Im not usually one to tease or promote upcoming freebies.
I figure if you happen by on the day we have one–GREAT.
And if you miss it? There’s another one right around the corner.
That said, tomorrow’s freebie is a special one to me.
Not only is it generous (and one for which Im grateful (oooh foreshadowing!)) but it’s something I put on about two years ago & havent taken off since.
If you peer carefully you can see that Im wearing it in every one of my Monday Facetimes.
(cue music fraught with suspense…)
Great vid – and spectacular garden! I’m recovering from a knee injury that’s keeping me from swimming and walking at the moment so have been looking for some things I can do to exercise my legs. I think this is a good start! I don’t have kettle bells, but might try milk jugs. What do you think? I also have some resistance bands – any idea if those can be adapted for deadlifts?
YES on the bands and since I know youre a weight lifter extraordinaire lemmie use an example:
Imagine the cable crossover machine with a straight bar attached to a lower cable as if you were going to do BICEP CURLS.
I will sometimes use THAT for S.L.D. weight resistance.
stand back from machine and use the straightbar to lift and lower weights.
*thats* the way youd wanna anchor the band.
low and tight.
me? Id start with no weights (high reps) see if I were sore the next day & try that!
make sense?
if not LET ME KNOW and Ill better explain.
Yay dead lifts! One of my most favoritest exercises!!! That deck looks perfect for sipping cocktails 😉
Excuse my exercise ignorance
But what is the chance that this particular one will throw my lower back out? Because that looks suspiciously like what I was doing (albeit with 40 lb boxes of lettuce) when I threw my back out at age 17 (way too early for that)
I do love Monday Facetime … my favourite part of the Mizfit week I think!
Another exercise to add to my routine, if I can motivate myself to do it!
From the trees in the background of the video it looks like it is windy there too!
NOPE CHRISTINE YOU NOT IGNORANT AT ALL and I *almost* didnt post this for that reason but people had specifically asked about form for it so, I figured I may as well.
I cant say enough to do SANS WEIGHTS initially and NEVER USE THIS EXERCISE as a way to ‘see how heavy you can go.’
Me? It has taken me years to get to the point where I use 25 pound dumbbells because Im a stickler for form for that very BACK reason.
Hold one pound weights or soup cans to get used to having something in your hands and do the exercise in that fashion until your AH HA! moment.
until it CLICKS and you think:
I GET IT. I FEEL THIS IN MY LEGS! Not my arms. not my back. my core is tight and my back never rounded and it’s all GLUTES and HAMSTRINGS.
Thanks for asking.
Thanks for the clarification Miz!
I will definitely be doing this one sans weights for the first while.
I’d say that it’s age talking—–but it’s really not.
The IT’S A MARATHON NOT A SPRINT attitude I mean.
(*runs to knock on wood*)
I’ve been lifting for 20 years (! Though not as consistently for the first few) and have never been injured/had any sort of ANYTHING (runs back to kitchen to find more wood) debilitating.
IMO its all from going s-l-o-w-l-y and making a MIND/BODY connection to what I’m doing before making it a true tiring exercise.
No matter the form of exercise.
(Slowslow jog before run. Few pilates moves every day before even attempting a mat class etc.)
20 years!?
no freakin’ way. You’re totally not old enough for that to be true… are you?
looks interesting.
easy enough for me to try at least once.
i think my butt muscles might thank me.
Hey a deadlift exercise! I like it! I did some plain old deadlifts this weekend, but haven’t done the stiff legged deadlifts in ages. And I should… Now I’m motivated…
fast thoughts from thumb-typer mcgee:
*yes FGF your butt will be sending out some thank you notes.
*however I must say again (can you see why the Toddler Tornado tires of my arse?) that, when I’ve taken a month or so off from doing these, I BEGIN with ten pounds (down from 25lbs) for the first session or 3.
*and christine? Your check is in the mail. Alas I began lifting weights in college (circa 1989ish. Before the frickin internet was used in school….before cell phones…when the girl who owned ROLLER BLADES was the hottest thing on 2 wheels) and am now almost40.
You’re a hottie MF!
I love Mondays!!! I had wondered about the back question too…..but you answered it thanks to Christine 😉 I guess it’s the advice in my head that says bend knees when you lift…..but I guess this is different since the weight isn’t on the ground.
Happy Monday 😉
I love the way you focus on avoiding injuries from the very beginning, and don’t just throw it in as an afterthought like so many hardcore folks. You clearly get hardcore results, but by approaching it gently and sensibly!
