This week’s trend hath nothing to do with exercise.
Nary a new fitness object shall be mentioned nor the word CALORIE be uttered.
This week we’re taking the focus outside. Not into the great outdoors (although your personal mission mightcould take you there!) but outside of ourselves.
My challenge for you today is to do ONE THING for someone else.
Im not daring to suggest even for a moment that the majority of the Bumbling Band isnt pretty damn giving, altruistic & kind on a daily basis already.
I was simply mulling how cool it would be if we, as a group, made today one of those practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty days.
What if we declared August12th to be MizFits Doing Unto Others Day & saw precisely how many people we can touch in one twenty-four hour period.
Sure it can take a whole heck of a lot longer than a day to trigger a true trend but the longest cardio session starts with a single pedal of the recumbent bike, right?
Stuck as to what you could do today? Here are a few ideas to start you off:
*In line at Starbucks? Pay for the person waiting behind you as a surprise!
*Eating lunch out at a restaurant? Randomly select a diner and pick up his/her check.
*Stop a stranger on the street and give him or her a genuine compliment and a smile.
*Clean out your toy room and bring all the gently used toys to a firestation so they have extras on the truck in case they encounter a frightened child at a fire.
*Volunteer, even just for an afternoon, at a local hospital, homeless shelter, nursing home, or animal shelter.
*Animal lover? Grab a zip lock bag, scoop in some cat or dog food & offer to the homeless people you see with pets (this one mightcould just be me).
Not yet sold on the notion? Need a little fitness prodding?
Acting in a kind/giving fashion can:
β’ Help contribute to the maintenance of good health & it can diminish the effect of diseases both psychological and physical.
β’ A rush of euphoria, followed by a long period of calm, after performing a kind act is often referred to as a “helper’s high” (who knew?!). This ‘helper’s high’ also triggers the release of endorphins.
β’ Stress-related health problems improve after performing kind acts. It can lessen feelings of depression, decrease feelings of isolation that can cause stress, overeating, & ulcers.
β’ Helping can enhance our feelings of joyfulness, emotional resilience, and vigor (woo-hoo! Im all about the vim & vigor).
β’ A decrease in the intensity and the awareness of physical pain can occur.
β’ The health benefits/sense of well-being return for hours or even days whenever the helping act is remembered (see? we CAN make an impact in only one day!)
β’ An increased sense of self-worth, greater happiness, and optimism.
β’ The practice of caring for strangers translates to immense immune and healing benefits.
Still not sold?
While it feels little not with the theme o’the day—there is a freebie in it for you thanks to this amazing woman (whom I was priviledged to chat with over over coffee) & her You Are Good tees.
Her shirts, created to highlight the needs of abused children & to show them that their circumstances do not define them, arent only cute but *charitable* as well. (see? stumped as to a random act? order a shirt for yourself or a friend.)
I know I dont need to tell you to click on over to YouAreGood tees and check em out…
So that’s the deal, People. Hit us up in the comments with the Random Act you plan for today & GO FORTH and spread the love.
“Flatter me, and I may not believe you. Criticize me, and I may not like you. Ignore me, and I may not forgive you. Encourage me, and I may not forget you.” – William Arthur
Yay! Random Acts of Kindness!
Im calling you out aishchai—whatcha gonna DO?
I work with refugees and people who have been trafficked, but today I’m buying lunch for the homeless guy who stands guard at the end of the street.
Uh, OK aishchai.
Id love to learn more about your job—-if youd ever find it appropriate to post about it on your blog.
I’ve been doing this here and there for the last few months (mostly with friends, family, colleagues etc rather than total strangers as I don’t get out much!) and although it’s 90% brilliant, I’ve also had a few negative reactions – people start taking it for granted, or start criticising me, or second-guessing my motives. Maybe it’s living in the UK where people are SO reserved that this kind of behaviour can come across as certifiably insane.
