whatcha doing today to further your healthy lifestyle goals?
in what way are YOU putting into practice all the healthy habits we’ve been working to layer one upon another?
what new and healthy food will *you* pick up today as you cruise down the grocery aisles? gonna give quorn a try? finally explore some organic fruits & veggies?
Hit me up in the comments & then scurry on your fitnessfanatic way.
One commenter, courtesy of the bag lady & a random number generator, shall win a fabulous freebie.
Today I shall ride my bike to work! I hope I can make it there and back without my legs falling off!
send me your address (again I know 🙂 but I didnt hold on to it from when you won the freebie) as I wanna send Miz. Early Bird a MizFit Bracelet!
**edited to say that NO that’s not the freebie (I can hear ya breathing a collective sigh o’relief)
Today’s an insanely busy day! I have to administer a CGC test this morning; get my own dogs to the boarding kennel; finish grocery shopping and cooking for a 5 day camping trip; get the family’s clothes washed and packed for said camping trip; and get all the rest of the crap loaded.
I’ll be getting in lots of exercise while camping. Not only will there be the required hiking, but also skiing, paintballing, volleyball, and doing a zip line tour in Austin. Woohoo!
OOOOH where’s the zipline tour? Will you be zipping past the Tornado & me?
I’m headed up to work out today. And we’re going shopping at an outdoor shopping center…so a bit more walking there.
Food…well, my ILs are in town, so my husband is making his famous ribs. We’re rounding this out with in-season produce tomato and mozz salad, corn on the cob and blueberry cobbler. Nothing new to try today, but maybe I’ll pick something up on my big run tomorrow!
We are doing a massive father’s day yard cleanup today. Loading junk, digging out old tree stumps, cleaning out the garage, weeding and tilling. Then this afternoon I hope to go mountain biking for the first time this season, that is if I can take it after all the work!
We are going to be PLAYING all day at a theme park. My hope is that a lot of water and walking will offset the food that I’ll be FORCED to eat. LOL 🙂
I am on way way out the door for some neighborhood yard sales…lots of walking!
I’ve already done the grocery store: yogurt, pumpkin seeds, watermelon, appkes, bananas, and chicken breasts. There shall be a feast tomorrow!
Activities for today are mostly indoors, as storms threaten. But goodness knows there are plenty of squats and lunges and lifting to do while I’m accomplishing some household Cammy-do’s. I also plan a 5k walk for late in the day, after I meet my family at a local bbq place for “dinner” (at 4:30 p.m.!), where I shall partake of salad and roast pork shoulder. And two saltine crackers. (It’s the weekend, so I should get to live it up a little. *G*)
I hope your weekend is spectacular!
DANG. You guys are impressive!
Good Morning, it’s only 613am here and I”m stoked to be the only one up drinking coffee w/soy milk which is new for me. Tastes pretty good!
I’ve done my running for the week so weight training for today + bike commuting to pick up organic fruits and veggies at coop. Hope my kids don’t pull each other’s hair out.
Today i’m going to city hall to hear a fitness walking expert give a presentation. Then he’s taking us on a 5 km walk!! Then i’m off to work at a donut/coffee 😉
We are headed to check out a farmers market near us so hopefully we’ll find lots of yummy produce. It is rainy today so we will likely not do anything too exciting after that.
Oooohhh – the Bag Lady caught what Fitarella had yesterday… WTF? She forgot to follow her own advice…
beer and a handful of potato chips do not make for a good supper! Must have forgotten the cardinal rule to drink lots of water before going to bed….. oh, my aching head….
Today is my rest day but tomorrow is my long run (7 miles) in which I will hear Mizfit’s voice saying “there is no trying – only doing” (which by the way is something I say regularly to myself while running now). 🙂
I just finished exercising on the elliptical machine – 40 minutes while watching “Sixteen Candles.” 🙂
Activities: Mowing (a “free” father’s day present for my hubby) and we’re hoping to bike at Watkin’s Mill State Park (if we can figure out how to bring the toddler safely). I want to swim as well, but we’ll see. There’s also laundry (lifting and stairs?) and cleaning the house (vacuuming is cardio, right?).
Lifestyle: Less sitting around as a family more running around as a family. For father’s day, we’re going camping tonight.
New food: I could resolve to finally track down some chia. Or maybe I’ll just try a whole wheat muffin recipe to take on our camping trip.
