Subtitle: This video may define overexcited, but it’s for real People.
I love it. Kim Kardashian loves it. Our own Dr. J loves it. What more do you need?
A chance at a free one?
Your wish is this MizFit’s command.
Please to select an exercise you would hate love do should you win the Equalizer, name it, & hit us up in the comments.
Need ideas? Look here or here.
Ill start us off (you know, just to show ya what we’re thinking. Lebert & I are nice that way):
How I Hate You HURDLES. By MizFit is Lazy Like That.
Now you.
This thing is so worth gettin’ silly for—-I promise.
Limbo dancing surely!!!! 🙂 good for the abs!
Seriously though…. great idea for stretching which I’m crap at but I need to do more of badly!
I’ll bet I could do chin-ups on one of these. 🙂 Or my new love/hate exercise, the inverted rows, which you kind of demonstrated.
Cool tool!
Ohhhhh, I would definitely hang my pants over those bad boys! Maybe my sweatshirts over one of them for balance. Yeah! Or use them with a board for a kid’s table at Thanksgiving.
Seriously – at this stage in the game I just don’t know.
OOOH love the limbo.
and yes, Cammy, you’d adore the inverted row on these…for some reason it’s just easier to ‘feel’ in the lats.
and Linda? that made me laugh. and wanna reach through the computer and give you a hug.
By hurdles, I was thinking on the track, but maybe that’s not the idea (yes, here I am up before the crack of dawn to take the Hubs to the airport… it’s 4:30 a.m. and I don’t drink coffee).
Anyway, who knew there were so many good exercises you can do with such a wacky piece of equipment- I love that it’s bright yellow. And it looks like it would be heavy, but in the video, it doesn’t seem to be. I think I would try the pull-ups, because they always do them on Biggest Loser and apparently that will help a person to lose 8 lbs in one week (LOL). I would probably also use it as a ballet barre. It looks kind of fun, like a miniature piece of playground equipment!
VERY interesting – such a simple ‘tool’ – love that there are no moving parts and that it appears so sturdy!!! Please put me in the drawing – my latts could use a little help. . .
Hurdles? I don’t think I’ve done hurdles since Jr. High. I could see something getting broken if I tried that. I would have to do knee ups – such a great one.
Oh how I would love to own the Equalizer. With my crazy work schedule, I often find myself racing to the gym trying to squeeze in a workout whenever I can. Let’s just say I don’t always arrive to work looking freshly groomed. Who has time for that?!?
Anyway, I’ve been looking at different workouts that I could do at home using my own body weight. Mark’s Daily Apple has had some great ideas (little plug for Mark) as well as several other sites. The Equalizer would help me so much – I’m envisioning the obstacle course I could set up in my living room right now…now if I could just keep the dogs from licking my face while I do my dips : )
This is great! I agree with posters above…lats, rows…everything…and a nice clothes rack when I take a couple days off 🙂
Oooh….of all the cool things you’ve given away, this is the coolest. I would have such a blast experimenting with that.
It would be great for agility drills like over/unders:
While I was doing LosingIrene’s radioshow I spilled my bottle of water.
All over the papers on my desk.
The Lebert Equalizer? SOOOO handy upon which to hang them.
and this question?
IRONICALLY filled my in-box this morning (ok that’s not irony. but it was that and not additional dietitian questions people were too shy to post which is oft the case).
I answered in the post below…not quite as interesting IMO as the HFCS but answered none the less.
Yeah – I think I have to look up the hurdles…I’m assuming you don’t mean like track hurdles, right?
It looks totally awesome – but, I won’t be doing those push ups the crazy guy was doing on the web site. Yikes. The pull ups (or did you say inverted row? I don’t know – I’m totally clueless) looked manageable and something I need to work on for sure. I bet you could make one. Hmm. If I come back broken because I’ve done something stupid like make-shifted one I’ll let you know 🙂
I love the idea of something to work my lats in the comfort of my own home!
hmm. that thing where you lift your legs off of the ground while holding the equalizer handles looks fun.
i can’t really think of any novel ways to use it. maybe to do some sort of bizarrely difficult sit-up.
