It’s weekend time up in herre so this shall be short & sweet.
Seen this site?
(According to their quiz my wellness personality is a free spirit. not sure it took too much science to figure that out—but I digress)
Today kicks off the YMCA’s America on the Move week & YMCAs all over the country are having free wellness events.
Is there an event happening near you?
Alas, there’s nothing up in herre so I’m compelled to create my own MizFit Wellnesstravaganza.
Free drinks (if you can free the sippy from the Toddler Tornado’s deathgrip).
Free Fitness Testing (we have a flight of stairs. you can feel free to run it twice!).
Free Food (if you can wrestle me to the ground & pry my fave Morningstar sausage patties outta my hands).
Free massages (yeah, there’s really no chance of this one unless you convince the Bullmastiff to trot back & forth on your back).
Free swag (if by swag you mean whatever crap you can cram in your bag when you think Im not looking—-which I do.).
No wellness event near me – I guess I’m on my own…How will I survive???? OK, getting ready for a walk with my wife – good physically and mentally.
I’m currently enjoying a virtual “free drink” – and I’m ok with the sippy cup – no spills to clean up on me…
Be WELL this weekend…
I already knew my results before I got them, but hey…it may just reinforce what you can change to help attain your goals if you’re not where you want to be. No wellness event near me either. Oh, well.
I’d go for a free massage…mastif or human 🙂 Although, drool free just may be preferred.
Does you bull mastiff drool a lot? Could be considered a free shower, too, then…..
Just might be able to work in a work out today….after I clean my house, feed the cows (we are having to supplement with some hay – the pasture is looking a little sparse), fix fence, make another batch of salsa, finish making the Roman Blind for MIL, pick more spinach, work in the garden, clean up the flowerbed, mow the lawn, and do a few other little chores…… or not.
Have a great weekend!!
I got Free Spirit too!
To whom it may concern,
Hercules, the Bullmastiff, will be performing massages between the hours of 1p-3p.
The thick, relaxing rubber cement-like drool is, indeed, available for an additional fee.
This is all explained in the Wellnesstravaganza brochure listen under:
MoistMassage (hot towels included).
The Management
Hmmmm Also a free spirit here! Wonder if we all are. :~P
Garsh, I’m a free spirit, too. This is verr-rry interrr-rresting.
Is it a glitch or are we all just freespiritfabulous?
I am going to my sweet son’s football game, then the the Great Wal* for a few thing. Picking up a few groceries at Aldi, too.
My lawn needs major mowing and I need to go do a strength day…will strength first then mow. We are supposed to help at a steak feed this evening. Hugh can’t wait. He is “Mr. Busboy” in his own mind.
No “Y” near me, so I will make my own day.
have a great one
Hmmm… I got “practical”. Can I still be friends with you all?? I love your MizFit giveaway:) You know I would lovelovelove to visit you. That really would be the best gift! As for prying the sippy away from Tornado, I wouldn’t try – that girl looks like she can hold her own;)
nothing here in KS period! I could drive to KC, Missouri (2 hrs away) but what would that do to the environment and my checkbook with gas prices so crazy 😉
If anyone wants to stop by here today, hubby and Grandpa are planting like 20 trees to line our property 😉 Hubby dug all the holes last week and has blisters and a broken shovel to prove it. If that doesn’t do it for you, don’t forget I have 4 kids……..?!
Free food———-ALWAYS in the house! I never let anyone come in without offering a drink and some food………whatever is available at the time. Today it will be BBQ chicken sandwiches, baked beans, fruit and peanut butter cookies.
Massage: one of the four kids will graciously walk on your back when asked….just hope they don’t start jumping 🙂
Well, common theme here, I am a free spirit as well! I think because the answers I chose didn’t all mesh together, so that makes me a free spirit 🙂
Another Free Spirit here, although I didn’t really fit any of the choices on most of those questions.
I belong to the Y, but our branch isn’t participating in the special event. That’s OK, I’ve still got bootcamp this morning, followed by the Sonoma County Book Festival.
Exercise and books! What more could a person want on a lovely Saturday?
I’m a “Groupie”.
I think that’s code for party girl.
I am dissatisfied with that Wellness Personality quiz, because 1) they gave no option to choose strength training/weight lifting in the Favorite Exercise question, and 2) they misspelled “sight-seeing” in the Favorite Vacation question.
However, I came out a “Practical” personality, which surprises me NOT AT ALL!!
You know, I think the event in my house has more of a “Survivor” slant. Like the free food, sure… if you can hold on to it with all the kids, dogs, and DH rushing you for it. Which then turns into something a lot like hide (in the closet) and seek (find mommy, and chase her down, demanding a share…) It’s like an all in one event! 😉
I’m a free spirit too. Hmm.
Ok, gotta go hide back in the closet now.
I have to jump back in and agree with you, Marla.
I just assumed that’s what we Free Spirit types did.
Exercise outside of the box.
(If by outside the box you mean weight training which I typically don’t!)
Interesting to learn you Practical types do as well.
Must be because you’re so matteroffact and wish to slow/stop the onset of osteoporosis.
Miz., who definitely thinks fitness & reading (currently Free Food For Millionaires) is the quintessential perfect saturday.
I’ve tried the whole mastiff massage thing (in the middle of the night. By two gigantic mastiffs. I thought I was about to die.). They use very strong pressure. Its a little too strong for me. 🙂
Sounds like a great event! But today I will be focusing on getting ready for my own event: housewarming party tonight! You’re all welcome;)
Again with the Free Spirit result.
Then again, I’d wonder about the test if that wasn’t my result.
I’m a “groupie” personality. Makes sense. I love going on long (5 mile) walks with my friends and venting about situations.
Another free spirit! And our Y is working with our city and hosting a huge fest this weekend. I will be off to my 10K as a part of it soon and then taking the kiddos for some fun festivities!
