welcome to another installment of random hopscotching around this crazy thing we call the internet.
First? I have to award MizFit of the Week to this blogger.
She took Monday’s Facetime & ran with it (please to note the day/date on the link above. BloggerGurl is motivated, huh?).
This link. While Im now officially old and dont suffer the same attention from random (if by random you mean heebie-jeebie inducing—-which I do) men at the pool/beach this mightcould be your answer to deterring unwanted offers o’application (from either sex. guys I know you’re not immune!) and hitting every square inch with sun protection.
(with the previously established 2 tablespoons of course.)
Next is a new-to-me site which appears to be the pinnacle of all things yoga. From blogs to workshops to music to shopping.
I spent a longasstime while there and Im not even a full fledged yoga-addict (yet.)
(hardcore yoga peeps—is this a mainstay of the community?)
zigging awkwardly away from the serenity of yoga…
we’ve previously established here and here that I adore the odd shoes.
So it goes without saying that I love these (& at a price which is HUNDREDS of dollars less than my beloved MBT sandals I might actually purchase em).
Veering wildly away from the feet and zooming up to the face I give you this.
Ive not tried it but plan to this weekend & will letcha know how it goes (or, if there’s no facetime, you might properly simply assume HORRIBLY AWRY).
These last two links are kind of time consuming reads but very worth it.
This isnt a long post yet it was a timesuck (technical term) because of how long it took me to make my way through it. I found that, as I read, I stopped to reflect on past experiences and think about how I did or did not behave in the manner(s) described.
My favorite part? #6 in the ‘ways to overcome.’
I like to refer to this as Dr Phil’ing myself (I used to love how he’d drawl “what’s the worrrrst that could happpin?”—–until I didnt.).
Link lastly and link LONGLY is this site.
I caint lie to you MizFits—-Ive barely made a dent in the list but I adore the promise of it so I had to pass along.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to create something from the How-To list and report back on Monday.
(me? I like to think I’ll be whipping up this. or just eating a buncha popsicles. who can say.)
Have a great weekend.
(**as a bonus, for those of you who enjoyed this from a few Link Loves ago, please to enjoy this.)
Oh dear, there goes another few hours of my life 🙂
I spend enough time as it is on the ‘net without posts like this one 🙂
Seriously though, some great links there.
OMG, thats such a wealth of links all of which contain even more great links… acccck! I’m drowning in interesting things to read!
I was starting to tackle the How To links but got totally distracted by the author’s first name, “Thursday.” You could either totally run with that or feel scarred for life.
Ah this lady loves the mizfit’s link love.
I’m rather intrigued and quietly terrified by that all natural face scrub. I think I might let mizfit be guinea pig and hope she reports back her findings? I’m concerned about using sea salt/sugar on the face…as body exfoliaters, sure, but the skin on the face is so much more delicate and fragile…
Um, I didn’t realize it was Friday until just now. Is that a bad thing?
Those shoes are so strangely awesome that I want a pair! They’re really not a bad price, either.
I’m putting castor oil on the shopping list. Must try the face scrub, as I have a love for homemade bath goodies.
Um, yes.
An apology from the MizFit (wink).
How could I *gena!!*forget that we’re a democracy up in herre.
I think we should just vote on whom shall scrubbeth the face.
You know, so I’m not a *vote for gena. Vote for gena*scrubhog.
We all*pickGENA*need a voice.
Not that I’d ever do anything as tacky as subliminal messaging.
xo xo,
I am definitely trying the scrub…although maybe not on my face. I am a delicate flower and that would have me all tore up.
I love Roobabs! Glad you gave her some linky love.
I went through an MBT lustful phase. I think I’m over it now, but you must tell us if you ever get a pair.
what is this ‘delicate flower’ of which you speak?
I’ll look up those words but methinks they do NOT apply to the MizFit.
or do they.
Who can say.
