Ok, People, Im intruding on your weekend on behalf of a Band member.
I chose to make her anonymous (Ill pretend it’s because Im dedicated to protecting her identity but more than anything I forgot to ask if she cared…) & she specifically requested your (the royal. the plural.) opinion on her dilemma:
Im headed off to Tuscany (arghohmygodamazingsosoexcited) with a work colleague A and her friend, C.
I think the intention of the five day (leave monday back friday) holiday is to lie around by the pool eating lots of food (which we all love, although they do not have the fear sometimes like I do) and soaking up the sun. This is kind of fine —- although I know I won’t get away with not indulging as A knows
full well about my eating disorder history as she sat opposite me in the office and watched me slowly disappearing – and she won’t stand it.
She is especially unsettled with the amount I go to the gym still. HOWEVER I don’t think it’s massively unreasonable for me to do a little bit of exercise just to keep the physical boat going while I’m there.
So the question is this: what sort of workouts (both strength training and cardio) can I do on holiday that aren’t going to be overt of excessive enough to wind my friend up? I’m going to take my running shoes with the intention of a little early morning walking/running (it’s going to be frying hot so anything else out of the question) but am fresh out of other ideas. We’re staying in a B&B in the Italian countryside (yes I KNOW how obscenely lucky I am!!!) with not much else around, and I have my own room and there is a pool.
Id love your thoughts and the Bumbling Band’s as well.
I think we can all guess what I’ll say (alltogethernow) TAKE THE WEEK OFF.
(here’s where we assume our emailer, who is a blogger & commenter I ADORE, really was far more interested in your advice)
Were the trip, say, three or four weeks I might recommend bringing exercise bands, exercise dvds (from hardcore workouts to yoga for meditation) or even aqua bells.
For a Monday through Friday trip? I say relax, enjoy, give your body some well deserved healing, rest & relaxation time. Id imagine any trip to the Italian countryside (*sighs in jealousy*) will be filled with a lot of walking which is a fab form of active rest.
All that to say Im stepping out and tossing it in your collective laps.
What would *you* tell our emailer? Rest? Run? Lunge around the pool in between naps & sunscreen slathers?
Please to commence your commentversation.
(me? Im off to STALK this woman. She’s in town speaking at a Balance Expo For Women & I *must* see what she’s like in person. If I find out I’ll report back. If you never hear from me again take care of yourselves and know that Im being held prisoner at Sky Sport Spa in punishment for my mockage.)
Well you definitely have to go and enjoy yourself, no question about that, it is too good an opportunity to turn down.
There will lots of opportunity for exercise (you said there was a pool, so have a swim every day), lots of lovely walks, maybe a bike ride to explore a bit further if bikes are available. I’m sure the food there will be wholly good for you and incredibly delicious.
So go, enjoy, and don’t stress !
You will be walking around to see the sights, so don’t worry about becoming a sloth for the week.
Like mizfit says… your body needs some well earned healing time so take it easy. It deserves as much of a vacation as your mind does!
I agree, you will be doing tons of walking to see the sights and swimming in the pool will be nice too. Relax, have a good time!
The fear is turning it all into rules, isn’t it? Because for me it would be “I can’t exercise more than X, but I need to exercise at least Y, and if I’m eating Z, then I need to exercise W more . . . . . ”
and the solution for me would be a lot of meditating on self-love and a focus on being ACTIVE rather than EXERCISING. So play in the pool as well as sunbathe, take walks and enjoy the countryside and, as everyone else says–have a fun rest!
Oh, and remember that I am HEARTILY jealous of you.
oooooooooooooooo let us how what jackie warner is like! although i, too, mock the show… i’m still obsessed ha… enjoy!
I’m probably in the minority in this one but, as someone who loves/needs her workouts as well, I’d say do your workouts because that is what is going to make YOU happy. It’s nice that the friend is concerned, but I would hate to be on vacation and stressing over the fact that I want to workout but my friend won’t let me!
Don’t go overboard, just do enough to ease your mind and move your body a bit.
Please let us know how your Jackie stalking goes, I’m oh-so-curious!
i agree with the walking and swimming. maybe add in some nice relaxing yoga poses for strength and flexibility. keep the focus on relaxation and not necessarily on the “workout”.
i need exercise….it is both a mental and physical boost for me. maybe your friend would understand that.
