subtitle: clear and irrefutable evidence of my weak point.
Please to mock and enjoy.
and please to know that the Ren Man instituted an Im horrified at yer weak core, Woman lets get back to basics routine this weekend.
The best part of my weekend, however, was meeting this blogger live & in person. She was exactly as funamazing as I’d imagined.
She rolls pretty incognito…any guesses as to her identity?
(yeah. Im not sure why Ren Man the camera guy cut it off there either but you’ll have that…)
Those camo pants are wicked cool. You may have read that I’m working on my core, too. Going to hit the plank today and try some of those variations you suggest. I also just heard about the “dead-bug” which I’m going to try… good for people with week cores apparently. Any thoughts?
I LOVE when you post these. I’m still trying to do the plank let alone move body parts at the same time!
I think you like pain – the plank with a smile….
Wow! I can hold the plank for like 30 seconds at a time. No moving involved. Other than the shaking of my arms! But 30 seconds is quite an improvement from where I started. Nice to have something to work towards! ๐ I like your cammo pants too!!!! ๐
thanks. it’s all camo or skulls around here. my poor Toddler is doomed to be a MizFit.
watched the dead-bug.
definitely adding that in as well, Monica.
Katschi? I was trying to show off for my corestrong man. nothing motivates like the husband.
and Lance? same thing ๐
Natalia? (Ill email you and) 30 seconds is pretty DAMN GREAT!
So, in line with Natalia’s comment. Forgetting the leg variations, just speaking of the plain ol’ plank, what time held for is beginner, average, advanced etc. I usually do it for about a minute.
I tried the leg variations a minute ago and found it quite tough.
I HEART PLANKS. Especially with variations to make them harder. Best exercise ever:)
But can’t see the video. Or the blogger’s link.
Love the plank, until the 2 minute mark. ๐ I do find that moving parts help pass the time, but so far I’ve been limited to simply raising alternating legs and arms. I shall try bending knees tonight.
yay for blogger get togethers – i hate the plank!
for sagan ๐
click here
click here
click here
xo xo,
and that’s a weak area for you how??? I think you’re doing awesome. Actually, I seem to recall my Sensei had an excellent workout for that area and I’ll have to ask him again when I get back to the Dojo. I hope to start up again in December. I was on a time crunch this first semester of homeschool.
and that’s a weak area for you how??? I think you’re doing awesome. Actually, I seem to recall my Sensei had an excellent workout for that area and I’ll have to ask him again when I get back to the Dojo. I hope to start up again in December. I was on a time crunch this first semester of homeschool. Oh and in my own defense, he wasn’t telling me. I was supposed to be focusing on my Kata but I wasn’t doing a very good job because I was trying to listen in on that conversation. My bad! Not really, I just wanted to learn.
if only you could see the sweatage (get a high def camera? NEVER) or the COLLAPSING after Ren Man yelled: AND. SCENE.
then youd totally agree with me.
but thanks for saying it didnt appear so on camera….perhaps Ill earn that daytime Emmy yet!
(whats that? they dont give em for blogs?!)
Must have camo pants!
Planks with Van Halen blaring in the background. Very cool.
If that’s your weak point, I realllllly need to start doing more things in the plan position to improve.
meribeth? the pants were VERY VERY PRICEY so start saving your money. I believe they ran me 6.99 at Target.
and hangry? denise? click here as well to see my weak
asscore and horrible balancing skillz.Miz.
I love planks of all sorts (still working on the side – trying to add movement instead of just holding my arm in the air). I frequently just pull my knee up and hold and haven’t tried movement. Will try that today!
I’m happy to see the dead bug video! I do that fairly frequently but have never known the name (as with just about everything I do, unfortunately).
Loved that they were playing Panama by Van Halen at the gym. ROCK!!
I’m still not sure if I should be adding planks back into my routine or not… still have a very weak thoracic spine and not the core strength to support it.
I (used to) like to plank and then step my legs out to the side. That’s a good one.
