Subtitle: please tell me Im not alone in this, People.
And please to laugh at with me.
Please to laugh as the hygienist certainly did not.
(Kym? consider this your there’s a VIDEO POSTED ABOVE alert!)
by Carla
Subtitle: please tell me Im not alone in this, People.
And please to laugh at with me.
Please to laugh as the hygienist certainly did not.
(Kym? consider this your there’s a VIDEO POSTED ABOVE alert!)
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I’m laughing with you…because I CAN relate…
First story: A couple of years ago, we had a dinner gathering to go to. Me: I’ll squeeze in a quick Tabata workout (front squats). Well…being this was my first time doing Tabata’s – my legs were like complete jelly when I finished. So, I arrive at the dinner – and proceed to spend most of the evening explaining Tabata’s, squats, etc – to a group of people who have completely no interest in this more than – why are you walking funny.
Second story: This one didn’t even require me saying anything. My kids (why did we teach them to talk????) are not afraid to tell anyone and everyone that their father feeds them only chicken and broccoli (I stand here today saying this is a lie – sometimes I mix it up and throw in green beans!!). The fact is way too well-known around these parts that I torture my kids with their constant supply of this chicken and broccoli (hey, we had pizza on Friday night – why don’t they tell anyone this???).
HAHA! great story!
I find that sometimes I want to go off on my tirade about this or that when people ask questions (which is usually received with confused looks), so I now try to keep my answers short and sweet, then I will offer to take them to the gym with me to show them what I do.
All that being said, I think that those experiences accumulated into my realization that blogging is a great outlet to get my ideas out there and hopefully help some people in the process!
lance? your today is my future (although mine shall be protein pancakes & flax. NOW she clamors for it…soon Im sure that will changed into an eyeroll and a MOMMMMM, YUCK!)
Rupal? AMEN, sister. I started this blog because I found I was answering the same questions over and over to friends and family & figured maybe I could help others along the way….now I know that my hygienist has no interest π
Every day (at least) I’m in a conversation and am thinking to myself “they don’t want to know about your run/bike/swim etc. – so think of something else to say”!
That’s a really funny story. I can see how you would answer the question that way, though. I think it is interesting how life-consuming that fitness can be. I find myself looking at everything through the glasses of weight loss/fitness. I do find myself at several points throughout the day thinking to myself of how I will word what just happened on my blog. I think it’s very helpful, though, to have an outlet like a blog, because not everyone in our daily lives is interested in knowing all about our eating and exercise habits, but I feel like I need to share those things. I think a blog is a great way to do it – it allows those people who are interested to hear about it. Anyway, I loved your story – I was definitely laughing out loud!
andrew? I do struggle with this:
but then I segue into yammering about movies (the Ren Man & I are such buffs but usually in a far too WILL FERREL lowbrow way for the people with whom Im interacting) and their eyes glaze over anyway π
Laura Jane? you nailed it with the glasses comment. I often say to my husband that, between my dayjob writing and Miz, I view the entire world through the lens of writing about it…
haha – that is funny. I mean I guess you just get used to people asking you, right? I’ve not had a similar experience – probably because I am not nearly as fit as you. The only people who ask me what to do are my mom and dad. π
Happy Mondy MizFit and readers!
Aww – LOL I’m a suspicious sort, most often with questions like that, I ask “Why” before giving my answer. There must be a totally embarrassing moment in my past that I have blocked out.
i talk about POINTS like it’s going out of style.
when i eat a candy bar or something “naughty” even my classmates will ask me how many POINTS it is.
at least they care?
now I wish I were your hygenist!
are you going to tell us what you said??? LOL!
and did you see you were mentioned here:
no talk of the Bumbling Band though.
maybe I should tell him π π
I’m certain this happens to me all the time Miz and I dont even notice I’m so busy going on and on.
and I laughed hard at this video. thanks for sharing.
Hi MizFit
I’m new here and found you from this interview:
funny video and is that really your kitchen?
Nah….never happens. Oh, wait, I’m not even sure what I’m doing here……definitely not THAT into fitness….:)
But every experience being turned into a blog post in my head? Happens ALL the time!