And hmm, am intrigued and excited about the upcoming giveaway item. I’ve figured out from your hints what it must be–your incredible muscles! They’re there every week, and I covet them. Can’t wait!
Er… what do you mean it doesn’t work that way?
Knees SOFT.
Not locked out.
Quads not flexed.
Now *twist & shout*.
Tighters buns.
Hamstrings fab.
When we lift
We prevent flab.
xo xo,
I think today, during everything I do at the gym, I will really concentrate on the mind-body connection, not only because she says it so much that it’s starting to sink in, but, also, as a form of being present.
How’s THAT for being a total kiss ass this morning? LOL
I like this one, too. Me buttocks thank ya in advance.
Wonderful post! Love this exercise! I have to get one of those kettle balls!! Did you have a lovely weekend? What’d you and the tornado do?
I love me some stiff-legged dead lifts! They feel easy when I do them, but I’m so sore the next couple days!
holy crap. I honestly thought early thirties. Guess exercise is better for just being able to beat the crap out of people eh?
and it’s never too early for some asskissing, Marianne.
if only the Tornado would follow suit.
and bethany? THAT means your weight choice is perfect.
Miz., who had a weekend chock full of BURN AFTER READING & football!
PS Christine? do you read the tippytoediet?
I had the HONOR of meeting Cammy from TTD this past friday.
she mightcould tell you I look far older (read: tired) in person…who can say? 🙂
I dead lifted my dog a few times. She thought it was fun. Miz, you next?
(ok, in the spirit of fair and full disclosure, I have a jack russell – and she thought it was way fun). (oh, and a dog licking you in the face does squat for your form!)
Love these! Although I wish they had a cuddlier name. Like fuzzy lifts or even live lifts. lol.
Great vid chica! I need to incorporate some of this into my life 😉
Marianne, you offering me to be next to SDL your DOG or to be SLD-lifted by you?
The former sounds fun the latter?
I don’t think your back can handle it…and no that wasn’t a gauntlet being thrown down 🙂
Miz, who never advocates SLD with your canines especially if yours, like hers, are 130+ pounds and sorely in need of a nail trim.
Just to repeat the safety precautions: Slow and Controlled, flat back, and sensible progression on the weight.
I’d like to add another one: When holding the weight and lifting, keep your head facing to the front. Even if someone yells out “Hey, Brad Pitt is walking by naked!”, do NOT turn your head to the side, or you could possibly tweak your neck or back.
Put your weight down calmly, THEN ogle and tackle Brad.
The comment about the weight of your doggie is the exact reason why I can’t get one (totally bonded with a really sweet one at a shelter when I was 13), namely that they’re bigger and heavier than I am.
Love the SLDs. I do them when I’m watching TV a lot (I bring the weight down).
thanks dragonmamma!
It takes a village to tighten our glutes, huh?
I’d totally forgotten the Brad Pitt tip!
These are one of those exercises I just hate. I’m sorry. I do them anyhow when a workout calls for it but then I grumble a lot;) If I’m going to do deadlifts, I usually do Romanian DL’s (thanks, Crossfit!).
That said, I DO love seeing you on Monday mornings and, like always, you crack me up.
This is on my list of to do’s today 😉
pURRR… Brad 🙂
That’s a lovely deck!
I love deadlifts. One of my absolute favorite exercises to do.
Thanks! I do these occasionally, but feel like I am doing them wrong. (Form feels funny.) After seeing your video, I can see that I am doing them right. Thanks again. 🙂
I’ll try this exercise – it looks like one I can handle. yes, as everyone has said, that deck is awesome – perfect for workouts.
Random question…you are barefoot in your video. Do you not wear shoes when lifting weights? Or do you just liberate the piggies for your Facetime videos?
Great video. Thanks! And thanks for the tip to do it without weights for those of us with bad backs…..
well, if I could lift barefoot at the gym I would (hello VIBRAM FIVE FINGERS! Anyone familiar?) & I rarely lift weights at home so, *sigh*, I do usually liftinshoes.
That could be my Dances With Wolves name!
xo xo,
ooh, love me some deadlifts, but I think I like your post title even better 😉 and i am anxiously awaiting tomorrow’s post!!
Ooh, kettlebell! I love my kettlebells so much that I like to incorporate them with my more traditional weight work as well (I like a good kettlebell squat). I’ll have to remember to bust them out for the next time I do SDLs as well.
