If youve been reading the commentversation here for any length of time youve seen the insightful, honest, helpful comments left by Dragonmamma.
Remarks like this where she takes the time to address and *help* other readers:
Teresa, I don’t know if it’s a national policy or not, but our Y does not allow outside trainers in the facility. It’s either the Y staff or nothing.
Are there any females working out in the free-weight area with hot bodies doing kick-ass work-outs? If so, stalk them!
Of course, you don’t know the quality of the advice you’re getting, so also do some internet research. There is a wealth of information out there for free. Google Rachel Cosgrove, Valerie Waters or Craig Ballantine for starters. If the name doesn’t scare you off, Testosterone Nation
http://www.t-nation.com/ has an incredible assortment of articles written by some of the world’s top coaches and trainers.Now I’m on the other end. I’ve always got women asking me for advice (usually after watching me do pull-up burpees) and I’m more than happy to give it to them.
All that made me long to know more about the mamma behind the Dragon- name.
Where did the name Dragonmamma come from?
When I was a single lass, my nickname was Dragonlady because I collect dragons and also because of my occasional temper.
When I became a mom, my kids jokingly referred to me as “Mad Mamma” whenever I got upset about something. So I merged the two nicknames into Dragonmamma.
What’s your story Dragonmamma? Who are you? What’s your fitness backstory?
I just turned 50 and I’m in the best shape I’ve ever been in my life. Not as firm and stretchmark-free, perhaps, but I could kick my 20 (or 30 or 40) year old ass. I may not have been overweight when I was young, but I sure wasn’t fit.
The weight just kind of crept up on me over the years until I was 43, when I was somewhere in the vicinity of 170 pounds (I’m 5’4″) with no visible muscle to speak of. I knew that I looked and felt like crap, but it wasn’t until I got a job at a bookstore that I fully realized how unfit I was. My back always ached, I would wheeze for a month if I caught a cold, and I never had any energy. I was sliding quickly into middle-age decrepitude.
I didn’t have a single day that I decided to turn things around; it happened gradually. One day I gave up my International Coffee habit. (About 600 calories a day!) Another week I started taking a walk after dinner. After a few months of lengthening my walks, my daughter brought home a Walk-Away-the-Pounds tape, which at that time was really challenging for me. Months later I forced myself to learn how to jump rope, and I also joined the YMCA and started using the weight machines. About a year after that, I invaded the free-weight section at the gym, and I’ve been using it as my play-ground ever since.
Back in 2001, walking a mile in 20 minutes was a major accomplishment. Now, I can do a set of 10 pull-ups, deadlift more than double my bodyweight (I’m 124-lbs), do multiple sets of pull-up burpees, triple somersaults…my newest favorite thing is doing medicine ball slams. If you had told my younger-self that I’d be doing this stuff now, I wouldn’t have believed you.
And the inevitable: why don’t you have a Dragonmamma fitnessblog? Any thoughts of starting that?
Too much work! I’d rather let folks like you do all the work of maintaining a blog, then I can just chime in whenever I feel like it.
Your Personal Phitness Philosophy?
I love the movies. From the highest of brow to the lowest of low. Many days I think I’d wanna have Jamie Pressly (circa My Name Is Earl) dye her hair black & play me in the made for tv movie of my life. Who would play you? Why?
That would be one boring movie! Can’t think of anyone off-hand. But I do find action/adventure movies very inspirational. Linda Hamilton in Terminator II, Carrie Moss in The Matrix trilogy, Uma Thurman in the Kill Bill movies…I’m always revved up for my next workout after watching those!
What one tip would you love to share with the Bumbling Band?
Only one?! (MizFit note: why do I think there is an implied CRAP!? here…) EAT YOUR VEGETABLES!
Since you don’t have a personal blog—–whats your favorite site or blog to visit?
Not to sound like a brown-noser or anything, but this has been my favorite since I discovered it a few months ago! (MizFit note: Id like to say your check is in the mail Dragonmamma, but since this is still a labor of love it’s more like yer LOVE is in the mail. not as useful at, say, Niketown but loving none the less)
And, People, in true Dragonmamma form I received this message in my in-box a few minutes later:
Can I be long winded and give a better answer than JUST DO IT?
