1.) Nice legs! (and, I’m not hitting on you…). The muscle definition is impressive. What it says to me – you walk the talk. You live it. It’s why I come back…you do it, not just say it.
2.) Form is important. So true. It took me a while to figure this one out. One of those lessons learned at the school of hard knocks. I prefer the school of MizFit…
TA, left you a comment. thoughts? that might be a post in & of itself here. the sisterhood of the NOT HIITing Running Dress.
thanks lance. in my 20’s I might have rolled my eyes at your first comment and thought WHATEVER DUUUUUDE.
at 39 Im all about the smiling and saying thank you as, much to my chagrin, people were RIGHT when they said it is HARD after 30.
FGF? yep. it’s so easy (wink) that, cardio, clean eating and self love.
then? POOF? they gone.
Andrew? I say start SUPER EASY at first. 3 sets of 12-15 reps.
see how you feel after (the next few days).
any soreness? any ‘in the wrong place’ back twinges or soreness?
If the answer is NO up your weight the next time and go for 3 sets of 10-12 reps.
I, personally, would end up at a weight where I could do 2 sets pretty easily of 10 reps and the FINAL set I **worked** to maybe eek out 8!
Great video, I love the bent over row and I don’t think enough people do it. Good idea on getting the form correct first as well. haha a handstand would be funny!
Love the video–it’s great to see a focus on proper form. (Not that I remember myself, when at the gym, to do things with proper form, but I do think it’s REALLY SMART to pay attention to it.)
And I’m glad to see Tokai Angel is taking care of her back and going easy on the weights! Feel better soon, TA x.
As silly as it sounds, I usually will try a new exerise with “phantom weights”, just to make sure I understand which muscles are *supposed* to be involved. It helps a lot.
Look at you, looking hot in that cute dress. This is a great exercise to throw into a routine, with or without the soup as you stated. Thanks for sharing–you always do such a good job with the videos, I have not reached that level of comfort yet π
Maybe for fun I’ll show up at the gym with my soup cans…Naaah. I do these as part of my circuit. Some day when the fat falls off, I’ll have a hot back.
That’s organic soup in those cans, right? Low sodium, low fat…
So, I popped up and tried that (I’m still in jammies), and my son (12) said “what ARE you doing?!?” I showed him your video. He wants to see more so he can work on his form at home and look cool at the gym. There you go, touching another life…and another angel gets its wings? protein shake? Chia halo?
Wanted to tell you that last night I made a commitment to myself that I would get up at 5:00 am to exercise. 5:00 am came and I literally said out loud “I don’t wanna” then you popped into my brain. I remembered when you posted last week that you “Just do it” and so, I just did it. Thanks for the inspiration π
totally why I do this.
now, I mightcould need to print that and wave it in front of Ren Man’s eyes (or give ya’ll his email. hmmmm.) as he is ENTIRELY SUPPORTIVE but oft wonders why Im working on MizFit 24/7 with a dollop of workwork thrown in for sadsad good measure.
Great demonstration! Hurray for strength training, how I have missed thee. I will likely use my beer mugs instead of soup cans though (empty, that is. That would be some serious skills if I could do it with them full up).
sagan? I see yer beer mugs and RAISE YOU an opened but corked bottle of Yellow Tail.
and FBG? it wont be working for a while. Im taking a break, having a protein shake, stretching, talking with my workout friends. Ill be baaaaak (wink).
and – in working with free weights – instead of trying to LIFT one foot/leg – go up on the big toe – helps with the balance, but sifts all the weight to the “main” leg. The core automatically kicks in – The trick is to remember to keep the chest lifted and shoulder blades tucked down and back.
I do this a lot in side lunges – the weight is all on one leg – but that extra bit of balance (touching pointed toe of other leg) helps stablize my lower back.
Aha, got the comment, but baffled as to the howwhywhowhen of what you mean! Mizfit post on the benefit of Slowing The Hell Down maybe? I’m confused, but then again I’m on a lot of dopey drugs!
