Im a big fan of this week’s guest chef. You shall be spared my smittenrant, however, as she is *so* organized that she penned her intro herself.
I give you Fitzalan is a 27 year old cube dweller outside of Washington, DC. She spends as much time being active as possible to offset the effects of computer glare and mindnumbing meetings. She is a certified personal trainer, yet does not train clients anymore. After years of battling against food, she is learning to embrace eating, nutrition, and taking better care of her body.
I am a former āundereater’.
No, not a meal skipper or anything I thought of as that drastic, instead, I simply aimed to eat as little as possible. I was a normal weight (albeit on the smaller side of the recommended healthy weight), I avoided the freshman fifteen, I hit 25 years old weighing about the same as I did at 18. I did not see myself as being on a diet. I saw this as a lifestyle. One that I thought was normal and something that I could continue forever.
And then the unimaginable happened. I blew my knee out three months prior to my wedding. And like many brides-to-be, I was working towards an unhealthy weight, when this little wrench of not being able to work out was thrown into the mix.
I quickly went from picking out flower arrangements to sitting in physical therapy offices trying to rehabilitate myself enough to walk down the aisle. My doctor decided we would deal with surgery after the wedding.
Due to the fact that I couldn’t work out, I believed that I also couldn’t eat. I was scared of food, I was scared of gaining weight, I was scared of my injury…I was scared.
Two surgeries later and not being able to go to the gym (except for rehabilitation) for one year, I either had to establish a better relationship with food or go insane. My knee injury was severe enough that the doctors believed it would restrict my ability to do almost all physically demanding activities. This changed my priorities from how much I weighed to making sure I would be able to play with my future children outside in the yard.
I needed to eat more, yet I was terrified to do this. So I built myself a little plan and I feel the best that I have felt…ever. Sure the scale is (a bit) higher, but I also feel a million times better,
happier and at ease. I eat a few mini meals throughout the day and my body feels simply incredible, propelling me through long bike rides, gym sessions and simply walking up the stairs.
Typical Mini Meals for Me:
I try to work in multiple food categories into every meal and aim for
whole grains, all natural and reduced fat when possible.
Ā½ cup of plain oats (Grain)
Ā½ cup of water
Ā¼ cup of egg white substitute (Protein)
Handful of fruit. (I prefer blueberries)
(I sometimes add a splash of soy milk and a pinch of flax seed)
AM Snack
Yogurt (typically Kefir) (dairy) and fruit
Whole Wheat Grain
Hummus or Deli Meat (protein)
Add in cut up veggies
1 of either a piece of fruit, dairy or vegetables
PM Snack
Light laughing cow cheese wedge (dairy)
Sliced up veggies
Cottage Cheese
3-5 ounces of lean protein
A serving of grain/starch (aim for whole grain)
Steamed or sautƩed veggies or a side salad
Fage yogurt with fruit
Banana with peanut butter
Glass of milk and a few graham crackers
Some days I eat more, some days less. I really work to listen to my body and eat when it is hungry and eat the foods that it is craving (for the most part, I ignore it when it daily says āgo get me donut holes!’).
These are to serve simply as suggestions that work for me. I too am learning (slowly) to take care of my body with the respect and fuel that it deserves. Eat well and get moving, because you never know what is around the next turn.
Nice choices! Hummus yum! š
*sigh* why can’t we get egg-beaters in Northern England? I feel so mean to the chickens throwing their yolks away that I rarely buy eggs at all anymore!
I also find eating little and often (OK some days not so little and possibly even more often) has been the easiest way to get over my own food fears.
I love reading other people’s meal plans. Am I weird?
Thanks for sharing
TA x
TA? you *are* weird.
Which is exactly precisely the way we like you.
This sounds like my day … “the effects of computer glare and mindnumbing meetings”.
I love bananas and peanut butter but have never thought of combining them. What do you do Fitzalan, spread the PB onto the banana? Yum!