BUT when it works it’s all worth it. And of course, you shouldn’t do it for the reaction (and I don’t – but it’s kind of annoying when people get up in your face when you’re trying to be nice)
Personally I find small frequent acts like compliments or bringing my colleagues treats (like gossip mags) to help us get through the boredom of the working day seem to work best – the bigger gestures have fallen flat so far.
Keeping trying though – maybe it’s coz I’m such an miserable git usually and they’re all having a hard time getting their heads round it!
Us Brits, eh.
TA x
I’d like to break the rules, with permission, of course. I’d like to report back later today on what I *did* rather than try to plan something. Will that work? ::puppy eyes::
I convened an emergency meeting of the MizFit Governing Body and the general consensus was YES.
have a great day.
Great advice. When I read the bit for animal lovers, I though it was going to say:
“Animal lover? Grab a zip lock bag, scoop up the dog poop that dog owners neglected to pick up.”
It’s an issue here in London – it’s impossible to take in the view without constantly watching out for dog poop and chicken bones. Yes, chicken bones.
I’m with Cammy. I can’t really plan anything in advance because I’m so isolated in my everyday work. And my coworkers, believe it or not, actually get offended if you try to do something nice for them. (No really, one didn’t talk to me for a week because I offered to help her *find something.* )
I’ll do my best to find a stranger today and do something to help them.
Id never thought of that before & it’s a random act o’kindness for the whole neighborhood to enjoy.
Im in for that one today.
and Gena? your assignment might just be to practice a KILL SOMEONE WITH KINDNESS day.
we have lots of those up in herre—–though Im not sure my ToddlerTornado counts as a stranger.
You are the best- I love the pay it forward concept! I will be thinking about my idea of what I will do today all morning π
I’m with Cammy, I’ll try and do it and then post later too. After all, if I planned it, it wouldn’t be a random act would it?
I’m actually a pretty nice person, although I curse like a sailor. I pretty much live this kindness lifestyle because I believe in *good karma* and it makes me feel good about me. I also do it, to model appropriate behavior for my chickadees (ok, my clients) because it is my job to teach them life skills in the real world.
Today I resolve to be EXTRA nice to whoever I meet. I’m too broke to buy people things but a big crookedy tooth smile should suffice.
Ok Andrew that made me LAUGH.
You’re 100% right.
I just wouldn’t expect ya’ll to comment ‘I’M IN!’ and then return to say what you did.
I’m a nerd like that but always assume no one else is like I.
And FGF? I’ve been known to say….A LOT….much to the chagrin of my ‘real life friends’ that the money is the EASY PART.
Making a donation.
Paying the tolls for 15 cars behind you.
Still amazing but, IMO, the interacting.
Reaching out.
Way harder.
Well, I am already on the board of a local children’s charity and we are meeting tonight to work on our back to school drive…does this count? π I do need to check on volunteering at our animal shelter – love the kitties!
Great idea! Tuesday is almost over here already, it’s 10pmish and i’m already in bed (I know i’m simulaneously a nanna for being in bed early, and a geek for still being online..). However, considering the time diff I reckong I can still do a random act of kindness tomozza!
Love the idea! Today I’m going to donate to our local food bank. And I’m going to donate the good healthy stuff — not just Ramen!
I did my act of kindness last week. I found a wallet with money in it at the walmart parking lot. Instead of turning the wallet into Walmart and risking they’d take the money. I tracked the woman down. Took me two hrs and some detective work. But I found her. She asked what she could do for me to repay me. I simple asked that she “pay” it forward and do something nice this week for another stranger. But, I love this idea for the day, and will be emailing my daughters to join in. You’re such a positive role model in the blogsphere.
So, when my programmer comes in today at 2:30p instead of 9 (the time he is supposed to be here). If I don’t slap him silly, does that count? hehe j/k
I’m actually signing up to do volunteer work at the SPCA. If I get accepted I will be learning all the new dog training techniques by the top trainers in the country and will be donating 100 hours at the SPCA.
That won’t happen today, so will see what I can do at some point in the day to ‘pay it forward’.
Dang Maggie.
YOU the role model.
OH, how I love this.
I don’t know what I’ll do — not sure if I’ll even see anyone today! I will report back.
