Yes, People, we are actually getting it all together & I’d ADORE for the Bumbling Band to be there!
We’ve previously established that the weekend of November 7-9 is all about Quaker for the MizFit.
We hadnt previously established that part of that weekend is all about YOU GUYS.
While the location & time has yet to be determined here’s what we know for certain:
*lowlowlow cost. were it in Miz’ hometown of Austin we could frolick in a park for free. Chicago in November? Not so much. That said, we’re working to keep it as close to or FREE if we can.
*we need to know if you wanna come! Think you could make a saturday night or sunday brunch meet up in Chi-Town? LEAVE A COMMENT BELOW. Youre not committed—-we just wanna start gathering numbers.
*Im so friggin excited. Yes, Im eager to play total adult and glean Quaker heart health knowledge but Im also so thrilled by the chance to put faces to names (or lurkers!!).
*here are the bloggers in attendence:
Leslie (probably…here’s hoping!!)
I know.
It’s a lineup, huh?
You in? Gonna try and make it? Live in Chicago and have an idea for where we should meetup?
Please to comment below…
Would love to come, but the 24+ hour plane flight is probably the stumbling block ! Hope you all have a great time !
Can I suggest a venue??!?? Sure, it may work out a little more expensive with plane fares and all, but I’d put everyone up here! Please?!?
Looks like I moved from Chicago to Austin too soon. But both my sisters are still in the area! I think they’re making plans already!
But please, next time, you know Austin is the correct city for all this. 🙂
Wow! Sounds like fun. I’ll be there in spirit! Let me know when you guys will be in Tampa! 🙂
*sigh* wish I could come. I’d never be able to get away from kids and puppy on short notice, though. I wish it were NYC, too. That I could do easily (sort of). Have a great time, those of you who go!
I wish! Have fun all!
ok next time we’ll plan far in advance and get a *Bumbling Bus* to drive cross country (countries?) picking people up along the way.
Now we just need sponsors so we can have their logos emblazoned on the bus’ sides.
This morning?
I’d vote for Red Bull 😉
You can park the bus in my pasture….. the cows wouldn’t do TOO much damage, honest…..
I have never been to Chicago. I have never driven to Chicago, but I’ve heard it’s crazy.
Actually there is a distinct possiblity that I could come to this. I’m not sure which would be better. Either way I’d be driving in and departing same day. Hmmmm…if I had a dog sitter I could come down for one night…OY!
Let us know where and time asap so we can work the logistics.
…..AND our bull is red….
I know you are kidding but I love the idea of the bumbling bus and think that I could help with sponsors!
but for now I am in to try and drive up.
Oh BL you should KNOW BETTER than to invite us up to yer pasture!
I’d happily set the whole thing in AUGUST then…during the heat of the AUSTIN summer…and hit the road to your cooler temps!
Linda? Donna? ID LOVE THAT.
Ill share details as soon as I have them.
here and via Twitter!
I would love to go but Chicago, the windy city where it snows in November, maybe next year. I need more notice. I’m still in bed as I write this. Green tea.
I can’t believe you got that whole list of folks already. What is your technique? How much did you pay them? They must already live there.
And no to Austin in August. How about Austin in November?
I pay everyone
To be my friend, you see!
Some day I’ll
Run outta bucks
Then I’ll be sad
For now I’m out
November here? GRAND!
I’ve got a number
Of outdoor things planned.
The Tornado & I
We’re off to see
If the trick or treaters
dropped good candeeeee.
We’re taking a walk
(She calls it WALKING FEET!)
Skipping the gym?
This MizFit’s treat.
M., who isn’t kidding about the Walking Feet. We sing a Walking Feet song too.
If I didn’t have kids, I’d hop in the car and drive to Chicago to meet you all. Right now it’s just too much to leave all 4 with someone! I can barely handle them 🙂
But, I will be there in spirit too!
me in me in!! =D
as for WHERE to go…that depends on the price range people are willing to pay too right?
Why do I have this blond wig on?? Oh, my head hurts
Oh yeah, hope y’all had a good Halloween….pass the aspirin 🙂
I am SO JEALOUS of y’all in the Chicago area!
I’m going to go sob in my pillow now.
The fact that the Appalachian mountains are in the way!
(Can you tell I’ve started my novel, too much emoting going on here).
But I’m still jealous. I better hear all the details afterwards.
I’m in for Sunday brunch. I have posted on a lot of the blogs already so hopefully they aren’t counting my input every time or maybe they are and Sunday will win out LOL
Looking forward to meeting everyone!
Linda/Hughsmom: Where would you be driving in from?
Okay – You are seriously tempting me to fly out to Austin! I could hang out with your “bumbling band” and go see my sister! What could be cooler than that?
If only… 🙂
How in the heck did you get to be part of this Quaker thing anyway?
angie? I’m excited!
(& the official headcounter so thanks for the heads-up!)
And Liz? You so have (makeareservation) to just do (comecome) what is best for you (doit!doit!) and your family (seeyouthere?).
xo xo,
Subliminal Miz.
I wish! But if it’s any consolation (for me), I’ll be in Charlotte visiting friends that weekend anyhow… which means I won’t be sitting in my apartment, with tears on my pillow, wishing I could be in Chicago.
SO FUN!!! Wish I could come, since I’m in Chicago often – but unfortunately I won’t be there for the meet up 🙁
Oopoh, sounds so fun! But the Cascades are in my way. Won’t be able to tear myself away from the dissertation writing, etc. Have fun and I want DETAILS!!
Colorado in the house 🙁
cant make this one.
Im in for the bus 🙂
Oh man! That’s our 5 year cancer free celebration dinner weekend. And I would so come otherwise – 4 hour drive or no.
