Subtitle: Next week is Random Act of Kindness week. Please to celebrate all.week.long.
In the world of fitness there are, really, only so many topics.
There’s a finite amount of shit stuff about which to write (a vast finite—from yoga to ultra-marathons–but finite none the less) so we each strive to simply put our own twist or stamp on well worn topics.
Today’s dead horse which we shall proceed to flog a few times? Gratitude.
The older I get the less I find that being thankful is a daily struggle or even a conscious focus.
Im grateful most days just for the fact I can get up in the morning (even when the aforementioned awakening is courtesy of the Toddler screaming MOMMMEEE! I UUUUUUPP!) and, if I find mid-day that my gratitude is waning, it’s far easier now than when I was younger to refocus my feelings.
A few years ago I was more in a place of complacency.
If youd have asked I would have said I liked my life. I liked my friends. I liked my Renaissance Man. Everything was good. Fine.
Then, due to circumstances beyond my control, bingbangboom I went on a business trip which Id thought would last a month & ended up taking four.
Let me clarify: four months. away from routine (forget the working out. that wasnt even on my I WANT list). away from Ren Man & Toddler Tornado. different country.
It was during that time period that I had the opportunity to learn about being grateful for all that I have. Big and small.
I realized that, at least for me, gratitude is linked closely with the Law Of Attraction.
What we think truly impacts what flows back toward us (agree? disagree? I wanna know) & when one starts from a place of gratitude it’s amazing what a domino effect it can have on one’s life.
(lecture over. I jutst I truly believe all of this. operate from a place of I WANT AND IM NOT GETTING! & see how far *that* chickenbus takes you. Eh, Ill save you the time: nowhere good. fast.)
That said, if youre anything as I am, there are still days where it’s difficult to find the gratitude in your heart.
For me: ToddlerUpAt5 + CoffeeMakerDidntGoOff + NoTimeToShower – AmazingHusband = HardPressedToBeThankfulMizFit.
Been there?
Here are some ways which work for me to locate the silver lining in my cloud when it’s lookin’ 100% like rain.
* For an entire week set an alarm/reminder for the same time of day. When the reminder PINGS! take a minute (literally) & focus on one aspect of your life/someone in your life for whom you’re grateful.
* I love my gratitude board. It’s crammed with pictures & words to remind me precisely for what Im grateful —-everything from the health of friends/family to work opportunities to travel souvenirs. A quick glance is all I need to refocus my day.
* I recently had a family member come thisclose to losing one of her 5 senses. It was only after that I became truly thankful for my ability to see, hear, taste, touch & smell. Take five days & spend one focusing on each sense. Dedicate a day to being grateful for all you hear. Another to being thankful for all you see. It’s amazing how, when you focus on gratitude, even when what we HEAR isnt what we’re longing for just the fact we CAN hear is a gift.
* Surround yourself with like minded people. This is an obvious one but bears repeating. Remember the old adage of one negative, bitter, cynical, complaining apple spoils the barrel? it’s true.
* Bliss list. Trite? Yes (hello horse we’re beating). Work? FOR SURE. Take a moment every day to jot down some things for which youre thankful.
You still with me? (I know. I ramble because I love.)
Today’s freebie is from Elemental Memories, a company from whom I purchased a necklace I wear as a touchstone or gratitude reminder.
A photo tile necklace which bears a picture of Ren Man & Toddler Tornado (and which you can see in all the videos Ive done).
The freebie? The AMAZING WOMAN who made my necklace has offered to make one of you a Boston locket.
You can be entered to win (all ya’ll. if it’s an international winner I’ll figure out how to get the necklace to you) by commenting below about the photo you’d place in the locket should you win.
What picture would your gratitude touchstone hold?
a photo of someone you love? (no you cant get entered multiple times by saying MizFit)
a pet?
a drawing by your child? by yourself?
a photo of your favorite place?
Please to hit us all up in the comments.
All this week’s winners announced Monday.
I am grateful for life, love, health and blogs. I’d put a picture of my man in there–long distance makes the heart grow fonder. One day I will finally get this damned PhD and join him at his residency program. Sigh….
I’ve been looking forward to this topic all week, and it certainly didn’t disappoint! I started my own gratitude and vision boards last night after we discussed it on Twitter yesterday. I can’t wait to work on it again more next week after I get back home from my weekend getaway.
As for the necklace giveaway, wow, what a stunning locket!! For me, I would place the photo of someone whom I love more than words can express. He has helped me start to learn/realize that even with all the crap & trauma I’ve been through in my life that I am worthy of loving myself and being loved by others. He truly is my best friend and soul mate.
Ok, I can’t submit this without saying just how grateful I am for you as well, Miz. 🙂 You continually inspire & motivate me, and for that I am eternally grateful! Thanks for putting yourself out on the internets for all of us. 🙂
I love the idea of a grateful board. Totally all over that Miz. Thanks.
I’d have a pic of dearest hubby and dearest puppy. The two loves of my life. Puppy keeps me sillyinsane when I’m gasping for air and hubby loves, supports. sends me ridiculously positive vibes even if hes in another country, is always there when I need him, kisses my wounds and is always always there.
Have a great weekend Miz! Great post!
Where have you been all my life? I was up at 4:45 with my toddler, so I can totally relate! Blogging helps keep me grateful because it reminds me of the joyful parts of my life to share with others (you don’t share the tantrums and other ugly stuff all the time). And having the positive feedback from others makes me remember, “Oh yeah, I am blessed!”
Of course a beautiful pic of the kiddos and hubs would go in the necklace.
Glad I found you tonight!
I would put a pic of my 2 kids,hubby, and yorkie. My child turns 17 this month and it is really dawning on me all the changes coming up for my family, as he will soon leave for college and our family dynamics will totally change. I am sad,scared,proud,and anxious all at the same time. So I’m trying to be grateful for everyday I have to enjoy both my children,under the same roof,being my “kids” and not grownups yet.
Hey there, MizSpreadingtheGratitude!
