Thanks to THIS AMAZING BLOGGER this hath been a summer of Blog Parties.
Far be it from MizFit to pass on a soiree and BINGBANGBOOM we’re scavenger hunting up in herre this week.
Rules? We dont have no stinkin rules!! *sigh* I guess we need a few so here goes:
1. The hunt starts today and ends on 8.22 (I guess if you are retentive enough to want a TIME Id say midnight central time. But, really, I wont draw until I get up on 8.23).
B. Cut & paste the questions below into an email, answer questions, send your answers to me (
12i. I will draw one winner from the billions of correct answers I receive and the winner shall receive a prize (I know. *I* know what the prize is but hath inexplicably decided YOU WONT until I announce. quirky? yes. irritating? fo’shizzle. The way it is? si.)
131879. This is my giveaway so anyone can win. Be you from Latvia or Los Angeles.
The Questions:
1. where are the majority of my Monday Facetimes filmed?
2. what’s my nickname for my daughter? my husband?
3. when MizFit was caught on video in the ‘wild’ what was she doing?
4. what is my favorite form of working out/exercise?
5. name 2 sources of OMEGA 3’s I adore.
6. name one place I write for my day-job.
7. Ive posted one closeup picture of a tattoo of mine—what was it?
8. am I a fan of HIGH INTENSITY CARDIO or slow lolling cardio?
9. what was my failed attempt at a catchphrase?
10. whats *your* catchphrase? (we have to have one question where there’s no wrong answer, right?)
EDITED TO SAY: Ya’ll kill me with your onslaught of answers already (if by *kill me* you mean Im beyond impressed—-which I do).
There are two questions, Im realizing, which have two possible answers.
yada yada yada in summation if it pleases the court Im flexible on those responses. I know. you were worried. fretting. it was gonna ruin your weekend.
remember there’s no rush—-Im not drawing the winner (from all the correct responses I receive) until next week!
And, since it wouldnt be a Friday (for me anyway) without a few links I leave you with this intriguing twist on blogging (anyone tried?), this bigbadtimesuck, and a firm but gentle nudge to git over and check out what this blogger is doing. Tuesday’s twenty-four hour goal? So fun. Let’s keep the THEE THEE THEE momentum going….
(ok. Im weak. I caint end on the uplifting do unto others note & feel compelled to add this. Ive long coveted the football ones (since it’s always flipflop season where I live—even during football season) —-but the candidate ones? Im not so sure Im ready to rock the Obamafeet…or McCain for that matter! You?)
I am SO stuck on one question. I CAN and WILL do this before I go to Italy on Monday.
Could we get us some Mizfitflops in here please? Prizes? Yes?
TA x
woman you SO KNOW I already checked out the MizFitFlops (ooh would the FitFlop people sue me then? might be worth it just for the lawsuit excitement!) & the minimum order of FIVE HUNDRED is a little out of my whatICouldWearInALifetime price range 🙂
now the MizFit rub on tattoos?
those are coming.
as is a contest to decide WHAT they should look like.
Im so excited for your trip.
Have a great time and ENJOY!
Thanks for the links!
Alright, this is going on my to-do-while-really-bored-at-work-list.
Hmm, many I know offhand, but some I don’t which is annoying because I haven’t missed a post!
Memory going, must ingest blueberries….
Great idea for a contest!!
….and here I thought, Ms.McSlacker, that it was easy…
As in too.
Who knew?
Ohhhhh, I’m stumped, but I came in at the second act. May have to pound the pavement in the archives to figure some of these out.
BTW – my niece has been placed in a treatment facility about 60 miles south of where she is right now. We are moving her stuff today. Things are looking up and moving ahead.
I think I need me some FishFlops!
Hey Miz,
Thanks for the link and thank you for your support!
so your going make us THINK?! 🙂 Will do after the coffee!
I’m with Crabby – WTF? Wasn’t I paying attention?!
*Must check archives – would be embarrassing to be wrong…sigh*
Crabby- don’t hog all those blueberries…
Would it be embarrassing, BL? or would it be quirky? rebellious? livin’ life outside of the confining proverbial box? BL-like?
who can say…
Fun, fun! And I would totally rock a Mizfit rub on tatoo at the gym. 🙂
I just started reading every post (started off once a week, then every other day, now i have to read every day to get the same buzz) so I have no idea what half of these are. I’m tempted do do one of three things
1. Make up answers to amuse myself.
2. Put in time and effort and answer everything correctly.
3. slack off.
Okay, at first I thought those flip flops were terrible. Then cute, like I really really want the tennis ones cute. And then I saw the Obama and McCain ones and it creeped me out.
So, for me, the jury is still out. lol.
Fantastic contest!
Those HotFlops? Too much fun. Love it!
Ooh this is going to take some sleuthing as I am a new reader. Fun!
My sister does not hold her cards close to her chest during our family card games, so I have years of memories of doing everything I could to look away and not cheat despite really, really, really wanting to.
Weighting Game’s post totally just brought that all back for me. Squinting eyes. Looking across the room…
-whats *your* catchphrase?
“I am not from yoru country.”
Whenever I do something kind of odd, which is a lot, I say that. It works, people go “oh, why of course”.
Exhibit A:
Alice deeping her bread and butter in her hot chocolate, totally normal in France, not so much here.
“hey, I am not from your country.
FYI tfh isn’t losing her mind 😉
I deleted the comment as it had most of the answers.