Now, though, I am feeling a little bad. Last week, I was in a store and a stranger complimented me on my cute son and then gave me a big hug. I was a little — ok, a lot — freaked because I didn’t know her, we were in the middle of the store, she was hugging me…
Maybe she was just practicing a random act of kindness toward me!
I mean, I knew she was being nice and I DID smile at her and I DID thank her for her compliment. So, I wasn’t mean. But, this post has me thinking about her!
I’m in! Will be back later to report π
Ohh, great idea. Maybe this will take me out of my “poor me” slump.
I will try to give someone a ride to the bus stop or to work (from the bus stop), if I pass someone on my way in. Where I work, plenty of people take the bus, but it’s quite a ways to the main road where the bus stop is. And it can be a long, sweaty walk (I know, because I had to do it once when I got a flat tire).
If that doesn’t pan out, I will definitely try to do something else.
A couple of years ago I was driving through a toll booth. I paid my toll, then told the attendant I wanted to pay for the person behind me and gave him the money. I watched in my rear view mirror, and saw the attendant take money from the car behind me too. My random act of kindness just put extra money into the coffers of the highway people. Bah.
But I do still practice my random acts of kindness whenever I see the opportunity. If I believe that whatever I do comes back to me, then I want to do as many good, kind things as possible.
Hmmm, think all my good things will slightly make up for all the crappy things I unthinkingly do?
Felice? you can LOVE UP yourself if need be (*git your mind out of the gutter. Im thinking COMPLIMENT) or simply send an email to a friend with whom youve lost touch but whom you think about often!
I love my tank (BOUGHT) and my Tornado loves her dress (PURCHASED. I often wonder if ya’ll assume I get this stuff for free. 99% of the things *I* have or model I buy…ESPECIALLY for charity!).
and Fitarella? I *knew* youd be in. thanks!
Nita? I. can. not. believe. that.
I guess this means that I will have to leave the house today. π I will report back.
Maybe I will bring another gym goer a towel. Hmmmmm.
Great idea, Miz!
I love this idea! I’ll be back later for an update. Would it be bad if I used this as a way to meet a handsome young man? JUST kidding. π (Kinda).
Hmm, I’ll have to think on this one. I don’t eat (or coffee) out on a regular basis, so the paying for the person behind me thing won’t work.
I somehow doubt abstaining from strangling my coworker counts – that feat of charity is one I somehow accomplish on a daily basis. *winks*
I already do random complimenting, and I share my pyramid of awesome tea with anyone who walks past and has that “I appreciate good tea” look on their face (not to be confused with the “I appreciate good poetry” look. Whew. You only make THAT mistake once, let me tell ya.
Also, your homepage does an odd thing where it constantly loses the connection. Sometimes. It’s odd, the page loads, and then BLAMMO, error message. I had to do some fancy clickwork to get to this link. Maybe it’s just me, but I’d think it’d be totally blocked instead of stealthily erroring.
HMMMM (homepage thang. love computers. hate computers.)
And RooBabs?
Completely *my* POOR ME-funk breaker outer.
What a great idea!
Let’s see… tonight I will go visit my friend with intellectual disabilities who lives in an institution and has no family. And I’ll read to him.
i love the toys to the firestation idea! i usually give them away via freecycle, but today i am going to stop by the firestation and see if they would like them instead. great idea!
I also have some formula checks and babies r us gift cards that I’m going to send to the woman’s shelter. thanks for the reminder to get them out the door!
I like it. If the whole world thought and worked like this, wouldn’t it be a great place?!
I’ll be watching for opportunities as I’m out and about today. i’ll report back only if it is REALLY nice. π
I do a lot of volunteering for people with mental health problems. But i also like to do things for people to make them smile. Last week i picked up some carribean food that i know a co-worker likes. And i took in some tea that i know another one likes.
Today i think i’ll give the dr’s receptionist a nice smile and compliment as i know they are usually so busy and harried π Unless of course something else comes up first!!
Melany you’ve started me thinking….