Haha- those shoes are awesome! If you buy them, you must promise us a product review! I may try that olive oil salt scrub this weekend as well! Gotta love scrubs/masks you make with stuff you already have at home! Whats your weekend looking like? I hope you are doing some thing fun! My husband and I joined a kickball league with a bunch of our friends and we have our first game this weekend! I will report on how it goes 🙂
Okay, I think the Body Buddy is cool – would I be falling for a total gimmick if I buy one? I can never get lotion in that spot on my back and it drives me batty!
Ummm… are you really giving us homework for the weekend? 😉
Love the howto links. I’m going to spend the weekend making a server rack out of desk trays. I am. Really.
have a lovely weekend!
LOL Mizfit. I guess to be truthful, my body (and spirit) is not so delicate, but my skin? Oy.
I loved the article about overcoming low self-esteem–I liked #5: support your decisions with values and visions. Really great advice!
Oh, MizFit — why play me like that?!?! Reigniting the competitive typist in me at the mere mention of Typeracer…and now….typewriter sounds! I’m doomed…
The Bag Lady’s head is spinning from all the cool links (that’s her story and she’s sticking to it!!)
The sandals are tres cool, but she hates to have anything between her toes, so those are out.
And the DIY site list has now been bookmarked because (as you may well know) she loves to do stuff herself.
The popsicle purse idea now has her intrigued – so many interesting things to do with popsicle sticks. Of course, she has no small children to entice into doing those crafty things, but hell, if she does it herself, it’ll probably look like a kid did it, anyway!!
Thanks for the great links – looking forward to seeing your popsicle-stick purse!!!
Who did you say was going to do the facial scrub? *Gena*
Bag Lady, I giggle as I roll around town with rub on tats all over my arms & legs and a skull bandanna on my head that people ASSUME it’s because of the small child in tow.
(before they assumed I was merely quirky or insane. I choose to think the former.)
I sent the yoga web link to my friend Terri who is OBSESSED with yoga
The how to links will come in handy with the new house – seems like the to do list is endless but I am trying to stay focused on how fun it is to make the house our own little fabulous spot in Austin
I need a good face treatment – I’ll try the scrub
And BTW, I still love thenext45years.com the best of all your link recommendations
Happy Friday
Will you be posting next Friday ?
Thanks for all the links! Will give me something to do this weekend. Hopefully I will have my homework done by Monday! 🙂
I definitely also need a good face treatment…
Me thinks you would probably benefit from a heart rate monitor, I know it made me go from thinking I couldn’t do it, to realize I could, I was just doing it all wrong!
Thanks for the comment, “don’t ever get a grip.” It made me smile and I needed that today!
*gets comfy to fall down the internet rabbit hole of links*
OOOO thanks for the yogamates link! i love fridays- pretty much just for your links. i dont know how you find all this stuff…
I will not be crafting a popsicle stick purse BUT I am making angel food cake lollipops for a baby shower tonite! (bite-sized piece of angel food, topped with cool-whip and sliced strawberries, eaten off a stick!) That is as domestic as I get.
The body buddy or the Dopie Womens could be a nice gift for my wife. Dumb Little Man had some nice tips. Great links Have a fantastic weekend and stay healthy! 🙂
I need to settle in to peruse all those links tonight. Maybe i’ll pick a DIY project.
I use the olive oil/salt scrub on my hands. it’s like a 3-minute manicure, moisturizes and scrubs off tattery cuticles. i never thought to try it on my face.
And i like those Dopie sandals (especially their name!), but i’m holding out for some Vibram Five fingers: http://www.vibramfivefingers.com/products/products_sprint.cfm
every gyms nightmare? I’d tell you but I’d have to kill you.
And I love your writing too much.
(Or I just stumble upon em. Either way.)
Leslie? Will we get photos? (I resisted ANY sort of shower (baby I mean–not in general) shocking I know.)
And Mercedes? Hold out! I friggin adore my five fingers (both kinds ;)).
i love the dopies! let me know if you get them and what you think.
happy friday….as usual…love the links!
