Hi Miz, I remember you saying once that you have a gluten allergy/sensitivity and wanted to share with an an easy allergy test:
Hold the food in question in your hands, stand and close your eyes.
If you start to fall forward you’re okay and if you start to fall backward the food is an allergy trigger for you.
I have also been told that it is an indicator if you hold a bit of the food it in your non-dominant hand and make a circle with thumb and index finger. Next, use your dominant hand to pull the thumb and finger apart.
If it’s difficult to yank the fingers apart the food ISNT ONE you are allergic to and if it is easy the food is bad for you.
Just thought I’d share and hope it helps.
First I wanna take a moment to clarify that I always check with people before I use emails. Anonymous posting or not—-I’d never want to share anything someone might feel embarrassed or vulnerable about.
This email brought back a bunch of memories for me.
Back in the day when dinosaurs freely roamed the earth & I owned my personal training studio I had a client who used the thumb & forefinger method explained above to decide whether her body needed a certain exercise or not.
MizFit introducing 21s for the biceps?
I’d demo the exercise, she’d watched, and then the thumb/forefinger test ‘told her’ whether it was an exercise she needed to do or not.
Sure it was an entirely nontraditional approach (if by nontraditional approach you mean freaked me out at first—–which I do), but since she’d always agree to a different exercise for the muscle we were targeting I didnt argue (much, anyway).
The emailer is correct: I am sensitive to gluten (after I eat it a lovely blossom-like rash appears on my knees & elbows. It’s a look for sure.).
The emailer is correct: I am one who will try most things in the name of blog fodder almost-science.
Alas, the emailer was incorrect with her advice at least when it came to me/my sensitivities.
I fell backward when clutching my beloved glutenfilled bagel & the thumb/forefinger ‘ring’ was easily broken with just about every foodstuff in tow.
All that said, I loved the email.
Totally fun. Totally interesting and TOTALLY WONDER if any of you will try this one at home as well.
Hiya miz, this is kind of a weird question but I have been wondering if you can lift your legs during the entire tattoo process? if you cant is it making you crazy??
It has surprised me the number of people (in real life/via email/on twitter) who have asked me this same question.
The answer to the first question, much to my chagrin, is not really.
I probably could lift legs (Im sure many people do? Anyone wanna chime in here?)—-but I’ve chosen not to.
Myriad reasons ranging from fear of ick (Im obsessed with the fear of catching this during my healing. Poor Ren Man has to hear it all the time) to plain ole I paid enough for the tattoo & spent enough time on it I dont wanna risk ruining thoughts.
Yes I miss lifting legs although I’m choosing to view it as how amazingly *healed* my leg muscles will be when I lift em again and how fast Ill grow as a result (*cue dream sequence*).
On a silly note.
On an all the big companies follow what MizFit does note.
I remind you of this:
of this:
and I give you this new release from General Electric.
What do we have in common? A desire to act a fool workout in our kitchens.
What does GE have that I do not? A yoga mat & carrier to bestow upon one of you so that you mightcould do your OWN at-home workout. I know. I was gunning for a fridge as well.
You can be entered to win for the low, low price of a comment below.
Did you try the food allergy test our emailer sent along? Did it work for you?
Do you have a tattooed leg as I do but did you lift hardcore through the entire thing?
Do you tend to complete all your home workouts in your newly!decluttered! kitchen?
Please to hit us all up in the comments.
(winner announced tomorrow. USA only)
I didn’t try to food allergy test. I have no tattoos (‘cuz I’m chicken).
And I WOULD do kitchen exercises in my kitchen but, alas, it’s too small (which is also posing a problem for my decluttering efforts.) *sigh*
I sometimes do my push-ups against the side of my bathtub though. There’s actually room for it in the bathroom!
The allergy test is clever, but I did giggle a little bit at the thought of all the foods that would have made my 5 year-old self fall backwards. Don’t think it could be quiiite correct. But clever, no doubt.
Me? No tats, for I is too scared of the regret later on. (Were I to get something, it’d be an infinity symbol @ the small of my back, for sure).
And I never work out at home. I know, I know. Lame. 😛
I don’t work out in my kitchen, don’t try food allergy tests (besides do I break out in hives or puke after eating X), and don’t have a tattoo.
I’m also not working out until my sleep debt goes away. Stupid midterms.
That allergy test thing is hilarious.
I am gonna try it here this morning as I break out in hives and swell like the Stay Puff Marshmallow many with strawberries (Funny after yesterday I know).