Love the emphasis on form. One thing I’ve definitely picked up from the WiiFit – keeping the proper form is HARD and requires more focus than I was putting into it – and my balance sucketh mightily. π
Unlike you, Miz, who are a veritable paragon of form and function. (sigh) I wanna be you when I grow up…
Nother comment, to your comment, Miz – maybe you SHOULD give us RenMan’s email, so we can sing your praises. π
You do make the difference more times than I can say. You’re the little angel on my shoulder, drowning out the devil (I like to call her Little Debbie) on the other shoulder. π
Just checking in. Still thinking about 20/20 and how some of those people need a visit from Rambo psychiatrist (see post)! Not C. A. of course, even Rambo don’t mess with that chic!
This is PERFECT! Exactly what I was looking for to add to my HOME routine! Sometimes it just seems so difficult to get to the muscles I get to at the gym when I’m home over the weekends!
Miz, you must really be loving that dress π I’m starting to put a binder of weight exercises together so I can do them while I watch TV at night. I think I’ll be adding this one!
You make it all look so easy! I must dig through my over-stuffed pantry and find some soup cans…..pretty sure bags of dehydrated spinach (which are obscuring everything else) aren’t going to do the trick!
I just found your site and I love it! Read your post about clean eating and such and noticed you say carbs aren’t necessary for everyday life… Which I completely agree with and I am sure if I could cut carbs below 75g a day I would lose these last 10 pounds.
Also, I noticed you had a link about Lyle’s Keto diet. Do you do keto yourself? Or just keep some carbs around?
Kikimonster—LOVING the dress or ADORING how totally awkward and goober’y (the technical term) I feel in it.
that it’s a totally apparel-reminder of getting outside my box on a daily basis.
BL? the dehydrated spinach is *perfect* for the form learning (and then, pray tell, what should we create with it?).
Laura? I think you’re thinking of a Guest Chef post (Emotions for Engineers? I cant search as Im on my handheld) as I do lots of complex carbs.
My approach is front loading my day with the more starchy (oatmeal, brown rice, yams etc) and by dinner Im mainly having veggies and fruit.
some weight-related.
lots better SLUMBERING-related.
I cant go lowlow carb as I simply can not function (think drive not athletic performance).
tfh? perhaps I should launder π and send to you.
oh how sad I STILL am that they’d not do a give away.
Hey, Miz! Love the dress AND the exercise… my Mom just told me yesterday (she’s 55) that she simply cannot stop the ‘middle spread’ that is taking over her body.
Of course, instead of being sympathetic, I’m thinking… oh, great. something to look forward to.
i’m writing a story on canned foods right now! (for eating, tho – not lifting.) But ever since my neck incident, I have been limited to lifting very light weights and I’ll say, I have to agree, even if you’re super strong and can go heavier, lifting lighter weights (albeit for many reps) can keep you nice and toned!
Thanks for the bright and shiny start to our weeks!
Love the bent row! I will often pause at the top and do single kickbacks for my triceps. It really makes everything work together and cuts the upper body workout time a bit!
“Nice legs! (and, Iβm not hitting on youβ¦). The muscle definition is impressive. What it says to me – you walk the talk. You live it. Itβs why I come backβ¦you do it, not just say it.”
EXACTLY. You have tons of credibility because it’s obvious you live and breathe fitness.
Just did back and triceps at the gym today, so I’ll throw my 2 cents up in heere. I train my back first because the muscles are larger and finish up with my triceps work. It’s been my experience that if you train your smaller triceps muscles first (or in combo exercises like a bent row with tricep extension), your arms become fatigued faster and it impairs your form and concentration on the larger mucsles.
i like the bent over row. i’m gonna have to try it on one leg one of these days. though i don’t have the “ideal” of a flat stomach, i do have good balance. i’ve always been the klutzy girl who never fell because she had good enough balance to save herself.
oh, and SKIRTCHASER RACE REPORTS ARE UP. mine with pictures.
