To know me in real life is to know that this Link Love really isnt all that random.
My passions range from the uber lowbrow (seriously. I mean think lowbrow and then lower yer brows some more. We’re talking You Dont Mess With The Zohan) to what mightcould be considered regular brow (Ive been known to read the classics & play the clarinet upon occasion).
As do my links.
On to the MizFit Mishmash.
This first link I wholly utterly and completely believe in.
Especially with regards to those of us who are creatives/wish to create something (which, in my mind, is the entire Bumbling Band whether you see it in yourself or not).
I used to believe that people who were bored were borING.
No longer.
This next link is for the dog lovers out there. Sort of an apology link for all the heebie-jeebies (that’s the technical term) I triggered last week with the cloning & earrings from cremation ashes links.
The site/show is just getting started but it looks like one worth bookmarking.
Ill admit that we didnt solve the problem of sweatage/staying cool in the summer on tuesday (but we made a dent, People, and sometimes that’s all that matters) so I offer you this link.
A post all about another summer struggle and one which, with over 40 proffered solutions, they mightcould have solved.
This next one is for the old school among us. The ones who are just as likely to pick up a pen (*gasp*) and write a letter as furiously thumb type an abbreviation fraught text message. While I fall somewhere in the middle of the spectrum Im also very intrigued by this entire concept. You?
Anyone else see this link? Anyone else see it and immediately think I NEED TO SMELL THAT!
Somewhat along the lines of when we (the royal) do the “ick this tastes terrible! you have to taste this!” ——-the minute I read its scent was a mixture between gasoline & blue cheese my curiously was piqued.
Anyone seen the durian fruit in real life? please to tell all in the comments.
This next link is one I entirely do not get grasp comprehend or understand (perhaps it’s because I cheated my way through a summer typing course and *still* look at my fingers when tapping out my missives?).
If Im at all getting it right the site is simply somewhere you can go (on company time methinks) and “race” other people in speed typing competitions.
(please to let me know if you participate, if it is more thrilling than it sounds and if you kick a strangers typingass)
Finally, a shoutout of love to a (new to me) blogger. Short, sweet & to the point. Read her. She awesome (ly insightful, ly smart ly powerful & ly funny).
Happy Friday!
I’m such a letter lover (I get my girl to write me letters) actually collect postcards…the fact that its from someone random kinda defeats the purpose for me!
Interesting link about boredom. But I wonder if he defines it differently than I do? Because I totally agree that we need to be less frantic and have more free, unstructured time.
But to me, the state of mind “boredom” means that NOTHING sounds fun or interesting. So the free time is sort of wasted and slogged through. I used to feel that much more as a kid or a teenager, and I don’t miss it. I find it hard to believe that more of that state of mind would be good for me.
Now I cherish unstructured time because there’s always something I WANT to do, even if that something is just daydreaming or going for a walk. I’m rarely bored during unstructured time, but I think that’s a good thing!
I was lucky enough to go and visit friends in Malaysia and Thailand earlier this year and was fascinated by durians. But every time I said I wanted to get near enough one to smell it or taste it, my friends would shriek “YOU DON’T WANNA IT’S AWFUL!” and drag me away. So I STILL don’t know what they smell like.
TA x
(thanks for link and high praise!)
I smelled a durian once and thought it smelled mostly like rotting meat, maybe with a bit of cheese thrown in. I never did get to eat any though, would love to some day.
The next time my Mom tells me “only boring people get bored” I’m showing her that link!
The mosquito one? Good timing! I’m heading to the beach tomorrow and I can’t remember if NC beaches are as mosquito riddled as TX beaches are.
Any fruit that has a smell described as sulphuric, gasoline, rotting meat and bleu cheese? Not the fruit for me.
(My back is doing much better, thanks for asking! Muscle relaxers seem to be doing the trick, and I should be able to enjoy some quality biking time with my husband on vacation!)
Just this morning I was attacked by killer mosquitoes in the backyard – and here I been braggin’ that I don’t have any. Toxic little b*******! Thanks for the link on that.
I LOVE the typing link. I learned to type on an electric typewriter in high school – hmmmmm, “learned” is a bit of an exaggeration. Couldn’t type to save my life. Got a D+ because I played varsity softball, the teacher was an ump, and he know I needed to be eligible. NOW I am a typing machine. whooot whooooooooot. I will play often on that link because I can. Not sure I’ll race anyone, but I’ll race myself.
FEMA is coming to see me today (off topic, sorry) Hoping to get some $$ to get my basement fixed.
D’oh, guess I shoulda clicked the link, eh? What a dork ;0) x
I loved the boredom article–this really makes me feel better about the slow afternoons that have been driving me crazy lately!
although I should now be LESS curious about the durian I am MORE.
that’s how I roll I guess.
Loved the dog link…
The Bag Lady is never bored. She lives in her head most of the time, anyway, so when she has down-time (chores are all done, etc., which, BTW is almost never, ’cause, as her mother used to say “there’s always something to be done”), she spends that time thinking up new projects!