Holy contraption! I am impressed.
Actually, I would probably use it a lot for stretching (laaaaaaame, I know). With this whole unidentified hip/leg thing, those stretches SURE look good.
Dumb question, but where do you get these things? If it’s good enough for the Kardashians…
OMG those things look scary to me HAHAHA
I would definitely be doing the tricep dips… my arms are in need of some assistance, for sure!
I really am surprised how worth the investment this thing was…although it is ALWAYS the simple stuff huh? (flashes back to a BOWFLEX she and her boyfriend once bought. all full o’complexwastedmoney).
Holly? the clickable links in post should bring you to their site.
(and KK’s name should bring you to their homepage…)
I would TOTALLY use that as some sort of sex accessory, and you cannot tell me that wouldn’t be a good workout.
Oh, oh, oh! The first thing I thought when I saw them was “triceps”. Oh the work I could give my triceps!
Then the inverted rows. Oh yes, perfect for that.
Then I saw you do the hamstring stretch. Perfect for the hubby who pulled his hamstring recently.
I can see this becoming a staple around my house!
These would sit in my living room and taunt me.
LEAH? you are SO GLAD the random number generator picks these things….and Marla?
you. so. sad. (as that totally made this grumpyMiz laugh)
and nita? youre so appropriate/following directions.
you should win just for that fact….
OMG i just got so excited watching this–too cool!!!! and what, i used my kitchen chair last night… can’t afford a gym yet 🙁 so much harder to get motivated at home when there’s a computer sitting right there!
Haha, this thing looks scary to me for some reason. I see poking myself in the eye with one of the poky base sections.
BUT…. I do have some pesky arm flab I hope to dissolve prior to squeezing into a wedding dress….
Anyway – MizFit thank you for your comment. I genuinely wish we lived in the same city because I would absolutely have a personal trainer (hopefully with toddler in tow). I am DEFINITELY going to need some gentle pressure, I’m telling you, I just can’t seem to maintain my motivation these days when really, I should have tons given my situation.
Anyway…. hope all is well!
And if, for some reason the random selector selects me, you can pick someone else. (I have a gym, free weights, etc…)
The inverted row, and probably the dips too. Now, where to store these things in my space challenged condo is another issue.
Loved the video!
I shall pass on the opportunity to win but it looks very cool. But as to hurdles? Mmmm, don’t thing so for me. Sounds like a face plant just waiting to happen.
I’d do the running man. I need some ab workout.
This is so cool…DH would freak if I got another piece of equipment, but I guess if it were free he would freak more quietly. 🙂
I’d do it all. Cause that’s how I roll. Nothing if not extreme. But the one I would love most? Dunno, it’s a tossup between the vertical row, the dips, the ab work…I love them all. And by love I mean hate, but love what they do for me. 🙂
No hurdles, though. Definitely no hurdles.
This dip would do the dips. And then figure out how to turn it into a hammock.
And Marla? Consider using these with some exercise bands as restraints…
Hammie stretch — oh yeah! Also, the knee ups. I would love to do those. They are one exercise that I miss the most from way back in my gym days.
very cool, that video made me motivated enough to go do triceps on the kitchen chairs…I’d love to win those suckers. I’m with you on the hurdles, but my 12 year old track star would use them for that purpose, I’m sure….
Awesome video!
Hurdles? hahahaha.
But I like the rest of the exercises – and appreciate you demonstrating the vertical row. I’d heard of it but hadn’t seen it before.
Though I’m with Linda – probably will be used as a clothes rack at least some of the time 🙂
Ooooh, it’s so sunny where you are!! And it looks WARM! I am jealous. I do think your parallel bars for midgets (sorry, couldn’t resist!) look really fun! If I had one – and could wrestle it away from my fort-building children – I would do those ballet abs from the Ballerina workout that I never could try because I never could locate a low barre.
so.many.thoughts.(from a Miz who woke up on the wrong side of the Lebert Equalizer and, through your comments, has found her smile)
But since I’m using the thumbs it’ll be short & sweet (cue collective sigh of relief).
