Last tuesday we were all about the Random Acts of Kindness.
Prior to that post I’d thought, rather pridefully, that not only was I giving but that I was soooo creative in the give as well.
After reading all your comments I was duly humbled.
While Im still all about the Jewish notion of giving anonymously you all proved to me there are far more ways to do that than I’d ever dreamed!
Two of your ideas which I am going to entirely steal do this week:
*cut coupons out for any & everything, bring a roll of tape to the grocery and affix the coupons to the items. “Found money” for shoppers & my Toddler Tornado shall enjoy this activity as well.
*buy a few dozen carnations (or any flower for which I can best git the most bang for my meager bucks), attach a note which reads SMILE, and leave a flower on a windshield until I run out (of flowers. not of the parking lot. there’s a sentence which shall make literary agents clickaway in a heartbeat)
Ya’ll are AWESOME.
Last tuesday, however, my RAK was entirely unplanned/spontaneous (which, as many of you pointed out, is the bettermorefun way to go).
Not only did I accidentally do my Tuesday Testdrive in the process—- the appreciation which flowed back toward me from my neighborfriend really did serve to brighten *my* entire week.
Long story short I took my neighbor’s two kids off her hands for a few hours so that she might find that elusive sliver of peace & quiet for which we all (parents or not) search.
I had no plans to drag her two lovelies with me to the grocery (Im not that much of a multitasker) until one of them discovered this sitting in my office.
When I explained to her what it was for (I went the simple route. The “we bring this to the grocery to help us choose foods which are good for our bodies!” route.) her immediate response (much to my shock) was COOL! We’re going to the grocery?!
and my accidental TestDrive was born.
(alas Ive no video footage of the trip. Besides the fact I was almost arrested filming this —-Im not a fan of putting my own Tornado on film so Id never film anyone else’s cyclones either).
I have to say that the kids LOVED Supernoots (since my daughter is still too young to ‘get it’ entirely I’d assumed kids would enjoy it, but I didnt yet know for sure).
And, much to my surprise (or perhaps the fact that I made it into a rap. Im no Luda but the Semetic Sensation can bust a rhyme or two), they became all kinds of silly chanting the Supernoots tagline of Before you move mountains—-you need to move magnets!
(yes, even without filming we were thisclose to being asked to leave the store simply because we were laughing & having too much fun (it was highly suspicious I guess). Suffice it to say the management needed to be on the receiving end of a few RAK to lighten their collective moods.)
In my opinion the best thing about Supernoots for people of any age is that it empowers.
It’s a fab teaching tool for kids to help them grasp the different food groups and how, when combined, these foods help our bodies to be healthy and grow.
It’s also a FAB reminder for us (sigh) grownup-types that every food we CHOOSE to put in our bodies (& every magnet we move) is a CHOICE.
We totally have the power to create ourselves as we wish to be: healthy, vibrant, energetic & balanced.
As her RAK, Lori, the owner of Supernoots is GENEROUSLY giving one away to a member of the Bumbling Band.
How would you use yours to empower yourself or your children?
Hit us up in the comments & you mightcould be randomly selected to win….
Love the coupon and flower idea! That is so cool 😉 I would be so happy to come out of a store and find a flower on my windshield…I’d smile all the way home 😉
Supernoots looks awesome! What a great tool! Even if I don’t win one, I am going to order it for our family. My son (almost 7) has been overweight since about the age of 4. When I decided to embark on my healthy journey at the end of April, I started seeing the way our family ate in a whole new way. It suddenly hit me…….duh….if it’s not good for me and is causing me to gain, it’s not good for any of us! Just by changing their eating habits and getting a little more exercise in —-they hardly notice the change ;)—-he has lost 8 pounds. He still isn’t quite at at healthy weight yet, but I am convinced that if we continue to focus on our family health, by next year at this time, all of us will be at a healthy weight. Supernoots will make the journey a little more fun through a child’s eyes.
Thanks for sharing the love! Oh……and I loved the grocery store workout!! You are so brave 😉
What a great product – do you think my 19 or 22 year old would appreciate it if I bought them one each for Christmas ?
LOL at the supermarket workout, I can’t believe you did that – especially loved the lunge walk out of the aisle!
From Lori of SUPERNOOTS:
When my son turned three years old, my husband and I found ourselves in a constant struggle to get him to eat healthy. It seemed every meal was a hassle, and I soon tired of being ‘mean mommmy’ all the time. I used my teacher brain to come up with something to help him motivate himself to eat healthy. SuperNoots was born!