Once upon a time I went to a TINY college where, for fun, I’d start rumors (just something like IT’S SUPPOSED TO SNOW 2 FEET TONIGHT) merely to see if they’d come back to me.
If someone would tell *me* the info like it were news…a giant game of telephone (kind of).
All *that* to thumbtyped say how COOL it would be if one of us were on the receiving end of a random act of bumbling band kindess.
It’s a small world out there….
Hmmm can someone do smfin nice for me like buy my coffee. OK OK just kidding I will do one thing good today. Hey I am subbing for an instructor who called me sick this morning even though I don’t want to. I have to save my legs for track tonight but I am doing it. Oh who am I kidding I would do it no matter what i can;t say no sometimes. So i will pick something else nice/good to do today.
This is a great idea!
I’m going to round up a donation for Prevent Blindness. Great organization, if you happen to have a chapter in your area.
oooh – I love this idea!! Funnily enough, I was just talking to my kids last night about this very subject. We came up with a plan to visit a sick friend in the hospital today. She’s in on an extended stay so her visitors have run out:( The kids made her cards and I baked her banana bread. Thanks for making the world a nicer place!!
I LOVE this!!!
What a fantastic idea. The wheels are already turning!
Oh, I’ve tried the kill ’em with kindness routine. It led to me suffering major heart burn and borderline panic attacks due to the toxic environment. So I gave up. But, they’re all in great moods if you are a b*tch to them. Makes no sense to me.
Does taking my friend to a pilates class count?
i love it! count me in, but i have no clue what i’m going to do yet…. maybe take a single guy in the squadron some dinner???
have a fabulous day, mizfit!
Hmmm……the Bag Lady will have to leave the ranch today in order to comply with this…..
Do past random acts count? Like, yesterday? (loaned her carpet-cleaner to someone so they wouldn’t have to go to town and rent one)
This is a great idea, Mizfit, and the Bag Lady will be back later to report, and to read up on what the other members of the bumbling band came up with!
Well my day gig is in philanthropy anyway
but my random act will deal with my class tonight.. even before this post I had decided to give one of my students tonight a free PT session!
Thats an awesome post!!! Go Mizfit!! =)
My folks would always do that same thing. At a restaraunt, we would pick someone out, and as we were leaving, they would cover their bill.
It was truly an act of kindness because we would leave before the lucky people even figured out what was happening. That way they won’t refuse the gift, and they would not feel obligated to thank us or do something in return!
You really do get a great feeling whenyou do something nice for someone else!!
Hmm, I am still contemplating what I will do as my random act of kindness. At the moment I am leaning towards playing soccer with the neighbor kids on my lunch hour to give their mom a break/burn up some of their energy as she i home schools them and has the three wild kids to herself ALL DAY LONG. Either that or pay for someone else at Starbucks when I go!
Thanks for planting the seed, miz.
Today I’ll run to the store at lunchtime, pick out a card, and send it to my “nana”– my mom’s mother-in-law from her first marriage who was like a third grandma to us. Not a stranger, but it will mean a lot to her, and it’s so easy to do, I’m ashamed I don’t do it more often.
While I’m at the store, I’ll try to do throw some other acts of kindness in, too. But I agree with some of the other posters– often these are genuinely random and a surprise even to ourselves!
I usually go to visit my grandma on Saturday and clean and bring her dinner. She doesn’t expect to see me during the week. I will show up today with at least 2 kids and something healthy for her to eat. Maybe some whole wheat blueberry flax muffins? She loves anything homemade! She also loves Hershey bars so I’ll stop by the store and get her one of those too.
Second act of kindness……the kids and I will go through toy boxes (needs to be done anyway!) and get a good pile on nicer toys to take to our church……..if you put them outside the church sometimes people going by who need them will get them first. That’s why I don’t put them directly in the drop.
Thanks for inspiring us π Let’s create a better world today π
You are all—not surprisingly as I mentioned in my post—AWESOME.
it makes my day brighter knowing how many OTHER PEOPLE’S days (or nights those of you whose days are ending :)) will be touched by members of our Bumbling Band.