I love the kitchen workout video, Miz! You have some killer calf muscles and triceps! (All your muscles are killer but those two really stood out!). I am inspired to break out the soup cans while I want for my water to boil!
Those tightsthings you have on are awesome!
I have to admit I emailed you about the leg thing.
I’ve never been tattooed and am glad you are being careful.
You need to do a workout dvd!!
I have been told by a close friend I should get checked for celiac, a rash I seem to have on arms all the time. Not ty what emailer said to find out though(sorta freaks me out a bit ;))
I LOVED your videos, great, inspiring and sensible, the third one (Strong as Steel), that HAS to be a joke, right? I can be gullible at times ya know.
No tattoos here so no advice on the lifting legs with them.
I agree with Bea…A Miz WokOut DVD would rock!
Ditto on the workout DVD! Wouldn’t it be nice to have a “real life” one complete with interruptions by dogs and toddlers, filmed in regular home environments instead of fancy exercise studios?
And I think GE owes you some $$$ for originating the kitchen workout video! Or, hmm, maybe a nice new kitchen appliance.
I need to work out…. and I welcome your ideas on twitter 🙂
My girlfriend is convinced she has a wheat allergy.
I may try and convince her to take the highly technical allergy test you’ve shared 🙂
GE needs some Miz.
That awesome tat is worth not lifting legs! I love it. Interesting test? I wonder who came up with this??? Hope you’re having a lovely morning and enjoyed Real housewives last night 😉 Next weeks episode looks OUT of control!
Mizfit – thanks for pointing out the importance of exercising when and where we can. There are opportunities all around us, we just gotta take them.
btw, I don’t think I would use an exercise mat (not that I don’t plan on exercising, I just don’t think I would use a mat), so please leave my name out of the giveaway.
Make it a great day!
I’ve been reading for a while – you are hysterically funny! No allergies – No tatoos – Just staying healthy, maintaining my 150 lb. weight loss and trying to keep my 20 month old out of the pantry. Yesterday he came out with a chip – “bip,” he said! Keep up the great blog!
I have all sorts of food allergies and sensitivities.
I’m going to try that and see how I FALL 😉
Oh, my hubby is going to think I’ve lost my mind doing lunges and stuff throughout the house (our kitchen is more open). I bet the look on his face will be priceless though 🙂
I am with I Am Succeeding.
Are you messing with us?
Is the GE thing real??
late to the MorningParty.
I was all kinds of busy doing lunges with waterjugs and kickbacks with defrosting ribeye steaks.
And no.
The GE video isn’t a joke….in so much as ANY kichen PLAYout isn’t a joke 😉
I think that GE owes you some moola for the idea! LOL Yours is much better, fun but not cheesy.
I vote you win Miz and have to film a kitchen yoga video for us all to play along at home with.
well well well, look at me waking up extra early just so I can be one of the early comments on your blog – seriously, how silly was it that it was my first thought when I woke up this morning, to race down here and comment! LOVE YOU & AM ADDICTED 🙂
I’m taking my first yoga class this afternoon – wish my luck! I am pretty sure based on all the yimmer & yammer I hear about yoga, that I will be addicted to yoga as well!
I’ll pass on the FAT (Food Allergy Test.) There are quite a few foods that give me a mild rash (raw tomatoes, avocados, wheat) but I sometimes eat them regardless.
reason #984982347928 why we are so alike.
The only exercise I do in the kitchen is dancing while I wash dishes.
you all seriously make me smile.
Just when I think I can get out….you suck me back in.
xo xo
Look at that! I’m not allergic to yeast afterall.
(Held a hot dog bun and it didn’t work)
thanks for the morning laughs.
I do lifts and things while I’m cooking most days! Counter push ups? Check! Pasta sauce bicep curls? Check! Fiance looking at me like I’m nuts?? Double check!
Okay either I’m weight lifting- illiterate, or I haven’t had enough coffee, but when you said “lifting legs” – I thought you meant, like, you couldn’t move your legs WHILE you were getting the tattoo. I thought “why would it drive her crazy? I was so confused!!
I’ve seen that GE vid somewhere before – it frightens me with its corniness!
There is no coffee in my house. Staying upright is an exercise in itself.
Those fakey perky people made me want to get out all my knives…
So, if I take a sharpie and draw my own tats I’m excused from lifting? AWESOME.