I have friends. Friends who love me enough to say “SHUT UP about it already.”
Speaking of healthy eating? My 12 year old son is standing over the sink drizzling maple syrup across turkey bacon and eating it. Heaven help me.
welcome Cami and yes that’s my kitchen (she thumbtypes wondering what prompted you to ask) and BL?
Same affliction.
Two sides of the same Blogffliction coin.
I’m with Fattygetsfit re: points talk. Even that Hugh will ask me about points in foods.
And re: looking at life thru writer glasses – don’t apologize. That’s what writers do – or should do. Imagine a class full of 19 14-year-olds who are “writer visually impaired” and you are the eye doctor who can’t get them to even try looking at the eye chart on the wall. That’s what it’s like teaching Freshman English…my life after Turkey-day break. I just got me some “writer glasses” after all these years. It’s a craft and one to be proud of!
That’s great!!
For me it was my martial arts…..
Years ago after 3 to 4 years of intense practice, I was obsessed. If anyone would ask “are you still doing martial arts” or “what martial art do you study”, before I knew it I was discussing 15th century japanese warfare and how the samurai code was completely misunderstood and how the long spear relates to hand to hand combat etc etc. What followed were many many glazed looks and “oh’s”.
I’ve learned not to say anything anymore and now it seems people enjoy talking to me again π
Lesson learned for fitness/diet; even when people ask, I don’t really say anything. People ask…..nobody wants to really listen.
Thanks for making me laugh MIZ!!!!!
REALLY good posting!
In my mind, in the real world when they ask – they are just making conversation and do NOT really want to know.
In blog world, when they ask, they REALLY WANT TO KNOW!
Vickie? So obvious yet so true and my new barometer w/regards to spewing information.
Now I’m wondering if my boredtodeath teethcleaner has a blog…and posted about me.
I think I more often have a sort of inverted experience of this. Things that I take completely for granted as a normal, usual part of life, and then someone comments on it being “healthy” and I think “no, it’s just routine.” Like the other day when I had broccoli at work and apologized that it was a bit smelly in the shared microwave, and three people in unison replied “it’s good for you.” Or when I order salads at a restaurant and people ask if I’m dieting – no, I just like salad; that’s often my first choice, not a compromise.
Oh…I blog because it’s a lot less crazier than talking to myself.
peeking in. Marla? Great terse sentencephrase about the choice not compromise.
As evidenced here my forte isn’t being concise.
And marianne? I blog *and* I talk to myself.
With regards to the latter I yank my hair over my ear and pretend, in the more awkward moments, I’m wearing a Bluetooth!
It works every time!
Funny story! Yah, I am a points-talker, too. After 4 years I still joyfully announce to people the amount of points in something delicious and low points. I think to me somehow the food is more enjoyable if I know it tastes good, is nutritious, AND has a low points value! I tell everyone, not just people who are interested. I can’t help myself!
Glad you liked the oat popovers! Did you use frozen cherries? Did you need to adjust the cooking time for the oats?
The way I see it, you can’t talk enough about fitness. And, that hygienist got an education and you paid for it π “free advice,” we shall call it.
Nope, I don’t think there’s ever been a time that I went off in a direction where I misunderstood the intent of the question.
Pulling my tongue from my cheek – Yes, I remember one time that I went to the eye doctor and during the exam I hear this statement “open wide”. There I was with my wide open mouth ready for a full dental exam while sitting with my optometrist. Tell me the Pavlov study doesn’t work with humans.
stopping by from zenhabits.
didn’t expect to laugh.
I am always talking about meditation and now I’m wondering if people don’t care.
i don’t care π
It’s great to be passionate about something!! Especially something that’s good for you! π
I talk with my mom on a frequent basis when I am around her about healthy choices and fitness. Funny too! She’s the one who raised us on beans, whole wheat, wheat germ, real fruits and veggies (not those fruit roll ups and canned stuff…ha) and anything considered healthy at the time. But ever since she lost the ability to walk and has been confined to a wheelchair her attitude towards such stuff went sort of down hill. However with all my chatting about the health and fitness stuff I see a change on the horizon. It’s really starting to rub off. Go Mom, go! So I suppose what you could say with all this rambling on is I think it’s great to share something you’re passionate about; especially since this something is a good something. ‘Cuz you know we wouldn’t want to share a naughty passion right…haha. π
Hahahahaha That is hilarious Mizfit!
