I laugh that I have
not one comfort food.
My cravings? They vary!
Depends on the mood.
Ive no ‘go to’ treat
which carries me back
to happier times
when nothing I lacked.
No *one* baked confection
To which I return
When calmblissful feelings
are for what I yearn.
“Meatloaf!” Friends say.
“From scratch mac & cheese”
“Fresh homemade brownies!”
“Ben & Jerry’s. Yes, Please!”
They regale me with stories
(Some are bittersweet)
which connect them so tightly
to their comfort treat.
Tales of love lost.
Of people now gone
who via the foods
can still support on.
My question today:
Will you comfort food share?
Do you have one? A bunch?
Is there history there?
Or are you like me?
Do your comfort needs change?
(All depend on scenario
There’s such a wide range!)
To know me is to know Im all about avoiding the giveaways which have already been blasted across the ‘net.
Even though you, Oh Bumbling Band, seem to be split 50/50 (“please for the love of G-d get new giveaways. I tire of the same stuff over & over” to “I dont mind at all! I love another chance to win.”)
I find it can be a challenge, at times, to come it with new!fresh!posts! about oft seen products.
That said, here’s a *not new* giveaway that we, here at Casa MizFit, freakin’ adore.
(If by WE you mean TODDLER which I do.)
Me? I like the Popchips.
Ren Man? He likes them as well.
The Tornado? They’re like ToddlerCrack.
She loves them.
All flavors.
Any time of day (Greetings No you cant have Popchips for breakfast. meltdowns!).
This all led me to my comfort food musings even before I begged asked Popchips to do a giveaway up in herre.
Right now, no joke, these things are her favorite food.
And yes, that all sparked me to wonder if 30+ years from now she’ll have created such fond memories of the P-Chips that THEY (or the closest similar foodstuff) will end up her go-to comfort food.
With my lack of interest skillz in the kitchen there is a serious possibility that could happen.
So please toΒ share.
Lay your fave comfort food upon us.
For your troubles you’ll be entered to win a case (24 bags) of the Tornado’s current comfort food: POPCHIPS.
USA & Cananda
TWO winners of a case each (*cue confetti shaped like Popchips*) announced Monday.
oh this one’s an easy question!
my favorite comfort food is a bowl of macaroni and cheese.
with extra cheese added.
if i’m feeling vaguely healthy, with some tuna or salmon added in.
Comfort foods for me is chai tea…an indian fav π
Have a great easter Miz!
I love your rhymes. I know I say that every week but π
My comfort food? No double about it: PASTA.
Fresh baked bread.
Now may I make this serious for a minute? Have you ever struggled with your weight?
You are the first person Ive ever met who doesn’t have a comfort food!!
I am sure my answer will surprise many. But, I am a vegetarian South Indian and my comfort food is white rice mixed with plain yogurt. A spicy gravy along the side or a hot pickle (note pickle not the same as the bottled dills etc. we buy in the US).. I am in heaven. LOL, I can see many scratching their heads… yogurt and rice.. the infamous white villian..
The yogurt I prefer is home-made.. I will makedo with Dannon and Stonyfield plain occasionally, but I prefer the one I make it at home.
Ive no βgo toβ treat
which carries me back
to happier times
when nothing I lacked.
That is my favorite line.
Fresh baked cookies here.
I would also love, Miz, a post all about comfort foods and the psychology behind them.
(am I remembering correctly that you have a psych. background?)
Is anyone else interested??
Have a good weekend!
My comfort food has always been any kind of pasta as long as it’s dripping with cheese. Mac & cheese, lasagna, ziti … I don’t care what form it actually takes as long as it’s starchy and cheesey!!! Which reminds me that I have to make sure Tom hides it all from me when I get home because after the night I’ve had it would be a non-stop cheesey pasta fest til Monday.
I would love to read more too (#6 comment).
Have a great weekend.
Hmm, I’m like you, there’s no ONE food; there are a lot. And it’s not so much for “comfort” as for fun. But a bowl of Lucky Charms for breakfast comes immediately to mind, so thats as good an example as any!
I have heard SO many great things about these pop chips. hmmm my cravings do vary but 2 comfort foods I loveeee- tortilla chips and salsa, Starbucks Caramel Macchiato.
