This one’s a short post.
A gift to myself.
Im living not blogging.
Taking care of my health.
This morning? Im running.
(or wogging. we’ll see.)
Shakin’ up the workout.
MAKING time for me.
Im DOing not TRYing.
Not saying: I may run.
I’m pushing my limits
Are you in a rut?
Are your workouts stale?
Are you on autopilot?
Does routine prevail?
Make it SHAKE IT UP Tuesday.
Just change something small.
Try this? Maybe this?
Doesnt matter at all!
Are you stuck for any idea on how you can spice up yer routine?
Quite frankly not in the mood to think all that hard?
Thanks to Angie I have another option for you.
A boot camp ebook you can simply download and do at home.
Yada yada yada normally 39.95 the book *really* clearly lays out how you can whip your bod into shape in three thirty-minute sessions per week.
But WAIT! That’s not all (wink).
Being the uncoordinated person *I* am I like to assume all ya’ll are uncoordinated as well.
As a result Ive made asked Angie if she’d agree to donate a book AND help the winner figure out the boot camp should s/he have ANY questions (*cue cheers*).
That’s it, People.
You can be entered to win for the lowlow price of a comment below.
I know what *I* am off to do.
Gonna follow suit? shake things up a bit on this tuesday?
or will you wait and merely hope you win the boot camp book?
Please to hit us all up in the comments.
(Winner announced tomorrow. entire universe eligible.)
EDITED TO SAY: Curious about how twitter can help with your fitness goals? Here’s a short news video & yours truly got a shoutout! (*cue confetti shaped like @MizFitOnline*)
Good morning Miz!
Are you really running?
Now? This morning?
You should do a video when you get back 🙂
Have fun!!
Love those rhymes!!
My “shake-up” is not yet doable, although I will take a walk later today, when I can see and not kill myslef by tripping. Will “run” my kids and walk by their side.
Have a great day!
Good for you MIZ! I need to do cardio so desperately…argh…
will do! Thanks for the reminder
Did my girlfriend put you up to this?
I have really gotten into the weight training (and in no small part thanks to you, MizFit) and need to do more cardiovascular stuff.
My girlfriend is always reminding me that I can be really strong but if my heart isn’t it doesn’t matter.
I will hit the bike at the gym tonight for a few minutes.
Oh my GOSH! Look at your arms, woman! You’re awesome!! Eh, but you knew that already. Go YOU! lol
I mean this in a good way:
I love how you keep saying you are going to start running (I follow you on twitter) and don’t.
You are human like the rest of us!!
Have a great day.
Oh and I would love to win the boot camp book!!
I feel inspired. I see some hill sprints in my immediate future. Thanks Miz!
Well…I am off and running too! Have a 1/2 marathon in TWO WEEKS. eeeek! That’ll shake a person up!
I’m really good about shaking things up I need a routine! 🙂
A long, long beach walk is the first thing on my agenda this a.m. Not necessarily a shake-it-up maneuver, but it IS something I never do in Memphis.
Enjoy your run!
I’m recovering from a half marathon I ran this past Sunday and home with a sick kid-o today. I will not be shaking it up. Perhaps in 2 weeks after I run my next half marathon and don’t have anything on my plate for awhile. (I’d hate to shake it up and then be too sore to run my race!)
wogging: wobbling + jogging because SOME of us are not hard bodies. Or didn’t win the uber running bras.
Still waiting for the post about May…. lol
; )
its almost light here so I’m almost off to run!
Marianne? Memorial Day.
I await your guest post.
Double entendres and all.
jealous! hopefully i’ll be feeling good enough to finally get some activity in (i’ve been under the weather :() It looks like a gorgeous day!
next thing you know you’ll be biking 😉
Enjoy the run! I am really loving running these days- especially outside in the sunshine :). I would shake it up, but I have to teach. Maybe I’ll be extra silly while instructing tonight…just for you 😉
Yay! Welcome to the dark side. 🙂
This morning I did a tempo run instead of my usual turtle pace run. It felt good. Now I’m looking into swimming lessons so I can really change up my exercise routine.