1. I DETEST endurance cardio. I loathe it. I’m always coming up with new fitness challenges for myself, but you will never see me enter a marathon. I’d rather do multiple sets of burpees, pull-ups, push-ups and mountain climbers than run a mile. The closest I come is doing a spin class every week.
2. Routines need to be changed frequently. Every week I drop a couple of exercises which seem to be giving me diminishing returns, and add a couple of new ones.
3. Don’t agonize over which protein powder or bar is the best. Eat Real Food instead.
4. Be CONSISTENT and be PATIENT. Doing your workout consistently and persistently is what will give you results. Not working out like a maniac for one week and then nursing your injuries for the rest of the month. Yeah, yeah, I know that people make amazing transformations during the BFL Challenges, but how many of them keep the weight off? And how many people don’t complete the challenge because it was too drastic.
Thanks Dragonmamma.
As much as I long for you to have your own blog via which to spout your wisdom—the moment you said you’d not have time to drop on by *here* I decided I was willing to wait…for now.
so great to hear more about Dragonmamma!!!!! You are such an inspiration. I am 38 and didn’t get my wake up call till this year. It’s refreshing to see others that are older get fit and maintain through fitness!
I’m all for real food too :)!!!! I do keep my protein powder around though because I know most days I don’t get enough so it’s easy to sneak it in with a glass of milk 😉
Dragonmamma – you are so awesome! I want to be just like you!
I believe in the Just Do It as well, you can always find an excuse to not do something.
It’s when you start saying “yes” to yourself that you make progress.
Thanks for this inspiring interview! The Bag Lady is now feeling very ashamed and inadequate, for she and Drgonmamma are very close in age, but miles apart in fitness levels. ~~sigh~~
The Bag lady needs to get off her a$$……
Dragonmamma – Close in age and height we are. The pounds do creep up, but I’m working on getting into better shape. I tend to give up when it gets too hard, but I have decided to persevere through it believing I’ll come out okay on the other side. And now, reading you, I know that I will. Thanks.
ooh, love it 😉 way to be dragonmamma!!
I DETEST endurance cardio as well! It inspires me to hear someone else say it. And to hear other alternatives.
Thanks for that. And nice to meet you Dragonmamma!
Loved learning a little bit more about one of the bumbling band!!!
Dragonmamma you’re awesome! Your points about eating REAL food and switching up the fitness challenges with things that YOU like come so close to heart.
Is always nice to find out more about the behind-the-scenes lives of bloggers and commenters!
Thanks for being so inspiring! What a great attitude at an age where some women are slowing down.
I know.
We love the D’Mamma.
At some point…down the proverbial rizzoad….we shall have a big ole FitnessHealthLifeBalance Meet Up.
An official put a FACE with the (nick)name event!
(*cue dream sequence music*)
Rock on, Dragonmamma!
Great interview. Love the advice to eat real food, which I think is a key to health and happiness. It is sometimes easier said than done — like when you need a quick something and you’re on the road. But, it is good to strive to eat real food all the time. Then, you’ll do it most of the time!
Wow- she is truly inspirational! Goes to show that you can change at any time, any age, any circumstance, and be the best you, you can be! Thanks for this Miz
Dragonmamma – you rock!
That the free-weight area is your playground – awesome! I’ve done many of the Ballantyne workouts, as well as the other Cosgrove’s (Alwyn, husband to Rachel) workouts. They are a great way to build muscle and burn fat at the same time.
So anyway, it’s great to “meet” you here! Best to you, as you continue to kick some of your younger self’s butt…
Come on, just do a little cardio for me? Please, batting the baby blues 🙂
Fantastic interview Miz! Good stuff! Have a wonderful weekend! (Swish!) 🙂
Very cool. Dragonmamma nice to know more about you, very inspirational!
Thanks for the introductions. Good for you Dragonmamma for being in such great shape!
Thank you for emphasizing consistency and patience. Those are probably the 2 things that I struggle with most, but yet it can make such a difference.
Thanks for being such a great example, and for your excellent insight. Just one more reason to keep coming back to MizFitonline- to read your comments. = )
Thank you dragonmamma ( I collect and love dragons also) and MizFit for all of your inspiration and advice to “the rest of us”. I love reading about what other people are doing because it inspires me to try new things. Some of your advice will end up on my “Fridge List” which I will explain another time on my own blog.