See? Coming is just starting my day off on the right foot (now, if I just put that left foot in front of the right and move my way toward some morning exercise…)
And the freebie…first I’m thinking – that’s not for me…upon further review – that is very cool!!
A great place for a picture of my family! They’re what makes being here all worth it!
This is a tough one…… my husband anyway to remind me that he always loves me no matter how I look or feel. My dog who reminds me daily of the importance of getting out, jumping around, being curious and enjoying life in the moment. Oh and of course rolling around in the smelliest “stuff” I can find!!!
I currently live thousands of kilometers away from my family but we will be meeting somewhere in the not-quite-middle next month for a week of winter sports, which is something we all enjoy. It means a lot to me that we made this crazy holiday project happen. I would put the best family-on-skis picture from that week in the locket.
You guys are awesome and Sarah M? You made my morning.
The plan, when I arranged the Blog Birthday Week a few months back, was to do this and kinda wrap MizFit up.
NOT that I dont love doing it — but all the economy & needing to find more work which pays in dollars and not amazingfeelingsofconnection&satisfaction.
Needless to say there may be some changes around here—but Im sticking with it.
Thanks to all of you.
It’s a pretty easy decision for me. I’d put a photo of the FTS crew.
Oh, and I agree with you about what we think influences what happens to us and around us, but I think that’s because it influences the way we act towards other people, which influences the way they act towards us, and also influences our interpretation of events.
that locket is so cool. I would put the picture of our family at Christmas in front of our tree in it. We had the most beautiful month of Dec. this past year………all about family, love, giving. I had a hard time putting away the christmas decor this year…….finally got it down mid-January——–till I realized I didn’t need a holiday to love and be grateful for my loved ones. It can be an all-year kind of thing.
Christmas just kicked of my campaign year of gratitude!
Looking forward to random acts of kindness next week 😉
Just read your comment above! MizFit………don’t leave us! We need you! You don’t know how much you have been a source of inspiration and encouragement to me daily! I wish I had someone like you in my circle of friends here in Kansas but for now, this will do :)!
We love you!
Thanks for another great start to my day – all about gratitude. Absolutely love your ideas for seeing the silver lining. I use a bracelet with the word gratitude on it to remind me to stop and think of the abundant blessings in my life.
Only one photo? I’d turn the locket into a portable gratitude board that I could carry around everywhere.
So glad to hear you’re going to stick with it.
I am trying to always be in a place of gratitude just for the fact I can GET out of my bed in the morning.
Even on the days I really do not want to.
Hugs Miz.
THank you for being here.
Never tiresome to be reminded I have MUCH to be grateful for (including prepositions at the end of sentences.)
My gratitude photo fav is one of me, snapped the night I fit in a classroom desk chair for the first time as an adult. Forget rubies or diamonds or gold–“fitting” in a cheap and really uncomfortable chair was one of those priceless moments and seeing that photo never fails to remind me that it’s the simple things that mean most.
Nice locket. I would have someone take a picture of me with my boy. He is because I am, and I am so thankful for every.single.thing. he brings to my life. He keeps me grounded and centered, and his joy is my joy; his pain is my pain. and he’s becoming quite a cook! LOL See, his dad offered to pay for an abortion, because he wasn’t ready and couldn’t afford it and blah blah blah. But I said, “10 years down the road I don’t want to look back on my life and deal with the pain of “what if”; best, wisest, smartest thing I have ever done. My life may not be perfect, but it’s far better with that Hugh than without.
In today’s economy I am actually working hard to be grateful to even have a job I dont love.
After reading your post I started thinking about one reason I don’t love it is because of the people Im surrounded by there.
Negative and not grateful.
I think it just means I need to work harder outside of work to be with more positive people.
I would use a pictur eof my girlfriend if I won!
I did need this post this morning because I a going through a few personal trials which have made me feel less than grateful.
I never even thought about being thankful for simple things like my senses.
Hello MF! How are you this morning? I’m doing alright…it has def been one of those mornings where its hard to be super positive. Frank was having some tummy issues last night and went not only on the carpet…but on a pile of clothes I had laid out to pack today to bring on my trip…ughh! Thankfully, Josh leaped in and helped clean up the mess! Clothes are in the washer now!
I would put in a picture of Josh. He has been such an important part of my life and I feel blessed to be with him each and every day (even when Frank goes on the carpet ;)).
I didnt mention any of that to get you to ‘beg me to say’ 🙂 as it’s so not the way I roll.
Just a THANK YOU and a teenytiny heads up.
Hard to know where life will take us!
Whaaaaat? You were going to ditch us? You know we wouldn’t go away. You’d have to change your identity or something. We’d have to start our own stalker blog with a map of MizFit sightings. Trust me…you’re better off this way…
I would put one grain of sand in my locket.
Overslept+husband still in bed+no coffee+teenager being dramatic+family coming in-all sense of order in the house.
I have such a good life. And I’m not just sayin’ that cuz I can see it that way this side of 40 (which, ok, does help a little). I’ve always felt lucky like that, aware of all the goodness, even since childhood (I was so grateful to have two sets of living grandparents at the time). Is it the Law of Attraction? I hope so. (That appeals to the control freak in me:-)
What a beautiful necklace. I think it says something about my need to be be more grateful that I am not sure what I would put in there. There are too many people in my life that I love, so it would probably have to be an object that symbolizes my appreciation instead. That is something I would have to think about.
Have a great Friday!
I used to do a bliss list at night before bed and I’ve stopped.
I am going to restart that tonight and if I won I’d us a photo of ME.
I lost 88 pounds (part in thanks to you and the bumbling band!) and never want to go back.
Your message rings loud and clear today Miz. I agree with you that as you get older you retreat into a sense of complacency. You forget that your life is not just your reaction to things, but the people that you connect with (both good and bad). We think that family members are “always there” until they no longer are. We rely on friends to always available at any time, until you find that your inability to just make a simple phone call (cause you’re too busy), makes them just an acquaintance now. That times and places with your SO fade if you don’t rekindle that passion.
