In the spirit of GITTING YOU TO YER WEEKEND I shall cut to the chase.
I giveth you Lance. A blogger whose writing I truly enjoy & whose comments I always look forward to reading—–both here and elsewhere.
What made you start blogging/your blog?
It started with a movie. The Bucket List. A very good movie, if not for the plot, for the idea behind the movie, and how it gets you thinking. At least, that’s how it worked for me. We (my wife and I) saw the movie, and this led to a discussion of what would be on our bucket list. And writing came up on my list. And that was the beginning. The seed had been planted.
There are weightloss blogs, workout blogs, daddy blogs—the list goes on. How did you decide what to focus upon?
I tossed around ideas. What should I write about? Three areas came to mind. Personal finance, health and fitness, and personal growth. You’ll notice hints of each throughout “the Jungle”. But, what I found out as I wrote was that my real passion came from writing with an emphasis on personal growth. So, that’s what I typically will write about.
Writing has really become a great way to “know” myself better. This was not the purpose of writing, but has turned into being a powerful experience for me. The other “surprise” has been how meaningful the comments are. There is so much great stuff that gets shared in the comments, and really adds so much value to the whole conversation going on.
I occasionally talk about my family. They’re an integral part of my life. I am happily married to the sports nut. And we have three rugrats who’ve grown into fine kids β ages 9, 11, and 13. Two boys with a girl in the middle. It’s always (and I stress always) interesting.
You still talk about fitness quite often—-is that just a piece of who you are so you address it? has it alway been?
Fitness is a big part of my life. NOW. It wasn’t always. Growing up, I wasn’t the class jock. By any sense of that term. And then, I married the sports nut!
We had some kids and I gained some weight. Not a huge amount of weight, but still, way more than I should have. It was slow and steady (kind of like me at the time).
And then there we were, planning our 10 year wedding anniversary trip to Jamaica, and I was thinking β I’ll look like a beached whale on theβ¦wellβ¦beach. And, I decided, enough was enough. I made drastic changes to both my diet and exercise plans. I took progress pictures. I ran (and then I walked). And I lost about 50 pounds in the course of about eight months.
I had reached what I call skinny-fat. I was much lighter, but had lost a lot of muscle. I discovered weight training. I used a mix of weight training and cardio, combined with good eating habits to lose some of the fat and gain back some muscle. That all began four years ago. I still have some work to do, but overall I’m happy.
In the process the Internet became a great source of information. Somehow I stumbled upon your blog. I stopped by, and was hooked by your humor tied in with sound fitness advice. What you provide here applies to both men and women (well, usuallyβ¦.). The benefits of running in a dress β I’m not going there! But, I also want to inflate your ego a bit, MizFit ( you deserve it!) β so here are two things I’ve picked up since reading your blog:
1. Park farther away from the building at work ( I now park as far away as I can β a few more steps on my fitness journey)
2. Broccoli with corn flakes and honey mustard β my kids actually didn’t complain about the broccoli when served this way (Guest chef time is awesome!). There are more, but you get the idea β your stuff is good stuff!
(MizFit note: thank you Lance. I almost edited this out :))
You know I have to ask: what are you fitness goals? Have you laid out specific ones?
To lose a little more fat, and gain a bit of muscle in the process. I try to do this through a combination of good eating habits (weekends are my downfall) combined with regular sessions of weight training and cardio.
Right now, it’s biking for me. I bike to work about 2-3 times each week (18 miles round trip). In addition to being great physical exercise, I’ve also found this time on the bike to be reflective time for me personally. Which leads to many of the posts I have on “The Jungle of Life”—and that’s all good.
Still reading?
Because in addition to Lance Im wondering how *you* are all doing.
How are all those Labor Day tips going? putting em into action?
We’re midway through THIS—you still walking?
It’s not too late to start up and, even if you only amble a few days a week, the site is packed with walking tips, quotes, trainer interviews & suggestions for music to use when walking (loved that!).