On another note, I am so glad to be able to get online and read MizFit again. Boy did I ever miss this!
TEN PULL-UPS!? I don’t think I even want to know what a medicine ball slam is! What an amazing fitness 180.
I would love for Uma Thurman to play me in a movie, but then my friends would be all “When did Jess grow a foot taller and become all blonde and cool?”
Dragonmamma, you give me hope that when I turn 50 I will be in better shape…
Yesterday, I did a lot of sprinting against my students and my younger teaching staff, while I held my own, today my ass cannot move.LOL
You sound like one of the women I look up to at the gym. Get on with your bada$$ self!
So impressed. You’re awesome dragonmamma!! Just do it has to be the most intelligent slogan ever made. That’s really all that there is to it.
you ROCK.
Hijacking Dragonmamma’s time for a moment.
I now return you to all D’Mamma adoration allthetime.
I want to be just like D’mamma when I grow up. I think I can do A burpy… i might be able to do A pull up (haven’t tried in a while) and I tried and was able to do a whole 11 push ups yesterday… I’m on my way… now if I wasn’t so afraid of those free weights.
Very inspiring! I love Dragonmama’s tips that she added on on the end. She sounds like my kind of girl.
I must know though – what is a pull-up burpee???? Please tell me!
sadly, Ren Man is no where to be found or Id show you Miz attempting the pullup-burpee.
but Ive found better.
(click here)
I wish I could do one pull-up (I’m working on it!)
A complete inspiration.
TA x
Thanks, everybody! My ego is filled to bursting; I’m gonna be impossible to live with this week.
All of you who want to do pull-ups; keep trying and you WILL get there. It took me about a year of consistent work to get to that first pull-up, but through sheer persistence I finally got it done. If I can do it, so can you! (Says the person who never came close to earning the Presidential Physical Fitness certificate.)
Thanks for the link to the burpee demo. I’m a home burper, but I’m not quite ready to try a burpee at the gym. (I’m seeing me falling flat on my face, anyone in the near vacinity getting a great ab workout from laughing hard.)
Mizfit, love your site. Thanks for helping us get to know Dragonmamma.
Excellent interview! I share a lot of common ground with Dragonmamma–50, newly fit, haven’t yet tumbled to the wonders of protein powder, gradual but consistent improvement, etc. While I love reading about the different (but equal) approaches people take to maintain the fitlife, it’s nice to find someone on a similar path. 🙂
Congrats to Dragonmamma!
Dragonmamma – you are my hero! 🙂 Mizfit, thanks for having her answer those questions. DM you are a true inspiration to me! 🙂
Oh, shoot me now! You like burpees?!!? Burpees kick my ass and make me want to beg for salvation. Why is it I can run for miles and miles but doing 10 burpees is damn near impossible? You are the ultimate goddess in my eyes that you can do these…and like them.
(Are burpees sort of like asparagus? Do you come to like them after you’ve had them too many times you just give in? Will I ever be able to climb stairs like a normal person the day after a burpee workout?)
I loved reading Dragonmamma’s insights. Oh, and you can count me among those who didn’t finish a BFL challenge. I especially loved her story of gradual change and transformation. Rock on, Dragonmamma.
Ooh ooh ooh! ***waves hand in air*** I want to go to a MizFit conference! This summer I went to a fitness thingey and met a lot of my online friends and it was fabulous.
Thanks for the burpee vid with the lovely man with an accent. I don’t like burpees much because they give me a headache (I’m so full of excuses I should write a book of them).
Love that interview.
What the heck is a pull-up burpee? Sounds like she is one seriously fit mama!
I like her!
And, Mamma, I will take a 15-mile run over 15 burpee pull-ups ANYDAY.
ok I have to share that I felt pretty damn superior yesterday (yeah. ISaidIt).
Ren Man was reading here (I know. who knew? may need to watch what I say :)) and turned to me and said WHAT ON EARTH IS A BURPEE?
first time in a long time Ive been able to teach him ANYTHING about fitness.
so thanks D’Mamma for bringing them up.
Wow she was inspiring! To get in such great shape in middle age and totally beat the pants off what most young people can do … it really does show that age is pretty much irrelevant, it’s all about motivation and effort.