When we were in Italy last summer, we walked about 4 miles a day, average. My feet and legs were sore by the end of the day from being used so much!
You really won’t need to do any additional cardio, but if you feel you haven’t walked enough, try swimming or treading water. For strength training, I’m all about just doing push ups, triceps dips, and other moves that are easy and can be done anywhere.
However! I agree with Mizfit. Your body could probably really use some time off, and would thank you for it’s vacation. I urge you to try and “work out” as little as possible and let the walking and sight seeing being your exercise for the week.
I vote water jogging belt. It won’t take up too much of your luggage and while they are poolside soaking up the rays, you can be in the pool “resistance walking/running”
Still able to socialize, but burning off a few of those glasses of vino in the meanwhile.
Not to mention the fact it’s like no impact and you’ll still be stoked to head out sightseeing as opposed to actually running in that blasted heat… not to mention the surfaces you’ll be traversing upon are likely not to be smooth tarmac in a lot of the hotel areas… brick, stone, ehhh… ya, I don’t “do” hard surfaces well :-).
If person A gives you lip, punch her in the boob explain that this is just your way of relaxing. The swish of the water really is kinda soothing and it’s a lot better than laps because you can still kind of be part of the “collective chickhood.”
Have loads of fun!!
You’ve got access to a pool, so use it! I don’t mean swimming laps, I mean water volleyball and cannonball dives and having FUN.
You didn’t even ask about food. I’d say ditch the alcohol but don’t even think about skipping the yummy regional foods (in moderate quantity, of course.)
Uh yeah, I concur with everyone else. Appreciate the one of a life time opportunity! Walking the countryside with your friend is a great way to do that and take advantage of the pool. Swimming is hard work – haven’t you seen those olympians! Have fun – it’s Italy!
thanks you guy for taking the time out of your day to comment.
And especially to disagree with me (I love that).
Our emailer is in a vastly different timezone than am I —and I imagine s/he’ll be popping into read if not out him/herself at some point today.
I’m off.
And no.
In answer to your email, Meribeth, not in my PEELERBUILT tank top…..only because I caint find it.
Hi everyone (for it is me who is the emailer in question)! Thanks so much for your great advice so far. I like the idea of getting into the mindset of being “active” rather than exercising, and the yoga moves are a great idea. It’s not something I do often but I could definitely brush up before I go away and practice while I’m out there.
Just like to quickly interject that my friend is 6 months pregnant, so the plan is just to lie by the pool all day every day – no walking on the menu unless I undertake it solo! And we’re not near any big towns so the usual sighseeing activity is out too (think this is probably what’s making me panic so much about being sedentary)
Thanks again guys (and Miz!) this is all really helpful so far!
TA x
waves to TA and covers her boobs (mine. not TA’s. Unclear, I realize.) & makes a BIG OLE MENTAL NOTE never to anger the CHIARUNNER!
Chasing hot Italian men on Vespa’s would work for me, but if that’s not how you roll, then do as recommended above under walking and swimming. *wink wink*
I would want to walk everywhere and stick my nose into everything.
Is it too early to stomp grapes?
Relax. Have fun.
Sigh. I am SO very jealous right now. π
I know the idea of taking 5 days off from exercise (with all of that great cuisine) must be overwhelming. On the other hand, you definitely don’t want to look back on this vacation and think, “I wish I hadn’t stressed so much about food/exercise and enjoyed myself more,” ya know?
I think running in the early a.m. is a great idea – not just for the exercise factor, but I LOVE to run whenever I go on vacation, just to get a feel for the land (that sounds very 1800’s, but you know what I mean…). Also, in your room you can always do pushups, situps, tricep dips, and things that you can do anywhere.
Like the others said, though, try to enjoy yourself and not focus TOO much on the workouts – maybe you could even let yourself have Monday and Friday off? (For travel?)
Enjoy! I’m jealous. Did I say that already???
You know how controversial I am.
I can’t go stalk, because I sent her that tsk. tsk. email on myspace.
vacation/exercise = NO!
I say active (Or not…it’s vacation!) instead of exercise, but if you can’t resist then…well, CD lover said what I wanted (run if you’d like, but you can also do pushups and stuff like that in your room).