I don’t dare try this allergy test – with the balance of a 90 year old (according to the standononnelegandcloseeyes test), I’m afraid I’d fall and hit my head…..
I’ve used the muscle resistance test ( the ring thing) many times to see which crystal I need to have with me. Can’t recall if I’ve used it for food. I’ve tried the falling back/forward test once, but I had long forgotten which way indicated what. Thanks for the reminder. There are some answers I do not want to know, though, so I won’t necessarily use it.
I worked with my doctor a year or so ago to figure out what food allergies I have and we came up with nada which is great but I have found that white wine gives me red blotches so I avoid it but I like the allergy test idea and will have to try it sometime.
No tats for me but I love what you are doing! Can’t wait to see it.
You are such a trend setter with your kitchen workouts! BTW, the Wii Fit asked me yesterday why my husband hasn’t been working out and then told me “dogs who get attention are more motivated” which was so bizarre and has been stuck in my head. Love the Wii Fit but it gets so PERSONAL.
The allergy test thing sounds ridiculous. But stranger things work…so who knows. I haven’t tried it but if I was seriously worried about allergies I might. No harm in it.
Debra that is hilarious.
And my catchphrase du jour.
Dogs who get attention are more motivated,
Miz (and yes. You shall see all my tattoo’d glory next week. Can’t wait)
My workouts are on the road or in my family room.
I have to report that even though I THOUGHT I had really decluttered this spring, I still found a bunch of things to give away. My sister and my mom grabbed up a few and the rest went to the rummage sale pile.
I use that test to check what crystals I need as Leah does.
I’ve never heard of it used for anything else before. Quite interesting about your client!
I have heard of both those allergy tests, never had a need to try them though. My sister swears by the finger one and actually had a real allergy test and the results backed up what her body was telling her. Who knew!
The only exercise I do in the kitchen is that of exercising restraint….
I want to find good pop music. Help me please.
I do have a tats on my leg and i do workout in my kitchen!
I don’t have allergies though so i didn’t try that.
Oh and i can’t win because i’m Canadian 🙁
LOL… I can’t believe GE really advocates an exercise program that involves opening and closing your fridge/freezer doors. While I’m not so concerned about the temptation to grab an icecream after the final rep, I am concerned about the energy usage.
Now, for the questions:
Did you try the food allergy test our emailer sent along? Did it work for you?
LOL no. I didn’t try it. I’m not big into woo. The best way to find out if you have a food allergy is to consult your doctor.
Do you have a tattooed leg as I do but did you lift hardcore through the entire thing?
yes and no. I do have a tattooed leg, but it’s hardly impressive as yours is. It’s just a tiny, silver dollar sized turtle…. and it’s on my ankle. Back then I didn’t work out at all. In fact, walking was a serious issue. Lifting? Back then I never thought I could.
Do you tend to complete all your home workouts in your newly!decluttered! kitchen?
Even though my kitchen is decluttered on a regular basis, there’s simply no room. I live in a very small apartment, and you can stand in the middle of my kitchen and reach everything. I also seldom have cans in my pantry (because of the high sodium content of canned foods) although I do have some now because my son will be over while we’re on vacation.
While I think there’s a lot of possibility for some of those exercises (and I think yours are a lot more practical and sensible than the ones GE offers) even if I did have a larger kitchen, I don’t know if I could see myself lunging around the room.
… this from someone who does squats while typing at the computer.
I love your long answermyquestions comments. love.
Hmmm, maybe what I need is a food allergy. I wonder if one can develop one…intentionally.
I did kitchen exercises just yesterday, when I thought it would be a good idea to empty all my lower kitchen cabinets and reorganize them. It required 17 squats but only 2 lunges.
Cammy, who already has a yoga mat and carrier but thanks you anyway.
Cue grinch music: There is a huge difference between a food allergy and a food insensitivity. The former can kill you, the latter is just annoying.
Anyhow – it never occurred to me that tattoos would interfere with lifting! Although it makes perfect sense now that I think about it. I think you’re being smart. Infections are scary!
ha, i love all these kitchen videos 🙂
that allergy test sounds crazy! I don’t know of anything that I’m allergic, too, though, so I didn’t try it.
I do have one tattoo, but it’s on my back.
I have done yoga in my kitchen!
I don’t have any food allergies (that I know of) but I did have someone at a health food store do the finger test (or was it called muscle testing?) with me. I felt pretty weird. I’m a skeptic by nature though.
Please sign me up to wint he goodies! Thanks. And I always learn something from your web site.
