( This post is kind of an outgrowth of our discussion about doing one thing which scares or challenges you every.single.day. Sure, Tony could have said no—but I wouldn’t have known unless I asked.)
To know me is to know that I adore workout shoes. Workout clothes. Harvey’s seatbelt bags.
To know me is to also know that, outside of the realm of fitness, I lack any kind of patience.
In summation, up in herre, shopping: thy name is Zappos.
(I’ll spare you the love rant. If you’re sitting there thinking: What’s Zappos? please to know Im gasping in shock and hit me up in the comments.)
One morning I turned on my TiVo’d Oprah & watched her interview Tony Hsieh the CEO of (the eight hundred million dollar company) Zappos.
Tony chatted with The Great & Mighty about how Zappos strives to be team & family focused.
He shared with Oprah that, even as CEO, he goes to work & sits in a cubicle so that he will be seen available (which he is) & part of the team (which, as fellow cube-dweller, he certainly is).
The impression I as viewer left with was what an amazing company Zappos is, how real Tony is, & how freakin busy he must be and that he is younger than I am. Great googly moogle what am I doing with my life?!
Being the MizFit I am, this all made me curious about what Tony’s lifelife is like.
Does he work out? Does he make time for the gym? What are his eating habits like? And where on earth does he find the time?
The rest, as they say, is Fitness Q&A with Tony Hsieh History.
Do you currently have a fitness routine? When I saw you on Oprah and you looked fit & trim (lean & mean? take yer pick.). Have you always been that way? Have you ever struggled with your weight?
I don’t have a fitness routine unless I’m training for something such as a marathon or big hike. I’ve always been that way — it’s hard for me to be motivated fitness-wise unless there’s a goal I’m working towards. My weight has ranged from about 140 to 180 (I’m 5’9″)
I know how old you are but wont spread the word. Let’s just say you’re younger than I am now and older than I was when I graduated from my masters program. Do you find it more difficult to stay fit as you age? Are you one of the lucky ones who has a fast metabolism?
I’m 35 now, and I’ve definitely noticed my metabolism slowing down over the past 5 years. I used to be able to eat whatever junk food I wanted and not gain weight. I’m much more careful watching what I eat now.
The Bumbling Band is painfully aware I worship at the altar of Zappos.com. I cant imagine how you run the company, attend to all your other commitments & appearances and still make time to be healthy. Is it a challenge or just part of your routine?
It’s pretty difficult to get into a regular routine. Instead, I try to walk whenever possible. For example, go up the stairs instead of taking the escalator, or park my car further away than it needs to be wherever I’m going.
In my opinion 80% of fitness is made in the kitchen. It’s pretty simple to undo even the best laid fitness routines with a few bad food choices made repeatedly. Do you find that it takes effort to eat healthy? If you do — what keeps you motivated?
I generally try to eat healthy, but it doesn’t take a huge amount of effort or extra time. I’m just more careful about what I order at restaurants.
I have to ask: do you really go to the office most days and work? If you do, what are your go to snacks during the day? Be honest. Ill start us off: some days I join my Toddler Tornado in her potty training I! GET! A! GUMMY BEAR! treat. Now you.
Unless I’m traveling, I’m in the office most days. For snacks, I eat peanuts and soup. I’ve never really been a big dessert or sweets person, so that hasn’t been an issue for me.
Lastly, I always ask my interviews the same closing question: When your life is made into a movie what actor will we see playing Tony Hsieh?
I’ve been told by some people that I look like an Asian version of Cuba Gooding Jr. So maybe him. 🙂
There you go, People.
Not only does he run an 800 million dollar company but he, like the Bumbling Band works to find exercise in unexpected places.
(please to insert joke here about US Magazine’s Stars, They’re Just Like US! feature)
And (you knew this was coming) if he can do it—-we can surely do it.
Make time to workout.
Get our collective asses glutes on to Oprah.
Whatever IT you choose to address today.
Thanks Tony for giving the Bumbling Band a glimpse into a part of your life people don’t normally see.
(wanna thank Tony yourself? On twitter? let him know. he’s @zappos)
Great Interview. Good insight into a high powered position still fulfilling his health & fitness duties for himself!
… 35…seriously?? Really? W-O-W!
I just thought I’d repost my comment from the monday facetime post since there’s a brand new one:
Hello Miz!
