Id say ‘who knew?’ but, as evidenced by the string of words below, MizFit did.
(pats self on back)
On December 20, 2006, the general assembly of the United Nations voted to designate November 14 each year as World Diabetes Day (MizFit note: OK, I wasnt aware of any of this until this year. You guys?).
The day aims to increase an awareness of the effects of diabetes and its complications amongst all members of the Bumbling Band and not just those who suffer from it.
This is all done in hopes that, as more people become aware of diabetes, more money will be channeled toward research & *better* treatment options.
This year’s theme? Diabetes in children and adolescents.
Did you know that type 1 diabetes is one of the most common chronic diseases to affect children (MizFit note: I had no idea). It can strike children of any age, even toddlers and babies. If not detected early enough in a child, the disease can be fatal or result in serious brain damage.
When occurring in a child diabetes is often completely overlooked: it is often misdiagnosed as the flu or it is not diagnosed at all.
The fact which most stuck in my mind when I was doing my research was that TWO HUNDRED children develop type 1 diabetes every day.
I’d been aware of the growing type 2 diabetes problem in children (due to obesity rates skyrocketing)—-but I had no idea about type one.
Want to learn more about children/adolescents & diabetes? Look here.
Wanna join me & the Toddler Tornado in some World Diabetes Day coloring fun? Check out the free offerings here!
Speaking of free offerings—–I have some for you. Diabetic or not. FIVE boxes.
Blue Bunny ice cream, a company aware of just how difficult it can be to eat mindfully as a Type 1 and Type 2 diabetic, has developed some ice cream products which have no added sugar, are reduced fat and, in some cases, completely fat free.
Their FrozFruit bars were recently chosen as one of the best frozen bars by Women’s Health and Fitness magazines.
I know. really? do we care? all *I* care about is how they taste and if they get the Bumbling Band seal of approval.
Please to enjoy MizFit as Spokesmodel.
Please to leave a comment below to be entered to win free ice cream.
On anything.From diabetes, to coloring, to critiquing Miz’ Price Is Right spokesmodel skills.
(USA only. Should a nonUSresident win s/he may choose another commenter to recieve the sweet treat in her place.)
My mum is a Type 2 diabetic and I’m convinced I would have been too had I not lost my 40kg. I had no clue it was World Diabetes Day!
and Im the first to admit, Andrew, that I embarrassingly get caught up in the ‘big ones’…things like breast cancer and heart disease and dont focus enough on drawing attention to (mine AND the Bumbling Band’s) the myriad other diseases we are struggling to cure like diabetes.
Well, I wish I could think of something to say about diabetes, but I am sans good thoughts. I just want ice cream.
You make a fine spokesmodel MizFit! But then, you’re pushing ice cream and fruit bars – maybe, just maybe I was focusing on them….
News to me about World Diabetes Day. I think that sometimes we live in our own little world, and when something doens’t directly affect us – it doesn’t make it on our radar. Even though it should…
Thanks for giving this the attention it deserves.
Hangry? no need to diabetes comment (she types still laughing at scalejunkie) and I fear I may lead the way with other comment thoughts a
bout my freakin tmobile situation and my hating my side kick but this isnt supposed to be ALL ABOUT ME HERElater.Miz.
The son of one of my friends was diagnosed with Type I diabetes. No history of diabetes in the family. It took them a while to diagnose it. It was a scary time. In the beginning it was very hard for them, he’s only 4 it’s hard monitoring his sugar level and totally changing how he eats. Finding a school that would take him and take responsibility of monitoring his blood sugar level through the day, it is hard. This is serious stuff people!
I had no idea about World Diabetes Day either (why I come here!!)
I also want to come to your kitchen.
is it always that neat?
why don’t you have us all over for ice cream, Miz?
I knew!!!
I was diagnosed with diabetes when I was really little and it has just become part of who I am and how I live my life.
I laughed when I went to look at the coloring pages for me and MY toddler that you can print them with or without a syringe!
funny to me for some reason.
have a great friday everyone.
I didn’t know either, BUT I am on my weightloss mission because I don’t want to be diabetic. It is everywhere in my mom’s family – ev-er-y-where! I hate hate hate needles – I don’t want to go down that road. I had gestational diabetes and know how much fun – i.e. work – that was to live with for 9 months.