*Wow, if anyone managed to follow that convoluted sentence, they’ve had FAR too much coffee! Back away from the coffee machine!!*
And the durian does not appeal. Anything that smells that bad can’t be good. Always have to wonder about the first guy who ate it – WHO could possibly have been so hungry they would eat something that smelled like rotting meat? Okay, maybe someone who was at death’s door, dying of starvation, crawled along, found one of these vile smelling things and thought “WTF, I’m dead, anyway…”
While I will concede Bag Lady’s point about “WHO could possibly have been so hungry they would eat something that smelled liek rotting meat?” I really REALLY want a durian. To smell and to eat. (Or at least taste.)
And I’m with Crabby on the definition of bored. I thought it was when you had nothing to do, nothing to think, and nothing that SOUNDED good to do or think. Although I’ve heard other places that being in that state of boredom is still your brain’s way of birthing some fabulous creative idea. (So now when I’m bored, I find myself thinking, “Can I just HAVE THE FREAKIN’ IDEA ALREADY SO I CAN FIND SOMETHING TO DO???” It doesn’t usually work though, lol.)
And a link! *blush* Thanks!
I’d never heard of a durian before I met my first and only Fruitarian. He ate more of them than any other food and called it the world’s most nutritionally complete food. I don’t know if that is true -he truly was a weird dude in so many ways – but I do find it odd that you don’t see it here much. I would try it if I had the chance! (Although it sounds like I’m not going to get that with the way prices are!!)
And the typing thing? Amuses me. I type to soothe myself:)
Like the Bag Lady, I’m never bored and kinda like it that way.
Seriously, I’m the only one who’s eaten durian? I was fascinated after seeing both Anthony Boudain’s love of it and Andrew Zimmern’s defeat by it on the Travel Channel. And then one magically appeared in the Atlanta Farmer’s Market, so I took it home! My husband made me agree to open it outside for fear of stinking up the house.
It’s stinky, like pungent cheese, but sweet, too. i liked it, it didn’t make me gag, but I’ll literally eat ANYTHING. I would eat a few bites at a time, the fat and pungent taste make it something that I can’t imagine gorging myself on.
I love the postcard exchange idea! I’m going to sign up for that!
I love the Dog Files….great post Miz!
Mercedes, very cool!
I loved the book Kitchen Confidential—–and I’m not even a cook!
That thai fruit looks like a blowfish. I would not eat it for free.
Thanks for the comment my blog..I love me some Gin&Juice..hehehe
Seriously, MizFit, you find the most random yet awsome links.
I love the new bloggers posts on Intuitive Eating. I’m an IEer myself. 🙂
And the Dog Files? Sweet. Much preferred to cloning.
as usual…great links.
i could use me a little down time up in here but i wouldn’t call it being bored.
good point mamaruns.
2 minutes sansToddlerConstantChatter would be heaven.
Then I’d miss it.
Fruit can best be described as having a succulent, creamy filling but smelling like stinky socks – don’t let that dissuade you from trying it.
I’ve always wondered how this fruit could be SO AMAZING (ie I hear it smells like vanilla pudding) yet smell so badly that it’s banned in public places in Asia like the subways or hotels. Isn’t smell, like, 90% of taste? Id have a hard time getting paste it, methinks.
Thanks for the link to The Dog Files! We appreciate it. We will have a new episode up on Monday, June 30th, 2008.
Oh, geez. Now I have a new timewaster! That Typeracer is addicting! But, why????
Thanks for the link to Take Up Your Bed and Walk — that’s a great blog!
BTW: Feel like I can barely type today as push ups are keeeeling me! How are you doing???
Felice? I caint lie to you: I’m sore as a mo**** fu**** (you asked!).
Some in the right places (chest/front deltoids) & some in the wrong (shoulder joints).
We (the royal, yes?), however, shall persevere.
M., who is thumbtyping and rethinking that spelling of persevere.
Love the mosquito bite remedies! I’d add aloe vera, which has been somewhat helpful to me this week. But I’m trying some of these out because we have Mosquito-zillas at our cabin by the lake.
Love the Typeracer. I didn’t race anyone, just did the practice, but I did okay. Not in the top 20, but over 100 wpm so I’m happy. Since, you know, I sort of type for a living. 🙂 Which begs the question of why I’d want to do it for fun…but it’s kind of cool.
Thanks for the bra link! I’ll see how it goes. I tried the typing link and COMPLETELY choked, so now my self esteem is low…..
That typing link is dangerous!
I like the point that its good to take a break from being constantly busy. I’m really bad for filling up my time until I’m so busy that I’m in a constant state of exhaustion.
Also THANK YOU for the mosquito link!