I hope you get to read my comment, I’m aware there are more than 100 comments before me. I have a question, since I’m not eligible for the giveaway 🙁
Anyways, I’ve been reading a LOT about interval training and all of the lovely weightloss benefits of including it in my workouts but… I’d love to know what actually makes an interval well, an interval…
Does that mean I get to walk for a few minutes and then run for a few minutes and then walk and then run and then jog or whatever? Do I have to be jogging and then running… does it even matter?
Thank you!
Interesting! I guess I always thought the opposite about rich people that they had all the time in the world to workout and I didn’t!
Of course I never thought about how busy they are as well in order to get there 🙂
I am with Rupal too: he is 35? fit? on Oprah?
I better get moving.
Wow, there’s a role model for you… my goodness. Sounds awesome, I’d never heard of Zappo before *hangs head in shame* but I likes the looks of it!
This morning my “doing it” is me waking up at 4:30am to take my mama dear to the airport. Getting up early and starting the day out on the right foot is a good step towards that multi-million $$-ness hehe.
Damn and here I was complaining that I couldn’t fit my workouts in. I’m no CEO – I can’t really complain.
I’m in for hell this afternoon, otherwise known as Volleyball. I may even throw in a session with Jillian of the 30 Day shred fame afterwards.
*Love* Zappos! No matter where your girlfriends are in the world, you can still meet for shoe shopping on Zappos. 🙂
Really appreciated Tony’s comment about eating in restaurants. I can’t seem to convince folks that it IS possible to eat healthy(-ier) in restaurants. You just have to be vigilant.
I do adore Zappos for the same reasons you said but now I love them even more.
THANKS TONY for walking the walk about being a team player and making the time for us (and for being healthy).
Too often people become successful and cut themselves off from the little people.
It’s so comforting to know that CEO’s of successful self starter companies are just regular people. It’s when they are handed off to the next generation of overseers that things get a little skewed. Nice get on the interview Miz.
what a great interview – i saw him on oprah and was just as intrigued… its really inspirational 🙂
thirty five?
works out?
team player?
Healthy liver?
My girlfriend is so not reading this post.
How cool! I love that he sits in a cubicle!
I’m SHOCKED, Sagan.
Shocked I say.
And urge you not to go there.
I kid not when I say shopping thy name is zappos…
I know not the Zappos. Sorry. Small-town-middle-of-nowhere-and-all-that.
I like this guy’s attitude! F00-f00 office bedamned.
I too am in the “never hear of Zappos” category, I blame being way way down under in the land of Oz. Go Mizfit, great interview! Also love the new look facetime, fancy new camera lady 🙂
I would be proud I have heard of Zappos but I’m far poorer for it LOL.
THAN K YOU for asking the question I had after seeing Tony on Oprah.
He seems so real it’s almost unbelievable.
Wow! Big time superstar here today, Miz! What a great interview!
I love that Tony is in great shape but does it in a way that fits into his life – not vice versa.
Also, I might be responsible for about half of Tony’s income. I LOVE Zappos.
Great post!
Can your heart handle the shock? I, also, have never heard of Zappos. If it involves the impulsive spending of money, it’s just as well that I’m ignorant.
I just got my shoes from Zappos on Saturday. I was so excited and they fit great and feel great. Cool that you got to interview the CEO.
I laughed out loud at your reference to the STARS THEY ARE JUST LIKE US.
I also love that he is (with the stair etc).
hmm, finding time seems all to easy now. i wish i could wear fun shoes…
Those are the same things I’m trying to beef up – taking the stairs instead of the elevator, etc. Very cool.
I hate to admitt it, but I’ve never been to zappos. Eeeeck. (I don’t remember you mentioning it! EEEEK! I blame it on sleep deprivation!!) I will immediately discover the greatness of zappos!! Right now! In my defense, I don’t like online shopping at all. But, I’ll give it a look just for you 🙂
Wow, I feel lazy after reading that. But I’ve gotten sudden urge to buy new shoes ;-).
Totally made my day! Woke up, read this post, and it involved one of my fave subjects (after food) – shoes!
Great to see that *anyone* can fit good eating and fitness into their lifestyle. And it can be done easily without a ton of effort. All about priorities.
He’s only 35? Geesh, shows you the result of good food, good fitness, and a positive attitude. Thanks for sharing!
I loved Zappos when I used to be a Shop-a-holic. They have free shipping damn it!!!
Great interview too. Tony was cool for agreeing to do it.