I really want to check these out!
CAn not believe I could win (Canada) π
My comfort food is definitely chocolate.
Like you, I find many different foods comforting. Unlike you, I have portion control ‘issues’. But at least my quest for fitness and balance led me to your site, for that I am grateful. If I had to pick one food, it would be rice pudding.
Had to go look up Popchips, never heard of em.
My comfort food…Grilled cheese sandwich with homemade veggie soup…My grandmother used to fix that for me when we had a picnic in her front yard. Another one she told me that I loved when I was a toddler was “Slumgullion.” (Her made up word.) It was scrambled eggs with canned deviled ham in it. That one I have never tried in my awareness life. It just sounds too gross. But she told me a long time ago that that was the only way she could get me to eat eggs when I was little, you know back in the dark ages.
comfort food
oreos, ice cream and all Mexican dishes π
I soooo wish I could say that my comfort food was broccoli, but no such luck. It’s brownies all the way!
I have a comfort drink π
Flat 7Up.
Its what my mom would bring me when I was sick.
I would love a comfort food post too.
Oh, I’m just like you. It changes all the time. A common theme is chocolate, but often it can be warm bread, cream of potato soup, chips and salsa. It is is all over the board. Carbs are often the main ingredient though. That’s the norm, right? Ahhh, comfort! π
I do not have a favorite comfort food.
As you said yourself it too depends on my mood.
I do enjoy a bowl of popcorn every now and then,
I do go to it over and over again
The popchips sound interesting and good
To try something new I think I should
My comfort craving varies. My parents were excellent cooks & bakers, that I have many fond food associations. However, my mother used to say that I would happily eat pasta everyday, and I can’t deny that.
nachos! with guac!
has NOTHING to do with my parents………
but GOOD friends & happy times π
My current comfort food is lasagne.
I’ve started a friends Lasagne & Ladies Night where we stay in and nosh and laugh.
Fun rhyme, Miz!
chocolate cake with white buttercream frosting. I don’t know why I love it so much. or good and plenty candy
Hey, are you calling me out with the meatloaf love?
Lisa (who really really want to try the popchips please)
oh and in a serious vein I, too, would love a comfort food post!
This is my favorite comfort food meal = my B-S-Cubed dish (scroll down in the post that I linked to, to see the dish):
GOOOOD MATZO MORNING (here anyway. and it’s no comfort food π tomorrow fried matzo & egg. Passover comfort food).
Duly noted.
Serious (as serious as we get up in herrre anyway) comfort food postage to come.
Just one comfort food? Hah – not for this girl! Like you, it varies – usually dependent on what’s in the house, which lately ain’t much. But if I were to think of my faves, I’d go with pasta and butter/chocolate with some kind of nut ice cream/chocolate cake/mac & cheese – and so many others that I can’t think of right now since I haven’t had my coffee yet.
Toddler crack! Too funny. Whatever it takes, right?!
Popchips? Never seen them or tried them! Anything with the word chips in it interests me though. π
I don’t know if I have a “go to” comfort food… but homemade oatmeal cookies can solve most any problems.
I’m with you. The list is long and distinguished and varies widely. Clam Chowder at my best friend’s house was a fav. Her mom would make it whenever I visited because her own kids wouldn’t eat it and she’d never make it for herself.
Mac & cheese works sometimes. Ben & Jerry were my two best buds when I was pregnant. They could snap me out of a hormonal funk almost instantly.
My go-to lately has been McVitie’s digestive biscuits, but that could change in an hour or so.
You nailed my fav foods on the head with your poem! It changes with my mood. I will go on to say that I adore breads and pastas! Carbs Carbs Carbs. But to call them a comfort food…nope, it all depends on my mood and what emotion I am craving!
Mashed potatoes loaded up in butter. My great-aunt Pearl’s Mac and Cheese. Chocolate. Ice cream. More chocolate. Lots of peanut butter.
It really depends on what it is that I need “comfort” for. If it’s stress, I head right to the chocolate and other sugary items. If I’m feeling sad or down, I go for the soul foods, all fried and soaked in butter. Probably because those foods remind me of happy times in my childhood, growing up in the south.