TA x
I love how you take something perfectly difficult and add something ridiculous (knee bends) to it to make me strive ๐
I shall try the bended knees, to add to my quivering triceps, while planking.
What an adorable video! Thanks for the demo as usual, Miz.
Me plank? Not so much – more like plant…face plant.
I loved the music at the gym, too. Mine is a silent gym where everyone is plugged in to their own IPod/MP3,4,5 gizmo or a cheap walk-a-ma-jiggy like mine.
TA? I would definitely hold off on the plankage for now if I were you.
And you suggestion? Yes!
If by GOOD you mean *would kick my ass* which I assume you do.
Stuperb? Stop planking and git to cooking. Here’s your reminder that you are GUEST CHEF THIS WEEK.
And linda?
Linda who is, perhaps, now bummed we MetUp as I no longer hold my thoughts back….
Maybe try a plank?
The basic hold?
Me? I literally started at ONE SECOND till I planted.
(And a mat beneath)
The plank makes me hurt… in that “omg i’m doing something really good for myself but this sucks” sort of way.
Thanks, I love your face times…I nearly always do them..And planks (basic) are one of my faves so this is a good week for me … i’l be trying to to your variations, I promise.
Nice to see you and C.M. together….you are two of my fave bloggers ๐
Oh and hahahahahahahahaha
@ the Fantasy Island title.
….because at the core? *I* am a marshmallow…
Camo leggings? Really? If you drag out the leg warmers I’m gonna have to come down there (please, please, we won’t even hit 40 degrees today…)!
*cue confetti made of JUICE BOXES*
It’s me & crabby mcslacker.
marianne? You typing while my thumbs were flying.
First? BRACE YOURSELF as I’m kissing you fullonthemouth for your old tagline joke.
Next? Get.Packing.
While I rarely don leg warmers the AMERICAN APPAREL OTK TUBESOCKS are a mainstay of my (what passes for) winter (in TX) wardrobe.
Anyone else love these as I do?
Even in the privacy of your own home?
Charlotte of the Great Fitness Experiment??
it is wrong I love you falling of the bosu?
I love me some planks! Very cool! Those duds are awesome as well! ๐
The Bag Lady is too ill to plank but wanted to say how cool is it that you and Crabby met up!!?
and yes.
it was so fun and mcslackermazing.
AHH, just watched that ‘dead bug’ clip on youtube. Good exercise, but please people keep in mind you DO NOT WANT TO FLATTEN YOUR LOW BACK! The difficulty in this exercise should be trying to maintain your pelvis in a neutral position (i.e. your low back should be somewhere between fully arched and fully flattened) This is key to activating the right core muscles for spine stability. Perfect segway for me to shamelessly plug my guest post here on Mizfit on Jan 29! Stay Tuned Folks!
At my gym, we do push-ups and bring our legs up by our arms.
And I giggled at the mention of doing them while watching TV.
OOOH! thanks for making the plank a little more exciting (and WAY tougher) than it already was!
i <3 your camo pants
happy monday, miz ๐
Waaaaay to much work for me.
I wish wish WISH I could still do planks! Alas, my shoulder injuries … welll…. you know. BUT, I love Dead Bug! I do a little different variation than the guy on the video, but man, it works your core like crazy nuts.
I agree about the attire, Mizzy! LOVE the pants. Oh, and Van Halen? You rock, chicka ๐ Quick Lynnism (I hear lyrics wrong all the time), I used to think he was singing “animal!” instead of “Panama!”
….there’s a bathroom on the right…
meeting crabby? no way! it was all fun. (rimshot?)
and I feel a camo giveaway coming on…
I thought I’d stop by and say a HEY-HEY helloooo!
I’m still picking myself up off the floor after seeing you on twitter.
BTW.. great starter core exercises. The plank has a multitude of variations to accommodate ANY level of activity.