Kudos to Fitzalan for re-gaining control of her life! Very inspirational for me to hear about someone on the opposite side of the eating food spectrum, who ends up coming out victorious!
I love peanut butter too. And bananas. And donut holes.
This is such a perfect post! I love her eating plan, I love her honesty. Listening to your body is key (although hard to do when you’re stressed, angry, happy, you know…just you in general :)) but is a great habit to form and I am working towards it!
haha- fattygetsfit- I love the throw in of donut holes š
I know I just posted but I was thinking about this entry while I grabbed my coffee and I had to come back….
This entry made me have a reality check. I kept thinking about what happens to me when I get thinner? Am I going to be afraid to eat too? I think it’s so brave for Fitzalan to tell her story. It just flipped my world upside down thinking about when I hit my own target weight and how that’s going to be.
And then I ate a WW chocolate muffin, and I felt a little better.
Very nice suggestions! I’m glad you (Fitzalan) have found a healthy lifestyle that works for you!
I am completely on board with having snacks during the day. Nothing like coming home from work hungry to make me attack the jar of peanut butter. Having a snack in the afternoon also seems to ward of headaches and keep my energy up to finish out the day.
Forgive me, I ramble.
Ooooh FGF. A great path to nudge the commentversation down, too.
Yada yada yada I could thumbtype forevs on this so shall just chime in with:
IMO if the path to your balanced life is a healthy one then, by the time you’re there, your head will be on its way to matching your body.
This is NOT to say that 90% of occasions to MAINTAIN for the long haul there isn’t, IMO, more ‘work’ to be done.
Efforts to be made so that your BRAIN can process, accept and LOVE the reflection you now see in the mirror.
Better thoughts?
I’m so glad Fitzalan shared her story. Sometimes it takes a major life shakeup to teach us what’s important. I’ve found that also comes easier with age. Seriously, my college years were one hot mess. lol.
Gena? never apologize up in herre.
one bloggers COMMENT RAMBLES are this MizFit’s commentVERSATION.
(FBG? now you have me longing for a photo-op of the hot mess ;))
Great mini meal ideas! Very sensible and healthy choices. I have been doing the mini meal thing too and it seems to work great for losing weight because I rarely ever feel so starving that I would be tempted to overeat.
My response to FGF (#7)
Well, it depends on how the weight-loss was achieved. If you got there by severely under-eating and over-exercising, then yes, you probably WILL be afraid to eat.
If you get there by raising muscle-mass and your caloric needs are MORE than they used to be, then you’re probably fine.
A few years ago before I started lifting weights, I would gain weight if I ate more than 1400 calories a day.
Now, I maintain my weight at 2800 calories a day. Good deal, huh? No way am I EVER giving up weight-lifting!
Thanks for your story and your tips. I love Fage yogurt, it is usually my mid-morning snack.
And – hello fellow DC area neighbor! *waves at Fitzalan*
This is EXACTLY the way I eat, and I do mean EXACTLY, down to the choices (with the exception of hummus, I just can’t learn to love it somehow). It’s the way I learned to eat with the Biggest Loser Club online and it’s absolutely phenomenal.
The greatest part is that I can do this forever. When I get to goal – whatever and whenever that is – all I have to do is increase the calories a little in each meal to maintain instead of lose. But the foods don’t have to change – I can eat this stuff forever, because I love it all – and the distribution doesn’t have to change.
I think the big difference really is to look at it as taking care of your body and striving for better health, as opposed to being thin or reaching a target number. If you get healthy, you’re probably going to be thinner – but it is possible to get thinner without being healthy.
Kudos, Fitzarella, for making a massive change in the head that has resulted in a healthier, stronger body. You’re truly a success story.
IMO if the path to your balanced life is a healthy one then, by the time youāre there, your head will be on its way to matching your body.
I almost don’t know how to add a comment to that, it’s too perfect.
Thanks for sharing Fitzalan! And thanks to you Miz for bringing her over.
It is amazing how much better one feels and how much more you can eat and still lose/maintain your weight when you eat clean/real foods.