I have the dopies. It can be tiring but for the most part it’s fun.
Hey! Thank you sooooo much for commenting on my blog. I’m so glad you did, because it led me to your fun site. I’ll be back for sure :o).
Okay, I’m a total slacker and about 12 years old, but I love that my typing now sounds like a forest full of birds. 🙂
Thanks for the links. 🙂
I’m on link overload – but that’s way better than junk food overload!
I found the info for that testing. I put it on my blog
Uh oh. That how-to site looks like WAY too much fun. I know how I’ll be spending my next week/month/year! (oh. Right. School/work. Ah well, plenty of time for those monotonous tasks later in life!)
Hey, thanks for the shout out. I feel so *loved*. I probably would have stopped by your site sooner, but I was too busy posting a whiny post on my own page.
But you have totally made my day (yes, I even did the double fist punch in the air). It was much needed after my crappy run this morning (see here).
Those are some great links- I’m definitely going to be busy this weekend. I’ll try to finish my homework and report back. I love DIY!
Thanks again Miz!!! I *heart* you.
I want to try that scrub but don’t want to buy castor oil. ugh. have a GREAT weekend!!!
That olive oil/salt scrub thing rocks. It also works really well if you use sugar – I like that better on my face than salt.
A word of warning: do NOT, repeat NOT use salt scrub on any area that is freshly shaved. It hurts like WHOA. Um . . . or so I’ve heard. 😉
I still don’t know how you find time to cover so many sites. Love the shoes!
you guys crack me UP! and here I thought you only came for the FREEBIE FRIDAYS (and then I yanked that sh**. go figure.) as I knew *I* hearted the links, but….
Debra? you’re so sweet. and yes. and Ill have surprises.
oh and Marste? we’re supposed to shave?
M., who is wearing the IM A GROWNUP WRITER & WORKING ON A DEADLINE bandanna and obviously hard at work.
You and your shoes… what a crack up! I kept thinking, they are called dopie for a reason, and then I got flashes of the dwarves…. Oh well. Happy Friday Everyone!
JavaChick loves shoes and those sandals are darned cute.
I want to update the warning on the salt scrub, just make sure it’s a SUGAR scrub instead. I’ve got a purchased body salt scrub (huge tub of it left) that I’m scared to use again because it found all these little cuts and scratches I didn’t know I had. Or maybe it caused them.
Those sandals scare me. Is that the future?
Fabulous links! A fabulous Friday way to kill my entire weekend. Thanks!
With the 80 sites link.. does it count at least a little that I have many of them in my feed reader? That I’ve read them before today? (that reading some of them is one of my jobs?)…
Oh, and congrats for making it onto guy’s fitness alltop list!
That popsicle purse looks like a lot of fun to make. I’m not very crafty but I’m always looking for things to make to see if I can get inspired to create something with my hands.
I can’t wait to see how your popsicle purse comes out! It would be awesome if Monday Facetime featured MizFit with a popsicle-stained face.
For the Dopies, though, I can’t imagine wearing a shoe that has special straps for beginners…:-D
the face? fo’ shizzle.
the purse? Shall more likely be the box from whence the ‘sicles emerged.
Well if you tackle that purse–or eating that many popsicles–I want to see pictures!
We also love dancing to Dragon tales, Wiggles, and Yo Gabba Dance party, too!! Mom of 4 all under 7 yrs old. TB’s wife
Typeracer is bad – so addictive!
Oh man, that purse is crazy! I wouldn’t mind if all the sticks came from Dove bars thought 😉
I must try that olive oil scrub. 3 ingredients? My kind of recipe 🙂
I’m amazed you can find so many links week after week. And they’re all new, fresh and interesting if not bizarre and therefore highly entertaining.
Those shoes…very interesting. It’s hard to be cute and intimidating at the same time. 😉
I NEEEEEED Vibram FiveFingers. My family has told me that I can only wear them outside late at night when nobody can see me.
To be continued…
What gives? No links to me?