And you are firing me with the spirit of emulation: I think I’ll do a link poem sometime! Yours ROCK. And I wonder why video never occurs to me–must write down somewhere, “Do a Video for Blog.”
me again – I went in front of a mirror with my free weights and watched myself. And I realized on some moves I use my big toe as a balance point and on others I use the back of my heel as the balance point – either way activates my core, protects my lower back, and gives me an ‘anchor’ so I don’t tip over with weight in “moving move”. I think it was my physical therapist that taught me to do that – lower back injury and PT got me ready to go back to my full range of exercise classes/life.
Oh man, MizFit. Let me tell you about tightening through the forearms. Because I went climbing on Friday, after approximately six months of not going anywhere near a cliff, rock face, or climbing gym (although I did climb the “natural” rock of a friend’s aparment facade to piss her off). And man. Do my forearms hurt. So when you tell me to work through the lats and keep the forearms relaxed, believe me–I hear you.
I think my forearms whimpered a little bit just watching π
Bent over row is such a great exercise, and so simple once you realize what muscle(s) you’re supposed to be working. In high school, when I first learned of it, there was some caveman contraption in the weight room that was slightly intimidating. But ever since I learned you can do it with dumbbells, I always include it when I do my upper body strength training.
And the dress is just too cute on you, and the color is really great.
love/hate bent-over row! Great idea to use soup cans to get the form down, too! I do the same thing with jumprope. When I want to learn a new style of jump, I do it over and over without the rope, then I can do it more easily with. Maybe I should try that with cooking…practice first without the ingredients, then with…would that make me a better cook? I dunno. OOOH or mowing the lawn…my neighbors would love to laugh at that! Now, I think of lots of funny scenarios…
Sorry, I’m prone to juvenile humor and I couldn’t resist. I hope you don’t take offense, I really do think that the soup cans are a great idea for beginners.
Do you have a neighbor who perhaps needs to get fitter whom you could use as a model so that we can see how she becomes fitter and fitter as the weeks go by following these suggestions? Just a thought.
There’s nothing I can say here that it hasn’t already been said except that I really do like Monday Face Time. I’m thinking of adding it to my blogging posts but I still need to work out so that I can get some guns like yours.
That’s such a good exercise – and one I actually do. As I was leaving PT today (with permission to go on a short interval run), I was thinking about what my PT told me I needed to do to get back in good running shape – namely strengthen my quads & untighten my ITB (which is apparently ridiculous). And then I thought, I bet there are good ideas in MizFit’s archives. So – I’ll be digging around for quad strengtheners I can do at home, since I just can’t get to the gym every day.
Golly, Miz, I don’t know if you’ll see this comment in this sea of comments! But I wanted to thank you for something you said on another blog that I think will be really helpful to me. I really resist going out to eat, and when I do go, i always say, I don’t want to go out and have stuff I don’t like, or that I can do better at home. But you said something that really resonated with me “as I lost weight I shifted to the eating out being about NOT having to chop or steam or DO myself.” So I wanted to be sure to thank you for that incidental advice!
Lori L. Tell your mother she’s wrong! It just takes a little longer and bit more diligence to diet. (I’m 56).
MizFit, Love the dress. Did your docs tell you that the first canine knee means 50% that the second will blow? Have a lab with both corrected, who is now going lame from hip displasia. (the glucosomine has helped for 10 years).
Tricia2, I would NOT combine them into one move; but I’d add tricep dips as a superset on a full-body workout day. (I love me my supersets).
Amy. stronger quads and stretched IT bands.. I hear ya! Add tight hammies, and we could be twins! Lunges! And there is a great IT stretch at ExRx.