Love the kitchen workout videos. I am learning not to leave workout equipment in the kitchen after I workout, (when I can’t make it to the gym). My kids love to try and pick of the weights, akk watch the toes! And my giant white fluffy dog decided my yoga mat was for him and covered it with large amounts of dog fur that will not come off!
Love your kitchen by the way.
Oh my goodness that STRONG AS STEEL is hilarious.
There is, however, a pretty good workout hidden in there.
And it yours.
great ideas.
The food allergy test is cute, yet silly, which is not what I look for in a medical diagnostic.
As far as leg work after tats: only after the swelling is gone and not on public equipment.
The kitchen workout is pretty funny. If it got anyone started on exercise, it would be great. I think they would quickly move on to a different environment where they would not be surrounded by food!
Whoa, definitely have never heard of that allergy test! I am one of the lucky few who have no known food allergies though. Or at least I seem to have grown out of any mild reactions (honeydew?) that I once had.
Totally love the kitchen videos! I lived in China for a year and since I didn’t want to buy exercise equipment that’d have to be given away eventually, I lifted big-arse water bottles. That was totally the foundation for the good habits I have now! Using conventional hand weights, that is. 🙂
I have a full ankle band but it just felt like a sunburn. Nothing like you’ve been through. I LOVE your tattoo. It’s truly amazing!
I think that now that I’ve discovered how clean the kitchen floor gets with a magic eraser, I get a great workout doing that if I concentrate on doing squats and lunges and stretches as I do each individual tile. I love multi-tasking!
I love that GE video. Hilarious.
Have to point out though, that if you fell BACKWARD while holding your bagel, that was the “right” direction. (I love me some energy-woo-woo. I’m still not sure how I feel about this particular test, but I used to do something similar. Did you ever do the sugar muscle test? Hold out your non-dominant arm and let someone try to push it down while you resist. Note how much force is required for you to hold your arm up. Now eat a spoonful of sugar – or a substance you think you might be allergic to – and wait about a minute. Repeat the test on your DOMINANT arm. Ninety-nine percent of the time, that arm will drop like a stone, despite your best efforts, and even though it’s stronger than the non-dominant arm. Please note though that if you KNOW you have a bad allergy, this isn’t such a great thing. You don’t need to figure it out, and it’s just silly to ingest stuff you know you’re allergic to, just to see if the test works. It does pretty much always work with sugar, though.)
I like doing my workouts in between making a pot of tea or answering phone calls at work. Fun fun!
I’ve heard about and tried the thumb and forefinger thing before, didn’t really work for me. Though I do think that energy is crucial to a lot of things, I’m hesitant about this one. Some stuff with energies seems to make sense- others I wonder if they’re just for the benefit of making us look silly! But, some people do it and say it is surprisingly accurate. Coincidence? Who knows!
Did not try the allergy test at home and am starting to doubt the doctor’s results as well. Think my system was just overloaded with my typical dairy and starch.
No tats but bruise easily – if that counts.
Thanks for the kitchen workout suggestions. I have only been opening and closing the fridge door (far too often it would appear) and lifting with forks and spoons (which I did not see in your workout). Your workout is far superior.
Heh, technically I do work out in my kitchen, as my kitchen and living room are the same space ^_^
I’ve heard a similar test for allergies, involving holding the food in your hand and having someone push down on your forearm. If it’s easy to push down the food is not good for you, if it’s a good food then you’ll be able to hold your arm steady. Idk if I buy it, but it’s a fun test to try anyways ^_^
You had me at buffet 🙂
I have a friend who swears by the finger loop test thing, but it never works for me…maybe it’s like holy water and vampires – you’ve gotta believe in it for it to work?
Great kitchen workout ideas…my kitchen is teeny tiny so I’ll just try them somewhere else 🙂
Im surprised how many of you had heard of the “test” before (Id forgotten people use it for crystals too!)—-I wasnt sure if Id get a bunch of WHATWHAT?! comments on that email…
I have more floor space in my kitchen, I might should try that! Alas I do my home workouts in my cluttered living room!
I’ve tried the tipping forward/backward thing. Same food, sometimes I go one way sometimes the other. Never heard of the finger thing though.
I saw the “stainless steel” workout a couple of weeks ago, and couldn’t believe it was serious – I laughed and laughed though!!! My guess is that most folks don’t have their appliances bolted to walls to make the exercises safe…
PS No need to enter me; I have a yoga mat already…
I usually just ask my Ouija board whether or not I’m allergic to something…it sure is easier and more fun an elimination diet!
