(drumroll please & cue confetti shaped as members of the Bumbling Band)
OK, first? you all cracked me up with your answers (some intentionally and some perhaps not).
The answers as *I* envisioned them?
1. where are the majority of my Monday Facetimes filmed? My kitchen. More than a few people said my office which all led me to think that YOU THINK I have a refrigerator in my office (which, come to think of it, isnt a bad idea).
2. whatβs my nickname for my daughter? my husband? Toddler Tornado. Renaissance man.
3. when MizFit was caught on video in the βwildβ what was she doing? This one was a stumper. Id intended this. Most of you got it, many of you said running and more than a few of you gave me a silly *nudgenudge winkwink* answer.
4. what is my favorite form of working out/exercise? I was going for weight training—– but this answer was my favorite:
Speed blogging. Extra points because the laptop is really a tower and clunky old monitor that she hauls around and uses as exercise equipment.
5. name 2 sources of OMEGA 3βs I adore. I was going for FLAX SEEDS and CHIA. Most of you got this one. A few said fish which was also right.
6. name one place I write for my day-job. Everyone got this one.
7. Ive posted one closeup picture of a tattoo of mineβwhat was it? I created this super fantastic airtight scavenger hunt BEFORE I took the picture of me wearing the sports bra which revealed yet another tattoo. I was thinking sugar skull initially.
8. am I a fan of HIGH INTENSITY CARDIO or slow lolling cardio? slowslowslow. most of you got this one. will it change soon? perhaps. who can say.
9. what was my failed attempt at a catchphrase? S.L.A.P. (ahh I miss ye already, Catchphrase)
10. whats *your* catchphrase? everyone got this one right. go you guys.
The news you have all been waiting for.
The winner of a DOG TAG bearing her personal catchphrase of REBOOT (as in to restart or start fresh—–pretty cool huh?)
Email me, Fig, and I shall get you your prize as soon as it’s finished!
Being a fairly new reader here, I didn’t know about your sugar skull tattoo. I love it!
Have you ever made sugar skulls before? They’re actually pretty easy once you have the molds; it’s the clean-up of the rock-hard icings that’s a bitch.
I saw a t-shirt the other day at K-Mart that had a really colorful sugar skull design on it.
I have a small skull/skeleton collection, so I notice this stuff.
ooooh. I would adore the recipe (what you use) for the sugar skulls.
I also need to get new molds as I lost mine in the move.
and *sigh* now Im gonna be scouring the ‘mart for that tee.
Here’s the website where I bought my molds and got the recipe:
I don’t know where you live, but I’m in California. I buy my meringue powder at a chain of craft stores called Michael’s, because they usually have a coupon in every Sunday paper to buy an item for 40% off, which makes a big jar of powder about 7 bucks.
Since I’m new-very interesting to see the answers! Congrats to Fig!!
Nice catchphrase, Fig! That was a fun scavenger hunt.
What an amazing catchphrase! I need to work on one π Way to go Fig!
and I love that Fig emailed me already.
A while ago.
Nothing makes the ‘excited to give’ even MORE excited than when the receiver is excited as well.
(Hmmm does that make any sense?)
And thanks dragonmama.
I actually wrote a book of original poems for scrapbookers which is sold at the fab store called Michaels.
I’m nothing in my work if not RANDOM.
I’ll definitely go there & look…
I never did find the answer to the caught in the wild question, even though I tried every possible (I thought) search term on your site. But somehow, just now I typed in “wild film”, and it popped right up. So “film” was the key- just “wild” didn’t work. But now I know, hehe.
Poems for scrapbookers? I’m going to have to investigate that (and maybe it will be the muse I need to get the scrapbooking bug back).
Congrats Fig!
The Bag Lady came up with a catch phrase that she thought was incredibly amusing and clever.’
She can’t remember what it was.
Ah, menopause, I love thee
Except, with age, I can’t see
My body’s slowing
My ass is growing
My memory, I miss thee
Very cooooooll.
for some reason I LOVE the dog tags.
so not something Id look at and think was my ‘thing’ but when they are personalized?
So not fair that I missed this! I have been trying to play catch up all week! How fun! A Scavenger hunt! MizFit, you always have such great ideas!
HEY BAG LADY! that wouldnt be a dog tag but a…novelette around the neck? π
Roobabs? The book is on amazon *but* it’s a niche market—KIND OF. you’ll see what I mean (wink).
and Angie? no worries. LOTS more fun stuff to come up in herre…
Congrats Fitness Fig!!
Thanks to all for the congrats. I was pretty excited. Woo-hoo! See, I even added a gratuitous “woo-hoo” for you.
I look forward to seeing my dog tag!
i goofed!
thought deadline was tonight! too bad for me…congrats to the winner.
now i wanna make sugar skulls.
back to watching the men’s olympic marathon…so exciting!!!
Congrats, Fitness Fig!
I love the catchphrase – REBOOT – that’s awesome!!
Congrats to Fitness Fig, and that’s a truly awesome catchphrase!
Now, must pack my camping gear and go off to reboot for a week myself!
I love the answer “speed blogging” as I have wondered sometimes, MizFit, how you have time to write so many blogs of your own and comment on so many other people’s as well !
You must have magic speedy blogging fingers !!!
congrats to fig for winning. i wish i had time to play along with this, but alas, i had to sit it out. booo hoooo
the blog reading? LOVEandFun.
The keeping it always fresh up in herre?
That’s the creative challenge.
And I love me some challenge.
You’re such a cool lady! Of course your daughter will think of you that way. π
I knew the kitchen one. Smart me.
OH! I forgot to tell you that my high school PE students did the push-ups on the ball last week.
They were wicked sore.
I’m new, so I know nothing. BUT, now I know more. Thanks.
I think I missed all the fun BUT I always get a chuckle out of your posts.
Not to worry about your relationship with your little girl…in my teens my mom and I fought, once I hit college we were thick as thieves and now I cannot imagine life without her. π
I totally missed this π
Congrats Fitness Fig!
too new to know the answers…was fun to find them out, though! I did know more than I thought! like the kitchen, the nicknames, the tattoo, and slap. So, I’m getting more acquainted with what goes on up in herre!
Yay! Congratulations, Fitness Fig! (And thanks for posting answers, Miz – with links, no less! Woot! Because as you know, I have serious “Dory-brain-syndrome,” LOL.)
Miz mightwanna consider offering MizFit dogtags for purrrchase to Bumbling Band members whose kitties have taken the cute bracelet for their own personal toy.
Ahem…. is that just in my house?!?
and you know I love me some dog tags…..
we bought some exercise equipment from a local supplier and most of them are made in china. i do not know if those exercise equipment would last long.:*.
Incredible! Thanks! I always wanted to write in my site something like this. May I have part of your blog post for my webpage?