Miz, I’m just curious – you are so fit! Have you always been fit? My head is full of diet, weight loss (junk) stuff! Do you follow an eating plan? Do you eat clean? Do you have a philosophy on eating? Have you lost weight before? I would love to pick your brain! PLEASE?? I know there isn’t a magic formula other than, I’m thinking, calories in, calories out. OK now I’m just rambling…
The tone of this email really made me smile and feel honored that you (the royal) look to me for advice. Please to know it is NOT a responsibility which I take lightly. Ever.
I receive a lot of similar emails and, with all fear of beating that poor dead horse again, thought that I’d ramble here instead of sending each emailer some links to old posts (I know. Some day, some week, you shall be spared the rambles).
The answer to your first question? No, no, & no (pats self on back for achieving a little brevity).
The thread which has run through my life and which I believe has made my getting and finally staying fit relatively easy?
The fact when I gained weight it was always via a process of enjoyment.
Sure, I gained the freshman 30+ but it was all done through drinking & pizza and EMBRACING college life.
Yes, I gained what I like to deem the Manuscript Many (20+ lbs) while writing a book, but it was all mindless eating done because I was so utterly engrossed in the process of writing & hanging with my characters.
If I could take a magic wand & remove all the selfloathing/selfcriticizing from everyone’s struggle with weight loss I would.
I firmly believe that, since it was merely a numbers game for me, my loss was easier because I didnt spend time beating myself up along the way.
(make sense? am I being too terse? please to hit me up in the comments.)
As far as an eating plan? For me, after 36 years of trying all different crap approaches, it’s pretty much intuitive. I do plan for success, I do have a fitness mission statement, I make an effort to eat clean—-but the bottom line for me as a busyworkingbabymama is FOOD AS FUEL.
I love oreos. I adore poptarts. Yet I know if that’s what I cram in my piehole tank during the day there’s no way I can do what I need to do.
Okay emailer and Bumbling Band: helpful? too much? still unclear? now is NOT the time to be shy—-please to hit me up in the comments.
I recently moved to Iowa City from the balmy southeast. I work a job that requires that I leave at 7:30 & am not home till 5:30. The gym that I belong to is EMPTY at 4:45/ 5am but PACKED at 5:30. The gym is also a 10 minute walk which is cold & dark at 4:45. Exercise is important to me, but I’m struggling to get up/get moving so early and seem to get more stressed by the evening crowds.
I need motivation. Some ideas. I thought about a workout video this morning as I lay in bed hating myself for laying in bed. But then again, it doesn’t seem like I could get the same workout consistently with a workout video as I could at the gym.
I’ve also thought about getting a trainer so Id have appointments but very few want to meet me at 5. And I’ve also thought about a different gym more directed to working folks who might make me feel a little more normal for getting up at 4:30am and working out, but that would require getting in the car and driving, I think.
I read this email numerous times and, perhaps to the sender’s chagrin, I decided to answer it in the fashion I would had a *friend* had posed the question to me.
Someone I care enough about to be brutally honest with as, quite frankly, that’s how I view all of you.
So here goes:
Much of the email is personal. Unique to you.
For example, I dont enjoy workout videos. Id either blow the entire thing off or complete a halfassed version of the routine whilst gazing around the room pondering other stuff. Id be distracted. That’s me.
If that’s NOT you then a morning DVD workout might be precisely the answer you seek. The workout will energize you to get through your day and you wont have exercise lingering on your TO DO list while at work.
With regards to the gym? Many, many thoughts.
can you drive there in the morning? Im a diehard morning exerciser but would neither brave the cold nor the dark to walk to the gym. Color MizFit wimpy & fearful—what can I say?
the trainers: have you really asked/looked or is it an easy excuse of assuming no one would meet you at 5 am? When I had my studio I met many people at odd hours merely to fill my schedule & make money. I would suggest asking *all* the trainers at the gym and, if you cant find anyone, perhaps the management would let you bring in an outside trainer because they couldnt provide?
the feeling normal? Oh GIRL, you have come to the wrong blog as there is NO NORMAL up in herre (and Im only 50% jesting). In today’s world we are sadly the oddballs for even caring about our health and wellness.
The more I read your email, however, I grew curious if you were simply alluding to the fact the silent, empty gym was not motivating (emailer? you out there? am I correct?). In that case Id suggest loading up an mp3 player & finding tunes which pump you up. I’m with you on lifting better when there’s vibrant energy at the gym—-but sometimes that just isnt possible.
My fear? Ive not answered your question but merely tossed more back at you.
Bumbling Band? Any tips/thoughts/insights for our emailer? In her shoes Id most likely drive to the gym in the morning and try to meet a trainer (or a friend?) initially to have some external accountability/help make the routine a habit.
I know even in this longass response Ive merely scratched the surface…please to keep scratching below.
Great Post! One I think a lot of ppl can relate too. I enjoy working out in the am as well. What keeps me motivated is classes. Most gyms offer spin in the wee hours which is great because usually the instructor is pretty hard core, as are the people attending at that hour, so they help keep you on top of things. Plus you leave totally energized and ready for the day. Another thing that keeps me going is trying new things and when better to try new things than in the morning when you have a run of all the equipment! I suggest doing some research and finding a new exercise to concentrate on weekly. Intense paced, high difficulty, great results exercises work best for me! Then I look forward to seeing if i can beat my previous record! Good Luck!
I like this post!
First off Miz you really made me think… saying that your gains were when you were happy… that’s exactly the same for me. I’ve never been massively overweight, but If I AM gaining it’s always because I feel comfortable and happy. New boyfriend, university, whatever. There’s nothing wrong with that, in a way, is there? Just take the reins back until you fit back into your jeans (just not the Nicole Ritchie sized pair, perhaps).
To mailer number two HELLO! I love to work out in the early early AM! Do you mean your gym isn’t open at this time? If it is, I’d honestly give it a go. An empty gym is brilliant, I love feeling like I own the place. I get my pick of the machines and everything. My other suggestion is try a class in the evenings. Classes will be restricted to a certain number, so the busy thing won’t be a problem if you’re booked on. There’s tons of things you can try too… aerobics, circuits, spin (I LOVE and you won’t get anybody treading on your toes even if the class is full!!), body pump, martial arts… the world is your fitness oyster.
Good luck!
TA x
and you know I adore this, TA.
here’s hoping our emailer stops by today!!
The Bag Lady eats when she’s happy! (she eats when she’s sad, too, but that’s beside the point…..)