I’ll join Linda’s face plant club ๐ Hehehehe
Of course the best part of this to me was the fact the Ren Man was holding the camera while you did the plank. Tell me you’re not with someone that’s very smart! ๐
MizFit – I have to say that you look great! It’s hard to look great while doing a plank, but you manage it ๐
I like planks, and plank rotations. Also, trying them on a bosu ball brings more challenges. Link to some cool planks on a bosu
Ive beggedpleadedcajoledandtriedtoBRIBE his arse on camera….to no avail.
and he’s no slacker (crabbymc or otherwise) he’s at the gym at least 5 days a week and has a trainer for two.
he SHOULD be in front…
can i just tell you that…i am jealous of your ass?? and don’t try to tell me it’s the camo making it look good or anything – i think we all know the truth (that your ass um…kicks ass!).
also, the dead bug looks scary.
Way to rock the plank, Miz…I need to learn to embrace the plank. I hear it does wonders for running.
Saw the picture on Crabby’s site…it just made me smile knowing that you two were together hanging. I’m sure you had a great time!
I’m with natalie – can hold it for a while, but the arms are weak and shakey. I didn’t even think of doing the forearm to “regular” (for lack of a better term) plank. I’m sure that take care of both issues (core and wiggley arms!).
hmm, i hadn’t seen those moves before, i’ve done the lifting on leg up so you’re holding the plank on one foot… too make it easier if you need to, i bet trying to plant your feet a little wider would help, no?
you can see anything? all I see is a black tank top.
in fact Im rolling all undercover today.
pink camp on top. brown on the bottom.
I look like a walking head&feet.
I love core work. It’s something I have more natural ability at than something like, say, pull ups. My fave is the “walking plank” going over a bosu ball and back (wrong side up). It’s a killer. Either that or doing plank on a swiss ball and writing the alphabet with my arms.
PS> The camo pants and angel wings tank? LOVE!!!
too make it easier if you need to, i bet trying to plant your feet a little wider would help, no?
cute pants!!! I am still working at the plank……..I started out with the modified version and that helped…..I like the side planks too! I have found that I can really feel the muscle in my core more now that I have been doing them!
Ah… that whole movement thing is very Jillian in the 30 Day Shred. When I got to Level 2, and she introduced plank jacks and the twisty plank leg move, ithoughtiwasgoingtodie. But seriously, the plain old plank is the hardest, I think, for me.
BTW, I looooove Panama. Van Halen gets me moving anytime.
Well, for heaven’s sake, crabby is so NOT crabby! Great to see you two together!
Oh, those planks KILL me in class too. So hard. The only thing I despise more are push ups. UGH! I need some arm strength, obviously…
I love those pants! Must find…
I finally started doing core work again. It’s my most dreaded area to work, but one I really need to work (don’t we all?). I started with planks and side planks, and good lord, my abs are sore! Might have to wait a couple of weeks before I start adding in the advanced variations!
I love the plank! Not that I’m a pro, but what can make you feel so ass kickin’ strong like the plank?
I think you did great, with all the movement. And I LUV the camo tights.
You and Crabby are super cute.
And OMG planks are still hard for me. Another longer than 30 seconds and I’m a shakin’!
You’ve inspired me. I’ll defintely try and fit in some plank breaks today.
Oh the joys of working from home…
my biggest hurdle now (you know, the kind I DIDN’T DO with the Lebert Equalizer) is ever doing the plank when NOT on film.
Perhaps I need to roll with a camera crew, errr, Ren Man 24/7…
You guys had the greatest weekend!! I love that you and “the Crab” got together!!
When that gets too easy…try a straight-arm plank with your hands on a basketball or medicine ball. Talk about shaky!
I gave it a try after my earlier workout. I like it! Great core workout. Simply sitting still in the plank position was a challenge.
Another good one!
I have Crab Envy.
Good Lord woman…you are a star with those planks! It reminds me how out of shape I am since my marathon:P I gotta get back at it…
So, I had to read 63 comments to find out who the other blogger was???
Love the plank. Will try with the knees too.
I KNOW…crabby rolls so incognito I wasn’t sure if I’d be allowed to capture her on film!
like Big Foot only waaaaaay cuter and rockin the cowboy hat.
