I give you Hangrypants.
Please to enjoy.
I know I always do.
I love the way that the word Hangrypants rolls off the tongue. Where on earth did your blogname come from?
Well, I wanted to use the word “hangry” because I think it’s a fun word and describes me when it’s been too long since my last meal and I am in serious need of food. I bet it happens to lots of people.
You blog with a partner. A cohort. Who is mark?
Mark is the “He Says” of the Hangry Pants blog team. He’s been my best friend and boyfriend for almost 9 years now.
How did you decide to start blogging together? Id love Ren Man to jump in the fray up in herre— but I doubt I could convince him.
Mark wanted to try to go meatless for a month to replicate the lifestyle of many of his coworkers who do not eat meat for religious reasons. I said I would do it too and he said, “Let’s blog about it.” It was fun right from the beginning. At the time, Mark and I lived about 3.5 hours apart and it was also a fun way for us to be able to do something together.
Speaking of meatless
which I shall never be: what would you call Hangrypants? would you refer to yourself as a foodblogger?
Yes, I think so. Mark and I review products and restaurants and discuss food news and our noteworthy meals and snacks. I also post my kitchen creations like Oatmeal (Chocolate Chip) Flax Cookies that tend to have a healthy twist. I think Mark’s perspective, as a male, time crunched, on the go, infrequent cook adds an interesting twist to the traditional food blog.
Ok, that leads me to an obvious question yet one I hope Im not alone in having: what IS/defines a foodblogger?
I think a foodblogger can be a lot of things. Most broadly, a foodblogger is anyone who regularly blogs about food they’ve made or eaten. Some foodbloggers keep photo journals or their daily eats, others post recipes. Hangry Pants is a little bit of both. I am motivated by the desire to share and learn from others. I don’t think it’s any different from watching cooking shows or reading cooking magazines. It’s just another way to learn about something I am passionate about.
I love food but I also love to have it whipedupcreatedforme. Im not a foodie. At all. Which makes me curious: how did you start reading MizFit? Im always surprised when nonfitness blogger peeps tune in 😉
MizFit, I am offended. Have you seen me? I am a fitness peep. (MizFit note: I guess I always think that people who are foodiefit are foodie FIRST. No offense meant. you ARE a fitfabulous woman)
I found your blog the way I find most new blogs, reading comments on other blogs and my own.
what are your cuurent workout routines? goals?
While living at home with my parents for the last year and a half I used my their treadmill to rack up about 30 running miles/week. I irregularly did strength training with free weights. Now that I’m moving out, I’ll join a gym. I love to run, but am looking forward to trying out new things. My goal for 2009 is to run a 10k. My ’08 goal was a 5k and I did it, so I really think I can do this, too. Other blogs are quite motivating in this area for me.
I also love yoga and practice as much as possible. It brings me peace, confidence and better posture.
If you wouldnt mind let’s take an amble down memory lane and reflect back upon Hangry posts gone by. Do you have a favorite post?
My favorite posts are those about self-acceptance and body image. There is something in me that wants to discuss these other issues in juxtaposition to food banter. I think that’s why I wouldn’t say I am only a foodblogger.
I also enjoy sharing my family recipes and traditions, like in this post about making Christmas cookies with my mom as a kid.
The most fun we had was making this video announcing the winner of the ProBar Giveaway.
My favorite thing we’ve done on the blog was the Hangry Pants Food Drive. It was nice to be able to do a small act of goodness through the blog. (MizFit note: Big act of goodness.)
My favorite of Mark’s post is this one about his experience buying lunch at his corporate cafeteria. I can hear him when I read it and it makes me laugh.
Lastly, in the madefortvmovieofyerlife, who will be selected to play you? mark?
I would say Kelly Taylor and Dylan McKay. When I asked Mark he said, “I would play myself,” so there ya go!
There you go, People.
A new blog to read or, if youre like I am & a long time fan, a glimpse behind the blogging scenes at an ole favorite.
Thanks Kelly Hangry!