Personally, I don’t usually volunteer health information unless asked. But then again… I guess she asked!
The SoG
Video link please!
quick thoughts:
debby (#23) Id email you but just in case other peeps wanna try the recipe…I did shorten cooking time by about 5 minutes but only because I was hungry π and YES on the frozen cherries.
sagan? this is for you! CLICK HERE.
Oh and I cant lie. IM SO THANKFUL THE VIDEO MADE ANY SENSE. Since Im the one-shot-and-RARELYRARELY-watch wonder I feared Id rambled so much it was one big muddle….
LOL! You know I do this. Although I must say that I am reassured that you do it too. Lovedlovedloved this story! Thanks for sharing it with us.
Ahahaha that is way too cute.
Laura Jane’s comment about the glasses is so true. I find that my thoughts are often really focused on these things- when I’m talking to people I have to remind myself to look for other things to talk about so its not all health talk!
I’m sure that’s happened to me so many times… people will say an innocent comment and somehow it’ll get me started on some kind of rant or excited discussion or analyzing what they’re talking about in a health-related manner, and I just get The Look.
I guess we all have our own obsessive tendencies about whats on our minds!
Great story! And yes blogging has given me a way to contain in writing what I’d normally babble on about to friends and family. I totally agree with you about walking around thinking “what can I write about next :-)”
I’m SO like Andrew. Not about exercising, but about food and where it comes from – especially my rants about corn π I avoid talking about it unless people indicate they’re very interested, and even then I proceed with caution.
Otherwise, like Andrew, if someone brings it up casually I nod and try to think of something else to say.
My problem is that I meet so many intersting people here with such good advice that I find myself talking about y’all. Too much. I get excited, but my husband’s threshold was passed about 4 months ago! lol. Or, I’ll say something like: I was just talking about that on my blog or so and so was talking about that on their blog. Must get away from the computer more!
Hope the weekend was awesome Miz!
LOL, love it. Silly, her, not wanting to know all the secrets of the miz π
I don’t know that i have any stories, but i do recall thinking one time… we’re at a party (aka alcohol was involved), why is there such an animated discussion about tri’s and training?
Funny topic and laughed out loud at Hangrypants comment “the only people that ask me what to do are my mom and dad”-same here! You all should feel so proud that people find you so buff and knowledgeable that they ask for so much advice.Not so much a problem for me….
Now that I think about it, I DO think about blogging. All. The. Time. I take my laptop with me on vacation and write while others are sleeping, eating, having fun. I’m GLUED to my freaking computer sometimes. Maybe it’s time to disconnect a little, you think? Hmmm…T-day…maybe I’ll keep the albatross at home…
No, you’re definitely not alone.
Oh, and I also do the Points talk and sometime will talk to people in shortcuts, like calling my husband “DH” or my friends by their online names.
Paging Mr. Robato…
GOOD POINT LYNN as I wasn’t even thinking about the computer-piece.
All the way my computerFREEself now views the world.
Hah, that’s a good one. I don’t think I’ve ever done what you did, but I suppose it’s possible that I have but wasn’t aware of it!
Yes, i find myself explaining why i’m eating certain things when that’s not what they wanted to know. They’ll say something like oh that’s a nice light lunch, which i have to explain that i’m eating light because i have a bigger dinner than usual that day etc etc etc And yes afterwards i realize i’ve done it again π
I always have to watch my healthy diet/fitness mind and mouth. I also have to be careful about other health topics like laying out in the sun/skin cancer around my friends or they run! By now, they know me too well and know what I’m thinking before I say a word.
LOL!! Great! I always look forward to our Monday morning get together!
