Today we learn how to get your workout in whilst your car, which inexplicably suffers from nail-in-tire syndrome again, is being repaired.
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by Carla
Today we learn how to get your workout in whilst your car, which inexplicably suffers from nail-in-tire syndrome again, is being repaired.
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Love it! 🙂
Fun moment!
Lacking the do-not-try-this-at-home disclaimer, I tried it at home and…I did it! And after the dizziness and nausea went away, I was none the worse for wear! Thanks for a fun little diversion. 🙂
Oh, and sorry I wasn’t around to help with the tire.
I haven’t done those in ages! Oh I miss somersaults now. Must go and do some:)
I feel inspired to create a new internet craze…
All behold…
…The 100 Somersalt Challenge.
I love it!
that made me laugh TA.
and, because Im the homemade tee-shirt fanatic, imagine the:
Because that’s the way we roll.
boybeater tank top.
thinking I may just make that tank top after dinner!
So cute! (though I’m sorry about that nail-in-tire thing).
100 sommersaults in a row? Egads. I believe they call that Aikido. ‘Course you know I’d do it;)
LOVE, love, love the video. My fave part is the giggling.
Way to make the best of it!
You could have fitted in 2 or 3 more before you ran out of grass 🙂
LOL! What a great idea 🙂 Those were superb somersaults 😉
Who was instructing whom? 🙂
Loved the tornado’s form, and yours was pretty good, too!
The Bag Lady would probably break something if she tried to do a somersault or, at the very least, squish her innards…
Thank you for making me smile… that was adorable!
That is great! I love it! We do somersaults here all the time! I tried a cartwheel the other day and that was another story. What a darling little girl!
oh Heidi you KNOW the cartwheels were next.
Now, the Tornado’s shirt flopping down might have made it to a blog post—MY shirt flopping down around neck ushered that clip right to the cutting room floor!
Haha! How cute! I don’t think I’ve done a forward roll in years.
My neighbors already think I’m crazy… I can still do the splits!
How cute is that! Sad thing is that I’d probably end up killing myself nowadays attempting it LOL
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Should have been a “bonus challenge” in the woman challenge.
That is one way to keep the fun in a flat tire situation, hehehe! I have not done one of those rolls in forever. Might be time to bring it back!
🙂 i havent done sommersaults since preschool!
My car has that syndrome again right this very moment. OMG. LOL. I wondered what this vid was for. 😉
i don’t even know if i can do a somersault anymore. i’ve never been able to do a cartwheel – can’t get the legs high enough. the boy has me beat there.
and nail in tire syndrome? imagine eight, yes EIGHT flat tires last year (and one already this year). been there, done that. i guess the perk is i know how to change a tire quite well by now …
So cute! Good for balance and core strength. 😉
Thanks for dropping by, I have been lurking around your blog for a while, just haven’t commented.
That is funny!!
Thanks for stopping by and leaving such a kind response to my pics.
HA! Cute!!
I feel compelled to run out into my front yard and reinact.
What is it with golf tournaments and terrible food? I think they do it on purpose so you pay the big $$ and get into all the fancy highroller tents. Alas, that just isn’t where I am (or where I put my priorities) in life.
Super cute! Bummer about the tire . . . ugh!
Hahaha! I love it! You know, I haven’t tried doing a simple flip like that in ages. I didn’t like doing them as a kid because they always made me feel disoriented.
Very cute!!!
I feel like our weekends were similar. My daugher, A, just learned the art of the somersault. She’s been tumbling around the yard like no other. Me? I’ve been nursing a sore noggin. I had forgotten how to be graceful…
Man, I need this like bacon. Seriously!
Nice form, Miz!
— Dara (former gymnast)
AWWWW that is so sweet 🙂
I want one of those tank tops!!! LOL
Cute.. your daughter is precious LOL you too!!! 🙂