your catch phrases? beyond my wildest dreams & expectations.
when I slapped (I know. I PUN’Y) the post up saturday morning I didnt think many of you would have the chutzpah to make yourself look like the mo’ron MizFit does on a daily basis.
So thank you.
I really had planned to use the ole random number generator to select the winner.
And then Hugh’sMom left this comment:
I don’t know if I can come up with a catch phrase…I do say “it’s like that sometimes” pretty often. One that cracks me up “WTF”. I use it in school in front of the kids sometimes, but I say “What the flip?” “What the frog?” “What the fetch?” (thank you Ghost Hunters) It makes me laff and surprises the kids cuz they expect an f-bomb.It’s my 25 year class reunion this weekend. Some of those people look so OOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLD.
Fat don’t wrinkle!
And then Hugh’sMom took her new catch phrase and turned it into this.
Which, as is clearly evident, is more than I could have hoped to achieve with my dinky little post.
So Hugh’sMom? Youre the winner!
Please to email me your mailing address and, when it’s ready, you shall be the PROUD OWNER of a dogtag bearing the catchphrase: Fat Don’t Wrinkle.
A touchstone reminder of the fact that we’re all in this with you & that we all love your sillyUBERPOSITIVE catch phrase as well.
Love it! ♥ Congrats so much and stay positive!!
Fat Don’t Wrinkle..haha it makes me laugh just thinking about it.
What? “Pee in the hole!” doesn’t work?
Ok, Fat don’t wrinkle really was the best one. Congrats Hughsmom!
(i suppose I probably wouldn’t wear a dog tag that says “pee in the hole! anyway.) 🙂
ok robin I just laughed out LOUD @ the park at yer dogtag remark.
As if the other moms don’t think I’m odd *enough*….
Awesome. I love it.
But it does turn into rolls. Isn’t that a kind of wrinkle? 😉
And rightfully so… 😀
If I have to be a ‘bigger girl’ shouldn’t I at least get the benefit of a nice round face that doesn’t wrinkle?? But NOOOOO. My skinniest part? My face. Yep, wrinkles and all.
Fat don’t wrinkle…
That’s why I am having a hard time losing weight. It’s the fear of getting wrinkled..hehe.
it all makes me NOW recall Courtney Cox’s quote (or the one with which she’s credited) about women having to choose between their arses (implied: being small) & their faces (implied: then being wrinkled).
um, MEN? you got any decisions?
(*drums fingers on desk, errr, monkeybars*)
Im waiting! 😉
Awesome catch phrase and so so true as I’m realizing now as I lose weight and gain wrinkles. Fair trade? Jury’s still out. 😉
I agree…it’s a great phrase. I wanna hear more from her though. 🙂
Another version using the f word but not…
Shut the f…..ront door! I love that one.
The sausage or the buns?
So cute!! (And true! Being freakishly thin ages people, big time!)
I’m a few days behind (what’s new) but have to say that I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE your advice to the college student below.
MizFit, you rule!
congrats to Hugh’sMom
Good choice!
but it does dimple- the other cheeks.
Another great blog to read!
I just checked out Linda’s (Hugh’s mom) new blog and it looks great. I agree she deserves to win.
losing weight is going to make me wrinkle?
Congrats to hughsmom! Single moms rock (my mom raised me all by herself) and I think it’s awesome that you’re working so hard to take care of you!
*Hughsmom enters the board to read what???*
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaagh *happiness screaming*
Flutters stiff hands in front of face as tears well and slowly roll down a non-wrinkled chubby cheek a-la-Miss America.
I just got back from yearbook camp, and I had been telling my student editor about my whole fear thing. Participating here and actually starting a blog are tools in my tool box toward getting over my fears of rejection. (Loads of that in my head from years of it.) I teach writing, but I often don’t think I have anything of merit to say.
Thank you for the affirmation. Now that I am back home and am about to haul my caracas (carcass) back onto the health wagon, I will pick up the blog and write with more frequency.
Mwwwwwwwah ~~~~~~wave wave wave~~~~~
you forgot the sally field-esque:
You like me! You really like me!
Im so excited for your dogtag to be finished.
Im a child that way.
How could I forget that????????
BTW: new blog is up.
I was sorta on ‘vacay’ so….____________ (enter lame excuse of your choosing here).
Fat Don’t Wrinkel
PS – as long as rolls are still round, it’s not wrinkled. And stretch marks (Aaack! I said it!) don’t count, too.
Yep – fat don’t wrinkle is a winner in my book, too!
PS – Thanks for stopping by my blog to check on me. It’s all good… I survived!
I LOVED Fat Don’t Wrinkle!
Fat Don’t Wrinkle was the best one, hands down.
Congrats to HughsMom, and welcome to my daily hit list. I am anxious to see you work your magic on a page that is all about you. I totally understand the fear of not being good enough and deal with that insecurity every day myself. I should really post a message to you on your own blog now.
I’ll go do that.
Happy Training,
Love Jenn
P.S. MizFit, stop by my page please to give your opinion on something. And anyone else who might want to chime in as well. Thanks.
Woohoo! Hughsmom rock on – that truly is terrific.
(The Bag Lady agrees that it takes a really long time for fat to wrinkle… she stretches her chin toward the sky so her wattle doesn’t wattle….. Sigh)
fat don’t wrinkle – i love it.
hughsmom? got the dogtag and, if I do say so myself, it’s AWESOME.
send me your mailing address!
Just hearing the work “catchphrase” makes me think of..
“That’s what she said.”
(Office, anyone?!)