Bummer about your phone, Miz. I’m a low-tech Tracfone just in case of roadway emergency gal. Not that I get service in all the rural areas I drive thru regularly, but it sure came in handy when we got flooded.
Make it a great day.
shall we have a virtual holiday party in my kitchen?
Ill supply ALL the virtual treats 🙂
Virtual party? I’m in! 🙂
I hope the ice cream gets sent in a leak-proof container, ’cause it’ll probably be all melted by the time it reaches it’s destination, don’t you think?
My daughter’s best friend, who’s always been a “health nut”, inexplicably developed type-1 diabetes when she was 17. It was discovered when her vision kept getting worse over a few month period.
It was awful to see the poor kid getting all bruised up from insulin shots for a few months, but then she got an insulin pump to take care of it automatically. Besides trying to cure diabetes, I sure hope there’s a program out there to provide automatic pumps for people who can’t afford them.
I have countless diabetic students, and it never ceases to amaze me how well they deal with it. I don’t know that I would’ve handled it nearly as well! I’m such a weenie!
Those blue bunny “sweet freedom” bars are fantastic, by the way.
Yay to you for not putting crap in your tiny tot. I know that they say this stuff is safe NOW, but who knows in a few years… I never gave my kids artificially sweetened stuff (it makes me very sick), and still discourage it. My niece is diabetic, and she tends to avoid the food that would require artificial sweeteners as probably not wholesome anyhow.
If you become spokes model, I volunteer to help with wardrobe… ; )
Andrew’s 40kg (however much that is) is not lost. I have it right here and he can have it back whenever he wants… Or maybe you can give it away to some lucky commenters???
Happy Friday and Diabetes Day. In order to honor the theme “children and adolescents” I promise not to share the ice cream I win with my 12 year old. not that I would have anyway…but now I can feel there is a greater good to the hiding place in my freezer.
Natalia? You KNOW the virtual soiree is already in the works 😉
And the ice cream Dragonmamma? You think it will melt? Our United States Postal Service is *so* expedient that would NEVER HAPPEN!
(Ok. the winner receives coupons for FIVE FREE BOXES/CONTAINERS of their choice)
And I never EVER let the Tornado have sugar substitute.
People may tell me *I* shouldn’t have it (and they do. perhaps I’m not too too bummed my email is slow today? ;)) but I do occasionally.
I figure at least I’m a growass woman choosing to take the risk…wouldn’t do that to the Tornado.
Count me among the many that was unaware of these statistics, WOW! They are rather flooring, so many children (and others) affected.
I will have to try those fruits bars, they sound delish!
Thanks for bringing awareness to this Miz! Not to be a bummer, but unfortunately, I know all too well the effects of Type 1 Diabetes. My dad contracted it at age 21 and died at age 42, and my little sister contracted it at age 8 and died at age 18. Needless to say, I am watching my kids like a hawk for any sign at all.
Thanks again. People do get wrapped up in the biggies, and don’t realize this is a huge threat as well.
Free Ice Cream! Count me in! Ice cream and cheesecake are my two sweet treats of choice.
I’m with robin.
thanks for not just promoting the ‘in’ diseases Miz.
and I would love some ice cream too LOL!!!
I scream for ice cream! Thanks for helping increase awareness of diabetes.
What a great post today Miz.
If anyone has taken a peak at my blog this week, you’ll see that I am now part of this group that no one really wants to join. Yes I too am one of those that have type II diabetes. This disease is one where just about everyone has someone in the family, knows someone that has it, or knows someone’s family that has it. Talk about the 6 degrees of separation. To me this was always a forgotten disease where someone else got it and was similar to the whole NIMBY thought process.
Well, was recently I given a wakeup call. I guess from my point of view I would think it resembles a head cold, but I didn’t really have a cough or fever, just some pressure. My eyesight really clued me in that something was wrong since things started to get a little blurry. When I was standing, I felt unsteady on my feet and even caught my self from falling. Enough about me though.
Awareness is a great step in understanding diabetes. If you or someone you know is not feeling themselves and may be older (over 50) overweight (this doesn’t have to be 100+ pounds either) or sedentary (the biggest exercise is reaching for the remote) get to a doctor and get checked. Of course the biggest problem is that many people don’t feel symptoms at all.