The SuperNoots Shopping List gave him the opportunity to choose his own foods, and the fun and simple food chart gave him the motivation he needed to eat healthy. He actually stuck with it, mostly because he was
empowered and in charge. And something else wonderful happened, too… I didn’t have to be the bad guy anymore! If he had to choose oatmeal over pop-tart to move a magnet, it was the chart’s fault he had to choose oatmeal, not mine!
So, it’s a few years later, and my little boy is now in Kindergarten. Even though we don’t use it everyday, the chart still hangs in our kitchen as a reminder that healthy food is important to our family. We still use
the chart every few weeks for a few days, just as a refresher. I am impressed that he has an understanding of what he needs to eat in a day.
Not only is he Mr. Know-It-All when it comes to daily nutrition, but he also feels very confident in his food choices. I feel like I’ve given him a head start on a healthy life, and that’s a great feeling:) !!
SuperNoots worked so well, I decided to start my own business and pass it on!
What a cool product. I’m passing along the link to a friend who has a 9-year old son trying to lose weight. She’s tried to make the focus more on eating healty foods rather than ‘dieting’ but he’s struggling (Dad doesn’t understand the difference, so that complicates things.) This might help them all. 🙂
Heck, I could use one of these…
it IS really cool and reminded me in a way of the OLD SCHOOL Richard Simmons DEAL-A-MEAL.
I know it’s intended for kids but Id really have it on my fridge now….for me & the Ren Man!
Great product! Wish they were around when I was a kidlet! *sniff* Maybe I should invent an adult version…
Deal a Meal! Haven’t heard that in a long time.
Missicat. WAIT. This isn’t for grownupTYPES?
Out of my two boys, one is about as perfect as a 10 year old can be when it comes to nutrition, the other is just a disaster. Yes, I think this (supernook) might just be it to help the (current) little one to eat healthier, because all my other attempts (the ones that worked with his bro) have failed.
Very very cool product. I am so glad there are peeps out there who are way more creative than I.
OMG – that is so cool! My grandon is the king of picky eaters and I worry about his eating habits constantly (which is never ending because he lives with us!)
What a fabulous product! Sounds like a fantastic way to teach kids about eating well without being didactic and preachy. I can certainly get behind that.
Now, do you think it will work for husbands? I shudder to think how mine would eat if I weren’t here to do the shopping…
Even though I want a SuperNoot very desperately, my RAK today will be NOT to compete with a reader with children.
(I’ll try to do some pushups tonight and let you know)
This would definitely work with my kids to help them learn healthier choices earlier! They already know that morning is “a juicve time of day” and the rest of the day is “a water time of day,” so I’m not dealing with them asking for juice all day long or resisting drinking water. But we, as a family, need a LOT more help on veggies, for sure!
SuperNoots! SuperNoots! SuperNoots!
I could say that all day, what an awesome name for a product–and the product itself looks great!
(No kids here, so you can skip me, but if I had ’em, I’d SuperNoot ’em for sure!)
I know, Crabby, the name IS awesome huh?
and oh that I were kidding about us rapping up & down the aisles.
to know me in real life is to know Im a frustrated rapper….
I used to love deal-a-meal! I started making grocery lists with my daughter a couple of months ago, but the magnets would just make it so much more fun! This seems like a great way to make kids aware of healthy nutrition without sending the wrong signals/messages, which I am ALWAYS worried about due to my own food past.
What a fantatic tool! I’m going to let some family members know about the Supernoots to help incorporate a healthier lifestyle in and make it fun for the children.
I’m all about the tzedakahs too. It’s far more fulfilling to bring joy to someones day anonymously for the sole purpose of making them happy than doing a good deed to receive praise.
You’re fantastic
That’s super awesome. I don’t have kids, but it looks like fun to play with nonetheless. We’re all just big kids anywho, right? 🙂
Good Karma kid…keep it up. I love that the kids were so game for it…nice to see them learning good things at such an early age.
Ha- my first thought was the Richard Simmons Food Mover!! Ha ha ha! But the SuperNoots is so much cuter (and obviously kid-friendly). My second thought was that I need this for my husband. He likes healthy foods and eats them if I put them in front of him (generally), but at breakfast (usually skips) and lunch (eating out almost every day), he’s a disaster. It’s like he needs someone to hold his hand.
