This week’s rhyme
Is devoid o’links.
It’s just straight from the heart.
It’s just what *I* think.
Last Friday was spring!
(Thank goodness I say
Im a summer’y one
Cant stand cold & gray.)
It made my Miz-mind.
Turn to flowers & such.
To the warm days of spring
I treasure so much.
To how we’re all growing
we’ve bloomed in a way.
embrace every day.
We grow when we choose
to live life with health.
We bloom in ways far
more important than wealth.
many of you share
with me day by day
Successes you’ve had
not in what you *weigh.*
Call them N.S.V.
Or whatever you choose.
BLOOMING is more
than just what you LOSE.
We’re spreading our wings
Growing bigger and BOLD.
Unfurling like flowers
released from the *cold.*
It’s finally SPRING, People.Β In honor of that I want you to tell me how you’ve bloomed since this time last year.
What have you achieved you never thought you’d even attempt?
What have you done that *scared* you —yet you tried it anyway?
This is your chance to shout out to your self.
All those little non-scale victories (NSVs) which can slide by unnoticed? Today’s the day to shout em from the rafters!
Need more motivation? Chickdowntown has generously donated a Caesar’s Designs The Germanium Ring-Sterling as a giveaway/enticement.*
Got some time this weekend? Check out Chickdowntown and their designer clothing .
(Love Diane Von Furstenburg and Tibi Dresses)
Yeah, it can be pricey but YEAH we’ve been working hard & we deserve a little somethin’ somethin’ please tell Ren Man that for me!
And there are tons of things to add to your: when I achieve XYZ goal Im so getting for myself… list.
(A MizFit can dream, right?)
Winner will be chosen at random & announced Monday.Β USA only.
*Male Bumbling Banders? This would make a great gift. And no. You dont have to gift it to me unless you really wanna.
While the stuff looks gorgeous, I’m rather spending that dough on an overseas trip to hike some gorgeous locale – I don’t think I’d have the nerve to spend so much on a dress at this stage of my life. I work too hard for all my money to go on a *thing* instead of a memory and experience.
But pretty to look at π
WOW- what a beautiful ring! Well MF- great post!! I am thrilled for the warmth as well- I heart the spring/summer! What have I accomplished? These aren’t HUGE accomplishments, but they’ve all been important to me and my life/health:
Becoming a group fitness instructor (now certified in three programs)
Giving up Diet Coke (I honestly was such an addict in college, its amazing I was able to push it away!)
Cleaning up my eating ( and not just in the “clean” sense, but giving up those things that made me feel and perhaps LOOK not so good!)
Running (I don’t run REALLY REALLY far, but at 5’1″, I wasn’t exactly built for speed and find that my 5 mile runs I do a couple of times a week are starting to get a little….gasp…easy!)
Have a fabulous Friday and an even better weekend!
I love love your rhymes, MizFit.
Since last year I have changed and blossomed amazingly.
I had my twins and I bloomed into myself after that.
I realized that my body does far more than ‘need to look good.’
This is a tough one as I am not feeling too springy.
Its still cold outside and I’m not where I had hoped I would be fitness wise.
I am stil waiting to blossom.
I am an athlete.
I have bloomed into being an athlete.
I don’t care if for me that means I walk 5 times a week.
I am an athlete now.
My biggest NSV in the last year has been exercising regularly. Not just because of the benefits of exercising, but because is means that I’ve bumped myself up higher on my list of priorities. Prior to that I was waaaaaaay to low on that list.
Hey Miz!
I love this one!!!! (well…the truth is…they’re all great!)
Me? What have I done that scared me? Well, in a completely non-fitness way — I did a presentation in front of a large group of people this week – sharing a very personal story – that took me way outside of my comfort zone. And when I finished, it felt great (leading up to it…great was probably not the thought I was having!!).
Here’s to blooming!!
Love that you can write these awesome posts in rhyme!!!
So the thing that’s freaking me out a little is that nothing comes immediately to mind. Not that there AREN’T victories and accomplishments, and if I spent a few more minutes thinking about it I’d come up with some. But the fact that I spend so much more time reflecting on what needs to be done rather than savoring what I’ve accomplished is perhaps a sign it’s time to change my perspective.
This should not be such a hard question to answer.
Time for some (mental) spring cleaning, and thanks for the nudge!
Wow! Well I’ve bloomed by doing something that was actually very scary and very freeing at the same time. I decided to quit dieting and stop weighing myself. I found that when I stopped giving power to the scale I was able to love and accept myself. I’m kinder to myself and I’ve noticed that my relationships are improving as well. Who’d a thunk?! π
Taking little man to go see the 3D version of Monster vs. Aliens today!!! Are you going?
I’d love to give the ring to my girlfriend.
She is a reader & not a commenter and has really blossomed this year in her running.
Hi – I’m kinda new here, BUT I love your blog and this post in particular made me think! I feel like I’ve blossomed in my THINKING in that although I am in some ways back at the beginning of my weight loss jourey, this time I’m focusing on HEALTH and longevity rather than a quick fix, super fast weight loss…that took some ‘reframing’ let me tell you! I’ve blossomed in changing the way i think about exercise, that I can enjoy it in and of itself, rather than seeing it as a punishment for eating bad stuff and as a way of paying penance.