I’m grateful for turning the corner on old habits and reaching out to those that may have been forgotten during my life. I resolve to stop each evening at a designated time and touch base with a phone call, visit, letter or e-mail. Thanks for being an inspiration to a lot of us and again happy 1 year.
A great idea Miz! The glass is always half ful! Have a fantastic weekend!
I recently had the chance to meet friends I hadn’t seen in ages, to go for a run on a trail I haven’t run on in months. It was an awesome run and I got in the car, turned on the radio, and the song “I Have Been Blessed” was on. It was a good reminder of how blessed I truly am and how much I need to be more appreciative. I have been trying to carry that with me.
My photo would be a favorite shot that my ohsotalented photog hubby took of our kids playing together.
Thank you for the reminder MizFit.
I work for a non-profit, sheltered workshop for people with mental health issues. When I’m having a less than grateful moment, I don’t have to look far to see that I am very blessed. I have my own mental health problems and I know that a very slight shift anywhere in my life and I would be a client there instead of an employee.
I remember my blessings everyday. It’s part of my constant inner struggle with anxiety and depression. I’ve also found ways that anxiety and depression themselves have blessed my life. For example, I’m known for being very organized at work, which is a direct product of my anxiety.
In the locket I would place a photo of my smiling husband, who loves me. I am so grateful for the tenuous thread that brought us together, our paths finally crossing online after having unknowingly lived less than 10 minutes away from each other for 15 years.
Thanks for a really fun week of gives too.
That isn’t why I read but it was fun celebrating!!
Good morning Miz! I’m so glad that you aren’t closing shop!!! That would make me very sad!
Well, for the necklace, I would have to say my husband and my son! They are the best part of me and I’m so grateful to have them. They don’t come much better than my husband. He is a kind, generous, thoughtful man. My son? He is an amazing person. I look at him often and think how lucky I am that God gave him to us. Sometimes I wish that I would’ve had children when I was younger, then I remember if I had, I wouldn’t have this child. So, my husband and my son! The two most important people in my life and the two I’m most grateful to have in my life!
Great post, Miz! If we don’t thank our blessings every day, they leave us, I truly believe that.
I’d put my parents in the locket, although I liked HangryPants’ idea about a symbol of gratitude for all things.
Gratitude is never a dead horse. I can never be reminded of it and keeping a good attitude too many times. I am grateful for being able to get out of bed everyday and having wonderful friends and family.
As for the photo, definitely of the programmer. He’s my balance and my touchstone (and darn cute, too!).
Oh I just went up and reread what you wrote about focusing one day per sense. I really need to do that with hearing today. Somebody has been whining non-stop lately and it has been wearing on my last nerve! Today instead of focusing on the whining I’m going to be thankful that I can HEAR the whining!! That’s sure to confuse my son! 🙂
Thanks for letting me know about random act of kindness week!
What a terrific way to end a terrific week!
The Bag Lady would have to put a picture of her Rancher in the locket. (Ha! You thought she was gonna say cows, didn’t you?)
Thank you for all the reminders to live in the moment, and to be grateful for all that we have. It can be taken away from us in a flash.
i think you’re absolutely right about how who we surround ourselves with impacts our lives. I noticed this especially when i had a negative person in my life. You do what you can to help, but sometimes it’s not you (or your fault) and you move on.
The locket, would have to be my family, i’ve come to appreciate them more as i get older, and wouldn’t want to stay away too long!
A few years ago, the three kids and I used the auto-timer to snap a photo of ourselves during story time, for business traveling dad. We were in our PJs, small children bouncing all over the place. I emailed it, along with a few comments from each child, telling him one thing from the missed chapter of the book.
He still has that email.
It wouldn’t be for me. I’d put that photo in the locket, and write the kids’ favorite books we’ve read during the last 7-10 years of bedtime stories in the note.
(If I don’t win, looks like I know what we’ll be ordering for DH’s upcoming 43rd birthday.)
I love this topic – I try and be grateful everyday for at least one thing in my life – today it would be all the wonderful bloggers I have meet like you Miz Fit who are there for me and others on a day to day basis thanks for always beginning there.
My favorite photo of my son and I (he was 8 mths old in it and today he turns 22!) is one I always hold close to my heart – I can remember what we were doing that day and that is what I will always have as a happy memory.
seriously, people, are toddlers ever NOT sick?
Im sooo grateful to have a toddler to GET sick.
hows that for a fast comeback?
I’d put a picture of my little sis in the locket. After my mum’s death, she and I became extremely close. She lives in Cali now and I miss her every day. Good thing I get to see her in March!!!
Just be grateful that she’s building that little immune system. Because battling all the bugs now means she’s not doing it when you have to take personal time off… Truly wish I had not been bullied into getting the chicken pox vaccination…
GOOD POINT Marianne.
I shall cling to that today 🙂
Completely agree with you, 100%. From living overseas and leaving behind my friends and pets one time, and then my family and EVERYONE the next time, and from having my dad go off to all corners of the world for long amounts of time, I’ve grown to become so grateful to the people in my life.
Also, seeing animals in ill health all the time at the vet clinic makes me appreciate that too. Especially when those are service dogs, like guide dogs and police dogs. I think its really important to take time away from the norm and put ourselves in situations where we experience things that might not always be so pleasant- it makes us more aware, more grateful, and more compassionate.
I love the locket. Much as I’d like to keep it for myself, I think I’d get a picture of me, my mum, and my sister, and give it to my dad. I think it would make him realize that he can go all over the world and we’re still going to be here.
I am grateful for a job mostly right now and grateful for being alive. I won one of the last gifts from Elemental Memories and even blogged about it. Lisa L. of E.M. exemplifies a spirit of gratitude, someone who is giving and kind (and yeah, I know she’s also mkting her website but not wholly)– recently sending out an email about keeping positive in this downturned econ. I wrote her back and thanked her because her note brought me out of a funk and reminded me that even though things seemed crappy, we can choose our reactions to the crap.
I love the necklace I won from her through this little challenge. You already know what my picture would be, even this time, a photo of me. I am still grateful.