The checkup is really easy as it just takes a simple blood test to see how much sugar is in your system. A fasting reading above 120 usually means something is going on.
There are over 6 million undiagnosed cases of diabetes in America today. It is a disease that can have some very bad consequences if not controlled. The good part is that you can control it by diet and exercise without using drugs, and if you do have it, you’re not alone.
Off my soapbox
Great post, Miz!
I had no idea about this being World Diabetes Day! Shall keep it in mind, and limit my consumption of sugary things today. (Which, to be honest, will not be all that difficult – sugar is not the monkey on my back!)
And too bad about the contest being only for Americans, again!
Sugar is definitely the monkey on this Miz’ back.
especially when Im tired.
and it isnt the cute sock kind either.
NOW. The important stuff. Is BLUE BUNNY AVAIL IN CANADA? I thought not…
come on Canadian companies!! Pony. Up.
(and it’s not fer lack of my asking either…)
My grandpa and mom are both diabetic, so it hits close to home for me. Thanks for spreading the word…I will try not to eat (as much) sugar today in honor of it! 🙂
wow, i had no idea that it could be mis-diagnosed as the flu in children??? that’s crazy and sad 🙁
I have several type II’s in my family. It’s one of the reasons I want to be healthier. Well, that and the risk of heart disease.
I actually use sugar free syrup on my pancakes…it’s really not bad (I preferred it from day one to everything except maple syrup…but can’t afford that thank goodness!), but i’m not a pure sugar fan. I prefer mine in the form of a french fry or bagel, thank you very much! A different company has a carmel reduced calories and fat that I adore. Really, sometimes this stuff can be (almost) better than the full versions.
I’ll have to see if I can get the BB sugar free around here to try it.
We have several diabetics in our family tree. My father-in-law is pre-diabetic and always sits out when the rest of us eat dessert, so this is the kind of product I love to see! I’ll definitely pass it along.
I didn’t know it was diabetes day either. Thanks for posting about this, Miz!
I’m a Canuck so I don’t qualify but I would like to say that diabetes is a horrible disease in its advanced stages. A family friend lost both his legs from the knee down & eventually succumbed to heart disease in his early 60’s (which I feel is young) YOU WANT TO DO EVERYTHING YOU CAN TO AVOID GETTING THIS DISEASE!
I need to read more, Stuperb, as it seems as though being diagnosed as pre-diabetic is more common now as well.
you know?
and Diana? I LOVE the DiVinci sugarfree syrups.
prolly too much (*glances down at her coffee*)
Soon we will have a world healthy and fit day for the three or four healthy and fit people left 🙁
Love Diana (ScaleJunkie)’s ice cream cone! 🙂
My mother-in-law has Type 2 diabetes; my husband and I are both borderline hypoglycemic, which is one reason we’ve gotten so health-crazy. I am hyper-watchful of our daughters, too, as they’ve got family history on both sides. My mom is diabetic, and goes back and forth between needing medication and controlling with diet…and our neighbor’s nephew was recently diagnosed with Type 1 – he’s about 14 months old.
And with all this, I still had no idea about National Diabetes Day. Thanks for the heads-up, Miz!
BTW I think you’re an awesome spokesmodel. If I ever decide to market anything, you’re my go-to girl. 🙂
I’m not commenting for the ice cream (I adore Edy’s fruitbars too much to change my brand loyalty).
I’m a huge fan of the “no sugar added” stuff (unless it’s been replaced with fake sugar, which in my mind defeats the purpose).
Did you get my last e-mail?
I can’t wait, V.
What shall we sell?
Brace yourself for a bidding war as Bow Flex and McDonald’s Dollar Menu Apples have been *so* knocking on my kitchen door.
And tricia? Yep. Responded.
Lemmie know if the reboot worked…
Diabetes of any type runs rampant in my family and right now I am especially concerned about my mom. Her parents, her two brothers and her two sisters ALL had/have diabetes, so I feel like she is a diabetes timebomb waiting to explode. So far she is in the clear, but I feel like it is only a matter of time…which means it’s probably only a matter of time for me. BUT, I’m doing things NOW that hopefully will prevent such a diagnosis in the future.
And you got mad Spokesmodel skillz girl!!!