I am a day late but had to get in my “face time” personal (along with 100s of others) counseling time. I will have to buy me some soup cans! Or maybe I can use old Reader’s Digests that have been spray painted gold and sprinkled liberally with holiday glitter.
Great to *see* you as always. I will be slow in posting because my lats were neglected over the weekend but my brain is still intact.
*gazes longingly at video wishing she could join in*
*pops another codeine and opens the soup tin for lunch instead*
Dress looks great! But I dare you to do a handstand and still look that cool!
TA x
Two things:
1.) Nice legs! (and, I’m not hitting on you…). The muscle definition is impressive. What it says to me – you walk the talk. You live it. It’s why I come back…you do it, not just say it.
2.) Form is important. So true. It took me a while to figure this one out. One of those lessons learned at the school of hard knocks. I prefer the school of MizFit…
If I do this, can I get rid of my back-fat-titters?
I’m going to add that one to the “home workout” – do you have any recommendation on how many to do (reps and sets) ?
TA, left you a comment. thoughts? that might be a post in & of itself here. the sisterhood of the NOT HIITing Running Dress.
thanks lance. in my 20’s I might have rolled my eyes at your first comment and thought WHATEVER DUUUUUDE.
at 39 Im all about the smiling and saying thank you as, much to my chagrin, people were RIGHT when they said it is HARD after 30.
FGF? yep. it’s so easy (wink) that, cardio, clean eating and self love.
then? POOF? they gone.
Andrew? I say start SUPER EASY at first. 3 sets of 12-15 reps.
see how you feel after (the next few days).
any soreness? any ‘in the wrong place’ back twinges or soreness?
If the answer is NO up your weight the next time and go for 3 sets of 10-12 reps.
I, personally, would end up at a weight where I could do 2 sets pretty easily of 10 reps and the FINAL set I **worked** to maybe eek out 8!
Great video, I love the bent over row and I don’t think enough people do it. Good idea on getting the form correct first as well. haha a handstand would be funny!
Love the video–it’s great to see a focus on proper form. (Not that I remember myself, when at the gym, to do things with proper form, but I do think it’s REALLY SMART to pay attention to it.)
And I’m glad to see Tokai Angel is taking care of her back and going easy on the weights! Feel better soon, TA x.
Oooh! A new one for me. Thank you! I absolutely love your demonstrations. I always (feel like I) do them the right way after seeing your vids.
As silly as it sounds, I usually will try a new exerise with “phantom weights”, just to make sure I understand which muscles are *supposed* to be involved. It helps a lot.
Look at you, looking hot in that cute dress. This is a great exercise to throw into a routine, with or without the soup as you stated. Thanks for sharing–you always do such a good job with the videos, I have not reached that level of comfort yet π
I always do as well Cammy (in the ‘not just encourage others’ sense).
For me I don’t get the MIND/MUSCLE connection if I don’t.
For example, with the row I 100% felt it when I first attempted with weights—-IN MY HANDS AND LOW BACK.
It took a few tries where I closed my eyes and did the movement with my hands empty to get the lats-feeling to click.
Maybe for fun I’ll show up at the gym with my soup cans…Naaah. I do these as part of my circuit. Some day when the fat falls off, I’ll have a hot back.
Thanks for the tip! I am going to give a shot.
and spin? You must have been commenting while I was thumbpoking @ my sidekick π
Level of comfort? Maybe.
I know I say it all the time but it is such the gift of age.
20 years ago I would have shot and reshot and criticized how I looked etc.
If people wanna watch & giggle & mock? Whatevs.
At least they’re watching and may learn a thing or 3 along the way.
Me? I’m already off LIVING and (thankfully) not obsessing how I can look better in a frozen snippet of time.
Does that make sense?
Here’s to some videos from you soon!
That’s organic soup in those cans, right? Low sodium, low fat…
So, I popped up and tried that (I’m still in jammies), and my son (12) said “what ARE you doing?!?” I showed him your video. He wants to see more so he can work on his form at home and look cool at the gym. There you go, touching another life…and another angel gets its wings? protein shake? Chia halo?
