A company who came to the Bumbling Band seeking our opinion.
A woman who WANTED our thoughts & input on workout apparel (both hers & in general) and desired, in a way, more the criticisms than the praise.
A company who wanted to know how to better reach & meet our needs as exercisers, as women (sorry, guys, it’s just that Oiselle is a women only apparel company), and as unique individuals.
I’ve not forgotten that Sally took the time to ask us our opinions and, as a result, find that when I need running gear (for myself or as a gift) hers is the site/brand I turn to first.
Ive not forgotten that the majority of apparel brands (both small & ginomous) seem not to care or even be curious who I am (we are? might I drag the entire Bumbling Band into my post?) or what defines me/my wants/my needs.
I was more than pleasantly surprised that Quaker, an enormous company in its own right, cared enough to reach out (as did this woman) to the blogworld, spend time with us/our readers, and get to know what we want, who we are, our likes & dislikes—–the whole proverbial nine.
Which all led me to wanna do a mass viewer mail.
A Bumbling Band open letter to the brands which serve us (this time? apparel peeps. next time? the world. FOODSTUFFS).
You know, just in case they happen to be clickclickclicking on by our neck of the woods or I print and mail this off to their pr peeps. either way.
Dear Companies Whom I Know Long For Our Purchase Dollars In This Tight Economy,
First, know that, for the most part, we entirely appreciate your efforts. We know that you arent setting out to make us feel oldoverweightlumpybumpyunhiptooshorttootallthickythick even though you frequently do.
By accident.
In the generous spirit of saving you countless dollars in research moneys here are our collective .02.
Know me. Take the time to figure out who I am (Im happy to tell you all about myself) and embrace this realistic picture of me not whom you *want* me to be.
If you are going to have bloggers on your website please make sure you have bloggers of all ages. All demographics. All sizes.
Sure it’s great to enter the age of social media but it is not so great if, when I click to your site, I only see lovely, made-up to perfection, perfectly coiffed ladies aged 24 writing about staying in shape.
Me? Im not so lovely many days, 24 is fo’ shizzle in the rear view mirror & staying fit grows far more difficult after age, well, 24.
Show me you know who I am.
Partner with things I care about.
Ill even get you started: the environment. cancer prevention. literacy. fighting poverty. getting our kids out there playing & exercising.
Let me see you know I’m more than just a woman who works out. Let me see you realize I wear many hats and many of those while sporting your apparel!
Im a mom, wife, sister, friend, daughter, worker, volunteer, writer AND exerciser.
Oh, and the always mentioned yet bears repeating: give me options.
Shorts in varied lengths. Pants in varied lengths & fits. Cup sizes a-z. Clothes which dont ride up. Clothes which dont slide down. The list is a long one….but we’re happy to furnish upon demand.
Please to be more than just my clothesmaker.
Give freely online training tips, suggestions, ideas for my workout, thoughts on healthy eating all without asking anything in return/turning it into a sales pitch.
I promise you, the more you give the more I will probably purchase.
OK, People. There are my musings to get us started.
(yep, that flash of black you just saw was my handing the reigns over to you)
What do you want? What needs of yours arent being met?
I know Im a curmudgeon at times but Im confident I didnt nail everything in the missive above.
Please to hit us all up in the comments because, well, we never know who mightcould be listening…
(curious about all this from a MARKETING & BUSINESS perspective? clickclickclick on over to BackInSkinnyJeans and see what Steph has to say!)
I’m guessing most companies (and their pitches) end up sucking because they’re falling back on what they see as basic economics or marketing concepts.
Instead of relying on the obvious, which is that if you ASK someone what she wants she just, as you would say, MIGHTCOULD TELL YOU.
Thank you, Quaker, for knowing. For caring. For believing that I actually *do* know that I want lots of fiber, not lots of calories, and not very many ingredients in my oats. And perhaps a baked oatmeal product that doesn’t have a lot of sugar? You can use Splenda. I won’t get mad.
Also? Splenda-fied (or unsweetened) single-serving oats. The kind you sell in the vending machine. Instead of the “I have 200 calories and a kazillion grams of sugar” variety.
’cause let’s face it. We all know Quaker has rocked our socks since forever! Thank goodness they’re continuing to do so.
Love for oats and companies with smart people running them,
I want companies to understand the HELL that it is to shop for clothes when you’re SHORT. I’m sitting here in a pair of sweatpants, one of many, that have inches lopped off the bottom of the legs so I don’t drag my pants in the mud (not that I wear sweatpants in public – no never!). I hate shopping for this reason alone.
Also, animals are cute. Show us that you love them and respect them. Even if you’re selling animal products, you can still show respect.
And I agree with mizfit – do more stuff for kids. Encourage kids to play outside and be adventurous and shake their adolescent money makers.
Oats rule!
When it comes to nutrition, I want REAL and NATURAL foods, and I want the truth of what I’m eating. None of these misleading labels.