Back to folding laundry. And cleaning up the kitchen after the toddlerbear helped me make a day-before-father’s-day breakfast in bed for daddy.
I’m walking all over Hell’s half acre and back with a loony Jack Russell Terror! I think that counts as exercise. 😉 I also know that if that freebie is something that Baggie is offering.. I want in on the chance!
i taught boot camp class this morning where I got to exercise AND yell at people. what a great way to start the day!
i was then humbled by the fact that i am not strong enough to push our lawn mower up the small hill we have in our yard. more of a reason to start lifting!
and to susan–i hope you got to see the scenes with long duck dong. (LOL! Yes, I am 12 years old!)
WAVES TO WORKOUT MOMMY! Im twelve as well…though Im almostthirteen.
We are going on a bike ride today. The entire family. 🙂
Hey Buddy!
I’ve been running around a baseball field for an hour a day while visiting my mom in Virginia all this week! I’ve tried singing “Put me in coach, I’m ready to play…” but I’m the only one there, and I thought Florida was hot! Anyway, it’s all good and I’ll be home soon.
Hope you are having a good one!!
Keep running Dr. J (and checking in when you can. Im like an old Jewish woman that way—I worry.)!
I went out and did a 5k race this morning. I was only 40 seconds off my PR which I set a couple of years ago before having major back surgery and gaining nearly 50 pounds. I was thrilled to see I’m so close to being able to set a new PR even though I’m still working on getting off the weight I gained. WOOT!!
So far, I’ve spent this glorious morning mowing the front lawn. Before I mowed, I cleaned up the dog poop from the lawn. As I was cleaning, the neighbor’s dog from down the street came bounding over, saw my glare, and turned around and left her mess on the neighbor-across-the-street’s lawn instead.
My glare must be more powerful than I thought. The dog’s owner (for once) came out and cleaned up after her dog. The age of miracles has not passed.
This counts as a fitness-related comment because mowing the lawn with a push reel mower is a workout. And I’m sure glaring uses up a few calories as well 😉
Hi Carla. I am headed out for my walk just as soon as Papa comes and steals the children away. Then, it’s a long over-due “date” night, which translates to (really) falling asleep and staying asleep and not being awoken by the toddler terrorz or the six year old who insists upon sleeping On Me.
Wow!!! Glad I stumbled on by here , there is some awesomeness going around here!! An extra WHOOT! to Mel That is very impressive.
My morning was Yoga & Cardio Fusion (very boot camp like, that kicked my bootay!). Now back to getting everything ready for Daddy’s Day!
Just got home from NEU Alumni Family day at Fenway Park! Let me just say that I did work out this morning…but once I was at the ball park it was a free-for-all of hot dogs, cotton candy, pretzels, beer & ice cream! Toddler got face painted & tattoos, balloon animals and mama got pics w/world series trophies & hot baseball players (yum!)
@ bag lady – I feel your pain my dear! Take your own advice – LOTS of agua! Um, and yeah i was a little shocked at myself too after all these years! Apparently I’m still very good at dancing on table tops…all that balance work has paid off!
I ran at 7 AM and then 45 minutes of Chest and Back.
Petsmart was calling or at least Yoda had that look on his face when I run out of dry food.
Suntanning and grocery shopping, then hopefully I will be able to mow the front lawn (doubtful)
Oh quorn sounds very interesting…
I had a chocolate snail which is a pastry drizzled with chocolate and it was gooooood!
Having said that I did a 16km run before breakfast!
I’m off to do my first training run for my half-marathon! My poochie got her 3 mile walk this morning too. It’s so beautiful here in PA today…I love summer! And of course to balance everything out, there will be some delicious grilling happening tonight.
I woke up early and played tennis with my rugrats, the younger ones, the older ones do want to be botheres…After playing, we hade fruits and fruit juices. Right now I’m catching up with my blog visits and doing laundry at the same time while my wife is probably trying to find the perfect Father’s Day gift for me. 🙂
Gah…totally slept in so my workout plan is a bit delayed…i’ll get to it… eventually….
anyhow, i am a big quorn fan. I had them here and in england! check out the review for them
i just found a hiking trail by my house when i went a new way on a walk with my dog. it was exciting, but for some reason i have this fear of getting lost in the woods, so i did a short loop. then i cleaned out Safeway’s produce aisle.
what about you, missy?