Most importantly, have a fabulous time making all of us jealous beyond belief π
Oooooo I love Jackie, not in that way, but in a love her ‘tude and want her abs sorta way.
Tuscany? *jealous* If you MUST do something, stick only to the running/walking. Actually a GREAT way to see things while getting exercise. Anything else, other than maybe the 12oz bicep curl, should really be outta the questions. Do you want to look back on this amazing opportunity that is this little vaca and think you missed out on things because you were busy doing laps in the pool?
First dear darling letter writer, have fun! That is so exciting!! And second, you *know* I totally get where you are coming from. I have the same issue when I go on vacay. For me it isn’t an issue of “taking the week off” – my anxiety would go through the roof and probably lead me to restrict my eating. So what I do is take my running shoes and go for a quick run before everyone is up in the AM (that way I don’t have to listen to their kvetching) and then I make the rest of the day all about being with them and being active. I make it a point to walk everywhere – which is actually really good on vacation ’cause you see more stuff. If anyone forgets something, I offer to go back to the hotel and get it. I laugh a lot. Go window shopping. And? I ALWAYS go dancing. Not necessarily for the exercise but because dancing in Europe? SO FUN.
Also, you didn’t ask, but if you get the chance to sample a once-in-a-lifetime food, turn your brain off, eat it and just be grateful for the opportunity.
PS> Do be careful about running alone. I’m not sure where you are staying – and it is probably perfectly safe – just watch the neighborhood and don’t get lost.
Egads. I should write a book “Tales of a Disordered Eating Traveller.”
When I take a week off from workouts, I am always surprised and pleased that when I start up again I’ve actually made progress, not lost ground. I think the recovery time is very valuable. So I say along with most of the commenters – take the five days off, do a lot of walking to keep yourself feeling good (I feel crappy if I’m COMPLETELY inactive) and to offset some of the eating, but let it go at that.
I’ve stayed at a B&B in the Italian country side and ahhhh. You are in for a treat. Most beautiful place EVER. Anyway – I think you will be able to do some awesome walking – even in the middle of nowhere (and even if by yourself)- that will be exercise but will mainly just be a time to ENJOY and unwind.
I took a week off from my work-outs and had Chinese and pizza a nd beers and when I got back to the gym I’d lost 5 lbs. Perhaps it was because I’d kept up with the water, some stretching exercises and did more walking than usual.
But – I didn’t stress about it and enjoyed myself. The first couple days were difficult but then it was easy!
If I were in a B&B in Tuscany? walking, swimming, yoga, stretching exercises in my room, a few low impact exercises. But mostly relaxing – sometimes that is the best thing.
Checking in.
Are we shocked that Jackie has some random woman here…woman’ing her booth….selling her dvd….AND IS NO WHERE TO BE FOUND.
MizFit- when I first read this I thought that perhaps I’d written the email to you in my sleep. Or had written it, pressed send, and then promptly suffered from a severe and random case of amnesia.
(TokaiAngel, are we the same person?!)
Have loads of fun! I’m with the others in regards with its only going to be a week out of your regular schedule so maybe just some swimming and some walking (even if you are by yourself, I’m sure that there will be stuff to explore, even for short periods of time!)… and if you’ve got your own room, then you could always do a few push ups/sit ups just for muscle memory until you get back in the routine upon your return.
I’m kind of anxious about going to Italy, too, because my friends are NOT the active/nutritious types. So I’m hoping I’ll be able to manage without anyone thinking I’m totally crazy (and without completely derailing from being healthy).
Charlotte- Please write it! I want to read a book like that.
I empathize with the ED and the concerned friends bits. IMHO, food + exercise > starvation and leads to a healthier body that’s still lean, just…happier. TA, have you explained this to your buddies?
If exercise is what’s going to keep you from starving yourself (and/or mentally sabotaging your enjoyment of the vacay), I say go for it. Like other people have said, the easiest things are running/walking and swimming, although your hotel may have a gym, in which case you’re probably set to do whatever you like for exercise. If you want to know how far you’re going, Google Maps is your friend.
While it’s generally considered unhealthy to “sneak” away to exercise, it sounds like any moderate to heavy activity you do will basically be done by yourself (’cause of the pregnant friend). And it sounds like your buddies already know about your ED history, so be open and honest. Don’t broadcast the fact that you got up early or stayed up late to exercise, but don’t lie about it, either (that’ll just worry them). And seriously, I’m with chiarunner. If your buddies complain, punch ’em in the boobs, ’cause (especially if you have explained to them that exercise keeps you happy) that just ain’t right. You’re doing what you need to do.