The companies that ask for opinions are the companies that succeed! They find out what we want and accommodate for that, and everyone is happy. They sell, we buy, it all works out.
I likes your letter.
Dear Workout Clothing Company,
Please bear in mind that not everybody who buys your clothes wants to show every inch of their honed, toned body to other gym-goers.
More fabric in your clothes please!
And just because I’m sporty doesn’t mean I automatically have bland fashion sense. If you made pretty, tasteful things with prints and cute detailing that STILL managed to serve me well through a LONG HARD run, then I would love you forever and spend all my moneys with you.
TA x
I am with Monica. How about some pants that are not too long!
As for food … how about a little less crap in things OR if that’s not possible, how about not putting the tricky “natural” label on things that contain crap. 🙂
I now wanna chime in (again):
when you choose NOT TO MAKE your fancy pants in various inseams PLEASE dont make them all black with FAB DETAILING AT THE BOTTOM.
That is precisely the part I shall be hacking off with my chicken shears (because there is no way Im paying for hemming on my workout gear and this Miz SUCKETH with a needle/thread) and Ill be left, again, with plain black pants.
M., who sadly types from experience. (and laughs that she was typing as HANGRY was)
oooh and just clothes this time, People (we dont wanna confuse the grand onslaught of pr peeps coming our way.)
Miz, who may be deluded but does think that we, the great unwashed masses can change the world one comment at a time.
Gotta agree with tokaiangel on the “more fabric, please”. I don’t like exposing my under-construction, less toned parts. I like to feel confident while I’m working out.
Along the same lines: more….uh, structure….to sports bras, please. That would be great.
Also, I like to know when my clothes are fair trade / sweat-shop free.
Great letter!
OK if this is supposed to be for a specific brand of clothing…Whoops! I’m just generalizing here.
Mizfit you is fo shizzle very very funny! Love your sense of humor. LOL!
I would love to see Plus size bike shorts, the ones for spinning class! It would be nice to find my cup size without having to go to the most pricey plus shop in the world or mars for that matter!
It would be nice if sleeveless shirts could fit around my bust without showing the world the sides of my bust through the arm holes!
It would be nice if the larger size t-shirts didn’t just get longer, maybe make them a bit larger around the hip area.
Offer everything in Petite Plus because I am short!!!
I’m shouting out for the plus-sized mamas out here.
Could anyone other than Hanes and Just my Size please consider a 2X, 3X product line? Miz is blessed with many freebies to share with the random-number-generated masses, all that come in a XL at best. :^(
I am a 2-3X, but I still go to the gym, walk walk walk, and appreciated nice workout clothes that fit.
Give me short that provide support to my ample body parts so I’m not flopping all over when I attempt to walk and or *yikes!* run.
Give me colors and prints that don’t make me look like a fire truck, school bus, or neon-clad construction worker when I’m getting my sweat on.
Big ladies like to look good, too. And we DO work out. I do like sweats and will wear them in public as long as I don’t look like I’ve been schlepping around in my gunny sack sweats munching donuts and working out my couch-potatoe arse.
And, loves, I am a single mom. One income to work off 2-income bills. I can’t shop where Oprah-girl shops, nor can I afford what “O” can afford. Keep it reasonably priced and make it last, and I’ll be back.
Oh, and can we get some pants that don’t wear out from our thighs rubbing together? Please?
Dear Uncle Ben,
thank you for making delicious 90-second baggies of veggies and brown rice for a busy woman on the goooooooo.
Dear V8 & Campells,
Thanks for your broccoli and your butternut squash soups. I am getting veggies and warmth that taste yummy!
Dear Joseph’s,
Thank you for taking the guilt and fat and overall negative feelings about eating larger sized wraps. Now I can make myself burritos and yummy wrap things for only 2 WW POINTS!
Quierdo Goya,
Gracias for the low sodium version of all the beans. You make my heart smile and my clothes fit better.
Dear Smuckers,
I love Peanut Butter. The natural one you make. I’m addicted. I want to smear it on EVERYTHING.
Love always,
Please, please, build undergarments into your gear. I do not have time to hand wash and line dry 10 + bras a week. I don’t even OWN 10+ bras. And, maybe I’m the only one, but I hate knowing that I have big pantyline bulge when I work out. Makes me feel not like the graceful and powerful animal that I know I am (giggles to self).
And yes, color is good. Black and white get boring. I am not the hamburglar, or starring in my own spy vs spy strip. Please make a variety of color coordinated options, as I wear different things for different activities.
And socially? I’d like your company to care about keeping jobs local, the environment clean, and sponsoring events that get all children (boys are becoming screen dependent) interested in a variety of athletic endeavors that extend beyond organized sports.
Definitely more fabric. Please, please, please stop making yoga pants that are so thin I can see right through them. Thin material + bright lights + bendy activity = sights I don’t need to see at the gym at 6am.
