*The “Not So Scary” Side of Boot Camps*
When you think of Boot Camp, I am guessing you are picturing some drill sergeant standing over you, sticking your face in the mud as she tells you to “Do 10 more!” That is what I picture when I hear those words, so I totally understand.
When you look up the word Boot Camp on the internet, you get things such as:
*-Camp for training military recruits*
*-Boot camps have been part of the correctional and penal system of the United States since the early 1980s. Modeled after military recruit training camps, the programs are based on shock incarceration grounded on military techniques.*
*-Boot camp is American slang for “to vomit”*
I actually laughed out loud at the last one! It’s actually what my clients call burpees- “the vomit”.
It’s no wonder when women hear the word “boot camp” they go running!
Well I am here to tell you that not ALL boot camps are scary. If I was to call it something different to describe my Fat Blasting Boot Camp Programor my Ladies Local Boot
Camp-Fit Chick Express , I would call it, “Hard Work Done Quick” or “Feel Powerful” because that is just what these classes will do for you!
I have been called names such as “Temptress of Torture”, “Evil One” and “Cute, but Mean”, but in the end all of my clients LOVE how they feel after each one of our classes. They are appreciative of how tough I am on them, but love that I am able to find alternatives if there are certain exercises that that they are not ready for or limited to due to injuries. I do push them, but only to their own limits. It’s exactly what some people need and find they get much better results when they are being pushed. I am usually right there alongside them doing the exercises too. Being the instructor I need to work harder than everyone else, so in a way, they are motivating me to work harder.
It’s a win-win all around!
What the majority of boot camp classes are about is to help you to burn fat quickly while building muscle and gaining strength. Now doesn’t that sound like something that you would want to do with your body? I know it does me!
*Here is just an example of one of my boot camp classes and then you tell me if you think it’s scary or intimidating:*
*Warm Up*: 2 sets of 20 Jumping Jacks, 10 Squats and 10 push ups
*Strength Circuit:* 3 Sets of 12 Hip Extensions ( Bridging) 12 Rows, 12
Deadlifts, 12 Tricep Overhead
*Cardio Circuit:* 3 Sets of 20 Fast Step Ups, Side Shuffle to Cones, 20
Criss Cross Feet
*Abs:* 3 Sets of 20-1 Leg V-Ups, 15 Reverse Crunches, 20 Bicycle Crunches
*Cool down and Stretch*
*TOTAL TIME= 30 minutes*
How is that for a quick, effective, fat busting, gut busting, cardio killer workout?!
Everyone one of my clients has expressed how much better they feel after they have completed the workouts. They are proud of how hard they work as they should be. I ain’t gonna lie…boot camps can be tough, but in the end it’s YOU who will survive and WIN!
So the next time you hear the word Boot Camp, don’t be afraid! Ask more about it and see if it just might be something that fits your style of workouts!
You could just be surprised how much you actually love it!
Angie Schumacher is a Certified Fitness Professional and Boot Camp Instructor in Colorado.
She’s also the author of the ebook Fat Blasting Boot Camp & invites you to join her in her 30 Day Fit Chick Challenge.
Want a Thursday helping of MizFit? Head to Annabel & Jen’s blogs. They’ve invited me over to play answer a fitness question as they’ve lost a cumulative 250 pounds & are currently challenging each other to lose the final 10.
Wow! That sounds intense. I like your point that although your clients may be tired and cranky during the workout, afterwards they feel powerful and strong. That’s how I feel now that I’ve lost my weight, and it’s a good feeling. Thanks for sharing.
i for one, do not push myself nearly as hard as i could/should in my workouts. This is quasi inspiring to contemplate….
I have done 3 (or is it 4) Bootcamps and loved them. The instructors were not really that scary, and the cameraderie of the group was wonderful.
LOVE LOVE boot camps! I actually like a tougher instructor that does a lot of yelling 🙂 Keeps you pushing!!
I hadn’t hear that slang expression for vomit, but that totally cracks me up!
Still scared of boot camp, but someday i’ll have to give it a try…
My bootcamp instructor is a genuine bootcamp instructor for the Coast Guard; and yes, he is scary!
To me it just wouldn’t feel like bootcamp without the windsprints, which is definitely the scariest, most dreaded part of the hour. I’ve never puked, but quite a few people have during their first few sessions.
I HATE, HATE, HATE windsprints, which is why it’s a good thing he makes us do them; they’re so good for us, and there’s no way we’d do them if somebody didn’t make us!
I’ve been the bootcamp instructor, but I’ve never done one.
For me right now, though, it’s all about getting my yoga muscles back.
While I have never used a “boot camp” for health or fitness, I think it is a great idea. That is the kind of thing that gives most of us the push we need to do what we know we ought to be doing anyhow.
Im outing myself.
never done one bootcamp.
It mightcould be time.
Right Angie?
I do love a good bootcamp – what always interests me is how differently each instructor interprets the bootcamp format. There is no set standard for what to expect when you go to a bootcamp (unless you are in teh military I suppose) so each new class is a new experience. I love that! My current bootcamp class is night-and-day different than the routine you posted but it still gives a heck of a workout!
I love hearing all the different opinions about boot camps! Seriously they are by far the most fun form of exercise I have ever done with my clients. Even though its tough, they are laughing, joking around and LOVE it when I push them even harder!
@charlotte, I change every single workout. We might use some of the same exercises, but not in the same week and its always fun!
MizFit..you GOTTA try one out! I insist! Or Ill be coming there to give you one personally!
I must confess that I’m not a bootcamp fan. The one time I did it, the exercises reminded me so much of traumatic PE classes in childhood that I started crying. No fault of anyone there: the instructor was cool, the people were nice – just too many old, painful memories. That was the end of that.