Also, you go girl. EDs suck, and they’re hard to get over, but you’re doing it. Keep with it and keep inspiring people to make HEALTHY, HAPPY choices (so the little tornados of the world make healthy/happy choices, too, and don’t have to go through the same ED crap we did lol).
You don’t realize it, but by all the walking you’ll do sight-seeing you WILL be exercising. And it won’t be high-impact, so it will be a break to your body all the while burning some calories.
I stressed when we went to Disney about this very thing and found that my food options were not as healthy as I’d have liked to have had. But, I was pleasantly surprised to come home and find that I had not gained one pound. I gain weight when I don’t work out even one less day a week, so this shocked me. But, as my husband pointed out we walked EVERYWHERE toting kids stuff and keeping up with two kids.
So relax and enjoy the amazing sights and enjoy the break!
Wow so many really thoughtful responses! Thankyou all so much – even more helpful than I had anticipated (and believe me I had high hopes as it was)
I’m definitely now thinking short early morning runs have got to be on the cards – apart from anything else I’ll be making even more of our fabulous location than my two buddies lounging by the pool with their heads in a book, so they can hardly complain! And as many of you have said – a few strength moves in the privacy of my room will keep my muscles ticking over.
I can appreciate that many of you will think I’m nuts for even contemplating this when I’m going on holiday for a short break. But Charlotte (yes you DO need to write that book!) really nailed it – if I keep doing just a little bit here and there then it will STOP me from freaking out about all the new and exciting food. The last thing I want to do is put my travelling companions in the position where I’m having a bad time eating – it would really put a dampner on it for everyone.
Sagan, you’re going to Italy too! How exciting, where are you going? And Hughsmom – if there are vespas to be chased or grapes to be stomped, I am THERE!
Thanks again everyone for all your contributions, my anxiety about this issue is palpably reducing as we speak :0)
TA x
Agreed– active vacation is the key here. Or she should just take the week off and resign herself to having a blast anyway.
I’m most excited about your update on Jackie Warner. I was disappointed with this past season of Work Out — too much drama, not enough working out, etc. etc.
yada yada yada I say it all the time, but YOU ARE AWESOME & awesomeLY supportive & encouraging.
I’m lurking & skulking around the back area of the Expo for Women seeing if I can OhMyGoshItWasAllByAccident stumble upon the Warner…
I’ll letcha know should I need a bailbondsman.
I am jealous. But as other commenter’s have said, I would LOVE to go for a run there. How beautiful in the morning! Oh my gosh, just makes me excited thinking about it. I love new places to run. Take advantage! You will be walking a lot but do some easy runs in the morning. It just sounds like the perfect way to start out a beautiful day in Tuscany. Please eat! How often do you get there?? The food is so unbelievably good. It is worth splurging. you will not regret it, especially if you’re walking and running in the morning. Have sooo much fun!!!
Because it’s only for a few days, I wouldn’t worry too much about exercise – or lack thereof. You can sneak in an early morning run when you can, and if not, then please don’t worry about it. You’ll be on vacation and should be enjoying yourself!
topic change.
(thanks to Meribeth for alerting me to this & it has been on my mind ever since)
Im so sad about Bernie Mac passing away.
If he led his life at all as his public persona would have us believe (taking in his sister’s children when she couldnt care for them/raising them as his own) his was a life we should all admire.
and the comedy? LOVE.
I know Im getting all kinds of thumb typed serious on your collective asses but 50 is far too young.
hug your loved ones.
take that vay cay and EMBRACE every moment.
live for today and tell those whom you BELIEVE IN that you KNOW THEY CAN DO IT!
I read a quote of Bernie Mac’s this morning about his mom which stuck with me (butchered by my mama-memory):
“Woman believed in me. She believed in me long before I believed in myself.”
sure I wanna give that to my daughter, but I also started MizFit to give that to all of you.
*we now return you to our regularly scheduled snark & humor*
I agree about Bernie Mac: Far too young. I was saddened to wake up to that news. π
Which is all the more reason to enjoy Tuscany to the fullest and not stress about getting your workouts in! Relax, relax, relax. Drink wine. Eat pasta. Walk around. ENJOY!