My aunt had diabetes (and died young, unfortunately–not sure of the ultimate cause of death, actually) and my mom now has it. In both cases it was the adult onset kind. Mom has lost a ton of weight and seems to be doing well. It was good to see this reminder of the risk to children, though. I went to the website and checked the warning signs for kids . I don’t want to be a freakish hypochondriac about my kids but I do want to know what to look for.
It’s also another reminder to encourage them to work on getting the right SuperNoots magnets.
My mom is a Type II diabetic and my little brother is pre-diabetic. It’s a scary illness. That said, those ice cream bars look sooooo yummy. Now I’m craving ice cream! And hey, I even have a Blue Bunny coupon:) Mmmmm
Well, thanks Miz. Now I want ice cream for breakfast 🙂
I’m with you on the artificial sweeteners; if they are in it, my kids don’t get it. I use/consume only very infrequently (usually when other options aren’t available) but I just don’t want to take that risk with my tiny tots.
And, for the record, I DID once receive actual ice cream in the mail. It was delivered by Fed Ex in a box with a styrofoam cooler full of dry ice and all was well. Even though I didn’t see the package until 3 hours after it was delivered! And it was a drizzly day, so the empty cooler box full of dry ice went out on the deck to provide a good 45 minutes or so of foggy fun for the kids to watch from the kitchen!
kind of a digression but mostly not:
Back in the day, when I was 10 or so (1979), my mom was a Tab drinker (*raise yer hand if you recalleth the pink label wonderment which was Tab!).
She’d purchase the 2 liter size, put it in the fridge and tape a sign to it which read:
You may not drink this if you’re under 18.
Silly? Sure.
Clear message to me and my 2 sisters? YEP.
And entirely where I got my notion of NO ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS FOR MY CHILD even before having a child was on my radar.
That’s MamaMizFit.
Ahead of her time….
Funny that today is World diabetes day and yesterday I was posting about that very subject. Type II runs strong in my family, and I’m hoping that my lifestyle changes have helped me move away from that.
Never tasted Tab, but I do remember the jingle. Apparently the family focus was Artificial Sweetners = No…TV = A-OK!
Tab, Tab Cola…what a beautiful drink!
Tab, Tab Cola for beee-you-tiful people!
Tab, Tab Cola, you’re beautiful to me!
Great taste and just one calorie! TAB!
Ice cream please!!!
Great contest 🙂
Whoa! I posted about diabetes today and didn’t even know!!
I’ve never tried the FrozFruit bars, but I have some of those no-sugar added ice cream bars in my freezer right now. 🙂
But… but… there’s high fructose corn syrup in those things. And that colour additive stuff like Red 40. I find that concerning…
But homemade ice cream I’ll take any day:) (PB Boy’s pumpkin ice cream? No sugar added! All natural ingredients! Super easy super tasty! -I’m aspiring to be a Spokesmodel of your caliber:)).
Thanks for spreading the awareness about type 1 diabetes! I only really knew about how type 2 is becoming more prevalent- it’s good to know more about these major health concerns.
I have no business being here. I do not approve of fat free or sugar free or anything of that ilk.
Give me the real stuff. Full everything.
But that’s just me. If I had a rapper name it would be “Notorious Sweet Tooth.”
That said, I’m borderline low blood sugar so I am careful.
mmmm…Blue Bunny Ice Cream! The Best!!!!
One of my sisters had Type I diabetes and was diagnosed at the age of 11. Which sucks. So, yes, I knew it was World Diabetes Day!
Five boxes!?!?! Promise I will share if I win!
totally hear you leah & sagan.
And entirely respect your opinions.
For ME all things in moderation are fine.
In that most things where HFCS is found are 100% items I work HARD to eat sparingly.
But I’d be lying if I didn’t say I do indulge at times.
here’s hoping that wont preclude Notorious Sweet Tooth and the Semitic Sensation from giving their first concert together. We’ll just have different riders!
My TAB memory is one from the 70’s. For some reason, there was pop machine around the corner from my house and my friends and I would walk to the machine and buy pop. My friend one day decided we should choose the other one’s drink for her. I chose Dr. Pepper for her, and for me she chose…TAB. I was a very disappointed 6 year old that day.
Ah, the 70’s. A time when you would actually LET your 6 year old and her friends walk to the pop machine on another street!!
My mom was diagnosed with Type II diabetes about 8 years back. Strangely, weight and and exercise seemed to have nothing to do with it as she’s a tiny little woman who runs a farm and construction sites (aka, no time to sit). But, we are a family that adores our sugar!