The idea seems so simple, yet so hard to remember. It is something that I have been working on for awhile too, and realize that the older I am getting the more grateful I have become. Thank you for the reminder, and today, I am grateful for meeting you!
Yeah, I don’t know what that bullshit is about wrapping up…If I can do it, you can do it. And yeah, i know you have a todder and a renman and yaddayaddayadda.
You should have read Lisa’s email, it would have defunkified your funk.
My photo would either be me with my fam or my friends – showing me happy. Something to remind me that no matter where I am and what I’m doing or going through, I have a lot of love and support around me. That’s what gets me through the day sometimes. The friends who needle me into leaving the office and chilling out. The family who let me vent on Skype, which helps even though they’re far away. They make me grateful.
And Miz: you can’t GO anywhere. Justsoyouknow.
I’m not quite back so please don’t expect much. I’ll do my best to make sense. The locket would contain a thought. It would be the thought I need at that time. It would be encased in the air that we breathe as a reminder that all we need to survive is provided for us and the rest is window-dressing.
Yes, MizFit. Gratitude takes effort but it is more than worth it.
First of all if you stop blogging and shut down MizFit – I will totally come to Austin, find your house and set up camp on your lawn, hold a big boom box over my head and serenade you until you relent and start blogging again. I’m serious – don’t make me go all John Cusack on you! 😉
Necklace – easy. Pic of hubs, kids AND me – because together we are a force to be reckoned with. I’m grateful that they’ve got my back no matter what!
Gratitude is definitely worth taking time to get rid of the bad thoughts….the problem is that the bad thoughts sometimes have to be pushed out kicking and screaming.
And my photo would either be of my family or fiance (unfortunately I don’t seem to have any pictures of them together, as he’s usually taking the picture so everyone can be in it).
Gratitude. Hardhardhard for me. Probably the thing that I need to work on most. It is easier these days for me to tune in to gratitude’s flipside, resentment, and it’s neither a pretty thing nor one that gets me anywhere. I need to let it go… resentment and expectation, twin demons…
But I am grateful that I am here, that I am strong, that I don’t give up. That M. is the same. That I have a child who is magical. That things seem, at last, to be edging toward better. I really hope. That’s the other thing, I guess, that I never quite give up the hope.
I would have to think hard whether I would put a picture of M. and me, for all we have done together, or my son, for being the magic bright light sunny child that he is.
I am also grateful for you, and it’s not the kind of thing I say, you know? So maybe putting out there the “I want to do this but it needs to be possible” energy will bring some way of making this satisfyingheart time and satisfyingfinancial time, too. It could happen.
No question – a photo of me, my brother and my sister at my graduation from Grad school. They were both so supportive of me while I was away in school, and now I’m trying to return the favour while he’s away at bootcamp to be a Marine and she’s in university.
This one’s easy. We just had portraits done last Saturday, and one of the photos is of all 7 of my children (5 girls, two boys). You can see the photo of my children here:
They are ages 17, 15, 14, 6, 3, 2 and 10 weeks. I’d definitely have that picture in it. 🙂
Now I may have to quit briefly so JILL will come visit & I can meet her in person!
Love the Cusack.
John & Joan.
After growing up in a small town in Alaska I wanted to move as far away as possible. So I did- first to Koh Samui, Thailand and more recently (2 years ago) to New York City, some 3,000 miles away from my ‘home.’
It took me those 3,000 miles to realize the importance of family, and most of all- my parents. Now they’re getting older (as am I) and they’re still 3,000 miles away.
I’m in New York for the next few years, for the benefit of my future and the future of my significant other- but I want to be closer of them.
So there you have it. I win the locket – I put a picture of my parents. One of my mom, and one of my pop.
How easy to take everything for granted, to just expect and live without being thankful. Great post Mizfit! Thanks for the casual reminder that it is me myself who needs to step back and be thankful!
I would put a picture of my parents in the locket. Because without them, I would not be here. And I don’t tell them that enough. Excuse me while I go call my momma!
Hubs and kids in photo.
Yes, I have moments when things are going downhill and when the spiral starts..Ihave a hard time turning it around.
I think gratitude is both a learned skill and a gift. I try to cultivate it in my daily life & you are always such a good example to me of this!! I love all the ideas you posted. But especially the surrounding yourself with positive people. Good friends don’t have to be Pollyannas all the time but we should do our best to lift each other up. Thanks for always being that person for everyone here!!
Great and timely post for me.
I’m grateful that we are all healthy, and mostly happy.
We have had a rash of friends going through the most horrendous things lately. All medically fixable but so, so hard on the family, and life-changing.
It really changed my perspective on everything. Every moment is a blessing.
If I won the locket I would put in a photo of my family (all 5 of the rest of ’em), though I’d have to squeeze to fit them all. 🙂
I love the idea of a gratitude board. It never ceases to amaze me how many weeks go by before I remember to be thankful for my amazing life. I waited 34 years to find the love of my life 5,000 miles away. Therefore, a photo of my sweet Scottish husband would be my touchstone.
I’m so beyond thankful for all the people in my life, both “virtually” and IRL… Could I put a picture of each and every one of them in there? Teeny tiny? Or more realistically, I’d put this one picture of my fiance and I…it was a reject engagement picture, but the look on both of our faces is priceless!
There are so darn many things I’m grateful for… it’s really difficult to chose one. I’ve actually made a whole blog of it, really. Kinda a “travel and things that are important to me blog” I think I’ve mentioned it before:
The one thing I’d carry with me every day though is my kids. I know it sounds mundane, but what mother wouldn’t?
I have a lot to say about “gratitude lists” (when don’t I?) But I blogged it today rather than writing another book in your comment section:
The Comment Too Long
I totally agree with you in that what we think truly impacts what flows back.
And usually that is what affects my mood. Sometimes it is hard to find the good with all the bad trying to take over, but when you look hard, you’ll find it. And more.
I would put a picture of my family ( husband, kids and me) just to remind me how blessed I am. Especially when my boys decide to create a swimming pool in the tub. with sand.
