Dear Jen,*
I love you.
Seriously. You make me laugh. You make me cry. You’re better than CATS.
I love that you HEART Sally Hansen nail polish when you *so* could afford to bathe in OPI.
I love that you were woman enough to admit that lowfat cheese isnt all that bad—–but that the portions are way to friggin small.
I love that you adoreth Top Chef so much that I was thisclose to becoming a fan (sorry. letcha down on that account.).
I love that you referred to a national diet chain’s prepackaged food portions as being equivalent to what’s typically left at the BOTTOM of the pan when you’re through serving yourself.**
I love page 242 in Bright Lights Big Ass. Your brutal honesty coupled with the fact you still made me laugh? Perfection.
I loved Candy Girl by Diablo Cody, saw that you’re reading it, and loathe that Im now obsessed with knowing curious about whether you enjoyed it as well.
I love to pretend, late at night when my Renaissance Man’s snoring is precluding me from slumbering, that we would SO be BFFS if our paths would only cross.
You’d hit me with a Jenzinger and, unlike Fletch’s boss, Id not laugh but would zing you right back without breaking a sweat.
(cue montage of the two of us frolicking in a flowery field weaving garlands in each other’s hair while giggling nonstop)
I know this missive mightcould make things awkward between us, Jen, should we ever run into each other (you know, on those Very Important, Funny, & Famous Authors! panels upon which we both often appear) but Im willing to take that risk.
That’s the way I roll.
xo xo,
*What? You arent familiar with the writing, swearing, snarking, lucky charm-eating wonder which is Jen Lancaster? FOR SHAME, PEOPLE, FOR SHAME!
**Im paraphrasing here. Im a whacked out fan but not an organized one so I dont have the book anywhere handy.
AW, she is funny, her heroes include Patsy and Edina! I immediately sent a friend request. You find all the fun people!
Just started my first book by Jen: “Such a Pretty Fat” – so far so good. Love to laugh with people who can laugh at themselves.
I too wish to write a simlar open letter but Jen seems bad at answering my e-mail so I digress. I love her books and her blog and love that you love them.
Question though…what happen to you on the womans….you seem to disapear the last two weeks? Did you complete it?
Oh god. Not more books to read. I have at least a dozen to finish already ๐
(michelle? I did finish. Bad MizFit. I musta forgotten to log.)
And, in my mind/in an alternate universe, Jen is posting an Open Letter to the Miz where she declares her undying love for me, beef jerky, Nike Air Rifts, & lowbrow pop-culture trend-watching.
nike air rifts are da bomb.
yes, i went there.
i so need to read this chick’s stuff. she’s too cool. almost as cool as that mizfit chick… oh wait…
Why am I a little surprised by your Jen love? I wouldn’t have pegged you for a fan – not sure why. I’ve only read her first…I keep reminding myself to order #2 and 3 but I can barely remember to put pants on these days.
Yeah…I stalked her too. Couldn’t get her over to DTBMULF (I mean…as far as I know). ๐
OhMyGoodness yes, the best friend every gal wants.
OMG, she’s a hoot!!! Thank you, Mizfit, for introducing me to yet another way to spend time on my butt…. oh, wait, that’s not quite what I meant…. ๐
I’ll have to check out those books now that I have just one more chapter on my current read!
BTW: Can’t wait to see you on an author panel! ๐
Oh, and I’m BACK! And I have a PLAN. True, true!
I just watched the little video on her site and it was hilarious. I can see why you love her so much! I mustmustmust find these books of hers and read them.
total side note… I literally just realized that “MizFit” was a play on miss or mrs fit or fitness. How sad is that?! Okay, so I’m a little slow! Here I was, all this time merely thinking that you, MizFit, were a blogger up to no good;)
Dani you made me laugh.
It is that.
But for me more the FITNESS MISFIT.
Or general misfit.
Who can say ๐
I’ve been reading about her books for a few days now, but I hadn’t looked them up yet. One of the reviewers compared her to David Sedaris, and that’s good enough for me. Her blogging style is sort of along the lines of Laurie Notaro, who is the object of my own girl crush.
Thanks for the tip! I love discovering new authors!
Great tips!
you crack me up! and i so wish i had time to read more books. someday, right? someday…..(sigh)
You are too funny! Your well written letter (honestly, I loved it!):) prompted me to stop over and visit Jen’s site. Yes, yes, I can totally see how her site would be quite addicting!
Hysterical. I love stopping by here if for no other reason than a good laugh!!!! Checked out Jen’s site and I agree.
Hi MizFit — thanks for visiting me over at my blog!
This looks like a fabulous read. I’m dying to read it — thanks for the recommendation.
“I love that you referred to a national diet chainโs prepackaged food portions as being equivalent to whatโs typically left at the BOTTOM of the pan when youโre through serving yourself”.
Sounds about right… thank you for the (hysterical) laugh!
yeah, she shovels out some good stuff!
Those shoes are fugly! I can tell you’re not the Manolo or Choo type of girl…how about a nice pair of Weitzmans?
Gonna read those books though…
: )
Thanks for the book tip. If you love it then it must be worth reading. I’ve bookmarked all your blog links this morning.
Ok, so I didn’t know who she was, but now I’ve added all her books to my to read list. Thanks!
Oh, you should be finger-wagging at moi! I did not know of whom you spoke. Thank you for sending me to a delightfully funny blog.
We will pass this onto our readers in the “best fitness blog” tour of the week.
I thought I was one of the few who secretly worshipped jens witty sarcasm! I so aspire to write with the same cynical humor! Reading all of her books has prompted me to start a blog of my very own (I am sure it pales in comparison). I am an aspiring english major, and decided what better way to brush up than to start a blog!
Oh, and I adore Jen’s strong sense of self, yet her misplaced, but completely cool self-confidence despite the weight that has found a new home about her waist line (i am only half way through such a pretty fat – and loving every page!)
Hi I know Jen personally and she is an awful person. Her husband, Fletch was drunk and crawled to bed with my sister (who was sleeping) andattempted to make the moves on her. We had to throw him our of our house and threatened to call the cops. She bitches about bad neighbors, but they are up there with some of the worst neightbors I’ve ever had. Very rude and cold. I never confronted Jen about her husband because I wanted to spare her feelings! Ha! Because I’m gay and she couldn’t remember my name she just referred to me by the name “catcher” in her book. I just read this today and I will be emailing her to say something about her husband’s actions. Screw sparing feelings, right?
Funny letter. I realize you’re serious here, but still. Best wishes, and do a follow up if you hear back from Jennsylvania.