I am going to apply for a passport in anticipation of a bash at bag lady’s. Think by now she knows to fear for her cows!
: )
I’d LOVE to come but unfortunately can’t afford it and all. Damn. Someday I’ll meet up with all you other bloggers!
Am so excited to hear how it all goes.
sounds like so much fun! can’t wait to hear all about it and maybe see some pics too??!!
Darn it! I never have plans! Next weekend I have plans 🙁
It’s just a hop, skip and a jump from Milwaukee too.
It’s a Nebraska weekend for us. If I’m not there, the two year old will be left wandering the streets of Lincoln while everyone else is at the football game. 🙁
Im a maybe?
if I can use miles and get hubby to watch kids Id love to come!!!
I love chicago.
I can’t do Saturday, as I’m in AUSTIN, but I will be back in Chicago Sunday morning. My plane is supposed to land at 8:35, so if we can do something after that, count me in! Do you know where you’ll be staying for your Quaker thingie? Chicagoland is a HUGE area and it would be great to know which part you are going to be in as we start trying to come up with a location to meet.
Chicago is such a great city, and it would be a perfect birthday present to me (the following Monday), AND I would totally give my left kidney to go- if that was an option- but I do not believe it’s in the cards, what with the price of airfare these days (maybe I should have put it on my “vision board”, no?).
If it was driving distance from the UT, I would be all up for a roadtrip. But 1400 miles is a bit much. (Strangely enough, it’s even farther to get to Austin- who knew?)
You totally gotta do the Bumbling Bus sponsored by Red Bull, the *perfect* sponsor for that….hehehe
I’ve said this zillions of times, but I am gleeful with anticipation to hug you in real time. yay!
I’d love to, but I’m stuck in TX for a while 🙁 Have fun in the awesome that is chi-town. OOOH, and if you go to one of the super yummy restaurants in Greek town please describe in detail! I miss it so much!!
I wish I could be there cause I’d give you a big ole hug!
have a great time
Oh that I could! I love Chicago even though it will probably be quite a chilly wind blowing down the streets in November 😉
You must take lots of pics if it ends up happening (although if I had time and money AUSTIN is high on my list of must see USA!)
Always wanted to visit Chi-town. Hubby travels, so I am at home…maybe another year! Sounds like a spectacular time!
I would LOVE to go and meet the Bumbling Band!
those of us in new england need more notice 🙂
when is the next meetup??
So, so, so very jealous here:) Too much of a drive, I think! Enjoy the par-tay though and I expect a full report when you return:)
Wish I could be there! I’m originally from Chi town 🙁
If you decide Tennessee sometime I can host. Tennessee. *don’t choke on your water as you read this* yes TN! Where you can watch mold grow…
You know I would love to come. A day out without the crew in tow. I mean totally coolie!! That is if I am let out of this house and a 3 hour drive. 😀 Oh I know of a great spot for brunch!!!!! Cept umm, I don’t exactly remember where it was exactly at, hee. It was in Chicago though! I think it’s close to the Childrens Hospital area and the Ramada down there; Gold Strip? It’s a little place called Nookies. Mmmm, mmm, mmmm!! I know, silly name huh. But they have the best breakfast stuff there. I went a few years back and I really enjoyed my breakfast there. So I hope that helps. Just don’t count me in quite yet. I have to beg and plead with my jailer. 😉
Ack! I Googled and found them! They even have a menu peek online. ;-)
Holy Moly! That sounds SO amazing! I grew up a bit North of there and have a TON of friends who still live there . . . but, alas *sigh* my calendar is already full of dental appointments, swimming lessons and prepping for an author appearance the following weekend. But, as you can tell, I’ll be with you in health! 🙂
When you come out to Seattle to tour Oiselle I’ll be there. No doubt about it! Which gets me thinking – I might not wait for you to come out this way to go visit Oiselle. . . 🙂
Me = would be on Bumbling Bus.
No joke.
PS: Hope you guys have fun (without me — *Amanda cries*).
PPS: What about random towns in Norcal is such a turnoff to big events? We feel hated on! 😉
as always you all make me laugh…
while Im semikidding about the bus Im not about a larger meetup at some point.
preplanned so you can get the inexpensie airfares.
sponsors (yep Donna#12–Ill be in touch!). any one have friends at NIKE WOMAN? Ive always wanted to go to Beaverton!
more of a conference type event…perhaps blogher’esque but more healthy living focused.
you know, so we can eat, learn, hangout, & be merry!
Miz. who is off to gather her troops and get to the Race for the Cure.
Happy. Happy. Joy. Joy. Count me IN!!!
Absolutely.can.not.wait. to meet some BBer’s in the real. Please to add me to the list of the wheres and whens.
Alas, I cannot make Chicago. (sob).
But can we PLEASE hope for a Bumbling Band Meet-up at BlogHer (wherever it is), this July?
Just saying..
definitely Deb.
Tee shirts and all 😉
I want to come but it’s a bit too far for me 🙁 Have fun though!
Nike Woman in Beaverton? Is it just me?
Marianne you are not alone.
and I am a child.
Ive been giggling since I typed that.
I’m in Chicagoland and only have Sunday afternoon free. I’m hosting family all weekend. Keep me posted on the details!!!
so jealouse!!!
I am excited about national PB month!!!
yes! let’s do it! i think i can come! and….it’s not so cold here right now. we’ll see if this holds…but 70 tomorrow for a beautiful election day!
yeah, i second that we need to know at least north or southside–downtown, or rough neighborhood area. Chicago is easy to get around for those that live here–but where will YOU be at?
I’m so jealous. Perhaps next year?