GENERALIZED LAMENTS and *only* clothing.
food shall be coming….
that’s a whole post in and of itself.
Hello clothing producers-
I am 5’1″ this means that 99.9% of all pants do not fit me. Retailers have made a huge effort to make short work pants, but athletic pants? ohhhh no. Here I stand with workout capri’s that look like pants. Workout retailers- please help!
What’s with all the neon color stripes on the sides of black pants? Not to mention all the neon color shirts? Is this to make it easy for airline pilots to spot us when we’re exercising in the woods in the middle of the night?
I would really appreciate some more normal colors that don’t burn out my retinas.
As any manuf. could see just from these comments, there are a lot of short (under 5’3″!!) women out here! Yes, dear manuf.’s, short does not mean 5’5″ or 5’3″ (although that isn’t tall :), it means SHORT, TINY, PETITE.
PLEASE make different lengths. Lucy, anyone?
And, uh, TEST the way a certain fit LOOKS when it’s downsized, if you will.
Regular pockets make our hips look big – and we don’t use them while running or lifting anyway. Key pockets are nice.
Armholes and strap lengths must all be different. Tanks on me always show my girls, the straps are always too long. Once again, thanks to the man for making me 5’1″ with tiny little shoulders!
Built-ins only work if they can actually hold the girls during a run.
Think about the short ones who have some size up there. Small shirts fit me everywhere but in the bust.
What about a line to fit “type” instead of straight size? Short and slim; short and curvy; short and busty; short and plus; medium/slim…you get the idea. Hey, I should use that idea!
Amen Sarah! Another good reason to build in undergarments! Because “M’am, could you please aim both of your nipples in the same direction?” Is a one way ticket off of Nautilus and into the Nutbin.
I nippleKNOW.
I love the pink, white, LIGHT colored sportsbra options but, like car companies with crashtest dummies, they should be nipple-checked before bringing to market.
Bandaids leave such unsightly bumps.
Yes. I said it.
Hummm…some good comments here. I like the idea of having underwear built into pants…like guys swimming trunks. I hate when my undies ride up while I’m working out. If they were built into the pants, maybe that wouldn’t happen.
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Plus size workout clothes that is cute. Not oversized, swim in them t-shirts. Cute clothes like the skinny people wear!
Women-oriented products in colors other than pink. I know its breast cancer awareness month, but I’m just talking in general.
A general realization that women like diverse activities. I enjoy golf, rock climbing, and horse shoes in addition to water aerobics and yoga. We don’t all fit into the stereotypical “girl exercise” box.
Foodstuff with reduced sugar. Everything seems to be low fat… I want low sugar stuff.
Acknowledgement of PCOS, how it affects women, and products that can help combat its side effects.\
Underwear that helps keep the jiggle to a minimum. That means high waist options people, to harness in the lower belly!
Dear clothing companies,
I am a fairly normal sized person who happens to possess a booty. Could you please find it in your hearts to make shorts/pants/skirts that cover my rump? And by cover I don’t mean in the skin-tight, looks like I drew my pants on with a crayon look. I mean cover in that I have room to move without them riding up and constricting my generous glutes. This would be ever so much helpful, and I would buy your clothes.
The same goes for the thighs as well, in case you were wondering.
Clothing:Please make clothing to suit how we are really built.
Food: Take the poisonous, cancer-causing corrosive compounds ( yeah I’m looking at you Brominated Vegetable Oil) the hell out of supposed health drinks and soft drinks and everything else.
And stop lying to us about your product being healthy when it ain’t.
I’ll stop as this sort of thing really gets me wound up.
I have nothing to add but that there should be larger sizes. There are many of us left out of freebees b/c the company only offers up to 16. Like bigger girls don’t need to work out? Hello!!! Don’t we need it even more?
Never mind that they tend to be ugly clothes too. I think companies assume that once you hit a certain size you no longer care about your looks or if things fit properly. Just because I’m chubby doesn’t mean I want to be dressed in things resembling plastic bags. (I always get weird poochy spots in their clothes. I think they think because I”m bigger I automatically need extra space in spots I just don’t!) AND, I’m just borderline (@ 16-18)…I can’t imagine what it’d be like if I wore a size 24!
I think you hit on sore spots when you brought this up! But, they really should know and realize these things.
Ok some of that was related to regular clothes, but it still applies! Mostly 🙂
amen, DBJ, to the *sore spots* (draped in loose too big gap’y cloth or squeezed to death by lycra) & I decided to CHOOSE to think the companies simply don’t know!
And, well, let the Bumbling Band show them the proverbial light.
Great post again Miz.
How about also a mention that men as well may use some of their products. (Not necessarily the nipple covering cloth) and have opinions as not just the fat guy that is trying to shuck a few pounds. You know husband, father, brother, uncle, co worker, etc.
