1. *sigh* no PEELER yet (& that’s all I have to say about that.)
B. Renaisance Man hath offered himself up as the tester-dude.
He gave a polite no thanks to the stacked rubberbands idea of mine (shocking, I know.) but was all over YOUR tip of pennies in one pocket and switching the collection to the other pocket as he drank his daily glasses. (If he read this he might protest that Im making him seem like a complete nerd. but he doesnt. and he’s not.)
His reaction?
Thanks Bumbling Band. Me pee lot. Me work little.
Ill letcha do with that what you will.
23Ai. Not yet an avid fan of SeeMommyRun? Look here.
Yes, Andrea was sweet enough to give the MizFits a shoutout—-but Im a longtime fan/part-time blogger for her site. Talk about the power of womanmotivation.
3. Thanks to the Scale Junkie‘s organizational skills there shall be a blog party up in herre.
August 15-22.
What it shall look like I have entirely no clue—but just a heads up about that massively disappointing unless I git off the stick and PLAN event none the less.
3×7. Apropos of this post—-it caught my eye when I read that college students living in dorms eat 387 more calories a day than those in off-campus housing (I know. talk about a precise number. where’s the .2874293?).
Interesting huh? Now Im curious what sparks the extra consumption: group mentality? more food? more junkfoodpportunity (MizFit immediately experiences a flashback to the sugared cereal ROW in her college’s dining hall)?
Z. Im off to start my day. To workout. To work. To hit the grocery (I think Im the last one in the BLOGWORLD to discover this guy). And to just hang with the family.
That dorm statistic comes as no surprise to me! When you live in a dorm you keep snacks and drinks in your room. Since you’re always within 5 feet of the snacks, you kinda end up eating by default!
Have an awesome saturday!
looking forward to the blog party 🙂 My hubby is doing the grocery thing as we speak! God bless him!
I never lived in a dorm. But don’t most dorm rooms come with meals included from the cafeteria? And if you’ve already paid for the food, is it reasonable to assume that you might eat *more* than if you are paying as you go?
Kind of the way people assume you eat more at a buffet (which was just kind of contradicted by a study that said people eat *healthier* food at buffets, because they can eat all the fruits and veggies they want without paying more).
Plus, at a dorm there are probably vending machines and such available 24/7, whereas if you live off-campus you have to drive (or at least walk a ways) to get them.
I wonder which group gets more exercise?
Vending machines. That was my downfall in dorm life. Especially when you’re cramming with friends at midnight.
Good morning everyone!
I could climb up in to George’s recipes and just D-I-E die. YUM and easy and practical! I think that’s my biggest complaint about so many “diet” sites. The ingredients are often impossible to find in rural Wisconsin. One can’t always substitute bratwurst for salmon or fresh bay scallops in most dishes.
Did anyone else watch 20/20 last night? It could have been a repeat. They featured a diet expert who designed work desks with treadmills instead of chairs. The workers walked slowly – no faster than 2 mph – while working. They all lost weight. And when they weren’t at a desk, they walked while they talked on phones and such. Some folks built their own workstations at home with their treadmills and a little ingenuity. I thought it was cool.
I already walked me-dogs, and I’m feeling seriously energized. I’m heading for the garden with a hose. Make it a great day!
Ah, science. The precision. The …. exactitude. The 387 more calories consumed. Sheesh.
Nope, I had not heard of George or his recipes until your post. Thanks for the link.
(Thanks also for the check-in. All is well.)
George’s recipes for the homemade dressings alone was worth the price of a click. Never heard of him before. Thanks.
Have a great weekend.
Blog party? I’m so there!
Never heard of George either. Thanks for posting.
Thanks for stopping over and attempting to motivate me for a morning run yesterday…too bad I was scrambling to dust, mop and vacuum before my MIL arrived for the weekend. I would have much preferred the run 🙂
I think we should use the Renaisance Man for more experiments! Very awesome of him to help us out:)
And thanks for George’s site! Never heard of him before.
Thanks so much for George’s Recipes! Hurray more foods to try.
And I’m with Bag Lady on the exact science thing- its so funny how they come out with numbers like that. I’ve never lived in a dorm but I’m guessing that its all of those things combined… plus, there’s almost PRESSURE to eat like that when you’re with friends. Which is why I’d probably eat healthier at a buffet; if you’ve got your plate loaded with fruits and veggies and people give you a funny look you can say that you’re going back for junk later. Its like with alcohol- at a party with university students, if you aren’t drinking you have to use the excuse that you’re driving or something for people to not think that you’re crazy. Totally ridiculous and sad but very true.
OK, wasnt gonna comment *but* had to respond to your thought, Sagan, about the drinking thing.
so true.
in university and BEYOND.
It surprises me to no end how uncomfortable it makes people when we’re out and I dont drink!
Im just not a big fan of the taste and would prefer to have my ‘sugars’ take the form of cake.
it’s that simple.
(well, or port. being raised on the Manischewitz-version of wine I HEART the sweet.)
Thumbtyping complete. Back to the fam.
Blog party? I’m there!
About the campus food issue, Judy pretty much hit the nail on the head. If the cafeteria is buffet style, you tend to eat more at each meal. However, some schools have a plan where you get a certain dollar amount for the semester and whatever you buy from the cafeteria or snack bar is deducted from that total (a la carte). It’s a lot better than a free-for-all.
I also lived off-campus, and walked to class, to work, to the grocery store (basically everywhere, since I had no car). But it wasn’t high enough intensity to off-set the cheap, high-carb/high-sugar foods I was eating (namely cereal and pancakes- sad, but true).