I think this is a fabulous way to teach kids, and like you mention, it’s kind of a reward system.
About the flowers, I was on the receiving end oh, I guess last summer. There was some guy outside the grocery store, and he had a bundle of roses. He handed me one as I walked out, and said, “A beautiful rose, for a beautiful lady”. It was kind of cheesy, and borderline creepy, but since he was a younger guy (low 20’s prob) I took it for what it (hopefully) was- a nice gesture. And hey, I’ll take a free rose any day!
You can count the Bag Lady out of the contest, but she wanted to say Hi!
Supernoots sounds like a great teaching tool – what a clever idea!
Getting off arse and going to paint……soon…really. Need to do some stretching first – Bag Lady is too tall to stand on cupboards and clean the wall behind the top of the upper cupboards (and not quite tall enough to reach from the ladder) so she is all kinds of stiff and crooked-necked from doing that all day yesterday (too bad she wasn’t ambidextrous, she could have switched hands and bent her neck the other way for awhile…)
Is painting MIL’s house considered a RAK?
In my opinion anything involving inlaws is a MITZVAH.
(Anyone know the term?)
I’m with you, RooBabs, and am not one to look a CreepyGiftHorse in the mouth and would happily have accepted the rose.
It’s pouring here today so my flowers shall wait until it dries.
Not a RAK if one returns to FLOWERMOOOSH all over the windshield….
So cool!
Making things like nutrition and good food choices FUN is such a key for kids. Pre-baby, I volunteered at a Rescue Mission where women & children lived (women just out of incarceration or victims of dom. violence, etc). I went in with a group once a month and we had “lessons” with the kids (and moms) about healthy eating. We joked around, used games and just made the whole thing fun. The kids (um, and the moms) had TERRIBLE eating habits but they tried EVERYTHING! They just needed the exposure and something to make it fun.
Anyway . . . this sounds like it would have been perfect for that group — or any group, for that matter. I’m heading over to the Supernoots site to check it out. THANKS for the testdrive! I’m glad to learn about this!
Wow, those two RAK ideas totally rock and are very creative, color me impressed!
I will join in with those abstaining from being in the Supernoots running since I don’t have kids, but what an awesome product! I love that it makes a game out of teaching kids healthy eating habits and the basics of nutrition as eating run made fun is the way to start a lifetime of healthy choices!
Bag Lady knows what a mitzvah is! *waving hand excitedly*
Does anyone else remember the “Rabbi” books from years ago? (Wednesday the Rabbi…Saw Red…or was it Tuesday? Dang, my memory is going!) Learned much from those books. And from Faye Kellerman’s books.
Love fiction that opens a door on a world one isn’t otherwise acquainted with – incidental education combined with entertainment. Can’t beat it.
I should have known you’d know, BL!
And, perhaps to yer chagrin, you are all entered to win.
You may decide to make your RAK to give the Supernoots to a more needy receipient (a fellow Bumbling Band member or to a shelter for kids!)—-but you’re entered if you comment so you can pay it forward should you choose!
Forget the kids…I’d use it for me!!! lol (just kidding)
In all seriousness, that is a very cool tool. I haven’t looked into it enough to figure out how it works, but it looks like fun and thats half the battle with kids, isn’t it?! And the lunchboxes….adorable!
I loved your coupon idea for the RAK, I may just do that with random coupons I have that I know I won’t be using.
MizFit I LOVE your RAK idea. I try to do good things for other people regularly since I have been blessed with good things in life.
You have a good heart and you do mitzvahs for others…for that you will be rewarded.
Now I need to think of my own RAK for this weekend…thanks for the idea!
Miz -then again….who said we were grownups? 🙂
Yes, know what a mitzvah is too! Go figure!
I would really love to be grocery shopping one day and run into you doing exercises in the aisle. OK – off to find a RAK opportunity.
THat is the coolest thing ever!
I would drive it around for months forgetting that it is in my car. Then the mysterious hobo who takes up residence in my car during the school year could use it to become healthy. (Frankly, the car looks like someone lives in it most of the time – I’m beginning to wonder.)
Should I win, I shall bequeath it to the next proud winner in line.
I must water! We’ve gone from rain to the max in June to lucky we get dew. TTFN
(Neat idea. Deal-a-Meal -*snort* been there.)
Debra? I know where you live (dont panic :)) and there’s a chance that you may!