And finally I’ve ‘blossomed’ in that i haven’t drunk wine in 29 whole days!!! Not to come across as an alocoholic or anything but I found that I was using it to ‘de-stress’ which led to daily consumption, so I’ve pulled it waaaaaay back!
I am PROUD of me!!!!!
BFP xoxo
(I love that I can qualify for USa competitions!)
This year, I have started blogging (and now have many, many blogs on a variety of my interests), fit back into some of my “skinny” clothes that I had tucked away in my closet from earlier years, spent more time crafting with my kids, made lots of new friends, improved sales in my on-line shops and spent more time (sans kids) with my husband. π
I can’t win since I’m not USA.
I bloomed internally this year.
I just had my yearly and even though I haven’t lost much weight yet my blood panel kicked ass!
Love it!!
I’ve been feeling proud of myself this week – there, I said it!! It’s been a tough few years, but I found my voice, reduced my stress and re-invigorated my whole life as a result.
I’m one of those people who some find very annoying – I don’t own a set of scales – never have. It’s not a ‘I don’t care’ thing, it’s that I *feel* when I’m at the right size/fitness level, so know when my weight is healthy. So most of my victories are NSV’s!!
In the past year I’ve learned that everyone might not like me or what I have to say, but I LOVE me and what I have to say is important!!!
Thanks for all the great encouragement and inspiration!
One new thing I’ve started doing in the last year is volunteering for Special Olympics. Seriously one of the most gratifying, soul-filling, amazing experiences I’ve ever had. EVER.
LOVELY ring!!
What I’ve achieved = more strength, less stress.
Thank you for a cheery way to enter the weekend.
I can clean and press half my body weight. Not so a year ago.
I also stopped counting calories/points and have maintained a 27 pound weight loss over a year.
I am in size 8’s since I started really lifting weights regularly and in a progressive manner.
YOU are a great source of inspiration!
Lovely poem just like spring: bright, cheerful, alive and a beautiful route to summer. I particularly enjoyed this section.
To how weβre all growing
weβve bloomed in a way.
embrace every day.
I will. Thanks
I look forward to the friday rhymes, Miz!!
You don’t have to enter me but I have blossomed because of you.
My biggest NSV is making real inroads into conquering my binging/emotional eating problem. I have a long way to go, but I have started to understand why I eat and I’ve started to be able to stop myself from doing it.
I’ve also finally started working out on a regular basis, at least 3 times a week!! This may not sound like much to those who are already in a fitness regime, but coming from doing nothing but lay on the couch after work to working out 3 times a week is a huge leap for me. I am blossoming and I’m just looking forward to continuing to blossom:)
Great rhyming skillz today, Miz. That had to be the best one I’ve read by you to date. high praise. thank you.
I’ve achieved a over a year past a cancer diagnosis that I was sure would kill me (may still but I’m not sweating it). I live each day without panic. I am stronger spiritually, physically and mentally. I just signed up for a program to help newly diagnosed cancer victims. I will attempt to be some sort of inspiration for them. A lot of folks helped me so I want to help someone else.
And I am funnier.
All NSV! Though I’ve had some SV too.
Life is good.
Love that you all ‘got it’ and chimed in. I pressed PUBLISHED and wondered if it made any sense.
it did to ME and often that’s my first clue it wont to others π
I am not too much different than a year ago and this is going to be my YEAR!
As me next march please, Miz.
Have a good weekend!!
Loved the Rhyme! π
This December I got my black belt in Tae Kwon Do. I had always wanted to do a martial art, but for some reason it never crossed my mind that I would actually make it to black belt. Two and a half years of hard work made for one of the proudest moments of my life.
I also did my first 5k last year. It was pitiful- I walked most of it, but finishing was a great feeling.
Another great Friday rhyme. Have a great weekend. Yay! Spring:)
I think all my blooming has come down to one thing which is understanding what an NSV is, finding my own and being proud of them.
I’m infinitely happier, healthier and more positive than I could have imagined. There’s been a lot of change in my life, much of it well overdue, that change has been embraced and valued and is gaining momentum each and every day.
Oh dear! I’m casting about for something to tell you that I’ve achieved. How sad that nothing comes to mind!
Well, okay, I might have made a few people smile on occasion, and as for doing something wa-a-ay out of my comfort zone, the A(u)ntiFit video is right up there at the top….
Great poetry today, Miz.
Never thought I would get over having to give up kickboxing (Turbo Kick and Turbo Jam) due to knee issues but I’m getting there. I also can’t believe I have been spinning now for over a year and am doing it 3-4 times a week. YIKES!
My biggest NSV was being able to shop at Victoria’s Secret for undies. I’ve always wanted to be able to wear some of their “pretty” stuff but never could fit into them. Now I can!!! Now if they would just get some bras in stock in my size that don’t have underwires I’d be decked out (or rather underneath) in pretties.
“non-scale victories”! I love it! Although now I can’t think of anything personally. Will have to think on it and come back later…
What a pretty ring that would look so good on my finger!
