The winner of yesterday’s SKULLtastic tank? BRITTANY!
email me your info & the shirt shall be on its way.
Also, please to note that I am s-l-o-w-l-y emerging from the dark ages and there is now a feedburner option underneath my lovely caricature.
Im curious to see how many people want that kind o’delivery. Im not one who uses it but, according to your emails, ya’ll sure are. enjoy.
Lastly? Loserly? CHARLIE HILLS? I lost your email. So, if youre reading, contact me please.
(Eh, in that vein, Jen Lancaster, Oprah, Gayle (we cant separate em, People), Kathy Griffin, and this literary agent? Ive lost your email addresses as well. Please to contact me.)
EDITED TO SAY: I assume that every single person out there reads MarksDailyApple but I still wanted to thank him for his shoutout today. Stop by and say hello if you dont check him out already!
That really is a lovely charicature you know!
Hehe. When Oprah e-mails do let us know. 😉
Hurray for Feedburner! I’m a google reader fan myself, but do keep up on a few blogs that way.
Oh, and “stick it to the man” is both a reference and an accident. At first I thought it had come to me in pure brillance, and then we realized where it really came from.
Feed whatter?
*laughs* Ha! I just took your base URL – – and slapped it into my feed reader the first day I found your site.
You’ve secretly been out of the dark ages for longer than you think!
google reader FTW!
..actually, how do YOU keep up with all the blogs you keep up with without a reader??
lol…Jen Lancaster is such a HOOT…I’m reading Such a Pretty Fat right now and laughing my proverbial a$$ off. Well, not actually right NOW, but you know, when I get time to read. 🙂 Obviously, right now, I’m reading the Marvelous MizFit and leaving a comment.
A sleep-deprived comment, clearly.
Hooray I won a tank! I’m pumped!! Thanks MizFit.
I have absolutely nothing to add. Just wanted to say hi to everyone. Need to make the Nautilus or Nap decision…. I, for one, replaced my Firefox homepage with Mizfit. I’m such a geek….
a GEEK, Marianne? or a DAY MAKER?
thanks for that.
Im off to a meeting and you totally made me smile.
M., who knows you pickin’ the Nautilus
a marathon, eh? Austin, here we come.
the gods of the randomizer did not smile on me. *sob*
Hey Mizfit —
Been away for a little bit, prepping for my marathon, but now it’s done, so i am back. Spent quite a bit of time catching up, but now i’m up to date.
Loved all the previous post. I especially enjoyed your QUIT story from yesterday, and secretly wondering if I could’ve hobbled off the course at mile 24 and just say, “Yeah, Mizfit says its okay if it hurts and you’re no good.”
Luckily, I didn’t read it ’til today. So I made it over the finish anded up with a 3:09 finish, and a BQ, no less! Anyway, totally thought of the midsummer review you inspired and used that to push through the pain, so thanks for that.
Just read your guest spot on Mark’s Daily Apple…your charicature standing next to his…super cute. I then spent a little time (read all morning) looking around his blog. Geez… he is HARD CORE!!! No denying his results though. In one of his posts he states the difference between a goal (future based) and a decision (every day) that really reinforces the consistency/balance conversation from yesterday. Good stuff.
Thank you so much for being a constant source of inspiration and encouragement and exposing me to the big and wonderful world of other bloggers that I might never have heard of.
BTW, I’ve never used feedburners (I like my feed medium rare).
i used to read mark’s daily apple, but i remember being offended by something he wrote. don’t remember what it was, just remember being offended. oh well. oh, and kate, while you’re at it, feel free to e-mail me too. thanks. 🙂
thanks for pointing me over to Marks Daily Apple……..loved the interview 😉
WTG MF (feedburner!) I subscribed to you long ago, through google reader, but I like how you are broadening your horizons!
Never been to the Apple – like it very much, thanks! And OOH clarinet! We had a few jazz clarinetists in my family, but I broke the mould and picked saxophone (yeah yeah sellout)
I don’t understand anything about feeds or analytics or any of that tech stuff – Boy is currently trying to educate me!
TA x