Nancy? it is SO COOL. for me (if by ME you mean my HUSBAND—-which I do) it was the very act of MOVING the magnets which made it so empowering.
or, more realistically, NOT MOVING THEM.
His seeing at day’s end that there was nary a mag moved into the veggie or fruit circle.
far more powerful than any MizFitNag could be….
Love the supernoots idea. I’m in for the drawing. Please & thank you!
Great RAK’s. My kids would love doing that stuff with me, too.
what an awesome product. will have to buy if i don’t win!! my oldest (4.5) will go nuts over this. empowering and interactive and a great reminder for mom and dad!
you are a rockstar for even attempting to take multiple kids to the grocery store…..AND THEN actually filming it AND having fun!!! i rarely take my two boys without backup!:)
happy tuesday everybody!
Love it! Sent the link to some friends with school-age children. Right now, my two-year old would just throw the magnets around the house, but I would love it! 🙂
And the flower on the car thing–great idea. Might have to do that with my son tomorrow. He would think it was so much fun.
I love the Supernoots idea! I had never seen anything like it before. My two boys (6 and 4) would love something like that. My oldest will try anything once and will eat most vegetables and all fruits. My youngest stays away from as many vegetables as possible. (“How many bites do I have to eat?”) He would really benefit from something like this!
Love the RAK ideas!
We already have one and love it. My kids loved to move the magnets after they ate the fruits and veggies. It’s a great game and very empowering.
This is great. Lately I’ve found myself putting together a lot of baby shower gifts (fuuuun!) and Supernoots looks like a perfect addition, because I like to buy things I secretly want for myself. Too bad we don’t have something like this into the school system, or at least the pre-school/kindergarten system, eh? Do we?
(I am off to eat a hard boiled egg with tomatoes. Hey, it sounded GOOD.)
May I go shopping with you and almost get arrested too?
I’d love to try the Noots with my vegetarian daughter. She eats way too many carbs and I keep getting on her to balance out her diet. But of course, we all know how much moms know about these kinds of things (at least when you’re a teenager).
I can also see it as a useful tool for my 9yo daughter who has a horrid sweet tooth. It’s all about balance, and this visual/manipulative tool could help provide the understanding of that balance.
What a neat find!
oooooh TFH! That’s a great idea I hadnt thought of: supernoots as a shower gift.
I loved when I received things I didnt need right away (a potty for potty training was one which springs to mind. I adored having that already when the need arose and I received so much clothing she outgrew by 6 months).
Ooo! What a cool product! E’s very into charts right now (we have a good day chart to keep the tantrums at bay) and occasionally asks if the food she is eating is a “healthy food” … me thinks she would love this! And while I’m very lucky that my kids do like their fruits and veggies and other good-for-you-foods…I do like the positive reinforcement this could give.
Oh my daughter would get such a kick out of this and she is trying to eat healthier. Although i’m not too sure what her idea of healthy is 😉
I think that product would help anyone – child or adult. I know I could use something like that to improve what I eat and help me choose what I buy at the store.
Does she that begs the most get it??
me me me me me me me me me me me me I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it please please please please please
Wait…I think that’s whining. Been with the kids all summer. They are rubbing off on me.
Anyway, just started on Tosca’s Clean Eating for Families…my kids would LUV this to get involved and I know it would make them more excited about healthy eating. The three of them are all about praise. This would be a tangible reminder and way to track their healthy habits.
When I take the kids grocery shopping with me, which I do try to avoid bu sometimes I have to, I always use it as a teaching opportunity. When they ask to buy something, we look at the label together and talk about why it’s best to avoid trans fats and high fructose corn syrup.
I love your ideas, I’m going to have to use/steal them as well!
and I must get Supernoots for my older guy. Its a daily struggle to get anything healthy in his body. This would be perfect for him.
and my kids could really use it too! 🙂
i blogged aboutchallah…you about tzedakah. We are two peas in a Jewish pod.
It’s amazing the difference it makes to have something to check off (or a magnet to move) to remind us to eat healthy. I have little boxes at the bottom of my daily journal, where I check off fruits and veggies. It really does help me to make better choices throughout the day, so I can check off each and every box.
I think you’re right: the kid in all of us responds well to these kinds of things.
Great post – thanks!
Jewish pod, WG.
that made me laugh.
and think that I need to introduce the Toddler Tornado to edamame.
There was a time when I’d fall to the floor LMAO if I saw a woman with a basket on her head lungeing down the aisle AND bustin a rhyme. Now I’m thinkin’ ‘hey, way to multitask.’