I’m simply celebrating the NSV of getting Sweetie through chemo and back to a good state of health. It’s been a long rough road. Next Friday is the LAST day of radiation. We are celebrating with a kid-free wkend in San Antonio.
An everyday NSV? Making more time for the kiddos. Reading more. Pushing on the swing more. Putting all of the busy-ness aside to focus energy on them.
how much do I adore you MizFit and your LACK of focus on the scale?
My big NSV has been starting a meditation practice.
I haven’t lost a pound yet but I am a far far more calm Cami.
xo xo
Pretty ring (and this from a non-ring person.)
I’ve pretty much topsy-turveyed my life in the past year or so, but one of the NSVs I’m happiest about is my ENERGY level. I still cherish my nap times, but most of the time I just want to MOVE.
have a great weekend!
NSV: I am learning to love myself as me, not as in I will when I’m skinny. Placing less weight on, well, weight and more on personal goals and who I am.
That being said, I also have been seeing some victory with eating for hunger instead of emotional eating. Some, but it’s a start!
Great spring thoughts!
Since last spring I’ve gotten myself back to consistent running, I’ve run a sub 24-min 5k, and I’ve had almost constant freelance writing/editing work. But, the big thing is that I am a happier person than I’ve ever been! Woo hoo!
Have a terrific weekend!
Glad Spring has found you!! Summer comes too soon here.
Wow that is a beautiful ring!
So much has happened in this year. My NSVs have included getting past depression and disordered eating, making progress with my writing by landing the health column gig for a newspaper, asserting independence by moving out and finding my own place, and becoming stronger with all of my fitness challenges and more AWARE with the nutrition challenges. Have also learned more to come out of my shell and speak my mind when I want to compliment someone or befriend someone.
I could go on and on π I love that spring is here at last.
Wow! That’s a beautiful ring. I’m thankful that it’s spring, although the weather here hasn’t gotten the memo- it’s supposed to snow again tomorrow.
Since last year my running has really taken off. My ultimate goal- qualifying to run the Boston Marathon- was a total pipe dream this time last year. I don’t know if I’ll get there this fall, but it’s a lot more realistic that I’d ever thought it would be.
What’s changed? I got out of the “do the same thing over and over every day” rut and included lots and lots and lots of intervals. Intervals on the road, intervals on the treadmill while the snow was piling up outside, intervals on the spin bike, intervals up hills. 1min, 3min, 6min, mile repeats, tempo runs striders galore. But coming out of my no-speed-training comfort zone has improved my running so much and – to my constant surprise – made my workouts more enjoyable.
Ironically, my recent NSV’s have spilled over into my weight management.
I’ve found when I feel proud of my accomplishments, it reflects in my health and fitness choices. Would love to say they weren’t linked but brutal honesty causes me to recognize that for me they are.
My job is to create “experiences” for corporations in the form of events and conferences. There are MANY months of tail-chasing, planning, plotting and negotiating before it all comes together for the big “pay-off”–the chance to gather a large group to solve challenges, consult with each, enjoy each other, encourage each other and team build. THIS is why I do what I do and THIS brings me wacky joy.
During each event, I wear a vintage ring with Joan of Arc etched into it to remind me to move through any kind of fear or anxiety of juggling so much on-site.
If I won the GORGEOUS ring so graciously donated, I would wear it to remind myself of how far I’ve come and to honor the place I now occupy. Thank you, MizFit
Gorgeous ring!
I’ve bloomed by actually becoming an athlete, even after my nickname throughout high school was the “turtle.” I’ve now finished a half marathon, am running another in a few weeks, and am planning on running a full marathon in the fall. I may not be setting any land speed records, but I don’t think I qualify as a turtle any longer :).
Cool ring — I’m off to peruse more of the chickdowntown site (and thank you – as always – for introducing us to great websites). I’m proud that I’ve incorporated exercise and veggies in my life. With or without weight loss, those two things make me feel better!
I love looking back and thinking on accomplishments…sometimes (a lot of times) I take them for granted. π
– I am able to RUN again after being sidelined for a year! It has truly made a HUGE impact on my mood and how I feel about myself, and I’m back into shape to boot.
– I eat big breakfasts! I know this seems silly, but big brekkies always scared me ever since I had my ED. Now I’m learning it’s good AND normal to have that fully feeling during the day as well.
– I don’t drink caffeine or diet coke every single day! hahaha, I probably should give up both completely. But knowing I can go days without one or both feels pretty darn good.
Thanks, Miz Fit, for making me think about that. I think I’ll give myself a pat on the back. π
Happy weekend!
I graduated college.
I moved in with my boyfriend (we’d only been dating for a year and a half).
I took steps to ensure that my stalker could not find/contact me (although how he’d react terrified me).
I got engaged.
I’m planning a wedding (bamboo under the fingernails would be less painful).
I’m learning how to communicate with my future in-laws (and my parents, as our relationship is changing).
I’m learning jewelry-making.
Don’t enter me in. I’ve already got an awesome ring this year (In the words of the priest who is going to marry us: DAMN! I’d marry him for a ring like that!).
In August I went to LA for a grueling week of Krav Maga Level 1 Instructor training. 7 days, 8 hours a day, a 4 hour test on the last day.
And I Passed!