There is a picture I found via google images when I was really struggling with the eating disorder that had taken over my life. It was of a person standing on a cliff overlooking the ocean. The sun is just rising over the water. His back is to the camera and his face and arms are raised over head as if to say “God I am Here” To me the picture just spoke of FREEDOM. It is that freedom I’ve been striving for ever since. Freedom and Peace.
That is the picture I would put there. But hopefully I can replace it someday with a picture of MYSELF in that same place, where I go to God and say “Thank you! I am finally free of that wretched disease!”
I’d put a photo of myself and our 2 girls in there for my husband to carry. It’s something he would really love.
A man in our very small town committed suicide yesterday. It really made me think about how thankful I am for my family and their support in all facets of my life. I am grateful for every breath I am given.
What a great topic! It is in fact gratitude that often gets me thru the 9-5. Reminding myself of all that is great in my life makes it hard to be a crankypants about whatever it is that might be making me less than the sparkling sunshine I usually am. 😉 Good call reminding us all to be thankful though – it’s something we need to do more often than the 3rd Thursday in November.
It’s a tough call as to who I’d put in a locket, but my first thought is my parents. So much who I am and what I have traces back to them!
lately I’ve been getting emails asking if I read all the comments.
They all come to my handheld which I adore as I can STOP and read every one as it comes in.
This is my fav post of this week! I will be putting into action some of those ideas for finding gratitude!
I am grateful most for being a mom. That is the moment that changed me and my life forever. It gave me the motivation to be the best I could be and the rewards for my effort have been better than I ever could have imagined. So for me, a picture of my son is what I would want in my locket to remind me how love can change your life.
I am grateful for my good health, my beautiful daughter, and living in a great country.
I’d put a photo of my family in my locket, because when it all comes down to it, they have been the glue that has held me together. I am so grateful for them.
I would probably try to find some charms or phrases that would fit with the photo, and make sort of a portable gratitude board. 🙂
Ah, gratitude. You know…the world of the internet and blogs has really changed our lives I think, in that you can now feel so connected to people who you haven’t ever met in person. The blogs I read on a daily basis have really started shaping what I think about and how I strive to live my life… an example? Another family who has a toddler from Guatemala (like I do) who is dealing with her life-threatening illness. It hits so close to home and reminds me every day to be grateful for that day with my toddler – even if she is being difficult. OR – reading your blog… it reminds me every day that there are really good people out there who live their lives in healthy, productive ways. This helps me to feel “surrounded” by the type of people that I want to be surrounded by. Thanks for all you do.
I would surely put a picture of my hubby and kids in the VERY COOL Boston locket.
I think, despite my beautiful son and husband, that I would put a picture of my grandma. For a lot of reasons, it would remind me to be grateful.
Thanks for the gratitude reminder. As I was leaving yoga last night, I said to the brand-new-yogi-lady next to me that I always say thank you to myself after a yoga session–for doing something loving for myself. I should extend that gratitude to my running and weight-lifting too. It’s a big thing to take all this time every week to dedicate to myself. And hard when I grew up in a “forget about yourself, focus everything on your family” atmosphere.
Miz, I absolutely agree with all your thoughts. I am a very strong believer in what you put out, you get back. I have learned many lessons about this: fearing everything brings more things to fear in your life; saying “always” and “never” with a negative connotation (i.e. “that ALWAYS happens to me” or ” I never have..will..get…, etc.”) pretty much solidifies that always and never will keep happening. Being positive and grateful is hard, but sure is worth it! It’s definitely less exhausting than being miserable 🙂 I end everday with a prayer of thanks, continue to visualize as much as possible and try to keep a sense of humor throughout my days 😉
Wow, that is a gorgeous locket! I would put a picture of my two sons in it – they are both away at college (how dare they grow up!!!) and while I’m glad that they are pursuing their dreams, I miss them.
As for gratitude…the group that I’m involved with talks about gratitude a lot, and for that I’m grateful (no joke here). I’m don’t think enough people stop and think about all that they have (both monetary and emotional), so we need all the reminders we can get to be thankful.
And I’m thankful for you, MizFit, for all the encouragement you spread throughout the blogworld – not just to me, but to so many others. I smile when I read a comment by you, even if it’s to someone else. Please stay in our lives!
I really like this post. I agree, I think I learn to appreciate things more when they aren’t around for a while and then return again. My business trips are great for that.
I would put a picture of my brothers and I in England.
I would definitely put a picture of my “guys” in there. My two sons and wonderful husband rock my world.
And thanks for the link. I’ll be doing my part to stimulate the economy by buying myself a Valentines Day present. :o)
Would it be too fawning or weird to say I’d put a picture of Mizfit in the locket because I am very thankful for her?
Seriously, it is always hard for me to choose one person or pet to put in there. Today I think it would be a picture of me and my BF Robin, as we photograph well together(!), and she always encourages me, but I can also count on her to tell me the truth about myself.
One of the things I try to be grateful for, and often have to remind myself to be grateful for, is my ability to move. My mother has Multiple Sclerosis, and is completely confined to a wheelchair. Growing up I lived with the specter of the possibility of developing M.S. myself, as I watched the disease steal my Mother’s ability to move. Today, every step I take, every mile I run, every hip shake and downward dog is a blessing. Even when it doesn’t feel like it.
I would put a picture of her, from when she could walk, in the necklace. Because that is how I see her, as this defiant spirit who used to climb mountains, and who, even if she cannot walk, refuses to sit still and be quiet(she’s an avid political activist who’s dearest wish i think is to get herself arrested so the cops have to figure out how to get her wheelchair into a cop car!)
I am grateful for second (and third and fourth) chances and my wonderful husband, who is a result of a second chance. I love that locket and would put a picture of my husband in there!
Funny, I spend many blog posts beating dead horses–but you say you’re going to, and it turns out the horse is alive and kickin’ and having a grand ol’ time.
Awesome post about gratitude.
I too find it easier than i did when I was younger to feel grateful. But being a Crabby soul, it really does help to get reminders of all that I have to be grateful for. So many things; I am truly fortunate.