As to working out so early in the morning – yes, fine, but walking to the gym in the cold, dark, wee hours of the morning? Not a freakin’ chance! (Isn’t that when they used to execute prisoners because they were at their most vulnerable emotionally?! Walking to the gym at 4:45 am would certainly feel like going before a firing squad to me!!) 🙂
On the other hand (nods to Fiddler)–what do I know? I’m up at 4:00 in the morning, drinking coffee and sitting on my ever-expanding ass, catching up with the blogging world instead of exercising…….
Bag Lady? YOU MUST BE BETTER! Or you are now my musical theater idol as quoting fiddler in such a subtle way (yep, I would have picked up on that even w/out the pointing you. GO MIZFIT!) takes a lot of brain power for me.
and yes.
even this die hard morning lover agrees with yer prisoner-point.
Eating clean is working like magic for me along with the walking & some weights so far. I feel so fantastic I want Everyone to eat this way. At first, ‘you’ may balk at not eating ‘treats’ but not too long after you realize it’s not a sacrifice but a gift you give to yourself to eat clean. My happiness factor is ramped up higher than it’s been in YEARS.
I have a question – feel free to direct me to old posts. How did you start eating clean? I mean did you do it gradually or did you just go all out?
For the emailer, I like all the suggestions. I used to go to a gym where no one really did anything. It was an odd small gym used mostly for chatting and walking slowly on the treadmill. It made me feel weird. Maybe she could find a different gym and go in the morning. Or, go at 7:00 or so to the gym she belongs to now.
Eating Clean – I’m picturing a raccoon washing food … Guess that blows “normal” right out of the water…
I know what she means about crowded gym. You go there with the expectation of doing X, and the machines are all full and you can’t get into your groove. Maybe the Miz should make a very long youtube vid of workout and we can all do it together in the morning!
Please do not hate yourself for laying in bed – that is sad and a sucky way to start the day.
Hangry? thats an upcoming post…or not.
bottom line? BABY STEPS. I was in college (click here) or CLICK HERE the first go ’round (I know…I know…) and wasnt willing to change everything AT ALL.
and then as Ive gotten older Ive wanted to NOT WATCH CALORIES so Ive eaten progressively MORE calories but less, well, crap (unless it’s this CLICK HERE)
helpful at all?
leave me questions here and Ill work it into the post!
Great post! The more I work out I find I am eating more for fuel.
Hint hing: Tunes link isn’t working. :-0 I would love to know what you are listening to. My running mix needs some serious help!
Marianne – you cracked up the Bag Lady – she will forever from this day forward have a visual image of racoons whenever she hears the expression “Eating Clean”!
thanks kristen!
I’m *stunned* the link doesn’t work as I’m so fab with technology/linking (wink).
I’ll fix it when I’m back at computer!
I too have found many of the trainers available in the wee hours. It might be that you are not ‘seeing’ those trainers as they only work in odd hours (late or early). Ask at the desk/office for ideas of wee hours trainers.
Libraries often have TONS of DVD’s. Check many out and try them – see if you will DO and if it is ENOUGH to make you work. the advantage of libraries is you can rotate without the investment.
You are quite a motivation… seriously. I really appreciate your honesty! I’ve got the food part of weight loss down… the exercise part I’m still working on!
good tip about the library dvds!
And Mara? You’re kind. I think I’m currently a LOVE ME OR LOATHE ME cheertasker.
When I had my training studio I think I was a smidge of an enabler? (‘You couldn’t make it to do any of the outside-our-meetings workouts whichh YOU planned and set as goals? That’s ok!!’)
A product of my aging? I’m not sure….
I am sure it’s not everyone’s cup of coffeesippedthroughstrawtopreventstaining.
Love this post! 🙂 I took the link to your fitness mission statement and had to bookmark that one. I think that’s why I’m having such a hard time right now, my goals aren’t defined enough. The more I read about clean eating the more I’m pulled in that direction. I love the fact that you love what you’re eating. I hope that I can get to that place. For me right now I think that I have to admit that when I eat crap I FEEL like crap. When I was doing the Biggest Loser contest at my gym I was eating clean and boy did I feel good.
I think that working out in the morning is great! My gym has trainers that train clients at 5am. I suggest calling around to other gyms and see what they have to offer and going in to your own gym as well and see if any of the trainers do early morning hours. That’s a great way to start your day and when I’m able to work out in the morning I know I have more energy, my mood is better, and I’m just happy that it’s done! Check! 🙂 I hope that you find something that works for you. Oh, and at 4:45am I would definitely drive!
Great post again Miz. (….thinking how does she continue to do this?)
I always like the theory that misery loves company, (being alone in the dark, in the snow, uphill, both ways. Sorry, I started to channel my parents for a moment. ) and that you can increase motivation and gym time with a partner.
You’d be surprised how many co-workers would also like to drop a few pounds and get fit again. I’d look around for a workout buddy and count on each other for support.
My advice to emailer 2: find a trainer willing to work with you at 5am if you’re committed to the gym, or find one willing to work with you outside of the gym. Doing that is what my broke my I-can’t-do-it-and-here’s-my-list-of-reasons mentality. I was able to rationalize anything prior to hiring a trainer who is willing to make me do squats on the sidewalk at the crack of dawn if that’s what it takes to get it done. Couple of times of that and I learned quickly that exercise CAN happen if I’m willing to make it happen.
I second the idea listed above that finding a partner that has a similar schedule in mind for workouts can work miracles to get you out the door at any hour to get your workout done. At least if you are in any way like me and would die of shame if you made someone else wake up early and then not show up.
I guess it is what you were thinking about with the trainer idea.
You should also count your blessings that you have a gym that is close to you where you can exercise that early in the morning *shakes angry fist at the late opening gym schedule pinned to the bulleting board next to her desk*. Not all of us have that luck.
You would think that being from the great dark snowy northern wastelands I would have suggestions to deal with getting yourself out the door on cold and dark mornings but I don’t. It is hard. Human beings are not wired that way. The only recommendation maybe is to make sure to make your living space very bright as soon as you wake up and while you get ready to leave to sort of “trick” your body into thinking the sun is up. But to be honest, I never found that to be very helpful.
I’m also a “happy” eater as opposed to being an emotional eater. I associate food with parties and get-togethers and vacations. I looooove yummy food and good times!
Question #2: I love the sociability of the gym, but I think you can absolutely get in killer shape with home videos and a few pieces of equipment like dumbbells and a big inflated ball. Notice I use the plural: You need at least a few for variety.