Who knew the chubby girl with no athletic ability could do it? (deep down inside, I did!)
I teach twice a week and LOVE it and I’m getting better each time I teach.
What scared me was actually committing to my 12-week workout. I had thought about doing it for MONTHS before I signed up. The night before my first workout, I didn’t sleep more than a couple of hours max – I was so nervous and excited. I told myself that I would do whatever the trainers told me on the first day, and I did. I’ve been hooked, both on the actions and the results ever since!
This is a totally different *me* from March of ’08. And I couldn’t be happier to have made the changes that I did.
Spring? Spring? WHERE?
We started March with wonderful temps near 80. This morning we woke up to snow. We actually had MORE snow last night than any other time during this winter, and it’s sticking, something we hadn’t had at all up until now.
This is one frozen flower.
OMG… I just realized: we planted last week. My autistic daughter has been looking forward to having some flowers in the front yard (yeah, we’re moving in may, but they should be blooming by then). Now… well…
maybe I can paint her some flowers. I certainly can’t afford to plant again in a place we’re leaving.
ok, my successes:
got my daughter bumped up a grade so the twins could be in High School together, which took some tutoring, some convincing, and maybe a touch of arm twisting.
took a few fab trips out to LA, got to see some pretty extraordinary stuff (no mean feat on my income!) and am planning a 50th birthday trip for June to Upstate New York.
Started studying for my teaching certificate in this state.
got into, and moving out of, public housing.
You know though, a lot of my accomplishments have to do with weight loss and fitness, because I now have more mobility than ever. I can walk up a flight of stairs without being breathless… wait… I can RUN up a flight of stairs without being breathless… and that kind of thing is really important to me.
The best part of it all is that I’m taking my kids with me on this journey. My eldest is finally taking my weight loss and her weight seriously, and has lost weight since starting my diet plan. My younger two are now eating better and walking every day, and I feel pretty confident that this generation will shed the bad example I’d originally given them.
A side effect of all the changes in my life in the last year is that I’m generally a happier person than I was. Just recently I’d posted that I didn’t feel the end of the month grumpies I usually do, because I feel more confident in myself and my ability to handle pretty much whatever life throws at me. This has been a pretty profound change in the last 12 months or so.
I *just* wrote a blog post about this… how I weighed the same last March as I did this March, but how it has been a time of great learning and progress.
I have learned to eat healthy… cut out most of the junk and increased veggies and lean protein dramatically.
I have incorporated exercise into my LIFE, not just as a chore but actually part of life.
I have really “cleaned up” the family dinners I serve, cutting out a lot of the processed ingredients, fats, and white flours for healthier alternatives.
I have learned to truly never give up, to keep striving for my goals, and to love myself enough to keep making that effort.
And that, I’d say, is a success π
(Love ya Miz!)
This “BLOOMING is more
than just what you LOSE.”
is my new favorite line. Realizing (believing) that is one of the ways in which I’ve bloomed this year.
My initial impulse was to write about all the running/endurance training. But while that has been a huge wonderful life change (and definitely blooming behavior), I’m most proud of learning to be comfortable in my own skin.
I have been running for about 6 years. I realized this past summer that I was not getting all of the benefits from running, because I was not eating correctly. I would do a 6 mile run, and then eat pizza, breadsticks, etc. In August of 2008, I decided to clean up my eating habits. I stopped adding extra butter and salt to my food. I also started seriously watching my portion sizes, and making healthy choices (more fruit, whole grains, protein). I also committed myself to a 3 day a week strength training/weight lifting plan. As a result of the diet change and adding weight lifting to my running:
1. My running times have improved by about 30 seconds per mile.
2. I am beginning to have the six-pack that I have always dreamed of, but never thought that I could achieve.
3. I haven’t sustained any nagging running injuries (back pain, hip pain).
4. I am able to do pull ups!
5. I have muscle definition in my arms and quads.
It has been hard work, but I have learned to appreciate each aspect of excercise. Whether it is a “high” from a performing well, or a “low” where I am tired and feel like I want to quit…Each moment contributes to the outcome and makes me a stronger person.
First off…yes, plans for just me this weekend. Getting together wth all my old pals from high school. The old Cheerleading crowd. Lots of giggles and reminiscing, maybe a glass of wine, and very careful on the food. (Most of them are still in the same shape as they were 34 years ago….that’s motivation enough for me to keep my face out of the chips and salsa!)
Survived the last year, which is something in and of itself.
Started working on my beloved glass art again, after years of not even setting up my torch, which is huge.
Spent some wonderful time with my delightful son.
Made relationships mostly better.
Feel like I am getting somewhere toward being a happier person with a better, stronger sense of self that is not so tied into other people and day-to-day things.
What have you achieved you never thought youβd even attempt?
a 3:22 marathon time!!!
What have you done that *scared* you βyet you tried it anyway?
A triatholn and teaching kickboxing! Glad I did both!
Love the give-away Miz, and the poem as always!
It freaks me out sometimes how youll post about something just as I really need to think about it. Since last spring: i’ve started eating much healthier, quit smoking, started really working out, made new friends, and am finally happy in my job. Thats a lot!
Wow, how cool is that ring donation!
We do bloom, don’t we?