And you are definitely on the list! I feel truly lucky that you (& your awesome blog) have become a part of my daily life. Has it really only been a year? Seems like I’ve known you much longer as you’ve become such a warm reliable inspirational figure in my life.
(I hoping this comment is buried far enough down that it’s safe to get sappy. I have a Crabby rep to maintain!)
a picture of my children laughing TOGETHER because the professionals who diagnosed my autistic son said he’d never be able to understand friendship. He’s the best little friend ever!
Thanks for another great post, Miz!
I love the setting an alarm idea – I totally need to do this. And I just bought the book, “Law of Attraction” so I’m with you on that!
It’s been my experience that the things I feared most and worried over the most came to pass. One of them was getting cancer. Guess what?..yep, I got it. By the grace of God, I’m still here 17+ years later.
I’ve learned to be (with “be” not indicating behavior but the essence of who I am) more postive by changing my thinking.
Now when I think “what if such and such bad thing happens?” I counter that thought with “well–what if it doesn’t?”. It’s too easy to leave the positive out of the equation. Expecting only the negative to come to pass seems to be a predictor–sets me in a path tending toward death and not life.
I’ve observed my mom achieve her goals through setting her mind toward them and believing that what she desired would come to pass, and living her life to that end. She had setbacks, but she did not allow that to deter her..she persevered believing she could achieve what she desired. Had she not held fast to her belief, she’d have given up and failed.
This change in me–believing that good things can happen– has been a work in progress. It’s only of late that I connected the dots and realized that what I’ve dwelt on has come to pass and that which I believed I could not achieve, well..I didn’t. Being a pessimist for many years, I missed out on soooo much.
I read the adage “too soo old, too late smart” and it was sobering. I don’t consider myself old yet, but I’m closer every day. Hopefully I’m smarter too.
I would for sure put a pic of my husband in the locket. He’s my rock and inspiration.
I’m grateful for so much in my life (hubs, family, friends, our pets and so much more)
I would put a picture of hubby in there because he is so special to me.
Awesome post Miz,
I’m grateful for a BF who still sends me “just because” flowers.
I’m grateful for my training partners who never let me excuse my way out of a workout.
I’m grateful for a boss who never lifts an eyebrow when I stroll in at 9-ISH.
And I’m grateful when my kitty cat hops on the sofa because she’d rather be napping on my belly.
I work on the gratitude every single day. I’m extremely grateful for everybody who tells me it will become more natural with time. I still occasionally get the “Why is this happening to me? What did I do to deserve this?” internal whine, but try to respond by being grateful for the challenges that help me grow. I also pick up the energy of other people very quickly, so the spending time with positive-minded people is very important to me.
I need to wear a locket. Just thinking of this made me take out my cell phone so I could look at the pictures of my husband I have on there. Now there’s a person who makes me feel grateful every single day of my life.
Gratitude is a very important topic to discuss. Especially for a pessimist like myself. 🙂 I would love to put a picture of my hubby in our favorite camping spot. I look forward to our camping excursions all year long. It’s one of the few times I can truly relax and let go all the stresses of life.
Wow. Hard to cram all my gratitude into one (gorgeous!) little locket, but I’d sure give it a go.
It’s not very original, but I’d definitely include my 2 boys – husband and wacky kiddo – in my locket.
I would also consider putting in a picture of my grandmother, who was brilliant, funny, privileged, fortunate, loved – and thoroughly unappreciative/unsatisfied. Or at least that’s how it seemed. She’s a good reminder for me sometimes.
Fantastic post as always, Miz.
RANDOM NEW VIDEO. Miz trying to talk herself into working out:
What great ideas! Just before reading this I was throwing myself a pity party about something, and you reminded me of how blessed I truly am! Thanks!
Your third bullet is so true: meeting someone with an ACTUAL problem always makes me feel grateful for my ACTUAL problem-free life.
I think my touchstone would be a picture of my parents. They live across an ocean and a picture would not only remind me to be grateful for all they’ve done, but would remind me to pick up the freaking phone and call more often.
Sounds silly, but I have a close-up of my wedding shoes that always makes me smile and remember what a great day that was. That would be my necklace.
I’d be torn between two options; either
1. a picture of my boys; my partner and our sweet puppy, or
2. a picture I have of my maternal grandmother’s house… to me it represents both my immediate and my extended family and all the love and support that they provide.
I’d use a pic of me and my two sisters. Awesome, beautiful ladies…total girl power.
Wow… where do I even start Miz?
First of all I’m so thankful for my health and this blog (and the entire blog community!). I’m thankful for you, for being such an inspiration to me and for my health!
But most of all, I’m thankful to be such a young survivor of a rare condition called Cushing’s Disease.
This disease affects about 10 out of a million people in the age range of 20-50 and I was 16 when I began to get sick from it!
When I was 16, I was diagnosed with a rare pituitary disorder caused by tumors on my pituitary gland and suffered from Sophmore year of high school on with almost every imaginable symptom of various diseases and nobody knew what was wrong with me! This disease causes your body to produce too much Cortisol which has catastrophic effects on your body!
I went from a happy, healthy, energetic 145 cheerleader and dancer to a hormonal, lethargic and miserable girl with no zest for life, acne, hair falling out and waaayyy too many other symptoms to count. I gained about 30 pounds in 8 months and suffered the loss of both grandmothers, a great aunt AND another close family friend…all within those same 8 months!!
While I was symptomatic, I went to numerous doctors with many many different diagnoses, but nothing was right.
UNTIL I diagnosed myself with the disease by matching my symptoms to those of a woman on Mystery Diagnosis.
Long story short, I got my first pituitary surgery 9.20.07 and began my initial road to recovery. I missed my first half of senior year to do my schooling at home, but returned second semester and graduated with distinguished honors.
Everything seemed wonderful, but I started getting sick again soon after and I knew in my heart that the tumor was back.
Just as I predicted, an MRI found new tumors and I recently had my SECOND surgery 1.16.09 again at the famous Johns Hopkins hospital by some of the BEST neurosurgeons in the world and I really feel like we got it this time!
