EDITED TO SAY: come on, People. I can *see* you are reading this. delurk yourself. use a fake name. let’s take advantage of Brian “Hands of Michelangelo* ” Peeler’s generosity.
If you could ask the inimitable Peeler anything—what would it be?
would you want exercise advice?
behind the scenes snark?
tips on how to get his patented PeelerBuilt physique?
Brian Peeler is doing a MizFit Facetime so leave your questions in the comments and I’ll pick some to send his way.
*This is his phrasing not the MizFit’s. Ive neither been touched by Michelangelo nor Brian Peeler.
Ooooooo I’m super excited! I would definitely want his recommendation on best ways to shape up… what exercise routine he would plan for me? hehe… Is he available for training me (hehe, just kidding!)…
Can’t wait to hear about your facetime w/ him 🙂
I would like to know about cardio recommendations – how long, how many times per week, best type, what HR should be at.
Quest#1 – Are you single? (not that it would matter ;-))
Quest#2 – Favorite fab-ab exercises please?
Quest#3 – Favorite ass-tightening exercise please?
Quest#4 – Example of a functional circuit you use pls?
Quest#5 – Blondes or brunettes? t*ts or ass?
xoxo thanks!
Ah…he’s WAY too young for me, so I’ll keep this clean! LOL. Here is my question. Let me preface this with the statement that, having recently jumped back into working out with both feet and all the muscles that I forgot about, I am SORE. Now, accepting the premise of “no pain no gain” are there any options besides pounding down ibuprofen like candy or walking around like the bastard child of Frankenstein and Quasimodo?
I meant options for pain relief. Sorry, my kids are trying to drag me to the gym again. I think today’s workout machine just might be a deck chair…
Brian, I’d really love to have a personal trainer telling me exactly what to do when I go to the gym (“Go do this, then x-reps of that, run over here and do that…now!”), but at this point I don’t feel like it’s an expense I can afford.
I get my cardio through running, and I work out with weights three times a week (a different body group each time), so motivation to keep going isn’t a factor. It’s just that I know I’m capable of doing more. What would you suggest for someone like myself who wants to push herself harder but isn’t sure how to do so?
ok here it goes:
I am a cardio addict, dont worry i am working on easing up, but i am trying to get myself to strength train more so would you recommend i do cardio first, or vice versa? or no cardio at all on weight lifting days??
what the most useless machine in the gym? i once did the recumbent bike and saw that i only burned like 10 calories in like 5 min. its werid i felt worn out but not “worked out” like i might get from the elliptical or running?
free weights or machines? which reaps better results?
Whats your biggest vice?
Not to get all too into the show, but do you think Bravo portrayed the people in sky sport accurately? do you think you are different than what you may have come off as?
And….I know you live in la, i am a chef, so you wanna trade a training session for a killer meal??? (its ok, if say know, dont think i am one of those crazy stalkers 🙂
Can I have your leftovers?
My question is – what suggestions do you have for mixing up exercises and keeping muscle confusion constant?
dont tempt me, Dr. J!
Ill ask….
(love your suggestions. more please!)
hehe, for you dr.J, I’ll make a whole new menu!
I thought the leftovers referred to the WOMEN.
HA! I thought that too!
was thinkin’ you GO Dr.J! 😉
oo shoot, did i miss the boat???
i feel like such a nerd
I have been confused lately about how integrate cardio and weight training to get a full-body workout. How best to keep our heart rate up when weight-lifting? When we weight lift, should we fold in some cardio time? (For example, do three sets of 12 bicep curls and then sprint for a few minutes, and then do another exercise?)
I notice that Brian’s philosophy per the website is “don’t overtrain yourself.” I want to know what HIS workout schedule is & how much working out constitutes over-training.
Also – does he take any kind of supplements?
As for Dr. J – I read his comment the same way Waif did! I guess that makes me a geek as well;)
*clears throat*
Uh, Miss. Charlotte, if that makes you a *geek* then what does that make the MizFit?
A dirrrty (shout-out to old school Xtina) mind?
Duly noted.
Brian – How did you become a trainer on TV?
I really like Brian’s training philosophy…”Adapt for fitness regimen to your lifestyle”. This allows us to create our own rules:)!! (I’m not so good at following the rules of others;)
I’m a stay at home mom with no access to the gym. I can walk (pushing a stroller) and I have handweights & a DVD player. I have 30 minutes a day – are there any ‘must do’ exercises he can recommend?
Peeler (and MizFit):
Much of the weight training emphasis in gyms seems to be on building upper body strength. I don’t know if that’s because it’s easy, flashy or what.