Great idea! I think I’ll see what opportunities come up today and go from there and report back- although it IS raining outside, so I might go out and buy an umbrella and give it to the first little drowned rat of a person that I find.
Here’s to kindness-ing around the globe!
i’ve loved reading all the posts and ideas.
sometimes i think we get so wrapped up in the negative of the world and this kind of thing can remind us just how good (youaregood!) people really are.
i have been lucky to be both the giver and receiver of many acts of random kindness! one of my fav things to do is compliment the really preggo ladies. they always look so beautiful with their round bellies and when someone did it for me it made my day!
My MizFits Doing Unto Others Day act of kindness is that I will donate a pint of blood. I called to make an appointment this evening, but the Red Cross was all full. So I have an appointment set up for tomorrow evening at 6:45PM.
Thanks. I will plan to do one of the ideas mentioned above- not sure what but I will. Donating toys and/or buy a coffee for someone. ‘m sure there are studies on how it makes the giver feel when they focus on someone other than themselves, heh? Great idea.
I love RAKing!
In a way, RAKing is a very selfish act because it makes the doer feel like a shining diamond in a coalbin.
I don’t like to plan my RAKs….I like them to happen serendipitously….like fate has a hand in it.
My suggestion is if you feel the urge, follow your heart. Fate may be whispering to you for an important reason.
I’ve read where someone’s RAK has saved someone from committing suicide…can you imagine?
Terrific post, Carla! Thank you!
The guys I work with have to work outside in the heat in long sleeve uniforms. One day last week when it was a thousand degrees outside, I stopped by the store on my post office run and bought them all ice cream sandwiches. They were so thankful and they told me several times that something little like that can really make a big difference in their otherwise hot and boring day!
I really like this idea – I’ll think of something to do and then report back later! =)
I try to do something everyday for someone – I really have made an effort to incorporate this concept into my daily existence. Once upon a time I saw the movie pay it forward and for whatever reason it stuck with me. If we could all do that just once a day it would really make a big diffence.
I am giving a girlfriend a TV today. She does not have one and we have way to many!
Great post and we all need to get off our backsides and give back and be “selfless” more often π
Love it. Leo at Zen Habits had a post yesterday about making people happy.
I am trying to think of something that I don’t normally do. Hmmm.
Ooh – I feel all proud now because I have done this: In line at Starbucks? Pay for the person waiting behind you as a surprise!
And you KNOW I’m all about doing this: Stop a stranger on the street and give him or her a genuine compliment and a smile
My dad has done this: Eating lunch out at a restaurant? Randomly select a diner and pick up his/her check.
The person wasn’t random tho – I was in college at the time and a roommate of mine was out with her BF and my dad paid for their bill without them knowing, we left, and then they went to pay and were surprised. pay it forward!!
Hold on people. This is going to be a long one.
First things first, I’ve been away for a week. Well, thats a lie. I got back from vacay yesterday only to be so-freakin-wiped that I ate ice cream and ignored the computer.
Secondly. THANK YOU for touching on, literally, everything I’ve strugged with (without being able to get to the site – of COURSE!) over the last week.
1. Quitting. Hillarious. Hubby and I tried Kayaking over the week at this amazingly beautiful nature park. I loved it, he hated it. And I mean hated it. I’ll still go again, but I’m not going to bug him to carry on. He can quit. I don’t need him! (except for everything else in life.) After an hour of kayak misery for him, I conceeded and tried something new for me (trail biking) – turns out – I love that MORE. So (a) I let him quit something and (b) found a new love. Now, dear hubby, has to buy me a bike. Muahahaha… π I win again.