I agree that 24 year old fully ripped individuals don’t do anything that makes me build an association. They don’t even hang out on my block. I’m not sure that there’s a majority of these perfect bodies in my state.
And now for the irony and another shameless plug, one of those companies offered a free month of a new weight loss product Sensa. All you need to do is get selected by the huge random generator when dropping a comment on my site.
I feel so ashamed now.
Another vote for the Petite sizes, from a 5′ 0″ girl…And agree that doesn’t necessarily just mean trimming a few inches off the bottom of the pants. Petite is an all over fit thing.
Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the shorter pant lengths, when they are offered….But for me, they are often still too long. And shirts are usually too long as well.
Let’s review – I’m short. Therefore, my legs are shorter, my torso is shorter, my arms are shorter, my shoulders are narrower.
I still want cute workout gear that fits.
Also – no scratchy tags or weird plastic stuff in the seams, etc. And make the fabric nicely soft & smooth. Some of us have ultra-sensitive skin.
THANK YOU TOM for chiming in.
We need more male points of view here or, perhaps, we’ll all assume you are thoroughly satisfied.
And JavaChick? TOTALLY.
Its depressing when the ‘short length pants’ are still too too long…..and they always are for me.
Built in Bra’s don’t always work. My girls like to bounce, and the built ins just don’t hold them. Why should I have to wear a sports bra underneath? What about more underwire sports bras? or more with hook and eyes?
I also agree with the length of pants. I have a pair that are 4 inches shorter in the back from wear and tear. I can no longer run in them.
I do know one sports apparel retailer near me that offers free tailoring on their pants. They make everything long. Though you pay for it dearly in the cost of the clothing.
Make workout clothes more functional, less fashionable (not eliminating fashion all together)
My apologies for lurking more than commenting as of late. But what a great post to inspire us to bumbling-band together and ask for the kind of clothing we want to wear!
My request? Longer tanks. I don’t like to bare my button. Or pull my shorts up high to meet a tank top that quit too soon.
At the least, always always *always* list how many inches long said tank is in the description. I like it even more when you ALSO say things like “falls to hip.”
i’m with jenS- i’ve been lurking lately but haven’t commented!!
dear sports bra manufacturers,
please stop the bounce-age. i can’t handle it anymore!!!
another thing i would like is shorts with built-in shorter stretchy shorts underneath?? the shorts i wear under my shorts have a tendency to ride up and drive me insane.
I was SO nodding and “mmhmm”ing to the above comments. I’m 5 frickin’ almost 7 and I step on my pants. Here’s what I want:
Give me MEN’s sizing for pants. That’s right. I hate dressing rooms. They make me feel like crap most of the time. Tell me the inseam, tell me the waist, maybe don’t slap them on the back for anybody to see though, and don’t confuse me with sizing. I’m vain but wearing a size 4 at your store is more likely to befuddle me than make me want to shop there.
Pockets are good. Just because we are women doesn’t mean we don’t want pockets. That includes athletic apparel. If you put a pocket on the sleeve of a shirt, I will definitely buy that shirt.
Make your clothes to LAST– through trends, through washings, for years. Give me (forgive me fitter people than I) drawstring waists. And above all, if it’s not machine washable, I don’t want it. Yes, there is a certain allure to cheapcheap clothes, but when they rip after one wear and I know they were made by miserable sweatshop hands and here I am using them as rags because they’re so cheaply made, it makes me immensely SAD.
As for sizing, if you do custom-sizing on the cheap or free (am I allowed to name names?) I will come.
amen sista!
I don’t have an issue with sports bras stopping the bounce, as I’m very small up top. But, please please please give me something with a cute print or style that doesn’t cost a fortune! Not all mono-tone, plain yet still pricey tops.
And I’m going against what all the others are saying, here. Please, please please give me sizes that are made for TALL women! I’m only 5’8″, and I still look like I’m running through a flood all winter long. So, I buy a larger size… only now I have to hold my pants up from falling down…
Women come in all shapes and sizes, and S, M, L, etc. do NOT cover all of those sizes!
I love that you talk about seeing me for more than what I wear. I couldn’t agree more.
Marketers, take cue from Dove. Give me real. Show me healthy people in different colors, shapes, and sizes. Jump on the change-train to remake our country’s perception of beauty. I’ll buy your product.
P.S. Sen. Obama, feel free to use “Jump on the change-train” as a catchy phrase for the debate tonight.
I am also on the short/tiny/petite/curvy side–I so commiserate with all those folks lopping inches off their pants so they don’t trip themselves up! I have several pairs of yoga pants that have become yoga shorts (I am not always good with evening out sides equally, so a little escalation ensued) I also have “capris” that are actually pants –I had one really great year where Old Navy was making capris in several lengths–and the longest of them was actually a perfect pants length. if only they had been built to last!!
I also would love to see more built in undergarments. always nice to be covered / protected / supported that way–but it can be hard on the ladies if you’re trying to do something with even moderate intensity and you’re a B or C–those girls can really travel if they’re not held in properly!!