Thankfully (and strangely again) she un-diabetes 2-3 years ago. However, as a family we’re much more conscious of our sugar consumption now.
Interesting. I don’t pay attention to the “_____ Day” because there seems to be so many of them flying about. If I won I’d give my prize to my blog-workout-supporter
I’ve been terrified about developing Type 1 Diabetes every since my Babysitters Club days (Stacey McGill, anyone?), and I’m kind of hypochondriac about it. (Wake up to pee during the night twice? I’ve got it. Thirsty? I’ve got it.)
As for Type 2, my husband is extremely susceptible (runs in his family + South Asian + some alarming readings at last physical). I don’t know of anybody in my family who had diabetes, but just living with him has lowered my sugar consumption by A LOT. Because I can’t exactly be scarfing down cake and not expect him to sneak some. Ice cream is my weakness, though. He often ends up eating more than he should all because I have it in the house. I’ve always been a little wary of sugar-free (tastewise, mouthfeel-wise) but I s’pose I should be a good wife and try– for his sake…
So I knew about today 🙂 My mom was diagnosed with type 2 last year so me and my sister did a lot of looking around online to learn about it. I was SHOCKED as far as the rate in children and aware that now that we have a family history of it- I should be even more careful. But it is just soooo hard some days. Like today. Sigh. I think I will go out to lunch with my mom today- talk about what she has learned this first year and so on. Thanks for bringing attention to it!
lol. notorious sweet tooth. what a great rapper name.
if i had a rap name, it would probably be Sugaless S. i don’t try to not have sugar or to have the fake stuff but i do try to not add it to things (coffee, etc).
i have a friend from home who was diagnosed with child diabetes. he is quite active in a juvenile diabetes association, and has been to congress to speak to them and stuff. which i think is cool.
I do try to avoid all the fake stuff like commenters #48 and #49 but do occasionally have splenda drinks or foods with splenda in them.
my first thought was that people should be eating the real thing like hagan daz and then I realized that diabetics cannot, right?
obviously I need to go to the l inks and read more.
thanks for the reminder Miz!!
I had no idea that today was World Diabetes Day. Hmmm.
I’ve learned more about it in the past couple of years, as I have a CW who is diabetic.
I was just listening to a report on NPR this morning. It’s a huge problem in Africa and India and other developing nations — and they tend to get it earlier and suffer more catastrophic problems as a result. Certainly, it’s a global problem. In fact, the rate of diabetes is rising so quickly in the US and world-wide, that it is predicted that it will soon overwhelm all healthcare systems.
And what’s sad is Type II is quite preventable and controllable and many of the end results (blindness, amputations, impotence, etc.) can be arrested.
I know, Alexia it’s amazingoverwhelming huh?
there is a place to donate CLICK HERE where all the money goes outside of the USA to 18 different countries.
and yes.
It amazes me that this is such a tremendous problem worldwide and, admittedly, I rarely think about it since it doesnt touch my immediate circle.
I rarely THOUGHT about it I mean…
Thanks for posting about World Diabetes Day. This disease need as much awareness as it can get.
~*Ice-Cream*~ ~*Ice-Cream*~ yum!
Thanks for the post on Diabetes. It’s serious and I’m glad there’s more information about it now.
Enjoy your weekend Miz!
I have no idea if Blue Bunny tastes good, but please let me be your taste tester!
it is a special day?
there is a give away?
I’m distracted by how neat your kitchen is!
for reals.
A friend showed me these a couple of months ago and I have been ADDICTED!!! They are so yummy and low-cal!
The perfect treat without giving us a sugar-coma!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Thanks Miz for letting us all in on Diabetes day. It hits close to home for me with my mom having it and also my favorite aunt, it took her eye sight, her ability to walk and her kidneys (was on dialysis 3 times a week). She passed away from Cancer 15 yrs ago. I miss her.
I think anyone obese needs to go get their sugar check, so many people have diabetes and aren’t even aware. The longer it goes untreated the worse it is. Ok off my soap box.
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dawn, Im so sorry for your loss and so appreciative you made time in your friday to climb on to the soap box.
I’m very thankful that you chose to dedicate your blog post to bringing this disease to the forefront today.
