FRIDAY! The weekend!
It’s time to RELAX.
Yoga day? Up in here?
We embrace to the *max.*
Bikram I hope.
Will the Ren Man attend?
It’s all up to *you*
Please to urge him, my friends.
(I know what he’d like
with his weekend to do
But we’ve no plans yet–
which I love–how ’bout you?)
If I were crafty
I’d knit all day long.
(Just stopping to lift
Need those knitting arms strong!)
This weekend though
(& brace yerselves, Peeps)
It’s back to the running
Im hitting the streets.
Not working on speed
though how fun would it be
to run through my ‘hood
with this thing on *me*!
Speaking of fun
Did you have one
It made me return
to the goals I have set.
So many I have.
So many unmet.
I’m duly inspired
Motivated anew
Anythings possible
Speaking of stuff
which is really quite cool
check out this blogger—
she oft makes me drool!
You creative with food?
In the challenge join in!
I’m more of a watcher–
Will cheer *you* on to win!
“Where’s the freebie you ask?”
“What’s this bait & switch?!”
That I’d never do–
This Miz is no…meanie.
The Secret’s our freebie
A sponsored filmtreat
From a Bumbling Band member
I was fortunate to *meet.*
So thank her not me
as you comment below
‘Bout the Law of Attraction
Or how your weekend will go!
How totally cool is this?
One of you decided she wanted to sponsor a Friday Freebie of The Secret because it, and MizFit (I know, I cringe a bit typing that but it’s her freebie her rules), have positively impacted her life.
So, please to comment away.
On anything you wish from Inauguration Day to knitting to Michael Beckwith.
(winner announced Monday. USA/Canada only.)
EDITED TO SAY: Visit me up in herre today. Im guest facetiming!
Hey Miz… your facetime tip is the one I wrote in your comment space on Jan 20, “lets burn some calories”.
Yay.. so I do some things right :).
As far as weekend, I hope I get to the gym or suck it up and run outside in the cold, get my house sparkling clean and have things all ready and organized for next week. Usually I only get the first one done 🙂
Have a great weekend.
I like the speed vest. Pretty Cool! I’m also pretty impressed with the rhyming in this post. 🙂
Have a great weekend!
– Dave
All I have to say is that you continually amaze me!
I was privileged enough to have a professor in grad school who saw it fitting to spend an afternoon watching The Secret, the day after it came out. It was awesome. Highly recommend to all as it really can change your life!
Weekend is looking nice and relaxing so far! Waiting for an offer to go through, so hopefully we will have something to celebrate!
Have a good one!
Goodness, I NEED that Wii knitting thing. I’ve given up for the second time with my real knitting. I have two left hands, I think! Love the movie picker too – it was so good it kept picking all the things I’ve already seen!
Have a great weekend Miz!
TA x
Ok I am embarrassed to say I was FREAKING OUT when your site was down.
yay! I thought it was my computer.
now I can read the post…first had to say I worried you had quit on us.
it was a hosting issue.
which perplexes me as Im usually such a great host!
and Nan? you shall receive 48 hours notice in the even of a MizFit No Mo’ Blogging Meltdown.
I may no longer be allowed to read after today.
I freaked out when I couldn’t stop my morning here and my girlfriend may cut me off. LOL
Are you really making your husband do yoga???
Whew. I was starting to panic about not getting my Mizfit fix today!! In fact, I was so worried I wouldn’t get back here, I was afraid to click on any of your links, so I really don’t have anything intelligent to contribute to the comment section (I know, I know; what else is new!!!)
Will go back now and do some wild clicking!! Have a great weekend!
PLEASE ENTER ME TO WIN THE SECRET (thank you to the sponsorer if that is a word).
I need it.
I also need to do that ab exercise you did in the video.
I just saw that speedvest.
My weekend is going to be busy with a whole lot of nothing and lovin’ on my kids. I had to be out of town for the week for work and I’m glad to be home and obligation free!
I still haven’t read/seen The Secret. I hope to. Sometime. I think I know the concept, but would love to really get the whole story.
I have to add as well that I kept clicking refresh again and again as if I could fix it!
glad you are back. my morning was not the same!!