I am SOOOOOO with tokaiangel. More fabric PLEASE! Me needs it! LOL
I’m totally with companies please remembering us short people!! Also when telling me something is healthy show me how it’s healthy don’t just say it is and when i check the nutritonals it sucks!! Also could they remember us canadians also buy things and would love some freebies??
Another short person here! I need PANTS that fit my leg length, hip size, AND waist. Hello??? Is anyone listening????
I’m with Leah on the food labels: Get rid of the bad stuff, and integrate the good.
And clothing companies: If you make a top with a mesh/sher back, I will buy it and love it when I work out and go out if there’s a built-in bra and the front has a high collar.
Have real women test-drive the products in a way that the products are intended to be used so you can figure out how to improve them (no more unwanted views at the gym, no more chafing or whatever).
cue dream sequence where MizFit wanders by a Lady Footlocker & discovers a boisterous mob chanting:
MizFits unite!
Our pants no longer tight!
The fit is not too loose.
We flash no more caboose!
better colors/patterns/fashion in workout gear. make it easy to wear to drop the kiddos off at school and then get your run in!
also…LONGER TOPS….my middle should NEVER be seen!
I hate tags! There is nothing worse when running to have a tag on a side or back seam that just rubs and rubs and you try to discretely stick your hand down your pants or up your bra to try to fix it before it rubs your skin off. Tag less is the only way to go and I imagine would save companies money because surely printing is cheaper than the extra fabric and sewing to attach???
Also, I am working out in these clothes, not going out for a night on the town- I don’t want to pay out the nose for clothes I am sweating in. Reasonable prices please, I am a real middle class person who has a budget AND takes care of my body.
And yes, more fabric please- I don’t want to feel like I am wearing a tent, but a shirt that maybe covers my hips and doesn’t ride up or have gaping arm holes would be nice.
AND- I have to throw out another vote on the short length pants for my 5 foot MIL and SIL. I would love the complaining from them in this regard to end!
You all said it SO well…I don’t think I have anything to add!
Thanks for the LYBD link though…wasn’t aware that was going on, and I should have been.
hmmm…perhaps maybe someone could come up with a COMFORTABLE workout bra for us DDD gals??? That doesn’t squish us into one huge uniboob? That doesn’t chafe? PLEASE???
Also- what everyone else said about being short…
I need workout clothes that are NOT purple and pink; like that the only thing that will distinguish them as male and female workout clothes. I also need to see people I ASPIRE to be wearing them (ie. not skinny-zero-muscle-tone-models….they dont work for that….there’s no denying you must WORK for muscle.) I also need them nogt to cost a bajillion dollars.
Kelly Turner
I love reading through everyone’s comments!
What do I want?? Shorts that don’t ride up every time I run! And a sports bra that doesn’t make my little boobies obsolete!
Newsflash: The Champion website is having a 2 for the price of 1 sale on sports bras, plus there are no shipping charges today!
I just ordered two of a bra I bought at Mervyn’s; I wore it yesterday all day long, and then I wore it today during my workout. I did somersaults, handstands, burpees and all sorts of stretching motions, and it actually kept my boobs in place without mashing them together! (I’m a 34D). Here’s a link to that bra on the website:
From Sally at Oiselle:
Hmmm. I too would like men’s-style sizing for women’s clothes. But I get Sally’s lament. Is it that men’s styles are simpler so companies make fewer styles and more sizes? Cuz I would go for that. A few stylish styles with a variety of sizes would make me very happy. Because I don’t know anyone whose pants are the right length off the rack.
And I HEART mix-and-match. A pair of shorts, pants, and running skirt with 3-4 coordinating tops would make me the happiest of consumers.
(I too hate black with white stripes down the side. Because what do you wear that with? A white shirt? Yeah, and white shirts require white sports bras which have issues all their own)
amen sister! You shoudl save this and paste it into a reply everytime you get a ridiculous press release that starts “Dear Blogger, I loved your post about (whatever your last post was). I was laughing out loud! Now, let me tell you about MetaboFatCleanse, a product you will love and want to share with readers.” I get those piece-o-garbage emails all the time!
PS I want to change my email address to
First, Thanks to Sally for responding. She listened to me during her give-away, and I got the bestest workout bra from her. I love it unreasonably. And will be ordering another or three as my holiday presents for myself. Bras that support me and make me feel naked? My dream.
Girls, please talk to Sally about how they are designing and making their workout gear. You will love her even more.
Truthfully, my dream workout clothes make me feel warm enough or cool enough and naked at the same time. I know it’s nearly impossible to do, but I’m being honest here.
What I ask of all pant manufacturers: pockets. Please. Someplace for my kleenix in the winter, my lip balm, my cellphone. my keys. Put it on the side of the hip, kind of out of way, but give me the pocket option or I won’t be buying your pants/skirts.
