subtitle: when yer through with your skimmage PLEASE TO STEP AWAY FROM THE ‘PUTER and play.
1. Im outing myself. Sometimes I get excited to check the spam in my MizFit email account because I convince myself that there is something really *really* exciting in there (read: not just people longing to help me enlarge my member) that I mightcould miss if I dont check (please to think Jen Lancaster and cross reference under Mehmet).
B. My birthday is coming. My Renaissance Man is about as good as I am with regards to waiting to give presents. BingBangBoom I am sporting something NEW today—-any ideas/guess what? (Ill give you a hint: it’s not a BOSU strapped to my back)
12a. That’s it. Im off to frolic, play & flauntmypresent the weekend away—-hope yours is great as well.
1. Hey, I’ve done that before too.
B. OK, you were given some fancy-schmancy new pink dumbells… wait… you’re probably beyond those…
12a. Have a great weekend yourself frolicing. Mine will be great too (albeit no presents for me to flaunt).
Happy up-coming birthday!!!!
Ooooo – happy early bday!!!!!!
So, do we get to know when the actual day is? And which birthday you are celebrating? And what exactly it is that you are sporting? (Hmm, *puts finger to lip in pondering pose*… methinks, if she is ‘sporting’ it, it might/could be something shiny…..fancy-schmancy HRM?)
1z. My real birthday? FRIDAY.
1298c. BL? your guess is a little close in that it MIGHTCOULD be deemed fitness related. Ill know after a day or a week!
Maybe a backpack of some sort?
Happy early Birthday!!!
Happy early birthday!! 🙂
Yeah Yeah thanksferthewishes Yeah (*wink*)
You gotta guess, People.
(Well, you don’t GOTTA do anything, but….)
And early Happy Birthday to you!
For my guess, I’ll go with one of those camelbak thingies. (If so, may I suggest this add-on:
Enjoy your weekend!
I’m guessing some funky shoes.
(and happy early birthday)
But I was kind of thinking I wanted one of those camelbak things. My neighbor has one and I’m a little jealous. 🙂
happy early birthday!
Is it a bitchin’ new back tattoo that makes you want to work those lats even more to show it off? Oh, no, that’s what i want for my birthday.
Seriously, though, did you get your cool weeble-wobble shoes? The ones you linked a while back?
Have a great day too. I am aiming to break myself away from the computer and head to the market now!
Happy early birthday! Man, I have no idea what the present could be. Look forward to finding out!
My top five ideas:
5. a new sportsbra (sporting the logo?)
4. a heart rate monitor
3. one of those pairs of underwear with the butt
2. lip gloss scented to help your work out (you know, aromatherapy…)
1. a camel-back specially designed for artificially sweetened bubble water
Oh fun, sounds like me and my hubby…so bad at waiting to give gifts….especially hubby.
Did you get a new heart rate monitor watch, or a great new workout outfit??
Happy Birthday …early 🙂
Pogo stick. Custom-made MizFit pogo stick (with logo and all).
Blogging birthday party? Enjoy the frolicking!
holy moley you guys are creative!
And yes. A ‘HERE’S TO MY 39TH BY WAY OF FREEBIES FOR *YOU*’ soiree up in herre on the 18th.
(And also yes. It’s really only my first 39th birthday)
Have a great weekend and happy early b-day!
Happy early birthday!
We’ve been frolicking all morning, now it’s time for some naps. I might put the kids to bed, too. 😉
Happy early birthday!!!
New workout outfit, so cool you wear it anywhere?
Happy early B-Day!!!!
Hmmm…a super cute new sundress? Uber High tech new running shoes?
Happy birthday!!!
I want to know what it is!
Happy Birthday a bit early :o).
(P.S. I’m guilty of checking my spam mail too… and sometimes there really IS something good in there!)
I’m going to guess, a new Bicycle, yes?
Happy Birthday!!
Oh I love guessing games!
Lessee… That sticky spiderman wall, some custom made temporary tattoos (wouldn’t THAT be cool?), A lifetime supply of CHIA!!! Oh wait, I’m guessing he loves you so that can’t be it… A new videocamera, please god not those ugly shoes, or some funky jewelry.
Hope y’all are having a great weekend, I must now go clean up from dinner (hand rolled chicken cordon bleu, fresh corn, broccoli, brown rice, watermelon and blueberries).
Enjoy your weekend.
Happy early birthday!
Could you possibly have gotten the much sought after Wii Fit?
awww, come on, i’ve been playing for 19 hours, can’t i play on the computer one more min puhleeeeeeeaaaazzzzzeeeee 🙂
happy early bday girl!
Happy Birthday! Is your gift shinny and a wee bit heavy? Could it be a humongous diamond ring?
Happy birthday!!!
I have not tried the Bosu myself, but I already know how much I would suck at it. Me = not graceful.
This is definitely birthday season – my son turns 4 today! Happy early birthday to you! Can’t wait to hear what your gift is – a Garmin to help you with your running, perhaps?
Ahh yes. Stepping away from the machine.
I do try to do that as often as possible!
It’s definitely good to get away from the computer. Speaking of which, why the heck am I commenting on a Sunday.
I’m outta here!
Happy birthday, mine was yesterday, i hope the weekend is being good
I am putting my guess in with the Wii Fit.
Or the funky shoes that you linked to recently.
PS — Happy early b-day!
So, I’m not the only one getting email to enlarge my member? 🙂