Check out http://www.collagevideo.com/
Descriptions of hundreds of videos to find what you’re looking for. I’m very fond of the Core Secrets series by Gunnar Peterson; they got me pretty buff before I ever picked up a heavy weight at the gym.
peeking in while I make (WAITFORIT) pancakes.
Kamu? I entirely agree about the coldstuff.
back in the day when I had SADDLEBAGS in a bigbadway and no money I charged a stationary bike I couldnt afford.
cheapest one I could find.
floor model.
still wasnt in the budget but I knew I needed something at home….I knew Id never get to the gym to do cardio in the cold and dark.
it wasnt even that I hoped the money would motivate me…I hoped the fact I could do it in my pajamas if I chose while watching a Tivo’s Rosie show (yep. that long ago. first season) would get me going.
it did.
and crosstrainingbedamned (I know. I know. but right now at least Im moving!!) Im still biking 12 years later.
I scanned other responses, so forgive me if this repeats others. My gym is too far to hit in the a.m. So I get up at 5:15 ish and take the dogs for a walk – 30 minutes. It’s dark. It’s cold. But it’s MY time and that walk is all about me me me. I love the rev I get from it.
My gym is pretty busy when I get there i the late afternoon. I am not a fan of that many people all at one time in my workout space. However, I am there for ME. Get out of my way – I”m on a mission – focussed – ME time. I go when it’s convenient or I won’t go at all. That trade-off doesn’t work.
When it gets too cold and the snow too deep to walk in the morning, I will do DVD workouts. I have walking from Prevention X2, Leslie Sansone, Biggest Loser (X3), Denise Austin. I am not a huge fan of these, but it beats the alternative which is no fitness at all. I feel like poo if I don’t get my morning cardio in.
In short for the morning – get off butt, friend!
get up.
come here.
read how many people are alraedy up exercising and thinking about healthy living.
take energy from the bumbling band.
and drive to the gym/
it works!
oh and take energy from coffee if you need it too. I need it.
i’m not saying this to be nice either.
to miz I mean LOL!
Hehe Manuscript Many- too cute. When I’m writing I tend to lose track of time so I forget to eat sometimes. I think its the only time that I can honestly say I forget to eat… that concept seems so foreign to me… hehe.
As for waking up early and all, there’s bound to be lots of personal trainers willing to wake up early. One of mine that did boot camp actually woke up at 4am so she could get in her own workout before coming to teach a class at 5:30 and then another one at 6:30. Now that’s hardcore!
yay loved this post!!! my exact questions to you, and also the one hangrypants asked! okay, NO MORE FRUSTRATION/DEPRESSED FEELINGS while losing this 😉
I LOVE LOVE LOVE that you use the word piehole. We use it all the time with our toddler (as in Don’t take another bite until your piehole is empty) and many friends and family look at me like we are insane. Well, that could also be cause we are a little bit insane 🙂
LINK FIXED (or at least here it works).
and sagan?
Hehe Manuscript Many- too cute.
and too true. to this day Ren Man insists he didnt notice nothing fit me any longer—-but I think he’s just afraid of me.
I admire your being so engrossed you forget to eat as I easily slip into a grove of hand2mouth when creating.
Madison? anything else?
Love reading your posts in the am 🙂 Yayy for eating clean (mostly ;). BTW- Have you tried the Oreo flavored luna bar?
I love your “food as fuel” mantra. I wish I knew how to integrate that in my own life. Because of my torrid past with all things edible, I’ve completely lost the ability to just see food as fuel. It’s everything but, frankly.
As for the gym-writer, my first thought was GYM BUDDY! If he/she knew they were going to meet a friend there at o’dark thirty then it would go a long way with the motivating. Plus, unlike a personal, you don’t have to pay your friends! Um, usually. If he/she doesn’t know anyone there are actually several websites dedicated to helping people find a workout partner.
I wish you could take all our guilt and bad feelings away too. Wait, take them away and us still have motivation to be good girls and boys! And a million dollars. Why not ask 😉
My 2 cents for the workout person, which has already been said but may need repeating. No matter what, you need to do what works for you! If you’re not an a.m. workout person, then don’t try to push it on yourself. You are more likely to quite and beat yourself up. I would (and am 🙂 trying different things to make sure it works for you. Maybe you can make it a point to try something different every night you want to work out (the first one you do a video in the am, then the next in the pm, then try a different gym – they usually have day passes for cheap or free, etc.)
I personally cannot get my butt out of bed in the morning. Instead, what I do is, instead of going to the gym straight from work, I go home first, eat a light snack and hit the gym around 6:30-7. It’s cleared out by then, and there are still some people around.
1) Agreed with you, Miz. Weight loss and health becomes…punishment, almost, when it’s viewed that way. The number on the scale is not the measurement of your worth (or rather, the inverse measurement…you know what I mean).
It’s easier if it’s a numbers game, but for so many people, eating isn’t just a number, it’s a habit, a way of dealing with stress, a way of coping. It’s hard to turn it into a numbers game, but one of the things to remember is that guilt isn’t as good of a motivator as we think it is. Sure, we THINK telling ourselves “If I eat this, I’ll get fat and be unhealthy. Don’t do it, fatso!” and maybe we don’t eat that, but all that negativity comes around to bite us in the butt later with binge eating.
The positive approach advocated here by MizFit is incredible, and the energy and pure, unadulturated ossim in both the posts and comments keeps me coming back for more.
2) Agreed again with Miz here – working out at home with a combination of dvds and elliptical is working for me, but I know a lot of people for whom it doesn’t work. I get up early (I have to be at work by 7am) and do my workout and shower before I head out. It wakes me up and I find I’m more coherent when I get to work that way. But that doesn’t mean it works for everyone. I couldn’t do a gym – I’m too people-shy, and the crush of bodies you mention at 5:30 would absolutely drive me into a tiny cardboard box. (I could pretend it’s a SPACE SHIP!). It is, in some cases, choosing the lesser of two evils, but I get extra benefits by working out in the morning, and I try to focus on those instead of the fact that I don’t really have any other acceptable options.\
Good luck to both emailers!! <3
I have yet to pinpoint my eating habbits, once i discover that the change can be more focused. i constantly struggle now that i have taken interest in my health. I figure that is a start I have interest in it….