Maintenance is a scary and confusing place. One I am stumbling through myself. I would love to read your (and your commenters) thoughts on it Mizfit.
thanks for sharing your story Fitzalan! It reminds me of that quote “eat to live, not live to eat”–although I don’t remember who said that. I forget it way too often, especially late at night when I am stressed and tired!
Miz, In response to your comment on my blog, where you said your blog is a labour of love. I say, the love and labour you put into the content on your site is so obvious to your readers, and what makes it such a wonderful, inspirational resource!
Congrats on finding the ever-sought “Happy Medium”, Fitzalan! You have attained what so many search for and never find. Your eating plan looks near perfect for me, and is totally realistic. In fact, I think I might have oatmeal for b-fast today, because I haven’t had it in a while (mmmm soymilk and ground flax). Peanut butter and banana sounds good, too.
Thanks for sharing your story with us.
BTW, ditto on the perfectness of MizFit’s comment: “…path to your balanced life…your head will be on its way to matching your body”. So much of the journey is mental- not just physical. I think that’s why it can be so difficult.
Thanks to Fitzalan for sharing. I forgot about the Laughing Cow cheese…I’m adding it to my grocery list.
To the commenter asking about PB and banana…I slice the banana up into little discs and then make little sandwiches with PB as the filling. MMMMMMM…so good (and fun to eat, too)!
again, thank you Andrew.
And Robin? You’re way ahead of me…and yet I’m there in spirit.
Next week’s Viewer Mail focuses on a few things one of which will be maintaining.
You know, when I git it together & stop potty training long enough to write (wink)
oh and Fitz is on vacation so if you have questions——-she’ll get em when she’s back!
what a well-written, relatable story. I understand exactly what you are saying! I’m so sorry you hurt your knee… know the freak-out that happens with an injury, especially when it takes you from high activity to sitting in the PT office. Boo. I wonder how many of us are actually “undereaters” – still eating, but keeping our intake lower than we need (I mean, I know soio many women are On Diets, but this seems like a different category). I think that, when I used the scale, I let that number keep my weight artifically low, maybe 5 pounds under what I should be. Only when I stopped weighing myself did my body regulate itself where it wanted to be…prolly b/c I wasn’t “undereating” to keep the number at 140.
PS LOVE me some oatmeal – a whole cup, I agree. Like a hug from the inside.
Thanks for what you do… and the thumbtyping…well amazing.
I especially enjoyed yesteday’s and today blog. Blows my mind how many coments you rececive before I even get through my first cup of coffee.
Bananas and PB… with the obligatory choc chips sprinkled on
Shoutout to the DC area peeps!
I, too, love to read people’s meal plans. But, I already know that I am weird.
Thanks for sharing your story, Fitzalan! It’s so strange how life can just change on a dime like that – you can go from having everything under control (or so you think) and doing things your way, then overnight you have to change everything. I am so glad you have conquered this and come back from it.
I love that you decided to “establish a better relationship with food or go insane.” That basically sums up the past year for me. š
I forget about snacking. I just don’t do it, and yet some people advise eating smaller meals 6 times aday- anyone any ideas about that?
Imagine someone who is really into/believes in eating 6 minimeals a day.
Multiply it by 65432134 and THAT’S my level of passion/belief.
My latest addiction has been Hummus and Lunchmeat Sandwiches ( I usually use lean turkey or ham), they are so good, so filling….and healthy to boot!
I kindof agree with aishchai.
My trainer says “6 small meals a day” as well and to pack a cooler for work and blah blah blah. I cannot seem to set my brain around that concept. Maybe it’s too many years of “3 squares”. Maybe it’s fear of not getting enough to eat. Or getting too much if I eat six times. And I can’t imagine working it out during school hours. I am usually so going going going when I am teaching that I can’t stop long enough to go pee; somehow I can’t see myself stopping for a snack in the middle of a lesson, especially when I won’t let kids bring food into my room because they are slobs and unsanitary. Of maybe it’s an excuse. IDK Part of my brain thinks, “I’m already obsessed with food and addicted to it, so focussing on food and doing “it” right and eating 6 times makes me feel more obsessed.” I even get a little “verklemtp” thinking about it. OY!