And stop with the teasing already! Whatever it is it sounds like something I’ll end up buying if I don’t win it (which happened with the SuperNoots, you enabler).
I actually kind of like this exercise, though I don’t always include it in my repertoire. And it’s much easier than the Flamingo Deadlift- but once you get the balance thing down, it’s kind of fun (but I don’t think I would do it in public). I usually do the SLD with two 5-lb dumbbells.
Oh, and I love the poem. I think I should print that out and post it (and make it my new motto, “when we lift, we prevent flab”).
Gotta love anything that works the hammies and butt! Woohoo!! Burn baby burn!
great facetime!! i have been doing this one but this form check is really helpful! thanks!
This really, really makes me want to get a kettlebell. Really. For now I will do them sans weight and work on form- I used to love doing dead lifts like this.
lol at Flamingo deadlift…we just call those single-leg deadlifts, but that’s more entertaining!
I like to do these more for stretching just because I’m a super fan of regular deadifts, but my clients always, ALWAYS, learn how to do stiff legged ones first!
When I lift, like squats and deadlifts, I wear good-old Chucks because they’re flat and don’t shift my weight to the ball of the foot (where it’s not supposed to be!)
Well, we know it’s not SHOES that you are NOT wearing while picking up kettles. Tisk tisk.
If lifting up a T.T. gives me arms like yours, I may consider pregnancy sooner.
Can you neighbors see you? I bet they love the glute/bend over workouts!
Love stiff legged dead lifts. They really are a nice alternative to lunges, especially if you’re balanced challenged *raises hand* and feel “tippy” when you’re in lunge position.
And on the subject of weightlifting with dogs, I clean (raise from floor to shoulder level) my boxer pit mix. She always gets this “whoa, I’m flying” look when she’s off the floor.
Necklace! Watch! A toddler? (Anyone up for playing Wheres Waldo?).
I always have to remember to focus on the breathing. There’s so many times when I’ll be exercising away and then suddenly realize I haven’t breathed in about 10 minutes. Which explains why I’m gasping and passing out. (Kidding. Sort of. :)).
But right now I’m all around kind of distracted by this Brad Pitt walking by naked comment…
I was totally trying to show how my toes spread and gripped the wood whilst I was lifting.
totally (wink)
and like your Chucks, Jay, I wear my Air Rifts (and not MAXES) because of their flat nature.
Fitz? Im only ever outside when the neighbors are out of town.
once upon a time MizFit lived in a domicile with a fenced in yard and would frolic nekid & free.
no longer.
oh. and Id say Ive oversold tomorrow’s freebie—but I havent 🙂
and in case I have there’s another on wed.
I’ve always liked the dead lift, and I think I’ve seen this exercise done with one leg at a time. Can I try that? Are there any additional warnings? I ask because I have been trying to improve my balance and eliminate right/left imbalances in my legs.
this exercise done with one leg at a time?
when I do one legged deadlifts I start with a set sans weights (shocking I know) to be sure my core is ‘awake’ & my breathing and form are correct.
then I typically use a lighter medicine ball (though you can use a KB or a dumbbell) on my ‘working’ sets.
for me it is formformformSLOWcontrolledFORM.
anyone else?
LOVE deadlifts. Used to be my favourite weights exercise. Physio he says I can’t play at the moment though :0(
Are there any leg exercise you can do sitting down with a back support/lying on a bench? It’s the one bit of my body that my current weight routine doesn’t cover.
TA x
I have never done a dead lift! (former trainer feared injury. I’m learning there’s a lot he didn’t show me out of fear of injury.) Will add them (light weights) to today’s workout.
love this one. Definitely going to add it into my routine
TA? can you do a modified leg extension with weights wrapped around your ankles?
or regular leg extension for that matter (here’s where you explain that you cant as Im sure that would be what youre doing)?
swimming will DEFINITELY work those legs, too.
and Deb? I was so cautious with clients as well. some Id start on these and watch them ROUND THERE BACKS (NO! NO! NO!) and tell them we’d come back to the exercise down the road.
Oooh need kettleball and can’t wait for tomorrow!
great exercise! This one has to be done right…and then, it’s soooo effective. Thanks for showing how to do it right! Wish I’d seen your video before the first time I attempted this exercise! I know what the freebie is!!! 🙂
love the new tagline at the top of the page 🙂
Leg extensions… yeah my physio said I could do ’em but that means going on one of those scary weights machines right? Hmph, it might be time to break the final gym floor taboo and climb on board the complex-looking torture machines… I’ve always been 101% free weights. Got no means of wrapping weights on my legs sadly, so that’s out.
