you walking?
circuit training?
pogo sticking?
kettle belling?
Body Pumping?
Bonus Challenging?
Remember to log yer stuff.
Dont let a teammate (posing prettily with her MizFit Bumbling Band bracelet) down!
I finally posted something so you can live vicariously through me . . . More this weekend . . .
Thanks for stopping by!
I’m am SOOOO sitting right now.
dancing in your chair, Greta?
Clenching & unclenching yer glutes?
Tapping your feet with vigor?
Rapidly crossing & uncrossing your legs?
Leaping up, sprinting to the bathroom, & skipping the entire way back?
M., who is thumbtyping & marching (to the beat of her own drummer but you’ll have that).
Let’s say I do my strength circuit and it takes 20 minutes, and I do a 10 minute warmup on the treadmill before, then 30 minutes on the treadmill after – can I count that as 60 minutes or do I only count my treadmill as cardio. I’ve long been confused by that.
(cuz tonight the aforementioned is my fitness plan of attack, and I want all the credit I am allowed!)
if you’re asking *me* I say YES YES YES!
that site could sure use some clarifying—but it’s all about moving more & it ALL COUNTS up in herre.
That’s my cousin!!
wooohooo.. moving at least 60 minutes a day!!! jazzercise, yoga, running, and LIFTING!!!!
I’ve been trying, but 13 hours in a car on Monday made it rather hard to get anything in except sleeping. I’m still recovering. Today I got back in the swing of things!
How exactly does one count roaming all over a parking structure because one lost her car and could not find it even though she and her companion could hear it beeping when the panic button was hit repeatedly? It included stairs. And lots of laughter with snorting.
What do you guys think about grocery shopping that takes an hour? Does ANY of it count?
: )
No electricity this morning, will be back on it tonight!
the most important thing? WE ALL HAVE FITNESS & LIVING A HEALTHIER LIFE on the brain.
It’s the DOING not TRYING notion.
Sure some days life will hurl curve balls at us (waves to Gena) and random stuff happens (laughs with marianne at her Seinfeldian experience) but if we give it a shot every day then most days the DOing will win.
I did some of that this week. Not so much today since I’m feeling a bit crummy. Hope to feel better so I can pick up the pace by this weekend!
uhm. today is a rest day. (35 min. cardio and 1 hour of hard… whining hard.. begging for lighter weights hard.. workout with my trainer yesterday).
Today I walked the dogs up a 200′ hill across a field and back down. Now I’m taking a nap.
Cause I believe in rest days.
The Bag Lady isn’t logging anything for the challenge, BUT her day today included fencing (again!!), scrubbing her shower stall from top to bottom, stacking and loading 3 big loads of firewood cut from the deadfall out in the pasture, then unloading it in the woodshed. She hasn’t finished stacking it in the woodshed yet because the robin that has nested in there was getting quite frantic and wanted back on her nest. (If you want to see why, you’ll have to look at the Bag Lady’s blog tomorrow…)
This was on top of her regular walking out to check cows. Which is now even further because we moved them to a different pasture today.
Anyone want to switch lives with the Bag Lady? She’s playin’ out…
I’m walking on the treadmill 30 minutes a day with incline and I’m using the bowflex to get in some weight training too (light stuff with the bowflex though)!
Running 5K every other day. Well, it doesn’t count as running because it’s too sloooow, but we’re working on it.
And walking the other days. With the bear. At the zoo, park, etc.
And moving the contents of three bookcases to the basement. Which has to count for something.
(and I think BagLady deserves a half dozen points for her day. UGH.)
I would be swimming if I could just stop coughing! I seem to have picked up one of the many bugs living amongst us in London. It’s hard to say when or where; everytime I get on a tube or bus I feel like I’ve just contracted several infectious diseases.
Still, I’ve been dragging myself out for very slow 3 miles walks every day. I think the fresh air helps. “Fresh.” Hah!
Just back from DC!!!! Lots of walking!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ready to get busy!!!!