Define your sizes. And even explain them. I have no waist.. it’s the way I’m built. So with a 30″ waist and a 34″ hip.. which matters most when ordering your pants? Or will they fit at all?
Make your clothes easy to maintain. Easy to wash, hang and wear again. I will buy cheap ($10-25) clothes if they are going to wear out in less than a year; I will buy YOUR CLOTHES if they last longer.
Also, I love under panties/shorts attached to my workout pants/shorts/skirts. Keeps me from fearing that I’m flashing the population while I work.
I’m lucky. I sew. I hack off 6″ of leg regularly on workout pants, and sew them back up to fit. It means all the nice vents and flaps meant to fit over my shoes are gone. All the details you put lots of thought into. GONE. Think about it.
and OH, WG, that mine were even that personalized.
I dont wanna name names (though I should) but I did receive a release last week from a rep who OBVIOUSLY did her homework.
she amazingly referred to a few things from MizFit and made it clear she’d read before contacting me.
she was 100% correct in assuming Id want to link her event (I am. this friday.) because it FIT WITH MY MISSION STATEMENT.
99.9% of mine start off:
as if to type six letters instead of five would be too much.
I would like plus size bike shorts with the leather padding, thank you. Shorts that have longer length and don’t ride up to make me look like I’m wearing my underwear out in public. Ugh and forget about the bra talk – to much confusion on the sizes. I mean none of the bra sizes are consistent with the others. I want long sweatpants that are the same price as normal ones. So I don’t have to go looking for the hacked off bits from my shorter girlfriends’ pairs and then have to painstakingly sew them on or suffer in sweatpants that ride up my calves only to strangle the lifeblood out of them and make me look like I’m wearing capris….breathes…or have to shop in the tall mens just cuz I want something longer and then they don’t fit right in the ass, please. I want nice not cutsie plus size high cut briefs, double cotton, that don’t cost me a fortune. I want cotton socks that are true to the size on the package. Nothing frustrates me more than when I buy a package of socks that claim they are my size only to put them on and they are to small, I wear up to a 12 shoe in womens (ya women like me do exist). I want shirts that fit. I try on most shirts to find them just under my boobs and others that are down to just above my knees..of course it’s only then do I realize that those shirts are supposed to be dresses. Anyways what I am trying to say is I am tired of not having clothes that fit right and tired of having to shop over in the big and tall mens side. I’m feeling like an underserved tall and large woman…
Indeed, MizFit – you hit the mark!! As a student who hopes to someday WORK at one of those PR/marketing companies, I can’t stress how important it is for you and Stephanie to be writing letters like these. If there were more people like you, PR/marketers wouldn’t get such a bad rap because none of the snarky, uninformed emails would get sent. Keep it up — you’re awesome 🙂
I’d like to second what all the other plus-size commenters have already said, especially comment #9 – she really hit the nail on the head as far as some specifics.
Don’t just make stuff LONGER – just because I’m a size 22 doesn’t also mean that I’m 6 feet tall! It’s all about the PROPORTIONS.
I don’t want elastic waistbands in anything but sweats/jammies and workout clothes, please. When I’m 80 years old? Sure. Until then, um…no thanks.
And while I don’t want to dress like a hoochie, I also don’t want my only options to be shapeless muu-muu-like items that make me look like I’m trying to hide my beautiful self…because I’M NOT.
I ranted about this the other day on my blog, so here goes again…Old Navy ONLY carries women’s plus size clothing online now. However, if you happen to be a larger man (taller, stockier) then apparently you are special enough to be spared the inconvenience of having to order something online, guessing at the size and then having to return it (again, online) because their sizing sucks. When did anyone larger than a size 12 become so far down on the totem pole that we can’t even shop IN STORES now? And your partners, The Gap and Banana Republic? Yeah, tell them to get in the game, too, please.
And while you’re at it (this is for all companies now), don’t make me pay EXTRA for the exact same item that the size two’s and four’s get for less. It’s just poor manners!
I want the same variety of clothing options that are offered to the smaller sizes – no more “women’s plus” sections at department stores that are 1/3 the size of the “juniors”.
And one more thing (this is the last one, I promise)…encourage ALL types of stores (from Macy’s to Walmart) to carry a wide variety of plus sizes and DO NOT LUMP THEM TOGETHER WITH THE MATERNITY CLOTHES!!! (Yes, Target, I’m talking to YOU.) I may be a size 22 and/or I may be pregnant…but just because I’m one doesn’t necessarily mean that I’m the other. Get it? Good.
Thanks, Miz, for giving everyone this opportunity! This post really brought out the beast in me, I guess 🙂
Well…part of my reason for working out is that I wanna LOOK like a hoochie…
I so forgot about the stripe up the side of the leg. Refuse to buy those, ‘cuz I’m not an usherette. Hello, can I show you to your seated row machine?