I’m laughing about the hurdles in that I rarely think I’M OLD but I’ve never even attempted those…I go immediately from watching the video to thinking BROKEN HIP.
Should a young whippersnapper (in body or spirit. Methinks dragonmamma would hurdle in a second) win you MUST do a hurdle-video for the Band’s viewing pleasure.
That’s it.
(Oh, and if marla & marianne plan to use this for herpleasure I’d recommend knitting a cover. It gets cold…which is great for TX but….)
How cool is that!!
My back is what I hate,
because when I work them out,
they make me ache.
Cheesy huh! 🙂
Thanks for the shout-out! I am still learning with mine. I tried doing planche push ups on them yesterday, and I am beyond sore today!
I would definitely see myself doing tricep dips on these.
And, if they coud put in their $0.02…E and A would don their finest tutus and play ballerina on them whent they weren’t being used by yours truly.
And I’m not going to lie…my attempt at hurdles with those things would most likely involve an ER trip. Klutziness, thy name is Slacker Mama!
I would love this! I am all for the dips (burn triceps burn) but also for pushups!
Am I missing out on another video?
But that thing looks freakin amazing. I would do chin ups (no need to freak the little kids out by doing them at the playground!), and of course abs work because I lovelovelove abs work, and also I’d use it to swing around on lots ninja/pirate/Indiana Jones style so that I’d become all super badass.
To be honest, the appeal of this is lost on me. I have a pull-up bar that had extra fasteners, so I just lower the bar for the rows.
But, for fairness sake, I enjoy coming up with exercises given limited equipment, so I feel like that’d be a crutch rather than a tool, at least for me.
I hate crunches. I really really do
Hehehe, Marianne and I should both get a set so we can have matching hammocks!! Perfect for lying in the sun, sipping a cool one….. and portable! Wheeeeee…….
yep Tricia. You NAILED IT with the word fasteners.
I love my husband.
He loves the doorways of his domicile unmarred by screws etc.
I use the Lebert.
and BL? Marianne? am I gonna have to separate you two?!
Pull ups for sure since i never think to do those, pushups, dips the list would be never ending 🙂 And i never win anything so that would be so sweet itself!!
This looks so simple and so useful. I’d love to use it for the dips and for the core work. I like that is portable too – not some permanent piece of workout equipment that can’t be stuck in the garage when company’s coming.
Finally – I think my two year old would love hanging and swinging from one of them!
Now why can’t I think of something so fundamentally simple and yet so useful that would make me a lot of money? Love the tricep dips – the traditional dumbell exercises or stair ‘dips’ are just not ‘comfortable’.
These match my big yellow therapy ball sitting on my rec room floor. Every time I get on that ball, my kids sit back and enjoy the show, giggling hysterically (until I make them try a move and then we are REALLY cracking up!).
I can only imagine what THESE things would add to the fun….
I HATE PUSH UPS! but Anya of the slides-out-of-socket shoulder is supposed to be doing lots of them.
But you know what these would also be really good for (wiggling in chair I’m so excited)? Saw horses for short people like me! Yeah! I have all this ceiling moulding I need to cut.
The Equalizer: Perfect for Body Improvement AND Home Improvement
i can’t even do a push, an inverted one that ALSO helps me work on my back strength and core would be IDEAL:)
and it just me or did others get Rated R (oh heck ok Rated X) ideas from those things?
huh..imagine what you could…
Pushups with the balance ball – since I just got a balance ball!
Although I would rename the exercise “Face Plant” because that is likely what will happen the first few times I did it LOL!
And you know – this could double as a portable bike rack. That was the first thing I thought of with your video – is that you looked like you were sitting in a bike rack. 😀
And you were in shorts – we have 45 degrees here!!