*and* in the spirit of motivating MBT has generously donated three tee shirt/water bottle combos our way.
You can be entered to win for the low, low price of a comment below.
(winners will be announced MONDAY. and yes *sigh* US residents only)
Thanks for introducing me to yet another fine blog!
Thanks very much to both of you for putting this together. Hugely entertaining and interesting. Love both your blogs….
Your rock MizFit – thanks much for the opportunity to share with your fine readers!!
This being a kids sports day at our house (rain, rain go away) — my walking will consist of wandering from one field to the next….
I am doing OK.
I’m more tired than I’ve ever been in my life but I’m chugging along because this will all be worth it someday.
I am taking care of myself by getting bi-weekly manicures, attempting to get to the gym for exercise and letting myself have some candy every once in awhile
AND….Hats and waterbottles ARE incentive to keep chugging along π (i’mjustsaying)
Great interview, I’ll be heading to Lance’s sight immediately!
Great interview! I like this guy Lance. I like how he saw something that needed to be done, and he took the steps to make it happen — and continues to do so.
Lance – you have just put me off my lunch – broccoli with cornflakes and honey??
good news, cath!
You don’t have to be ‘on’ as it’s Lance’s specialty.
We’re all invited there to dine.
Don’t be late or you mightcould miss out….
Fine (wink).
I’ll take one for the team and give you mine.
I didn’t really see the walking challenge…so observant!! I like it though. I think I’ll start trying it!
Q. Which of Lance’s words can I most relate to?
A. “Weekends are my downfall” – they are mine too.
Q. What are the most depressing words read regularly on
A. US residents only π
I am doing okay too. A luvverly 1000+cal bike ride today!
I make a point of visiting Lance every day. He makes my top three lists of blogs that really get me thinking. His posts are almost like homework assignments π but I love them because they usually ask something of me or make me reflect on something that I draw personal growth from.
Thanks for spotlighting this awesome man/dad! You make us think, Lance π
Still doing good on my goals. This weekend may throw me a few curve balls because today is my son’s birthday ……cakes, goodies π but I plan on getting an hour of cardio in this morning and may even do something this evening after all the festivities! Little man is 7 today π Today I reflect on how his birth forced me out of my selfishness! Becoming a parent has a way of forcing personal growth but it doesn’t seem like work at all (most days!)
On both accounts.
I’m still begging, err, inquiring about nonUSA companies for freebies & am still friggin amazed, err, surprised how many companies in general are loathe to part with treats.
And the weekends?
I’d NEVER be thumbtyping this from a diner w/a breakfast treatmeal in front of me.
It is nice to see Lance is taking control of his life and succeeding. Thanks for the inspiration.
Yes thanks for showing us another great blog!! See even though i have no chance to win i still comment π Have a great weekend!!
Wow – I just checked out Lance’s blog and I really like. The photos and quotes alone are reason to visit … but then it gets better because he can actually write and has interesting perspective and things to say. Thanks Mizfit for pointing us in his direction – and thanks to Lance for a good read. π
I’ve been a Lance fan since I found The Jungle of Life online. Thanks Lance for sharing how you are balancing your life with your fitness routine.
Very cool interview! Thanks for sharing the wisdom, Lance.
Miz, I’m very impressed that you’re hanging with us while Ike is hanging with, or rather over, you…
Hoping that diner that you’re NOT in is very safe and everything comes out still in one piece. Stay safe!
Nice to get the scoop on Lance. I’ll have to check it out when I feel more like doing so…I want to climb back into bed, but my messy fur-covered house says “Oh, no you di-innnn’t” So i gotta clean first, Lance later.
Great interview!
Must check out Lance’s blog…..
*sheesh, just what I needed… another great blog to add to my huge list!!* π
As to how I’m doing? Busy, busy, busy, busy and more busy…..
Back at the painting MIL’s house – the living room this time. Had a super, but very short visit from my sister.
