For the short week Im thankful
More time with Ren Man.
We laughed and were *silly*
stuff like this? we’re fans.
Now Im doing HIIT
On the bike I read LESS.
What to do? What to do?
With my magazine mess?!
Star Mag I HEART ye.
Ive rambled ’bout why.
My goals are a changin’.
To my weekend I’m off.
DayJob work to be done.
It’s not too bad though
I’ve added in FUN.
What’s your weekend hold?
You crafting new weights?
Commencing a project?
I love it. It’s not motivation I need, it’s DRIVE! And I completely agree with “tackle the hardest job first” – that’s something I’ve been practicing this week in particular. Then everything else seems so easy by comparison…
Hope you have a wonderful, and FUN, weekend. 🙂
V? you up early as am I. and the TORNADO this morning. you babysit?
Great links!
And those homemade dumbells are too funny. Have a great weekend!!!!!
“If you can talk then you are exercising at the right level”
sitting on my sofa eating a yoghurt = the right workout level! All those wasted hours at the gym….
TA x
Very good! I have three kids, one a teenager….I miss the tornado days. I have earthquakes now! 🙂 Two younger ones are starting violin, my teenager (the earthquake) is a cheerleader and everything is so dramatic! Ugh! Help me! My goal is to run far away……….. well I can dream can’t I? 🙂
great links! So, THAT’S what you do with old CD’s?! Hmmm…
As a “rule of thumb” I visit the silly links first – i.e. ruleofthumb. Where are my priorities!?!?!? I should have been doing some HIIT (like Annette)….
And then the dumbell – here’s to creativity!!
I want some CD dumbeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllls~
And a crayola keyboard,but they are sold out. *sniffle*
Mine is a hurricane – Hurricane Hugh. He, too, leaves a mighty path of destruction in his wake. And he’s a “drama-queen” as well. I have the opposite problem from Miz…the hurricane will not get out of bed in the morning. UUUUgggggggggggghhhhh.
I’m totally gonna pretend that *I’m* the reason the keyboard is now sold out!
What’s that you say?
I’m not? It was as of yesterday?
La. La. La. La.
I can’t hear you.
Happy Friday!
wanna freelance some of my papers due this weekend? I pay really really well 😉
Sure, Girl, I’ll do it
I *so* have the time.
Just so you know tho
They’ll be thumbyped. in rhyme.
Rules of Thumb
“REBOOT FIRST – Prior to consulting Tech Support, the internet or any other source, FIRST reboot your machine.”
What are they trying to do, put my Service Desk staff out of a job 🙂
Shakespeare ain’t got nuthin on you. (Especially not links.)
The magazine thing is interesting…
What a fun play on words.
I’m a volunteer coach for Speical Olympics. This weeked we have our area aquatics competition and then Sunday we start unified bowling! So excited!
Thanks for the link love 😉
Lovin’ the dumbells and the keyboard whenever they restock ! My twin tornados are already up to their tornado ways this morning….I almost just twisted an ankle on a plastic teapot. My weekend plans are to try another long walk (just 4 miles this time) trying some HIIT again. I am going down to the track at the park this time where at least there is a potty 😉 Also looking for a new scooter for our son’s birthday a week from Saturday. The best part? A cooler weekend so lots of outdoor time planned ….eating in the backyard while dodging falling pears from a tree heavy with them right now 😉
Love the idea for the dumbells 😉
and you KNOW I’d have to pony up a freebie if anyone actually motivates to make those CDbells.
(Photographic proof required and various & sundry other legal dizclaimers about injury)
Oh no- more awesome links and more fuel to the fire of keeping me *busy* at work today.
Something funny about the Rules of Thumb: the Hubs just read that about the bi-polar disorder and older fathers, yadda yadda, and since we’re trying to get pregnant, he said “uh oh”. I’m like, you are NOT an older father (hello- he’ll be 36 this month- spring chicken, right Miz?). Michael Douglas is an older father- you are not. LOL.
And thank you once again for gracing us with your poetic talent, in the post and in the comments (thumbtyped in rhyme- haha, love that! LMBO- that’s laughing my butt off, for those who don’t say the word “ass” in public).
Thanks for the laugh and the links. I am totally saving the 7 Guidelines and the Six Lessons. They will live in link happiness along with the monkey mail!
Thanks chica!! ;D
Great links too funny
Dear Mister RooBabs
You *very* old—-NOT
You such a springchicken
With a wife who is HOT.
50s the new 40.
Bitter the new BLACK
Say you’re old again?
We’ll all give you a….great big bear hug and gently explain to you that you’re SO NOT.
Love that keyboard!! My kids would go crazy over it. Those dumb bells are a GREAT idea. Now I know what to do with all my old cd’s!!
Love your poems. For this weekend I’m planning on making black bean brownies for our new neighbours…but no, I won’t tell them that their healthy 😉
I was unable to get your website to load properly the last few days. I’m glad I it’s working this morning though 🙂
Have a great weekend!
Great links. I want to make the weights and get the keyboard. Unfortunately BK hurt his foot on a weight I left out (I think it may be a broken toe), so I’m still feeling guilty and won’t attempt to make them until his foot gets better.
no way – I love all of my CDs way to much to ever make them into dumb bells. Like the re-nest link and the drive article was sorely needed. Happy Friday!