: )
I’m going to give this a shot. Thanks for demonstrating. I learn waaaay better by watching.
looking fabulous this morning Miz π That blue is so you!
I haven’t added this to my routine yet but going to give it a try today with my other core workout. I may have to use cans of fruit though π
Wanted to tell you that last night I made a commitment to myself that I would get up at 5:00 am to exercise. 5:00 am came and I literally said out loud “I don’t wanna” then you popped into my brain. I remembered when you posted last week that you “Just do it” and so, I just did it. Thanks for the inspiration π
totally why I do this.
now, I mightcould need to print that and wave it in front of Ren Man’s eyes (or give ya’ll his email. hmmmm.) as he is ENTIRELY SUPPORTIVE but oft wonders why Im working on MizFit 24/7 with a dollop of workwork thrown in for
sadsadgood measure.xo xo,
Great demonstration! Hurray for strength training, how I have missed thee. I will likely use my beer mugs instead of soup cans though (empty, that is. That would be some serious skills if I could do it with them full up).
Nice dress!
I can see you in the pretty blue dress, but when I hit play it won’t load. Grrrrrr… (And for the record I love me a good bent over row.)
sagan? I see yer beer mugs and RAISE YOU an opened but corked bottle of Yellow Tail.
and FBG? it wont be working for a while. Im taking a break, having a protein shake, stretching, talking with my workout friends. Ill be baaaaak (wink).
Yet another exercise I should add to the weight workout days. Always forget about holding my tummy in.
Knee is ok this morning. My whole body is just stiff. Wondering if I just overdid (too much) steep downhill?
Thanks for checking on me.
Bent over rows?? On my list for today π Thanks
yayy for face time! Great video! I’m not sure whether or not you’ve ever told us this, what is your favorite abs exercise?
that said there is a core face time coming.
why you ask? (thanks for inquiring!) because my CORE SUCKETH.
and nothing says monday facetime comedy GOLD like MizFit struggling on camera.
First face time video I watch. How fun was that! π And your MizFit drawing looks so much like you!! Love it. How did you get it down?
Oh, I so need to get back to doing the weights! Thanks for the inspiration!
I heart bent over rows. I also heart one legged bent over rows, for working my balance. *wobble* *wobble*
I can video a silent 2 seconds of the video. Sigh.
On a side note, my brain started filling in what you were saying “Today We’re outside because…” Then the video stopped.
I’ll try back later.
I love the one that you demonstrated so nicely – soup cans were a nice suggestiong for beginners.
The other ones that I love for latts:
side angle
gates 1, 2, 3 done as a flow series
(here is a picture of gate 2 – could not find pictures of all 3 together as a flow)
the dress was really cute!!!
and – in working with free weights – instead of trying to LIFT one foot/leg – go up on the big toe – helps with the balance, but sifts all the weight to the “main” leg. The core automatically kicks in – The trick is to remember to keep the chest lifted and shoulder blades tucked down and back.
I do this a lot in side lunges – the weight is all on one leg – but that extra bit of balance (touching pointed toe of other leg) helps stablize my lower back.
Looks great Im gonna give it a try
Aha, got the comment, but baffled as to the howwhywhowhen of what you mean! Mizfit post on the benefit of Slowing The Hell Down maybe? I’m confused, but then again I’m on a lot of dopey drugs!
TA x
Love the emphasis on form. One thing I’ve definitely picked up from the WiiFit – keeping the proper form is HARD and requires more focus than I was putting into it – and my balance sucketh mightily. π
Unlike you, Miz, who are a veritable paragon of form and function. (sigh) I wanna be you when I grow up…
Nother comment, to your comment, Miz – maybe you SHOULD give us RenMan’s email, so we can sing your praises. π
You do make the difference more times than I can say. You’re the little angel on my shoulder, drowning out the devil (I like to call her Little Debbie) on the other shoulder. π
Love the video and that dress has really proven to be versatile!