That’s a difficult one Miz! I think my first time was when we were out for Pizza with our family friend. He is a doctor (dermatologist) and he also happens to be my sister’s doctor so we are just talking about her medical history etc. Well somehow it got to FOOD and he said that a BANANA is recommended for breakfast. While chewing my pizza I just said “Oh, I totally wouldn’t recommend that”. And everybody just stopped and looked at me. I then started explaining that from my previous “breakfast experiments”, eating banana with my cereals usually makes me super hungry a few hours later. I started lecturing about sugar crashes etc. Our friend concluded I was quite a health geek
Ha~Dentist story:
I go twice a year as directed. Hygienist cleans my teeth. Dr. Dentist comes in and has a look:
Her: “Stick out your tongue.”
Me: aaaaaaah
Her: “Put your tongue back in.”
Me: “Do you really have to tell people to put their tongues back in?”
Her: “You’d be amazed…”
LOL. That is funny. I think we can all relate… and I don’t really do it with fitness stuff but I know I’ve done it with other things I’m passionate about. For example, someone may ask me a simple question about adoption and how long the process took and I can give them a full schooling on International Adoption, politics, money, cultural differences, etc. and then realize they are staring at me hoping to move on to a new topic.
LOL!! Oh, can I relate! I have to totally reign myself in sometimes when moms ask me for healthy eating advice for their kids. And SOMETIMES, I even have to bite my lip at the grocery store when I’m standing in line behind a mom whose cart is WAY out of control.
Too funny!
My main problem is not so much obsessing about fitness, as obsessing about WRITING about fitness. How do I turn what little I know into a coherent blog post?
I think a fitness obession would be a lot better for my physical and mental health than a blogging obsession!
P.S. I hate being on West Coast time. I feel like I’m missing all the early morning fun!
When Iβm sharing my pumpkin oatmeal experience with the one person that I know hates oatmeal (sister, luckily she had her own oatmeal recipe and shared it with me too.)
β¦or when every conversation I have is boring unless itβs health, fitness, wellness related.
I was at my Momβs and all she could talk about was politics. I was board out of my mind. Then at dinner I told her about my pumpkin oatmeal attempt and her reply was βthat soundsβ¦.βhealthy.β Later she shared that her work is paying for physical trainers for everyone. Then the conversation picked up, and I guess some gold medalist came a talked to them about goal settings.
I keep asking my husband βam I obsessed.β Then I realize that for the first time in a long time, Iβm passionate about something. Very passionate. Now, I just have to use it to benefit othersβ¦without accidentally sharing way too much with someone who doesnβt like pumpkin.
HAHA, that was great! I know I recently commented on a friend’s blog in a similar manner. She was just asking whether she should do another marathon really soon as she was having some classic post-marathon blues symptoms (depression, weight gain, overeating, etc). Instead of just a simple yes or no, I told her about long-term goal setting and making training and racing a lifestyle to stay on track with good eating habits, a regular exercise routine, blah-blah-blah, rather going from race to race in a crutch or bandaid type of fashion.
She was quite dumbfounded but came to realize a new PT job that she’d recently taken was causing all sorts of added stress to her life and she needed an escape. She then quit and seems to be doing much better!
**blows proteinpacked kisses at the Bumbling Band for normalizing her experience*
as abnormal as she may still be because (AllTogetherNow:)
I do this all the time! I don’t have my own blog, but I read tons of other food/fitness blogs. I have to consciously shut my mouth about fitness-related things, especially in the company of non-fitness-enthused people!
I actually struck up an interesting conversation with my dental hygenist last week who happened to be a marathon runner! It is really fun when I meet someone with my same interests and we get to talk fitness!
I tend to view all things as “how will this affect my workout”, and unless something happens that sends me thinking for a while, it won’t show up on my blog.
But I do tend to try to find the healthiest route and stick to it.
That said, when a client doesn’t show up for an appointment, I’ve been known to give free training mini-sessions to others at the gym, just so that I don’t feel like my trip to said gym was a huge waste of time.