I had missed that video you link at the end.
Good tips.
Look at YOU! I love that you just think of people you want to interview and TADA!! you do IT!!
my goal today is much smaller in comparison. Get to my weight watchers weigh in.
it ain’t gonna be pretty lol!!
love the interview..and love zappos;)
you know, Id say:
but that wouldnt be true.
I spent a lot of my life watching others waiting and thought: why?
have a great day Lisa. No matter what the hunk o’metal sayeth.
Nice post!!!
what a cool interview to land! thanks for sharing with us! Maybe you’ll get a free pair o’ shoes out of it!
Intriguing and in alignment with your tagline in a way.
The focus of fitness need not always be on persons in the industry or on those currently working to shed unwanted pounds.
Thanks for showing us a nonfitness person in a fit light.
How super cool!
I have to admit that I wonder what the heck I’m doing with my life when I read about 35 yos running major companies. Then I remember I dropped out of that life to raise my son and I am very happy doing that! Most days. No, all days!
GREAT INTERVIEW! It’s so confirming to know people we think of as high up on the corporate ladder are real people too! I was just thinking about workout clothes this morning, and how I needed some new pants so I’m off to zappo’s.com!
I worship Zappos. I love Zappos. LOVE the interview!
Hey, next time could you get Tony to film himself lunging to his office as you did with the bank? LOL
Thanks for the unexpected this morning.
Great Interview. I’m not sure what Zappos is though.
It’s good to know that heads of companies and such still struggle with the exercise thing.
ok I feel a little bit like the pusherman for those of you not already zappos addicts (tricia? You’d love it.).
One click & you’ll be in.
Got your emails & I’m gonna look on youtube & see if I can find the oprah link.
Good for you for pursuing an interview with someone you admire!
Um, d’ya think Rachel Maddow might want to visit any of our blogs? Emma Thompson? Barack Obama?
Er, ok, perhaps I should set my sights a little lower and actually try to CONTACT someone rather than just fantasizing.
Love, love, love shopping at Zappos. I knew nothing about Tony Hsieh though, so this was super.
Love Zappos, and thanks for the reminder that I have 5 years to really work on the becoming rich and famous plan… 😉 Thanks for the great interview!
i love getting a sneak peek into the liveslives of interesting people. thanks miz for asking and thanks tony for responding!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Zappos.com! Thank you, Miz (as always) for showing me what a real person Tony is! Off to pack some peanuts and soup to take to work. Did I mention, I LOVE Zappos.com.
I remember seeing him on Oprah! I was very impressed. Def seems like a great co to work for. Great interview chica 🙂
God I love Zappos too. Nothing like the instant gratification of ordering shoes that come the next day!! Great interview. Thanks Miz.
Great interview! I’ve ordered lots of shoes from zappos! Thanks.
There is no better site for the feet than Zappos!!!
I CAN clean the house today and spend quality time with my baby bear.
Oh I so have to touch things before buying them. Especially shoes. My running shoes are 1.5 sizes bigger than my regular shoes, and my cute “look at me pretending I’m really going to go out in the snow” boots are a size smaller than my regular shoes.
Was so afraid of what that seatbelt bag might be…but surprisingly fashionable for the Miz! Do you have a matching seatbelt bandana and shoes? LOL.
: )
You said Zappos.
That’s like my Pavlovian cue. I’m there.
SO COOL that you got to interview Tony and thanks to HIM for agreeing. Gives me the good excuse I need to consider my next Zappos a responsible purchase. 🙂
oooh look at me!
The MARIANNE seal of approval!
(I love me some Harveys…)
What a great interview. And just this morning I was wondering how I was going to fit in all my exercise and sleep and socializing (and whining about it). Um. I don’t think I have room to complain about no time. D*mn. (But is it bad that I still don’t want to go to the gym – now I just want to buy some new shoes?)
I’ve been listening. I started serious straight up strength training this weekend. 🙂
Nice job with Zappos! Seriously!
I laugh that I know Im…no longer 20 when I see the really young randomly highly successful peeps (the 16-22 yo crowd) & it doesnt even register only my CRAP IM SO BEHIND radar.
it takes the 30-plus’ers now.
Very nice that he made time for the interview and even more important is the reminder to me to ask for what I want.
What is the worst thing that happens??
Thanks Miz.
Gee thanks- another example reminding me that I *so* did not apply myself.