Motivation? I gots yer motivation. Find something that you’ll be abe to do better/faster/at last by exercising. I use my exercise bike 20 min/3 mi. min., each day , climb my stairs six times (12 steps how fitting!) and do a core exercise I learned right here a few months back. My motivation is being cured of heart failure with the carrot being no more beta blockers. It’ll happen. I like to snow shoe, too, and one needs to be in shape for that.
If you can’t roust yourself out of bed use the time to recite your mantra/affirmation or do a visualization of yourself eating clean and healthy, getting exercise, whatever.
And if you ever need anyone to tell you what to do and and when and why to do it, I’m your woman. I won’t guarantee I’ll be right, but I will still tell you what I think.
I went on a bit there. Sorry.
leah THANK YOU for the going on a bit and reminding even ME about the fact that, should our emailer not make it out of bed on a given morning, all is not lost.
S/he can attract a healthy day.
One filled with stairs not elevators and oreo luna bars not the new vanilla ringthings (nabisco? You.Killing.Me.).
First, I’m adopting this descriptor: “busyworkingbabymama” Love it!
Second, I like workout dvds for a change of pace. My favorite workout will always be running but I’ve learned to love shaking it up. I don’t love going to the gym. I don’t know — I just can’t get motivated there but I can in my home. Plus, for me, not having to drive anywhere is a benefit.
Getting out of bed is the hard part. Once you are up, Just do SOMETHING! Anything, Jumping Jacks, squats, push-ups. Do anything to make your Body do the thinking.
I am not a gym person either. DVD’s and running work for me. Purchase a DVD that GRABS your attention! Motivational trainers can have you up and dancing(yeah, stay away from my windows) and before you know it, the DVD is done and YOU have accomplished something!
Miz…wasn’t it you that suggested sleeping in your workout clothes. It works.
the end
hi. meet me, aforementioned “emailer #2.” thank you ALL for your thoughtful comments. here’s my attempt at a brief response:
a) as for driving, i could try it. my only thinking is that, well, might it be better to walk 10 minutes than get out there and scrape and wait for the car to warm up a bit? but if it got me to a rockin’ gym, then maybe that’d be more worth it than the walk to a deserted oasis of ellipticals?
b) about the gym, the one i belong to now (we’ll call it gym a) is 24 hrs because it’s mostly undergrads who belong, undergrads who can apparently do anything at 2am but nothing at 5am. gym b, which i’m considering, is open from 6am – 9pm. 6am isn’t early enough for me to get to work, but i’m going tonight to see if it’s a lighter crowd at 5:30pm.
c) with regard to the trainers, yes i’ve looked. i’ve even gone to gyms to which i don’t belong and asked/checked out their bulletin boards. one guy is too far out, one woman won’t do before 7am (grr). i’ve gotten in touch with one fella who can meet me at 5:30pm at gym b, and i’ve already got an appointment with him for tomorrow. (see! i don’t JUST whine. i really do get off the arse and make some moves from time to time.)
d) bag lady, honest to goodness, thinking that i’m getting up and heading to a firing squad makes me giggle so much that it might actually get me up and outta there.
e) charlotte. depressing, i know, but i don’t know many people. and most of the people i know are not morning people. hook me up with them websites!
thank you again so much for your encouragement. i wish some of you lived down the street and could be my gym buddies! i’ll check back in throughout the day, and i’ll try to keep you updated about the developments as the week goes on.
geeeeez. so much for brief.
I guess I would do one of two things- find a workout buddy that goes to that gym at 5am and plan on meeting there at least 3x a week.
My other thought is to set up a home gym of some sort- a jump rope and 10 pound weights and you could get a great fast workout!
ok, i have to walk to and from my gym in the cold (not uphill either way however) so i totally feel your pain. i have been having this problem too where i don’t really feel like going out to the gym when it’s so darn cold outside. so i go in the middle of the day. get in, run for 30 mins, leave. it’s not the best workout, but it’s a quick workout, and hopefully it will keep me sane during the winter months.
YAY! kate checked in! (bolded you, Kate).
and this:
entirely why I did the MizFit Matches. I know for some of you they have fizzled but for a few of you I know youve used them to keep each other going to work out via means such as IM or TXT or TWITTER.
perhaps that would work, Kate? knowing someone is calling your
asslovely self at the crack of dawn?Miz.
Ive gotten 4 emails this morning (yes. you read that right: I RECEIVED EMAILS. am I cured? who can say…) asking for the link to the negative selfchatter video.
Personally, I would get to the gym in the morning as early as possible with a partner to have some friendly competition. I find it easier to workout when the gym is empty – no fretting over whether I will be able to get the bench or treadmill I want. Definitely bring my own tunes for motivation.
For me, there is some satisfaction to showing up at the gym when it is cold, raining, sleeting, tornadoes, volcanoes, alien invasions, etc. because no one else had the will power to show up that day.
Straying a bit – my favorite part of the post? I don’t know how many times I have rationalized pizza and beer as embracing life, but it has to be over a million! That made me laugh out loud. People at work are looking at me like I am nuts. And I am. Kind of. 🙂
Hi Carla –
First, thank you for your comment on my blog. I feel honored that you keep track of me. Truly – that means a lot, and is something I’m grateful for (ok, bad grammar – but you get the idea!)
This issue of motivation is a struggle for me, as well. After having been there and done that, and gained back all the weight I lost, I’m trying to find my way back to the hard work it takes. I think it all boils down to deciding what you want most: being fit, or the alternative. I’m fixing to get ready to choose, but I’m not quite there yet.
Thanks for keeping me on track with making that choice.
many many great tips already, the best advice is finding what works for you. i hate crowded gyms, and i find it all to easy to skip out after work. so therefore the choice is easy. Are there any other gyms around? What about lunchtime? If your job/boss if flexible, take a little longer lunch and come in early or stay a little later. If you like to work out later, try something at home now that it’s not as pleasant to be outside (unless you’re somewhere WARM)… it is definately hard when its’ dark. and cold. luckily (?) i don’t control my heat and i think it’s actually uncomfortably warm now… so it’s almost a relief to walk into the living room where the open window makes it comfortable! ok enough rambling (bumbling?), back to work!
The food thing…Wish I could figure that out myself. I love the idea of “Food as Fuel”, but if I’m not eating food that tastes good to me, I’m not happy. Which is not to say that healthy food can’t taste good – it can – but what can I say? I guess sometimes I get lazy. This healthy eating thing seems to take a lot of work.
As for the exercise thing – it’s better to do a DVD than nothing at all, yes? And, depending on the DVD and the amount of effort you put into it, you absolutely can get in a good, challenging workout.