LOL… ok, I had to laugh, because as you know by reading my blog, for the last year I’ve made health and fitness JOB ONE in my life… Just this last month I’ve been thinking how it’s taken over every aspect, and though there hasn’t been a lot of specific “aha” moments, I did get to the point where I thought of shutting down my general blog (which deals a lot in science and society) because I felt it was taking away too much time from weight loss blogging.
JOB ONE is fine… as long as it’s not the ONLY job, and I was chipping away at my life and who I was bit by bit to lose weight.
Now I’m struggling to find balance again, because THAT wasn’t a healthy lifestyle either.
OMG! Yes, you completely described me!
I tend to talk all the time about Martial Arts. I mean all the time!
My wife asks me to change the subject sometimes. Oops! I realize that I over did it.
In one sense, my obsession has serviced me extremely well. I am passionate about teaching and my students feeling the benefits of the martial arts which has translated in a tremendously successful business.
On the other hand, I need another hobby!
Tim Rosanelli
Wonderful story! But your teeth love the camera! I only started blogging a little less than 2 months ago and already obsess over little things that happen during the course of the day – how can I use this or that experience? Yes, yes and yes – I’m not only a food addict! Miz: book pre-orders in a couple of days… will let you know! You look amazing!
That is a funny story!
I think I realized how fitness just is always on my mind when I was microwaving some water for tea one day, and was just doing some squats while I was waiting.
I turned around and saw DH just staring at me like I was crazy, and he said “Do you ever take a break?” LOL!
p.s. Eat your brussel sprouts! If I can try them anyone can!
Nothing like that…yet…because sometimes I tend to avoid those discussions so that my unfit co-workers don’t hate me.
But I do have a strong “inner blog voice” that’s always writing entries for me and generally annoying me. However, it does help me get through long runs because I can think about what to write about while I run.
bethany? we have different dentists π
Kate? so true about anything, when it’s your sole focus, inst great —-even health.
Lori? It looks like you tried to leave a PS but it’s blank (rimshot?)
tim? it may be the wrong thing to say to you but I need to learn more about martial arts…please to yammer away here.
Haha! When I listen to music in the car, I think, OOOH, this would be good to run to! Whether I like it or not is completely based upon working out to it these days. When I go clothing shopping, I get completely caught up in the workout section and my workout clothes drawer over-floweth. Also, the conversation thing that was already mentioned…I find myself relating everything said to my own workout for the day and biting my tongue to keep from sharing the comparison and the workout.
when I first started working out I was that person who would tell you UNASKED the exact calories in your food.
I learned quickly not to.
now I just forget sometimes that other people don’t care and I’ll tell them things about their food and how good it is for them or their skin or something.
I can tel by their faces when I’m boring them to death.
I loved your story.
you are human!! yay!!!
A few weeks ago, my boss asked me what I had planned for my weekend.
As usual, I had a local road race the next morning.
His response, ‘Is that ALL you EVER do??’
ummmm, yuh.
My dentist always asks me about my running when I go there…
A manager in the meeting this morning asked me to bring him a race form for an upcoming race this morning at the manager’s meeting.
Obsessed? ummmm, yuh.
Mizfit! Thank you for your post and the link to your site! I’m going to enjoy coming here and reading up!
Thanks Much
haha, i can relate to some of these food-related ones.
* having people comment that i am eating “healthy” when i’m just eating what i normally eat.
* today at a routine checkup, i was asked about my dietary restrictions and had to think about it. because i do not have any official ones, but i do limit x y and z. while doing these mental computations (lol), i think i just looked confused.
Hi, Miz:
Well, I am not so concentrated in fitness as you are (I wish I was, it would be a little easier to achieve some of my fitness goals π ), but I know that when you are passionate about something you can’t avoid to talk about what’s in your heart… I find people like you (and all the people who comments in your blog) are more interesting because you can tell they have something that they like a lot and how they talk about it and how they live these passions… It could be strange for other people who doesn’t share this frame of mind, but in all I believe it’s better to have the occasional embarrassment than go through life without caring about something.
for reals. the next time I come across as a mo’ron (glances at watch. should be approx. 20 minutes from now) Im going to repeat that phrase.
