grab your handheld devices and punch up your calendars:
On June 28th, 2008 (and you feared you wouldnt have time left to register (*wink*)) Spinning facilities all across the US will host four /one hour Spinning classes all in one day to raise over $1 million for three of the most dynamic charities operating today.
Click on over. Register. And you’re on your way.
(dontcha just love their tag line? 1 Day/1 Class/ 1 Nation)
This is SO cool! I just printed 5 brochures to take around today since no where close to me is doing it. The least I can do is donate if no where here jumps on board! Love the cause and tag line 🙂
Dumb Question…. What is spinning???
You’re nuts. No way. LOL
And I’m not so sure about Twitter yet either, but I’m willing to try anything once! 🙂
I would LOVE to do this! Spinning I can do, and I really enjoy it!
Problem is, I don’t belong to a gym. 🙁 Looks like you need to be a member???
What’s spinning? CLICK HERE to learn more!
This might be just want I need to get back into spinning…I used to teach it back in the day, but then I fell off the bike, so to speak (har har). Ever since then I’ve dreaded the seat butt soreness that I’d have to endure to get back in it. I’m such a wuss.
OMG. You just brought tears to my eyes.
Especially since the gym 5 miles down the road is doing this and I am NOT a member.
I am so not a spinner, and hey, thats pride weekend so at least I have an excuse 😉
So I took those flyers around yesterday and 4 of the 5 gyms said that if someone who wasn’t a member wanted to do it they would be willing to have them sign a waver and let them participate that day- this is if they get on the list of course. It never hurts to ask!!!
Checking it out!
thanks hannah! I’m gonna check into the same thing around where I live!
Super cool event! I have a 15K that day and a commitment to drink copious amounts of barley pop after in the middle of lake michigan. So unfortunately the only spinning I plan on doing will be after I lay down ;-).
Well, I probably won’t drink that much, but a girl has to have goals :-P.
Happy Sunday!
holy crap, did you see the thing by fran drescher at the top? misdiagnosed for 2 YEARS???? that’s some crazyness. i’ll definitely have to see what i can about getting involved with this.
Oh yea, baby spin your hearts out for a great cause!
Dear Mizfit,
Had no idea about this event however have been toying w/idea of trying 2 spin.
Considerably scared since it’s been ages since I’ve had any kind of contact w/a bike.
But, very motivated by the charity aspect and will find out if my YMCA is doing it…
Always a learning experience this blog of yours. Love the positivity stuff. So relevant to me right now. thanks.
Spinning intimidates me. I so want to try a class. But I hate the thought of failing.
Maybe an eliptical fundraiser will come our way soon…
SPINATHON!! I did this at my gym recently! It was unbelievable fun, the atmosphere was fantastic, I can’t wait til they do another one.
TA x
Awesome! Too bad they aren’t offering it in any gyms in my area… Maybe I’ll just do some spinning on my own.
I have never spinned before. I would love to try it! Thanks for the heads up!