Enjoy! Take it easy, and just relax.
If you’re really looking for something to do. Maybe some lunges, squats, push ups, and situps. You can pretty much do these anywhere. Take twenty minutes and you’ll have gotten in a pretty great workout.
But, it is vacation — so don’t overdo it! Well, at least not on the exercise!!
Sounds like a lovely place to visit – you are lucky. Have a ton of fun!!!
Tuscany?! DAMN, girl! Go….run on the beach….walk everywhere….but most of all, relax and enjoy yourself!
TUSCANY????? Sheesh….. Bag Lady is sulking now…..
*mutter, mutter – girl’s goin’ to freakin’ Tuscany, and she’s worried about exercising – she can go on amazing walkabouts….run on the beach….swim in a pool…play all freakin’ day….mutter mutter…jealous? Who, ME? mutter mutter*
Miz, I was sad to read about Bernie Mac this morning too. Way too young.
TA, I just want to affirm your running in the AM conviction. We are going to St John next June with 3 other couples, and I am for sure packing my running shoes and going out at least a few times in the week we are there. Not just for calorie burning–but because I love to run and can’t imagine not combining something I love so much with a vacation I hope I will never forget.
Now, I’m off to do my 6 miler. After I blog hop for a while, of course.
And Miz, thank you so much for commenting on my blog. I appreciate it. OH! And I had to share–my 2 1/2 year old son often says “Mommy, please to…” when he wants something. I swear I don’t say it and I don’t let him read your blog, so I don’t know where it came from. It’s just a toddler thing, I guess. Great minds think alike. =)
In the mindset of past eating disorders…it’s actually a great mental exercise to allow yourself a few days off and then to realize that it was really ok. Also, your body will respond to a few days free of exercise and clean eating by chemically realizing that it isn’t starving and can relax on the need for fat storage. It’s a good thing to trick your body that way from time to time. I’d take my running shoes these days, but only because I love the vacation my mind takes on a run and not because of an exercise obsession. Take a vacation, whatever a vacation is for YOU!
If an early morning run is what you need in order to let yourself relax about food and have fun by the pool, I say, RUN ON!
I was faced with the same dilemma when I went to Italy for 10 days in June. Truth be told, I ate like there was no tomorrow — wine, pasta, bread, gelato, plate upon plate of cheese — you name it, I consumed it.
With that said, the portions in Europe arenβt supersized and the food isnβt over-processed. That added with all the walking we did (alot of it was stair climbing up the sides of mountains), resulted in only a 3lb weight gain.
Twice during that trip I did a bodyweight circuit. Here’s an example of something you can do in 20 minutes, using just your bodyweight:
Bodyweight squat (10-20 reps)
Push-up (10-20 reps) – do it on your knees if you must
Reverse Lunge (10 reps per leg)
Plank (30 second hold)
Close-grip Push-up (10-20 reps)
Side Plank (20 second hold per side)
Mountain Climber (10 reps per side)
Do this with no rest between exercises. Rest 1 minute at the end of the 7-minute circuit and repeat up to 3 times.
Most importantly, enjoy your trip!!!!
I know if it was my husband, he would start to get surly if he didn’t get a good, heart-pumping cardio workout in at some point during the week. Just walking around enjoying the sights wouldn’t cut it for him. So, I guess my advice would be to chill, enjoy the sights and yourself, and maybe take *1* (but only one) day in the middle of the week to get a good workout in. Maybe the hotel has a gym?
I wonder if the Bag Lady realizes she has a really cool life? If you have not seen her “Going to Town” video, you are missing out……
Miz, you still there? Stalking?
Hey enjoy the week and let me tell you from very recent experience, Hubby and I went to France in May on our Honeymoon and we walked and walked and walked. It is amazing how you body still reacts well to just walking – We cruised at least 10 miles a day and as we were eating and drinking our way across France and Belgium I was really nervous that I would gain a few lbs but when I sheeplishly got on the scale when I got home I had not gained even 1 lb!! We also got our fill of Cardio π
A huge, enthusiastic shout out for the morning run! You’ll see the countryside, you’ll stay sane, you’ll feel happier and more relaxed. And you’ll be staying true to what YOU want to do. I’ve traveled for business a bunch, and I used to worry that my travel companions would think I was OCD if I preferred running shoes over dance shoes. But now that I’m older, wiser, more confident – I just don’t care what they think! Oh the joy of being 40. π
I’d say rest, or else just do a little bit without stressing about it. Walk around while your friends are sitting if you want to, or swim some laps while they soak up the rays.