Love the DOing, not TRYing. Leave it to you to shake up the old prefrontal cortex. Thanks for the inspiration!
I would love to drag you out with us running, Woman.
By the time we call you you’re already done with the workout & off for your day.
What if we ran together in the dark?
Email me.
You GO, MIZ!!!
Believe it or not, I’m gonna shake things up today by walking instead of running! I have been on a running kick lately, but today, I thought I would take any extra long power walk and maybe throw in a couple of sprints at the end!
That news clip is REALLY COOL!
I am shaking things up here for sure.
Taking a day off and resting.
You said I could 🙂
Cool idea for an exercise shake-up. I’m trying to switch off btw running and the gym.
Good for you MizFit you are inspiring me to get motivated again!
Ahh, I need this right now. My workouts have been getting a little stale lately, and I need to shed these last ten pounds!
Oooh I love winning things, hint hint 😉
I shook it up in the rain with the trainer, well he shook it up, I mostly puffed and panted and tried to get my kickboxing skillz looking decent.
You look like you were born to run. Go girl go!
I’d love the book…and a weekly appt with a trainer!
In the meantime, I keep fitness mags in every bathroom for a quick motivation.
Good Luck to me.
You remember my feelings about running, right? (key words: DETEST, LOATHE, DESPISE)
At last Thursday’s bootcamp, I was the only “regular” who showed up, so I was responsible for leading the warm-up/pacing run. ME! Do you know how much pressure that was?? I HAD to maintain a decent lead and try to make it seem effortless; keeping up appearances, you know. Ugh. Hated every moment of it. But I sure was proud of myself when I finished.
That picture belongs on a magazine cover!
Run MizFit, RUN! Oh wait..I think that supposed to be Forest??
You go girl! So excited to see who will win the boot camp workouts!!
Living not blogging.
I love that.
Great shout out on the Twitter story!
I am going to do my yogadownload work out tonight even if I have to lock myself in my bedroom and ignore the pounding on the door. I got bombarded with kiddos the other night and did not get to do it. 🙁
That’s my shake up for today!
Awesome awesome awesome! Can’t wait to hear about how it goes.
Just a reminder that signing up for an EVENT (running, cycling, triathlon, whatevah) is a great way to shake up your routine 😀
I have been alternating running and walking (or wogging — love that term!) with going to the gym with a friend, but I tell you, I could use a good shake up. Boot camp sounds intense!
Have a great wog. I’ll be heading to the gym later for my first session with a trainer. 🙂
xo Amy
Miz Fit, you are stunning! Very She-Ra. 😀
Coming out of my lurkitude to comment on the fact that this ol’ mama could certainly use a Useful Book to open the portal to the mysterious world of Fitness. I can do 30 minutes a day, it’s just the how and what that is murky to me! LOL.
YAY for you!!
Running is SO not my thing…YET!!
I want to be a runner but my knees are not ready for that!
I will fix myself and you can bet
So I am shaking things up a bit by learning about resistance bands. Do you want to talk about uncoordinated…oy! I amy look a mess but dang it – I try!!
Thank you Miz! For this contest and for simply being you!!!
<3 Jen
it was “fine”
no Forrest Gump am I (read: Ill be quite content to do once a week. I hath not been bitten by the running bug—yet)
Miz is running!
You look absolutely marvelous, too!
I’m on schedule to run tonight. You look a lot better running than I do though. LOL
I WANT that boot camp so bad. Like, I’m begging the random number gods to pick me when it comes time for the drawing. I just went to the bot camp web site and it looks like some impressive stuff.
I’ve always wondered about boot camp, so sounds like something new to try to me.
I “changed up” starting last week. I’m doing a month of circuit training. I decided I am going to change at least every 4-6 wks, even if it means a different order in which I hit the weights. So far, it has helped cut down on the boredom and motivate me a lil more.