I find myself pulled in by baked goods, like a cop to donuts. I do resist as much as possible. We’re talking addiction here right?
omg so many…
cream cheese wontons, ice cream, cupcakes, cookies, buffalo wings, naan, chinese bakery goods, croissants, wonton soup, french silk pie, biscuits, mac n cheese, pizza (when drunk), fried chicken…the list goes on and on.
Ice Cream. When I look back on my life that has always been my go to food. Looking back I believe it was/is my friend. All the time I spent alone as a child I remember ice cream being there. My mom would buy me ice cream before she would head out for her weekend fun. I was alone except for ice cream. Sick!
My long time comfort food has been my Granny’s home-made buttermilk biscuits with cane syrup. These things are so good – whether piping out of the over or room temp on the rare occasions that they last long enough to make it to the dinner table.
I am finding though that I am beginning to crave healthier foods – my latest obsession is oatmeal with peanut butter.
nah π
after the seriousness of our monday and wed and the GIT TO THE EXERCISE, PEOPLEnessment of our wednesday we’re just talking light.
I have a comfort scenario!!
Friends, chickflick, popcorn.
and popchips if I win!
When BK cooked dinner the night he proposed, he made a rice dish with cream of chicken soup (but it was still rice, not liquidy), that my great-aunt used to make. I was touched by the way he listened.
For cravings, it’s pretzels with flax seeds when I want somthing carb-y, cocoa when I’m upset (so calming), and Ben & Jerry’s when I’m both upset and irritated.
If I eat chocolate by itself (not as the dessert of a meal, but as a snack, or whatever), I go bipolar: happy and fine the first 2 hours, then sobbing hysterically and declaring my unworthiness to be a human being the next 3. So straight chocolate is not eaten alone.
oops! my comment was not light, silly or fun. It was an eye opener for me though!
Top comfort foods for me: chocolate, potatoes (mashed, baked, any way really!), and homemade baked macaroni and cheese.
I’m like you – no single comfort food, but if I had to choose, it would probably be something with cheese. Or just cheese. Love cheese.
Have not seen these popchips before – they sound very interesting. And there’s a chance a lucky Canuck might win?! Count me in!!!! π
Happy Matzo day!
Oh, so many comfort foods, so little time… Pizza, sandwiches, burger and fries, pretty much anything carby. Not so much sweets for me. I too LOVE Popchips!
For me, all things sweet, salty, crunchy, chewy, etc are comfort foods! Mmmmm.
Wow.. haven’t checked in herrree in a long time.. so sorry for that! Thanks for checking in with me today… you’ll be happy to know I have not used my lazyness/stress as an excuse to go for comfort foods!
My fave comfort foods? Mom’s home made mac and cheese.. luckily I don’t keep the ingredients in the house to make it or else I probably would have made a big yummy cheesy batch this week!
I’ve never had a pop chip but hope to get my hands on a case so I can be in pop chip bliss like the Tornado!!
Like you, I don’t have one go-to comfort food. (Weirdly, when I’m sad or down I can’t eat jelly beans – in my mind those must be enjoyed when I’m able to enjoy stuff!) Often it will end up being whatever baked good my kids ask for: cookies, cupcakes, rice krispie treats etc. Although right now I’m craving soft pretzels. Mmmm.
Anyhow – I’ve never tried popchips before! I’m guessing my kids would love them. I’ll keep my eyes peeled next time I go shopping!
PS> A Miz post is ALWAYS unique no matter who else on the ‘net has covered it!
Peanut M&M’s with chips&dip. Wouldn’t take hours on a couch to figure out why. I was really busy in high school, but my parents required that I take every other Friday to stay home and have movie night with my family. We always had the same snack.
Oddly, the chips and dip isn’t as important now, but I still eat peanut M&M’s a few times a week. I just try to keep the portions reasonable.
I must admit i really can’t think of any one thing!! I love food period π Give me something tasty i’m happy.
Pretty much ALL food is comfort food for me! I love strawberries, brownies, and any kind of chocolate, but my all time FAVORITE comfort food is my mom’s chicken and dumplings. Nothing beats that for good ole southern comfort food!