But that’s just me. Perhaps I should just get over it cuz I know it works for folks who do it. Rambling~~~I’m out.
Ah y’all are so disciplined up there. I’m about to go troll the garden for a tomato to make a tomato/mayo sandwich for breakfast… I want to be fit and healthy and lose 20 (25…30) pounds, but, apparently, not enough to give up the wine and bread…
And, to TokaiAngel up there… make lemon curd with your leftover egg yolks and give it away as gifts. You can freeze egg yolks in batches (just beat them smooth and add a bit of salt) so you can use them in recipes later.
: )
ON the mini-meals – metoo, metoo, metoo. Although I can’t multiply by 65432134, that’s too hard. I need a calculator.
But somewhere in that region. I swear by it, anyway. I foist it off on anyone who has the misfortune to ask me (1) for advice; (2) how I lost weight; or (3) how I’m doing today.
giggling at Valerie as, HughsMom, she said it all for me.
How do I love thee, HM?
You shall know by how hard I badger thee into shifting from three squareth meals a day to six(eth).
Not so much I caint rise to the thumbtyping challenge (hell if I can do the push up challenge I fo’sho’ could do this!).
or that I am at the grocery stuffing the Toddler Tornado’s piewhole with samples (I am).
but that I dont wanna hijack my own blog in the comments (can I do that?).
when we’re done putting on the FITZ lemmie know if you still want mo’ info.
Except for the glaring absence of cupcakes, this sounds like an excellent meal plan!
Very sensible choices, and a very inspiring post.
It’s amazing how something can come along and TOTALLY change your priorities with respect to your body. I’m experiencing that right now myself…
This is just how I eat!! I was so wondering if I was doing it right. Well, I knew it was working for me but wondered if this way worked for others. YAY!! I’m doing something right, (except for the slip ups). And wanderfully when I do slip up my body now tells me that I need to get back in the groove. I never thought that would happen since I’ve lost weight so many times in the past and never have been able to keep it off. Maybe this time I will.
Thanks so much for sharing with us, Fitzlana!
UhOh (as the Tornado says…)
Im not sure I can just let that comment go, Jen.
it makes me wanna shout:
but I shant.
unless you wanna.
I was wondering how you put together peanut butter and bananas without there being bread involved (thanks for the tip, SlackerMama!), and I love the other commenters’s idea of adding chocolate chips!
I eat about five meals a day. Or rather, three meals and two snacks (snacks being multi-grain bread and PB or nutella, mmm chocolate!). I was injured a couple years ago and because of the amount of food I eat, definitely gained some weight, so if I ever hit the injured list again, I should great a plan just like this!
Its always interesting to learn what other people eat. That sounds very well balanced! It must’ve been really hard to put aside all of those fears with such an intense injury.
Mini meals are the best. Food tastes so good so its way more enjoyable to eat more often:)
I am all for small meals! And Hummus? YUM!!! I made some raita yesterday, oh, the deliciousness… Anyways, what was I saying?
This sample of what to eat is super clean I must say, I am impressed.
Oats and eggs in the morning. Nothing better!
Dang. Disciplined. This is how I SAY I eat, but in fact, looking back on the day, I remember lots more crap thrown in.
Try LC cheese on whole wheat pasta…yummy alfredo sub!
>Bananas and PBā¦ with the obligatory choc chips sprinkled on
Wait. Why did I never think of that!?! Godiva Girl, you are a genius and my new hero! I just use a knife to scoop PB out of the jar directly on to the banana. Repeat for each bite.
Thanks for sharing!
I’m actually having a little “fear of food” problem myself right now. I’ve been training a lot more than I used to since May, but also have been trying to eat more healthily. The trouble is, I am dragging my old non-friend ED along with me, so I have trouble determining how to eat enough for my body to fuel my increased activity level.