Have a great day!
Just checking in. Still thinking about 20/20 and how some of those people need a visit from Rambo psychiatrist (see post)! Not C. A. of course, even Rambo don’t mess with that chic!
Quickie as I commence my day, but thanks vickie for the extra help & tips! Appreciated.
And Mercedes? Was that you volunteering to demo the one legged?
As I painfully recall mine only made it to the Blooper Reel Facetime (CLICK HERE).
(Perhaps because LITTLE DEBBIE (& her fab oatmeal creame pies) was the proverbial monkey on my back…)
Oooh, I love bent over rows! (and the dress!!) They are quite fun with kbs as well. Thanks for the demo!
This is PERFECT! Exactly what I was looking for to add to my HOME routine! Sometimes it just seems so difficult to get to the muscles I get to at the gym when I’m home over the weekends!
great facetime. the videos really help my form! thanks!
Rock on sistah! No joke though, for me after 35 has been all downhill in the physical dept.
Miz, you must really be loving that dress π I’m starting to put a binder of weight exercises together so I can do them while I watch TV at night. I think I’ll be adding this one!
You make it all look so easy! I must dig through my over-stuffed pantry and find some soup cans…..pretty sure bags of dehydrated spinach (which are obscuring everything else) aren’t going to do the trick!
I just found your site and I love it! Read your post about clean eating and such and noticed you say carbs aren’t necessary for everyday life… Which I completely agree with and I am sure if I could cut carbs below 75g a day I would lose these last 10 pounds.
Also, I noticed you had a link about Lyle’s Keto diet. Do you do keto yourself? Or just keep some carbs around?
π Cheers!
Repeating the words of others– I highly appreciate the emphasis on form! Even if I’m experience dressenvy.
Also. Love any exercise that’s done on two legs.
Kikimonster—LOVING the dress or ADORING how totally awkward and goober’y (the technical term) I feel in it.
that it’s a totally apparel-reminder of getting outside my box on a daily basis.
BL? the dehydrated spinach is *perfect* for the form learning (and then, pray tell, what should we create with it?).
Laura? I think you’re thinking of a Guest Chef post (Emotions for Engineers? I cant search as Im on my handheld) as I do lots of complex carbs.
My approach is front loading my day with the more starchy (oatmeal, brown rice, yams etc) and by dinner Im mainly having veggies and fruit.
some weight-related.
lots better SLUMBERING-related.
I cant go lowlow carb as I simply can not function (think drive not athletic performance).
tfh? perhaps I should launder π and send to you.
oh how sad I STILL am that they’d not do a give away.
Im greeeeedy (for you guys) like that.
i want that dress.
really want it.
i like the soup can idea– sometimes i’ll use water bottle, too π
happy monday, miz!
Form, form, form…so true…great job!
Great video! Bent over rows are definitely one of my favorite ways to hit the weights!
Hey, Miz! Love the dress AND the exercise… my Mom just told me yesterday (she’s 55) that she simply cannot stop the ‘middle spread’ that is taking over her body.
Of course, instead of being sympathetic, I’m thinking… oh, great. something to look forward to.
better put soup on the shopping list! L
tell yer mama to
gimmie a calldrop on by as I believe we can stop it.it’s work (as is the 39 year old spread Im fighting…16 years younger, I know, but still.) but she can.
I believe (cue inspirational tunage downloaded to mp3)!!
Yay it works now. I was just thinking that I needed to add back strengthening exercises to my workout.
Could you add a triceps extension to that (arms go up, extend, flex, arms go down)?
Love love love the rows! Watch out sexy shoulders and back—here comes the bumbling band.
Tricia2? that’s one fer the masses, the Bumbling Band to answer.
IMO, and bear in mind Im way old school, I would do back on a different day than triceps so I wouldnt.