Very cool interview, and love the different perspective. Nice to know that big-shots can be down-to-earth.
I’m not a huge fan of buying apparel and shoes online, because I hate to return anything, and therefore am a freak for trying things on first. But I think that Zappos definitely has a good thing going, and maybe some day I’ll actually be brave enough to give it a shot.
A friend of mine Kim was just saying that she uses the stairs at work and run all the way to the top of a building and back again. I love how even when she’s working she can find a way to get in some exercise on her lunch break.
It’s not just her, it’s her boss and co-workers as well. They are all doing a biggest loser competition. I love that companies are encouraging health and exercise in the workforce. When employees are healthy they much happier, and most likely more productive =)
I love Zappos!! I just read an article about them in Fortune mag and by the end I was like “Please please hire meeeeee!!!!” Plus I love shoes. Thanks for the interview!
He sounds like a very cool guy!
I’ve certainly heard of Zappos, but I’m afraid to log on. I could do A LOT of damage to my credit card!!!
Im with you Charlotte as that article was great.
as was the recent one in INC which talks about his/the company’s use of twitter.
really interesting!
Great interview! Sounds like that young fella has his ducks in a row.
And love the seatbelt bag. What will they think of next?!
Awesome interview!
Love Zappos too. So many freakin choices on that site, it’d be hard to narrow it down to one purchase!
That was a fun interview!
Cool interview! Zappos rocks! And I feel old now…
Great interview. I’ll have to check out Zappos. I think it’s cool that he sits in a cubicle.
Terrific interview and company.
And here’s a great tip about Zappos……You can register for e-mail alerts for new styles in your favorite brands. (I’ve been known to drop everything when I get my “New Privo Styles at Zappos.com” messages!) 🙂
With free shipping both ways, what’s not to love?
Oh thanks a lot Mizfit! I’m suppost to be doing homework and I just spent a half hours on Zappos. Ugh! Thanks for posting the interview. That was pretty cool!
Zappos rocks! And I liked finding out more about the founder.
This warmed my heart
Zappos rocks! And I liked finding out more about the founder.
This warmed my heart
(Sorry of this is a duplicate. .my comment didn’t show up and I am wondering if my “ADD” mind forgot to click on “Submit Comment”.
Ah Zappos, speedy and fabulous-I do love you so! Great interview, always encouraging to see that balancing a demanding career with fitness CAN be done!
Too funny – I thought the exact same thing as you when I saw him on O! 🙂
And he really looks even younger than 35 to me…
Miz – that’s so awesome you had the “cajones” to ask him for an interview! I too love Zappos, and the “fit activity into your day wherever you can” is the biggest advice I push with my clients at the gym. If someone that busy can do it… hmmm?
I’d never heard of them, and I’m afraid after looking at the site and seeing some of the prices, it’s just as well 🙁
800 million dollar company? Holy Snikes!
Miz I admire your balls as well as your biceps.
(May I say that here?)
I also needed that video you linked about finding exercise in our days since I am going to have to skip the gym today for a work meeting.
Thank you for being my guru.
Great interview and I too love Zappos.
Yes, I’m a day behind on MizFit.
When you have shreklike feet like mine, Zappos is your best friend. Nice to know a little bit of history behind it all!
Miz, you’re good and fearless. I love your “don’t take no” attitude. Mostly because you show us that people are often apt to just say… “YES!” Anyway, loved this interview as much as the one I saw on Oprah–yes, just as impressed as you were. AND I recently had to make a return on zappos, and may I say, it was a great experience!!
I can’t find a way to e-mail you, so I’m answering your question from my blog post here. I hope that’s okay.
My husband draws, but he loves graphic designing more. He also does photo manipulation (examples here: http://fairymagicphotos.blogspot.com ).
I want to let you know that I had a MizFit Moment tonight as I left Trader Joe’s. I remembered your video, and decided to pick up my two (stuffed to top) bags and walked them to my van… which I had parked as far away from the door as I could. Literally, you popped into my head for a moment, and the rest is, well, exercise in an unexpected place!
Thank you!
That is pretty awesome that Tony let you interview him. I am a huge fan of Zappos and I am currently reading his book Delivering Happiness. I always enjoy the out of the box thinkers that want to make a difference in the world and he is definitely one of them.
That is also why I love this blog because MizFit is an out of the box thinker and genuinely wants to make a difference in our lives. Thanks for all you do.