But reflecting on how this disease stole so much from me, I realize that I would not have the passion that I have for life and health that I do today. Because of my experience, I have dedicated my life to trying to help people through health and fitness and just appreciating their health and the body that God gave them. So many are not as fortunate to have their health.
Cushing’s made it almost impossible for me to pursue my passion of dance because I just had no energy! Sometime I wanted to die!
But my time and experiences with people in the hospital has taught me SO much and I was able to share my story with so many people and hear theirs as well.
For so long I was so angry with life and my situation but now that I look back on it… I wouldn’t trade it FOR THE WORLD! Had I not gone through this, I’m sure I would have never been so into health and never found this blog! That experience (and other blogs like yours) have caused me to start my own and hopefully become an influence in the healthy blog community like you.
Anyway, to get back to ANSWERING THE QUESTION, I still struggle to pick what picture I would put in that locket: an MRI image of my tumor? A picture of my neurosurgeons (aka my HEROES!) or maybe of my parents because they were with me the entire way. I’m not quite sure…
but for SURE, I would put a picture of something that reminds me every day that as long as I can wake up and share my story… those tumors on my brain were worth it all!
I would choose “The Blue Marble.”
My therapist, who was a Zen Buddhist master (yes, really) long ago told me: “The secret of happiness is not being in love; the secret of happiness is being in love with everything.” I try to be in love with the world, but sometimes it’s hard. Like I’ll NEVER be in love with Dick Cheney.
Really, though, since he worked with me on that, I’ve started looking harder at everything and trying to appreciate what I’m seeing. I try not to censor my life.
trying to hang back today and read NOT jump in but Melissa?
youre making it damn hard with that Dick Cheney comment 🙂
Everyone please to sign up for StalkHer ’09 being held this year in sunny Texas. Bring your tents and marshmallow forks…
no need to stalk. knock and come on in! Ill have the chia & the protein shakes waiting!
Did my wife get you to post this today? I’m sure she’s gotta have something to do with a personalized kiddo necklace guaranteed to make it by Valentine’s Day!!
Thankful for everything, everyday, every minute!!
Too easy, and too predictable: I’d put a picture of me and my family in Hawaii. I’m so grateful that there are people and a place in the world that bring me so much joy.
Dinah Soar, I liked what you said about countering “what if the bad thing happens?” with “what if it doesn’t?” Despite having so much to be grateful for, and reminding myself often about it, I often tend to lapse back into worrying about stuff like that.
Marianne, I have the coolest ever marshmallow forks: they extend and have a little dial to rotate the marshmallow for easy toasting! I’d definitely bring an extra one to share.
Goofy question of the day: Why do I always think of Chia Pets (“Ch-ch-ch CHIA!”) when all y’all talk about chia? Do Chia Pets use the same chia seeds that one eats?
I love the idea of having a picture my daughter drew in the locket.
I’m grateful every day since I almost wasn’t around any more.
much love Miz!!
Pubsgal, yes for the most part 🙂 but dont eat your chia pet.
and *yes* I think the same thing and then end up singing that commercial for days.
here are my rambles:
Those necklaces are beautiful! I would either put a picture of the josh or simon and garfunkel my cats.
Oh, Miz. I obviously didn’t read comment #9 carefully enough, because I went back to re-read after the comment thread, and I’m tearing up right here at my desk at work. I’m sooooooooooooo glad you’re still here. I’ll be sending lots of good success (of the $ variety and not just the kind you have already in busloads) thoughts your way.
And thanks for linking to your chia ramble. Better than flax seed? I. Had. No. Idea. How’d I miss that one??? Must go buy and put on my yogurt. (I also stumbled upon the stretching video from there…I learn something new EVERY DAY around here.)
I would probably pick one of my favorite photos of my husband and I on the beach of Cape Cod where we went on our first date. It’s “our” beach.
mean. just…mean.
POD – thanks. Seriously, tears in my eyes.
I sooo love reading all of the comments here.
I’d like to chime in and say that today, on the 10th anniv. of her departure from this world, I am grateful for my mom. She was an amazing mother, funny and caring woman, who really new how to be a friend. I love her and feel very blessed to have had her in my life for 27 years.
-Miz, you are the best!
There’s a photo of my husband and two kids that I love. They were fooling around in the park. They look so happy and carefree. I would use that photo.
I am grateful too, and I agree – it gets easier with age. I am learning to whine less and appreciate what I’ve got more.
I am sooo grateful to be where I am right now. I am so happy to be back in the game. Whether it’s age, experience, or what, I am truly grateful for what I have and everyday.
I love Husband and my kitties dearly, but I think I would put in a pic of M13. It’s the first object I found on my own with a telescope. I had not felt that thrill of discovery since I was maybe 5. I want to be reminded of how great that is always. I do carry it in my heart and it continues to light me up all these months later. If give it a good try, there’s no telling what will come into view.
That whole kharma thing is not overrated. I believe you get back what you put out there, but I’ve always quit expecting so much. I put out there what I do because I love to do so and it makes me happy. There’s alway a grumpy gus in the crowd, but I can ignore him in favor of the other sweet faces beaming back at me.
I love ALL of your gratitude posts. What would go in my locket? A picture of my hands. Yes, I love my husband, family members, friends, and pooches, but in this moment, I am so grateful for my hands. They not only allow me to do my job of massage therapy, but they allow me to love others. Touch is so important, and many people never receive any at all. I think it’s an amazing gift that I can offer this to people, and for that I am thankful.
PS – showers are overrated.
Very timely reminder. I try to be grateful on a regular basis as it ups my happiness exponentially, but I’ve been neglecting that essential.
As beautiful as the boston locket is, I think I would leave it empty as a reminder that there isn’t just one special thing/person on this earth that I must carry around…that there are and will be many people in my life that fill that space even if just for a short time.