Oh, and hughsmom–don’t think of it as eating 6 “meals” a day. I eat (I admit it, only) 5 x /day, but it’s three meals and two snacks. I too have trouble giving up the idea of a big dinner (breakfast and lunch don’t bother me as I actually had to add breakfast when I started trying to be healthier and I’ve always eaten small lunches). So I just try to make my dinner healthy and, for now, let it be a bigger meal. No reason to push myself faster than I’m comfortable going. And for the snacks, I have a few things that I know are healthy and yummy and filling–like peanut butter on apple slices–so I have those for my snacks and don’t need to add that to my food-anxiety list. Perhaps you could start by adding one snack. Something ridiculously non-anxiety inducing like laughing cow wedges on celery. (if you don’t mind the strings between your teeth–which I do) You’ll be amazed at how much more fun eating becomes when you don’t get as hungry between meals.
Off to the zoo with my toddlerbear. Hugs to my fellow mizfits. š
ok, a few fast thoughts:
first, ALICE, what is this: raita. I know I could goooogle but figured Id expose my ignorance instead.
Sassy? too funny…
heather? you *know* Im thinking about you & how stressful it is that you ARE more hungry given your training and yet struggle not to NOT want to fuel your body (amazing sentence structure—I know)…all that said you gave some AMAZING tips to HughsMom (and all).
especially this:
Youāll be amazed at how much more fun eating becomes when you donāt get as hungry between meals.
That sounds a lot like my “diet.” Not diet, but regiment, I guess. I was worried too that eating so much would cause me to gain. But actually, I was eating healthier items and more often, it made me lose weight.
Now if only I can keep the biznatches in my office from bringing in cupcakes! ha ha.
For anyone struggling with an eating disorder or who has “overcome” their eating disorder only to realize that the fears linger on past the redemption…(me)…eating frequent, small, healthy meals every day is great medicine. No need for the fear; control issue gone; life is easier; body is stronger! I’m a cheerleader for 5-6 meals/day!
Oh, I just have to mention this to all you peanut butter lovers…try sunflower seed butter! I get it at Trader Joe’s–I have no idea if it’s available anywhere else.
Ohmygawrsh you may never go back to PB again. It’s killer with banana or celery sticks.
Killer choices – But I think that is the way to think of this it is not a diet it is a lifestyle choice. You add the word diet to the mix and that totally screws you up. Great Menu!!
Wait, donut holes aren’t on the food pyramid?!?!?!
Cathy, you are so right; “diet” is a 4-letter word! Eating things we enjoy that make us feel good and give us energy (with a treat every now and then) is a lifestyle we can probably live with.
I definetly subscribe to the idea of mini meals. Keeps me from getting cranky at my co-workers because I don’t have the blood sugar drop. I wouldn’t call it so much a diet as a lifestyle. Some people think I don’t eat enough, but thats because they see “one mini meal” as opposed to all the food that passes my lips on a given day.
Some people think I donāt eat enough, but thats because they see āone mini mealā as opposed to all the food that passes my lips on a given day.
Ive had people say the same thing to me and *then* spend an entire day basking in the joy which is my company and rephrase it to:
damn you eat a lot
and are your days always this boring?!M.
Very thought provoking! I’m so bad at snacking – I can’t get over the feeling that eating between meals is bad. I think I need to start planning out whole days.
I’m with the PB and Banana gang, my family loves them.
I’m trying to embrace the mini-meals, but my work schedule gets in the way most days. It seems to work well on the weekends though.
And count me in with the PB&B gang! (plus the PB&apples and PB&celery people)
it SHOULD come up with a search for PB2 (but it won’t…we know that;)) as I did a monday facetime on it months ago—–but I adore the PB2 POWDERED peanut butter.
Good tasting.
Easy to add to foods at home (or eat from jar straight).
FanTAStic for travel as the jar is plastic.
I’ll find the link when I’m around a computer….
Definitely something to ponder using with/on bananas or in a banana protein shake!