BUT the new school of thought would probably say FOR SURE.
In summation there is no reason NOT to π
I more do this: CLICK HERE on a different day.
What an excellent idea!! It’s so easy to do! I can do this at home without visiting the gym. Thanks!
I love this! Not only can I do this at work (in the privacy of my FULL cubicle) , but I can also have my soup for lunch!
i’m writing a story on canned foods right now! (for eating, tho – not lifting.) But ever since my neck incident, I have been limited to lifting very light weights and I’ll say, I have to agree, even if you’re super strong and can go heavier, lifting lighter weights (albeit for many reps) can keep you nice and toned!
Thanks for the bright and shiny start to our weeks!
Knowing that glucosamine/chondroitin helped your lab is going to make me keep taking it.
Soup cans? I’m a sucker for buying dumbbells.
Not sure I would run in the dress, but it’s awfully cute and comfy looking. Might wear it out on the town!
Love the bent row! I will often pause at the top and do single kickbacks for my triceps. It really makes everything work together and cuts the upper body workout time a bit!
That dress is so cute!
and the fact he is no longer with us (RIP), runjess, was NOT I promise a result of the glucosamine/chondroitin combo.
Our bullmastiff is happily thriving &after 2 ACL repairs (he thinks he is a football player) it has really helped his knees as well.
M., who couldnt help herself and asked the company (nicely. gently. lovingly) once again for a dress freebie….cant hurt, right?
I’ll second what lance said.
“Nice legs! (and, Iβm not hitting on youβ¦). The muscle definition is impressive. What it says to me – you walk the talk. You live it. Itβs why I come backβ¦you do it, not just say it.”
EXACTLY. You have tons of credibility because it’s obvious you live and breathe fitness.
That dress IS lovely.
Just did back and triceps at the gym today, so I’ll throw my 2 cents up in heere. I train my back first because the muscles are larger and finish up with my triceps work. It’s been my experience that if you train your smaller triceps muscles first (or in combo exercises like a bent row with tricep extension), your arms become fatigued faster and it impairs your form and concentration on the larger mucsles.
it impairs your form and concentration on the larger muscles.
Another great video. Thanks!
i like the bent over row. i’m gonna have to try it on one leg one of these days. though i don’t have the “ideal” of a flat stomach, i do have good balance. i’ve always been the klutzy girl who never fell because she had good enough balance to save herself.
oh, and SKIRTCHASER RACE REPORTS ARE UP. mine with pictures.
Hey, I think I could do some of those!
And you are firing me with the spirit of emulation: I think I’ll do a link poem sometime! Yours ROCK. And I wonder why video never occurs to me–must write down somewhere, “Do a Video for Blog.”
me again – I went in front of a mirror with my free weights and watched myself. And I realized on some moves I use my big toe as a balance point and on others I use the back of my heel as the balance point – either way activates my core, protects my lower back, and gives me an ‘anchor’ so I don’t tip over with weight in “moving move”. I think it was my physical therapist that taught me to do that – lower back injury and PT got me ready to go back to my full range of exercise classes/life.
I love DaDiva’s suggestion of doing this at work!
great color for you!!
Oh man, MizFit. Let me tell you about tightening through the forearms. Because I went climbing on Friday, after approximately six months of not going anywhere near a cliff, rock face, or climbing gym (although I did climb the “natural” rock of a friend’s aparment facade to piss her off). And man. Do my forearms hurt. So when you tell me to work through the lats and keep the forearms relaxed, believe me–I hear you.
I think my forearms whimpered a little bit just watching π
Going completely off topic . . . is that your deck? Man, that is cool!
Bent over row is such a great exercise, and so simple once you realize what muscle(s) you’re supposed to be working. In high school, when I first learned of it, there was some caveman contraption in the weight room that was slightly intimidating. But ever since I learned you can do it with dumbbells, I always include it when I do my upper body strength training.