As a pediatric endocrinologist and a diabetologist, diabetes in all its various forms is very near and dear to my heart It’s very frustrating to me to explain to many of my patients and their families why there hasn’t been more done in finding a cure for this terrible disease.
Yes, the incidence of diabetes in children, both type 1 and type 2 has been increasing steadily in the past two decades. We must all do our part in bringing this disease to the forefront.
Thanks again.
This is a great post and the links as well as Tom Rooney’s stuff this on diabetes. I passed this info (and Tom’s) onto a friend who was diagnosed a few years back just this morning. Thanks for spreading the word.
I was diagnosed with Type II diabetes about 8 years ago, but after oral medication quit working, I essentially became a Type I and have to take insulin before I eat anything.
You should have seen my at my family reunion this summer – we usually just put food out and people graze all day long – I must have taken 18 shots that day!
But its working – my 30 day average is 122! Yahoo!
Free ice cream? Did you say FREE ice cream? And it’s sugar-free. Yes, please enter me!
The architect’s mom died of Type 2 diabetes 2.5 years ago at the age of 59. My grandfather had it (although it didn’t kill him, his gall bladder did), and all 4 of my dad’s sibs have it. I do not want the diabetes – hence all of my healthy ways, I guess!
Diabetes, like eating disorders, terrifies me because we can’t just stop eating food. Food is part of how we socialize, how we show affection and gratitude, it is intrinsically connected to the first way we we feel loved (when we’re hungry as babies, someone feeds us and we learn to trust and love). So to me it seems that having diabetes is more than taking medicine and avoiding sweets, it’s changing the way you interact with the world.
Count me out of the drawing. When I have something sweet, I’m getting the real deal. (and the same goes for my son and husband–people are always so shocked that I sometimes let my son have sugary lemonade, but am furious if someone gives him crystal light).
Thanks for the heads-up on World Diabetes Day. I’m hoping that my new (and permanent) low-carb lifestyle will help me avoid diabetes which runs on BOTH sides of my family. Yikes! It’s good to remember why we’re trying to lose weight / eat healthier. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Kim: That’s sad, and makes me glad I don’t have a gall bladder.
However, type II diabetes runs high in my family, along with obesity. Just another reminder to eat healthy and feed my kids well. Thanks.
I also steer clear of Splenda when possible, but I love Ice Cram. I’m crossing my fingers…..
i’m with you on the butter pecan, but the boyfriend loves them. maybe it’s a man thing?
I have had some of the Blue Bunny products and they are good!
My husband has diabetes and I pray that he will become more concerned with his diet and health!
Thanks for posting about World Diabetes Day! 🙂 Being a type 2 member of “the club no one wants to join,” as Tom put it, I appreciate your featuring this today, Miz!
Some more info…
For those having had gestational diabetes, it’s worth doing everything you can to prevent it. Here’s a fact really floored me, unfortunately AFTER my diagnosis:
“Women who have had GDM have a 20 to 50 percent chance of developing diabetes in
the next 5 to 10 years following pregnancy.”
(From the document “Type 2 Diabetes Risk After Gestational Diabetes,” produced by the National Diabetes Education Program.)
For those looking to prevent: Through my research, I’ve also found that it’s not just watching how much sugar you eat, but being careful about your total carbohydrate consumption. I’ve gotten mine in a good range of control from exercise (at least 30 minutes/5 days, plus some light strength training with hand weights) and through a cleaner way of eating (with an eye toward limiting carbs and total calories) and medication.
I’d also like to mention that there are a lot of online communities and resources out there. It definitely helps one feel less alone in dealing with it. My most frequented is Tu Diabetes. Also, UCSF has free online education, if you know someone who does not have access to a diabetes educator and who might be receiving minimal care from their doctor:
I am a coach with Team Beachbody. TBB has a new DVD by Kathy Smith in pre-order, “Project You! Type II. Most awesome workout and eating plan for those with Pre or Type II Diabetes. Tis why I love the company, it is all about health and fitness.
thanks Meribeth. Ive never heard of anything like that before!
Sometimes I wonder if it’s best to buy dietary products or to continue buying “regular” products but just eat less of them. I’m suspicious of artificial sweeteners such as splenda.
I had no idea.
I think it’s great that you’re helping raise awareness.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Have you ever ran Austin marathon, or know a little about the course.