I think I’ve bloomed since getting married a year ago. Being around somebody who consistently thinks the best of me has made me better– and I’m determined to become better at consistently thinking the best of people myself. A NSV, but one that makes me feel so much lighter!
By the way:
Spring in Missouri?
SLEET & SNOW today and tomorrow.
Mizfit sofa, here I come!
I am so happy that spring is coming!!
This year I embraced being diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease and I’m really proud that I’ve changed my outlook on food because of it. I now see food as a way to nourish my body.
I’m also happy that I’ve taken on some new physical activities that I LOVE – bellydancing, softball and more yoga.
How have I bloomed in the past year?
I learned that if I reach out someone will (almost) always be there.
I learned that I am a social uniter. Who knew?
I’ve gotten stronger physically and emotionally.
This question sort of reminded me of that party I attended during the holidays when that woman came up to me, spoke with me about some stuff and then said, “what are your interests?” And I said, “I don’t have any.”
fab rhyme as usual honey!
sadly, i’m in the group of “um..i dunno”..but its another thing to think about lol!
I’ve found out that I’m capable of doing much more than I thought possible. My school schedule this semester has become super busy with chemistry, music theory, harp, band/opera, and more. At first I was in tears because I didn’t think I could handle it. But I just keep going and kept my chin up, and I’ve learned that it’s going to be okay. If I just keep a positive attitude and do my best, it will be good enough.
I also stepped out of my comfort zone and went to my first group fitness class this year. I really wanted to try cardio kickboxing, but I was scared that I wouldn’t be able to catch on with the moves. But I sucked it up and went anyway, and I loved it!! Now I go every week, and it’s such a fun time.
last year around this time i grew a whole bunch when i broke off my engagement. i went back to being single and realized that it really wasn’t the worst thing in the world! go figure.
learning that made me open to meeting the fab bf i have now, who is so the complete and total opposite of the ex-fiance that it boggles my mind. in a SUPER GOOD way!
i’m on the verge of more blooming right now…working on some physical and financial changes in my life to make my world just that much better π
oooooooo that’s a Sex & The City Ring!!!
Loved your poem MizFit!!!
What have you achieved you never thought youβd even attempt? A continuous running plan, doing a 10K, and making it as a single Mom in a crazy world!!
What have you done that *scared* you βyet you tried it anyway? I had to have an open MRI, and I am the most claustrophobic person you know…and I did a LOT of prayer and meditation, and didn’t do Xanax, which was what I wanted!!!!
Thanks for the great post!
Spring, ring…I want that bling!
The Geranium Ring is goregous and eclectic, it would look great both casual or “dressed up”! This prize is a super tie-in to your spring theme today.
I love your idea of NSV (non-scale victories) – any victory should be savored and not judged as big or small!
This year, I quit a career path in medicine, and have begun pursuing a new career path in media and the arts. I left my logic out of it and just did what I actually wanted. Simple as that.
Love the ring–I see it fitting into my new career wardrobe…!!
The ring is very pretty.
I’ve changed the way I eat. Very, very little beef, no pork and lots of healthy whole foods with chicken and fish. The biggest change is how little cheese I consume now. I used to use other foods as cheese delivery systems!
This year I recommitted to getting fit and healthy for my kids.
I have blossomed into a better BETTER role model.
snow on the ground here! haha! Still, the sun is shining and the day is spring even with the snow.
I ran a Half Marathon! I never thought I could, and now I’m planning another one. I never thought I would! I successfully kept weight off that I worked hard to lose, creating for myself a lifestyle of health. I “harmonized” my life more, adding in yoga, cross-country skiing, and getting back to weight lifting. Also, I have picked up my guitar again just for the harmony of it! I even played it in our local talent show. Working on becoming more “green” and eating more and more whole foods. It’s been a productive time. Thanks for asking…it was fun to give myself the kudos. YOU, Mizfit? I’d like to hear your response to your own post!
I became a Marathoner this year! Ran my first one and the second is almost in the bag.
I switched careers to personal training and am really, er developing, my bird & wildlife photography hobby.
Love the rhyme! One of my favorites, I think. π
I’ve definitely grown in the last year or so, but I’m trying not to “re-own” the stuff I’m outgrowing, so I don’t think I’ll elaborate. π
Having said that, if you click my name (don’t know how to link into the comment) the most recent post on my blog links to a FANTASTIC article on addressing health in children. It factors in new guidelines for mental and emotional health as well as physical, and recognizes . . . well, never mind. But it was worth a read. (Found over at “The F-Word”- and no, not THAT kind of f-word! π
Always good Miz. Have a nice weekend! You deserve it!
A born poet!! I am impressed, not just with the poem, but the entire post. WOW!! Kudos.
i can’t think of anything in particular that i have done that i thought i wouldn’t. i can think of lots of little things – taking a biochemistry class, starting to go running, learning to cook, etc. but doing new things and having challenges to work toward kind of keep me going.
Since last March, I made lots of strides. Few in the shrinking category. Most are in the personal growth category. I fell in love with the stars in first grade and always longed for something … I’m now a docent with Pine Mountain Observatory – learning as well as teaching. I love it! It lights me up. I would give up ChocolateMan to stay at the Observatory.