And the dress is just too cute on you, and the color is really great.
I think you should start a “MizFit Live on location” series from my house. π
have you submitted these to any networks? you might get picked up for a tv show.
love/hate bent-over row! Great idea to use soup cans to get the form down, too! I do the same thing with jumprope. When I want to learn a new style of jump, I do it over and over without the rope, then I can do it more easily with. Maybe I should try that with cooking…practice first without the ingredients, then with…would that make me a better cook? I dunno. OOOH or mowing the lawn…my neighbors would love to laugh at that! Now, I think of lots of funny scenarios…
dress color? So outside my box. I’m black brown purple orange pink.
Never blue or red.
And WO Mommy? You don’t know me well enough to know you should never make an offer in jest (wink).
Hey! Nice cans!
Sorry, I’m prone to juvenile humor and I couldn’t resist. I hope you don’t take offense, I really do think that the soup cans are a great idea for beginners.
Vanilla? Im a child.
that totally made me laugh.
you need to start a one man campaign to bring back the usage of the word CANS.
oh, and while youre at it do JUGS as well.
xo xo,
OK.. I’m going to have to start doing some of these things.. I’ve had enough of the not so fab flab.
Do you have a neighbor who perhaps needs to get fitter whom you could use as a model so that we can see how she becomes fitter and fitter as the weeks go by following these suggestions? Just a thought.
There’s nothing I can say here that it hasn’t already been said except that I really do like Monday Face Time. I’m thinking of adding it to my blogging posts but I still need to work out so that I can get some guns like yours.
That’s such a good exercise – and one I actually do. As I was leaving PT today (with permission to go on a short interval run), I was thinking about what my PT told me I needed to do to get back in good running shape – namely strengthen my quads & untighten my ITB (which is apparently ridiculous). And then I thought, I bet there are good ideas in MizFit’s archives. So – I’ll be digging around for quad strengtheners I can do at home, since I just can’t get to the gym every day.
I love that dress!!
The video isn’t working for me…says it’s no longer available?
Love the dress. And I do those rows now and again, they are good stuff.
BTW, the video worked fine for me.
Golly, Miz, I don’t know if you’ll see this comment in this sea of comments! But I wanted to thank you for something you said on another blog that I think will be really helpful to me. I really resist going out to eat, and when I do go, i always say, I don’t want to go out and have stuff I don’t like, or that I can do better at home. But you said something that really resonated with me “as I lost weight I shifted to the eating out being about NOT having to chop or steam or DO myself.” So I wanted to be sure to thank you for that incidental advice!
Lori L. Tell your mother she’s wrong! It just takes a little longer and bit more diligence to diet. (I’m 56).
MizFit, Love the dress. Did your docs tell you that the first canine knee means 50% that the second will blow? Have a lab with both corrected, who is now going lame from hip displasia. (the glucosomine has helped for 10 years).
Tricia2, I would NOT combine them into one move; but I’d add tricep dips as a superset on a full-body workout day. (I love me my supersets).
Amy. stronger quads and stretched IT bands.. I hear ya! Add tight hammies, and we could be twins! Lunges! And there is a great IT stretch at ExRx.
video should be working, Z. not sure what was up with that.
and debbie? it’s the crack of dawn here in Texas and Im about to go and workout myself.
Thank you for taking the time to tell me (and yep π I read every, single comment here)
Deb? We, the masses, need YE, the YOU, to become a personal trainer.
I just love that you were doing that wearing a dress and using soup cans. That’s something I could do in the kitchen!! Talk about multi-tasking!!
I am a day late but had to get in my “face time” personal (along with 100s of others) counseling time. I will have to buy me some soup cans! Or maybe I can use old Reader’s Digests that have been spray painted gold and sprinkled liberally with holiday glitter.
Great to *see* you as always. I will be slow in posting because my lats were neglected over the weekend but my brain is still intact.
I thought you were gonna do those on one leg…