To me, it sounds like this is more about making an adjustment to a new situation – the emailer mentions a recent move and new job. I have often found that a change like that can throw me off and it takes a bit of time to find my way back again. I’ve gone through some evolutions over the years – moving from within walking distance from work to the suburbs, being unemployed, changing jobs – and each change has required that I adjust my routine. Sometimes it’s hard, it takes some time and some experimenting to figure out what will work, but it can be done. I usually don’t get home from work until 5:30 – sometimes later – but I still manage to fit in a an evening workout. I think flexibility in your attitude is very important at this point. Don’t question whether a DVD will give you a good workout – get up and try it! Don’t assume you can’t get a trainer at the time you are available? As MizFit suggested – ask around.
Ok, that was more than I thought I was going to type already, so I will stop now. 🙂
Kate- jeez, what kind of personal trainers ARE they? You should re-direct them here so that they realize that refusing to do sessions before 7am is just silly (aren’t most people waking up and getting ready for work at 7am? I wonder how they make any money?). I hope it goes well for your appointment tomorrow!
And Mizfit- yep, I can forget about eating while I’m writing. However, if I sit down and have food next to me? We’re looking at the sequel to Gone in 60 seconds, snack-style. So instead when I’m writing a get a cup of tea and then write. And realize half an hour later than my tea has gone cold. Ah well.
Also oreo flavoured luna bar?! I am there. Oreos are fantastic. (There’s a place near where I live that sells oreo cheesecake. Oh my lord is it delicious).
LOVELOVELOVE you guys which is why, as I said in my post, I shall always be the friend whom you both adore and dislike for her brutal honesty.
(sadly this isnt hiding behind the relative anonymity of the ‘net either as my real world friends can attest)
and SAGAN? Im so thankful for your recent cookie dough post and your admission you eat oreos.
(I kid not)
youre human. you normalize me.
xo xo,
I don’t have much to add…except it is MUCH easier for me to get out of bed in the morning if it’s WARM and LIGHT. This means not keeping the apartment at a thrifty 55 degrees overnight. It means throwing on all the lights while I get ready to go out. Yes, it may be dark and freezing outside, but I can kid myself a LITTLE with these steps. Also, I prefer to overdress before going outside– not good for a runner, but if you’re just walking to the gym or to your car, wear layers and layers! Good luck.
Love the post. Are there any classes being offered in the gym that the e-mailer could go to? That way, she could make friends with the other people there.
Also, could she do a morning workout on DVD, and then possibly go to the gym later at night if she felt that the DVD workout was half-assed?
Hmmmm… losing weight quicker because you don’t beat yourself up along the way. I could learn a lot from that one statement.
I have enough equipment at home that I can get a workout in easily. I just lack the motivation when the alarm goes off. I usually work from 7am-5pm, give or take 30 minutes on either side, and live 20 minutes away from town. Still seeking an early morning workout partner that can come to my house.
Hi Mizfit
I’m delurking for this one because I think this is something most people question and struggle with at varying degrees. I like how Ellen Satter, summed it up in her book “How to Get Your Kids to Eat”, her concepts on healthy eating for kids are good reminders for me as well 🙂
Healthy eating is being able to eat when you are hungry and continue eating until your are satisfied. It is being able to choose food you like and eat it and truly get enough of it – not just eating because you think you should.
Healthy eating is being able to use some moderate constraint in your food selection to get the right food, but not being so restrictive that you miss out on pleasurable foods. Healthy eating is giving yourself permission to eat sometimes because you are happy, sad or bored, or just because it feels good!
Healthy eating is three meals a day, most of the time, but it can also be choosing to munch along. It is leaving some cookies on the plate because you know you can have some again tomorrow, or it is eating more now because they taste so wonderful and are fresh.
Healthy eating is over eating at times; feeling stuffed and uncomfortable. It is also under eating at times and wishing you had more.
Healthy eating is trusting your body to make up for your mistakes in eating.
Healthy eating takes up some of your time and attention, but keeps its place as only one important area of your life.
In short healthy eating is flexible. It varies in response to your emotions, your schedule, your hunger, and your proximity to food.
losing weight quicker because you don’t beat yourself up along the way.
I actually thought people would disagree with me on that one.
challenge me a bit? say it was all far too easy for me? it is something I do wholly believe. that, for me, no matter how much weight I have to lose it is a gift that it’s not psychologically tied.
(If you need a list of my ISSUES & baggage I can provide one. email me at IDoHaveMyOwnShitItJustIsntBodyRelated@yahoo.com.)
You can get an awesome workout at home using DVDs. Someone mentioned CollageVideo and that is a great resource. If you are already pretty fit look into the advanced instructors like Cathe Friedrich or maybe try something that progressively builds up like P90X so you an feel progress.
I personally love running outside in the dark and if you dress appropriately for the cold it won’t matter. Your 10-minute walk could become an 8 minute jog and a great warmup.
If the empty gym bothers you, besides music you might want to try some audio workouts. I love the Cardio Coach series http://www.cardiocoach.com. You can do them on the elliptical/treadmill/bike whatever. It’s like having a trainer in your ear. http://www.itrain.com has a ton of options too.
in response to the second letter, I love (really love) my home gym because I am NOT getting up at the crack of dawn to go to the gym. 🙂 I have a bench and some adjustable weight dumbells. I’ve added a treadmill, but if you have stairs, running up those and walking down repeatedly for 20 min. is a great workout that you won’t soon forget. There are workouts designed to get your heart pumping like turbulence training where you go through a set of lifting exercises without a break, then rest a minute and go again. Those kinds of workouts can keep you from spending a bundle on indoor cardio equipment. Also, love my exercise ball. You really don’t need much to do it all at home!
Miz I love how candid you are. For the first email I appreciate how pounds get packed on…life happens and sometimes food choices get lost in all of that.
For the second email I think that there has to be an alternative to the morning work out. I, like you, am a morning gym person but maybe it does not work for everyone. Why not pack a gym bag and instead of driving home head right to the gym when there are lots of people and trainers. I used to work out with my trainer at 6am once a week, it was early but he was getting paid so what did he care? I just think that instead of laying in bed feeling guilty something has to give…drive in the morning instead of walking, change the time you work out and I agree with asking every trainer in the gym about the morning workout. Ultimately the drive to get up and go has to come from within…good luck.