Didn’t wanna ruin the joy of the hunt—-if by *joy* you mean paininthearse which I guess I do.
Yep – the political flops totally grossed me out. If I looked down and saw a little McCain head between my toes I would scream.
* also – I think I know all the answers – except the Omega 3 one… I tend to tune some of that out. Especially if the topic includes a fishy aftertaste.
I’m off work today so maybe I can play the scavenger game. I knew several right away but it will take a wee bit of research to get them all. How fun. Happy Friday
#1 I’m new to blogging so thanks for visiting my site.
#2 I LOVE the stair climber that looks like an escalator…never sweat so much in my life.
#3 What you you talking bout looks hard…I saw your pic and couldn’t pic my mouth off of the ground. You have a toddler and abs like that? I blow down to your greatness is all I can say.
#4 I’m going to have to do a lot of reading, but I’m curious (if by curious I might also be a bit competitive) to find the answers!
Chellie? Welcome!
And yes.
You made me LAUGH with your ‘if by curious…’ phrasing.
#1 I’m new to blogging so thanks for visiting my site.
#2 The stair climber that looks like an escalator is my fav…never sweat so much in my life
#3 What are you talking hard, I just saw your pic with the bra and my mouth dropped for at least 5 minutes. You have a toddler and have abs like that? I bow down to your greatness!!
#4 I will be doing some reading since I’m curious (if by curious I also could mean competitive) of the answers!
That big bad time suck was super duper awesome.
Those are great questions!!
Roll up girl, did Alice just quote my favorite comedian????
Checking sites now…..
What IS your fascination with curraazzee lookin shoes?!?!?!?
The hunt was fun. I used my own brand of comedy for the answers I didn’t know.
Ah! I hope I find some time to do this! What a fun little challenge
I should know better not to go to the time suck links, but I never learn. Thanks!
I love it! What a way to get know us better and keep us talking about our fav things…us! LOL! so cool, will email u today. Oh and I did something nice. I stayed after spin class the other night and shared my tri knowledge with a student for like 15 mins even though I was jonesing to get outta there. Does that count??
does it count, Viv?
Lemmie check (*pauses for .3723 of a second) YES!
That jonesing to git out? I have been there and I’m hardpressed in those moments to STOP & chat.
(Ugly. I know. True? Fo’shizzle)
Ride that RAK-wave through your weekend!
Shot I thought I knew you better…Im jammed up for two answers gotta do my miz homework
ugh…homework!:) just kidding…….it will be fun!
just got back from a glorious 9 miler before the heat sets in…we will be 100 up in here before the day it out. i don’t now how all you people live in the heat!
I’m so excited about the hunt. I knew a few of the answers right off but I’m definitely going to have to use my detective skills.
Those football flops are totally funny- I can’t imagine wearing them, but maybe I could buy them for the Hubs since his birthday is coming up, and he’s a football freak. Then again, $30 is a lot for a gag gift- ha ha.
Regarding RAK- I had the chance yesterday to give someone a ride from work to the bus stop (approx. 1 mile down the road). And it felt sooo good because she said that she was running late, and would have probably had to wait for the next bus (an hour later) if I hadn’t stopped. Love the warm fuzzies.
I’m to new of a reader to know many of the answers-but what a neat idea! I just love it.
I am so sorry that I can’t participate in this!
I am tending to a startup. 🙂
But I am in awe at your amazing bogging ideas.
Ok, my attention span is FAR too short to go looking for posts for the answers. Will you post them after the contest ends? Please? (You remember Dory in “Finding Nemo?” Yeah. I have friends who call me that sometimes. NO attention span. *sigh*)
“If I looked down and saw a little McCain head between my toes I would scream.”
Made me LAUGH SO HARD. Dude, I almost screamed just looking at them online! Weird.
Marste? The mere fact you mentioned Dory made *me* swoon.
But I’m a movie buff that way.
(And both of those ‘flops beat the pants off finding a little john edwards between my toes…)
Yeah, I don’t generally want ANYONE between my toes, ok? SRSLY. Stay the H-E-double-hockey-sticks AWAY from my toes.
But these would be funny at the pool:
I would so get pairs of my family’s faces on my shoes. They would have to guess what I meant be either leaving someone home or wearing someone. And no, I would not match them all the time. I’m weird like that.
If I could count (which is why I often wear flip flops because the toes come in handy), I’d try to see how many of us bumblers were answering the questions posed nicely, and how many of us are doing our best to make poor Miz shoot her famous protein shakes out her nose…. Truly, please post a best of the worst…
: )
Marianne? youre the sole silly one so far!
was that a gauntlet I heard you throwing down?
Im not sure anyone can top your answers (wink) but we’ll see!
EDITED TO SAY: I stand corrected. we have a close second….
Whoa! This looks tough! Research required (at least for this memory-challenged guy).
who wants the flip flops??? ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, I’m in teacher hell, and cannot do anything but wonder why I chose this profession.
ok I had to check back in to say you are all friggin hilarious.
And amazing with your being motivated to answer the questions.
Being the MizFit I am no true effort shall be denied.
(Translation: give it an effort & you’ve a chance to win.)
The laughs alone you’ve given me are prize-worthy.
I am soooo stuck on #3! I can’t find it or I don’t know what your referring to. Just a little hint?????????Please!
sure betsy! it was back in the day.
toward the beginning and a VIDEO.