2. Vacation guilt-trips / exercise-pangs / kill-me-i-ate-dessert panic attacks. I did this for 3 of my 5 days of vacation. Tried to sneak in exercise, cried after enjoying amazingly-delicious-blueberry-caramel-spongey-cakey amazingness, felt horrible after having a bottle of wine at a VERRYYYY expensive (woohoo) dinner and then refused to buy a new outfit at lululemon (WHAT?!) because I was ‘too fat’ to try on clothes. Ok. Seriously. If I was too depressed to SHOP I’m officially a lunatic. After wasting ~$1,000 on a 5-day vacation where I was miserable 1/2 the time I officially feel like a moron, and I’ll never do it again. (worry compulsively about dieting, not quit vacations!) I will, however, strive to be more FIT so that my body will naturally accomidate better for the special meals and treats. I bet if I get me some mini muscles I won’t feel as bad if theres a little fat under ’em π
3. Musterbation. Tee hee. I love it. I am one of these people. “I must not eat more than 1,200 cals/day or I will NEVER lose weight”… etc. I have joined a fitness boot camp and REALLY believe exercise is the answer. The gym will be also joined in September. The more fit and toned I feel, the less I will worry about the exact number on the scale – it’s looking and feeling good that counts.
4. Lastly, do-gooders unite. There is no greater feeling in the world than giving back. Just yesterday, my husband rushed back to hold a door for a sweet little old lady. She stopped to compliment he, and then asked me if he was always so wonderful. What a nice thing for her to have done. I will definitely pass it on today.
p.s.: I am very slowly but surely starting to work on a blog. It’ll feature recipes, my adventures in exercise (as a beginner), and follow my overall growth and goal-striving. I’d like to have it be a bit more streamlined as right now, it seems like it’s going to turn into a free-for-all, therefore if anyone has any suggestions to offer, I’d love to hear them! (Check it out – link is above –
OK, buying trashy mags for work colleagues didn’t go so well (they read them and became even more depressed) and all my courteous driving and letting-in-at-road-junctions has been ignored by other drivers (probably coz they’re too busy looking at the crazy rain and trying not to crash)
BUT I got home and wrote a fun-filled letter to my step-grandfather, who has Alzheimers and is in a nursing home. Just knowing that he’ll get a few minutes of joy out of reading is just The Best. I resolve to keep writing even more often than I have been – it hardly takes any of my time and I know how much pleasure it gives him.
TA x
I love giving random people compliments. I once approached a guy in a bar just to tell him that he had an awesome smile. I didn’t think he was cute and I wasn’t hitting on him – just wanted to pass on a compliment and go off on my way.
I’ll do my best to do something today – it’s tough being in an office all day and then going to a gym where everything is pretty much provided. but I’ll think of something!
I LOVE timezones as youve already done, reported and are wrapping up your day.
The mags depressed them?!
trashy mags never depress me…although I immediately think CELEB-mags and lord knows their lives are far more out of control than mine (Amy Winehouse).
& I imagined you at a roundabout, like the Griswolds in European Vacation, waiving everyone ahead of you and causing a pile-up.
Please not to tell me if my mental image is incorrect as I love it.
KUDOS on the letter and on making your step-grandfathers day a brighter one.
Though really it’s still only 5pm – maybe I can RAK up another RAK (arf) at the gym tonight! No, your National Lampoon fantasy is pretty much spot on. In fact, my life isn’t too far off being a Chevy Chase film in general…
Can’t wait to hear everyone else’s reports!
TA x
I promise not to approach any guy in a bar (first of all).
I promise not to count the missing teeth of the ‘structurally- challenged’ while riding by on my bicycle.
I promise not to verbally abuse people who call me even though the majority call for verbal abuse.
I promise to send that guy the newsletter on lymphedema since I pay for it and he doesn’t have the cash.
I promise, promise, promise, if I drag my sister down the hill for a walk in a short while that I will carry her back up the hill (screaming) when she insists she cannot carry herself.
So awesome–I’m definitely in!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE paying it forward! I am currently knitting up some socks for a friend – she has no idea they are for her, and there’s no special reason for them. Just because, I guess. π
I’m thinking….
One thing I will do is stop along my running trail to replace the rocks that I noticed were washed away in several places. That will save the little lady whose job it is from having to do it.
What a great reminder to practice da random acts of kindness. I shall start looking for parking meters to plug immediately.