Let us all just take a moment and be thankful that we are no longer in the 80s. Leotards? Leg Warmers? Sweatbands? We’ve come a long way, ladies.
This is a concept I have yet to understand. Don’t companies realize that there is a growing trend among overweight Americans to get in shape? So why is most gear and clothing aimed at skinny people?
For instance, I love Lulu clothing but they don’t carry my size. Most cute and somewhat affordable athletic clothing only goes up to a size 12. The places that do carry sizes 2-3x usually have an extremely small selection and those are mostly hideous sweat pants/shirts. I’m 24 years old and don’t want to wear the same clothing my grandma uses to work in the garden. I want to feel somewhat attractive while I’m out running with all the young, attractive skinny girls.
Another example is those handy dandy IPOD arm bands that don’t fit my arms. Or sports watches (used for timing/milage) that is tight around my wrist.
I have so much feedback to offer apparel manufacturers I can’t possibly list it all here. At one time, I designed a line of plus size clothing under the Bux’m label, and I conducted some DAYUM thorough focus groups. Oh, what enlightenment I could bring!
But for starters: there’s a reason plus size clothing makers never have any 30/32, 4X/5X-es left when it’s time to have a clearance sale. Expand your sizes. Make more pieces than you THINK you need. I promise, we really do come THAT BIG, and yes, quelle suprise! we ARE mobile, we get out and go to work, thus we have money, and we spend it. Might we spend more on you?
This post is so timely, Miz, because I just bloggedy-blog-blogged yesterday about being dissed by Avenue/Roaman’s/Woman Within’s PR firm because I am, apparently, too fat to represent them. Such is the insight and professionalism of 5W: http://www.kimwrites.com
Also I wanted to agree with Auntie about Target. I HATE shopping in Target because the plus size section (if you can call it a section, they’re usually just two racks) is always in the very back of the store with the maternity clothing. It’s almost as though they are ashamed of us and have to place us where people can’t see.
I’m only 2 inches shorter than “average.” It shouldn’t be THIS difficult to find pants. Ridiculous.
Also, need pockets. Ones with closing flaps to keep everything from falling out. Why have most companies not thought of this? I can’t be the only one.
LOVE LOVE LOVE APPRECIATE all the time/thought youve put into your comments.
and thank you, as well, for the visual Marianne.
I shall always think of that now when I both do seated rows and then I don my pants with the piping up the side…
I second Shelley from way early in the morning – I really want to be able to make clothing choices that match my values. I don’t want to participate in a system that exploits labor, especially of young girls and women. It is so rare in this clothing market, but I go nuts for anything fair trade.
Having said that, quality (stuff that lasts) and fit are my most important features. I love my Oiselle bra and I will be doing some Christmas shopping at Sally’s store!
It looks like everyone covered it (as usual, I’m late to the party). I experienced some true nipple drama at the marathon. Just look at the pics. It wasn’t even nip – it was full on areola! ha ha. That’s why I had to cover it. So I would LOVE any sports bra that can just keep my boobies G-rated. ha ha.
I too can’t figure out why workout clothing is so microsized.
So many of my other complaints have been covered by the great comments above, but I thought I’d emphasize that last point because it seems such a common frustration for so many women.
Thanks MizFit, and I hope they’re reading!
Amen on the men’s sizing.
Amen on the missive.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and yes that is my own list not one generated for me from a reading challenge.
Please be conscientious. I know that you are trying to cut cost and increase profit and at the same time make your product affordable. But, please stay away from countries who employ or exploit children.
Also, can we have a decent head band for guys with long hair who love to work out…
So many, many comments. I’ll have to go back later to read the rest of them. In the meantime, if no one covered this already:
I’ve been searching, and will continue to search, for a lightweight jacket to wear while running that is NOT BLACK with reflective properties no wider than a pin-stripe. Daylight savings time ends pretty soon and running in the dark wearing black would not be helpful. I REALLY want cars and/or people to see me, not run me down. I may have to resort to sticking reflective tape in an X pattern on the front and back of my current jacket.
Please help keep us safe with a running jacket that makes sense.
thank you Chris.
For pointing out/bringing up this:
Wow – some really great comments here.
Sorry to hear about all the short-asses, though…..oops, didn’t mean to offend anyone!
The Bag Lady has so many complaints about clothing, she doesn’t even know where to start.
So she won’t.
I want canned tuna that is not from Vietnam, Thailand or China…actually, I don’t want any food that comes from China…for me or my pets. And the only US tuna I can find is at Whole Foods and it is way too expensive for my budget…
yes, partner with good causes…
be TRANSPARENT in all your affairs
all for now.
Thanks MIZ
with nutrition, it’s hard to find high fiber foods (especially breads) without HFCS! Get rid of the stuff people and we need more fiber and protein 😉
Great idea! I often wish I had a direct line to fitness clothing makers – one which I would dial often from the gym – to tell them what I need. First – take athletic thighs into account. Lots of women (but not all women!) have smaller waists and bigger hips and thighs. We want more options then just track shorts and yoga pants that fit like sausage casings. And how about some more “funky” stuff. I’m sick of color blocks and wallpaper prints. That’s my two cents for now but I’m full of ideas if anyone wants more!