Although my legs do seem stronger than ever thanks to swimming. So impressed with swimming for strength work! I always suspected it was overrated, but apparently not….
Thanks for the tips, soz for the ramble!
TA x
thanks, Miz! I been looking for a way to step up my ‘drop it like its hot’ dance move.
I have now figured out that stiffed leg deadlift is not talking about my process for getting me out of bed some mornings! This one I may try later down the line!
Just wanted to thank you for all the great workout advice! I come to your site daily. Don’t want to miss a thing. You are one of my Fav. blogs and you have inspired me to start my own. Keep up the good work!
Looks simple enough.
I might give it a try. Thanks.
Can’t wait for tomorrow!
I’ll have to come back and watch tomorrow morning. I can’t view it at the moment. I’ll up for freebies though, so that will be more fun for tomorrow!
“Welcome back to outside my house!”
I will use the kettle bell and perform those exercises and let you know if I fall head first into the huge pillow I place on the ground in front of me.
yeah, ‘welcome back to outside my house because my husband fears for the safety of his plasma which I now fear he loves more than me but you’ll have that’ just felt too wordy for some reason.
When I first read “my husband fears for the safety of his plasma” I was thinking of blood plasma. That’s a totally different mental image. Then I guessed it must be a TV. We obviously don’t have a plasma TV around here (we’re always the last to upgrade electronic stuff).
and of course I have no idea what a true plasma really is and was using it as a blanket term.
It was less wordy than ‘cheap piece of sh*t picked up at Costco on sale yet still treasured by the man o’the domicile’
Just passing through! How’s the new toy going? Don’t answer that 🙂
Wow! Now I am totally curious and will be checking in first thing in the morning to see what’s what!
I can’t wait!
To TFH (and anyone else), about the one-legged “Flamingo” deadlifts:
Um, I haven’t done them in a while, but I remember that when I first tried them, it was very comedic (I kept *almost* falling over, and it took a while before I could even complete one set). But I kept at it (and generally my balance is pretty decent- all that dancing in my past life), and it became easier. The trick is to focus- focus on your breathing, focus on the muscles you’re working, and start slowly (meaning both time spent doing the move and in the amount of weight used). And like Miz already mentioned, keeping your core tight definitely helps with the balance.
For me, it was such a sense of accomplishment once I could actually do them and it felt easy- that’s how I knew I had made progress.
Oh, and other key warnings would be to make sure the area behind and to the sides is clear (of TV’s, breakables and/or small animals and children) and don’t have any distractions (such as a naked Brad Pitt walking by).
The suspense is definitely built for me! (must have been the music) I’ll check in tomorrow for sure. Cool, well explained video. 🙂
yay for “good morning” like exercises! another thing that really works your hamstrings, rowing. that like almost all of it. it’s totally crazy how much you use your legs during it.
anyways… i love those exercises. i might do them in my dorm room with my love, my kettlebell. we’ll see how sore/tight i am after weights tomorrow! (yay for starting that back up!!!)
I’m always really sore the next day after dead lifts. Does that mean I should decrease the weights I’m using?
The video is not working for me. 🙁
Were you spying on my last workout? I did this exercise with the {insert offcial name of curvy bar thing}, and I had a lot of trouble with it. I think my focus was on the wrong body part. Rather than the hips, I should have let the glutes do the work. Don’t tell the trainer, but I’m looking forward to trying this one again!
Hm…methinks it’s the watch or the necklace, right?
Shiny stuff! Count me in! 😉
Great video! I’m going to have to go to your archives and look at your previous Monday Facetimes. Thanks for taking the time to do this.
Yes the video finally worked for me! This looks great. Once I get over this nasty cold or flu or whatever it is I have I will for sure give these a try.
I LOVE straight legged deadlifts. Love love love.
Also, Mizfit? Sun Salutations in yoga! Even when I was lifting heavy and hard on legs three times a week, a good Sun Salutation never failed to make me sore. Unloaded deadlifts for a good 5-10 minutes. Oh my. Burns so good the next day.
Very nice. This and the stuff over at mark’s daily apple makes me think I need to finally join the parade and get one of those kettlebells!