I’m so glad your site is back! seems to be having issues as well. Grrr…. don’t they know that coffee time and blog reading time go hand-in-hand??
So glad you’re back. 🙂 I read via my email feed, but somehow it wasn’t complete without leaving a comment!
I haven’t read the Secret either, very far behind, but it is on my list. And I absolutely think RenMan should give the yoga a fair chance – he’s an attorney, right? Attorneys definitely need peace, balance and centering! At least the ones I work with do. Plus it’ll keep him flexible for all those courtroom maneuvers…ha. Ha.
And as for the inauguration…I didn’t get to see nearly as much as I’d have liked, but what I did had the Romantic weepy and sentimental all day and night. Such an encompassing theme of hope…something in short supply in our nation of late.
And thanks, sponsor, for being so generous and thinking of all of us!
I’m still high from Tuesday myself. Still trying to get through all the newspaper articles AND catching up with my fav bloggers (that would include you:-) But yes, I have yoga on the schedule too, just here at home in my basement. I’ve made pancakes and played Jr. Scrabble already. I deserve it, no?
You have made me smile today! So creative are you!
I love that speedvest! And Wii Knitting is too funny. I already knit but would love “play.”
How do you find all these kewl things?
Glad to get my rhyming fix for the day!
Hehe its funny how we were all anxious because your site was down. I kept re-clicking and getting confused and thinking my computer was all a-messed up.
Oh The Places You’ll Go is my favorite Dr Seuss rhyme! The speed vest looks awesome and the knitting with the wii is hilarious. I like the idea of the What to Rent site too.
I’m not a huge fan of The Secret (just because it seems to commercialize the idea of it, which seems counterproductive to me), but my mum adores the book. Bet she’d love to see the film!
It is pathetic how my morning was off since I didn’t start it here.
This should all show you Miz how important you are to us and I hope it makes your day that much brighter.
I agree with Sagan where she says The Secret commercializes the Law of Attraction yet I also am curious about the book and like that it makes what was once accessible to few accessible to the masses.
Oh, and given the Dr. Seuss link above I had to ask if there was an update on your new tattoo yet?
Heh, Tuesday was just about the best day of the week up in here. Nice shout out to the Seuss ^_^ I’m sure he’s grinning his fool head off up in heaven right about now. Heh, I don’t think I could ever get into knitting on the Wii…I’ll stick with the real life version, at least then I have something to show for it when I’m done ^_^
Oh hey, I think you did a review of it but I can’t find it….what did you think of “Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum 2009” for the Wii, is it worth it?
Oh, I love a weekend with no plans. I have very few myself for this Saturday and Sunday…so excited!
Yes, yes Ren Man. Try Bikram…amazing workout! Love a good sweat fest!
My kids start basketball this weekend . . . so . . . that’s my plan. And sleep. And trying out my new Jump Snap.
Tattoo initial sketch coming from artist soon (I.Can.Not.Wait.).
And the JumpSnap? Im jealous, IzzyBeth. I think mine is lost.
please let us all know what you think~
Thanks for the shout out MizFit! Love all the rhymes – you are so clever!
Happy Friday!
I can’t knit but I crochet! However, I’m forbidden to use the Wii controls since I just might have put a dent in my Dad’s TV. Hey, he was the one who wanted to play tennis!
And Tuesday totally motivated me, too! I can’t wait to see where we all go (and do)!
love the rhyming you’ve got going on today!! And yes, I could not, just could NOT start my day until i was sure your site was back in action..whhhewwww!!!
fabulous links..i got lost for a bit clicking away at them all!!
time to start my weekend! have a fab one:)
My husband does yoga. Is he more of a man than your husband? (That oughta help.) Weekend, alas, is all booked it seems (basketball here, too), but I may work on another hat. I crocheted one last night and felted it this morning it is drying over the register.
Happy Friday!
Got nothing clever today, but Happy Friday!!
108 suns tomorrow morning at 8:30am.
Funny thing, Miz,–your last line looked like “I’m guest fascinating!” when I first saw it. I thought, “hmm, MizFit is usually a modest sort, though I’m sure she is fascinating enough.” Then I realized it was facetiming. “Guest fascinating” was a pretty intriguing idea, though.
I hadn’t heard about the day of yoga yet.
I will definitely make time for me tomorrow.