I haven’t tried Popchips!
Comfort food: For me, it varies but I do so love a good oatmeal/chocolate chip cookie. Made by me.
And homemade mac and cheese.
And brie and triscuits.
I could go on!!!
Have a great weekend.
Chicken casserole…easiest recipe ever by Campbell’s, I believe…and it’s husband-friendly : )
It varies with my mood, but there is no shortage of things I would call comfort foods for any of those moods!! Pringles remind me of my Mom (we would smuggle them in to the hospital for her — which I’m sure the doctors and nurses knew about!), chocolate satisfies in manymany forms – especially B&J NY Super Fudge Chunk! – and cheese,cheese,cheese is always a good go-to for me!
oops. I did NOT think this thru.
Every time my handheld pings and I read a comment I get mo’hungry!
My comfort foods change all the time. It is always something hearty and filling and nostalgic. I made curry beef stew last night and it transported me back to that hard first year of marriage and sitting on the porch with a bowl and thinking about life (and what I got myself into!) Homegrown tomatoes are late summer vacations in Utah and remind me of my grandma. Some foods are the vehicle that connects to me my past, and it is a connect I savor.
I have several comfort foods, like you it varies with my mood (and even I kid you not includes sushi), but I think I’d have to tag as my Go-To-Works-Every-Time comfort food (well mean actually) as Grilled cheese with a side of mashed potatoes (no gravy please just butter).
And yes, the healthy(er) version of this works too! Mmmmm now I want me some grilled cheese….
favorite comfort food, hmm: coffee ice-cream, dark chocolate, and carrot cake! I really have a sweet tooth
Actually potatoes are my comfort food. I don’t have a preference of how they are prepared either. It’s usually my depressed and lonely food of choice. Ice cream would be my next choice. Again, any flavor will do.
I am a carb addict! Can you tell!
my comfort food that i’m guilty of buying and making love two about every other week is a Reese’s peanut butter egg (regular size though.. not those freakin oversized ones they put out.. holy crap!) LOL
Oh, Suganthi! You know what’s funny? My comfort food WAS once spaghetti with tomato sauce (what I ate basically every night for dinner as a kid), but when I was in India and couldn’t get spaghetti I was so easily comforted by a heaping mound of white rice, homemade yogurt, and spicy pickle. (And also by upma, a semolina-vegetable dish). So I realized that for me, comfort = simple carbs. This seems pretty common, I guess. Big bowls of cereal can also comfort me. And bread.
And, perhaps, Popchips? π
favorite comfort foods:
pinto beans and cornbread OR cornbread and milk!
warm brownie with icecream would be the sweet treat that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy…but thankfully i am to the point that it often makes me feel yucky afterwards!
My newest comfort food is hummus. Really, really garlicky hummus. My breath is like dragon fire after eating it, but it’s so good that I don’t care!
My go to comfort food is Mac and Cheese. Any kind. Boxed, homemade whatever. Luckily my husband doesn’t like it so it rarely gets made or bought. I did have some when I had the flu and it was definitely comforting.
I love Pop Chips. I just tried the Salt and Pepper and they were totally amazing!
Hmm.. I have gone through many comfort foods throughout the years, but my current comfort in the form of food of choice has become soy crisps and jolly beans (jelly beans in the bulk bin at Whole Foods).
For comfort, I’ve gotta go with cheesy pizza. Maybe it reminds me of my happy high school days? Dunno. Of the foods I eat regularly now, though, the comfort food of choice is jello sugar free pudding. Triple chocolate if I can find it.
(No pop chips entry for me, please, though I appreciate the offer. That many chips and me in one location is a disaster waiting to happen. *G*)
Those look really good! I’d say a big comfort food for me is my mom’s pot roast (roast beef, potatoes, and carrots in onion soup gravy) with either fresh bread and jam or corn bread with honey. So so so good.
Hmmmm – it varies.
Chips and salsa
Chinese Buffet (steamed wontons/hot sour soup – yum)
If I “need something sweet” I go for bran flakes sprinkled with sugar – semi-healthy and fibrous…
Lately walnuts and dates…
Bad me – cheesecake, lots of it..