You Bumbling Band peeps are smart.
I can totally see myself doing that exact same thing – for me it’s intuitive eating, running, and my dog. Those are the topics I love to ramble/rant about anytime I can squeeze it into conversation. Then it’s like my normal filters – the ones that care what is interesting to other people – float away outside my body and scream at me to wrap it up and say something else, but I just keep going on…
Oooohhh, thank you for sharing your story. Were you blushing as you related it, or was that just the video quality on my computer? π
I’ve pushed any similar moments out of my memory (I’m pretty good at Denial of Humiliating Past Moments) but I’m sure I’ve had ’em. I do feel the fitness-health aspects of my life taking over sometimes, though: like when all the new relationships I cultivate at work are with other runners, or with people who trade healthy recipes with me. At least you have a child (and even a dog?) which I think allows you to have conversations and friendships based upon those commonalities!
I’m not a fitness blogger… but blogging most definitely has a way of taking over one’s life if one is not careful. My best example: when we go on family outings, I take photos as usual, but now that I blog, I try to take photos that are “blog worthy”. much to the distress of my family.
Oh, you know that she was hanging on every word! I love this!
sadly mamazen she thought I was a total goober.
Which I am—-just not for the reasons she decided.
Well, you know I am not a fitness and health blogger. I’m just a knowitall.
I find the more diets a person has been on, the more they know about dieting, which foods you should eat, which fats are good and bad. It’s like you see a fat person, they could almost qualify for a degree in nutrition by the fact that they are fat.
I started blogging because of the cancer. I’m not sure why I keep blogging and since I haven’t written anything in a week…
Your story was very funny. Why is it that hygienists ALWAYS ask you questions when their fingers are in your mouth? Is there a class in school called, “Floss, ask, talk and clean 101? Followed up by the advance course called, “Gurgling: Decipher and Transcribe.”.
I can’t wait to get to the point where my ‘backdrop’ consists on health and wellness only.
I heart MizFit!
Loved this face time post! So funny. My kids are my barometer for letting me know when I’ve been talking about health/nutritioun ad nauseum. In fact, the other day my son asked, “So how long is the low-carb thing going to last before you try something else?” Yeesh! I guess I do have diet ADD. But at least I keep trying.
Pffff… I don’t know… when all your facebook updates are about “just ran 4 miles” or “got a great KB work out” or “sore from yesterday’s lunges”…. when your kids know where your brand of protein powder is in the local grocery store, when you focus on your glutes while on a stroll with baby, when you ask the hygenist if she works out after taking a look at her calves ad then delve into a conversation about running (yes, it’s true)…
Haha! Love your story!
Oh, that’s so funny MizFit. Fitness hasn’t become such a part of life that it’s constantly in the background, but I do find that being a lawyer I’m constantly giving people unasked for advice on how not to get sued. For instance, awhile back I participated in a 5K run and I approached the organizer of the race at the end to tell him that he should have people sign a waiver before each race in case someone got ill or had some health problem while participating in the race π
yep, Marelisa.
I’ll take that free unsolicited lawerly advice *any* time!
That’s so funny! I thought I was the only one with absolutely nothing else on my mind but health and fitness!! My workout buddy Evan gets on my case all the time because my blog is all we ever talk about. He’s told me on many occasions that he takes a negative tone, towards the blog, just so we can spice up the conversation!! I laughed endlessly when he told me that.
The truth is, that other than college football and basketball, health and fitness is pretty much my life right now. But I think that’s the way it is with anyone who is doing intense research on something, right?
Thanks for the vid!
All the Best,
Andrew R
Well, MizFit, at least you look like you know what you’re talking about. I am still a bit of a chubby girl so I wonder if people think it’s odd that I’m so into fitness but don’t look like a fitness diva. I find myself going on about how I’m sore because of my workout (while just chatting with other moms at the bus stop) and half the time I feel the need to add, “Yeah, I know I don’t look like a paragon of fitness, but I do enjoy working out”.