I’m a kickboxing and hip-hop girl, myself. 🙂
And for the record, I personally refer to burpees as “barfees,” LOL.
hey Miz. Just dropping in to say I’m still alive. Missed ya. Also, you’ve never done a boot camp? Really? I would think you’ve taught a boot camp. I could see you in uniform and high gloss combat boots, arms clasped behind back, veins popping out of neck as you shout obscenities and creative insults like “give me one more you worthless pile of scum!” and “sound off like you’ve got a pair!”
Not that kind of boot camp? Oh…… oh…
I’ve actually always wanted to do a bootcamp class. 30 minutes would be a very good place to start!
Totally bootless, right? That’s me. I’m so far out of shape, I can’t begin to think of strapping on boots for camping muchless doing a bootcamp. Some day…
i did a bootcamp class once..first time there, no fitness assessment etc..had us running up the stairs w/ 40lbs in a backpack on our backs. Heard a ccrinnkkgh and thought i “broke my bum” lol! for weeks of pain and discomfort i said i had broken my bum..then months of trying to fix what the instructor (who i was still doing bootcamp with at his suggestion!) thought was a hamstring pull finally led to the real culprit – i had herniated a disc and then it ruptured.
so..my moral.
bootcamps ARE awesome. They had to be..i kept going back didn’t it lol!! But..find a PROPERLY CERTIFIED boot camp instructor. Not just a buffy with a whistle!
now give me 10!
Bootcamps are awesome! We have one at our gym and its a tagteam…husband and wife. The husband is actually in the military currently and his wife used to be….it was rather scary and intimidating at first…but I’ve grown to love it!
I always feel better when I push myself further then I think I can go! Wish there was one in my area that is convenient to my crazy work hours…
Never done a bootcamp. I’ve always been afraid of them. I might have to look in to it now.
*I tried clicking on the Fit Chick Challenge link and it took me to a “not found” page.
R there boot camps to do at home or is it best to do it in a group setting? R they typically 1 week or longer?
Thanks. 🙂
Your boot camp workout sounds great!
I like boot camp workouts. They are intense but so worth it! I did a 5:30 a.m. boot camp class years ago with a friend. I got great results. And it really helped to have her pick me up in the morning, so I didn’t have any excuses… 🙂
LOVE LOVE LOVE boot camp.
It’s something I definitely want to do some time in the future! There is one very close to me. A friend of mine is doing it at the moment and she’s really reaping the benefit!
Sounds like fun! and productive!!
My town’s too small…nothing like that available here.
OK, I’m sold. I’ll try this menu of pain. But I reserve the right to call you Cruella DeVille afterward.
Here is the link to the challenge..someone said the link wasn’t working:
30 Day Fit Chick Challenge
hey Cute-But-Mean, what the Dickens is a ‘burpees’??!!!
Love ME xxxxx
Crap..that didnt work..ok..heres the link:
Hey there MizFit i gave you a shout out today 🙂
Burpee demo:
you know, to tide you over until I git off my a** and record one….
@Big Fat Pie, here is burpees: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wcoof7KeHA4&feature=channel
@Lisa, what a horrible experience! I am always concerned about any little ache, pain or anything out of the ordinary with my ladies. Want to make sure its the “good” kind of pain, not bad.
@Kelly, it all depends on your level of motivation. If you are motivated to do it on your own, you can surely do the boot camp workout at home. Thats why I put together the at home boot camp workout: http://www.fatblastingbootcamp.com. But some people need that extra motivation of others, so the group thing works best. I had someone purchase the fat blasting boot camp program and found 3 other friends in her neighborhood to do the workouts with. Worked well for them, because they were all there to support each other.
@Camevil~ Like the Cruella Deville name! (Just dont tell my boot camers ;0) )
Never done boot camp. Not because it’s scary, but because the early morning times tend to conflict with packing lunches and getting the kids to school. It sounds like loads of FUN hard work.
I’m seeing more and more of them around the metro area, so maybe there’ll be one boot camp scheduled this fall which fits into the middle of the (school) day?
Ohhh… I thought boot camp was where you sent boots that needed new heels and a good polish…
I am going to print and attempt that 30 minute torture session. Not today though; we’re still having house cleaning boot camp up in here.
I know quite a few people that do boot camps & love to hate them but love them!!! I LOVE your circuit. Bring it on!
hmm, i’ve never done a boot camp either. but now i feel like i just got called out 😉
Never done one – not because it’s scary, but I tend to like to work out alone. Sounds pretty bad arse though!
Love your post on Jen and Annabel’s blogs! Thanks for always sharing your wisdom Mizfit!
I’ve not done a boot either. I can see the reason, but I’m too chicken still. Maybe one day I’ll change my mind. That happens … a lot. 🙂
I did bootcamp in my hometown for a few weeks and absolutely loved it… unfortunately I live in another state and was just out visiting.
I was TOTALLY confused until I realized this was a guest post. I was like, since when does Miz teach boot camp?? I so wish I could take a boot camp class. The closest I have is my Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, and man does that kick my booty! But, if I ***GET THAT JOB*** I will have a free membership to a gym, and I know they have classes so maybe there is a boot camp in my future after all!
Hey there, Angie. I’m a boot camp instructor, too, and love what you’ve done to dispel some myths and fears that people have. I love that you’ve posted a workout, too…somehow everyone pretends that boot camp workouts are proprietary. Gimme a break ~ it’s a great workout style that we all can share and benefit from the motivation. Kudos.
Now this is a bootcamp I could do! In fact it’s a lot like my regular workout, but apparently a lot faster. 🙂
Locally, the only bootcamp I know of is operated by some guy who requires that participants address him as “Sergeant.” I don’t think so.