The plank is one of the exercises I do every time I go to the gym. This week I was suppose to do a real pushup but just couldn’t manage it so I think I’m going to try where you go from plank on elbows up to a regular pushup position I think that would help make my arms stronger for sure. Thanks for the idea. Can’t wait to try it out when I get home tonight.
My abs want to be like your abs ๐
You so rock!
I feel all wussy watching the plank. I think I need to get back at toning my body…I have a weak shoulder so I’m always finding the delicate balance between pushing myself and hurting myself. And I’m a bit out of shape, so I try and do what I *used* to be able to do and …then I’m sore. ๐
You’ve given me a kick to keep at it tho. thanks! ๐
Sighs, computer is just being no fun this morning! Doesn’t want to load the video. So I’ll just imagine a super awesome video:) And reiterate once more that planks are wonderful!
Oh my blog should have been called plankismyenemy!
I’ve started training for a 5k! Thanks for always blogging such great advice and staying positive.
Girl, you look good!
WOW! I am in inspired. I cannot even get off of my knees!
I LOVE YOUR PANTS! Your legs are super super super super tight and I just love them. ๐
Thanks for the plank moves – I get really bored just doing it and staring at the floor. Plz.
I never imagined the plank could be any harder than it is but I’m going to try to work my way up to that. Strong core for me = no back pain!
Love your plank! Think the cross over is just evil.
When I started doing plank, I would touch one knee down then straighten the leg, alternating legs. Easier than the bring the whole leg up thing, but great for working hamstrings, butt and back stabilizing muscles.
Now? I do a plank on a stability ball (position like doing a push up), then bring legs into my chest and back slowly. (OK, I need to do this on a video). After the legs return back, I drop into a pushup.
One can also balance the elbows on a stability ball/BOSU and keep the feet on the floor. Hold this position. I know it as “prayer pose”. And I think it’s because as you hold it you pray the clock goes faster!
Those are my advanced plank move. I swear I used to be able to find it on YouTube.. but not today.
Strong core for me = no back pain!
AMEN SISTER! that’s why the Ren Man was horrified at my lack of strength. Ive been rumored to lament that my low back is aching from wrangling the Tornado whilst she flails.
and deb? Ill look as well when Im at the computer!
I love planks. And it’s soooo true that if someone else is around (whether it’s my show-off-for-him husband or even just an okay so-i-show-off-for-everyone coworker in the office gym) I can hold it for so much longer.
Football halftime, though? Planks are hard to do when my belly is full of snacks…hopefully an incentive not to stuff self, not excuse not to plank. We’ll see.
ok full service woman. where is the link to the pants so we can buy them??
thank you for the plank and I have been wondering where you get your ideas for the videos?
are we allowed to request things?
oh and I love crabby too.
I love planks. Thanks for the new variations. I do some side planks with dips. Did them this morning, in fact. ๐
The plank is my favorite ab exercise! I started doing it years ago in Pilates, but now they are everywhere with variations like the ones you showed. They really work your core like nothing else.
alas it appears my cheap leggings (5.99 I was mistaken with the 6.99) arent online.
only in store?
only in TX?
who can say.
and yes.
you may request facetimeRAMBLINGS.
please to email me.
and if you never hear back please to lament to tmobile.
I love the twisting plank move – I use it every other day at the gym because I found bicycle situps were causing my hips to click. It was not a pleasant sound, so this accomplishes the same end. Good for you and Ren Man for getting back to basics.
Hey Miz I do with these with my KB class and they hate me for it;)
This looks plenty hard enough to me!
I like making my clients perform planks more than I like me doing them! Thanks for the creative versions – you seem to be having so much fun! Do you “plank” on a stability ball? Any variations. (Oh, Miche, shut up!) Love your posts!
(sigh). Oh it’s not about the plank for me. It’s about sitting COMFORTABLY with my legs crossed as you do when the video starts. You’re sooo relaxes just chillin’ and talkin’ with your legs lookin’ gumbyish. Oh how I covet thee. My chubbo legs cannot easily stay in that position……for now. When I can do an indian-style seat for 30 seconds I’ll take a picture and post it!