Your poem had a dr. sues type quality today as I was reading around 6am.
Every time I have a hot flash, I feel I’d honoring Bikram yoga.
I meant Dr. Suess. deeerrrrr
Ok, never mind. Seuss. Maybe it didn’t.
I think I’m ready to try to claw my way out of my funk now…
you are here!
you are here!
(ha ha. get the Seuss reference?)
I am going to try that exercise in the facetime today at kindergarten pick up.
love the knitting link!!!
You are a poetry machine Miz!
I am open to receiving the Secret if RNG so chooses! How’s that for law of attraction?!
Vacuuming and a workout are on the agenda. We’ll see if I do that or not. Must do – almost done with my main project and I aim to meet my deadline of end of this month. So, I might give all else up to make sure I do meet it.
haha i don’t have much to say but here is a comment.
speaking of, i went to the inauguration! it was fun but incredibly crowded.
Lots of plans for the weekend, but hopefully much of it will be fun. Running Sat a.m., family night at preschool followed by a date Sat evening, and work — but the fun kind! — on Sunday. But I could SO use a dose of The Scret. Haven’t had time to find it (always out at the library) to read it, so the movie would be ohsoperfect for me!
Soooo glad you are back online.
I attracted it.
Now give me the video please.
I’m using the secret right now to make sure I get my booty to Bikram on Sat morning!
Yay for YogaDay!
Lots of errands on Saturday, but Sunday is MINE, ALL MINE!!!! MUHAHAhahahahaha!
Um. Yeah.
Although I’m not particularly religious, having my entire Sundays off to focus on doing FUN stuff? Seriously changed my life. (Makes my Saturdays a little hectic, but it’s TOTALLY worth it.)
(Oh, no “Secret” for me. I’ve seen it. A lot. ;D)
Yay for running! Go, go!
Yes, heck of a Tuesday. So, wow. Just wow. I feel like I could do anything.
I badly want to try Bikram. Do you have an Austin studio recommendation?
Always good Miz! have an awesome weekend!
YogaVida Bee Caves Road Austin (yee haw!) Texas
Yoga and running in the same weekend. Pure bliss. Go for it!
Back to running! If you can run, RM can yoga, yes? I’m already demanding– er, requesting– a partner yoga class for Valentine’s Day with my mister.
I want to believe in the Secret but am a (whispering b/c I feel alone on this one here) Secret skeptic. If I don’t win, I can only blame myself. 😉
Hooray for Yoga Day!!!
Yes I totally panicked this morning when you were not here.
It was sad and embarrassing.
Inauguration day of course was AWESOME! Still getting pictures together so I can post another set…was worth braving the cold trip to get there!!! 🙂
I got in my [hot] Yoga Day today – so I’ll be running tomorrow on the official day.
The other half is going with me to Bikram on Tuesday. He’s not been in a couple years, and is really looking forward to it. I’m thrilled he’s going, and hope he gets back to being “hooked” on it. Other than swimming, it’s the only official exercise he’s liked enough to stick with, from a scheduling standpoint.
Still giggling your daughter said she was a Barakstar.
Love the knitting link.
happy yoga day, Miz!!!!
In the guest facetime you did do you really use that exercise often? will it help my abs to look better as well?
I really want to learn how to knit. Last time I tried while following a manual, I stabbed my roll of yarn in frustration. I’m totally clicking on your link.
wow…’ve got so much to say today ;)! Must be the Friday thing ;)! I got a break from the twin tornados today…….woo-hoo! Time to myself in the morning, then one on one with Gracie in the afternoon……..a beautiful, restful way to kick of the weekend. I need to check out the links now 😉
You’re gonna run?! Awesome.
Love your rhymes, as always.
No plans for us either. Love when that happens. I’m going to be spending a goodly portion of Saturday on housework (bleh, but it don’t do itself), and getting in a good solid run of 7 or 8 miles.
Hope your weekend is great!
Ahhh, interesting. I’ve never seen this movie but today my blog post is actually titles The Secret. Although not about the same thing 🙂
Law of attraction. I fully believe in it. I’ve heard all bout “the secret” and I’ve even heard people make fun of it. Why is it when something it truly great that others have to put it down. It just makes me more interested and helps me recognize some possible insecurities.