Also thanks, I didn’t know that it was world diabetes day, but I definately know many affected by the disease.
Marelisa? Yep. You are probably right.
I’m a 90/10’er as far as real versus notsoreal.
I won’t review anything I wouldn’t eat myself and, alas, I did really enjoy these.
*And* I’ve been known to eat a skinny cow (or 3. Damn costco boxes!) on occasion as well.
AND now you have me wondering if you are 100% splenda-free?
Maybe come back tomorrow and tell us?
(Ooooh foreshadowing.)
i would love to be splenda etc free..its so freaking hard though!! i neeeed my caffeine free diet coke once a day and i get so frustrated when i find a no sugar added, low sugar, low fat blah blah blah look it all over, don’t see a mention of artificial sweetener, get home and unpack and see it.
great post though, i will check into so i can be well informed:)
Wow, those look really good! I like the idea of individually portioned things like the popsicles, because I tend to eat too much sweets even if they are sugar-free or fat free. And even on the popsicles, might be a tad dangerous to have around, could always eat more than one. . .hmmm, maybe I should consider myself fortunate if I *don’t* actually win!
LOVE your blog!
Carla, I accidently deleted my blog. If by chance I am on the blogroll could you please change the address? Thanks.
Katschi you are and I will.
thanks for the heads up (she thumbtypes wondering if, at some point SHE will delete her whole blog accidentally. it could SO ENTIRELY HAPPEN…)
Thanks for blogging about this. I think increasing awareness is good. It is sad that so many children are getting diabetes…
Good for you for pointing out the problem of diabetes!
Great topic. On my dad’s side every single one of the 6 siblings have diabetes so I am concerned for my future as well. Thanks for the info. Those fruit bars sound amazing!
I love ice cream and would love to compare the blue bunny to Weight Watchers.. Thanks
Didn’t get a chance to comment yesterday, so here I am. And for some reason I am now picturing a sock monkey on your back, Miz. ;~)
I had no idea about the Diabetes Day, but I am well-entrenched in doing what I can to help. My company does 4 quarterly charities every year, and Q3 is JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes). Last year we had 2 employees’ children diagnosed within a week of each other, so it hits close to home. In 3 months, we ended up raising around $8,000.
Growing up I had a friend with Type 1 and he ended up having to get an insulin pump. Also, my grandpa had Type 2, and eventually died from kidney failure (after also having his leg amputated due to gangrene). He was always thin and active, so it was kind of strange, but maybe that’s how he made it to 80 with the disease. My dad is very overweight and I worry that he will get it, too.
My father-in-law was recently diagnosed with Type 2, so now I worry for my husband. But he has to visit his doctor twice a year for unrelated issues, so hopefully anything would be caught early.
Thanks for this post, and for also highlighting the issue of artificial sweeteners. I am guilty of getting way more than I probably should (I could probably be the poster girl for Splenda), so this will make me think twice.
I am Type II diabetic, and I didn’t know. I knew it was Diabetes recognition month, but didn’t know there was a day.
I love me some Blue Bunny swirl ice cream bars. When I did Weight Watchers, I learned they were just 1 point. YUM! Enter me, please!
Sorry to jump on the bandwagon late. The scary thing about diabetes to me is that it is EXPENSIVE to manage. Thus, it can be hard to convince insurers to cover you. I had a friend who was trying to get insurance and they said diabetes was a pre-existing condition, so they wouldn’t cover it. ARGH!! It costs her hunders of dollars a month, and she has the type that can’t be managed by diet and exercise (can never keep the types straight.)
Thanks for writing about World Diabetes Day and helping to raise awareness. I have been a type 1 diabetic for 22 years (diagnosed in second grade) and while it’s a very invisible disease to people who aren’t diabetic, those of us living with it every day know how much it affects our lives.
So thanks. The more people who are aware, the better our lives with diabetes become.
(And I also rec’d some of the Blue Bunny ice cream – it’s pretty tasty!)
I am very overweight and very worried about diabetes. I just got a personal trainer who is dedicated to helping me lose weight. It’s now or never for me.
Online education is also as good as conventional education but interpersonal interaction might be limited.-:.
althoug i prefer the interaction of regular education, online education seems to be a good alternative;-.
well, online education is good too but it should be more concentrated on specialized courses `.’