I have to admit . . . sometimes I get brain overload by the time I’m halfway through the comments here! So I take like an hour break. And then read the rest! It will probably take several more hours to understand everything. I’ve always been better at hanging out one-on-one than doing group events (too exhausting for this fragile flower), so I admire your ability to pay attention and corral all these comments, Miz!
funny you say that liz as more than a few (a lot more) people email me and either ask:
or say:
(and I have to fight the urge, often, to cut and paste and share the words of wizdom with the Bumbling Band)
my motivator……happiness!
exercise=mood boost for me
when i go a few days with out it i can feel the slow decent to the blues start to kick in. if i want to be a good mama, wife, friend, daughter, worker then i need to keep moving. i know it is not a cure for all depression but it seems to keep my mild episodes at bay and has only positive side effects!
I loved this:
“I love oreos. I adore poptarts. Yet I know if that’s what I cram in my piehole tank during the day there’s no way I can do what I need to do.”
Have heard/seen you say/type this before but for some reason TODAY it totally made sense (huge lightbulb goes off over my head). Must be the Starbucks kicking in…
I love when you post “rambles”. You link to some great posts, too. I just gathered a ton of info from you!
This hits home: “In today’s world we are sadly the oddballs for even caring about our health and wellness” It’s so true. So why not grab a chicken breast in tinfoil for a snack… if it’s going to keep you satiated and burnin’ mad fuel then why not. I’m officially over worrying about what people think of my food choices. I will go to brunch, and if oatmeal is on the menu, you had better believe I’ll order it (if that’s what I want). Now if I want pancakes and sausages, that’s another story.
Shosh, above: I work out after work almost always! If I have something scheduled that evening I’ll move it to the morning, or skip it and call it a rest day… but after work, before dinner is what works for me. I will have a decent sized snack around 3:30 to make sure I’m not starving by 5pm (a grumbling stomach has much sway and can talk me out of almost anything). Then I go home and have my leisurely dinner afterwards.
Long comment yeesh!
Could these comments be any better?
Not sure what I have to add, but MizFit is truley an inspiration in healthy, balanced and sane living!
That is such a GREAT way of looking at your weight gain. Taking the guilt and negativity out of your weight loss approach must have really helped.
I’m with auntie. for some reason that line made me think today too.
I know that I kid myself and think that I don’t feel worse when I eat crappy but I do.
For me the MP3 Player is a necessity for gym sessions. I find that the right songs can get you moving. As for the 10min cold/dark walk. Try running it? You’ll get there faster, it’ll be warmer, and you’ll already been syched to work out.
Did your book get published? If so, title? How can I get my hands on it?
For the second emailer: I was about to give the exact same advice as SeaBreeze.
*Shudders at thought of workout DVD*
runjess? no on the one where I slapped on the initial manuscript many.
tween fiction.
had agent.
never sold.
is widely available under my bed.
the second MS MANY (really, People? you thought I learned the first time?) is more of a niche book. a collection of original poems (90% silly and 10% attempttobeserious) for scrapbookers.
avail at amazon (under my real name :))
I find a great motivator for early morning gym sessions is a workout partner. That gets me there when I’d rather stay in bed 🙂
Also, I do my 30-Day Shred DVD on mornings when it’s too cold to leave the house.
Okay, so is it weird that I don’t buy packaged cookies like oreos and whatnot? (I do buy crackers. and cereal.) I dunno…
Anyways, on comment #56 miz… I totally agree with you that when you get rid of (or are lucky enough to just not have) the psychological blocks, weight loss is faster and easier – at least at first.
2 years ago when I decided to start this journey, it was easy. Sure I slipped backwards a few times, but I was MENTALLY ready and WANTED to make the changes. Before it was always, “I SHOULD lose weight”, so I would try for a while. When it became, I WANT to change it was some much easier. Now I am in a bit of a rut, comfortable in my eating and exercising and life, and not really losing much right now. (To many homemade cookies these days!) But I have golas and when I mentally decide to go after them hard again, I know it will be easier. I think I am just taking a break right now.
sorry this a bit long…
oops. goals, not “golas” I don’t know what a gola is.
Great post as always. You are good for helping motivate us normal people. I’m waiting to get off my IVF restrictions so I can slowly work my way to a prenatal exercise routine. I love my elliptical machine at home and plan to be there every morning as soon as I’m allowed. And my iPod music keeps me moving. There’s also some podcasts out there with exercise music! Can you believe it?
Anyway, I gave you an award today for having an “Uber Amazing Blog”. Enjoy! You are an inspiration!
Can I add my name to the list of those worshiping at the feet of MizFit?
AM classes at the gym are a godsend! If you can’t find any trainers willing to come in that early (and I’m guessing there may be at least one who IS), then a class is a great option.
There are also some GREAT workout DVDs that will keep you challenged. (The S.W.A.T workout series is a personal favorite, as well as Jari Love’s “Get Ripped” series.)
To the emailer: I can only agree with others have posted about taking the drive to the gym. It will be worth it to start your day that way. OR as others have said find a trainer who will accommodate your schedule. I’m sure they’re out there. Good luck to you!
MIZ: How ’bout a youtube vid of you on the stationary bike? What kind of bike do you have? I’m trying to convince my husband we need a new one. Ours is very old and funky now. Thanks!
peeking in as I roll with the Toddler….
Tisha? I’ll definitely do that. I almost have a number of times (here’s what I look like in the morning….what I do) and then decided no one would care 😉
It’s none too exciting…but I’ll show the bike!
I just made my own potato chips.
Bike video? You know what Bag Lady and I are waiting for…
y’all are wonderful. (yes, y’all. i told you i just moved from the southeast!)
miz – maybe the mizfit matches would help? are you still doing those? at least for a daily or weekly email buddy?
i also think that all of the suggestions about a good playlist are big. you know what else i was thinking? i really like reading magazines, but i don’t let myself do it any time besides when i’m working out. maybe i should scoop some up from the library on sunday and make my way through those throughout the week. i’ll also look at getting a video for those days when i just can’t get out of bed. and yes, i’ll even consider cutting myself a break from time to time. i have been through a couple big changes, and so i know it will take time. i’m just trying to be proactive. and y’all have helped!
I actually thought that your technique of a “longass response that just asks more questions than it answers” was super effective. It made me assess My specific habits and what I need to be successful as opposed to just taking some random, cookie cutter advice and trying to follow it word for word. And I think that’s what it’s all about: finding what works for the individual. We all have different motivations and tactics. Yours seems incredibly balanced and healthy (And can include poptarts)- definitely something I’m striving for. However, if you had simply said “find a balance, be happy, drink 137 oz. of water a day” it would not have been nearly as effective or motivating. Thanks a lot mizfit!
so glad you’ve triggered this commentversation Kate as I know you’re not alone in struggling with this.