I could keep going. It ain’t purty at all…
Yay for easy questions on a Friday for my weekend rambling brain!
My fave comfort foods would have to be cookie dough (mmm hmmmm, preferably heated up in the microwave to get nice and gooey) and pasta with sauce/cheese. Love somethin’ salty and somethin’ sweet. π
You know, I just realized that mine used to be no-bake cheesecake that I shared with my mom (I started helping her when I was too little to remember…before the age of 6), but that I haven’t had it since she passed away almost 2 years ago. Wow. I just realized that somethings are too hard.
My go to…I’ve said it a million times and I’ll say it a million more…french fries. Also, chips and a particular brand’s french onion dip. My go to is definately carb overload, preferably with potatos. I’d give a lot to change that. Maybe once I get things in order I’ll get over it. We shall see!
Popcorn for me! Not the gross microwave stuff though. It can be air popped or oil popped, I love them both. But if air-popped I tend to melt a little bit of margarine on it. When I lived at home we would make popcorn at least 3-4 times a week in the evening after supper. It was our game-night/movie-night/any-night go-to snack.
I’m laughing at popchips being TT’s crack…she is so cute (more TT stories, please!).
My go-to comfort food was Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, but today that does not even make me salivate. Hmmm. I don’t think I could pick something now that I would call comfort food. Weird, I’m getting weird!
My favorite comfort food(s) are air popped popcorn and chips and sals. not together. π
PopChips?? Have no idea what they are. AND, if you say they are not for breakfast….that’s my current problem, you know….probably don’t need them. π
Love the poetry, helps me start my day with a laugh.
No question. Pizza and ice cream. I make sure to get it in at least a couple times per month, and I have the sanity to prove it.
Like you, my comfort food would depend on the day…
Love, love, love popchips too. My girls are so happy when I put a bag in with their lunch for a treat. And I feel better about what I am giving them too.
don’t make me pick between loved ones, MizFit! π Love them all.
Sometimes you feel like something salty and snacky, (like the popcorn I had at the movie last night!), sometimes something chocolatey (a bit of bunny ear this weekend?), sometimes something green and fresh (homemade pesto?), and always and forever, nice fresh bread with a little bit of real butter. I could go on, but I’ll stop here! Have a nice Friday! π
Kraft Shells and Cheese! Definately! Need to try the popchips. I bet my daughter would like ’em!
My new comfort food? Cook and serve sugarfree chocolate pudding. The old comfort foods? Not going there today!
O.M.G. MUST HAVE. My trigger/comfort/younameit food is potato chips. There used to be a place here that would make their own, and then slather them with a blue cheese sauce. The only kind of chip I will not eat is the fat free with scary olestra. OMG. Why did you do this to me?
“Love, without the handles.” Love that!
I love potato chips, but Cheetos are my real downfall. They can salve any minor emotional trauma. And the beer doesn’t hurt either….
My favorite comfort food? Homemade mac and cheese. Or mom mom’s potato casserole (cubed potatoes, cheese, cream of chicken soup, and crumbled Ritz crackers on top — baked until warm and gooey). I can’t think about either without tearing up a little. So tasty.
Brownies aren’t bad either. Okay, time to change the subject…
That said, Popchips sound good too. I’ve heard good things, and I’m not picky.
I think I’m like you, my comfort foods change. Chocolate is usually a go-to item though, in some form or another π
You know, I’ve never been a chocolate person, though I know a lot of people love it for a comfort food. Mine is DEFINITELY mashed potatoes. If I’m feeling sad or sick, a bowl of mashed potatoes (doesn’t even matter if they’re instant, as long as they’re creamy!) is my go-to.
My comfort foods tend to be seasonal. Right now, I’m all about the jelly beans.
I’ve never heard of pop chips, but they sound neat!
Cheese blintzes for me! I had never heard of popchips before…
fro yo! with sprinkles! mmmmmmmm
It began with my low thyroid condition and a neeeeeed for energy. Now, it’s just habit…I love the warm cup in my hands and the warm liquid down my throat. No need for sweetener. It’s all about the warmth. Of course, I live where it is frightfully cold.
I really want to try popchips, although they’ll never be as good as my favorite comfort food: oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, warm and gooey.