Strollin’ down the aisle with my Supernoot
Gotta magnet for the meat and one for fruit….
Somewhere, Luda just cringed…
I would have LOVED this as a kid. For some reason, early on I got into the counting servings of fruits, etc as they fit onto the Four Food Groups (back in the day before the Pyramid, and before we learned that the Pyramid was the result of lobbying by the agricultural industry).
I saw somebody kranking yesterday! For some reason, when you blogged about it I had pictured a group of krankers a la spinning class. This guy was all by his lonesome, tucked in between the ellipticals and the foot cycles. I don’t think I’d have known what to do with the machine had I not seem someone using it.
did he, Kellie? DID HE?!
who can say.
Miz., who actually hung briefly with LudaMan as he played a private party Ren Man held for his company (RM’s. Not Ludas :)).
My attention span is about 2.3 seconds right now (have I mentioned the sleep deprivation experiment going on in my house? inhumane is all I can say) so I only got as far as the flowers on windshields but what a lovely idea! I would so get a kick out of that (although in your neck of the woods, the flowers would spontaneously combust in just a few minutes so you might want to wait until January). What a lovely idea!
The video of possible exercises at the grocery store, love it! But man, you’re making it impossible for me to have excuses for not exercising. Sheeze!
Supernoot – looks great in helping our children learn how eat healthier, and I’m all about that! Count us in for the drawing. (I’m a little lucky, my kids already love broccoli and mushrooms.)
How clever are Supernoots?! “Healthy foods” and “junk foods” are the only food concepts my son (just turning 5) understands. Supernoots would help me bring good nutrition to the next level. I wonder if his kindergarten teacher can adapt Supernoots to a group level activity, perhaps asking random children what they have in their lunches that day that fit the categories.
Thanks for bringing another great product to our attention.
Put me in the drawing for SuperNoots…that looks incredibly cool…at this very moment my home-alone (for just the 2nd time this summer) daughter texted to tell me that she had for lunch an entire box of Chewy Granola bars or possibly my FiberOne Bars…I will certainly find out in about 2 hours. My only instruction to her was no cooking; clearly we both need help from Supernoots. Thank God school starts on Monday
This would be great to encourage my daughter to eat more fruits and vegetables and maybe to get my son to try to eat some protein. I have a tough time getting them away from wanting to eat crackers/goldfish/chips for snacks.
I want to use it for my husband too. 😉
We’re trying to avoid the health problems suffered by EVERY. SINGLE. OTHER. adult on my mom’s side of the family – diabetes, heart disease, strokes, my aunt had a triple bypass at the age of 36 and ended up losing a hand to a blood clot. Making good food choices, along with our daily (when it’s not raining) walks and bike rides, will hopefully help avoid that. I think this might get my boys eating more veggies. They are already fruit fiends!
What a great way to keep accountable of eating what we need to eat. You are awesome for taking the neighbors kiddos! So nice…Is the other house next to you for sale??
that made me LAUGH, Viv.
Although you *sure* you wanna live next door to the woman who is up @ 4a and mightcould knock on your door to borrow a cup of sugar (if by SUGAR you mean coffee—which I do) at 410?
Thanks for the supernoots tip. I’ve never heard of them before – it’s a great idea! I’m always looking for good ways to explain healthy food to my children without exposing myself for the nutjob I truly am;)
Awwww. I’m glad you liked my idea enough to hijack it. That’s a real compliment. I used to do this in first year with some of my friends. We’d randomly leave notes/flowers/balloons on each others cars when we knew that we had stressful papers/exams/etc. coming up. Doing it for other people you don’t know is fantastic too!
Also, the Supernoots lunch box is fantastic. My room mate works at a day care and they were teaching the kids about “balanced diets” with these tools a few weeks ago. Love It!
I love the coupon idea! In the past, if I’ve seen someone with something in their cart, and I have a coupon I give it to them, and I’ve left coupons laying on the shelf….but to actually tape it to the item? Ingenious!!!!!! Thanks for the heads up!
I have no kids … but I’m totally getting supernoots for myself AND as gifts for friends with little ones. What a cool idea!
what a brilliant idea!!
if i got one, it would be a nice reality check for the dear hubby whose “burger king #6” and “pizza hut large supreme” meals would not have magnets to represent them…
I have no idea what a supernoot is, but realized that a really huge RAK would be to donate blood, as it could literally save a life (I was talking to an EMT friend today). Just a thought.