MizFit Matches? Yes. And maybe.
Starting again on 1.1.09 (the maybe? Only if anyone wants to join in.)
I really need to remember that Food IS Fuel. I often forget about the downfalls of pop tarts, and realize it too late.
I have a tendency to graze, and I find myself needing to stop myself before eating and ask, “do I really need this?”
As for workout time constraints. We cannot really afford a gym membership, so the videos work best for me. I like the liberty of popping in a DVD at any time of the day I want.
Have to get back to work, so I can’t read all the other comments, but here’s what works for me, emailer #2:
I have a two-year old who can’t go to the gym childcare because he cries (really gym daycare people? You really have never heard that this is something toddlers do and they GET OVER IT if you don’t drag them screaming into their mother’s spin class?). So I don’t have a consistent routine of going to the gym at a set time of day. It just can’t happen when I have to rely on whomever is available to hang out with my toddler for an hour or two.
My technique is to use http://www.activetrainer.com. You can set up your own training schedule or buy a pre-written one and it magically appears on a calendar. It even sends you email reminders. You can be as specific as which weights you want to lift or what sets you want to do swimming.
I set up my week’s workouts on Active Trainer, and then I have to find a way to do them. If I can in the morning, then it’s out of the way for the day. If I don’t make it to the gym, I switch things around so I can do something at home after my son’s in bed. And if I just can’t get that day’s workout in, I make that a rest day, but I’m accountable to ActiveTrainer (you “log” a workout after it is complete, and it will give you running monthly totals).
Wow….great topic.
MIZ; as always..DANG are you right on!!
And I quote “In today’s world we are sadly the oddballs for even caring about our health and wellness.”
I’m assuming most of the bumbling band does not smoke, does not drink in excess and does not eat at McDonalds every day. So….everyone, give yourself a well deserved pat on the back for al ready outperforming the status quo.
Be gentle with yourself everyone. Loosing weight and getting in shape takes time….sometimes a life time.
But be proud and happy that you are on the journey.
It will come.
The 2 suggestions that I gently give my older sister are these;
1. You eat to much.
2. You exercise too much.
“Let me splain”…….
You MUST control your portions. The portions you encounter out there are ALL to big. Including the ones you make for your self. So get used to eating LESS.
Next, when you work out hard 4-5 days a week, you will for sure increase your appetite. So slow down with the work outs.
I never believed it, but when it comes to working out LESS is MORE.
So try this; for the next 4 weeks forget everything you know. Eat small portions…..that can certainly include small portions of chocolate and walk for 20 minutes 6 days this week. Hit the gym 1 or 2 times during the week and hit it intensely for just 15 minutes.
You can’t be strict all the time….but you can be strict for 4 weeks. Try it and see how you feel. The look will come…..
Carpe diem
I actually love how you don’t answer questions, and do toss them back. Nothing against the emailer. I know that I always internalize the answer when I figure it out on my own.
Disclaimer: Not that I don’t need advice or help. That’s why I’m reading your blog. There will always be more for me to learn, and I’ll take all the help I can get. When it comes to fitness ignorance is not bliss (it rarely is).
“how can I motivate you.” Which, for me translated to “If you want to eat vegetables, figure out a way to get motivated about them.”
Disclaimer: Not that you, or your blog aren’t motivating. I just find that my real motivation (the kind that last forever and isn’t dependant on others), comes from inside. It’s a choice. If I want to make something happen I will. If I want to work out, I will find a way, and make it happen. If I want to eat vegetables, I will =)
Thanks for your support, and for tossing questions back at us. Seriously. You do it so nicely, but it helps others (myself included) become more solution minded in helping themselves. That helps build confidence as well. Anywho, I think your great. Thanks again for being present, and for motivating me to motivate myself =).
I’m still struggling to look at food as fuel. That + your awesome guns are just two of the reasons you’re my hero! Rock on, Miz!
um, wow.
I appreciate, and I know it say it often, all the TIME and thought you put into your comments.
And yes.
Im employing the a deliberate nonanswer-answer (“I know what not feeling like getting up and hauling my ass out into the cold means to ME. what does it mean to you?) because I firmly believe the answer is inside all of us if we are STILL enough to listen.
That’s the biggest struggle/hurdle—for me anyway.
The being still, resisting the urge to distract myself, and hearing what is already there as so often it isnt quite what I want to hear.
(Yanks off counseling degree hat and resumes sandboxplaying…)
mizfit………you have found that happy middle ground and that is what I aspire to!
A morning exercise video really works for me and after 6plus months of it………..I look forward to it now.
that is exactly it for me Annette too!
I am always either working out like a mad woman or doing nothing at all.
no where in between.
Miz, I think you’re right on about weight loss being easier if you can refrain from beating yourself up. Mainly because the more you beat yourself up, the more you start to think that you really CAN’T do it, and then that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. And you’re pretty much up a certain creek after that. 😛
As for the second emailer, what about NOT getting up early? What about taking a class – either t hrough the gym, or even a community college? A lot of community colleges offer PE classes, and you can take everything from weight training to aerobics to yoga and pilates. And it’s cheap, too: around where I live, a class like that will usually set you back about $60 for a 3-month class. (Maybe an extra $30 if you need the parking permit.)
I think women who have never had to lose weight are rare. I have lost 40 before, and right now I have 15 to go after having Mister baby. I eat clean mostly, but I work in some room for some chocolate every day. Yes every day. But it’s accounted for, meaning maybe I don’t eat that piece of bread or less of something else. I work out every day, 6 days a week all the time. I give myself no excuses for not working out, there are enough things in life that can potentially keep you from it, so “I feel tired today” is not one for me. But that also means that I had to look for some form of exercise I love, so it doesn’t seem like a drag. It took some trial and error, but I got there. I love work out DVDs, I can stay home, and pause if baby or the bigger boys need something (though the bigger ones know it’s not a good time to talk to mom). I also go to the gym. Again, I had to figure out what time of the day worked best for me and my family.
Alice’s comment (“…’I feel tired today’ is not [an excuse] for me.”) reminded me of a conversation a former (and much missed) next-door neighbor had with a friend. She (at-home mom of 3) complained of feeling tired. “I’m not sure whether to have a nap or take a run.” Former self thought the answer was pretty obvious: Are you nuts??? Door #1, woman! New self can grok why she’d consider the run. 🙂 I embrace my new inner oddball. (Hey, maybe that could be my blog tagline…”embracing my new inner oddball.”)