Now, for the plank. Sheesh. I’m seriously trying to get to 30 seconds in plank position. I have zero,nada,zippo core strength. To think that people do MORE than just hold a plank…I bow to thee!
Lastly, DANG GIRL, you’re rockin’ cute in the camo pants!!!!
Relatively speaking, my core has been my strongest area. So, I’ve been neglecting it as I work on strengthening arms and legs. This was the kind of push I needed to remind me how important that area is, and that I can’t let it backslide! Everyone in my family has back pain except me, and I’d like to keep it that way (wait! I mean, I’d rather their back pain go away of course)
Hey MizFit, do you do core at the beginning or end of your workouts? I’ve heard some interesting theories on when it is best to do…
I would like to start incorporating planks in my daily routine. Thanks for the videos, they are very helpful.
Have no clue who the blogger is with you.
Um, at the beginning Ann.
When I start doing these I’m TOTALLY gonna do them at the beginning.
Or, more likely, randomly & spotaneously during my day… when I remember.
Miz, who has seen people promote doing them at all different times and really is of the JUST DO THEM opinion. Whenever you’ll motivate is the right time.
Love planks – just love them.
Yes, I do custom orders – Anything for you! Just let me know what you want done. ๐
Once again, my Plank … Plunks! Gonna strenthen my core with Crazy Glue & a Real plank! I know, I know … I’ll keep trying!
Did anyone guess the live blogger? I’m so nosey. I would guess someone with Cupcake in their name, hence the incognito rap? Okay, maybe not.
Damn planks, someday I will own them, until then, they shall kick my butt.
Aw yes…the dreaded PLANK. My current strength workout includes this, as well as a ‘side’ version of the plank that is KILLING (awesomely) my core! If I ever had any doubt on what exactly the ‘core’ is, I am now quite familiar with it since said ‘core’ is throbbing now pretty much on a daily basis!
Who needs sit-ups anyway?
I love her shirt ;o)
Gosh, you look so fit!
I think my water habit would cause your Tornado to decree that I spent the whole day in such a state. I am on my 4th 12oz glass and its 11AM here. A tad ridiculous, but I am seldom dehydrated.
I have no sound on my work computer, but I think you have a lovely core. In so many ways.
and that, heatherwhomIknowinreallife, made my day.
How cool that you got to meet Crabby!
I don’t love the plank, though I know it’s good for me. I can’t believe the amount of sweat that holding that position brings forth (TMI?). Do you have to make it look so easy?
OK, I just finished the Hundred Pushup Challenge on my knees and I would like to be able to do them on my toes (currently I can hardly do one). Do you think practicing plank work would help me with pushups on my toes? My core is definitely a weak spot (and a fat spot, unfortunately).
I *knew* it was Crabby but I was late to the party…again.
Do you suppose I could plank while bracing myself against the kitchen countertops? Kinda like I do my IcanGetDownOnTheGroundButGettingBackUpAgainIsaBitch pushups against the counterop? Better than nothing or don’t even bother?
I didn’t know about the plank variations – thank you!
It’s great to see you both together.
Thanks for sharing.
(there are so many comments!)
Oh my goodness gracious… I am going to have to do these variations now (even though I kind of dread the plank because it hurts so good). You really do make everything look easy, I am jealous/inspired! (HEAVY on the jealous!) ♥
so many thoughts…so little time ๐
yesyesyes. for me the full push ups really taxed my core initially.
be sure to keep your butt in line with your torso (not stuck in air…does that make sense? CLICK HERE for video/better description) as well…force your core to stay tight.
thanks for that push up link.
I can’t even do girl push ups yet but I think I will try the ones on the wall.
thanks mizfit.
Me and my husband always have competitions to see who can do the most push upโs or calf raises during commercial breaks.
I donโt know how to make that exercise any harder, but I do know how to make it a littler easier for newbieโs like me who didnโt even know what โthe coreโ was, even thou I was already working it.