MizFit: How cool if you got to talk to Jackie! I hope you’ll have an interesting story to report back to us. π
i think she has to follow her instinct. If she wants to do some exercise, she should bring her gear, the worst thing will be if she wants to workout and doesn’t have her stuff.
In certain way I believe that she wants to not feel guilt about the food that she will eat during this trip, so why not workout a little bit?
She doesn’t need to do everyday, is she workout just for 2 or 3 days, I believe that she will enjoy much more her trip because she isn’t going to have any doubts or concerns.
My advice, bring your gear and if you doesn’t want to workout it will not affect your trip.
I cant lie to you guys: I was wholly unable to chat up The Warner.
Never saw her.
That said, had I surrendered all my day loitering about Im certain I could have at least caught a glimpse of the enigma which is JW.
Alas, I chose to abandon ship, frolic outside with the family, and pin all my BRAVO HOPES on Peeler finally coming through.
(and no. I couldnt part with the 15.00 necessary to find out whether her video is good or not…)
THANKS AGAIN for all your great advice!
PLAY! Take off your shoes and run around in the grass! Incite your friends to jump in the pool with you and chicken fight! Offer to arm-wrestle a good looking Italian man! Have sex!
And OMG, MizFit, you’re off to meet Jackie Warner?! Hit on her for me, mkay?
I just got home from a 10 day vacay – which consisted of mostly driving, i.e., sitting on my bum – but regardless, I chose to take a break from “exercise.” We did a little walking around the city of Boston one day, but other than that I loafed. I’d have to say that although it was a little unnerving to be so sedentary, it was an amazing mental and physical break. I feel that I have gained a little more wisdom when it comes to exercise: I don’t need it enough to interfere with quality family time, but I also need it enough to be ready to get back at it. Having exhibited some of my own disordered behavoirs in the past, I feel that this vacation was a bit of a milestone. I had a wonderful time relaxing and eating big and the kicker is that I enjoyed myself the entire time – I was not preoccupied with feelings of guilt. Sometimes you have to force yourself to do the uncomfortable to continue to break through barriers in your personal journey.
Tomorrow I am excited to lace up my tennies!
The place sounds perfect for some early morning walks. Other than that, relax!
Agree with Mama Zen.. eat drink and walk. And let it be.
Thanks again everyone, and thanks for sharing your personal experiences. It’s fantastic to see how other people deal with this – and reassuring to know that it even crosses anybody else’s mind!
I agree completely that sometimes when you have a compulsion towards exercise, then sometimes breaking the cycle for a few days can be really helpful in proving to yourself that the world doesn’t end if you don’t work out. And what Alex Costa said about just needing to know that I CAN exercise if I WANT is absolutely the bottom line, so thankyou for that.
And thankyou a million times to Susan for the workout breakdown – that is coming with me! I think doing little bits like that (not forgetting some short walks and runs in the morning before the others are up to MOAN at me – and some splashing in the pool!) here and there will enabe me to relax and enjoy my break without letting the worry of exercise take over completely.
TA x
Enjoy everything in moderation.
Good luck with the “stalking Jackie Warner” Mizfit — you do make me laugh with the way you word things sometimes !!!
I have to agree – walking alone is going to be great exercise, and enough to keep the body going. I think if the emailer feels she isn’t getting enough from just the sightseeing-walking (as in, there is much more time spent around the pool eating, as she indicated!) then it’s perfectly okay and great to get up a little early and go for a brisk walk or run. I don’t think there’s a lot more that’s necessary.
But if you feel that you just really crave some strength training – I have that feeling sometimes even when I’m on vacation – heck, do a few sets of walking lunges, maybe a few crunches, and a couple sets of pushups every couple of days. You don’t need to wear yourself out – you’re not going to lose a lot of ground in a week’s time.
Most of all, do what you can fit in *without* compromising fun and relaxation. If you’re enjoying it and it’s making you feel better, then it’s great. But if it’s a “must do” or a chore, let it go. It’s only a week.