I woke up since last March. I feel like I’m fully alive again.
I go out and meet people. I joined a club.
I finished my first sellable novel and two weeks ago I put myself in the game. Eeeep! I started a second to keep sane while waiting.
I joined the local writers guild last night and hobknobbed. It’s as close to co-workers as I’m going to get. I had a great time and am going to one of their critiques in two weeks. I’m brave enough to let them have a go at ripping me apart. I’m not scared. I’m pretty sure I can take it. I would have not claimed that last year. π
I’ve always wanted to paint, so last summer I got some books and supplies and have been going at it. I’m no Rembrandt, but I enjoy it. That’s all that matters.
I quit waiting for someday and started going after the things I’ve always wished for. If I fail, so what. I’ll learn, adjust and try again.
That poem was coolio…and just in time for this weekend. This will be the first weekend that truly feels like Spring.
Not intending to be corny on purpose, the one thing I thought I would never do was talk about my weight loss with a bunch of strangers. Outside my hubs and fam/some friends, I just didn’t make my efforts known. Like I was going to jinx my progress if I let everyone know.
Well, I started blogging this January anyway as a way to psyche myself into getting over a weigh plateau that started Thanksgiving. And I’m glad I did it.
First of all, I met some wonderful bloggers who have made me laugh, sniffle, think and empathize. Some have frustrated me, angered me, or just left me befuddled (as I am sure I have done to others). But that’s life, that’s real people and you don’t respect people any less for their differences. And everyone is in the same boat trying to reach (or maintain) the same goals I have. It truly is a rich and diverse community and I enjoy this little corner of the blogosphere.
And, because of this experience, I started RUNNING. Never, ever would I have done this. The idea of running seemed kinda scary, kinda boring and kinda dumb. But because of a fellow blogger, Kristi (whose powers of virtual persuasion are awesome and dangerous), I am running like all the other jogger dorks I used to make fun of as I was passing them in the car. And I love it. I love being in motion. There’s something very empowering about it.
And I got over that plateau. It’s about 14 pounds behind me.
I have done so much over the past year:
Running – I actually run now! I started training in April of ’08.
I think that actually be considered by others (and now myself) of being an athlete. Me – and athlete, at age 40 (omg – creeping onto 41!!).
I feel totally strong and empowered.
And you are so talented with the rhymes π
A year ago, I weighed 50 pounds more! I have managed to lose those pounds and keep them off! Oh and then there is my running….I have come light years in terms of improvement from last year!
I’ve started recognizing myself for the strong woman I am. I ventured into some work that terrifies me but I got reasonably okay at it and am planning to continue trying to improve, not just quit.
You may not consider this a “NSV”, but to me, it is. I have loved fitness for years & have worked hard at it trying many different things along the way & for years while working Corporate jobs.
A few years back, I started to have work issues & at the same time, started to lose family members.. my dad being the first to die. He was so proud of my accomplishments in “Corporate” so I kept at it. A few years later, more work probs & I stopped working at that time. I also started to lose more family members. I decided I wanted to really put my all into my workouts & try to get to my best… maybe try to do commercials or print ads but just start by trying to become a “reader model” in a magazine.
I kept at the training & then my mom get sick with cancer & myself/sisters took care of her until she passed a quick 6-7 months later.
Watching that & the previous family deaths kept me more focused to try to do more with my fitness goals. A year & a half ago, I started my blog, I kept upping the ante of my workouts & tried to be better every year & I kept applying for those reader models in the fitness mags I read.
Well, I still am not a reader model & not yet doing anything commercially BUT I have kept trying & I think that is the key. In the past, I would have given up by now… especially as broke as I am!!!! But I keep trying & to me, that is a NSV!
Thx for letting us do this!
this year? it was my year to shine. And I did. emotionally, mentally, physically – I took matters into my own hands and dug deep down and grew. Its hard to reflect and toot my own horn without sounding as though Im bragging, so I won’t – but instead will ponder the blooming feelings I’ve had and wish for everyone else to have the same experiences!!
I have finally started to run again, and I love it even more now than I had remembered.
I’m lifting heavy weights and becoming noticeably stronger at last.
I’m listening to my body and giving myself plenty of rest.
I’m slowly becoming more vocal and assertive.
In the last month I’ve tried both yoga and pilates for the first time in my life, which are things I’ve wanted to try for years. I’ve discovered that they’re both a lot harder than they look, and that YOGA ROCKS! Miz? some yoga posts!
I’ve also rediscovered my love of choreographed dance via my gym’s free group classes π i took dance for years as a kid/teen and this brings back all the good memories + the FUN!
Since last year I’ve recovered from a surgery to repair a broken femur (hardware included), endured physcial therapy and sports rehab, and now I’m actually training to run in my next marathon. It’s not that I haven’t done a marathon before, I’ve done three prior, but the fact that I can train for a marathon after having surgery is mind blowing
I have blossomed into a person who does not beat myself up for days on end when I “fall off the wagon” with my eating program.
I have blossomed into a person who really likes to exercise.
