This is me today (if I had photoshop I could show you that the Toddler Tornado is also rockin’ the same tee as then Id be able to scratch out her face. Alas, I cannot.):
If I had a million dollars Id buy the entire Bumbling Band this tee.
Sure it can make for some odd looks/double takes as you mosey around town, but nothing serves as a better reminder.
For me (or you should you head to Target & get you one) it’s a reminder to love myself *even my faults* & a reminder that, by loving myself, Im teaching the Tornado to love herself as well.
Have you seen this post yet? The Blogger Food Drive (or BFD as I like to call it) from hangry & mark is one of the most creative things Ive seen in a while.
Get all ya’ll to clicking, commenting and, should you be motivated, mimicking.
And lastly, you working on wednesday? or are you taking the day off to protest hate by volunteering your love?
No matter what your orientation I cant help but think of this poem when I read about events such as that one.
That’s it.
Im off to play (if by play you mean lift with the Ren Man & then hit McD’s with the Tornado—which I do).
My younger brother used to be the McD fan…but recently he discovered KFC so he changed teams.
Odd looks moseying around town? For some reason, I’m guessing that doesn’t bother you at all (I’m think soup cans and lunges)! And that’s very cool (very, very cool)!
I’m off to do my part on the food drive…
I have photoshop. You have my email address. If you ever want a photo adjusted, let me know π
SWITCHED TEAMS?! Never! (she types realizing that there is nary a KFC around where she lives and simultaneously has a flash back to her college days KFC love…back in the DAY when it was still ok to call it KENTUCKY FRIED!)
and Lance it is kinda embarrassing when Im without the Tornado.
people take the tee the wrong (narcissistic) way. sad that THAT’S where we are now huh?
I try and clarify (when I remember I have it on and realize WHY people are looking askance at me) that it’s I FEEL COMFY IN MY SKINSUIT not that I think Im FAAAABULOUS and BETTER THAN THEY.
and Kim? if youre back, is it true that Photoshop is KILLER to learn?
Thank you!
I love the shirt. Me want!
You can just crop out toddler’s head, no?
Love the shirt – what a great reminder. So important to love ourselves first if we hope to love others. Lance is funny.
you sure can, Hangry, if you know how.
duly noted for next time (or when Im home)
And, again, what you’re doing Hangry/Mark is amazing.
you people are up early!
(we people? I am in the Bumbling Band now that I am up early too??)
LOVE love love the tee.
where can I get one??
off to click to the sit e you linked. what a neat idea.
Love the Tee, probably not in plus though. Target? Have to check it out.
natalia. no probably NOT but Im consulting the Ren Man and picking his LAWYER BRAIN and if I caint be sued there will be some later today at a MizFit cafe press.
everyone needs one.
oooh or perhaps I should just do em as giveaways.
need to find a sponsor.
I would by one, just let me know!!!! π Maybe you could leave off the “I” just have *heart* myself?
Oh, boy, you’ve opened a door here. I think a product line is inevitable, and wouldn’t it be cool to use the band as a think tank for your stuff?
use? Never π
I’m dragging em along as I limp like the awkward gazelle I am toward successnessment.
I “heart” the T-shirt.
I think everyone should get one too as this is the start of feeling well.
You may want to look around for the [I “heart” my life] as well.
love the tee!!!! we love you too hehe π
it is all as simple as loving oneself and I can always use the reminder.
I would be in for a long sleeved tee as I do not live in a nice HOT climate as you seem to LOL.
I am grateful this morning that I do love my life and am working hard on loving myself.
happy sunday Bumbling Band!
I love the idea of calling in to work….That whole concept rocks. I fight the good fight every day to encourage my highly sheltered and profoundly homophobic students to shed their ignorance…It’s a daunting task. I get really impatient with them saying, “OMG – that is soooo gay.” Grrrrr. Slowly they learn.
Fabulous t! Hangry’s cause is amazing! Love the idea! Josh and I are going to try to get our Christmas picture taken and then I will probably iron/do wash and head to the gym. Be jealous-I lead a super exciting life π
Love the shirt! Everyone needs one of those.
I’d love to call into work; it’s a great cause that I’d love to see tons of people get involved with.
Carla – do you really NOT cook??? Or not like to cook???
or are you just ‘making a funny’???
I cringe for myself that my mom had to say to me, repeatedly, that using the phrase THAT’S SO GAY was inappropriate.
Granted I was 12 or 13 at the time but still….
Love the t-shirt. Don’t have a Target anywhere within 2 hours from me so I will just have to call my daughters and throw some hints their way for a Christmas present.
I’m with Bea- I need a long-sleeved variation of that shirt. Preferably an over sized super thick wool type shirt. That or maybe I’ll just move to Texas (wanna swap homes?)
Although you’ve got a point about people potentially thinking of it as narcissistic- and that’s just ridiculous. We all need more love and I think that openly declaring our confidence and happiness is so important!
That poem is fantastic and REALLY resounds. For the first 18ish years of my life I was more focused on not rocking the boat so I wouldn’t speak out against people’s opinions, even if they were harsh unfounded jabs at minority groups. And now that I’ve finally come to realize that equality and awareness and justice are FAR MORE important that not rocking the boat, I’m doing my best to rock it where needs be. Even if that can sometimes be scary.
This poem is going up on my wall.
I need that shirt- and my girls. How cool of a picture would it be with all three of us? For people who know me, it wouldn’t come as a surprise that I would wear it- it would probably be annoying because I ooze self love.
I love that poem. Never heard it before. It is awesome and something I am hoping to instill in my girls.
My husband is calling into work on Wednesday. I wish I could call in to my kids and take the day off- heee. But we will just family time it up and probably get things done around here, with a living room blanket picnic thrown in for good measure.