Those dumbells rock!
Thanks for the drive article, too.
Do you really have that keyboard??? That is so super cool – I NEED it!!! 🙂
My magazine stacks must go I’m afraid
Reborn as a new plant table I’ve made
this rhyming thing is harder than it appears
to you mizfit i give thirty cheers
i have a CRAPLOAD of old cds lying around (free aol cds? what what!) that i’ve been turning into christmas ornaments for the past few years. i could probably make … well, maybe not a 10lb db, but maybe a 5lb db with all the ones i’ve got right now.
other than that, weekend plans: skirtchaser. perhaps have the boy leave me to go fly. i dunno.
My weekend plans are boring. I’m going to run, study, and sleep. But wow, can’t wait to sleep.
I want that keyboard! It’s lime green to match my purse.. it’s colorful. It might make me use it more!
Bookmarked the magazine table and the weights for a future article (thanks).
Now setting down this weekend to read (more) about power freelancing and drive. Damn, I thought my weekend was pretty free.
Thanks for the poem!! LOVE IT! I read it to the Hubs (aka Mr. RooBabs) and deep down I think he felt special- he’s just too manly to admit it.
I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know where I’m a gonna go when the hurricane blow…:-(
Ive so lost my mind.
This rhyme stuff? I HEART.
My poor poor Ren Man?
I cant stop once I start.
The keyboard? no dice.
Im frugal like way.
I need me my pennies
Id never thought
the DUMBBELLS to make
From AOL cds
I inexplicably take!
I have a few piles.
Not nearly enough
To git this thumbtyper
more bigger. more buff.
I like the concept of your poem. However, after years of kids books, I’m incapable of wrapping my brain around a poem that doesn’t rhyme. The one you show above (#36) is much easier for me. 😉
Well that’s just great. Another weekend’s housework shot to hell because I have to make a new table and build some dumbbells. Thanks for nothing, Miz… 🙂
Hope it’s a happy weekend for ye!
Those weights are pretty funny and the tables made from old magazines are okay but do we use the mags with the article you wrote or the Shape magazine article from the other day’s blog post?
Back in my day (hahaha) we made Christmas trees from Reader’s digest. I’m glad those days are gone.
WAIT, POD. are there any photos from this (fingerquote) back in the day (unFQ)?!
Id love to see that.
we jews made menorahs from the insert cards of the digest.
(really??? no, People. not really.)
Excellent links – love the variety. I’m thinkin’ that I’ve GOT to have 50lbs of old hard drives and computer JUNK lying around…..must….make….weights…..
And excellent article on Drive. Cool stuff – and a site that is now on my RSS list.
Thanks MiZ! MizRhyme?
I’ve always wanted to be a samurai!
And a poet too! Amazing 🙂
Things went well with my nephew. He’s at Teen Challenge now and we are optimistic!
I knew you were full of it on that menorah. Maybe a mezzuzah but not the menorah. It would burn up!
oooh that’s a good one POD.
I should have gone with paper mache dreidel from the ‘digest.
Far more believable…
Does taking my three girls to watch their daddy do a half ironman triathlon in a cool (mid 50s) drizzle sound fun? Oh, we will go and we will cheer loudly and we will be happy about it.
MizFit, you’re a poet now, I love it! Maybe I should come up with my own weekend poem 🙂
First, I’ll
because I’m training for a Half in November.
Then I’ll
since I’m in a book group, due by Wednesday.
Then I’ll drink coffee, sit in the spa, swim with my kids, go to church, and try to stop being a bitch-crazy worker…try to just relax, and not care that boysenberries spilled in my freezer. Five years ago.
Not feeling the creative juices this morning to do a poem, but I do have two kids soccer games that I’ll be coaching, not as much running around for me as I do at practice, however…
Ms.V? Ive never been drawn to that book—can you read and do a book report for me?
MamaSweat? WOW. on all of it. I have temperature-envy (still 100 here) and am still in awe of the fact you have three girls and I struggle some days with one!
JWL? For some reason Im so excited for those times to come here—-the soccer or swimming or WHATEVER the Toddler Tornado ends up interested in.
thank goodness I lack the skillz to coach much of anything—-I shall be a Sideline MizFit.
Love it!!! I left something for you on my blog.
Aww poetry! I love poetry.
I want to be a Samurai.
I’ve never used cd’s as dumbbells but I regularly use a couple heavy beer mugs when I do the 30 day shred dvd because my other weights at 8 lbs are too heavy for me to do all of the moves at the correct speed (beer IS part of a healthy lifestyle after all!).
My weekend consists of catching up on all my missed sleep, catching up on all the missed blog readings, and getting ready for the new apt and new school year. Also filling up on all the PB2 I have been lacking for the past couple weeks:)
just stopping by to say hi and tell you I hope you had a great weekend!
I usually drop by
to give fitness a try
but after I read your poem
I’ve found a new home
for inspired rhyme
and a wonderful time
A huge thanks for visiting my website and caring enough and believing in me! I have been derailed, but I am still determined.
thank you.