subtitle: We did it, People. You did it. Next time I shall secure company sponsors (if by next time you mean I already have it in the works—-which I do).
Grand comment total: seven hundred and ten comments (uniques? schmuniques. this time we dont care.)
Grand donation total: I decided to double my donation and make each comment worth 20 cents. As a result we donated 142.00 to Safeplace which was then doubled through their matching campaign to 184.00.
Grand donation total overall: Ive no idea (you love me for my organizational abilities. dont lie.). Two Austinites and one non-Austin resident offered to match exactly what we raised & send to Safeplace. Many many more of you decided to match or percentage match in your own communities.
Grand sweeping generalization: We (as it really was a tremendous team effort and I appreciate all your links and tweets) caused a few more people to think about the fact that a worsening economy puts women & children at greater risk of abuse this holiday season. And that, oh Bumbling Band, was my main goal.
Thanks to all of you for helping me to spread the word & get the comments flowing.
I appreciate it and Safeplace, I’m certain, does as well.
Wow…do I get to be the first to say that you, Miz, are the shiz-nit? 🙂
Nah. It’s been said. But it is so true. You are awesome and amazing. And I am proud to know you!
Congrats! That’s awesome. 700 comments? WOW! 🙂
I am so thankful to all who helped out BUT (and it’s just who I am) Im ready for more.
for a company or three to step up next time and match.
for comments accumulating where I start to panic and say YESYESYES to the many kind readers who emailed me and asked if I needed them to help out with my end of the donation.
It’s all in the works already as, in my opinion, we need to show that blogging is MUCH more than navel gazing (wink and shoutout to a bloggerfriend).
We bloggers are gonna change the world twenty cents at a time (cue uplifting music & a shower of dimesized confetti).
Yay!! A little kindness from everyone goes a long way.
How awesome, thanks Miz (and Ren Man) 🙂
thanks for organizing all this Miz and you have a good point.
fitness blogging is important for me to stay on track (my blog is private) but I can see how if I step away and read it it DOES look, in a sense, not about the world at large.
I look forward to helping out next time too.
what holiday?
ok so you ended up donating twenty cents per comment?
I think I need to double my donation as well to the shelter in my city.
thanks Miz for the motivation.
Congratulations & bless you for lighting up the world!
How inspiring to think that the humble bumblers made a wee difference in Austin.
And elsewhere, as evidenced by the bloggers who donated to shelters in their own cities.
Great idea, Miz. The Bag Lady also made a charitable donation in her town, thanks to you.
I am all for your donation yet had to add I love my navel!
now that I have lost weight and rediscovered it that is.
Wow! That is a lot of comments. Great donation MizFit and family. I am sure it will be greatly appreciated.
That is incredible! Congrats!
wow! you all have been busy while i disappeared.
great work everyone!
i did a liitle charitable giving with a parenting group that i am involved with here in portland.
it feels so good to help out.
really connects you to your community i think!
yay to all of us!
AMEN SISTER on the connectedness.
to the local and to the virtual.
Very cool!
and you people are up VERY early.
thank you for being a role model for us Miz! We need more like you on this planet 😉
Wow, Miz! That is awesome!
Thank you so much MizFit! Both for the inspiration to do good and for the generous contribution. You are my hero:)
That’s wonderful! And especially that the awareness about these issues is spreading.
yay! Great total for a great cause.
That’s great! Way to go, Miz 😀
That’s great! I am sure Safeplace really appreciated it.
Could blogging be about navel gazing combined with charity?
Maybe a navel gaze-off for donations.
Gazes in navel looking for inspiration for my blogs…
hm. It’s full of belly-button lint.
Very nice donation, and I’m sure you’ve inspired others to do the same!
I too HEART my lint.
Embedded in my star belly.
Like the sneech.
Speaking of new tattoos….I’m planning a big one.
For my 40th.
All seuss.
I am so impressed! Congratulations and look at you, another one already in the works with company sponsorship! You are an amazing blogger and woman – we are lucky to know you!
You never stop with your amazing efforts. I’m truly feel that I’m in the company of greatness. Thank-you
Awesome! Thanks for doing this!
is the plan that we, too, will know way ahead of time next time?
will it be for a different charity?
I’m excited to do this again, Miz!!
thanks for paving the way.
Awesome! That was a great thing to do for others, Miz!
Your heart is stronger than merely cardiovascularly ;-). Is there a single day that goes by that you don’t make the masses a better mass to be?
We are official:
Dear MizFit (ok it said my real name, but still)
Thank you for your donation of $150.00 to the Matching Gifts Challenge 2008.
We are deeply grateful for your generosity and support of our efforts. Your gift makes a difference — it enables us to provide vital services to the community we serve. We count on you and people like you to ensure that we can continue providing these services.
Once again, thank you for your support.
next time? higher three digits.
oh and Sherry? the next give will be in march in association with International Women’s Day.
Different nonprofit.
Something national.
wooohoo!! i am so impressed – with you, and everyone who contributed and those who matched 🙂
VERY cool!!! You are a rock star!!!
it’s the role modeling thing you have spoken ab out before.
in fitness it is important.
in this stuff (giving, caring about others, being empathic) even more so.
MizFit: yes the doll house is sturdy. The sides that open up have flip down room (shelves) they will only hold the weight of doll stuff. go to fisherprice’s site
MizFit, how do i send you an e-mail? Am I just missing the link?? Thanks 🙂 ~j
Hey, Miz — wanted to add — I posted a review of that Pam Reed book — mixed feelings about it — but if you want to read it, I’ll send it to ya — just lemme know!
Awesome job!!!!!!
How wonderful!!!!!!!!
Wow! So great. I continued to be impressed by all that you do! 🙂
I haven’t been able to visit here in this holidays, but coming back and seeing you are doing something so good it’s great. Congratulations!
So wonderful!!!!!
Im so excited for the new give.
cant help it 🙂
it’s how I roll.
awesome! great total!
Kelly Turner
I am amazed at how much good the Bumbling Band, with our fearless MizFit at the helm, could accomplish (that’s a lot of comments, people). Thank you for inspiring us all to do a little better and to reach out beyond ourselves, and for leading by example.
My company has sponsored the local YWCA for 4th quarter 2008, and I have been proud to be a part of something so great; to see so many people who don’t have much, give to others they don’t even know. I am proud to contribute, even if it’s not much.
It is amazing, RooBabs, but you captured it beautifully.
I needed the reminder this holiday season with how stressed I was and how scary the economy is to think beyond myself.
hooray for us! LOL
Congrats and keep rocking!
Congrats and yay for MizFit and her Bumbling Band!
And an extra big yay for those who will benefit.
Way to go Miz! That was a really awesome thing to do.
All the Best,
Andrew R
Bummer, I have not been here often enough and missed out on helping. I promise to stop by much more often! Hope the holidays are treating you well =)
Awesome gift, thanks for sharing your heart.
Fabulous job!
Hooray! Good job!
Awesome, awesome, awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is such a great thing for you to do. Yay for so many comments and other contributors!
It is great that your donation is also doubled! Good job!
What a great idea this was!!