Well, I don’t have kids at this point, but if I did I would sooooo need this if they are anything like I was as a kid. Or for that matter anything like my darling nephews.
Ooh! Fun food tool!! I just ordered a few…for my husband who is food challenged, for the PA (ok, she’s a nanny, but I like to think of her as my daughter’s Personal Assistant – ha!) to make sure she’s feeding the wee one lots of variety, and for a friend’s wee one’s b’day that is coming up.
ps for Lori: Please please make a chart for grown-ups!
thats too cute. fun way to watch what you eat.
K, that coupon idea? Genius! I usually only hand them over to a person if they’re in the isle there next to me. Love that idea 🙂
This product sounds cool! Especially for kids old enough to read and find products in stores 🙂 Fun!
That is REALLY cool and a fantastic idea!!
I had never heard of this. Something my 4 year old would love- and really, me too! She is just now getting interested in helping me plan the weekly menus, and this would be a great tool to use when we sit down and do that. Pretty cool.
Im simultaneously out in the world trying to be an adult & LAUGHING, fitnessista, at the notion of magnets for burger king and pizza hut.
up in herre it’s more a need for snickers & oreo mags.
and Priscilla? the PA comment? comedy gold.
SuperNoots is really cool…where was it when my kids were little? I could have really used it!
No kids here… but your video with you working out in the grocery store cracked me up. Seriously, just what I needed after doing some “serious” work 🙂
Hey, no kids here, but on the subject of coupons and RAKs, there is a site called Coupon Mom. It (she) tracks all the sales, both advertised and un-advertised and matches them up with any existing coupons you might have. Sometimes those matches result in a free product, which if you don’t use, you can “buy” anyway and donate! Pretty much everywhere will take non-perishables, and many food banks will take perishables, as well. AND it costs you nothing – except the trip to the food bank. 🙂
Easy RAKs! (*giggle* Racks. Nice RAKs, Miz! *cracks up*)
FINALLY, Marste!
Ive been gigglesnorting about that all day and was far too embarrassed to point it out since I was trying to be all grown up & doing unto others and stuff.
Thanks for the site—-Ive never seen it before!
Ah! I have to be nice and not tell. My Mother would be very upset. Never let the right hand know what the left is doing. Something like that.
Supernoots, buying it for my niece. She competed in a Gymnastics tournament and ate TWIZLERS before the event. No breakfast, nothing healthy. GRRR.
Priscilla, Actually, grown-up SuperNoots charts are on their way soon. They’ll be heavier on the fruits and veggies (would have made the kids’ charts this way, but wanted to be realistic for those kids who weren’t eating any veggies), and will also have spots for water.
I expect these to sell really well, because lots of moms have asked for these! People are really liking the visual aspect of keeping track of nutrition. Takes the thinking out of it for you, and busy ladies with tons on their plate are all for that!
-Lori (with SuperNoots)
P.S. Thanks, y’all, for all these wonderful comments you’ve shared. Miz’s readers are one of a kind, lots of love and happiness around this place 🙂 I truly appreciate it!
I love your ideas! You are awesome! I would love to be on your website, do you let me know the day? I can do it anytime! Let me know!
Thanks for all of the inspiration!
i just sent you an email!! thanks!
That is such a great idea… I read a book by brian wansik all about mindless eating.. and it was so interesting how parents that approached healthy food as positive and calling broccoli “dinosaur trees:” caused there children to have healthy eating habits.
YEAH coupons!!!
I love the looks of the Supernoots stuff and I’ll be sure to order some soon (after the credit card recovers from some other recent purchases…). My kids (particularly the 6-year old) love having their own special lists when we get groceries and they behave better when I give each of them their own list, complete with pictures I’ve drawn (though I am terrible at the drawings). So I know they would probably take to this idea quickly. So cute!
I love the idea of SuperNoots. Since I don’t have kids or grandkids, if I were to win it, I’d probably walk it to the elementary school at the bottom of hill and donate it to their resource center. I’m sure the teachers and kids would get a whole lot of use out this!
I LOOOOOVE that! My toddler would be ALL OVER THAT! I’ve been struggling a lot lately with trying to get him to eat his vegetables. The only way he gets any is if I sneak them into a smoothie. I would love for him to be the one CHOOSING to eat them so that he could move a magnet. Thanks for showing us this! Once again…something I HAVE to buy after reading your blog. Let’s hope I win!!!! 🙂
Yea for the grown-up charts!! Thanks, Lori.