It froze hard here this morning, so that will probably put an end to dehydrating the spinach……
Are you getting any bad weather from Ike?
Cool interview. Lance’s blog really stands out to me as being unique among the rows and rows of blogs in the blogosphere.
Thanks for introducing me to Lance’s blog! I always learn something new over here.
I’m just back from the farmers market and have lots of local produce and baked goods. I’ve been doing great in that dept. Walking has been OK. I have been baaaaaad about dropping the Me Time off my to-do list. This week, Me Time was the first to go! EEEK! I will fix that . . .
Thanks Miz for this great interview with Lance. It was great to get to know him better. I also always look forward to his very thoughtful comments on my site and on others.
I am doing great on the labor day tips and the walking, although I am not getting in 30 walks in 30 days.
I totally want the Tee and Water Bottle please. Especially if a pair of those shoes are included. I have been checking them out and want a pair so badly now.
Oh well, maybe some day!
Thanks for the Q&A with Lance. I’m adding his blog to my list since I liked what I saw with my initial look this morning. I’m off to have my car serviced this morning — and scoped out a nearby park for walking while waiting (love gmap-pedometer for walking routes in unknown neighborhoods!).
Yet another great blog to bookmark! Thanks MizFit!!
(By the way..adding you to my blogroll clue why I haven’t done this yet! π )
Wow! Another GREAT blog! Thank you for introducing us to it. I also hope to have a “change my course” story. I wasn’t the “athlete” in high school, but did, in fact marry a marathon runner-super jock, so I’m inspired daily to become more fit. I’m on my way! But, it’s always so inspiring to hear of others who achieved what I hope to.
Thanks again!
Nice to “meet” you Lance! Another addition to my “daily reads!”
Im so glad you love the Lance (sorry Mizter Yellow Jersey this time it’s not about you) as I do.
In a sea of blogs his voice is truly unique & inspiring.
It is still hot and muggy in Austin so I haven’t been walking as much as I want to but I have added an extra loop in the evening dog walk which is something.
I start every Monday with the intention of eating less carbs and working out every day. I have been working out more but not everyday.
As for diet, I do better on the weekends when I am relaxed and have time to plan and cook right. It is the weekdays that give me a challenge.
MizFit keeps me motivated to keep trying!
Yay for Lance. And free t-shirts & water bottles. I’m off to think about how much fun it is to be warm and dry after a very rainy triathlon-minus-the-bike-because-it-was-too-dangerous.
Thanks for introducing me to a new blog. I like his outlook and love his story. Thanks for sharing!!!
Darn. Another “must read” blog. Like the 400 belevendy some aren’t enough. (note to self: edit your BlogLines feed…)
I hope I win those ts and water bottles for a couple reasons:
I just started wearing MBTs, so I’d be walking advertising. Or a rocking advertising! and
#2. I think I’ve lost a water bottle every 2 months this year. HOW do I do it? I don’t know. But I really need a new one.
Today is going down as a deep-down rest day; didn’t sleep well last night, so I’m laying low. Highest energy point will hopefully cheering Ohio State to a win.
Sunday I hit the gym for a kick-ass lower body/balance workout. (imagine side step up to that padded weight lifting bench, balance on 1 leg with military presses, then squatting down to almost touch my toe to the floor. Now imagine me doing that without falling over and beaning someone with the dumb bell. Crosses fingers the 2nd part holds true. There will NOT be video.)
Yay Lance!! Great interview:) The last commenter has me laughing my butt off…
Thanks for this. Lance’s blog is great!
Thanks for sharing Lance with us…I can’t keep up…bowing to Miz Fit the queen of blogging!
All hail Miz Fit!!
Hi MizFit,
How exciting you interviewed Lance. He’s a favorite read of mine and a loyal contributor to my community. It’s been great to find out more about him and his fitness goals.