My favorite comfort food is a plate of fluffy scrambled eggs with whole wheat toast and jelly (fuzzy bunny slippers required)!
My comfort foods vary with my mood- but POPCORN nearly always is my go-to!
An ode to popcorn and popchips:
Dear poppycorn you are not like all the rest
Airpopped goodness, the very best
I have learned to set up shields around the machine
Lest the corn as its popping make a big scene:
The first time I used my beautiful air popper
The corn stay in the bowl? Ha! Needed a blocker.
So now I have “shields”, setting up bowls and lids
For the popped corn to bounce, I do not kid.
Otherwise it goes crazy, popped corn ‘cross the floor
With me scrambling to stop it from happening more.
Popchips, I do not think you would need
Big shields in the way- you’re already “popped”, indeed!
From the air popper machine I would appreciate a break
A Popchips giveaway is something I’ll gladly take!
Happy Friday Miz π
um Sagan?
Comfort food…Cottage cheese.
One of my favorites is butternut squash soup with apples.
Passover comfort foods = Matzoh brei and matzoh ball soup. I have yet to successfully cook vegan matzoh balls, but I am determined!
PIZZA! I totally love love love it. It is my total weakness. All that greasy cheesy goodness.
And even if I don’t get the confetti poured all over me… I’m going out to find some of that toddlercrack.
Toddler crack?
You make me giggle and buy popchips! π
I always need car snacks for my Toddler Tornado!
Lucky you… a more healthful comfort food for now!!!
Me, I love my big ole bakery type cookies.. and I mead BIG like those ones you see at Borders cafe or Starbucks!
But even more so, the smell & taste of fresh made bread!!! OMG, to die for! Good bless my mom who is no longer with us. It was more “do you want to have some bread with your butter”! Me, I LOVE it plain.. just the taste of that bread! I am in heaven!
I don’t have one thing; like you, it varies depending on the mood. Just about any of the following make me purr: dark chocolate (Used to be milk. And See’s is a childhood favorite, although many of my old faves are a little too sickly sweet for me now), ice cream, bacon, pizza, tacqueria burritos, bbq’d ribs, mashed or baked potatoes, refried beans, *good* grilled sourdough bread or garlic bread, any roasted or grilled veggies, roasted & salted almonds (or mac nuts or pistachios or peanuts), coffee with half-and-half, Good Earth original tea, homemade hot chocolate (lots of cocoa powder and a little stevia or splenda instead of sugar), Greek-style yogurt with fruit (especially pineapple; it was a childhood Lent dessert when I gave up sweets), onion rings, cheeseburgers, festive beverages, and oatmeal+flax+wheat germ with peanut butter and sugar-free maple syrup. Oh, and going out for Chinese, Thai, or Indian food is sure to raise me from the deepest funk. Nom nom nom.
Oh my gosh, how could I have forgotten? Chocolate chip cookies.
I ahte to admit it, but as boring as it may seem – milk chocolate in any form
potatoes! of all forms, mashed, baked, fried, shredded, smashed, roasted. sigh, potatoes.
It would have to be lasagna … and siiiiigh I have had none in … at least a year. Sometimes I get the Amy’s frozen. That’s all the pleasure I get.
All food comforts me if I am in the mood to be comforted though it seems that the scent of warm cinnamon would hit the spot.
Pick me, pick me! It will give me something to eat on the side of my grilled chessers.
Olive Garden breadsticks with alfredo sauce. Food Porn.
Hmm, my comfort food…..it’s got to be CARROT CAKE!!!! Yum!!
popcorn that is what i usually go for thanks for the giveaway
I am officially hungry NOW!!
This post and comments are great! Each food listed I fell my head nodding.
YES, I like that one
That is my fave
No this one is it
Yes, I like ’em all!
Different foods for different moods!
I am sad and confused. All the fat/sweet/salty comfort foods I’ve had in the past no longer comfort me. Most of them do not have the taste I remember that made me feel good. Others? (a whole bag of potato chips?) just make my mouth and tummy hurt.
I can try them all, but they do not comfort me anymore.
Sometimes the thai eggplant dish at my local restaurant will work. But I have to say that right now I do not have a comfort food.
