This month’s selection (if by selection you mean I get Ren Man to pick a random person/comment since he doesnt read Miz and wont play favorites—-which I do) is a woman whom I would love to meet in real life.
For some reason I flatter myself and think that we’d become fast friends. Vered is smart, funny, insightful, quirky, & always thought provoking.
If you’re not already a reader of MomGrind you must start. Today. (Uh, after you read this post)
When did you start writing Momgrind? What prompted you launch your blog and, since Im always curious, how’d you choose the name?
I didn’t even know blogs existed until my boss asked me, in February of 2008, to look into blogs as a way to market our company, UpToUs, which offers online groups for parents. Once I started reading blogs, I just KNEW I had to start a blog too. So I did.
MomGrind started as an advice blog for moms, hence the name. I wanted to help moms deal with the daily grind of motherhood. But I quickly discovered that I’m not really into giving advice. So now I just discuss stuff that’s on my mind, mostly women’s issues and feminism, happiness, humor, and of course parenting.
Recently you wrote about seeking a new tagline and enlisted your readers to help. Did you choose a new tagline yet and, if you did, how did you choose?
I ended up picking a tagline that one of my readers suggested, but for now I will keep the blog tagline-free because I like the clean look. I wanted to get rid of my “mommyblogger wannabe” tagline because I don’t feel like a wannabe anymore. I feel very much like a real blogger.
You refer to yourself as a recovering lawyer. it’s a phrase Ive heard before and one which never fails to make me laugh. What made you decide to enter recovery? 😉 do you ever miss the LawWorld?
Working as a lawyer is highly stressful and demanding. Good lawyers are not nice people, so if kindness is important to you, you can’t really be a lawyer. I don’t miss it at all. I really was miserable.
I’ve seen your photo and you look quite fit. What’s your workout routine? Do you have a fitness philosophy?
I workout at home, about 45 minutes 4 days a week. I do a lot of the stuff that you show on Mondays. Simple exercises that strengthen your core, lengthen muscles and don’t require any special equipment. For my warmup I jump rope and I also lift weights (5 pound dumbbells) twice a week for a few minutes. It’s a very simple, basic routine but it works well for me. On the weekends we often bike, go for hikes, or ski in the winter. So we’re generally active.
I’ve also noticed how (fingerquote) normal (unFQ) you seem with regards to diet. From reading your blog and your comments here you seem to have nailed the ever elusive ‘all things in moderation.’ Have you always been this way?
Yes. I can’t measure food or count calories. It turns food into numbers and takes the joy away. I like to eat slowly, enjoy every bite, and stop eating when I’m not hungry anymore. As long as I follow these rules, I don’t worry too much about butter or sugar in my food or about getting enough protein. I do try to eat at least 5 servings of fruit or veggies each days, so this is something that I do count.
ok, last question. what’s your favorite MomGrind post and why?
Wow, that’s a TOUGH one. Right now I’m in love with this short little post.
It was very well received in Stumbleupon and I’m not surprised. I think it demonstrates the value of mommy blogs: mommy bloggers tell the truth about being a parent and help other moms feel less alone.
There you have it, People. Vered.
To read her is to love her & to never think about your world in the same way again.
Awesome choice again, MizFit – Vered rocks!!
I love your stuff Vered! What really makes it great is that it’s not “typical” – and that means that I never know what I’ll see when I stop over – and then I leave with something to think about – all good stuff!
I didn’t realize you’ve only been at this since February – I would have guessed much longer just by your following, and how well you are doing at this – so kudos to you on achieving the success you have in such a a short period of time – very cool!
I always wanted to be a lawyer when I was younger – I think I had this euphoric idea that I will always end up helping the underdogs.
again with the new blog for me to read??
where will I find the time.
Amen to your eating philosophy!! Going now to check out the blog…
I’m not a Mom so Vered’s blog would’ve passed me by otherwise so thanks for the intro, MizFit.
Love your blog, Vered!
(And I agree with Bea – oh, no! not another blog to add to my seriously overloaded reader!!)
what a great blog – wow i hate to be cliche but i agree w/ everyone else when i say i’m adding her blog to my overflowing google reader hehe 🙂
My son’s would read “This is dedicated to my mom who can’t quit nagging me.” You are not alone!
I like mommy blogs.
I had no idea.
Thanks Vered and Miz.
As always, thanks for introducing me to bloggers i wouldn’t otherwise have come across!
I’ve seen Vered’s blog a couple times and it looks super good. So nice to learn some background!
I like this: “I don’t feel like a wannabe anymore. I feel very much like a real blogger.” Those words are music.
I loved those too, Sagan. I always question, for myself, when I will or did become a real blogger.
some days Im better at saying IM A WRITER! with confidence and others, since you cant amble into a B&N and find anything by MizFit front and center, I more mumble it.
Awesome! Vered is one of my favorites!
omg vered is cool! i just read this and hopped over to her blog where i read a bazillion posts.
uh oh and I was considering law school.
maybe I should skip and go right to recovery!
off to check out Vered.
Thank you so much Miz. I love you too. 🙂
I totally consider you a friend, and although virtual friendships have their limitations and can disappear more easily than real-life ones, I think this friendship is going to last. Also, I wouldn’t rule out meeting in person. I travel a lot. I’m sure it will happen sooner or later. 🙂
Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this interview and to check out my blog. Trust me, I know what it feels like to be overwhelmed with stuff to read. The internet is a crazy place.
@ Moran – while in law school, I was all “I will HELP people” but then you start practicing and you realize lawyers generally only help themselves.
@ Linda: Haha I closed comments to that post, but I received so many emails telling me to not feel bad, kids are ungrateful etc. It made me feel so much better, plus posting it made me feel better because I think these things need to be out in the open. Motherhood IS a thankless job.
@ Sagan and Miz: My husband and I were at a holiday party earlier this week (BTW I’m amazed that so many companies are having parties this year despite the economic meltdown). When someone asked me “what do you do” I simply said “I’m a blogger. I have a personal blog and I also write regular articles for two corporate blogs.” It felt so natural to say it. Just a few months ago, I didn’t really have an answer to “what do you do.”
Thanks for hipping me to this blog. That post is too funny. Gotta loves kids! 😉
I really look forward to these posts MizFit.
I enjoy learning more about the people who comment here.
thank you,
Check out my blog, I gave you an award! 🙂
Thanks for introducing me to a very interesting mommy blogger! I’d never seen her blog before but I definitely want to go back. Being a mom can definitely feel isolating so it’s nice to have company in the craziness.
I’m very inspired by your reasonable work outs and thoughts on eating. I like your approach very much, thanks for sharing what works for you!
wow I would love to eat all things in moderation! Another facetime topic, can you make yourself into a person that does that?
Thanks Vered, going to check out your blog!
Thanks Miz!
Hi MizFit, Hi Vered: Vered’s was one of the first blogs I started reading on a regular basis, I absolutely love Momgrind. And I don’t even have kids 🙂