Oh, hey – I meant to say earlier (before I realized that if I didn’t get out the door I would be late for work – ha!) that the mosquito list was really cool. They had tea tree oil on there to treat the bites, but I’ve also found that if I add a little tea tree oil to a spray bottle of water and spray it on myself, it is the BEST bug repellent EVER, and once it dries you can’t smell it AT ALL. (I’ve actually never tried ANYTHING else that kept me from getting bitten: those mosquitoes think I’m tasty. :P) (Oh, and it works around the house, too: if I have ants, I spray that oil/water mix where they’re coming in, and ta-da! No more ants! AND it’s pet- and child-safe!)
and for me, Sagan, it was thisclose to becoming an avoidance behavior.
the same reason, IMO, so many of us (the royal us) get into the car and pick up cell phone.
we both dont remember how to just BE and are avoiding what mightcould fill our minds if we allow them to roam freely and quietly.
life is COMPLICATED huh? 🙂
Ladies, life is not complicated. When you help someone you love crawl back up and over the brink, you realize that there is absolutely nothing else that can touch you. So endeth my profoundity for the day. I won’t eat pears, much less a durian! Miz, did you see Zohan? It was like, the first time in almost ever, that I took my kids to a movie w/o checking it out first. I guess I didn’t feel as bad as the guy with his two daughters there… Thanks for the tip on the tea tree oil for bugs, gotta see if I can make some up for my son before he leaves for camp!
What, no cat love today? *sob* I am so old I actually had a pen pal growing up!
I cherish my “take a break” times. They usually involve a purring kitty snoozing on or near me – definitely can’t get better then that!
I agree somewhat with the boredom link…it is what caused me to start reading blogs and writing my own. So it did spark some creativity.
Marianne, I did see You Don’t Mess…
& was duly shocked at some scenes so I can *not* imagine being there with a child!
For some reason I love the new more mellow I’M A DADDY Adam Sandler.
I love your link posts!!!!!!!!
Oh man…the descrip. of the durian fruit was incredible. “Gasoline and blue cheese”- OY!
I’ve seen them in the asian markets, but I’ve always been too afraid to get too close since they’re so spiky! Guess I’m gonna stiff a little harder next time 😉
I’m a fast typist, so I loved that one.
I love the postcard idea for kids.
My mother-in-law recently spent 2 weeks in Vietnam and loved the stinky fruit. She says it is delicious but smells like dirty diapers.
And I have a link for you:§ion=products
i ‘ve always wanted to use durians as weapons. maybe if i ever get famous and get hounded by paprazzi, i’ll just throw durians at them. they stink and hurt with all those spikes! I saw a huge barrel of them when my culinary school class went on a field trip to a big asian market. needless to say i just bough a bunch of really cheap hello kitty stuff and some reduced sodium soy sauce.
and yes, i am totally digging the daddy sand man.
Heather? I love those. Not at all sure what that says about me (and dirty diapers?! ICK).
HW? I knew you’d have seen smelled tasted them!
first off, thanks for the dog lovers link. the cloning thing really did freak me out.
the postcard thing looks awesome!! i so want to do it!!
i watched andrew zimmern eat a durian on bizarre foods (2 separate times) and he couldn’t stomach it. anything that man can’t eat, i’m not going near.
and finally, heck yeah i want to race type! that sounds awesome!!
Marianne – I knew we were soul sisters – I don’t eat pears, either…..
Someone needs to send that list of mosquito cures to Mythbusters.
That type racer link is so adictive. I did 10 races and got my time to 41 wpm, but I just totally choked a couple of times. I got the competitive blood in me that’s for sure.
Later I gotta go type some more…. I am the fastst hunt and peck typist on the site. I never took any classes nor do I use the correct fingering, its so restrictive…
Oh why did you introduce me to that typing site? I cannot stop now! I must win! ACK!!!!
Interesting perspective on boredom. Kind of like looking at the glass half full. I will have to remember those tips cause I can get bored at work sometimes!
The puppy link!!!!! I absolutely looooove that video of the little boy running with all those puppies! I was giggling with delight!
I’m gonna go watch it again… 🙂
Hey, in order to apply for jobs (I am going to need to work soon), I need a speed of typing cert. That speed typer site is great practice. Even slowing down to correct typos, I got up to 60 WPM. NOT the 120 I used to do.. but still…
Southeast Asians believe you will either love or hate durian, there is no in between. To some it smells really good, to those who can’t stomach it it smells like dog pooh! I really love it. It does have a strong and sometimes pungent smell though. The fruit is rich and creamy in texture and quite sweet, and has to be eaten at the correct ripeness. It’s supposedly highly nutritious too. It is banned from hotels and some public places, particularly those frequented by westerners because the smell may be “foreign” and unpleasant to those who don’t recognise it, and just unpleasant to some of those who do. It is so pungent it’s hard to mask it, even when wrapped with layers and layers of paper. (I speak from experience!) If you come across it and it doesn’t smell that bad to you (once you get past the weirdness of it, as it will be unlike anything you’ve come across before) I’d urge you to taste it and see for yourself.