I love that tip of yours to park further away from the door. It’s something I try and practice. Each step we take gets up closer to good health/fitness, doesn’t it?
What a fun interview! I love learning about all these people–we’re all sort of on the same quest for living a better quality, healthier life.
On a more personal note, how have you gotten SO MANY STINKIN’ READERS on your blog? How did the word spread? I heard about you on Hungry Girl…but how did SHE hear about you? I know what keeps us coming back…you’re entertaining and REAL…love it! But how do you get us here?
I love your interviews.
How am I doing? I did my longest run ever today: over 18 miles. And it was a harsh reminder of how far a marathon actually is, but it did not kill me.
And how are YOU doing, MizFit? π
LANCE has the best freaking pictures!!! Wow.
And wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could work so hard and energetically at something we love that we would bit really fit and not have to work out?
Last year during the season I used to walk from gig to gig through Central Park instead of take the MTA. What a revelation! And it really kept me sort of in shape. Now I’m such a slug I need more rigor than that, but I’m definitely going to do it again now that the season’s up and running again.
10 more days until hand surgery π But I don’t plan to let that stop me!!!
Thanks for spreading the word about Lance’s article – I’ve added to my list of must-reads!
Just got back from the gym – 30min of weights and 50min of cardio. I feel great. Tofu for dinner, YUM!!
Have a great Saturday everyone!
Looks like I’ll be adding another blog to my bloglines in the very near future. Great interview.
you all are MOTIVATED this weekend.
Special shout out to Heather on her triathlon & to DEB who needs to brag for herself about the pullupS she did (yes, People, that’s an S at the end of the word).
me? Im being still this weekend. not an unnecessary step walked & not a weight lifted.
All about the meditative times here in the ATX and Im loving it.
NEXT WEEK back to regularly scheduled workout programming.
(I bolded a snippet of Debra’s comment above. I though her ‘take’ on the weekend was really unique and, since we’ve been talking so much about how HARD it is to stay on track over weekends, it’s a timely comment as well. check it out!)
Great interview and his blog looks great! It’s always really cool to learn how people start up their blogs.
Love your tips, especially the taking 30 minutes to yourself (SO important for sanity purposes) and make healthy eating fun. It IS so much fun!
I didn’t know about the reasons to walk campaign but I think I just stumbled upon heaven. Blissful blissful walking.
Also soon I’m going to move to the US. Just so I can participate in US-only give-aways:)
… but what an actual pair of MBT shoes??? ha!
The concept2 peeps called me to check on my size and said the shorts would be on their way. How awesome is this? Thanks concept2 and thanks Mizfit.
As for how I am doing, euh, guess, I am huge, I can’t breathe, I look at the crib, the changing table, the clothes, the car seat and think “come on baby, all that’s missing is YOU!”
17 more days to go. You know, if he is on time, unlike his brothers….
Wow! It’s been a full day, and I’m just getting back and reading through all of these. Wow! You guys are awesome here!! You’ve all made my day! Thank you! All of you! Thank you!!!!!
You’re all welcome at my house for broccoli anytime!!
Yay, more blogs to read π
Great site — added to my feeds! I need all the inspiration I can get — and I’m certainly getting it and it’s working π
I’m up for free stuff. I love getting different Tshirts
chest presses with free weights question
My free weights (dumb bells) class started last December. I started with 3 and 5 as my light and heavy weights. I am now using 5 and 10. Except chest presses – where I use 15 pounds (so 30 total with the two free weights).
My question is – what is typical for women?
I have no idea if 15 is a lot or a little.
I know that Dick’s does not sell the pretty color weights (I assume for women) for more than 10 lbs.
My general rule of thumb is that if I am not quivering/shaking by the end of the second (or third) set, if the last couple lifts of the last set are not a challenge, and if I have no tenderness for the next couple days – then I move up slightly in my weights (5, 8, 10, 12, 15). It is sort of a move up – find it a challenge for a while – then realize it is not a challenge any more – and move up again. This is a very gradual process.