Funny. My toddler LOVES popchips. I have to hide them from him as he will insist on eating them any time of the day if he sees them. And it’s just too hard to argue with a toddler! I don’t keep them in the house anymore but keep some in the garage, and he found them the other day when we were doing laundry. He wanted them right then and there…
My favorite comfort food is fresh baked bread and cheese. Hmmm haven’t had some in ages…. This post makes me hungry…
Love the popchips, so cheers little tornado!
My fav. comfort food is homemade ice cream. Better when I was a kid and had the kind of ice cream maker where you have to keep salting it to keep the ice melting and super cold. My electric one is just not the same…
Great giveaway!! My favorite comfort food is chili cheese fries!!
Muffins. Of any kind. I know they’re just like cake in little paper cups. But you can’t take the top off a cake.
cookies give me comfort
and french fries.
Problem: I have so many comfort foods that it is ridiculous. Reuben sandwiches, bagels with cream cheese, carrot cake, and malted milk balls all to remind me of my deceased father. Mac n cheese, hoagies, ice cream sundaes and boxed chocolates to make me feel closer to my deceased mother. Chips, dips, cheese, pickles, and candy to take me back to childhood. And the new loves…. fettucine alfredo, swedish meatballs, twice baked potatoes to help me feel comforted.
Yeah… issues… seriously. Which is why I hit nearly 300 pounds. I am, however, developing a few new substitute comfort foods, for example steamed artichokes. Yummy.
Kabocha!!!!!! Is my comfort food. It is heavenly. Could eat it every day, for every meal. Sometimes I do π Sprinkled with parmesan and some organic ketchup. Yum.
Meatloaf with a side of mashed potatoes….the ultimate comfort foods!
I would have to go with pizza. I could eat a different type of pizza every day and be happy with it.
pasta is my comfort food
Anything sweet. Or salty. Or grapes. Yeah, it doesn’t take much… π
Thanks for the giveaway!
I can’t say I have a specific comfort food, but soups are some of my favorite meals.
I’m with you, Miz….my comfort food changes with my needs. Often, I want a salad – or roasted veggies. Usually, my comfort food does not involve sugary treats at all.
My comfort foods also change quite a bit, but they’re mostly carbs since that’s what my family (who all hails from the south) subside on: mashed potatoes, baked spaghetti and pizza are my favorites. Nowadays I like to make healthier versions of these so I can still enjoy them.
Banana bread. Chocolate chip cookies right out of the oven. Chili. Definitely not Matzah, which is languishing in my stomach right now.
My favorite comfort food is chili. It reminds me of home in the winter.
Not sure I have A comfort food… It changes depending on the mood and reason for the comfort… but normally it’s something I bake and then eat…. the cooking of it is also a comfort
hmm, comfort food? probably nut butter π i just introduced mom and dad to popchips, as I found them at target and couldn’t help myself!
I have so many comfort foods: chicken soup, beef stew, meatloaf, mac’n’cheese, perogi, ravioli, bean soup.
My fave comfort food is chocolate in any form.
I love mashed potatoes, meatloaf, and broccoli. Sooo comforting and yummy.
Macaroni and cheese is my favorite comfort food. The cheesier the better. Yummy.
I think my comfort food is either sweets (yes, I know that’s super broad) or guacamole.
Thank you for the great giveaway. My comfort food is chocolate or a mixture of chocolate/salty snacks. So bad for me!
The comfort food to which I always return is palacinke, my mom’s Croatian crepes filled with sweet cottage cheese and egg, or cinnamon and sugar. Every time I go home to visit, my mom always makes these for me (whata mom!)
I really need to learn to make these on my own
wonderful giveaway!
My comfort food is kabocha oatmeal!
i would love to try those popchips
My comfort food is homemade tomato soup made by my mommie. She makes the best homemade soup ever. Those canned soup can never satisfy my comfort food cravings!!!
I think my comfort food is dark chocolate~
Potato casserole — potatoes, bacon, celery, onions and cheese all layered together. Pour a bit of evaporated milk over the top and bake for an hour. YUM. My mom used to make this when I was a kid and I guess that’s why I love it so much. I don’t make it all that often anymore because I will eat it until it’s gone!