Also, my club rugby team is hosting a youth skills camp at for middle-school kids tonight. There should be plenty of opportunities for positive reinforcement and confidence building!
What a fantastic idea!! You’re awesome Mizfit.
So I am holed up in my office all day, but I do have to run errands lately and I’ll be keeping my eyes open for somebody to help. I will report back later.
you guys are CREATIVE.
if anyone is stuck *please* to randomly drop by my domicile and give my muse a prod.
She’s failing me and I have a deadline looming.
(or, if you wanna just do the work for me, I promise to pretend to be surprised!)
I’ve been lurking around here for a while, and I’m down with it (I try to give at least 5 strangers a genuine compliment every day).
There’s also this website for some really good causes: The accessories are pretty cute, and the causes are great. If you don’t feel like shopping, you can go to site of each cause and click the button to help someone out (and clicking the button once/day is free).
LOVE this idea, MizFit!!!! I’m heading to Starbucks later so that’s an easy one. I will definitely be working more of these into my daily routine. Thanks for the prod and reminder!
*Animal lover? Grab a zip lock bag, scoop in some cat or dog food & offer to the homeless people you see with pets (this one mightcould just be me).
I was reading this quickly, and I thought you were suggesting picking up dog poop and giving it to homeless people! (A reread set me straight.)
I’m too broke to buy coffees and lunches for people, so I guess I’ll have to settle for being really nice to everyone.
Thanks for the reminder. I get so caught up in my own self that I forget to do things for others.
Ok, I may have just pulled a what-that-hugging-lady-did-to-Felice. (see above) Where do we draw the line between kindness and frightening off strangers?
I was sitting at the bus stop and there was another young woman there. I was right outside of Whole Foods, and I was munching on some fruit I’d just purchased. We had a good 15 minutes before the bus came, so I turned to her and offered her some fruit. Some good, clearly-from-Whole-Foods, organic fruit.
She looked really freaked out and said no.
Was this one of those you-can’t-share-food-with-strangers-anymore moments? I felt bad. Hope she’s not traumatized. Chin up, I’ll keep trying.
First? I LOVE gearthatgives.
Great mention/reminder.
And I’m *giggling*
Perhaps the random act of kindness will be the laughter we all give each other today from this endeavor!
best idea. eva. great way to beat the sluggy mcsluggerson mood. I’m in.
great plan!! I’m in……not sure how, but I’ll report back as soon as i do something nice….will be good to get out of my comfort zone.
How wonderful!
Do I have to do it today? π
Yesterday at Whole Foods, I let the woman behind me in line pay first, because my cart was so much fuller than hers.
Whenever my eyes meet the eyes of strangers on the street, I smile. They almost always smile back!
On the weekend, we went through the kids’ closet made a huge clothing donation at Goodwill.
I’m saying… this is – should be – an everyday thing, right? So even if I won’t be particularly kind to anyone today, I do make it a point to be kind on a regular basis. And you are right: interestingly, when you are good to others, it makes YOU feel good!
Just a side note… some acts of kindness will be rejected, because people these days are cautious and suspicious. The woman at Whole Foods refused at first, I shrugged and smiled and told her to let me know if she changed her mind – and she did. Don’t get discouraged if people seem to respond coldly to your efforts.
Just checking back in to say random act of kindness successfully accomplished! Weather is miserable today so I bought an umbrella and wandered around my neighborhood until I found the homeless man who spends a lot of time in the area and gave him the umbrella. Its very rainy out and his clothes were already starting to get soaked through so I think he was quite pleased- he told me he’s wanted one his whole life.
Of course, one random act doesn’t fill the quota, but like you say its a start! And I will be sure to keep my eyes extra open today for further opportunities for performing random (or not so random but equally sincere) acts of kindness. And I think I’d better mark on my calendar that August 12th is now the official day for being extra kindly:)
I assisted a small group of ladies who’s car had stalled in the middle of the road. Good thing it was a small mazda as I could push it to the side until the tow truck came.
Stay Lean, Stay Natural, Stay Strong!
What a great idea. I’m so about RAK. Kindness is becoming way too rare.
vered? sagan? jeff?