I have blossomed into a person who WILL run a 5K this spring π
Technically I have run a 1/2 marathon since this time last year, even though it has been almost a year. I have bloomed in friendship and am the friend I have longed to be. I have returned to some old favorites of my pre-mom days (soccer and kickboxing) and feel younger and happier and more content and more like me than I did this time last year. I am so ready for springsummerfall and the growing that awaits- bring it!
Dear Miz,
I love to rhyme too,
so I do it with care,
I’ve got something to say,
so I’ll share it with you.
I have read every blog,
every “spark” post online,
but I find myself stuck
no words sound just like mine.
So for you I will share,
all my feelings and thoughts,
my age and my food,
and dvds that I bought.
I’m mom to a tween,
its great but so hard,
to see her growing up…
where have I been?
Well, I’m back and I’m here,
so the scary thing is,
I must find me myself,
thanks to all, ‘specially Miz
Wow, so much blooming in the last year! Today’s post and comments were so inspiring to read.
Me? Wow, so much change for the better during the past year: reclaiming my health, becoming an athlete, joining and learning so much from the blog world, watching my kids grow and change, seeing my husband’s and my relationship thriving even among the challenges. Feeling more and more my “best” self, if that makes sense.
Are you SURE it’s spring? We got over a foot of snow yesterday. We’re not going to count on spring weather until June or so. π
To prep for my 50th b-day, I’ve hopped back on the health train and lost 20 pounds (and counting), dropped some toxic habits and people from my life (the latter being really hard and heart-wrenching, but necessary), and embraced a daily ritual of gratitude and faith.
Whoops! I mentioned a non-NSV, didn’t I? But that’s what happens when I’m doing other things well!^)
I’ve changed to have a more postitive outlook and it can be a mood changer.
So, I do have a US mailing address, though I am chilling in Switz right now. I really liked this post and it really made me think. I hadn’t really thought at all about this topic. I realized that I have accomplished a lot and done a good few scary things.
I went to a counselor about eating disorder stuff (SO SCARY TO DO)
I really grew in terms of self-love and acceptance (still growing)
I got back into shape after a year of not commiting to my fitness goals
I was able to cut 6 months off from my graduation date woohoo!!
I’ve signed up for multiple races for the first time ever, and am definitely a little scared
I officially made my college more aware of the need for vegan food and oil use instead of butter use on veggies (big deal here)
I ended an unhealthy relationship (scary and difficult)
I started blogging!!! and reading blogs for the first time!!!
Wow. I loved your rhyme and really enjoyed reading everyone’s blooming thoughts.
My NSV is finally being able to look in the mirror and love what I see.
Never thought Id have the guts to go.
What an awesome post, and great to get all of us thinking of what we DID accomplish. I always find focusing on the positive brings more positive into your life!
For me, the biggest accomplishment has been getting my business off the ground. It gives me such pleasure helping other women put an end to their weight struggle (without strict “dieting”), learn to truly enjoy & find peace with food, and create lasting changes in their life.
It’s been amazing. Every day I see women who are successful in other areas of their life, but can’t seem to control their weight. When they do — everything changes. And I mean everything.
They start living their life more, they find their passion back, give more back to the community, their family, their jobs. Truly amazing.
Makes me wake up with a smile every day! And I’m lovin’ it!
Hiya Miz.
I am off to do hot yoga.
That is how far I have blossomed in a year.
Started doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred 7 days ago and have only missed one day…….scary, yes! It’s a much more intense workout than I am used to. I am already feeling a difference in my muscles and endurance! The ring is gorgeous π
I’ve been stretched a bit too thin lately to do much blossoming, but I’m working on it. Need to prune back the schedule a bit, to leave more room for fresh air & sunshine.
Thanks to your link to ChickDowntown, I did find the perfect flowerpot – I mean spring/summer dress. Now, I just have to figure it into my budget.
Miz, I love the warm weather too…this winter was brutal!
Something finally clicked with my yoga practice this year. I never would have thought I would love yoga so much. 2009 has been full of Down Dogs and Pigeon Pose, and I’m so happy with the changes in my flexibility and strength. π
I love NSV!!!! And I love having a ‘name’ for them now! I always tell the people I coach for weight loss that the scale isn’t where they’re concentration needs to be and now, with Miz’ permission, I’d like to borrow that acronym for my own use! : -)
As far as my personal NSV since last March:
1) Dropped another 50 pounds, making it 197 lost so far, through diet and exercise. At this point, I’m not looking for a specific number, but working on increasing strength and endurance.
2) Became certified in Spin, Group Exercise, Personal Training, Zumba and also became a certified weight loss coach. Why did I decide to start teaching? First, the thought of hitting my goalweight and not having that focus that I’ve had for the last six years terrified me. I was still afraid I’d start gaining again. So I needed a new challenge. This was it! And I LOVELOVELOVE what I’m doing now. I rock at it! : -) (I’m allowed to say that here, right? Blowing our own horns! : -)
3) Last month I started doing Crossfit. Whoo! What a amazing workout! Seen it online, it scared the hell out of me, because it was so outside my comfort zone – but you know what – the gym used to be outside my comfort zone also!