You are so cute running! I look like a hot mess…and you look like an ad for fitnes magazine. 🙂
I desperately need to shake things up with my workouts, since I’m taking a running break. You’d be proud – I’m trying to LIFT 3 times a week!! My arms are sore today and I LOVE that.
Joined a gym 2 months ago and have dropped 18 (unwanted) pounds by running. You go girl!
I want arms like yours soon!
Good for you on shaking things up! Hope you enjoyed your run. No need to enter me for the book. 🙂
Yay, you go! Rock that running!!!!
Believe me, I was a hotsweaty mess after this morning.
Congrats on the shout-out! Woohooo! And you look – dare I say it? – happy running! Hope you had a good workout!
Yes, my workout is in bit of a rut, and I tend to do the same thing again and again and again… I actually went for a 30 minute swim yesterday. It was quite a challenge, but it felt really good to mix things up a bit. I think I’ll add swimming to my workout routine a few days a week.
I’ve always wanted to try a boot camp type workout. It sounds like it would really shake things up… 🙂
Hi Miz!
Uncoordinated is my middle name! I will be wogging on the treadmill tonight! Would love to shake things up with a boot camp workout…
shakin’ it up by actually GOING to the gym today! woohoo!
Love the news shout-out to Miz!!
Why is it so easy to get stuck in a rut??
I hope that picture wasn’t just you posing. But if so, that’s exactly how I would run too.
Hope however far you got, you had a good time getting there.
I don’t need a boot camp. I need a shoe store.
See Miz run.
The Bag Lady almost ran today, too. It was storming so badly and so freakin’ cold when she staggered out at 6 am to check cows, that she almost ran back to the house….. BRRRRRRRR
(Where is summer? Why are you hogging it all to yourselves down there?!)
Where is Marianne’s guest post? 🙂
Love it.
Run, Miz, run! I love running, but my knees aren’t happy that I weigh so much now. Alas, running for me shall wait.
Shakin it up by actually going to the gym? Yeah, today that’s me after a weekend of sleeping and doing nada. I’m biking today but focusing on distance instead of time… thats a new one for me.
yeahhh for running!!! I love your poems they are so fun. I’ve beenvery proud of myself for finally cross training lately
I’m shaking up my routine by not exercising. Ha!
I’ll get back to it as I recover from surgery, but for now I’m content to know that it’ll all seem new again when I get back to yoga, biking, etc. and I’ll be able to go on hikes in the mountains soon.
I’m shaking it up by doing *less*, which is novel for me.
Thanks for checking in on me at my blog LOL!
Go Girls On The Run!!!
You’ve got the right idea Miz. You need to change up your routine to avoid stagnation and plateau.
I shake up my routine by cardio as well. Some days I run, some I bike, some I jump route, some I swim(if i can get to the pool).
Keep up the good work!
I shook things up by allowing myself to sleep in for an extra hour. I’ll also be “shaking things up” by cleaning the apartment, and may extend the 1950s housefiance rold on one of my days off to bake for BKs work buddies and cook dinner (BK’s been working 12ish hour days, 6 days a week. And it’s my turn to vaccuum/clean).
I’m also going to the gym after hitting the library.
Hi Miz!
Perfect post for me today. I’ve been doing a lot of self-analysis lately, and something I came up with last night was “What would you do if you had no fear?” I’m afraid and nervous about so many things. I decided that I would ask myself often today, and see what I can accomplish!
I am “wogging” a 5K tomorrow! My goal is to run the USAF 10K in September.
Go Miz! One of these days I’m gonna “wog” (love that!) outside…right now I’m keeping it to the treadmill.
Ya’ll inspire me. Keep it up. As soon as I am over this annoying mono thing I plan to start working out again.
Oh, I didn’t know I was wogging! Enjoy your run!
I haven’t heard the term ‘wogging’ before! I need to progress to that level. Shake it up Tuesday! Must have coffee and think of ways to shake it up today. Love the pic – you lean thaang!
Funny you should bring that up this morning. I changed up a bit of my own routine starting yesterday. Instead of 3 days of cario and ST, I’ve turned it into 6 days, 3 cardio and 3 ST. I’ve also change my ST exercises up. Same exercises, just done in a different way.