I love the concept. Unfortunately, as a starving student I can’t pull of the first few acts. Instead, I bought carnations and put them on random cars in the parking lot with a note that said “Smile”
DANG SeaBreeze.
That’s really nice.
made me smile just reading about it and we KNOW how snarky I can be….
No need to sell me on this one… I’m all in and this is the kind of things that I’m totally all about and try and do often.
Hey — tfh — that cracks me up! I think that if I had been talking to the woman for 15 minutes and then she hugged me, it would have been OK. I think your fruit offer was nice!
Now, for what I did. I was in a store and in one of the aisles an employee was doing a price check or something and totally cursing about it. Normally, I would walk by as quickly as possible. Or, perhaps, give her A Look. Today, I walked by and said Hi and smiled and she actually said hi and smiled back. Maybe it helped with her mood? Who knows!
Also, I called my mom — not to ask her to babysit or anything like that — just to see how her weekend was. And, I didn’t make any snide comments when she complained about my dad. I just listened.
Just for kicks, I took the good MizFit advice and tried on my jeans, told myself I looked GOOD and then tossed (into the donation bag) the pairs that fail to do me justice.
Great, great, great post!
Held a door for a fellow mom who had a newborn — and she looked shocked. Not an unusual act for me, but always like to help someone in those ohsoeasy ways that others somehow ignore.
I thought of it! And this one’s awesome.
You know how most grocery stores will give you coupons that print out with your receipt?
I’m going to start keeping those and bringing a small roll of tape with me so I can tape the coupon to the product in the store for the next person. <3
I know. I know. ENOUGH ALREADY π
I cant help it.
you are all so motivated and creative.
I love it and am compelled to be honest—-Im SO STEALING SOME OF YOUR IDEAS!
i always have an apple in my purse, and sometimes when i pass the homeless people who panhandle on the freeway on ramp, i consider giving it to them. but i never do, because what if *i* get hungry?? i’m such a bitch. today my apple is going to the homeless.
Whew. Okay, I’m back. (Sorry, had to get the walk in first, but I figured you would understand.)
I still haven’t completed my kindness o’the day, but I did sign up for it. I’m donating blood tomorrow morning.
Oh, and I picked up sticks from my neighbors’ yard (and got dirt on my hands)
And I didn’t bounce a stapler off anyone’s head at work.
What medal did I win? OH, wrong show. π
Thanks for the nudge!
Great stuff here – I’m stealing too!
Stealing — that’s not bad is it??????
i did my good deed!! made dinner for a friend π
Okay so I hope it’s not cheating if I’m doing it tomorrow? It’s in the a.m. reallllly early. π I am going to pull up and order my fountain diet coke from McDonald’s (mmmm) and pay for the person behind me. I’ve always kind of wanted to do that – now you’ve lit the fire!
Today I was more random than kind… But I did shut down a fellow customer who was berating a clerk for something out of her control. I’ll be nicer tomorrow???
I hope that donating a couple of hours of my time to volunteer to help some University students with a running related podiatry research project counts.
It’s the only thing I had time to do today – other than work.
But I’ll keep looking.
Neat that you pointed out the physical benefits of doing good along with the warm and fuzzy ones!
Reporting back (one day late)…tonight at PetSmart, a bunch of dog toys and chewies was strewn all over the floor of one aisle, so me and my daughter picked them all up and put them in the proper places. Also, at Borders (we were shopping machines tonight) I bought a kids book to put in a back to school backpack for an underpriveleged kid…they were having a drive.
Nothing major, but leaving the mall a little better than we found it. Thanks for the inspiration
Reporting back also (day later) but also a pint lighter. I went and donated blood at the Red Cross for my little random act of kindness.
Ouch!!! Bootcamp was painful today…and it was only the physical fitness assessment. Ha! (not genuinely)
european vacations are very exciting sepcially if you got to visit many places at once -*-
Great writing right there! I am working on my writings skills hoping to start blogging one day soon.I admire people like you honestly. I guess it takes time, that I have plenty.