Chips and home made salsa. Or anything my mother cooks for dinner.
I like chili. There is nothing more comforting to me than a good bowl of homemade chili.
This is bad-little debbie cakes…all kinds…oatmeal pies,swiss cake rolls,those little christmas trees and valentines heart cakes…and snowballs(the hot pink cakes with coconut and chocolate cake with filling) I ate alot of snack cakes when I was little. We were poor and they were cheap!
I don’t know if you will see me way down here but I would love a post about comfort eating and how to break the habit.
I also wanted to say thank you for all that you do.
Your post monday really helped me.
Macaroni and Cheese topped with bread crumbs.
Like you,
I have no ‘go to’
Baked goods, salty chips,
Ice cream and even grits
These are things I sometimes crave,
Forever changing, rarely the latest rave.
The popchips look pretty good,
I’ll have to pick some up in my hood!
Rock on! -Rockin Austin
Once I gave up all of my comfort foods for a month. Life wasn’t nearly as fun.
I need sweet potato and cinnamon; peanut butter (though almond butter is a close second); and orange pekoe tea with milk.
Toasted raisin bread with butter used to be my comfort food until I had to go gluten free.
Comfort food. Chips and cheese and fresh salsa.
fresh baked bread…reminds me of my Mom
chocolate ice cream…reminds me of my Dad
potato chips and pretzels were something we only ate at birthday parties so color me weird, I’d dip my chips in the cake frosting
I can control most emotional eating these days but the the smell of fresh baked bread still makes me swoon
I love your rhymes too. I’ve never had popchips but they sure look yummy. As for comfort foods I have to many to count lol.
My favorite comfort food is anything chocolate. Thanks!
My comfort food is cheesecake, hands down.
My comfort foods are freshly baked bread spread with real butter and drizzled with honey, and cheese. Not together, though.
my comfort food is pasta and meatballs. Have a great holiday. Love the rhyme.
My comfort food varies on what I’m feeling. For example, usually stress and anxiety mean I need something creamy (like mac & cheese or ice cream). If I’m feeling more upset or angry… I need something crunchy, like nuts or apples.
In the winter, it’s mashed potatoes or mac & cheese!! In the summer, it’s cheez balls…
My comfort food- chocolate chip cookies-Yes-I need something healthier.
I have never heard of popchips! Hmmm…. Dn’t know if we have them around here.
My favorite comfort food? Any kind of casserole. Any!
If I have a bad day
or I get really stressed
There’s only one way
To start feeling my best.
I head to the deli
and hook it up, stat
Lox in my belly
in zero time flat
A bagel is great,
some cream cheese too
I’ll make a fab plate
and I’m no longer blue!
My favorite comfort food is cereal: Coco Pebbles always do the trick!
My comfort food at the moment is a skinny vanilla latte from starbucks. Hits the spot every time! Also warm brownies or chocolate chip cookies. yum!
I would love to finally try these!!
Cheese. Cheese in all forms. If I had to pick one, it would be brie. But I’ll take pretty much anything from slices of American to plain ol’ Doritos!
The entire fridge, salty/sweet/crunchy/soft, anything I can shovel in my mouth. SAD I know.
My comfort food is a big bowl of strawberry ice cream
comfort food… oatmeal with Zeal π
happy easter
comfort food = veggies, tofu, oatmeal, beans, apples!
Frozen Pizza is my comfort food
I would have to say curly fries with cheese. Wow I’ve been trying not to think about them and now I want some. Let’s get a glass of water.
Thank you for a great giveaway. I would love to win. My favorite comfort food is some salt and vinegar chips..mmmm..THank you
depending on my mood comfort food varies it might be sweet/salty/spicy best comfort food of all MOMS cooking
How about a bag of oreos and some blue bell vanilla ice cream?
I am having trouble with trackbacks and your site, do you have trackbacks disabled by chance?
Since I dabbled in raw veganism I honestly feel my comfort foods are more fruits now. I crave them. Seriously.
fav comfort food is DEFINITELY grilled cheeeeeeeese!!! π YUMMY!!
My favorite comfort food is a creamy cheesecake with ooey-gooey strawberries on top with a side of ice cream!