Teresa you make sucha good point, too.
Sometimes it isn’t eve BIG CHANGE but simply any change which can both help us BURST thru a plateau & reignite our workout passion.
Switching order of exercises.
Bands to free weights.
Free weights to machines.
Different *type* of yoga…
Yay! You’re running!
Now, to get myself back to it. My workouts aren’t stale these days, they’re nonexistent. 🙁
Hey Miz! You look fabulosa! Are you chi running? Your form looks fantastic!!
Love it! I suspect I shall continue with the gardening workout as I still seem to have a gimpy foot. But 3 bootcamps a week to whip one into shape sounds awesome.
Oooh…me likey…me want book…precious, my precious.
Um, ok sorry, I started sounding like a creature from a fictional story, however, I would love her book to change things up a bit and incorporate some new into my routine…thus it wouldn’t be routine anymore…HAHA!
foodiemcbody you are SO my kindred spirt as we’ve already discussed.
I’m not but I AM deep into reading about it.
Its my next thing!
I always like to try new things. It keeps me motivated and interested in what I am doing. A boot camp for when the weather is nice would be great.
Good form, Miz! I am looking for new options too however I understand that running requires a left and a right foot – not the two left I have.
Shake it up Tuesday! I love it! I’ll take a book for the low lost cost of a comment. I can always use some help shaking it up!
~Lisa (WannaBeSKinny)
Woohoo, I ran this morning, too! I didn’t want to, but I did, and as always, I’m glad.
I am all about mixing it up! It breaks my plateaus like nothing else and makes the things I do enjoy never get to the point of being boring.
Yeah, I’m shaking up my routine a bit. I bought a speed ladder and will be spreading it out on my deck today and learning to play with speed drills – though not really fast.
All my uncoordinated friends are in trouble…
When it comes to running, I do treadmills for my HIT days and have increased my top running speed from 5.5 MPH to 6.8 MPH in less than a year -at an incline! But I still can’t run more than a minute so going for a run is out.
Yay for shaking it up! I love using the weekends to do that, when I’m not rushing to get showered and in to the office afterward. I keep boredom away by having a 4-week rotation of workout DVDs, but still, the predictability of it can be both a pro and a con. Usually if I buy a new one to put into rotation, that keeps me a happy camper for at least a little while. Just tried Core Fusion for the first time this morning and I’m a’HURTIN! My boyfriend was complaining yesterday that he couldn’t get motivated to workout, so I was like, why don’t you just do something different, like whatever you could do to move, if you could do anything you wanted? And all of a sudden he got excited to give his trainer a call, who he hasn’t seen in a long time. Long live the power of changing routine.
OK, if you ran today, I’m going to be bold with heavy weights in my strength session today. You know, make the “to exhaustion” actually mean something. Concentrate, not coast. Best of all, I’m going to enjoy it.
I guess I need to borrow someones “Tornado” for a day to shake up my workout!
Probably much easier to just run a marathon 🙂
I have a 6 mile run on the schedule today. Trying to figure out a fun place to go and make it happen! THAT’S my rut lately…so many runs, so few fun places to get them done!
I bet Michelle Obama would love arms like those! GO Mizfit!
30 minutes 3 days a week, huh? I like it. 3 days of bootcamp and 3 days of yoga a week. Sounds great. 🙂
I shook it up yesterday and did the 30 Day Shred, which I retired to its DVD case for awhile. I thought I was doing pretty well since I’ve been lifting regularly for the past 6 weeks or so. But the evil, er, lovely, Jillian Michaels, somehow managed to leave me with a nice sore butt today.
I’m running today, too! It’s the perfect running weather here! Not too hot, but still sunny and breezy! YUM!
YAY!! You ran!!
My cardio hasn’t been going on long enough to get into a rut! Besides, my iPod mixes things up and allows me to clear my head. But, I could use exercise techniques for more than cardio! But, if I don’t win this then I suppose I could use my retired army hubby to put me through a real bootcamp. I just hope I make it out of it alive 😉 Those army guys and gals are tough!