I’m completely the same way; if I’m consuming calories, I want to be able to chomp down on them and all. Yum yum. Drinking sweet stuff just isn’t the same as eating it. Besides, I’m a lightweight and after two drinks I’m GONE. But people freak out when they see others not drinking. It’s so strange. Everyone automatically assumes that you had an alcohol problem at one point and thats why you don’t drink.
Also, thats awesome that the Renaissance Man tested that out! Who needs work, anyway? 🙂
I am the same way, I would rather my calories/carbs/sugars come from something else then drinking, plus I can’t really acquire a taste for it, blech.
I am glad that I am going to be living off campus, that way I can stick to the usual eating habits and not be thrown off too bad.
These rubberband and penny ideas are pretty good. I ran across a time-tracking bracelet a while back, but I don’t know that even a renaissance tester-dude would try it, since it’s designed for breastfeeding mothers: http://www.milkbands.com/
Still, it’s pretty nifty, in that it has a binary tracking function (ie, right vs. left — turn it inside out to switch) and two time-tracking sliders, one for hours and one for minutes, which can just as easily be used as simple counters. So, you know, it’d be equally suitable for remembering to do a set of one-armed push-ups on alternate arms every 90 minutes, or tracking your glasses of water drunk/laps run/diapers soiled for the day.
ok, I’m on the handheld so I can’t see the site & I’m already in.
The very mental image I’ve conjured of Ren Man using a time-keeping band meant for breastfeeding mothers is COMEDY GOLD.
Thanks for the link and welcome!
Thanks for the kind words about my website! I’m currently working on over 30 new recipes that should be out this fall – all for free, and for anyone’s use. I’ve always felt that ingredients can be a secret but basic recipes should be available to anyone!
More in the dorms? I’ve done both, and I definitely ate more in off-campus housing because I stored all my food in the (too close) fridge as opposed to only eating meals at the DH.
But that’s me, and I don’t eat anything that the DH actually *makes* (read: prepared dishes). If I factored in the cheese, the sauces, the dressings, the [insert yuckiness here], I’d probably consume way more than 400 additional calories a day.
This is partly why the Mandapants has big love for clean eating. 🙂
whoa, i had never heard of george until your post– what an amazing collection of recipes, and i’ve been wanting to try some crossfit-style workouts. thanks!!!
i totally believe that about the dorm-induced calorie consumption. i lived off-campus and enjoyed the negative 20 while most of my friends got the freshman 15. there’s access to unhealthy foods 24/7, whereas the healthier options on campus were only open during school hours. so in other words, after being at the frat house getting wasted, many of them came back with the munchies and taco bell and mcdonalds were the only places open on campus!!
hope you have a wonderful Saturday!
I’ve been living in a dorm-like structure for the last 4 months – it all comes down to choices.
A George Foreman grill, a microwave, and a fridge can bring you endless possibilities.
Don’t ever compromise your health just because its inconvenient to go a little farther for better food.
For me, I’d rather skip a meal than eat something bad, of course I’m a bit strange.
Hey I knew about the grill not the recepies though. Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend.
SO-FAB, where is that PEELER!?! I need the scoop!
thought of you today at DCAC. So many ideas, not enough time. (and too many injuries on this broken body!) Strangely enough, not many people even know what a blog is. I felt like a total geek!
I need to go check out those recipes.
have a great weekend!
Economist answer on the dorm food thing: most schools provide unlimited free food with on-campus plans. With no additional cost of consuming more, the incentive to reduce consumption is a lot less.
I teach at a school that doesn’t do that… even in dorms they pay per unit (although the school forces them to buy food “money” in such big increments that there’s still not so much incentive to be careful), and that “freshman fifteen” pounds that’s so common at most place is not the norm here.
Thanks for the birthday wishes, Carla!
Peeler, peeler, peeler. Why deny MizFit the love?
Also, I can totally see the college thing. This FBG had a PROBLEM with Pop Tarts in college. It became an addiction. By sophmore year I had to go cold turkey.
Hi, my name is Jenn, and I’m addicted to Pop Tarts.
Thank goodness for Pop Tarts Anonymous.
(allinachorus) Hi Jenn!
now to the important stuff: TELL ME YOUR DINING HALL HAD FREE POPTARTS?
that would have been my demise.
or expansion, I guess would be the proper term.
Loving George’s recipes! Thanks for the link!
I’m ready to blog party when you are!
I tagged you, sucker.
Don’t hate me.
head to http://www.groundedfitness.com for the rules
Neat links. And interesting tidbit about the dorm vs off campus. I lived at home so eating wasn’t a problem-I still had Granny’s cooking.
I just reviewed all posts relating to “peeler” because, as a reality show/bravo junkie I knew the reference, but not the context here. WTF where is he?
– Heather
Upon reading “Pop Tarts Anonymous” I definitely thought “PTA,” which is funny for sooo many reasons. Like Teri Hatcher et al eating pop tarts during other shenanigans on Desperate Housewives.
Oo totally agree with the dorm thing! I live off campus (hehe). I think it’s cuz it’s so much more convenient to buy food on campus, whereas it’s usually more convenient to cook food at home. Hence (for some people, at least) – less crap, more real food.
Anyways, I’m living in a dormitory for another 2 weeks but I CAN’T WAIT to have my own kitchen back!! 🙂
Oooooh… the cereal row!! The possibilites! Funny story, actually not a story, more of a blurb… oh whatever, here goes… There was a “restaurant” that opened up in town called “Cereal Connection”, all they served was cereal. Thats it! Cereal. I never went there myself, figured my pantry was alot cheaper, but can you believe that. Needless to say, the “restaurant” closed down only months after it opened.
But I must say, I do love me some cereal! Sorry for the midless muttering, just thought I might share! =)