I would love to hear what you think – I just would like to have a general idea.
PS – 47 years old, 3 kids (18, 14, 10) and I think carrying babies for all those years gave me foundation to have good arms. The skin did indeed “suck up” as the weight came off – and the tone (my 2nd year of maintenance) continues to improve. I actually started expercising 6 mos before I started working of healthier food (4+ years ago). I am just amazing at how much improvement my body has shown. I went from 215 down to 155.
I came over from Lance’s site.
I was a fitness nut in the years till my kids were born. I’ve recently gone back to the gym and stepping up on my exercise. I can’t help being motivated by some of the bloggers in the personal development field, including Lance. Do continue to keep me inspired! I’m hoping to get back into a whole range of sporting activities; including wakeboarding and diving.
Great interview by the way!
β¦ but what an actual pair of MBT shoes??? ha!
and you *so* know that I
beggedinquired about that as well.chock full o’chutzpah? sure, but that’s the way I roll for the Bumbling Band.
Oh man, ANOTHER blog to check out? I’m gonna disappear into the computer pretty soon! Seriously, Miz, I am really enjoying your blog. Your stuff is interesting enough, but then you go to the trouble to bring in guest bloggers for us. Thanks for all your hard work. Plus I feel a connection to you since I learned you lived in Texas. I lived there for 7 years, and I have fond memories of that time in my life, and the people of that state.
thanks for the link.
I think I am actually asking the opposite –
am I whimpy to only be up to 15 (30 total) after almost a year?
I am not the slightest bit worried about having an Arnold Schwarzenegger body. I should be so lucky as to have a ‘too fit’ problem.
In my mind I equate this with the nurses trying to get me to stay in bed (flat on my back in labor) – I loved to walk off the labor pains – I always said – I should be so lucky as to have a baby just slide on out without my noticing. . .
what is the deal with women’s pretty colored weights only going up to 10 pounds???
got it vickie.
will cup & paste for Viewer Mail!
Okay, NOT FAIR to mention that broccoli cornflake thing without linking to your recipe!! Now I have to actually LOOK for it π
Great post, great blogger, thanks!
Enjoyed Lance’s blog. I appreciate all my blogging friends/mentors/teachers taking the time to share and educate. Really–thank-you so much!
enjoyed the ‘interview with lance’ brocoli with cornflakes and honey mustard – interesting, but we need a recipe.
Lance, great to see you here, and I’ve enjoyed finding out more about you and why you started blogging.
I love your site and will def be checking out Lances later tonight. π
This was such a breath of fresh air. I am new to your blog Miz Fit but from what I have seen so far I have really enjoyed your way of writing and your enthusiasm :). Lance I briefly looked at your blog and I will be sure to come back. Thanks so much for putting out great information that actually helps people.
This was such a breath of fresh air. I am new to your blog Miz Fit but from what I have seen so far I have really enjoyed your way of writing and your enthusiasm :). Lance I briefly looked at your blog and I will be sure to come back. Thanks so much for putting out great information that actually helps people.
Oh and I loved your tips for Labor Day. Everyone really needs to get more Vitamin D seriously! π
Lance is awesome.
“Fitness is a big part of my life.” Mine too!
BTW, LOVE the new look of your site!
Really enjoy Lance’s blog as I do yours. ALways learn lots coming over here or there. To me is very philosophical about things which I appreciate.
Just made me giggle when I read the bit about parking far away from the building…. I do that too, mostly unintentionally – they’re the only spaces left when I finally drag myself in to work!! :o) Also, I know it’s great for adding a few steps to the fitness regime, but killer on my feet in 4 inch heels… Lesson for me to be learned – get out of bed earlier, park closer to the building, and use the gym at work before the working day starts!! Win-win situation! :o)
I love to read Lance’s blog! Thanks for interviewing him MizFit!
βFitness is a big part of my life.β Mine too!