Those would definitely become clothesdrying racks at my house. But I can also imagine using them to help me balance or keep proper alignment of my back for some yoga poses (e.g. Warrior 3).
Whenever I’m doing speedwork on the track I have a impish urge to randomly hurdle, just because they’re there. But my fear of breaking my leg (or both legs) always stops me.
i.must.stretch. i don’t enough.
NO WAY! Dang, I’ve been trying to figure out a way to do inverted rows at home!
90% of my workouts take place at home (the exception is Spin Class) and inverted rows are one of the exercises that try as I might, I haven’t been able to get these done. This is a way cool piece of equipment.
The Levert Equalizer, a pull-up bar and exercise ball and you’re good to go!
Oooo! these would be perfect for me to help build up to pull-ups and push-ups. Cause right now? not. even. close. And I want to be able to do at least one or the other…
Maybe the pull-ups? I could use a little work on the upper half… speaking of the upper half, let me know when you find a piece of workout equipment that will increase my bra size, ok?
trainer talk:
Why of course I do, Lori.
Please to focus on your chest area and build up the muscles there.
click here. click here. click here.
with proper eating and exercise your tatas shall be perky and fuller in no time simply by building up the pectorals.
MizFit answer: I KNOW. Ive learned to like the smaller boobages as Im far to lazy to wear a push-up bra.
OOOH! I likey! And my 9 year old would totally do flips, round and round!
I would do anything that it told me to do as long as it helps get rid of the thigh flab.
Love it! I like easy to assemble stuff! For me, I’d definitely to the inverted as you demonstrated and CORE work. My core is severely neglected. Take pity on my core. 😉
Can you hang a hammock between the posts?
That thing looks great! I would NOT hurdle over them though. I’d do all the exercises you showed us (except for the wind and airplane background noises) and then I’d lay down underneath then, put a blanket over the posts, making a fort and hide inside of it with my grand niece.
Next day, I’d exercise using them again.
Oh…I bet I could do some killer pullups or inverted rows on that baby. I’ve been eyeing up chip up/pullup bars for my place but am terrified that it would somehow come down and destroy the door and wall it’s on.
This is definitely the less “destroying the housish” sort of option. 🙂
Can I just say when I say the hamstring stretch you did? My jaw hit the floor! If nothing else I would buy one of these for that!
I sit at a computer for about 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. I run, I walk, I use the elliptical, I’m even known to do a lunge or two — but dang do I need something to stretch. I’m about as stiff as an 90 year old.
Thanks for introducing me to something new to obsess over.
I loved all the stuff you showed, but the stretching and the triceps excited me the most. I have a hard time doing certain stretches. I have so much boob and belly and such short legs and arms that there ain’t much stretching going on! Just a lot of grunting as I try to get into a proper stretch, without throwing something out! LOL! Oh well.
Looks like a real cook piece of equipment. Thanks for showing it! 🙂
I KNOW, Jill/Natalia!
It’s kinda said but (alltogethernow) it’s the way I roll that I ADORED the fact one can use these to stretch even though you can totally do the same thing with a freakin towel.
hence the infomercial’esque quality of the video….and the giveawayexcitement.
I could never use these as hurdles for myself.. but I’m wondering if my border collie would like to use them for some additional exercise. (he’s about 15# overweight)?
Myself, those nights when I’m ansty to get to the gym in the morning.. I’d do dips and inverted pull-ups. And try to figure out to do back extensions or something like that on these.
The “I Came Home Late Double Croquet Grovel Crawl”
The ADD Guy Forgot What He Was Going To Say for The Second One Subverted Cranial Flop
I think it is hard to work your back with out some kind of equipment. Those would be a great addition to have at home.
I’m sure I could work on my striptease moves with this. I’m assuming that’s what Ms. Kardashian uses it for… ;o)
Definitely the chin-ups and knee-ups … to work on gettin’ it all ups!