For now, I do it on my hands instead of elbows, and bring the knee straight in (being careful not to scuff them on the ground, and making sure my body is straight). Iโll be try it out on my elbows, but lucky me there will be no one to laughโฆi mean enjoy.
Miz & the Band…
Rolling planks (side/center/side) totally saved my lower back – I almost never have back pain any more. Some ways to increase the difficulty: put your feet on a stability ball and use straight arms. One I am working on now is bent-arm plank with my feet in a TRX ( It’s really, really hard to keep your core stable when your feet are wobbling behind you! One of the trainers at the gym also has people do a “pendulum” – plank position, feet in TRX, swing lower body side to side. WHOA BABY, hard.
Hi MizFit: I love that core exercise, I had never seen it before. I just tried it a few times and am going to be incorporating it into my workout routine.
Janie? definitely start with the wall push up!
That’s where I began as well (& Im nowhere near Giz’ level yet. WOW!)
fitness surfer? PLEASE NOT TO TELL MY HUSBAND ABOUT YOUR COMPETITIONS. my arse loves the couch while I watch tv ๐
Those are the bain (bane?) of my existence! Seriously, those kill me. In a “oh, pain is good pain is good” kinda way. ๐
LOVE your camo pants. WANT your camo pants.
Could having a baby be responsible for the weak core? I’m telling you, for me right now… it IS… Also, your arms are hot. HOT!
Ah yes, the plank! My most dreaded move at the gym (at one point I could hold one for 1.5 mins, now only 15 seconds). Thank you for the movies!!
holly? now you have me wondering…bane? bain? this one time english major is so gonna have to google.
and Juliet? we need to have a plankoff.
like the dance off scene in Zoolander except, if Im participating, FARFAR shorter.
Love this post! So good to see you with “the community”. Must run plank myself.
Oooooh, the plank. IT’s KILLER! I have not yet graduated to most of those moves just yet, but the plank is definitely a fundamental part of my workout.
I love planks, but more importantly, was that the song “Panama” playing in the background of the second plank movie?? If so… LOVE IT!! hahahaha, thanks for the vids
All the Best,
Andrew R
I’ve been doing the standard plank like it’s my job lately – but holy hell, I wasn’t aware of the whole leg cross thing. I’ll have to try it, although it may break me!
My arse couldnโt sit any more and watch other people get fit (Biggest Loser).
Now that Iโm exercising regularly I sit and thoroughly enjoy. Some how, when we watch that show, it motivates us to get up and get moving.
I actually really like planks. I’ve got rockin’ abs somewhere under this ice cream tummy. ๐ Seriously, we used to do them in dance classes, and to practice them I used to do them during tv commercials. I can still hold them for a pretty long time (2 mins? 3? Something like that.) Just don’t ask me to actually do a PUSH UP. LOL, but I’m working on those, too. ๐
Oh no, Miz! I’ve fallen off my commenting. I apologize. I am a bad bumbling bander. Bandee?
Anyway. My suggestion? For fellow banders (bandees?) who want more core strength/spinal stability/defined abs, don’t hold the plank for 2-3 minutes. The muscles will be better served by the initial stabilizing contraction. So I recommend 20 seconds on/10 seconds off, 4-8 repetitions (Tabata intervals!). Or so my mentor says, and she has a PhD in spinal stabilization, so I believe her!
she has a PhD in spinal stabilization, so I believe her!
wow! I seriously had no idea there existed such a thing!!
(and no. lack of commenting doesnt make you a Bad Bumbling Bandit :))
Ahh plankity plank, just what I need to get me through the Hundred Push Up Challenge a la Lainie. Thanks for yet another fabulous instruction ๐
oh, plank. You look so simple yet you are not.
What a great addition to a full core workout. I’ll usually do plank than go straight into superman, and then back.
Hi and thanks for the article.
i always use leg warmers during the winter months to feel comfy.~`’
we often need leg warmers during the cold winter months in our place. we prefer cotton or wool.,;
when i travel in Alaska, i always use leg warmers to get more comfortable”.;