and a buncha you are doing the 100 pushups commitment which seems to be all over the web (havent seen it? look here!)
here’s the video you asked for (I know. I hear you. G-d forbid I have it actually APPEAR when you search MizFit for PUSHUPS).
happy pushing.
You mean….you DON’T do 100 pushups a day? Been doin’ that for YEARS!!! Every day! Really! 😉
It’s amazing how many people I know have jumped aboard this bandwagon! I guess everyone loves the idea of doing pushups!
right Andrew?
I was thinking about that as I was running this morning!
I am all about being on the bandwagon…that video was excellent, thanks!
My first week of the 100 push up challenge started today! I am so excited about it. I can’t wait to challenge the guys to a push up contest in a few weeks and completely kick their asses. Hehehe.
Hurray for the bandwagon!
i did mine this morning and so did my toddler. He is very excited about the plan. Much more so than my hubby, who groaned “no way” when I suggested he try it too.
oh well, he’s missing out on the fun!
100 pushups? A DAY?
Seriously, I could never before, in my life, do ONE pushup until recently. I never had any real upper body strength. Now i can do several, but now my lower body is not as strong.
Hmmm … maybe I’ll try. Not committing to it though. I have this whole fear of commitment …
Oo, neat! I share Judy’s fear of commitment though, so I’m not announcing my determination to do this. (But I might do it in secret! Shhh!)
Seriously, I used to dance, and even then (when I could leg press more than most men I knew) I had a hard time with push-ups! So this could be fun!
Thanks for drawing my attention to this. I’m on board with ya!
hey, quick question (i’m not at home or i’d just email). just how much protein do you recommend with breakfast?
blahblahblah only my thumbtyped opinion:
*I* usually do 40% protein 30% carbs 30% good fats for every meal (*waves at Dr Barry Sears*).
Hmmm. I’d never heard of this! I’ll probably give it a try, though!
100 pushup challenge? Intriguing… I may have to jump on this one. I’m going to take stock of my motivation after work tonight and then we’ll see. 🙂
I can eat 4 maybe 5 push up pops a day. 100? You’re crazy.
**Whiny voice** ….Do wall push-ups count? Probably not, eh? Sigh. I’ll see what I can do…..
I”m in! I’ll do the test tonight, then I’ll start the training plan post-run in the morning.
And I’ve written this down in public view, so now I have to follow through!
100 Push-up a day? Wow! I’m game.
Thanks for stopping by today! I am glad to get more input about the loose skin topic. Sigh. Its nice to hear this from someone as in shape as you are.
I love your be present tank top! Also, I started the 100 pushups challenge today. I did them on the wall this morning. I’m going to blog about it tomorrow! Take Care,
Bag Lady? It looks like Lorrie (or TFG. I simply CAINT call you by your blog name :)) hath seconded my emotion & you are IN with your wall push ups.
you cant get out of this one.
well you CAN because youre a growna** Bag Lady and all but you know what I mean.
I’m so intimidated by it. But it sounds so intriguing I may have to test it soon!
I’m intimidated by this challenge as well. I guess that’s as good a reason as any to do it. I’ll definitely be starting with the wall push-ups as I’ve not done any push-ups since my back surgery last year. The doctor gave me a total green light on exercise several months ago. I’ve just been doing mostly cardio up to this point. I guess it’s a good time to start adding some strength training in again.
MomWeightLoss? May I instruct you (ask you? Suggest to you?) NOT to be intimidated?
Intimidation gives the lowly little push up way too much power!
Feel free to make sure no one is home.
Draw the curtains & lock the doors and START WITH ONE wall push up & work your way up from there!
God, I hate pushups. I really really do. I mean, I do them…but I despise them with everything in me. Because, you know, I SUCK at them.
This is an interesting program though. Sort of a Couch-to-5K for strength training. 🙂 And it actually sounds like exactly the thing for someone like me, who sucketh enormously but knows she needs to improve. I can do this. I don’t want to, but I can, and it would be a great addition to my workout regimen. 🙂
Hey, I think I’ll have to give this a try – it sounds like a fun (in a sadistic sort of way) time!
15 pushups on the test… I know this is going to be good for me, but wholey cow!
I honestly think the hardest part will be the strain on my wrists and my left toe. But if I can get through those…
i’m in! starting today with the lowest level. i’m very excited to see what comes of it.
actually did the second column. weird….i felt stronger on the last set than i did on the first.
I am intrigued by the pushups as well. But I can’t do one “real” pushup. I can do 10 “modified” (I won’t say the “g” word) pushups. So should I keep trying for real ones or do the progam with the knee pushups?