New blog to me! I really enjoyed reading through the entries, and think the point about being subliminally affected by all the New Year dieting stuff even when you’re just trying to lead a balanced life is an excellent one. I feel extra guilty about giving myself a break at the moment purely because it’s January!!! Will definitely be back for another helping of Hangry :0)
TA x
New to me too! I like the word “hangry” a lot!
Woohoo — new to me as well!!
And I love food (I eat it every day!). Oatmeal choc chip flax cookies…mmmm….they sound delicious!
And congrats on the 5K this past year – and good luck working toward your goal of a 10K this year!
I haven’t read Hangry before either.
Thanks so much MizFit for pointing me her and Marks way and for all that you do for us!
Love the word Hangry!!! I’ve seen you in the Miz comments but never checked out your blog, so I’m off to do that now!! 🙂
I think I love that word HANGRY.
Thanks for the new blog to checkout MizFit.
I look forward to the commenter of the month post.
How do you chose???
Great interview! Am going now to peruse hangrypants….
You know I am off to get Hangry because there is a guy blogger there for once!
Thanks for the new read Miz.
I’m off to check out Hangry 🙂 I have many memories of making Christmas cookies with my mom too 🙂
I have checked out Hangry’s blog before; I love the he said, she said! It is a cool concept !
Thanks for the interview!
Another blog to help get motivated. Actually I’m already pretty motivated but it’s this cold weather that putting a damper on things.
Thanks Mizfit. Love Mark & Heather!
I think it’s cool that a couple blogs together. Sounds like fun to me!
– Dave
Fun! New blog to read. Can blogs get the seal?
I adore Hangrypants! And it’s great how there’s 2 perspectives in one blog- its so unique 🙂
lurveee heather and mark!
Hers was one of the first blogs I read every day, and she’s kept me very interested by doing such different stuff! HUGS!
Hi Everyone,
Just wanted to say “hi.” It’s very exciting to be on MizFit’s blog and to read some of your positive comments about us. I welcome you ahead of time to Hangry Pants.
Thanks to MizFit for taking the time to introduce her readers to new blogs. Thanks for expanding the blog community. Also, no offense taken on the fitness front. I truly wishe I were more of a fitness peep. I read your blog hoping some of your muscles and dedication will leap onto me.
– Heather from Hangry Pants.
aww, that’s the cutest thing ever! a partner in crime!
Yay two of my favorite blogs for the price of one!
Oh me oh my how I miss my Miz.
What is a girl do do, through a tiz?
One of these days I’ll have a computer again,
Until then, I’ll have to satisfy my self with cookies in a tin.
Surely I shouldn’t eat too much sugar,
I guess it is better than eating a booger.
Corny, I know. I just really miss being able to check in daily. You need to have a daily motivational text message group. Then you can cheer me up during my breaks, after satan (my PT instructor) has ripped me apart and thrown me to the wolves. Sadly, I will just have to pretend Miz is doing the dead cockroach with me for two hours at a time.
amy! I was wondering how you were doing.
Get thee to twitter 😉
(& hide from Satan to send yer tweets!)
I love the Hangrys. I am so glad they decided to go meatless for one month because they have gone on to provide entertainment and hilarity for months and months afterward.
Thanks Miz! I also enjoyed your answer for my crumbs question. Truly, you would have a big mess 🙂
Been loving Hangry for a while!! Awesome!!
I just recently found Heather’s blog and added it to my reader.
I love heathers blog, and Mark makes me laugh!!! Thanks for this interview it was nice learning more about my blogging friends:)
I also find blogs by clicking on commenters links to their blogs! I should visit Hangry more often though.
I havent heard of that blog either.
I do have to say though that if I had a commentor of the month on my blog that it would be you. In fact I came over here to thank you for your continual support. You hung in with me all last year and always encouraged me no matter what my losses and gains were. I dont have that kind of support in my real life even! Thank you so much!
Great guest post, I love HangryPants!
yay hangry! great interview 🙂
Kelly Turner
I love Hangry Pants – I love how she and Mark interact with each other – and his cousin talking about the sambuca was hilarious!
Hangry is one of my all time favorites!
Love HangryPants. Great interview MizFit!
Ahh! I love the Hangry couple! Thanks for this interview and the fun info on them!
I love the Hangry Pants blog. Thanks for the interview!