FAB KATE! (email me your mailing address at MizFit08 at yahoo dot com)
Dont be sad.
Dont be blue.
If you looked in here
& the winners not YOU.
Keep yer eyes peeled.
Click back and see.
Mo’ Hungry Girl stuff
On the way from me!
(oooooh foreshadowing….)
So when are you writing a book of poetry!
already done and for sale 🙂
WHOOO HOO! I can hardly believe I’ve won! Thank you Miz Fit… email coming your way 🙂
I didn’t know you’d written a book!
I’m ordering it for a friend.
Thanks for linking!
I’m disappointed I didn’t win.
Off to check out the book you wrote!!
What?!? You wrote a book??? Girl, you do not toot your own horn often enough!
Oh, and congrats to FabKate on winning HG’s new book!
congrats fab kate.
I am with Shelley B.
YAY for Kate!
Whoo hoo Kate!
Personally, I am SO relieved! 🙂