I did try the finger thing though– I can’t find ANY object that makes my fingers difficult to pry apart, but I’m going to keep going wildly through all the piles on my desk until I do, because I’m SURE I’m allergic (or at the least intolerant) to work.
As I am the cook in my kitchen, and time is precious, it is a serious HIIT workout pre-dinner time!
Ain’t no food you’re prying from my hands, allergy or not!!
No tats here, I’ve seen too many a’old people w/tats that are a bit too saggy if you get my drift.
Exercise in the kitchen daily as it’s the cleanest room in the house.
Off to watch the strawberry vid…missed it yesterday as I was picking said berries in my garden.
I did not check my food allergies with the finger/hand thingies. Because holding milk then trying these is NOT going to be pretty.
And will mess up my clean kitchen floors.
Probably just before I go to do some counter pushups to stretch my calves and pecs.
Still I LOVED that GE commercial.
How sad is it Im quite thankful you are worried about infection.
I worry FOR YOU 🙂
No-go on the food allergy test for me… I guess I have been OK up to now so I will wait for a rash… just kidding!
Well, I am a pretty horrible cook so everything I make is quick, few ingredients & I can leave it be & move on.. so, after my hard core gym workout, I utilize other rooms for extra stretching which is much needed the older you get! 🙂
I could use that mat greatly for the gym though since theirs are GROSS! Plus, I can use it at home for my stretching & the abs/core I do there!!! Looks cool!
No tats here but I have done some workouts when I probably should not have.. :-O
Well… I don’t work out in the kitchen. I have a puppy and wouldn’t get down on that floor without scouring first, and after that would be too tired to work out!
I do not have a leg tattoo, but do have a large one on my lower abdomen. And no, I did not do abs while it was healing. Frankly, it hurt to move it for a few days! Plus, I’m trained to leave them alone while healing cuz I can do without abs for a bit, rather than have a messed up permanent tattoo.
I had a naturopathic Dr. use that test (the finger one) when deciding between two options for supplements to deal with my thyroid and adrenal issues. I had my eyes closed so didn’t know which one was which, but I did have trouble keeping the fingers together with one, and no trouble with the other… definitely odd. I haven’t found cause to use the method again, but I’d like to….
“No, sorry, I can’t do that ridiculously laborious and boring task.”
“Why? Because my fingers came apart.”
Think it’d work??
I’m trying that food allergy thing just for shits&giggles.
Ill let you know what I learn.
LOVELOVELOVE your videos.
I have a tattoo on my leg; and I did work out while it was healing. I used tattoo “goo.” That kept it moisturized, and it really didn’t bother me at all while working out.
Thanks for posting, I’ll definitely be subscribing to your blog.
interesting post today! 🙂
I haven’t tried to food allergy test, but did pass it on to a friend who is getting tested at the doctor for food allergies next week.
I do have a tattoo, but on my back, not my leg, so no rec’s there.
I would absolutely work out in my kitchen if it were big enough. As it is I can stand in one spot and do laundry, cook on the stove/oven, use the sink, and get in the fridge or load the dishwasher…oh and get in the cabinets too…so not enough space 🙂
Duuuude I love that video!
LOL… I must say, you have some of the best readers!
i love your videos. so funny!
i could use some new yoga mat! thanks!
i always stretch my legs while baking but my kitchen is TINY. even after decluttering.
i’ve done food allergy test and luckily i’m not allergic to anything!
I have seen something similar the allergry test, where you hold something not good for you in your hand and stretch arms out to the side. If it’s not good for you then the person will be able to easily push your arms down… if you are holding something good for you then you will be strong and they will have a very hard time trying to move your arms…never tried it but the idea sounds cool!
mizFit! thank you for another awesome giveaway. I have zero allergies, thank god.
I stretch my legs and arms while I get my oats cooked on the stove!
love your videos.
check out my giveaway if you have the time 😉
kitchen workout video was HILARIOUS!
fun give away! I think I need a yoga mat for every room. Let’s start with my kitchen! (I can at least sit on it while eating strawberries, eh?)
haha, maybe if i had a bigger kitchen i could workout in it 🙂
very interesting email… seems strange, but who knows!
Was the emailer serious?
Is GE???
I’m lost on this one 🙂
I love your kitchen workouts. If I can get a body like yours from doing those exercises I shall for sure be doing them. Love your site!