym to access heavier weights, I’ll pony up and do it.
maybe if this reader is just starting out she doesn’t even need to join a gym at all – there is tons of great stuff you can just do at home with free weights and the great outdoors. i don’t belong to a gym anymore (because there is one in my building), but when i did i could walk there in under 5 minutes. obviously everyone doesn’t have that luxury (city living) but the thought of making a big drive-y production to get to the gym… bleh!
Excellent tips. I tried Curves and it wasn’t for me. I think the trick is to find something you enjoy and you are more likely to stick with it.
Very thorough post, MizFit, with fabulous advice for choosing a gym — and yet more great advice in the comments! I recently started supplementing my fitness routine with classes at a CrossFit gym and am LOVING the accountability, community and competitive vibe of the place. Just what I needed!
After working for nearly five years at a university that had a student gym, I finally joined it because it was a five minute walk from my office and I’d decided I wanted to do barbell training. I had avoided it before because I didn’t want to see my students while I worked out. It’s been great! I don’t see my students because they aren’t there at 8 when I go. It is basic and a bit grotty but has good equipment. However, I have noticed that I am the ONLY woman in the free weights area. It doesn’t bother me, I’m 30 years older than most of the guys, but in this day and age you think you’d see more women. All of the women are upstairs on the cardio equipment reading magazines.
Super, great list! Everyone already offered great suggestions.
I haven’t been a regular at the gym for a while (I really should start up again), but when I was a definite gym bunny, things that were priority for me were the equipment. Do they have certain machines that I prefer? Is the equipment in working order, or is it old and in need of an update? I also look at cost and hours of operation. Proximity also plays a big factor, whether it’s close to home or to work. (Easier to get to the gym when I know I don’t have to travel too far.)
That PROXIMITY advice is so key. For real. I do all my weight-lifting at my gym, but for cardio? Mostly outside, so I can go out and get back without having to drive, drive, drive. (The gym’s only about 6 miles away, but can be a bitch in after-work traffic, here in northern Virginia.)
When my current contract is up at the end of June, you better bet I’m gonna join a gym closer to where I currently live!
I totally agree with eurydice, especially when starting out, maybe none of the gyms are the right place for you, thats okay. All you need is a few simple tools, a jump rope, some motivation, and a little knowledge. Jumping rope, jumping jacks, hula hoop, bodyweight exercises… these are all easy things to do and take relatively little equipment/instruction. Plus, you can progress at your own pace. I would also look into “school yard” workouts. There are plenty of things to do that don’t involve a gym you just have to do a little bit of research and/or ask the mizfit and the bumbling band. I also recently read somewhere in the blog-o-sphere that a woman began running and added 30 seconds to her runs gradually and is now up to 30 min or so. That is awesome! AND totally manageable/adoptable. Even if your starting duration is only a minute or two, its something to build on.
All that said, I travel 35 minutes + to get to and from my “gym” every day. But I do indeed go everyday. I would disagree with the convenience thing if you have one of the major components to getting healthier, which to me is motivation. This is all about what works for me, but once I get motivated to do something, in order to keep doing it I have to make it routine. No matter how close or far the gym is, if I commit to go there x amount of days a week and do it consistently enough in the beginning to build the habit, I don’t think much of it and “Just Do It” so to speak.
Weighing in on the Y, which I was a member of before I found the IC, I loved it. At my Y in Berkeley there was also a women’s only weight room so you could pick an all female or co-ed environment. It also happened to be adjoined to the locker room, so that was convenient. I was really into swimming, and especially with summer coming the pool might be a major consideration, I know it is for me. I have since canceled my Y membership and found a pool that offers cheap day use passes.
I would give my left tit for a gym within walking distance. Really.
I think I love you.
my computer monitor? not so much as she’s now covered in sparkling water.
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