I love to lift people up. The other day i realized i was talking about someone behind their back and felt horrible. Then i realized that everything i said was uplifting and praising and that even if that person was in the room they would not mind.
I’ve limited connections with friends and family who gossip. I love them, but i can’t be apart of that. It’s too distructive.
I want to make a difference. I also don’t want anyone to know I’m doing it along the way. Kind of like the millionaire next door, or the silent servant.
I love the way it feels to give. It’s most important for me to be present and live =)
Oops rhyming here on “Friday Rhyme.” I do it accidentally all the time =)
Now I have to get a Wii! 🙂
OMG. How cool is that Wii Knitting!! I thought it was cool that you could learn to knit on YouTube but this is even cooler!
I’ve used the sense of optimism and change to recommit to my personal goals: Volunteer more, reach out more. Get certified as a personal trainer. (yeah.. this probably will not get me a whole lot of work in this economy, but still…)
Have I said Thanks for my book yet????
Would you believe I missed the whole dog’gone inauguration? I was on a plane coming home from Vail…ah well, the skiing was good!
I am commenting for the very first time because I was so distraught this morning when your site was down 🙂
I feel as though I have to delurk now.
Yoga – hmmm, I’m good a the Zen balance game on Wii Fit?? I really need to try yoga!
great rhyme!
My weekend is soo full of stuff!
The time- where is IT??
But this rhyming post was tiiight
you are the shhh…… 😀
Hmm not as good as yours but I’m still learnin’, have a fun and relaxing day!
carolinebee? HILARIOUS.
Maybe a bike race and maybe a run. Lots of yoga. And have a kid in my lap. Nice ab post on BISJ’s too.
It WAS an inspiring and uplifting week, wasn’t it?
My weekend is boring old household chores, but I intend to do them with vigor and joy. (Beats moping around about it.) I also am having my hair done, which should perk me up.
My life is too exciting for words.
My husband actually asks to do yoga after his intense running days now.
Your rhymes always make me smile real wide. 🙂
Love the rhyming! I would like to learn how to knit. 🙂 The secret sounds like a very interesting book!
miz, funny story for ya…
so i know i havent commented in awhile, buuuttt…
so i was catching up w/ the bachelor, 1st episode i do believe. and one of the ‘lovely ladies’ who was not chosen that night was interviewed afterwards. she went on and on about her vision board, and how the bachelor/marriage/kids were all on there, and she could not understand why things didnt work out to her liking, ‘bc it was all on her vision board; shes sure this was going to get her jason’ etc etc…
i was just thinking how shitty it was this over-the-top bachelorette was, um, lending some ‘interesting value’ to your brilliant idea. at least it got some face time…but man…couldnt have been, like, a biggest loser contestant or something?! made me lol for sure though.
i have no idea what this weekend will entail
no yoga workshops near me of that i’m bummed
i’ll try it at home, only my third time 🙂
maybe some green eggs and ham!
way late to the party…but had to say TUESDAY was spectacular and that speed vest rocks!
busy weekend…fun stuff!
I always enjoy your posts.
The inauguration caused me to sit in horrendous traffic all week, but it was all worth it in the end.
Hi Miz,
Love the vest. Need the vest!
Link love, back at ya:
Enjoy the yoga – with RenMan, of course!
Hey MizFit,
I’m in!! (I had trouble yesterday).
Your guest post(s) at BISJ have been awesome! And with that…I’ll be soon off to a basketball game or three (so much for no plans here!) . Enjoy the freeness of you Sat.
I couldn’t get in yesterday (thank goodness for Twitter or I would have assumed the trouble was on my end).
Have a great day of yoga with the Ren Man and thank you for all you do for us.
Hi Miz,
I tried that ab contraction this morning. I can really feel it working (where are you in that video??? what is in the background????).
Do you have any other videos for crunches?
thank you,
I know, Bonnie. I need to get my entirely video library LINKED on my homepage…it’s coming 🙂
for now here is more core:
old schoolesque crunches:
Amy, thanks for the link back at me.
I know, Elisa. I need to get my entirely video library LINKED on my homepage…it’s coming 🙂
for now here is more core:
old schoolesque crunches:
Amy? thanks for the link back at me.