I used to have (maybe still do, hidden somewhere) a t-shirt that said I *heart* ME. It took a lot of courage for me to wear, but I did. And then I was out one night, dancing, realized that I was wearing that shirt and the song “I touch myself” by the Divinyls was playing … and I had to leave the dance floor. THat was just too much.
Don’t work outside the home, so can’t protest. And my hubby has to give finals, so I think that would be a bad day for him to skip for any cause.
And we don’t *EVER* do McDonald’s or Burger King. I’ve always hated the food, and it’s easier for us to just say no. (We also don’t own a TV. We’re freaks.) We are in love with Chick Fil A, but not today – closed on Sunday. We’re finally decorating for the holidays and maybe doing some holiday baking.
I’m heading off to the gym shortly with hubby too. We went to his company Christmas party last night so he’s still sleeping in lol.
For some crazy reason as soon as I saw your t-shirt and read what you wrote I welled up with tears. I’m such a dope lol. Not sure what comes over me at moments like that. But loved the shirt.
And I’ve always loved that poem, and it is absolutely fitting for the situation. We should ALL remember those words.
Love the shirt! MizFit, if you want a free, legal “knock off” of Photoshop, that works superbly, try
great shirt! hmm, i am about to hitch a ride to target…
If I worked I would so call in gay on Wendesday.
Thanks for the DWAG link! Hadn’t heard about it before!
(PS: What’s more cringe-worthy? When I put AdSense on my blog and only had one post of content, it generated a Pro-Prop-8 ad. Continually. Proof that humans are smarter than computers, I’d say, but then CA did PASS the damn thing…).
I just woke up from a 11 hour nap… still trying to beat this cold. I’m going to pop some excedrin and start working on the work that’s been waiting for me since last night. Finals week + sinus infection = tired + no gym in over a week.
i’m going to be studying today and then i’m going to the gym.
speaking of cool shirts, my friend got me a “i am a hot tea” shirt (ahaha get it?!) in college. it had a teacup on the front.
I had no idea about wednesday.
thank you Miz for keeping me FIT and INFORMED and THINKING.
love the title. love the shirt. love the links!
I AM SO SO PRAYING THAT THIS IS A MOVIE ALLUSION? to a certain line I adore? yes??
peeking in from my Sunday travels (if by travel you mean descending on SisterMiz & demanding she play with us—–which I do).
After a few days of struggling Im having a FANTASTIC one up in herre.
oh and the other answer? 17 or 18.
a few of you have emailed me asking when a certain picture which has surfaced on FACEBOOK was taken…how long ago…I think 18 years?
understand it I mean.
I have read that poem before, Miz, but not for a very long time.
I fear I have grown complacent in the “they are not coming for me” part of my life.
I enjoy such quality of life where I am I forget others do not.
thank you for the Wednesday heads up and the reminder that until we are all free to be who we are none of us are truly free.
Thanks for the info about Wednesday! Now I have to gently “thwack” a friend of mine for not letting me know about it. This Cali girl still can’t believe Prop 8 passed. π Not sure I can get the day off, but do want to volunteer that day to show support.
Yay you. Sport that shirt with pride!
Ah, Wednesday will be my normal day, though I will support all the actions that day.
Exciting for me is Thursday. I’ll take part in The Miracle on 48th Pier in San Francisco, handing out food to the hungry in SF.
I don’t wear “slogan” t-shirts anymore (unless I’m going to a sporting event).. but I love seeing that one on you.
nothing wrong with being an awkward gazelle!
Love the shirt!
Here we go with the McD’s π
The SoG
Love the shirt! I’m going to have to get one of those for myself!
Thanks for promoting Day Without A Gay — you rock!
Miz you are so positively awesome!!
Thanks for visiting my blog!
Love the T!
I enjoy McD’s – I just need to prepare myself and plan for what I am going to order and stick with it. Usually the grilled chicken Asian salad.
Thank you for the support, Miz. I will not be calling in gay (Wednesday is my busiest day, and without the funds from those clients, the end of this month will be much more difficult). But I will continue to be gay on Wednesday π
Kick-ass shirt! I’m totes following your lead!
oh whoops. i answered the question wrong. on wednesday i’m taking a test on the body’s regulatory systems! so i can’t not show up :(.
i want that shirt so bad!
Kelly Turner
The shirt is awesome. I think that would make a wonderful stocking stuffer, as there are people in my life who could use it in their own lives! BTW, thank you so much for dropping comments on my blog. And yes, I am still dancing! π
I love your shirt. And I lovelovelove that the Tornado has one too! She’s going to be the most well-adjusted woman some day. And the BFD is an excellent idea. I’m so impressed!
Cool shirt Chickie! Love it!
Nice shirt!!! Good reminder!
I love the tee and the meaning. I would need to be really brave to use it since here in Mexico, because most people will think of someone older than 25 using it that he/she is being vain and even will say that it is immature to wear something like that. As if loving oneself it’s some kind of sin.
But if I can’t wear something like that, at least I’m going to think every day in this phrase because really everybody needs that kind of feeling.
I’ve been using Photoshop for so many years I can’t remember how confusing how it was learn. Mind you, I’m still finding new things about it.
thanks kim.
Im quite good with computers as evidenced by my wonked out post above.
I tend to blame wordpress but I think we all know that it isnt the much maligned ‘press’ fault…
Calling in Gay for the Day, I love it!
You always find the best links.
In regards to your comment: “This is me today (if I had photoshop I could show you that the Toddler Tornado is also rockinβ the same tee as then Id be able to scratch out her face. Alas, I cannot.):”
Go to:
They will let you doctor up photo’s with a free account and its EASY-PEASY to get set up and rolling. Not only can you blur faces, but you can also change color schemes and effects. Worth checking out.