What are some the best exercises for the lower back, glutes, and legs?
Suggestions for equalizing strength front to back?
Eat before a workout or not?
Favorite book? movie?
I always get side pains when I run what are some ways to cut down on this?
***youch!*** from the Whip=crackin’ on my ass***
Okay- totally seems selfish, buth here ya go:
I spent four weeks working out at the gym doing the circuit my trainer gave me. I walk at least 25 minutes a day with my dogs, plus three days a week I’ve been doing my circuit which includes:
single leg extension machine @130 lbs/2 sets 20 reps
abduction machine@55#s/2 sets 15-20
adduction machine@100#s/2 setc 15-20
back extensions on stupid chair, 2 sets 10 is what I can do
chest press, 2 sets 15-20@10#
pulldown, 2 sets 15-20@653#s
chest press lying down, 2 setx 15-20 @ 10#s
seated chest press upper on machine, 2 sets 15-20 at 60#s (?)
shoulder press, 2 sets 15-20@ 8#s
seated chest press lower on machine, 2 sents 15-20at 75#s I think
dumbell side bends 15# wts, 2 sets 15-20
crunches on ball using upper and lower abs, 2 sets 15-20
I warm up 7-10 mins on treadmill
I like to finish with 30 minute walk on treadmill @ 3.0
I do the strength 3X/week, and I try to get to gym on alternate days for at least 30 minutes on treadmill at 3.0 – 3.2 which is as high as I can manage right now
First month – no pounds lost, but I lost inches in my middle
Food could be much better, I am trying to learn to eat clean…I’m an emotional/stress eater and surrounded by stress for another week when I get summer of cuz I’m a teacher.
Anyway – what can you recommend so that I can get better results than losing 2″ in 4 weeks?
I am 5’5″ and weigh 295; I’m also hypothyroid and on Rx for that.
If I was you client, what would you prescribe?
That’s what I’d ask the man if he were my guru.
thanks for ANYTHING you can give me
hughsmom, WOW! your dedication in spite of your busy life amazes me, Kudos! i wish i were as diligent as you! Brian should start up an advice column with all these questions!
Tips on abs, thighs and booty help. Also what is his no. 1 nutrition secret/tip?
Does he know anything about cattle…………………?
All these questions are well and good, but does he know anything about cattle?
Oops – didn’t mean to double dip there………….. but really – does he?
(the Bag Lady needs a vacation, obviously….)
Ooohh – he’s got those lower ab lines – hotness – I love those… Yum.
I second fitarella’s quest#5: Breasts or booty? It’s always a good question!!
And on the question of breakfast sausage, if Mr. Peeler were to face such a selection: links or patties?
First: Did jackie get a lot of women before she made it big on TV?
What in the hell happened to Zen?
Do you think you were accurately portrayed on the show?
Have you asked Renessa out? It totally looks like she like you….
Okay, I think I watch TV too much.
If he ever makes it to Manhattan, doe s he want to go on a date with me?
Ah! I’m so excited that you are going to have him on your blog! My questions would be:
Would you ever consider doing your own show on Bravo (or any other network)?
What would you like people to know about you that was never shown/addressed on the show?
Who do you still see/hang out with from sky sport?
I love work out! I’m sad he won’t be on the show any more :*(
too much! love Peeler, Jackie was so wrong!
Anyhoo, I want answers to:
1) Please explain the eat more lose more philosophy. For someone with 50 pounds to lose, I can not wrap my head around it. 1400 calories a day should be enough to lose the weight for anyone, it is really? I keep hearing different stuff.
Okay, it wasn’t until last night that I thought of a question.
How would you work out if you had scizzors for hands? J/K
Or what I really mean, which is: if you were in some sort of accident tomorrow and lost use of your arms and/or legs, what would you do? Choose your own adventure in how you respond.
So, I just saw this posting. I’ll let everyone else ask questions. I just have a one thing to say: I heart Brian Peeler.
P.S. You totally should’ve punched Jackie in her (imaginary) nuts.
That’s all.
Ok here’s my question – I have a trainer. And I’m trying my dangdest to stay on track but can’t. Were his clients more motivated having cameras track their every move? Did the producers and photographers initimidate those working out?
I’ve been trying to do a pull-up for years. Now I’m getting myself fit and losing weight I feel that the time has come to go for it – what’s the best way to get my arms in shape to finally nail one?
Would love to know 🙂
is benching 315 and weighing 195 lbs good for my weight and height 5’8”
Just came across cool joke: Relish today. Catch-up tomorrow.