Hi Miz. Loved the demo today. Was kind of hoping for a hurdling portion but I get it. 😉
It’s always nice to have things to do when you’re at home.
Thanks for the tips!
So, I didn’t take the time to watch the hurdle video, but all I can think is that you’d hurdlehurdle and then turn around and go back again… Sounds a little silly to me, but I’ve always wanted to try the hurdles, and thought I’d be awesome because of my extra-long gams (34″ inseam).
It would be awesome to have these babies at home since I’m trying to work up to pull-ups but have only been able to use the assisted pull-up machine at the gym. I’m all about versatile exercise equipment!
bethany? you lost me,
in jealousyin happiness for you at your great fortune, when you mentioned yer extra long gams.Im gonna implore you to do a video should the random number generator smile benevolently upon you (& yer legs)!
Oh, totally the back (row) exercise. I’ve just gotten into cycling and triathlon and my back muscles are so weak! I love all the variations of exercises.
and I hate doing tricep dips on chairs. this actually looks much ‘easier’. No slipping off.
Miz, having long legs is more troublesome than one might imagine. It’s nearly impossible to find pants long enough – Old Navy’s “long” jeans aren’t quite long enough even in flats. I enjoyed the great fortune of finding some long workout/lounge pants at Target (C9 by Champion) the other day for the first time ever!
This is why I implore workout wear companies to make pants in lengths! We’re not all built the same!
That’s awesome! I would do those Captain’s chair exercises. My crappy gym doesn’t have one.
“Strong Arm Love … Pull-up to the bar, Baby! ” A story of Struggle By DaDiva (Gonna hug someone silly!) Street ! LOL!
I’d use them as barriers to keep my kids away from me while I’m exercising.
Tricep work. I’m at the age where I’m eternally vigilant of the dreaded batwings.
You are so beautiful in the video!
Holy sweetness, I want this. Obligques with front delt raise. Me thinks it’s heaven.
You’re in Texas too?! Ooooh what part? I’m in Dallas :o).
P.S. how do I go about writing the guest blog piece? Do I just send you a link to the post I wrote on banana bread cereal? Ack– I am such a novice blogger!
I would totally use it for my core- then throw some blankets over it and wow my girls with a mini fort ’cause I am a cool mom like that. Or hide in it…
Dips and modified pull ups…awesome!
I’d love those for triceps work. Or maybe I’ll play a prank on the boyfriend and tell him I got a few tickets while driving his car and he’s just been booted.
And BTW, I bought some natural peanut butter and tried it in my oatmeal this morning —- YUMMO!!! The taste was devine and the extra protein really stuck with me. Maybe I can use the Equalizer to build up my biceps. Stirring the oil back into the peanut butter was definitely a workout.
Dang… I wish I’d saved my walkers now. They had adjustable heights, and probably the same stability. Plus I knew they’d handle my weight. I could have been doing this all along!
But then again my walkers were plain old chrome, and not a bright sunny yellow that would clash with my living room.
OK… the manufacturer is no doubt making a lot of money with these. But with a piece of plywood they’d make a great spare table for the holidays.
Honestly, I don’t see spending $100 for it. If they were like $25 I’d say sure. Except for the ab exercises (which I can do on a weight bench or an ottoman from Goodwill when I get either) there isn’t a lot I can’t work out with a $10 resistance band and a $14 ball.
The only exercise that really interested me was the triceps dips… and mostly because I’m just really really bad isolating my triceps with other exercises.
Ok! I’ll play along! I like it! It’s sort of like a bicycle for your arms and upper body. Oh how I hate bicycle crunches! But I would do them with this! 😀 Oh and I think it would also be a well used piece of fitness equipment at our house. As I would incorporate it into all 5 of my kids daily exercise routines! And I could see my hubby go ape for someting like this! 😀
Twix with the saddest weakest abs you ever saw this side of the Mississippi
You Bumbling Band peeps are an enigma to me.
in a great way.
some things/ideas/notions/posts I think you will *love?*
eh, not so much.
others I think you may like but only in a lukewarmoatmeal kind of way?
you adoreth.