HA! Pubsgal, you said grok and I know what it means!
I agree MizFit. No self-loathing. If you “sloth”, just move past it. If you think of health as a lifelong commentment, the occasional splurge is just a blib. Stay the course.
I also agree that you have to find a diet and exercise style that you enjoy to reap long-term benefits.
Dang. I really need to work out.
Just popping in to say I LOVE your blog… referred by the fine FitnessSurfer =) Will be back to read, and participate, more soon!
ok. Ms V? that made me laugh.
my biggest struggle some days? working out not just writing about working out (here/dayjob).
hence the crack o’dawn awakening.
and GROK? I have no clue (although I do love the inner oddball tag).
I guess I shall have to surrender to google when Im at the computer?
Great post! In answer to the second e-mail: I personally find that it’s not effective for me to do a first thing in the morning, hop out of bed and straight to the gym, before the crack down type of workout. Even if I do manage to drag myself over to the gym at 5am, I’m toast once I get there. 3mph on the treadmill feels like an all out run when I can usually jog at 5mph. Anyway, my point is that, personally, I found it best to just go after work. It is later, yes, but I do a much better workout and enjoy it more. The key for me is to leave for the gym IMMEDIATELY after getting home from work. If I wait, I don’t go. Anyway, that’s what has worked well for me.
i love your q & a.
i also love how you admit you were not always fit to start off and how you can change your lifestyle!
great post!
You give people hope in a constructive fashion. Me loves 🙂
I’m the opposite of Mara (way way up there ^). I am pretty good at the exercise but total crap at the food part. I LOVE FOOD a little too much. And I love bad food way too much. Still working on eating healthy foods but also eating intuitively. I’m wondering if I should go back to planning my meals a little more. I plan my exercise rotations and actually enjoy doing that (my anal retentive side digs it, anyway) so maybe if I get that side in gear to plan my eating I might do better. I just don’t want to go overboard with the planning and torture myself.
OK, now I’m rambling. What I wanted to talk about was this quote by the second emailer: “it doesn’t seem like I could get the same workout consistently with a workout video as I could at the gym.” You can indeed get the same workout with a video if you’ve got the right videos (my personal favorite is Cathe Friedrich) and the right equipment helps as well. I do all my workouts at home (except for the occasional outdoor tennis or jog) and I’m no MizFit but I have friends who use only DVDs who are pretty darn fit and strong. I have slowly acquired more and more fitness equipment (none of them being large machines like treadmills, but stuff like an aerobic step, barbell, dumbbells, Bosu, etc.) and feel like I can get as good a workout as I could in a gym (though I’d like a squat rack and a pull-up bar–Santa, are you reading this?)
OK, sorry for the long-windedness–just had to put in a plug for workout DVDs. They are not for everyone, but for me (and with the right ones) it’s like having a personal trainer pushing you through your workout.
You already know about me and clean eating. 🙂
Yes, I did get your email, but then tried to respond and it kept getting kicked back to me, so I sent it to your yahoo address. Let me know if you need me to resend. 🙂
Crowded gyms? My gym has 100 cardio machines, and when I go at least 90 of them are in use! So you can imagine the fun at finding the DBs you want or a decent bench. Improvisation in my gym life! But I love it when it’s crowded and full of LIFE. Even if it means that a couple weeks ago I did my bench presses on the cable-row bench. (saved me moving! It’s all good!)
That said, I would NEVER walk to a gym in the dark. Too great a chance of someone not seeing me. Driving to the gym on my way to work would do very nicely, TYVM.
And on eating? I had “that” talk with myself this morning. You know that: you’ve gained some weight back, and you weren’t really where you wanted to be to begin with, so let’s be a big girl and start eating carefully again, and working a bit harder and try to rid yourself of some of that excess body fat.
Sigh. The next few weeks are going to be so much fun!
Excellent post, you know I think in the final analysis it is about loving the skin you are in and then doing what you know in your heart is best for you. I am a student of eating clean and training for power. embrace the beauty of you everyone and treat that body of yours with lots of tender loving care.
love all theinformation MIz, you are my inspiration!!! I love that you are so REAL!
thanks bobbi and some days I think Im doing the right thing for the ‘wrong’ reason (yes Im kidding…but still.).
who on EARTH has time pretend huh? in that love me or loathe me—-this is me 🙂
online and, as the bloggers Ive met in person can surely say, OFF as well.
Here’s my whine for the day (1 a day is good for the health I hear). Everytime I start up working-out regiment on a regular basis again, I get sick within the next week or two…Granted I have an insane schedule, but don’t most working people with a life? I want to get your opinion: Do you keep working through the sick or do you lay off until the bod/immune system is up and running again? It seems to keep throwing me off track and it’s starting to become an annoying cycle. Do I have health problems…not really, just the basic lack of sleep due to the day job and having my career on top of that. I’ve got to get & stay in shape…HELP!
Do you keep working through the sick or do you lay off until the bod/immune system is up and running again?
I always wait. take a break. and start back slowly when I feel 100%.
some of it is that I so rarely get sick that I seize the chance/reminder that time to rest is important and some of it is that I need to BE SICK AND GET DONE WITH BEING SICK and I think (fear?) that if I work out while Im sick it will lastandlastandlast.
help at all?
Yeah…I asked some friends around hear and they say that the only reason I get sick is because I’m run down and that I should stay down for the count until I can get my footing under me. There’s no reason to get back into the fight if there’s no fight left…so I shall rest, recoop and then hit it hard on Monday…I think that stopping at the first sign of sickness this time has saved me from being REALLY sick (heh, I’m starting to understand my body). When I push myself too much I end up being sick for months…ugh…I’m already feeling better…I may be able to do a nice restorative yoga tomorrow if I keep going on the up…and by Monday back in the gym (but only if my bod says it’s ok)
Thanks for the reassuring info 😉
Better to be fully recouped than to jump back in and risk an injury. I’d rather lose a few days than lose 6 months from a pulled muscle.
Eating healthy is works wonders for me along with exercise & some weights. I feel so fantastic I want Everyone to eat this way.
At first, you think you are missing out if you’re not eating all the treats but not long after you realize it’s not a sacrifice but a tremendous gain.
i found this youtube channel that has great motivational videos . this guy makes u wanna get up and workout. check it out and tell people about him.