This is super random (and I should have commented earlier lol) but now that I see the “mitzvah” comment I’ll say this:
I’m good friends with a Jewish boy who keeps kosher strictly — and I realized it’s actually a great way to promote health. Especially Passover kosher (what with the spelt/barley/rye/wheat/oats and CORNSYRUPNASTINESS that people give up) = awesomeness. I promised him I’d keep Passover kosher with him next year. Wish Catholics had that. 🙁
Oh, PS (mildly obvious, but) you can skip me on the SuperNoots in favor of giving it to wittle ones! What a cute idea — will definitely buy for my future kiddies.
I am also ordering a supernoots should I not win…. I was, until recently, obese…. now I run distance races and eat very healthy foods (thanks to a great nutritionist)… The legacy of obesity and body image issues is not one I will pass down!!
I am committed to teaching my kids (girls) how to love healthy foods – they are both medically fragile kids (so often the case with kids in foster care) and since the day each came home they have been surrounded by beautiful produce, whole grains and other healthy foods… Its great to see my oldest (two) bypassing juice boxes for water, ignoring a grandma provided cupcake for a bowl of berries, and to have her nutritionist give us a thumbs on food choices we surround her with.
We make a point of making the food terrific tasting, fun and colorful. She loves going to the farmers market and ‘helping’ me with the yummy-nummy preparation.
Right now, eating healthy is the best defense we have for her chronic health issues… I am looking forward to teaching her how to take charge of her health and nutrition….
I think I need supernoots for myself!
I say it all the time (please to insert joke here about broken record/scratched MP3 file :)) but you are all SO GENEROUS with your time writing your comments and it’s appreciated.
by me.
by other readers who themselves take the time to email and TELL ME!
by business owners who really welcome the insights into their products.
If I had a million dollars Id buy ALL YA’LL some Supernoots (but Im not that nice as youre NOT getting mine :))
Too bad you don’t live near by. I could use a RAK right now! Taking care of your neighbors kids, man that’s sooooooo cooooool.
First you hook me on the MBT’S…now it’s this that I must have…hopefully it’s less $$ than the MBT’s..hee hee (which by the way..I opened at my bday party..thew off my heels and slapped on my new black mary jane mbts..and exclaimed “I’m working my core” eating birthday steps). I have one who eats so well and healthy..then there’s me and my boy (9)..who have no problem with fritos for breakfast (i am embarrassed to even admit this on MIZFIT’s page). This is something that he and I could totally get into..We are all about charts, checklists and pretty pictures here. Such a cool idea..and letting the kids be in control of their own “menu”..very nice! This is way easier to get them thinking bout healthy habits then spending an evening “pureeing” veggies ala “deceptively delicious”..which I bought 6 mos ago..but haven’t tried yet. Looking forward to learning more about this. Thanks for the tip! (ps. ty for stopping by and for the bday wishes)
pps- very behind on your reader..but ENJOYING IT SO MUCH..gotta love a blogger that encourages fitness fused with wit..great tips and RAK’S!
yea–I am back..I just watched the video on the noots..if I don’t win em..It’s my next reward item. I just had to comment on the grocery store lunges..LOL. You are the cutest ever that you did that in the store. But..If I looked like you..maybe I would too..YOU LOOK GREAT! You are FIT! Thanks for the great tips..I wear my pedometer at the grocery store..but now think I’ll mix it up with some lunges and lifting milk gallons. Looking forward to exploring the site. Thanks for the FOOD FOR THOUGHT and tips.
As usual I am late to comment but I must say this looks great. My daughter is to young for this now but in a few years I think she would love it!
I think that’s a great idea! I’m a college student but I’m really considering picking up one of these for myself. I love things with fun colors and cute magnets. (Thus, I spend way too much time browsing Etsy.)
Although, what the heck is up with only two vegetables per day?? I think I’ve changed my mind. It’s a nice idea, though.
Oh, if I could keep up with you MizFit, I might be able to win one of your fabulous prizes. But just now catching up with the blogosphere and glad I am because I WANT SUPERNOOTS. I’m off to buy…
OH! And I just caught the “All Y’all” on your above comment. I SAY THIS TOO! When I lived in Texas no one said boo, now in Minnesota I get called on it all the time. It is the most efficient contraction in the world. Likes the way it rolls of the tongue, too.