I love it.
it keeps me guessing….
SHOOT! Doesn’t Ms. V. get sumpin’ for the Quaker confetti idea??? LOL
Heh. this looks fun. I looked at this page: and the 4th picture looks like a messed up version of “The Running Man”.
So how about Running Man Reject?
Oh my golly, what can you not do with this…I’ve actually never seen this before you website today but this has to be the coolest thing ever! I’m thinking definitely lots of balancing work, but I have no balance whatsoever. Stretches, to help with all the nasty plantar fasciticis. The friendly muscle that keeps waving when I’m done, it would be close to gone after watching that video. You could likely do no only the pull-ups, but if you could find a solid surface high enough you could do dips as well.
Instead of doing box jumps, you could hop over those babies. Well, that may take some practice.
BEST OF ALL, at night, I’m really thinking I could baracade the fridge with those bad boys.
Ooohhh, NEAT! SHINY!! LOL, I’d like to say inverted rows and knee-ups (because those are really the only 2 exercises I LIKE doing), but the reality is that it would probalby be a dust-gatherer as soon as the next SHINY! thing came along. (I know myself WAY too well, LOL.)
This does look cool. I’d love to use it for ab work (although the pics on the website of ab work look HARD — at least for someone as uncoordinated as me).
This really looks cool and easy to hide unlike the big bowflex. I need work I my core as well and would love to do the knee lifts. If I win, I will definitely do a Hurdle Video!!
Nice video!!! You are such an enthusiastic motivator :)!!!!!!! I need lots of ab work………….all the pregnancies did a number on my belly 😉 I would work my abs like there’s no tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’ve been trying to convince my wife to work out with me. Having this would be perfect. With these two bad boys, my wife and I can really get some work out, working on our abs, our lower back, my triceps, etc… if you catch my drift 😉
Since tricep dips are my fave, that’s what I would do. 🙂
I want this so bad! The triceps exercises on the stability ball look really cool. I think having the equalizer to grab onto would really help to stabilize me. When I try stuff like that at home I tend to end up on the ground which is not the goal. 🙂
I must.
I must.
I must enhance my bust.
the Equalizer peeps should SO pays us for all our fab marketing ideas.
They’re giving us a free thing.
Never mind.
Ya’ll are so creative…
M., who is still sweating in the summerlike temps deep in the heart of TX
I SO want to be abe to do pull ups, and that would help me get started better (with incline pull ups)! Plus, a trainer at my gym evaluated my posture yesterday and tells me I have “old woman back” – but I’m only 38! She tells me I need to work my back muscles a lot more, as the chest muscles are too tight in comparison – this device would make doing that at home much more convenient…
That does look like a really fun jungle gym for adults! And by ‘for adults’ I don’t mean like the adult stores, I mean like adults whose play must have some health benefit.
I LOVE multi-tasking pieces of equipment. I would definitely do tricep dips and that exercise you dd first (can’t remember what it’s called). AND I would start with incline push-ups, work my way to decline push-ups with feet up on the bar! Check back in 3-5 years for a video of the latter!
That is one cool gadget. Bet my students would get a kick out of it too.
Weakness I’d want to work on- would be core + hip flexors/rotators- wondering if there’s excercises for the hip area..and pull ups too.
I’d SO hurt myself with those LOL
I would be down with the leg raises on those things! I love, love, love doing core work and the thingy at my gym where I do hanging leg raises is about 7 ft off the ground and I’m scared of heights. So these would be PERFECT!