Can we please have more ‘dessert’ type products that have higher protein and no sugar alcohols? Like a more natural product?
And can we get more Stevia sweetened things, please? There are still a lot of us that can’t/won’t eat Splenda.
And clothing for shorties with curves please.
What awesome insight all you MizFits! From the biz angle, what astounds me too is that the marketing keeps focusing on the 24 y.o. image yet the people with the big bucks & influence are the 35+. Hello! We’re loaded, care EVEN MORE about our health as we age, and the 20 year olds are looking at us as role models. If we are happy & fit, they are gonna want that too. Seems like a no-brainer to me!
haven’t read all the comments. But the right pant length is SO HARD to get – and I’m average at 5’6” – this doesn’t make sense at all. Can we please have more options there too?
I don’t have any major issues with clothing manufacturers at the moment. I have issues with retail outlets. If it breaks/tears/etc. within the first 3 wears I am bringing it back. If you don’t like it neither do I. Get your manager. Sheesh.
OK, I’m obsessed with workout DVDs, so I would like to advise those producers. There are plenty of beginner DVDs out there–make a few more for the more advanced exerciser or at least for the intermediate types like me–and make them available in stores. I always have to order all the tough DVDs online. Also, I’d like workouts that are brief but tough–like lifting heavy but for only a half hour at a time. I’m busy but I like to feel like I’ve worked hard for about that long.
I would also like some shoes (athletic or otherwise) that are shaped for normal feet (or at least my feet): wider at the toes but slim at the heel. Maybe I should start my own line of triangle shoes.
From the TALL perspective, I have to second the comments on length options. Often I try to fake it — pants that aren’t supposed to be, but end up being capris. My short friend does the opposite — capris that she pretends are pants.
I know the one thing Ive learned with all this is that I really think before (backintheday before. not since this morning. Im a smidgetad more evolved than that :)) Id erroneously thought it was only us inseamly challenged women who felt we had no pants options—-I always thought ‘if only I were talltalltall’
Miz.,who totally rocks the capris as
too longfull length pants as well.You had me at OPRAH! I looooove your letter. It’s brave, honest, and hilarious!
If you’re going to make a short sleeve blouse, t-shirt, exercise shirt, make the sleeves long enough to cover my upper arms and the stretch marks and bat wings. Tiny cap sleeves just ain’t cuttin’ it.
I echo the request of pants with varying inseam sizes. If they’re too long they most likely won’t fit properly any where else.
Shorten our long sleeve tops. I’m not sure why some manufacturers think that a person larger than a size XL is a neanderthal with knuckles grazing the cement.
I also agree with another comment about making plus sized shirts larger in the hip area and not just longer. We don’t want the option to wear it as a shirt AND a dress, thank-you-very-much.
Give us more selections in WIDE shoes. Currently I have fat feet and want something other than an senior citizen orthotic shoe to wear.
Thanks for asking! Love the post – too funny!
I want to see fitness catalogs use fitness models and plus-size catalogs to use plus-size models. I wrote to Champion recently to complain about their change from fitness models to fashion models. They used to show strong, fit women in action poses – now they have flabby-thin models in slumped passive positions. I’m completely supportive of using more “real” looking models that I can identify with, but this is going in the wrong direction.
For me personally, I definitely want to see larger sizes, especially in the bras. And is it really so prohibitively expensive or impossible to offer them in a color besides black or white? If you’re manufacturing 18 different sizes in 12 different colors, you really can’t tack on one more option? That’s going to kill your profit margin? And DON’T tell me you need to charge $5 more for the extra fabric – if you’re going to follow that reasoning, then why isn’t the XS size $5 cheaper than the regular?
And the person who complained about Target putting plus sizes with the maternity? AMEN. I don’t shop at Target anymore specifically for that reason – or Champion either. If we put our money where our mouths are we might get some results.
I know you are totally right with this sentiment, Marla:
some days it just feel like such a s-l-o-w process huh?
What a fun post! I can see why there are so many comments.
For myself, I’d like bottoms that do not drop down too low. I don’t care whether this particular fashion is in season or not. Oops…my secret is out….I’m still working on it!
Well I love this post by the way. Frequently running buddies and I have this conversation about the perfect appearel. I think that I would love some running shorts that didn’t ride up, but didn’t look like BOY shorts! I would also like some tops that actually hold my boobs in, that are not just made for size A (I am not saying there’s anythin wrong with being a size A I am just not that fortunate. I just want to be comfortable, and cute.
I have to add – my griping was not directed specifically at Oiselle or Quaker. My comment certainly sounds very cranky, but it has nothing to do with these two companies!
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