My comments never show up … let’s see if this one does!
Loved the rhyme. Glad you took the time to do it before you went out running. And Glad you share with us regularly. Thanks.
Vee at
Thanks for the comment! Your site is such a rich source of information and inspiration. Please let me know what you think of the Levine’s book. I’m re-reading it!
I’d love to check out a copy of the book! I’ve been walking/running and adding in pushups and lunge walks, but I just know there’s more I could do!
Sounds like torturous fun!!!
Love the post! Gonna do some strength training myself today!
The weather is wonderful for running!
I HAD to come by to see it with my own eyes! 🙂 Miz is RUNNING??? Or is that picture PHoto-Shopped? *wink*
MY shakeup is to attend a spin class orientation this weekend and then attend some classes to see what all the hubub is about! *disclaimer* I am NOT going to start doing tri’s*
I want to run forever, so cross training is important now!
That, and I really need to blast some more fat so I can be FASTER.
I love running. Maybe today I will shake up my workout by actually WORKING OUT. It’s kind of fallen by the wayside in all the grandpa-sick, house-buying, bug-battling, jury-duty-calling (REALLY, Universe? NOW?) stress that is my life at the moment. Perhaps early to bed tonight (6 isn’t too early, is it?) and drag my a$$ to the gym tomorrow.
Today I will shake things up by…rock climbing!
Laure P – are you running the Zooma 1/2 marathon in Annapolis? I will be there!
Cyndi. I KNOW! go me 🙂 I have delusions of running Disney while the Tornado and minnie mouse cheer me onward.
or going to disney and running to get in line for a ride.
either way.
and erin? I LOVE rock climbing.
cant wait for the Toddler to be old enough to do it at an indoor wall!
I love the idea of you living and n ot blogging.
Cool news video too.
I need to explore twitter.
I shake it up EVERY workout! The only way to go!!! Since I work out way before anyone thinks about getting up, I am long done with my workout from this morn.. BUT, I did change things like I do every workout. I lifted a bit heavier today, changed up some of the cardio, order changed as well. Every workout for me is a new way to challenge myself! Although, I have not tried the boot camp yet, like my stepdaughter, I know that would kick my butt!
Way to go Mizfit! I knew the day would come!
I admire the running. It’s not really my thing.
As you know, I’m easing back into things this week. So far, so good. 😀
I’m going to my first fitness-type class this afternoon. Afterward, a bike ride, I hope.
You always seems to know what I need to hear.
I really need to SHAKE IT UP.
Hi MizFit: I’ve been really good about my running lately too. You go girl 🙂
I’ve been running, too! 🙂
I’m interested in anything that will help me increase my range of activities aand fitness level.
Yea…go run! It sounds like everyone else is getting out into the spring air and doing the same!
Today I finally did the stretch & tone workout I’ve put together! It’s a mix of Pilates mat work, ball exercises and stretches and it was quite hard. I even managed some over-the-ball push-ups!
I’ll be doing this at least four times per week…
OK, ok…I’ll do the hill repeats that I had dreamed up but not implemented! 😉
Doing not trying – I need to take this and run with it… 🙂
Run Mizfit, Run!!!
Doing yardwork and determined to find a way to get in a run, any run, as my morning running time was replaced by a (routine) dentist visit.
I HAVE to start running (wogging LOL!) to keep up with my husband and dogs. I’m going to do it. Outside. This week. In front of people. Thank you for being an inspiration and only you could look that cute out running.
p.s. there’s a woman at my garden club (yes I joined something) that looks so much like you. She was wearing a tank top that said “local” so it was even something you would wear! I’d swear she was your sister.
I’ve shaken my workout routine up quite a bit in the past few weeks. I have started attending a twice weekly “Body Pump”-style class. And over the weekend the hubby and I bought mountain bikes so we can go riding. If the weather permits, we are going to take our new wheels for a spin tonight.