And have a great time!
Walking tours are one thing, but there are also biking and river tours to consider. I took one in SE Asia that was biking followed by rafting followed by (not so calorie-burning for me) a long elephant ride. Maybe if you throw in a day of “active” countryside touring by bike, you’ll assuage these pangs of fitness-conscience. π
It’s so glad to know there are others out there with my same mindset. I too would be thinking the exact same thing…am I going to eat gelato 3 times a day like my friends…will I be able to squeeze in a morning jog…will there be a gym somewhere where I can find dumbells?
My advice – ENJOY yourself. Do what makes you happy. I recently spent 3 weeks in Italy, and yes, I ate gelato a couple of times (and it was so worth it!). I just didn’t let myself go overboard. Working out is my “me” time. So, if you enjoy exercise like me, then do it. Make your travel workouts fun. There are plenty of little Tuscan towns full of hills that make great day trips, and you’ll get plenty of exercising walking up and down. Plus, there are several bike companies around that offer day long bike rides. If you only have a short amount of time, just do a 30 minute walk with a few sprints from your B&B. That’ll get your metabolism revved up.
Try not to worry too much. Relax and take advantage of this time for renewal.
i totally agree– take the week off!
enjoy every second of your trip without having to worry about structured “working out”- you’ll be walking a TON!
exercise bands are small and travel well, core work can be done without much equipment and doesn’t take too much time. Maybe that and jsut have fun!
Take the time off!
I went on vacation to the South of France once, and lost 10 pounds. We walked EVERYWHERE, swam every day, and ate glorious food.
Enjoy yourself. Be a slug for a bit, then go walk around and see the sights, even if the sights are cows. Breathe deeply. Let go of everyday things and bask in the joy of being in Italy.
Then come back and tell us how fabulous it was!
Late to the party again π
OK, I blogged about a trip to Cal. recently, and I also discussed how I deal with stuff like this in a second post. I have a lifestyle that incorporates healthy eating and fitness and I maintain it regardless. “I also do not believe in taking a cure for someone else’s disease.” (Dr.J)
Sorry, and bon voyage!
Swim! Every day! Best exercise ever. Great way to socialize and enjoy the weather.
Also, find a vineyard and see if you can stomp some grapes. Amazing workout.
I would relax and enjoy the time, but if you feel the need to do some exercising beyond walking/running do push-ups and there is TONS you can do in the pool. Even not swimming laps just moving around in the pool is a great way to get in some exercise and have fun!
I would say take the week off from “official” workouts, but enjoy the chance to walk around the country side (with a camera) and swim in the pool. Vacation-y stuff, but still physical activity.
I would turn my day upside down and go for my walk or jog in the evening when the heat of the day drops along with the sunsets. Mybe get some pool time after the warmup and sip your favorite drink with a smile on your face.
I think an early morning run is more than enough. I always swim laps when on vacation, but that’s only because I enjoy swimming and view it as a treat. But if you can’t relax without getting a little exercise in than just do the run to feel better about it.
I recently went on just a weekend trip, and I was surprised to find how much natural exercise was involved. You’re walking, swimming, or whatever, and you don’t have access to any food that you don’t have to order and pay for, which for me slows down intake. When I was on my trip, I woke up early and did an hour of cardio in the mornings while my traveling companion was still asleep.
I understand having friends who are concerned about your history with eating disorders, because I’ve been there. However, if you have that under control, she shouldn’t be worried.
So if you WANT to work out, then do. Don’t worry about her comfort because exercise is good for you. It’s not like she has to watch. If you don’t want to work out, then take a break! I’ll bet you’ve earned it. You’ll be in the countryside, probably walking around a bit anyhow.
Just remember to have fun!
I would just relax but if relaxing gives her too much anxiety about not exercising (I understand this) and the only way to quiet it is to exercise then I would just do some walking and seeing the sites. I understand this person’s mentality with food and exercise to a certain degree so I get the need to do something. Ideally though just relax and enjoy yourself.
Sounds like taking a walk/jog in the morning would be a win/win – enough exercise to maintain your fitness level, plus you would get to enjoy the Italian country side.
i love the feel of leather dance shoes compared to synthetic fabrics.`’*
my Dance Shoes are made up of glass, i love transparent dancing shoes”-