I know, Bonnie. I need to get my entirely video library LINKED on my homepage…it’s coming 🙂
Amy? thanks for the link back at me.
My husband now officially thinks I am off my rocker.
I missed this post when it was fresh and hot off the presses but I am hoping the yoga duo is happening this weekend. My husband that has only ever tried the Wii fit yoga (which I think was maybe his gateway drug, er, gateway zen) did a yoga class with me in Tucson and it was so awesome to experience it together. We basically had a private lesson as we were the only vacationers that showed up to get our stretch on. He did very well but I figured he would as he can do the splits both ways-comes in handy playing first base, especially with him being 6’2″. Now I am going to check the other links out. Have a good weekend everyone. 🙂
Hi Miz!
I came by yesterday morning but your site was down.
I wanted to let you know I’ve lost 40 pounds and even tho I rarely make a comment here you have helped me soooooooo much.
Have a great weekend!
Wii knitting? It took me long enough to figure it out with the damn needles in my hands! And if you did it for a vid game, what would be the pay off? No cozy scarf or hat to wear? I don’t get some people!
That vest is cool. I am all about adding weight to my person. Love my ankle weights when I am cleaning the house.
and how funny would it be, hannah, were I to run down the street with my vest on & emblazoned with a bigass number 1.
You’re running? Yay!! When is your 5k??? Hello, knock knock?
That speedvest cracks me up. Although I don’t know that I’d want to wear it running and have the entire world see how slow I was going (although I would hope it’s faster than 1 mph, LOL.
You know I’m all over the Secret. My mom has been pushing that stuff at us since we were kids (all kinds of positive affirmations, and saying stuff like, “don’t talk that way to your sister, it goes into her ‘computer'”, etc. etc.) In fact, recently I used the Law of Attraction to procure a Fuel Belt from Viv’s Weight Loss Challenge- in a round about way, of course. One of these days I’m going to write a post about it, ha ha.
Oh, and thank you to whomever mentioned pancakes above, because now I’m craving them something fierce. I guess now I know what I’m having for my after-rainy-run breakfast.
Roo? make these pancakes. we love em daily around herre:
(and yes. one of my first Miz posts ever :))
Thanks for the recipe- I don’t currently have all the ingredients, but for sure I need to try the protein pancake. I definitely get plenty of carbs. = )
do you add the syrup in the batter?
any reason?
I’m making the pancakes this afternoon.
I’ll report back.
Good morning MizFit! Thanks for dropping by my blog, I’ve been lurking around, following your Tweets for awhile. You are awesomely hilarious. Love what you bring the this crazy world.
Happy weekend! I’m off to the farmers market….
I came by yesterday, but the site was down.
Thought about you as I was deadlifting 56 or 65% of my body weight yesterday (Different people tell me different weights for the bar).
You are back working!
Dropped by yesterday morning and panicked when you were down.
Happy Yoga day!
Did the Ren Man join you?
i love the tagline thing, whatever it’s called, on your header about how fitness isn’t about fitting in.
it moved me
really do love it.
Hahaha that speed vest is hilarious. Your poetry is very impressive lol. Have fun with the yoga!
yes, Evan, on the adding syrup to the batter. Im not sure how it started but now I keep it up because the Toddler and a syrup bottle on the table is inevitably a stickymess.
No Ren Man yoga today (sigh) but I did Toddler Yoga AND we lifted and did cardio together (tonight? party. alert the media. we exiting the domicile)—–and then hit Chikfila.
that’s the way we roll.
Hey Miz. I wanted to drop by and thank you for commenting on my blog. You’re kind of a superstar among the weightloss blogosphere, so I’m very flattered. Oh, and I really want PQ’s book, so why not post on this one and cross my fingers, eh?
Greetings Bumbling Band!
I am back to say I made the pancakes Miz linked above (comment 91) and they were GREAT!
The first batch were runny so I added more protein powder and I used a waffle maker as Miz suggested in her post.
My husband liked them too!!!
So creative!!
Just a note to let you know that you one a free Smart Ones breakfast item (! Woohoo! E-mail me your address at, and I’ll get it in the mail soon. 🙂
I love me some poetry. 🙂 You rock!