I am a bit blog-obsessed. My fitness blog is the one I work on the most and the one that gets the most visits, but I also have 2 more–a general one and a dream one. I also used to have a spiritual one and the most unique one was about sniffing books (and reading them).
I think the day I realized I was a fitness nut was when I made a spreadsheet of all my fitness DVDs and posted a link to it on my website–like anyone really wants to look at my anal retentive list.
hahahah!! (laughing WITH you π )
Sorry this is so late! I would have watched and commented this morning but my computer is in freakout mode and does not want to load anything complicated.
I make a consious effort not to talk about fitness too much because I know that I will not be able to stop once I start. That is what my blog is for! lol
So here is a none fitness related question… How is life these days?
I can’t wait for tomorrow when my question gets answered! Yay. I just hope the computer gets over it’s issues.
Have a great night!
Don’t have a story, but had a ball reading (and watching) all here today. Gave me a much needed chuckle!
that is an awesome story….hahaha
I have yet to reach the point like that, I guess because I am involved in so many different pursuits at the moment, that 1 has yet to take over my life. But I do catch myself being complimented sometimes on my body and turn into fitness preacher guy!
Thank you for dropping by my blog and introducing yourself…I love your blog here and will be adding your link today! keep it up!
P.S you are super buffed that is awesome!
I finally realized that fitness had taken over my life about a month ago. Since my sorta-job revolves around me playing sports and I live with a “co-worker” and eat all my meals with my “co-workers”… all I can seem to talk about is my “work” or what my “co-workers” said/did/whatever.
now when I have conversations with my non “work” friends I’m constantly thinking “don’t talk about ‘work'”
Way late, but chiming in…
About this time last year I had foot surgery, which required that I wear the lovely black sandal-boots for a month or so. I continued my fitness efforts throughout my recovery, remaining focused and committed throughout.
Maybe a little TOO focused, as it turned out. A couple months after the surgery, a guy at work remarked that, You’re moving lighter on your feet these days”. Pleased, I replied, “Yep, 50 pounds lighter.”
He had this puzzled look on his face for a second and glanced down at my feet, which is when genius here realized he was talking about my return to real shoes after the surgery.
Still red faced in Memphis….
Um, fitness is my job, so I guess I don’t notice that I do it (and I do I do I do!) because it’s constantly expected of me.
That said, before I was a personal trainer, I was convinced I wanted to go into academia (still the plan, eventually). And, as some of you may know, academics can be insufferably single-minded. “Oh, you went on vacation? That’s interesting! Now let me tell you all about how that relates to a Tennyson poem that I’m analyzing for an article I’m writing on the role of fruit flies in 17th century English poetry!”
In other words, I’ve always been a bit of a zealot π
You get asked questions because you know what you’re talking about. If you know what THEY were talking about and you give the answer they expected, all is good. If you misheard, misunderstood, mistook or missed out in any other way and they look at you like you’re an alien, you pick up your dignity, rinse it off with a splash of humour and blog about it. That’s win/win.
HA! I don’t know that I do it with fitness, although I have to admit that I’ve done it with food – and well, full disclosure: pretty much EVERYTHING that irritates me. My sister said once that she goes to an effort to “wind [me] up” just so she can “watch [me] go.” My friends and family all know that if I start a sentence with an exasperated, “Oh, for God’s sake . . . ” they might as well get comfortable for a while.
Lucky for me, they all seem to think it’s funny. π
Whoo thanks Miz!
marste that made me laugh.
marste that made me wanna invite you over because Id love to watch you go/glean all that info!!
I’m laughing at your hygenist story. That’s so funny. But, you know what, you may have educated that hygenist with your tirade, so maybe she’s thanking you today. You never know!
I think focusing on what I eat and my health problems has been mind-consuming for me, but right now it has to be. I hope that I get to the point one day where all of this is old habit, but for now I’m going to have to drive everyone crazy with talking about it 24/7! Ha!
Um, yeah. I taught group X classes. I can be a “pest”.
Nothing seems to be easier than seeing someone whom you can help but not helping.
I suggest we start giving it a try. Give love to the ones that need it.
God will appreciate it.
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