Hello Bumbling Band,
We’ve updated our blog platform to the newest version, so please to hit us up in the comments to let us know if anything looks wacky.
UPDATE: I’m having a little trouble so I’ve deactivated all the plugins for a few minutes. Don’t worry if you can’t see the video, or twitters, for a bit.
I tried getting on your page about an hour ago and it wouldn’t load.
Now it’s loading!
The links on your twitter updates are running past the borders for me.
The only thing that looks wacky to me is that there’s a link over on the right side that goes off the page, kinda. But I don’t mind that…
NO Fitbit Tracker yet…..:-|
Everything looks good from here!
Looks ok here
Mmm, yes the twitter widget is not working so well…
Agreed with the Twitter links, but otherwise looks good!
Lookin’ good to me!
there is a link showing for you tube instead of the usual video blog you have there..
not sure if that’s a big deal for you or not lol
I can see this post :o)
looks good to me except for the twitters.
I would like a computerwhizshelley too.
Can we win one?
ditto on the twitters going outside the border on the right side
Looks good to me!!
Using Firefox with Windows Vista.. and everything looks great here.
Wonder if the “out of the box” folks are using IE. -then wondering WHY they’re using IE…
Oh, jeez….. I get exam anxiety really easily…. did you have to say TEST?!
Everything looks fine to me…. but that could just be that I’m so eager to please….:)
All looks good here.
Everything looks fine to me- using IE 7 on a PC (yes, I know it’s old school, and I really should switch).
Looks all gravy to me.
Yep, it looks all good to me too. Nice work!