I’d put a picture of my “fat” self in it and be grateful every time I touched it that I’m not that way anymore :o)
I am so grateful to have found such wonderful supportive friends out there in blogland.
funny how i sit down and open my computer all harumphy and grumpy-assed and negative and read this post pretty much almost immediately. i’m going to have to say now that this post really found me. i must’ve secreted it in! sometimes you really need reminders to be grateful — especially when things are really kind of, well, frankly, pissing you (me) off.
meantime – i would put a picture of my three boys (2 tiny and 1 adult-sized) in the locket because I couldn’t picture anything else closer to my heart. even if one of them is snoring on the couch on our anniversary.
and i’m glad i just scrolled up and read the comments! by god, you can’t leave! people write for years and never have the success you do as a writer/blogger! look at all the people you’re inspiring! ok, i won’t guilt you anymore, i know about the time it takes, i had to take a little break after all the challenges i had going at my blog while i was trying to find paying writing work. it’s rough. but seriously, you really are amazing.
oh my, i love the boston locket! i would put a picture of me and the kids in it to give to my super supportive awesome husband!!!! i am grateful for him and his amazing support of me as i have ventured into this journey of getting healthy!
killer post miz. so much to be thankful for, and yet we (ok, I) consistently forget to appreciate it all. i’m planning on doing the board, once i get my own residence. as for the timer…genius!
i’d put an eyeball into it. weird, right? well i’m so thankful to have gotten into optometry school, and have the government loan me all the money for it, and have such a fantastic support team at home (family). mostly, it would remind me of how hard i worked, but more importantly, all those who helped me get there…mom and dad more than anyone else. these past 4 yrs have been emotionally all over the place, and i’m finally at peace and really enjoying life. yay peepers!
A “before” picture in mine- so I remember that even when I thought I was fat, I indeed was skinny and good enough and all that. Just a daily reminder that I was there and didn’t appreciate it, so appreciate what I got now and a reminder that fit and healthy was something I have possessed and can have again if I work for it.
love all the ideas, I think I would want mine to have a cross in it:) a reminder of Grace and True Love! Hope I win!
mine would have a serene windows wallpaperesque picture which i could use as an anchor if i got stressed.
I usually have the blessing of waking up to “MOOOOMMMMMYYY I Am AwAKE!” today i just heard pitter patter feet running toward me an opened my eyes to a smiling little boy almost giggling to find mommy asleep in bed.
Take time each day and focusing on one of the five senses is also a great way to meditate, slow down, and enjoy the present.
Good morning Miz.
I was thinking about you this morning as my own Toddler woke me.
I am choosing to be grateful he can.
Have a good weekend!!!
I love this topic. Gratitude is infinitely important and often overlooked. We (my family and I) don’t have much, but we look around and are grateful for what we have, in particular the amazing abundance of loving people in our lives that have helped us get through.
I’m excited to try some of your ideas…the gratitude board, setting an alarm, and a day spent on each of the senses. Thanks for sharing these ideas…fantastic!!
If you make those Fiber One muffins I would love to hear about them. Would you like to play food blogger for a moment and guest post on Hangry Pants about them?
I would try to fit ALL my family members~ even though that’s really a lo of numbers!!! 😉
I forget to be grateful. Im grateful i have you to remind me!
Kelly Turner
I’m with you Miz! I used to use a gratitude board for all my students. It was hard for some of them to come up with a being grateful idea! With all the woes in the world, there are many things that come to mind, such as, having dogs that always are thankful no matter what you ask of them, or a partner who helps with dishes, supper, vacuuming etc. I’m thankful especially for having good friends who will listen when you rant about things that are not important to them! Have a great day!
I would put my hubby and my daughter in, because they mean the world to me. I couldn’t imagine my life without them.
As cheesy as this sounds, I’m firstly thankful for this post today! I woke up on the not so bright side of the bed this morning w/ a full to do list and work to go to on Sunday but I’m glad to have a job and to be waking up at all!
Thanks Miz 🙂
On that note, I would absolutely put a picture of my family in my Boston Locket — the older I get the more I realize their ability to center me in my life and I am grateful for that constant rock solid cheering squad behind me!
I would put a picture of my mom in there. Just to keep her close to my heart because I miss her so.
Hi Miz. I’m late to the party!
I’ve been thinking about this a lot recently because I guess I’m not so much about the photos, but then I realized that some memories were getting fuzzier. ANyway, this is maybe the vainest answer, but right now I need reminding that I’m grateful to just be here and doing the things I do, so my picture would be of me.
But worry not, because it would be me with friends or family, because I’m gratefull for the all the support i’ve ever had in getting to this place.
LOVE the gratitude board idea! Gotta get on that! Also the reminders….so setting my cell phone right wherever I am, I will stop and be gracious! Wow..great post MizFit!
I’m thankful for sunrises that remind me that I inhabit but a small, small corner of this beautiful world. We haven’t seen many sunrises as of late (thanks to a month-long blanket of fog), but a few have surprised us in the last week and they have grounded me and reminded me of the forces that are far greater than me. Humbling and uplifting at the same time.
I’m also very grateful that our pediatrician’s office has a branch that is open on weekends. My son’s ear infection was able to be diagnosed on Saturday instead of plaguing him (and us) until sometime on Monday or Tuesday.
As for the Boston Locket – I’d be happy for someone else to win it. 🙂
What a great reminder to take a step back each day to appreciate what we have vs. focusing on what we don’t. I try to do this every day but it is so easy to get caught up in all the busy-ness at work and at home and to forget…
Okay, I’m commenting VERY late on this because I already won one of Lisa’s amazing and gorgeous necklaces through you, so I figured I’d wait till after the drawing. But of course I have to comment, gratitude is one of my favorite topics. 🙂
I think as we get older, we learn (though experience!) how few things in life are guaranteed. We start to realize how easy it is to lose things, or people, and that we are not “entitled” to them or even promised another day with them. So we tend to recognize our blessings more, and be more grateful. At least, I think that’s the goal.
I am so grateful for so many things, though actually they aren’t things. Mostly what I am grateful for are people. I am blessed with so many amazing people in my life. I have also been blessed by being exposed to so much wisdom and insight through various avenues, all of which have contributed to my own development as a person. I am deeply grateful for all of these things.