4) My biggest NSV – I think I’m finally seeing myself as others see me. Through all this, I still see what I need to lose or improve. I’d be in an xsmall top and size 6 jeans and still see overweight. I’m finally feeling so proud and happy with what I see in the mirror. I just ordered a tank top that says “I FINALLY KILLED MY INNER FAT PERSON!” God, I can’t wait to get it in the mail and wear it!
What a great post!
I have bloomed by speaking up more and voicing my opinions at work.
I am training for a marathon, and running farther than I ever thought I could.
I started a blog and found the courage to start speaking out and commenting on all the sites I love so much. I have always wanted to be a part of this amazing community!
I have worked really hard at overcoming my bingeing tendencies and have done really well this past year.
I am finally really learning to love my body and accept it rather than pick at it each time I look in the mirror!
oh wow what a beautiful ring!!
my plan is to up my fitness regimine from doing nothing to running four times a week, i really need to get ready for the beach =(
Deciding to enter, training for, and completing Round the Bays π My first ever fitness official fitness event π
in the past year i went from NO exercise to loving exercise and looking forward to going to the gym 6 times a week…at least! i love that i have found a “healthy” outlet for myself! thanks for the chance to brag on me…
I’m back to say I have bloomed this weekend π
I emailed you a bit ago about not knowing where to start or what exercise is best to lose weight and this weekend I just got going!!
No need to enter me I just wanted to say I am a new reader and have spent all morning reading your blog.
It is amazing!
I great post. I love your blog, and really appreciate all the comments you leave that motivate and inspire me.
I ment to say GREAT POST….”I” had nothing to do with it…lol
Great post, MizFit!
In the past year, I went from not knowing what I wanted to do with my post-collegiate life to applying for *and getting into!* grad school. Now I’m on my way to getting my Masters degree in Nutrition and becoming a R.D. This is SO MUCH BETTER than frittering away yet another year in a cubicle! I can’t wait to start school and begin achieving my dreams π
MisFit, I am so glad to have been introduced to you!
Since last spring, my life has changed dramatically. At first, I just wanted to relieve stress, I was unhappy. Overweight, going nowhere, wondering if this was all life had to offer me. I began with physical therapy on my knees, I hadn’t been able to run in a few years. From this, I realized that I could be strong physically. I began running again.
Eventually I lost 30 pounds.
Although I knew I was unhappy in my marriage, every small thing I had tried had not worked to fix it. I realized that he was never going to change for me. We separated in December, and I am so much happier not feeling trapped forever.
Additionally, because of the strength I found in myself, I decided to begin to achieve the dream that has been deep in my heart since I was in college. Thus, my website, which is only the beginning of my search to create beautiful artwork.
Meanwhile, I run nearly every day, go to the gym, raise a wonderful teenager. I hope to run the Long Beach Half-Marathon this year! I’ll be 43 in two weeks!
This is the beginning of my life!
Thank you for such an inspiring post — I’m going to answer your questions with an entire blog post of my own within the next few days. π
Lovely, lovely ring! Please enter me in your drawing. My fingers are crossed!
Hope you had a nice weekend Miz!
oooh… I wanna win! I wanna win!
It’s funny, because today I was out looking at jewelry. I don’t have much, two pairs of ear rings (one if which I’d never worn) and three necklaces. Now that I’m losing weight and getting healthier, I’m thinking of dressing myself up more… and starting to feel more womanly.
It’s a good feeling. Almost like winning π
awesome giveaway!
Thank you so much!
I love your blog. I should really start my own because your blog inspires me so much everyday. I really want to help others just like you.
Thank you for this chance to win very nice outfits.
I’ve had a HUGE nsv this year!
In February I ran a 5K!! I only walked 3 minutes… and I finished strong, and 20 minutes faster than my practice run. I was bursting with nervous adrenaline.
What to do next? More running… and maybe when I weigh less, I can focus on lifting that weight up on a pull-up bar. That is my dream.
I keep counting and recounting the wondrous wonderfulness of this year’s past. This time last spring I was heavier, bloated-er, and sadder and frustrated-er and angrier. And I turned it around and the year was full of victories, scale and non-scale alike. With a 5k (4, actually), 10k (2 of these) a half-marathon and almost 40 pounds gone. I am fitter than I was when I got married. And just as happy as that very day because of it. And not just because of the scale, but because of all the victories and hurdles jumped along the way. YOU helped me through that, along with a bazillion other bloggers. I heart you Miz!
Here’s to another year full of good times and rebirths and springyness and bouyancy (with a triathlon involved…)
Cheers!! And here’s to strong a$$ women who git er done!
Oh, how I hope I am not too late for this giveaway!!
~ A few weeks ago I purchased a pedometer but this last week I finally remembered and wore it EVERY day!!
~I have finally convinced myself to get out of bed early 3 days a week to workout to a video!
~ I gave away 2 bags (kitchen size trashbags) full of my “fat” clothes! I only bought 3 pairs of pants and 3 tops but I got rid of 31 pieces of clothing that were TOO big!! I donated these to my local women’s shelter to be used for interview and job searching! I am proud of this the most since I had used the services of this agency about 8 years ago. It was AMAZING to give back!!
Darn, I missed this one. Love the rhyme! What the hey, I’ll add how I’ve bloomed anyway. I ride my bike everyday, almost. At least 5 times a week.