Hmmm…all this love I see for mini-meals makes me think I should become a convert. I mean, I eat snacks, but just a piece of fruit or something. Thanks to fitzalan for giving us an idea of what this looks like!
tfh, since I’m stepping in for the vay cay-ing Fitz, I wanted to add *for me* every minimeal contains protein carb and fat.
For me (and I’m not sure if I’m alone in this) the sugars in fruits w/out protein & fat won’t satiate me for long.
Just my thoughs….
Fitzalan – excellent plan! Although – now I want to find this Fage yogurt.
re: #13 Dragonmamma – my trainer is suggesting I start a program like that but I am a bit frightened about it all as only other trainers agree with him. Definately worth a rethink, thanks!
re: #31 Hughsmom – I’m working on breaking free of the 3 squares myself. Was made more difficult by actually having a regular breakfast – as opposed to a donut off the services table at work. I find it strange that eating more often doesn’t mean that I’m eating more.
re: #32 Marianne – excellent idea for the yolks! Thank you.
I like mini-meals. I tend to get hungry every 2-3 hours. I couldn’t possibly do 3 big meals, plus you feel so SLUGGISH after a big meal.
As Yorkshire is the finest place to get a curry outside of Asia, I’d like to explain raita. It is a yoghurt based side-dish with mint and coriander (think you muppets call it Cilantro) and other spices. I chop up cucumber and put it in mine, but I’ve seen other veggies like onions and peppers go in the mix too. You serve it on the side of a curry to keep the temperature down, or (in Brit restaurants) with poppadoms at the start of a meal (not sure how authentic this practice is though…)
Sorry for the tangent, I wanted to flash my knowledge.
I love mini meals! Why not spread the food love throughout the day? It’s increases the frequency I can fill my face, and there’s nothing wrong with that :0)
I definitetly agree with sea breeze though – a lot of folks think I (still) don’t eat enough, but that’s just because they only see me at one meal.
TA x
i am always amazed by all the different relationships people have with food (comfort eater here!).
fitzalan….thanks for sharing your story and tips.
i was eating the mini meals at one point but got away from it. i really need to go back to it since it does make me feel better. hard, though, when i’m still at home and there’s the large dinner at the end of the day. i try not to eat all that much, but it’s not always easy especially when you get comments about the amount of (or lack thereof) food you’re consuming.
This post really hit a nerve – I have suffered the same fear of gaining weight and still struggle with it today, though to a lesser degree. I used to eat the mini meals, and I credit the diet with helping me shed a fair bit of blubber, but I found I became way too obsessed with food. The planning alone took up so much brain power and I never really felt “satisfied”, which kind of robbed the joy out of meal time for me. I now keep with 3 small meals and 2 mini meals, if that makes sense… it keeps me energized. I’m neither hungry nor fool. It’s a happy medium. Great post. Thank you so much for sharing this…
I found I became way too obsessed with food.
EXCELLENT point monica.
this is all so personal. for me keeping a food journal almost tripped me into obsessiveness (it definitely made me irritable and less likely to eat for the pain in the ARSE of writing it all down)—-Id never thought of mini-meals in that light before.
thanks for taking the time to share that.
This was basically the way I ate while I was writing the Weight-Loss Diary column for Shape. I kept telling people I was eating way more food than I ever had — just different kinds of food, more often.
Not only did I look better, I felt so much better, too. In fact, I’ve been straying away from the mini-meal plan and my goal for August is to get back to it.
Great meal plan and story.
Do you mix the egg beaters as you cook the oatmeal? or add it after?
sitting here eating fage w/berries.
That is a great meal plan! I feel the same way Dara…I feel like I eat so much now..more then ever.
Thanks so much Miz for the link!!
I can really relate to this post. My entire life I have had a love/hate relationship with food. It is only now in my almost forties that I am starting to have more love than hate and understand that I can be thin without starving myself. I love the sample meals that you have provided here and plan on incorporating them into my diet. Thanks for putting this out there.