Practical. Funny. Prolly true.
I’m a groupie. Lol.
Hooray for the Y! Between Yoga Month and that, there really are no excuses for not getting out of the house and trying something new. 🙂
On my way to a yoga class…
Sounds like a good workout, have you eaten your sausage pattie yet? if so, that might be more difficult…
Good G-d I love my patties.
you eat em ttfn300?
Careful, you KNOW I’m still in the area. So unless you want a chubby girl in a cute pair of jeans climbing your stairs and eating your sausages… 🙂
No wellness event in my area, so I shall make up my own.
*scratches head*
(With pointer finger as the thumbs? They typing.)
Cammy you’re welcome here & feel free to bring your (fingerquote) chubby girl (unFQ).
Is that a friend? Cuz I KNOW you’re not referring to yourself since I just saw you yesterday & all 😉
It tells me I’m a Free Spirit too. Sounds suspiciously like some kind of hippy. Not impressed!
This weekend you can all have free guest passes to my Mind Gym. I’m flexing my brain and trying to get some writing work done.
And Being Present at all times, of course.
TA x
Somebody clearly needs to design a more complicated test, here. I am also a Free Spirit. Which I am. But I do not think that my answers to those questions qualify me as able to design my own yoga mat. Although I totally could.
I’m on it, Bumbling Band. Please to stay tuned.
TA – what’s wrong with hippies!!!!! (the Bag Lady whips the braided headband off and hides it behind her ample, hemp-cloth-covered butt…) 🙂
I’m Practical too…how dull, but the little description was embarassingly accurate (getting precisely the recommended 8 hours of sleep, always researching the latest suggestions for health…)
My Saturday includes yard-work-o-rama and then my first roller derby! Have fun!
I’m practical. Nice way to put “seriously lady, are you a little OCD?”
I’m a free spirit, too. I guess I’d like to be. Not sure it’s accurate, but I’ll take it!
I’m a Practical Personality too. Told you I was boring 🙂
Free spirit here, too…but not surprising, given that every single one of my answers fit the New Age mind/body theme. I suspect I could easily slip over to Practical, though, if I were choosing what I think might WORK BEST instead of what I LIKE BEST. 🙂
Interestingly, I took the quiz twice, and although only one answer changed the second time around (and it was “good friends make any meal memorable” instead of “that’s tough, I eat a lot of food and love it all”) I became a Groupie.
Which is silly, because that’s the question that has the least bearing on the subject, I think. But whatever.
No wellness event here either, not a big shocker though. There’s a REASON we’re one of the fattest states in the country… 🙁
But hey, that’s okay. Every day is really a wellness event for me!
I’m a free spirit. I’m not sure about designing my own yoga mat….but now my creative juices are starting to flow!
Good morning, chicka! I took the quiz and am “Practical.” Fits me to a T! Thanks for the inspiration…I had NO idea what I was going to write for my next Refuse to Regain blog, but I do now.
I avoid our local Y like the plague. The director is a total jerk. Likes to watch women workout, if you know what I mean. Ewwww!!!!
I’m a free spirit as well- makes sense to me. We don’t have a local Y, but that doesn’t mean I can’t make next week all about being on the move up in here with me and mine 🙂
I’m going to Weight Watchers church first thing, then for coffee and then I’ll go for my walk.
None of those YMCAs around here.
I have to make my own Y.
nothing in my state at all. 🙁
practical, and can I borrow some patties? I had no idea I ran out.
Andrew, we are not boring! However, I never thought of myself as practical either.
ok I’m now duly curious what answers would morph the MizFit from free spirit to practical (the Ren Man? He’s curious as well, but methinks less the Y-quiz and more real life).
First things first, however, and I’m off to go ‘walking walking walking feeeeeet!’ (sing it. it catchy. Toddler Tornado created ;)) around the neighborhood and enjoy that temps are in the 80s.
Well, apparently I’m a free spirit too. And we don’t have a YMCA anywhere near us. 🙁
Free spirit personality here! Is there any other type in the quiz results??
Free spirit. Although when I the part about 4-6 hours of yoga a week, I laughed. It’s 7 hours/week.
I took the quiz! What exactly do they mean by “lazy ass slacker?” LOL
Y’all are welcome to come to my place for some heart pumping activities – such as arguing with a pre-teen whose testosterone is SURGING and he’s SCREAMING (he hates me), and his life SUCKS… (My husband says “We are in the middle of the parenting sea, and there is NO rescue helicopter coming!”) I so thought this was only supposed to be a girl thing… So obviously the parent punch is flowing, dinner will be served at 5, and swag just might be in the form of male humans aged 10 – 47, and their annoying dog.
: )
Hey, I LOVE the S.L.A.P. thingy!!!! I intend to steal it for my personal use, because it would be way too hard to think up one of my own.
consider it a present, Melissa.
First Im confident I didnt make it up (Im not that creative. someone must have trumped me AND Im not gonna be like al gore and the internet :)) and 3b we need to spread it like wildfire so that the entire Bumbling Band can claim we started a trend.
(because if theres enough of us no one will day disagree)
hang in there on the surgery count down,
im a groupie type
My t-shirt & water bottle came in the mail yesterday- thank you! I had a very lucky week last week.
It also told me free spirit. I think I am seeing a trend here. lol
Free spirit here, too — hmm!
Free stuff :D:D
I’m Practical. The description hit me on the nail.
Mmmmmmm . . . Morning Star sausage patties – I just paid full price for a box today because I couldn’t wait any longer for them to go on sale!!!! Yum-o!
I’m not sure yet what I am . . . going to check that out now while the kids are both down and I should be doing my own writing/blogging stuff. Ah, Miz . . . you’re helping me procrastinate – thanks! 🙂