Did we not call “burpees” squat thrusts back in the old school gym like when I’d’a’ been in 4th grade?
And I say to Julien: “I’m Hanz and I’m Franz…” He’s hot, but damn him and his pull-up burping. *grin*
It IS nice to get the inside dope on Dragonma. I really respect and envy that level of fitness. There are a couple of hottish 50-somthing ladies at my fitness center. One has a butt to die for, and the other was doing some crazy weights Friday afternoon. Both are very fit and focussed. Bangin’!
And I’d love some kind of gathering of fit mizfits.
Bang, bang, Anya! (#32)
I don’t exactly LIKE burpees, but I LOVE what they do. Maximum results for minimum time, who can complain about that? I just don’t have the time (or desire) to run mile after endless mile.
OK, I’ll add one more piece of advice here, or perhaps I should make it a homework assignment for everyone?
Sometime this week, learn to do burpees. Forget the pull-up part, just do the standard burpee.
Do it slow and controlled until you get the movement down, then speed up as you get the hang of it. See if you can work up to five repetitions in a set. If you do this every day, you’ll be in better condition in one week than you are today.
If you google “how to do burpees”, you’ll get a ton of hits. Here’s another good demo and explanation: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/wiggy3.htm
amen, DragonSister.
I don’t mind the burpees but don’t love the cardio.
But I do it.
All because of what you said above. I like what it does….for my insides.
Thanks for the homework…
I love your mention of WATP, and how it was hard for you at the time. I remember a Richard Simmons oldies workout I had, and how hard it was for me, I couldn’t even get through it all at once. We all have to start someplace – but that someplace is the SAME place for all of us, improving our lives and health, no matter where we are compared to anyone else. It’s good to be reminded that taking even the smallest steps adds up to something important.
MizFit – thanks for the burpee demo! I get it now! I really like that because you get the jump from the burpee to help you get your chin over the bar;) Will def. add these in to my upper body days!
PS> Burpies on sand?!?! Yikes.
Great advice Dragonmamma! I wish I saw the weight room at the Y as my playground! I run marathons and other shorter distances and I LOVE to be outside. I like to know that I went somewhere and saw something while I excercised. Working out inside is like torture for me. We are opposite athletes! : ) I’m gonna try to take your lead and get my butt lifting again…I know it will make me a better, more efficient runner, but (waaa…whine…foot stomp) it’s not the same.
Side note….G.I. Jane is a great workout motivational movie too! Check it out if you haven’t seen it already!
oooooh the bets YOU’VE NAILED MY MizFitness book TO THE PROVERBIAL T.
It’s MizFitness: Movies as Motivation.
I love the movies.
I love the fitness.
I love the price of admission (4.99 to rent!).
Lottsa love.
and (anyone able to name the movie this line is from?):
Coming soon…
aaaaargh burpees, bane of my life! We do em at kickboxing and I can’t figure out how to do it without making my old knee playing up.
Absolutely fab post, what a lady 🙂
Ah, yes, burpees would definitely not be good if you had knee issues. I don’t, and I want to keep it that way. Anytime I do jumping/squatting moves, I control my leg muscles to absorb as much impact as possible. I definitely would not do these on a concrete surface.
Great inspiration! I hope to be fit goddess like a Dragonmamma 🙂
I am definitely inspired. When I reach 50, I’m going to kick some ass too! Wait a minute….I can start really working out right away! There is no need to wait. Thanks for featuring someone like Dragonmamma!
My God, what a genius you are, Dragonmamma! Not, of course, that that’s a surprise. 🙂 (And for once, no, there’s no sarcasm there.)
I love the answers. All of them.
Didn’t know what a burpee was either ,and have never done one so I guess I’ll just have to watch that fine looking man on the video show me over and over until I get the hang of it! Thanks Mizfit for that instructional video clip. Oh,almost forgot-got a little distracted-Dragonmama love your tips and advice.I quit smoking two years ago(2 packs a day),and getting healthy and fit became my new addiction. it worked and got me off the cigerettes.I’m 36. A committment to health is rewarding no matter what age you start!
Great interview! It is fun to meet a non-blogger blogger, especially one with such a great story and motivational words of wisdom. Thanks! 🙂
Thanks, y’all, I enjoyed my 15 minutes of fame. And a big thanks to Mizfit for letting me spout off here!