I would love to win the book as it would be one more tool for me to use to change my routine.
yay! you look awesome running with that huge smile on your face!
i gotta getting pretty tired of the walking and shredding…a mix up would be great. A structure and supported workout would be AMAZING!!
p.s. although 100% my fault, i’ve missed you:)
Hey Miz,
Been trying to respond to your email — did you get anything from me?
Sorry to do this here, but it’s the only way I could think of to get in touch.
I’m going to get in an extra long walk today and get myself back into the swing of things. This e-book sounds interesting.. hope I win!
tina, and now you KNOW I want that tank top 🙂
Heck yeah, I want the book! And thanks for posting about running, ’cause I’ve been lazy and I need to get back to it. 🙂
Oh I want to win!
I ran this morning, too! We were running buddies that were separated by many, many states. 🙂
I am in week 2 of my triathlon training, and am biking tonight, swimming tomorrow morning, and running again tomorrow night.
I just need help with the non-cardio stuff, I think. 🙂
Wow, you’ve got some great looking arms! — Just had to comment, on that…
Thanks for another great post. As usual.
You look beauoooootiful running! Look at those nice, strong arms and gorgeous hair. (Oooo, and cute shoes, too!!!)
My work schedule has taken my nice little routine and dumped it upside down and shaken it a few times. I missed my spin class today and so took a walk; I will reschedule spin for Friday and hopefully the rest of my week’s exercise will stay intact. The Women’s Challenge has shaken up my routine with respect to strength; I’d 30-Day Shreddin’. (Tried Level 2. Bleepin’ burpees?!? Good heavens, what evil torture has Mistress Jillian saved for Level 3??? Went back to Level 1.)
I am thinking of taking my workout outside….since the low temp is now in the high 50’s in Utah now. I’m getting bored with the Elliptical in my basement.
Maybe tomorrow….
I like your rhymes 🙂 It’s pouring with rain here so I may just be forced to change my routine from walking…to swimming!
hey i went running today!
that’s all i have to say though.
I want to love running but currently I don’t. I’m participating in a beginner tri and that is the one event I have the hardest time preparing for. For all the runner’s what’s the secret? I feel so slow and like I’m using so much energy with out much propulsion forward. It’s sort of encouraging Miz that you are so fit and are not a runner but you are out there taking the challenge.
I actually don’t want to win because I absolutely hate every boot camp workout I’ve ever tried, but I still want to comment (and if I’m randomly chosen I will pass the book on to someone who doesn’t hate boot camp workouts).
I shook up my routine a bit today by doing a workout that didn’t involve a workout DVD. That’s pretty crazy for me, the owner of 100s of well-organized and documented (on spreadsheets) fitness DVDs. I didn’t totally wing it; I used some pointers from little workout cards I recently got (NURU exercise anywhere cards, I think they’re called). Oh wait, I forgot. After I did the upper body workout with those, I did slip in a DVD for some yoga, so it wasn’t entirely a DVD free day, but still, kind of inching outside my DVD box.
took your advice and skipped my crazy cardio today and went to a yoga class instead. Holy hell i need to do that more often! 🙂
Ooh great giveaway. I LOVE that photograph! Now that’s a smile.
I’m waking up early to jump on the treadmill before breakfast and a day of lying on the beach- then some beach walks- it’s a nice change of pace! Have been running a bit too, strangely enough… THREE times in the past week. Invigorating.
I ran as ussual this morning and had coffee with a girlfriend of mine and her two additable kids!! I would love this book, love trying new things!
This is a great idea, I love the idea of mixing it up every Tues night. Thanks! Good luck running.
This is good to see. The photo captures one step. Now, for a few thousand more – all the while maintaining the smile – and the marathon will be YOURS!
Congrats on getting started running! When is your first marathon?
Is this like the P 90 X system. I have been looking for some information on it but this seems like it has potential. Only want to make the very best decision
haha woke up&thought sweet a short run this morn-8mls. Distance running screws up your perception, sure its short compared to last weeks 14!
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