DANG. The Bumbling Band is BUSY.
me? I re-commenced potty training (mentally exhausting), went to the pool with the Toddler Tornado (physically exhausting) and am about to go dancing all night.
or sit on the couch and read.
Ill let you guess which.
Erm… well… today my exercise has consisted of setting up my new laptop and walking for about 15 minutes. Oh dear. However, I have been showing others my appreciation when they set up my laptop! And I have been very good under the stress of spending ALL DAY working on it. Tehe.
I LOVE quorn. Excellent texture and flavor – my partner and I can use it in all sorts of dishes, and he loves it too even though he’s a carnie (as in meat-eater, not circus performer).
In order to improve my life, I’m giving myself permission to not worry about work and not worry that we’ll make a bad impression because we didn’t make a dish for the department potluck tonight…
Ann, i fed it to my very carnivorous and picky father and didn’t tell him it wasn’t chicken. Actaully, when i cook it for him, he still thinks its chicken and when i brougt him some of my chicken left over from dishes in my culinary school, he asked me, “something’s a bit odd with this chicken!”. He must have gotten so used to quorn!
It’s Saturday, and today I ran my A#@ off at work.
Does that count?
well, it’s saturday. it’s my day off from being all fit and crap. well, i mean you know i’m not a complete slug but i work out monday – friday, so sat and sun are my rest days. i do still try to eat healthy on saturdays, and that counts for something, right?
Today I DID get out for a run (with my happy dog, no less!) despite the fact that my hubby and I bailed on the 10K we were planning to race. The great exchange was that the kids did sleep until nearly 7, which is a luxury we don’t always have on the weekend. SO, we’re both feeling a tiny bit better about life with a good night’s rest under our belts. Sleep is part of staying healthy!
I also bought my dad a SIGG bottle for Father’s Day at Whole Foods. Had my husband, kids and dog not been in the car waiting for me while I made the trip, I for sure would have grabbed some of their great organic fruits for a snack later in the day . . . but we were on our way home from a trip to the dog park and everyone was DONE and ready to be home for lunch and a nap (and a run!)! Hooray for the return of some sunshine to the Pacific Northwest – we’re LOVIN’ it!
Have a great weekend!
O god, i am screwed, i have not fathers day gift for my dad!!!!! hmm, maybe i’ll cook him a nice meal, i didn’t go to culinary school for nothing…
man i totally need to proof read, i meant to say i have npt gottem him a gift yet. How’s that SIGG bottle Brianna?
The zipline tours are at the Cypress Valley Canopy Tours (add a .com to the end, and you have their website). It’s in Spicewood. Sounds like a cool thing, but I’m going to be scared out of my mind doing it! It takes about an hour, and then we’ll have our picnic lunch.
Wanna’ come play with us?
how fun Nita!!
I need to hear all about it afterwards as my Tornado would adore it, Id love it and my Renaissance Man would grin and bear it (not a zipline fan. not a roller coaster fan. HUGE Toddler Tornado fan :))
Saturday…I started the day with an upper body workout!! Well…followed by a trip with my family to the local custard stand (we walked anyway!).
Like WorkoutMommy, I also taught an outdoor bootcamp on Saturday morning. The weather was perfect and I got one heck of a workout.
I also worked in the yard — nothing like pulling weeds and digging holes for bushes to feel your body recruiting new muscles!
That was wonderful information. You have done great work communicating your message. Keep up the good writing.
Riding a zip line is a lot of fun! Throw in the beauty of Maui and riding a zip line in Maui is really an experience you certainly will remember the rest of one’s life. There are many ziplines present in Maui and a lot might be booked days/weeks beforehand. Showing up in Maui and marching right down to a local activities center will likely to be frustrating – pretty much all zip lines are probably scheduled for the next week or so. Vacation Maui in January to March, prime time in Maui, and ziplines tend to be scheduled when you arrive on island.As a result reserve your zip line rides approximately a month ahead of your family vacation in Maui. You can obtain cheaper rates on-line via a number of ?nternet sites – any time you book direct using the zipline company you’ll pay full price. There are many different zip line rides on Maui – you can zip through exotic forests, alongside waterfalls, over valleys, through gorges, sights of a volcano, the pacific sea, and coastal shoreline; take your pick and there is a zip line that will place a smile onto your face. Maui Zipline You have to be in good physical shape, no pregnant ladies please, no less than 10 years-old, weigh in excess of eighty pounds and not over 260 lbs.