Oh, and I would love me some tricep dips! I can never work my triceps enough, it seems. I’m going to be BatWingLady for Halloween if these wings don’t fly away. Wonder if anyone will recognize me…
love your video – you are too cute AND buff 🙂
that machine is super interesting – i am intrigued… i think i would definitely use it for the “pull-up” like exercise you did in the beginning… or let me rephrase that, i would ATTEMPT to use it 🙂 ha
Wow, I don’t know where to start after checking out that website. I’ve been really wanting a pull-up bar (in spite of a total lack of ability to do a single pull-up) so maybe this would be handy to do modified pull-ups. Also, I’m nearing the end of the Hundred Pushup Challenge (on my knees) so I could probably fiddle with some funky pushups now that I’m stronger.
What I like best is it looks like something I could slide behind some furniture in my tiny house. Yay for easy storage! That would certainly be better than the bulky Bosu I have to bring up from the basement when I want to use it.
Great post! You make the Lebert look so easy… so… what would it be like for the rest of us mortals? Thanks for bringing it to us!!
That looks really cool…Would make a great addition to my little home gym. Will definitely keep it in mind next time I have some money to spend. 🙂
Did you just say, knee ups are easy to do? LOL!
Miz, you the bomb..
Such a simple piece of equipment to do so many exercises. Cool..
Oh, wow! I don’t have much room for equipment. They (that) seem(s) ideal. The row that you start the video out with seems pretty awesome. My upper body strength is in need of much improvement.
P.S. Thanks for your comment about the good kids’ peeps showing up to open house, etc. on my blog!
I was going to say I would use it for isolation exercises, since unlike #19 I have no love life … sniff… therefore you should take pity on me… and fix me up with an Equalizer so I could take it home and then all the guys in my neighborhood would swarm to my house like a hive of demented bees (albeit bees with keen intellects and that all-important sense of humor, not to mention being financially self-supportive, no unemployed musicians who live with their mother and fancy a change, not that I’m bitter at all, who me?).
There. Is that a good enough reason? 🙂
I would do ALL the exercises. Seriously I need that. My gym pass just expired and I did not renew it!
i just had my 3rd baby and had abdominal surgery to have my gall bladder removed. i need anything i can get to whip my body back in shape, but i’m especially liking the ab exercises!
you have some funny band members, miz-
love the hamock idea, the barracide from fridge and kids and one other that is escaping me. I love to stretch so I am thinking I’d learn how to use it as a stretching (possibly an extender?!) mechanism..If all else fails..It wouldn’t hurt me to work my abs and bat wings..and the backfat too. children would find multiple uses for it as well..I can see it now..balance beam, loom, and of course clothes rack..bite my tounge. Bad , bad girl. Good luck to all. You all make me smile! And Miz, you are in good shape girl!
holy crap those things look evil
As the kid with the weak arms who always fell off the monkey bars in elementary school, it really is encouraging to know that even if I fall off these things while doing pullups I won’t have far to tumble and PROBABLY won’t break anything!
Are you talking hurdles, like TRACK hurdles? Oh, no. I would hate those for sure. I was a high jumper back in the day–so bizarre that I’m comfortable soaring over a bar backwards and head-first, but running at it straight on absolutely terrified me. Maybe if hurdles had the big fluffy mat to land on, I’d have gone for it. HA!
This looks like such a useful but simple piece of workout gear. I’d love to have it!
Can’t stop saying this but anything where you’re showing off those fierce arms of yours brings so much inspiration to me! Would love to do the back stuff to help minimize the back! Double as clothes rack too 🙂
for some reason you look like you live next to a lake! maybe b/c your patio looks like a dock??
anyway, i would probably do the exercise you showed for the back. its hard to find back exercises without using equipment at the gym!
i’m glad this is a random number generator =P
Oh my god those are awesome. I have not seen these before, I never would have thought to use them for stretching. That really beats out using bands or a towel. Very cool, I am going to have to get some.
Yes, I guess I do sometimes to the Supine extensions – i just didn’t know what they were called. I only end up doing them at the gym/strength training class because I don’t have weights at home. Thanks for reminding me. =)
ACK! Look at those hamstrings!
Oh my goodness, Miz. Hell yes you need to stretch those suckers out!
Tricep Dipppity doos!!!!
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